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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

10:30 am
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in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and... invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, simulating ours future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. thank you for watching, thank you for continuing to donate to our defenders for the needs of the cold ravine, as you will only see the qr code, below it. card number,
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help us collect on the atv for them, here it is already on the screen, we are collecting the most important information for you, now we will speak with the deputy general director for legal issues and legal support in the production of ukrainian armored vehicles, denys tinkov in connection with our studio, mr. denys, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, glory, thank you for the invitation, well, you can tell us the most, we already asked the deputies in the defense committee yesterday , this is... resonant news that defense enterprises are actually turning to of the cabinet of ministers, it is about economic reservation and mobilization, and we have looked more than once, actually about the fact that there are some discrepancies, that circus artists want to be booked, when we understand that one hundred percent booking is logical on defense enterprises, because it's simply the number one task, and what in response to... this
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appeal you've already heard and where is this story now? well, in this case , there has been no response to that appeal yet, but the problem really exists, and the problem lies in the fact that the ministry of strategic industries of ukraine has identified a number of enterprises that are recognized as critically important for the economy in the field of defense industry during the period of martial law , such... enterprises have the right to book up to 100% of their employees, excluding critical ones scarce military specialties. and about how it happens in practice? ah, the ministry of defense of the country sometimes revises the list of military accounting specialties, and sometimes in this case some military accounting specialties become invalid, or they are changed to another altogether and... such
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a man who is obliged to serve in the military needs to change his data in the tcc , persons who have reached the age of 25 under the new legislation also fall under such cases, and they must obtain from the tsc instead of a certificate of correspondence, a temporary card of a military obligee and to determine his military accounting specialty, and in this period, when a person... turns to the tsc and until the moment when the company can book them, there is such a gap, it can be a month , maybe two, maybe a little more, when individuals can mobilize, the enterprise will not have time to book it yet, this is exactly the problem, and because of this, this collective appeal, this letter was created in order to solve this very problem, it does not concern here ... which evade mobilization, that is
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refers specifically to employees of the defense industry, who properly fulfill the requirements of the law, apply to the tsk for... data or even become registered if they reach the appropriate age, but they physically cannot be booked in time and receive a mobilization order, well or so so-called combat summonses, do you already have experience, in practice there have been such cases when a person was mobilized during this transition period, and is it possible to do something now, is it possible to roll back... to turn the situation back, is it already she is mobilized person, it is necessary to look for another specialist to teach in his place, and this person is already in the army? and yes, unfortunately, we have several cases when persons after passing the fork, they received
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a mobilization order, unfortunately, after that the company no longer has any leverage, the person who will receive a mobilization order, he is obliged accordingly . .. legislation on mobilization at a specified time and place to appear at the collection point for conscripts, from where he is sent for training, so when a person has already received the so-called combat summons, the company will no longer be able to influence the situation in any way, ah, because the person is already considered to be mobilized, and is there some legal mechanism that can be applied, or can something be done? in the near future, because we understand that this is not just about an ordinary mobilized person who passed the vlk, it is about a specialist who can be trained in certain production chains for six months or a year, then these can be specialists who, as
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they say, on the fingers of the hand, you can count if they are torn out of the production process, it is actually undermining, well, the same defense order of the state. you do not have the same production chain now, as the legal mechanisms are already in place, can they be worked out by the moment, as, for example, the deadline was set in my opinion in july, so this is the transitional provisions of the law on mobilization, so that they will already work by at this time, in fact, legal mechanisms currently do not exist, ah, that 's why tsc and sp, they essentially operate within the framework of the legal field. however, as an enterprise in this case, it is necessary to keep its qualified employees, for whom it is very difficult to find
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a replacement, but honestly, it is very difficult, it was difficult before the war, and now before a full-scale war, and now it is an extremely difficult process, that is why we applied and our company in including a number of others. appealed to the people's deputies, to the ministry of defense, to the ministry of economy, and to the ministry of starttechprom, and with a request to work out some mechanism, not a reservation, a reservation mechanism, it already exists, namely a mechanism postponing the handing over of mobilization orders to employees from the defense industry, precisely so that the enterprise, which has the full right to ban all its employees. so that the company has time to go through this reservation period, the reservation process, have you been heard, contacted, is there an answer, what is this answer? also , there are still no answers, because in principle, well, appeals, relatively speaking, they
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were received not so long ago, but this issue was raised not only in appeals, but also at various meetings with representatives of the ministry of defense and the ministry of defense. until the issue, as far as i know, remains in exactly the same state, it has not yet been moved in any way, but there are different types of enterprises, we have those that are in the state, as they say, holding, there are private ones and they are all equal with point of view, because there is a lot of both and and necessary for the front, including innovative and unique, which is literally done at one enterprise, is the same approach in this? case you are currently observing, in relation to enterprises of various forms of ownership, defense? as far as i know, the approach is more or less the same as for public ones enterprises, as well as private enterprises, but the problem
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is bigger in private enterprises, no matter how it is, because we are not, we will not compare, for example, the state-owned enterprise kbluch and... some small startup enterprise, but which it is very important, because it, for example, produces drones and provides drones to some area of ​​the front, of course here... there is still a subjective opinion of tsk employees, it is possible to provide some kind of delay, but this is not provided for by any legal norm, i.e. eyes the headlines, when we read and hear that the upc is now under threat, that it is really possible to disrupt production, so to what extent is it really such a big, serious threat? this is a very real threat, in fact, this is not an exaggeration, because, well, it is no
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secret that at the beginning of the all-out invasion and many workers were mobilized of their own volition by volunteers, and they are now in the ranks of the armed forces, and the demand for military goods has also increased appointment. and there is a banal lack of qualified employees to train for such a short period, well, at the moment it is not possible, people are learning, but not in such a quantity that enterprises could painlessly send people for mobilization and recruit new people, of course, we will monitor when we finally hear a reaction and an answer, then we will definitely return to of this topic to... it is very important that the appeal of 40 enterprises involved in defense production be heard in the government.
