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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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and now a moment of silence to honor the memory of all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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ukraine is preparing for an attack on the kerch bridge, which is the crimean bridge, and russian troops are already trapped there, especially after the transfer of long-range western missiles to ukraine. we analyze what the western press writes and ask when to expect a blow to the weak. putin the armed forces of the russian federation is attacking the armed forces from new directions and forces ukraine's defense counterattacks. in kharkiv oblast , in vovchansk, for example, as recently as last week, the military said that the zsu controls 70% of the city. this week there are already 80. and the forces of the armed forces of ukraine destroyed a convoy of russian vehicles on the territory of the kurdish region, on the very border with sumy oblast. so what is happening at the front now? this is the freedom of the mornings. my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. the russian military is strengthening the security of ker.
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bridge, additional air defense systems are being brought there, the russian army is also building up aviation in the occupied crimea, about it reports the atesh movement, which calls itself partisan. atesh concludes that russian forces are preparing for a potential strike on the kerch bridge. along the bridge itself, they put old barges, in the photo you can see what it looks like, to protect it from a potential attack by ukrainian unmanned boats. there they also write that they noticed the activity of the russian language. of the army near the abandoned zavodske airport, during the past day there were constantly lifting combat aircraft into the air, and it is also written that the number of military aircraft in zavodske has increased equipment and personnel of the russian army. and in order to hide the placement of russian air defense on the tavrida highway in the direction of kerch, large-scale barricades are being erected. this is reported by our colleagues from the radio freedom, crimea realia project, with reference to eyewitnesses in crimea. the work is carried out by several teams. and installation is carried out quickly -
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our journalists report. previously , a large amount of military equipment was recorded there, in particular radar stations, a tor complex, guns, as well as probably missiles, s-300 and s-400 missile complexes. and the day before, the media, with reference to the ukrainian general staff, wrote about an attack on the ferry crossing in kerch, although the general staff issued a daily summary of this information within half an hour, this text is probably a mistake, because even a week ago the general staff... reported on the destruction of the silf ferry crossing in kerch and showed photos of damaged ferries, which , according to the general staff, carried out rail and road transportation. this happened on may 30. the general staff wrote about the atakams missile attack. the general staff reported on the destruction of the ferry crossing of russian forces in kerch and showed it photos of damaged ferries, which, according to the general staff, carried out rail and road transportation. and this happened, let me remind you, on may 30. this new message
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is written on the page of the general staff as an error, and so is the telegram channel, as well as the crimean veter. we will talk further about the situation on the occupied ukrainian peninsula. dmytro platenchuk, head of the south strategic communications center, joined our broadcast. dmitry, congratulations, thank you for joining. welcome to the studio, welcome to the audience. good morning. let's start with the ferry crossing, then, after all, this is false information, duplication of information about those. actions that happened on may 30, well, probably because i did not receive such information in the summary, so i think that after all, you are probably right. the russian occupiers along the crimean bridge allegedly placed old barges to protect against attacks by ukrainian naval drones, and also strengthened air defense in this area, this was reported by the partisans of the resistance movement, and also, can you confirm this fact and whether these barges are real, they can somehow protect the crimean bridge? you see, they
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build fences everywhere, fences along the highway, along the bridge, well, that is, theoretically. of course, they must somehow influence the route of the drones, because of course you can destroy such a structure there, but for this you need to spend the same drone accordingly, and how much the barge will sink there is also not clear, that is why all these measures, of course, they are designed to compensate for the lack ship-boat grouping around the bridge, remember, you and i met several times in eteri, and there we discussed about... 10-14 units, that is , a natural question arises, if you used to keep more than 10 units of ships and boats around the bridge, then something has changed, why do you now keep zero of them there, because, apparently, somehow it is still necessary there
