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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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kudos to you, mr. mykola, tell me, please, we, from the time of the previous head commissar, you have heard many times from the military, of all levels , that there is a large, endless, long, soviet-russian army, well, almost endless, and it can be defeated only by non -soviet methods, in principle by new, innovative methods of destruction, the third assault, in my opinion, has... its secrets, there is no need to reveal them all, but tell us how far we are currently advancing in this direction, and specifically your unit. i don't know who first said that phrase, but i did i hear it very often from my brigade commander , andrii biletskyi, he constantly repeats it at innovation meetings, saying that we cannot defeat a large soviet army with a small soviet army, that we need to think about something, but
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personal with feelings, i want to say the following that somehow we have been holding on for almost three years, and if we compare today with the beginning, for example, the kyiv company or the kherson company, when we had even less, but we held on at the expense of some such, let's say, secrets, tricks, sometimes, very great initiative, which gave rise to very great situational innovations, of course, we have in the third separate assault brigade, especially recently... when we moved to such a concept, it can be called a little pathetic , like the war of robots, yes, we want to replace infantry on the battlefield, assault infantry, mechanized infantry as much as possible with unmanned vehicles, well, first of all, to save people's lives, we have the best attack aircraft, the best in machine operators are coming to us, and their lives are very valuable to us, not only do we need to win the war together with them, but we also need to build a normal country, and... in order
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to build a normal country, normal, decent people are needed , that is why we have quite a lot of innovations, as technical ones, for example, if we speak, break them into categories, these are innovations in unmanned aerial vehicles, innovations in unmanned ground vehicles, a whole campaign was launched and the center was deployed, we probably have, well, i will not say exactly , but according to my information in the first brigade had its own research and development'. center, the task was given to him to put the ground robotic complexes in order. the task, at the moment , has already been partially completed, and we are already using ground-based robotic complexes for the evacuation of the wounded, for the delivery of bc to positions. who knows, he understands that logistics is the most dangerous, let's say this, when positions are already occupied and assault or defensive actions have taken place to reduce the risk for infantry, reduce the risk for motor vehicle drivers, and... in drones there
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a bunch of innovations, but i won’t talk about them in great detail, well, let’s talk about some things, everyone is talking a lot about the auto-targeting system now, whether based on artificial intelligence or not based on artificial intelligence, it can be different, but we are now implementing this system based on thermal imaging cameras, as it works in modern american weapons, in javelins, in missiles, thermal guidance works like this in some, and we are now actively trying to implement it here. it is from our own developments, and we are also actively looking for what is available in general, who came up with what there, and what was invented here, what was invented abroad by the allies, and what was invented by the enemies, we also carefully analyze what is best to take from them, there is nothing shameful here either, but how can we quickly scale up such in know-how, which in particular the third assault unit has, and other units also always include, as they say , an internal kulibin, that's how quickly it can be scaled like this now. for it to go,
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to share experience, technologies went and all units had access to something like this, and i to you i will say, here it is implemented a little on a different level, so it all begins, of course, with the internal kulibin, with the desire of a person to do something, to create something, and to express himself somehow as a creator, and here it is then transferred to the system level, we implement it right here the system in which it is brought to scale, and we... develop not only the technology of the product itself, that is some kind of product, but also the technology of how to scale it, because for a second, let me tell you this simply, let me i will slightly change these numbers, they will not be exact, but there 5 - 800 epividrons are needed by the brigade per month to conduct active combat operations and to replace infantry with unmanned means and to replace artillery shells as well. partly by unmanned means,
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because it is trivially more efficient economically, yes, if we talk about ammunition for these drones, it is also a separate ammunition, yes, as a rule, everyone now recycles, distorts the old ones. the soviets are twisting some nato ammunition, but they will run out and they are not profiled anyway, so tens of thousands of such ammunition is needed, because you do not know drones up to 10 thousand, and ammunition in each nomenclature more than 10 00 is needed, because in addition to the fact that they, in addition to the fact that they are kamikazed together with the drone, they are also dropped in various ways, right now and it is difficult to list which ones, and we also need to have ... different ones, because different purposes require them, so the technology we develop can be scaled, our vision is that what we succeed in, we if we don't hide it somewhere in our casemates, we don't hide it, we share it with our friends, whom we consider to be those who
