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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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let's summarize the informational morning in ukraine on the air with presso news, khrystyna is working in the studio. fight. in the morning, during the delivery of humanitarian aid, the russians attacked the village of ingulets in the kherson region. two men, 58 and 47 years old, were injured. they were hospitalized - reported the regional military administration. one person died, five were injured due to the morning shelling of donetsk region. the russians killed a resident of the northern village. four locals were injured, the head of the region, vadym filashkin, said. two controlled. the enemy
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dropped bombs on selidovy, there is also a wounded person, the enterprise and two cars were damaged, yesterday the enemy dropped an aerial bomb on kostyantynivka. there are nine private houses and three cars in nivochchyna. the occupiers also attacked liman with artillery, six houses were partially destroyed. during the day, russian terrorists attacked 10 settlements in the region. the russians injured two people in vovchansk , kharkiv region, a man whose car...came under fire and caught fire, as well as a woman who was attacked by an fp drone, oleg senigubov, the head of the region, said. russian terrorists covered the village with fire during the day chuguyiv and kupyan districts. private houses, a pig farm and two recreation centers were damaged. rescuers extinguished four fires. one person was injured as a result of a night attack by shaheds on poltava oblast. the man refused hospitalization. -
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said the head of the region philip pronin. the drone hit an industrial facility. to prepare for the coming winter, the state of ukraine's energy system is currently extremely difficult. industry representatives are already discussing how to survive the frost. our correspondent knows what they advise to prepare for kateryna halko. she is with us live. katya, i congratulate you. so, what should be done to meet the next winter with light and warmth? greetings khrystyna, greetings to the viewers of the espres tv channel. so, indeed, russia continues to destroy our energy system and tries to leave ukrainians without electricity. if the situation is already difficult in the summer and the energy system cannot withstand air conditioners, then what can be said about the winter, because no one wants to be left not only without light, but also without heat. neither ordinary ukrainians nor business owners, so energy sector workers are already gathering to discuss, discuss how we are prepared. to the winter of 2024 20-25 and the main
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solution, which has already been sounded several times, is a distributed energy system, which will be almost impossible to destroy, and hitting one of the objects will not have such complex consequences for the entire city or even the region, however, the problem of such a decentralized energy is that its construction requires time and opportunities, it will not consist of restored volumes. which have already been hit, because they cannot be restored either financially or strategically profitably. a little more about this distributed energy system, let's hear now from the experts. today, one cannot consider one technology, or the sun, or cogeneration, or wind. today, we have already approached when we talk about decentralized, distributed generation, it is such a synthesis of various technological solutions. for each region, for each city. for every business,
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energy security is at the forefront today, and in the winter we will have slightly worse solar energy than in the summer, and there is really no such a panacea or one single solution today, as how to save the situation at a specific enterprise or in the region or in the country, it seems to me that today there should be some reasonable mix of different types of generation. therefore, the implementation of such a system requires time and opportunities, energy sector workers say that they need the support of the state for this, in particular , they say that they need a reduction in vat on imported equipment, and some micro-loans are also possible for the purchase of the same equipment. another problem is noted lack of workers, because many young specialists were mobilized to serve for the defense of ukraine, but today at... it was emphasized
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that the preservation and restoration of the energy system is a task not only of our state, but also of each of us should be responsible, make decisions, and we should take care of electricity, which, unfortunately, is currently in short supply in ukraine, so that's all the information, let's stop for now , khrystyna, i'll pass it on to you. thank you, katya, our correspondent kateryna galko told how to prepare for next winter through turning off the electricity. the united states of america is ready to give kyiv a loan of $50 billion if the european union imposes indefinite sanctions against russia, the financial times writes. at the same time notes. that the loan can be repaid with profits from frozen russian assets. according to the media, such a proposal will be discussed today at the meeting of finance ministers of eu countries. corrected enemy strikes on dnipropetrovsk region. the russian
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agent and her daughter were detained by the security service of ukraine. both upset putin and heroized the occupiers. a resident of dnipro traveled around the area and secretly recorded places. the deployment of our military and heavy weapons, the data was supposed to be transferred to the curator of military intelligence of russia, but the sbu thwarted these plans. the spy is in custody, she faces life imprisonment with confiscation of property. detainee's daughter. residents of kyiv region reported suspicion of justifying russian aggression. and our people are converted to donat due to enemy shelling. espresso tv channel and charitable foundation. iryny koval is called to join the collection for drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first lot that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and enable
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you to move forward with confidence. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. we need to collect uah 2.5 million, and we already have almost uah 225,000 in our accounts. let it time, join the collection for our defenders. kharkiv is already without a monument to alexander pushkin. the city removed the pedestal of the russian poet, who was located on one of the central squares. this was reported by the kharkiv city council. the bust was dismantled back in november 2022, and a pedestal covered with sandbags remained in place. the sculpture was then moved to another place for storage and it was announced that... kharkiv residents will decide their future fate after the victory of ukraine. the veteran's id is now active, although it must be added manually by providing permission to receive data. participants in hostilities, people with disabilities as a result can receive an electronic document
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war, victims of the revolution of dignity, as well as family members of the fallen defenders, said the minister of digital transformation, mykhailo fedorov. volodymyr zelenskyi and emmanuel macron will meet on june 7 in paris, the day after the celebrations on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the landing of allied troops in normandy. the meeting of the leaders of ukraine and france will take place in the elysee palace, lumont reports. zelenskyi will also be received in the french parliament, where the ukrainian president will deliver a speech. large-scale exercises near russia. borders, nato is starting, the lithuanian media write about it, they will conduct training in the baltic sea, 9,000 troops, 50 ships, and 80 aircraft of the countries of the north atlantic alliance will take part in them. the operation will start from the port of klaipėda in lithuania.