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with to protect the waters, it is not because they changed their mind and changed their tactics, no, because they cannot go out to sea, but to compensate, of course it is necessary, and they compensate in this way, this is a barrier. it is the reinforced air component, because with this they still have everything more or less within the framework of full-time work, although you remember when they reinforced this component so actively, the first thing they did was shoot down the su-27s and then the k-27s, because they usually work the same way with their identification systems turned off, in order to , to hide your location, but local pppshniks. for some reason, they also decided that these could be ukrainian means, and that's why they shot them down in principle, and as for the boom barriers or barge barriers, there can be several targets here, in fact, in theory, they can place them
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means that could confuse the missile, well , very theoretically, because some soviet guidance systems on... for example, they can perceive such an object as a bridge when they are on the approach to it, so there are several options here , why do they do it. ugh, dmitry, you say that they cannot withdraw their ships to protect the crimean bridge, the kerch bridge, and because there is no longer anything to withdraw, or is it because for the ukrainian defense forces, there are no such places in crimea where could not hide something. well, in fact, it is because of the fear of losing the ship-boat fleet, that is, this situation turns out to be interesting for them - the function is called, when it is so bad, and so bad, and to take ships to sea, this means that you can lose, and
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on the basis of them to hold, it also turns out that there is no application, but in fact, this is the way they chose in... you see, they have been using it recently precisely in order to go out to sea only by submarines, boats. alrosa, for example, is now in the sea, that is, we have found a way out, let's go to the sea submarines, so they go on it, as long as there is enough of that alrosa, the project is not that, not that it is very new, halibut, it existed even before the varshavyankas, the varshavyankas are the rest of the submarines that are carriers of cruise missiles, according to caliber, the application is the same from submarines, the last three attacks were, uh, probably they solved the problem with loading calibers on submarines, well, in principle, it was expected and honestly wondered why it took so long, but that no
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less we see that here are other units, they are not actually used, including because of the attack of ukrainian forces on russian ones? ferries, the bild publication wrote that ukraine may be preparing for an attack on the kerch bridge, and what could be an alternative to the kerch, kerch bridge for the russian army, is it ferry crossings, or is it a railway that russia is building? do you remember, once upon a time in the infospace they had a project of an underground tunnel from russia to crimea, i... i think right now is the right time to start building it, because other more or less safe they probably won't have any ways to get to crimea, you see, what is the problem for the russians, the bridge can't
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withstand the load, smaller quarters of military logistics, they can rely on it, the lion's share remains, which needs to be... . to implement naval military logistics, that is, using large amphibious ships, is also closed to them, because these large amphibious ships. for some reason explode and sink in our black sea, and they decided that ferries would be suitable for this, which, by the way, were forgotten when it was discovered the so-called crimean bridge, or the kerch bridge, and eh, it turns out that the main logistics of the military fell precisely on ferries, and now it does not fall, but on the rokadna railway, which they are building along the northern coast. the sea of ​​azov, that is, in the occupied part of ukraine, the southern part, it has not yet been completed,
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so they, in fact, found themselves in a rather interesting position, er, alternatives so far, for example, i do not see, there are still airfields there, of course, but well, air logistics is not so voluminous and it is quite more expensive. the railway is... the basis military logistics of the russian empire has always been there, because it is fast enough, cheap enough and voluminous enough, and yes, imagine a group in the south of ukraine that was provided in this way, now they have to provide it somehow in a different way, this is how automobiles remain roads both through the occupied part and through the klin bridge, but again, transporting such volumes by trucks is also expensive and time-consuming. and it is difficult, the volumes are not the same, well, that is, now is really the right moment for the armed forces of ukraine to strike
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the crimean bridge over the kerch bridge, well when it will happen, i think the circle of people is quite limited, of course there is a strategic situation, there is a tactical situation, and in addition there are conditions under which it can be destroyed, nevertheless. structures like this, they're actually complex enough to hit, and you see that each operation is successful. dmytro plytenchuk is in touch with us, something happened with the connection, i hope mr. dmytro will now return to our broadcast. i will remind you that we are talking about crimea and the kerch bridge, in particular because western analysts... on the pages of western publications began talk about the possibility that