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thank you for participating in our program, deputy general director for legal affairs and legal support of ukrainian armored personnel carrier denys tinkov was with us. but i see the qr code and the number of the card on our screen, and this means that if someone has not done it yet, then it is time to do it, if someone does not know, then this is a direct way to support the 93rd separate brigade. cold ravine, they are in hot directions, this is chasiv yar, this is the outskirts, there are actually a lot of hot battles taking place there now and they need atvs, atvs are actually also the front-line transport of the future and the present, so please join the collection, 4 million hryvnias need to be collected in order to buy these atvs and transfer them to places where they are especially needed today. ugh, in the meantime, i see the ministry of energy is trying to solve the problem of connection drops, this is what
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we have been facing in recent days, this is when after a power outage, and our guests then say no, as if there is a connection, but the internet is not does not hold any of the means of communication, the deputy head of the department, mr. kolisnyk, says that the relevant issue was raised during the shelling last year as well, and it was like that, you remember, and... the relevant decisions were brought to the telecommunications companies regarding the obligation to have backup types of power based on well and their on the main tv and radio communication, that is, on the auxiliary, which provide mobile internet including, well, but according to him, in certain regions, this problem has not disappeared anywhere, it's just can't understand, as if all telecommunications operators have such expensive profits, they should... provide all these towers with backup certain ups or batteries. we will draw
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the attention of local authorities in order to quickly install an additional reserve generation for television and radio communication towers. and this is an important question. here's what he said, we're quoting him. and today we have some appeals, we react very quickly and cooperate with colleagues who directly see where the problem arises, kolisnyk said, and it is about... that it will be possible to at least equalize access to at least the slow, but the internet. we are in touch with the next guest, our with us olha trofimtseva, former minister of agrarian policy and food of ukraine in the 19th year, also ex-ambassador on special assignments ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. mrs. olga, glory to ukraine. glory, i congratulate you. mrs. olga, there is just such a strange thing here, as if from june 5, yes, from today, the updated rules of duty-free and. of quota-free trade in agricultural products with the european union, and as if from yesterday completely informed polish
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farmers, of course we do not know anything, began to block the ukrainian-polish border again, and their arguments are to prevent those agricultural products from going to us, well, some such lapses does not want to believe that they are so weak and do not know how to read. so, good day, really interesting situation, first of all, yes, you are absolutely right that from today the so -called autonomous trade preferences from the side have been extended for another year. of the european union, and this is a good thing, despite the established safeguards for some groups of our agricultural products, which are provided for there, so this system, nevertheless, it makes it possible, on the one hand , to continue exporting these types of sensitive, let's say so, species agricultural products to the countries of the european union, on the other hand,
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extremely important is also provided the process of changes regarding... such permanent trade preferences, such as in bilateral trade between ukraine and the eu. regarding the second point that you mentioned, or the beginning again of some movements by our polish neighbors to block the blocking of the borders, which is of course, and again unpleasant, and bearing in mind that even the polish government has already said or made such statements about the fact that there are still border crossings. critical infrastructure, and we will really do everything we can to ensure that they remain open so that it doesn't happen, but this kind of blocking them, i think you know that this is a part, most likely, watching what is happening in the european union, in general, just before now, by the way, the elections to the european parliament , then i think that this
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is just part of these general ... movements or steps by european farmers, including polish farmers, to increase this level of pressure on brussels in the first place, and on national governments, and again we return to the same topics, to the same topics that are not new, primarily this the common agricultural policy of the eu, which does not suit farmers, and they consider it too green and too unfriendly, let's put it this way, for farmers, including small ones, and on the other hand, the pressure of competition with third parties. countries such as ukraine, accordingly, it all goes again in such a single package, i would call, so here are all these challenges, problems, demands of farmers, including polish ones, so in fact, i hope, regarding the borders, i hope, again to the constructive and quick reaction of the government, but as we know, in poland may have certain nuances with this,
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let's call it that, and with regard to free trade between the eu and ukraine, despite everything being difficult. the process is moving and the process, let’s say that it is pleasant , is also developing, yes, we mean the institutional one, if we are talking about the negotiations, the continuation of the negotiations and the fact that trade flows, both in one direction and in the other, do not stop , in addition to blocking the border, even today the residents of the commune are angry, even yesterday evening, they came out to block the road, there they are building a road to zhuravytsia, there is a terminal. have to overload products from ukraine, it is near the premystles, the sheghini medic crossing point is also very active , there are always long queues there, that is, it shows that people understand that this process will always take place there, there will always be congestion, if the infrastructure is improved, increased , improve, and everything ends up being blocked, which means that in