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can apply this technology, and i think that it will then be offered to the state for scaling, because after all, the task of the brigade, the combat brigade, is primarily the same. if we were not a factory, although we are engaged in scientific activities, this is already a modern war, so i can tell you from the specifics of the specifics of the use of fpv drones, i think that again those who understand this will hear me perfectly, that it is impossible to use effectively platoon, branch of the fp drone company, if there is no scientific component, if, in simple words, if there are no guys there who know how to solder, assemble , debug these drones, improve something there situationally, because it happens that even at the position guys have to reconfigure something in the drones, this is what concerns physical production, and what concerns the software, well , programs, again, the same ones for pattern recognition, well, here everyone understands, it is simply scalable, you just need
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to write it well and then install it on an already existing, existing hard solution. mr. mykola, it was about things, in fact, about innovation, on the use of artificial intelligence. but there is another part of the component, this is the way of use and actually about tactics, is it changing now, or must it change when we have new technologies, new achievements, what does it look like on the front line? you know, that's a very good question, because tactics are usually much more important and much more difficult to develop and find and apply than something tangible, something physical. they have existed for a long time, they existed long before the beginning of full-scale russian aggression, and this is a means that in in the hands of an ordinary person it is a toy, well, in the hands of a cameraman, a cinematographer, it is a tool for shooting video, maybe even a
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professional one, in the hands of a skilled military man - it is a tool for adjusting artillery fire, dropping ammunition for reconnaissance, and just like that, let's say , tactical... tactical innovations, as a rule, they are more important than material innovations, because if a thing exists, and what to do with it is unclear, for example, let's give an example, you all remember what they were like popular at the beginning, because they had the tactics of application, and then the enemy came up with counter-tactics, we must not forget that there is another side, unfortunately, until now, still, which is also tactically improving with the same material base. in order to more effectively use their material resources against us. well, i will say from this last one, i already said about it, this concept and tactics are related to the replacement of infantry on the battlefield, with the minimization of the participation of infantry, assault and mechanized, and with
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such, let's say, maximum preservation the life and health of the infantryman, in order for him to be able to carry out effective combat tasks at a distance, the infantry on the battlefield is irreplaceable, everything... can be replaced, the tank can be replaced by a large number of infantry, artillery, reconnaissance of any kind can be replaced, the infantry is irreplaceable, and if we do not preserve it, then there can be no question of any victory, and all our technologies now, both material and tactical innovations, are aimed precisely at preserving the human potential of the unit, and by the way, however, the war of technologies, we are more than once they talked, and there was such an option, but we had them. the tatars, they showed themselves in azerbaijan's war for the liberation of karabakh, but in our war they very quickly went out of military fashion, as they say, because they found the means of defeat and how to fight them. then they explained to us about the dominance of eagles in
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the ukrainian sky by russia, and we basically had nothing to answer to such a category, and those eagles hung wherever you want, over the contact line and over the rear cities, and... and now they started talking about that , who found a way to fight against eagles with efivishkas, you already have something similar in development, can we do something? with fpv drones to do their eagles? of course we can. the laws of physics help us here, it is absolutely possible to do it, but what is important is exactly what we talked about earlier, the tactics of application. physically, fpv drones have been able to shoot down eagles for a long time. and here there is nothing so complicated with the right configuration and the right configuration. the drone can delete to that height. fpv the drone can see it, the operator can see it visually. it can. it is possible to do absolutely against the background of a clear sky, in general, this is a stain, you can imagine how