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ukrainian forces may be preparing to destroy the kerch bridge, this is exactly what i am asking mr. dmytro about, whether there are any means from western partners, the same atakamse, for example, and, that is, what western analysts are writing about , that there are no places in crimea, in occupied crimea, when ukrainian forces could not hit? well, you see, er, even the russians understand that. after the destruction of the cyclone, for some reason they finally dared to withdraw a few more units of the ship's composition with the aim of course to preserve it, the problem is that there is no place where, already in the krasnodar region, these ships meet, they actually completely occupied the novorossiysk naval base, and some units still remain in the line. the reasons may be different, i think that one of them is still political: to leave
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the crimea as a ship depot, well, it will not look very good to the internal consumer of information, let's put it this way, then it will actually be such an admission of one's own defeat, as by the way, the mood in crimea, which is also changing, regarding whether or not crimea is forever... in russia, there is an understanding on the part of our enemy that there are practically no safe locations in crimea. thank you, dmitry, for joining us, we will not stop there, we will wait for other news, later on our broadcast we will also talk about all these military capabilities around crimea. dmytro pletanchuk, the head of the strategic communication center of the southern district, will join our broadcast. thank you. well, from our viewers, i will ask in the comments, maybe. share your thoughts, and do you agree with western analysts that kerch
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the bridge may be a likely target for ukrainian forces already this year, the fact that the ukrainian army is probably preparing to strike a new attack on the kerch bridge, writes the bild publication with reference to military analysts, arguing precisely with the attack by the armed forces of ukraine on russian ferries vanguard and conroader, which were hit by western ata missiles. and storm shadow, which is also confirmed by russian sources, bild writes about this. at the same time, the russian air defense system of crimea once again failed failure - writes the publication. some reviewers of the publication also believe that the attack on these... roma could be a sign of a new attack being prepared on the illegally built kerch bridge, so that russia cannot count on ferries as a replacement for the railway route through the kerch strait. for the first time in october 22 , the kerch bridge was not attacked with missiles, the russian special services announced the detonation of a truck with explosives. another attack happened in july last year. the occupying authorities of crimea
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then announced about, i quote, an extraordinary event in near one of the bridge piers. after all, the head of the security service of ukraine, vasyl malyuk. admitted that the ukrainian special service was behind the undermining of the crimean bridge, and the commander of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, vice admiral oleksiy, in one of the interviews expressed the opinion that by the end of the 24th year, which the occupiers call the bridge, actually endure and for russian troops, crimea is becoming a death trap, the economist publication already writes about this, and journalists write that ukraine's acquisition of american ballistic missiles attacks with a range of... up to 300 km give it the opportunity hit any target on the occupied peninsula, and quote: lethally, ukraine is trying to make crimea a liability for putin, not an asset, to isolate the peninsula and strangle it as a logistics hub, and thus push russian air and naval forces away from southern ukraine , the economist analysts write, and this is , they say, the best way for ukraine to put
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real pressure on putin in order to achieve concessions in the future - stratega magazine quotes. the economist writes that the first test of the strategic success of ukrainian companies in crimea may become the summer period, when russian vacationers go to the resorts of the peninsula. if they decide not to go to the peninsula, it will be a bad sign for putin, the publication writes. our broadcast is joined by andrii ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of reserve of the navy of ukraine and deputy chief of staff of the navy in 2004-20s, strategic expert of the sonata company. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. and good morning, in the material of the economist there was such a phrase, they say that the effectiveness of the campaigns in crimea shows what ukraine could achieve if she no longer had to fight with her hand tied behind her back, and what are the chances that such a defense force will make crimea unsuitable for russian troops to live there, what means, how
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long will it take? well, there are already such examples, we remember. and kyiv, it was april 22, we also remember kherson, it was also september 22, and then it became critical that we deprived the enemy of the opportunity to carry out logistics, that is, the supply of ammunition, and recovery, supply of new equipment, evacuation of the wounded, and so on. i think so the very principle is chosen even now, the only thing that, well, let's say, distinguishes it. here is the case with crimea, that during eight years of occupation , crimea was transformed into such an unsinkable aircraft carrier and a very serious bastion of military power was formed here, this is a complex defense system that includes weapons for protection, primarily air defense systems ,