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our further negotiation processes with the same poland, such difficulties will always remain. ms. olga. well, you know, and it 's definitely not, i want our viewers to understood that on the one hand it is always like this, well, from the media point of view, i mean, and really such a picture is not very pleasant, from another point of view, and this is not a new story, and i really want us , ukrainians understood this from the initial stages, in fact, the expansion of the european union, and there were such situations, and so... it is true, well , it turned out that the agrarian sector, agriculture itself is always the most difficult, the most sensitive sphere, and i tell you i will say yes, even what is happening now in our country on the border between poland and ukraine, this is actually still such a lite version, as they said, as our teenagers said, so a lite version
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of what happened, for example, when spain joined the european union and when... french farmers were worried and actually happened, as they were called cargo wars there, and because the french were also very, very critical and very , well, let's say, negative towards their spanish colleagues, and now look, everything is fine, so here you need to pay less attention to emotions and more to really such constructive and try to really stay in this field as a worker, but i want to understand the weight and amount of political here. and the military influence on us, i will now decipher what i want to ask you, we see that there is discontent among the farmers of our other neighbors, and among the slovaks. probably, both romanians and hungarians, but for some reason only in those areas where putin's confederation party runs, why do they go
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to blockades there so much, and they openly and cynically say that we want to solve our issues with our government at a price, blocked the ukrainian border, a country suffering from war, why only they have this. arose, so there is a good opkom in poland cooler than in other neighbors, or what? yes, yours, yours, your such a subtle hint, in fact, well, of course, there is a place for this, and indeed there is a place for the use of these protests by pro-russian forces, it is not only in poland, unfortunately, but really, and it is already in fact, okay, it's not proven possible by the police, but the extreme right, which very often so... somehow has deep, to say the least, ties with russia, they often it turns out, oh, wonder, they are behind these most aggressive, by the way,
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farmers' protests, which are organized in the same in germany, even in france and belgium, directly in brussels, so there is this factor, but as for in poland, the situation there needs to be understood a little bit in all its complexity, and let's put it this way. not a difficult situation in the agricultural sector of poland in general, indeed, very often these builders are representatives of small-scale producers who, unfortunately, due to the size of their farms, they even in 20 years, by the way, 20 years have already passed since poland's accession to the eu, they are not completely and fully integrated into the markets of the national market, the market of the european union. it is extremely difficult for them, and they are really very dependent on these subsidies from the european union, on subsidies from the national government, respectively, here in fact, if we speak frankly with our
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polish colleagues, including, by the way , government officials, they really admit that they also still have a lot of work is ahead of them, so it is with regard to the reform of the agricultural sector of poland for to make these little ones more competitive, so that they don't feel under threat or from ukraine. or from someone else, it doesn't matter, they will always find some excuse to demand more money from the state, so there are these two components here, in fact, and as for the russian trail, the latest, the latest research shows, the latest journalistic works even show that in all the countries of the european union this network of influence of russia is extremely developed and it has not spread anywhere, unfortunately, and they rebuke... really all the levers at all levels, from the members of the european parliament to these small far-left and far-right political forces in order to
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shake up the situation in the european union, including, of course, against ukraine. ms. olga, thank you for the clarification. olha trofimtseva was with us, former minister of agrarian policy and food of ukraine, special envoy of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. and actually, regarding electricity, there is fresh information from kyiv. our viewers report that communication there is almost no internet, there is no electricity in many places, and the chairman of the board of ukrenergo, nek , writes that outages can be longer even today, i.e. from four hours or more, in the comments of the financial times , ukrainian officials said that by winter , we ukrainians will spend most of our days without electricity. they say you need to prepare for this, and it is better to prepare in advance, of course, in a few minutes do not miss the news, khrystyna parobiy will tell you about the most important things, then
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11:00 am
order simply. now light, powerful and reliable cors trimmers from only uah 799. offer is limited, call. on the clock it's time to find out what's happening in ukraine and the world. at this time, khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. one wounded due to russian shelling of kostyantynivka in donetsk region, the enemy dropped an aerial bomb on the city. nine private houses and three cars were damaged. the occupiers attacked aleman with artillery. six houses were partially destroyed. a rocket damaged a private house in sloviansk. the regional police reported. within a day, russian terrorists attacked.


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