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contrasting these objects look, who has seen the plane, looking up, i think everyone has seen, understands what i am talking about, here the question is precisely the tactics of application, the search is more about how to catch it at the point in time when it flies and, let's say, match our kamikaze drone and their reconnaissance vehicle in space and time at the same time, there are complexities, here... it's not that simple, because we get information, we know , how the enemy applies his means where and when, but accuracy has a certain margin of error, we are struggling with it, well, let's just do it, it has to be deployed, it is necessary to establish interaction between electronic intelligence units and impression units, place them correctly at the front, calculate everything so that the zeidron can receive, so that the calculation can get information from radio scouts and made it in time... and the drone got to where it needs to be in the impression zone of this arlan or
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hall, and that's it, that's all the fine calibration, it, it's complicated, there's a big complexity in this, how to do it, and so material means, they have existed here for a long time, you can say there since the first months of the use of drones, the third separate assault brigade, let’s say, i won’t say that we have a ready-made tactical solution, because then i probably wouldn’t talk about it at all, but we would share more... with our colleagues, so far we do not have the perfect tactical solution, but we have come very close to it, especially the last couple of trips of our experimental such an innovative group, we also have one, showed that all this is possible , but you have to calibrate, you know, that's it how do you need to adjust a little, huh, well, it seems that they also react and understand that we learned to shoot down their uavs, because now we will show them some such power. in fact , the fan flew, does it help
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to protect, is it even advisable to use some kind of protection and do we already have a countermeasure for this? and yes, look, about russians and russian innovations, let's not forget that the war is going on on all fronts, including on the information front, including the thoughts in people's heads, and... both in the political sense, yes , and in the sense of seeing and understanding the enemy. the russians, they use such tactics in the information war, they fluff their tails, show their incredible innovations, show factories that produce hundreds, thousands of millions of lasers that will hit every target tomorrow, show some extraordinary things for homing drones, some extraordinary combat vehicles that drive, kill everything, destroy everything, such as drones on... for example, tucked into a case, it must be, it seems, but i once had one in my office
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such, you know, a little guy, and it had something similar from the front, probably so that people would like a fan that flies, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that's what i'm talking about, they show it all, they tell , how powerful it all is, and we look and we react, we start preparing for these challenges, and then it turns out that it all exists or in a single version somewhere out there, and either it is not clear how to apply it, or at all. crap, which was filmed at the video range, just to scare us, so i advise everyone not to watch it behave, russia cannot quickly implement innovations, we do them much faster, because the main thing for implementing innovations is motivation and initiative, and everything works with them, let's say, more like such a totalitarian-state template, one should not underestimate on the other hand the enemy, but there is no need to react too sharply to it, how much they showed guidance systems on the battlefield, we don’t see it, how much they showed that they are pouring now... there are not hundreds of shaheds, but tens of thousands, there is no such thing either, how many they showed their land ones
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the robots there are hardly in the form of a terminator from a movie about a terminator, and there is no such thing on the battlefield either, so you definitely don’t need to be afraid, but you have to look, be interested and draw some conclusions, maybe i will repeat myself, we will see something interesting in the enemy, for we borrow and implement better than them, mr. mykola, it is no secret that in fact also... the enemy throws a lot of attention and energy into the disruption of mobilization, ours are competing with them, who will be better at communicating poorly, making a mess and disrupting mobilization by making military ... extreme in this process, it all happens half a year before our eyes, so it is interesting how to save the mobilization itself as an extremely important process by the method of recruiting or some other innovations, do you have any recruiting innovative developments of the third assault unit? certainly, i would say that this component
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of the third separate assault brigade is precisely one of the most powerful of what we have, it is very good at doing it, the main key to success is the attitude of commanders to people, the attitude of commanders to people, you can contact the brigade commander by name, in fact, everyone can do this to do, there is no such thing here, i am simply giving you an example of how it is implemented here already during the execution of combat missions, during the time when a person is already in the formation, that is such an attitude, it starts from the very beginning, these people are abnormal pond. to the people, it has always been like that for us, it was like that for us in the 14th year, when it was still the azov battalion, then the azov regiment, and this tradition continues in the third separate assault brigade. yes, we have high requirements, but we have a human attitude here, and when it was the recruitment of the third separate assault brigade was implemented, then the main emphasis was placed on this. friends, everything