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rap, as well as weapons for conducting such offensive actions, aggressive actions, this... system and aviation, and now everything that is being done around the crimea, it is, in principle, very clear one can imagine that the goal is to deprive the enemy of both combat potential as much as possible, and to grope such and such key points in order to deprive them of the opportunity to carry out logistics, i think that this is what the strikes of the armed forces are aimed at, and with the acquisition of additional weapons... the united of the united states of america and obtaining permission to hit the very roots of this logistics outside the borders of even crimea, this task will become more realistic, and then, in principle, those troops that are in crimea, they will simply not be able to carry out their tasks and will not be able to supply those
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troops, which are now russian, which occupy the occupied zones in the south of ukraine. and indeed they will lose their combat potential partially or even completely. and why does russia fail to defend itself and how did it happen that it has reached such a situation, as western analysts write, that it could be that this is a weak point for putin and for russia, that it could even be that the russian military cannot be there to be on the occupied peninsula, which was invested in what years of occupation all the military potential, but there they were obviously preparing for... and it is the air defense systems at the helm, it is the largest in comparison with other regions of the russian federation. after the armed forces of ukraine destroy some
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air defense system, armor or s-400, a similar system is moved from another corner of the russian federation to replace it. it is interesting that such replacement systems come from the far east, they even came from kamchatka, but armor, for example, comes from the s-400 system, even. from the kaliningrad region, and i want to remind you that the kaliningrad region as well a very sensitive area for the russian federation, especially now that 93% of the baltic coast is controlled by nato countries, they are building such a system, by the way, they did a lot before full-scale aggression, and it is now quite clear why they did it, they built a serious system of radio... technical means and radio intelligence and radio electronic warfare, strike systems, but well, our military, they find such non-standard, let's say solutions,
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and they use such, let's say, critical vulnerabilities of the enemy, that is, well and thanks to this, it is possible to strike and, well , at least with some of these means of destruction, missiles or drones, to strike a very serious blow at... the enemy, well, in practice, this is implemented in such a way that at the initial stage , the strike is struck precisely at the objects that provide cover, protection, the same as air defense, or control systems that manage air defense means, defense means, and then strike at the main targets, we have seen this a lot already, this is such a classic of warfare, intelligent war, it will always be wins you war, let's say the kind that uses quantitative indicators, right now the example of crimea, both from the air and from the sea -
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these are examples of a reasonable war of ukraine against the quantitative war of the russian federation, against us. well, as the western publications write, if what i have already said were not tied, and the hands in ukraine were not tied, then this is an example of the good work of the armed forces of ukraine. there is a map of crimean military facilities on the crimeareal website, there are 232 military facilities, and we talk a lot about the crimean bridge and that it is such an obvious target for defeat, if we talk about such, well , the most important targets, maybe you can name a few, which could be signs that really, well, the russian forces in crimea, they are becoming bloodless, so to speak, what could it be? well, first of all, these are aviation airfields, because aviation presents us with a really serious threat and... they are actually currently blocking the northwestern part of the black sea, there is no shipping line there, but the only thing saving us is actually the shipping line along
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the black coast seas, i.e. airfields, these are the bases of ships, these are nodes from the cart, and these are air defense systems, and logistics structures, these are the main elements that are the goals of the noma. one, and i think that we can see from it that our defense forces are working, and if we talk about what russia is currently doing on the peninsula, is it investing in military infrastructure, building some new facilities, for example, from what is publicly known, or is she now simply using the experiences she already has in crimea? well, now the russians, they are basically restoring what was in soviet times, i know that there are many such objects, there were very... very, very many of them in soviet times, they were preserved because ukraine did not need them, that's enough, some of them are quite unique, but
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now they just restore them, they use these objects for their own needs, here i will briefly ask you about biden, he said that it is not necessary for ukraine to be in nato and to be a member of nato, the main goal for western partners, it is for ukraine to remain. there, so that russia could not occupy ukraine, with from a military point of view, this is such a fair position, let's say, can ukraine not be a member or a candidate for nato membership, but at the same time have all the necessary military assistance in order to resist russia, to resist? well, absolutely, maybe, maybe, i will say that in my opinion, ukraine will be in nato, i think that this is such a temporary, temporary step, so, well, so, temporarily so, so... let's say it's a political cliché, but the main recipient, the two main recipients of the united states' aid, is israel and egypt, they are not nato countries, but this
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aid allows. in principle, it is more or less safe for these countries to exist, and there are very serious investments going into the defense of these countries, but if there are concrete guarantees, concrete investments in our defense, this will allow us to defend ourselves, but in any case the main our method, let's say, is the most reliable, is entering the system of collective security, and everyone is talking about it, but in the long run it is possible and it should be. thank you, mr. andrii, for joining. andrii rezhenko, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of ukraine, deputy chief of staff of the navy in 2004-20s and strategic expert of the sonata company was a guest of svoboda ranok. in the comments, write about this topic with crimea, with the military forces of the russian federation there, with the possibilities of the defense forces of ukraine to reach these military forces, write your expectations, maybe we will talk about the situation at the front. the russian military
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advanced. in the direction of vovchan, this is reported by the american institute for the study of war. in particular, the advance took place to the northern outskirts of staritsa, which is to the south west of vovchansk. this is the conclusion of analysts from the video published by the unit of the 101st separate brigade of teroborona, the military showed how they destroy the infantry of the russian army in the kharkiv region. the ministry of defense of the russian federation also reports on the advance in the north of kharkiv region. however, it is clear from their summary that it is about another bridgehead of the russian army in the kharkiv region near liptsi. but the russian state media, with reference to the occupation head of the kharkiv region appointed by russia in 2022, write that the advance of the russian army there slowed down due to the counterattacks of the armed forces. the ukrainian general staff reported unsuccessful attacks by russian troops in the north of the kharkiv region, but during the day there were several reports of mass airstrikes with guided aerial bombs and unguided aerial missiles. head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg
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synygubov, on the air of the telethon. i learned that since the beginning of the breakthrough of russian troops in the north of the region on may 10, they have released almost 300 kabs in the region. and in the occupied part of vovchansk, the russian military created filtration camps. this is also reported by sinygubov. he says he has information. the occupiers use local residents as human shields. that is why the city is being destroyed. it becomes unsuitable for life - so says the head of kharkiv ov. people have nowhere to return. next winter, and maybe a year. they will spend it in compact accommodation or in accommodation that they will find on their own, sinygubov said. meanwhile, according to his data, approximately fifty remain in the unoccupied part of vovchansk people, they are being evacuated by the military and the police, the day before the police of kharkiv region met an elderly man and a woman who, as they say, were fleeing on a bicycle from the village of lyman of the vovchan territorial community, they were handed over to volunteers, in addition, from three villages of the zolochiv community of the bogodukhiv district.
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guards took out three adults and four children who decided to leave the dangerous area. viktor kovalenko, the head of the zolochiv settlement military administration, joined our broadcast. victor, thank you for joining, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine, good morning. glory to the heroes, tell us about the situation in your area, how intense the fighting is, is there a threat of an attack on zolochiv? for today. there is constant shelling of the border, with artillery, mortars, hail, that is , today we have border areas, which are 51 km with the occupiers, four communities that currently have to evacuate from the border area, for today and verschki, this village is literally 800 m from the border, we are from there were evacuated as part of the forced
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evacuation of all the children. 140 adults remained there, we take them out every day from there together with volunteers, local residents. oleksandrivka, if earlier there were 47 children, then today there are 11 left, yesterday they took out the children of the revival from timofiivka, today they will take out one more child and there will be no more children there at all, this is very good, first of all, you understand, the point is that the lesson probably one of the communities of ukraine. in the north, which was not occupied by the enemy, it is zolochivshchyna, except for turovo makarov, it is on the side of the cossack lopan, which was occupied, and people, you know, there is such disbelief, disbelief that something so bad could happen, but considering negative moments that took place in liptsi in...


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