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is normal here, but when they say military, as a rule, although it is wrong, and it is some kind of stereotype or something imposed, maybe... maybe also russian mipso, what is military, it is somehow degenerate , it's wrong, it's kind of anti-human, and here it doesn't happen like that at all, the main, let's say, technique is as follows, a person first comes, he looks at how everything is happening, they are shown, told, when you come to the recruiting center of the third separate unit, what do you see, you see how people are training, they tell you in general, what are the directions, who can take part in combat operations or in physical support, or... in innovative processes, engineering and the like things, about what we talked about, about all these innovations, this is what people are doing, and not stupid, professional ones, and this is exactly what success is based on, so for the first time a person sees how everything is happening, they explain to him what can happen, where you can go, how you can take part in the war, in the victory of ukraine, and then you make an independent choice,
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no one catches anyone there, well, as it is sometimes shown on video that someone is caught, dragged somewhere, i don't know if it is... i think that reality is always like this, you know, there is no gray, there is no black, there is no white, everything is gray, probably someone is caught somewhere, so a person already armed with this knowledge, he makes a choice whether to go or not to go, and it is always a person's choice, i personally, i do not expect anyone here who did not choose to fight, who did not choose to serve, who did not choose to defend my homeland, such people are not needed here, so for those who want to get acquainted, to understand in general what is happening in the war, i invite everyone to... the rector's center of the third separate assault brigade, you will at least understand how it happens , and then you will make a decision yourself, it will be your business, and i hope that you will make the right decision, but i want to say one thing, my friends and i discussed a lot about recruiting and the law on mobilization, what will happen, many people will go to us , it will not matter what these will be people, they will be forced, they will be caught there
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somewhere, or they will go voluntarily, and they came to such an idea, i want to express it very strongly, look... at the beginning of the war, we had three categories of citizens of ukraine: the first category, which went to fight, i deliberately say the first, because these are people who are aware, who made a willful decision, not a simple willful decision, to go to defend their homeland and to defend all others, those who did not go. the second category of people, no, not like that, the third category of people, i also say this knowingly, some deficit of time, if possible in half a minute, i will finalize the third category of people, those who consciously decided not to... defend the homeland, who cares, and the second category of people are those who said, if necessary, we will leave, but for now we will help with donations , we will help financially, these are very worthy people, this is our rear, which supported us all these 2.5 years, but now the moment has come for them that they have to go, they need to decide, they are moving to the first category, because now there is and the mechanism and there is a need for these
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people at the front, or they move to the third category and they say, we actually just thought that we didn't... it would work and we wanted to remain handsome, we need to decide, friends, i am calling everyone to the third separate assault brigade, to the ter unit, you are needed here now and we are here for you now we are waiting, we will teach you everything and together we will win. thank you, mr. mykola, call sign abdula mykola volukhov, commander of the unit in the third separate assault unit, thank you for your service, and a little break, we have a short break, then we will ask serhiy from zgurets, if another one is possible on... direction of attacks in kharkiv oblast, wait. attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers under unpack tv. with a discount of only uah 799, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum
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20% in psarynyk, bav and oskad pharmacies. let's go back, there is no electricity in lviv, but there is a mountain, there is no internet, but there is. thank you for waiting, and right away we want to ask, do you see any signals that the russians might attack in addition to these two areas along the border in kharkiv oblast? well , actually, now we are saying that this... direction in the north, where the enemy has expanded the front line of active hostilities by about 70 km, now the situation there is such that there are only two
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directions where hostilities are taking place, there the enemy is trying to advance towards the lipetsk and deep without success, and when we talk about vovchansk, over the past few days we have seen counterattacks by our armed forces there, captured russian soldiers there, we see attempts by the russians... to break the crossings over the vovcha river there or complicate the logistics of our troops, but there in fact the intensity of hostilities there compared to the 10th number of the medal, it has not significantly decreased, and in fact now to talk about the fact that the enemy will try to open another area there, i think that now after the decision to the ability to strike with american weapons against the accumulation of russian forces, the adversary's ability and desire was substantially reduced. although the enemy there receives up to 50 thousand personnel, in general, the zone is connected to the north of kharkiv on its territory, in any case, i think that
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this is not really enough for actions both on kharkiv and on the expansion of a few more areas for offensive actions. here we spied one very interesting thing in andrii tsaplienko, we can say about the second stage after what we were told. "oh, you abrams have been given a few pieces, they don't work, that's all, tanks are not a weapon of this war, and now we see that both and ours have begun to make a certain cumulative protection on the abrams, and what they call braziers, some more blocks are added, indeed the abrams are returning, well, in fact, the abrams are not going anywhere they did, i still think that abrams is one of the best tanks, which speaks of..." good work of the designers in creating this machine, but the war is changing, the requirements are changing, and now we see that, relatively
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speaking, our military will finalize. uval and leopards, both the first and the second, adding additional ones protections of dynamic protection, now we see the refinement of the abrams, due to the fact that dynamic protection is installed there on the frontal part, around the tower, around the motor-transmission compartment , these so-called grills are created, which, first of all, should protect the abrams tank from fpv strikes from all sectors, compared to what was before. the frontal part was considered the most important, and this will in principle add more survivability to the tank on the battlefield, and how the abramos is used, we have seen several examples, in particular where it is actually such a powerful armored sniper rifle, which there, in particular, destroyed enemy targets at a distance of up to 3 km, and the optics of this tank are actually unmatched, so in any case the tank has gained additional protection, but in ...
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in which case it needs additional , let's say, cover by all means, so that he is not left alone on the battlefield, because it creates additional risks for our crews. mr. sergey, the americans launched a ballistic missile, they say that it has absolutely nothing to do with what is happening on the world stage, while announcing that they will launch another one tomorrow, which signals are very important the day before. several international events? well, in fact, we remember that this story is related to the use of nuclear capabilities or the threat of use, it is quite difficult, because we know that for a long time, the russian federation uses threats and tactical and strategic nuclear weapons, as such a factor influence on our european and american partners, but recently we see that
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the situation is beginning to... change to a different one side, just recently france conducted there launches of its ee missiles, which are used under french aircraft and are related to nuclear potential, now the united states is conducting such things, before that they conducted nuclear weapons tests there in a mathematical way, that is, now the situation is that first, there is no treaty between russia and america that limited. the use of nuclear potentials, and on the other hand, this is the flirtation with force or the use of force that the russian federation tried to demonstrate, now we see that our partners are also beginning to respond in the same informational and psychological field, and i think that this is a sign that it is possible, conditionally speaking, that in the future all of russia’s arguments with nuclear weapons will crumble, conditionally speaking, because the u.s. , and individual european countries can act.
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we have literally half a minute more of an absolutely mirror image, there is a competition in russia between dmitry alkogolevich medvidev and another alcoholic gurliev, one of them is bombing poland with nuclear strikes, the other is calling to strike the netherlands, this happened yesterday, how are they reacting to this in the west now, this is what these launches are, this is the answer to such threats? well, actually, we're talking about russia expanding now. factors of hybrid war and informational and psychological pressure on our partners, we remember a lot now from the facts that these groups that were there on the territory of poland and other countries, where these bandit groups are under the wire, that is, where they encrypt this information component, mr. serhii, and i realized that we are just approaching a national moment
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silence, so we have to... thank serhiy sgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express. now is a moment of silence to honor the memory of all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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