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today, the military will receive its first tasks. as told in the command of the lithuanian naval forces. the exercise will take place against the background of the kremlin's statements about a possible revision of russian borders. in the baltic region. ukrainian architectural monuments have become lego constructors. five toys with cult buildings were released by a well-known toy company together with the united 24 platform. among the sets: kyiv golden gate, odesa opera house, pidgoretsky castle in lviv oblast, mykolaiv observatory, one of the oldest in europe, as well as the khan's palace in bakhchisarai. these sets will not be on sale, they can only be won for a charitable contribution to the united 24 fund. donation from $24, a total of 15 constructors will be drawn, and the collected funds will go to the reconstruction of one of the ukrainian schools that was destroyed by russian
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terrorists. that was the morning in ukraine, more read news on our on the website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. they are making kharkiv a second aleppo. the russians are systematically destroying the infrastructure of one of the largest cities in ukraine. how to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and whether the state is ready for... a long war of attrition. haymars missiles flew to russia.
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for the first time, ukraine took advantage of the permission to beat the west with weapons on military facilities on the territory of the aggressor's country. what does this change on the battlefield and how can putin respond? not the highest level of american representation. biden sends instead to the global summit in switzerland. vice president garis herself, what results can be expected from the peace conference? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about the way the chinese are trying to set up a part of the world. against the peace summit, which will be held on june 15-16 in switzerland, however,
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as the verkhovna rada of ukraine is already thinking about changing the deadlines for updating data by military personnel, or conscripts, more precisely, and how to extend this deadline by 100-50 days, and not by 60, and the reasons why this is happening, and the most important thing: in this program is how the armed forces of ukraine use western weapons to attack the russian federation. more than 12 countries have already given permission to use it weapons in strikes on the territory of russia. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of what the soldiers of the 81st slobozhan airborne assault brigade showed near beilohorivka. in the luhansk region, as they destroy the enemy, the defenders managed to eliminate hundreds of invaders and
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burn dozens of vehicles. so, let's see.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, be please subscribe to our pages and... if you watch us live on youtube, vote in the poll, it sounds like this today: do you understand the principle of reservation from mobilization? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, which goes far beyond these two two unequivocal answers, yes or no, please write in the comments under the video, if you watch us on tv, take it to your smartphone or phone and vote, if you think that the principle of reservation... from mobilization is clear, then 0800-211381, no
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08021382, all calls to these numbers are free. i would like to introduce our first guest today, this is pavlo narozhny, a military expert, volunteer, founder of the charitable organization charitable post. mr. pavle, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good day. let's start our conversation with this decision of our western partners. there are already more than 12 of them who have allowed to use their weapons for strikes on the territory of the russian federation, what does this change for ukraine and... how can one respond to the change in the russian-ukrainian situation, first of all borders, in particular in kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, putin. well, let's start from the beginning with the fact that they understand what the situation was in kharkiv oblast in vorokh, concentrated according to the supreme commander-in-chief of the president of ukraine zelenskyi, 90 km from the border, from
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the state border of ukraine in kharkiv oblast in the mountains 90 km away, a new group is forming , there is some kind of concentration of forces there, and what were the means of the ukrainian army, we could only use soviet artillery, the range of which there is 20, in some cases up to 30 km, at such a distance the enemy does not hold anything serious, there are no command posts, no fuel depots, no more or less serious ammunition depots, we could only hit manpower, and some enemy equipment, that’s all. what we could do with the help of... soviet random artillery, then we got permission from sweden, from denmark and so on, these countries gave us long-range barrel artillery, well, for example, sweden gave us the souu archer, the range of which from a shot with excalibur projectile up to 60 km, but all the same, this is barrel artillery, this is a relatively
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small strike, these are very expensive projectiles, and therefore , these strikes could not have any serious impact on the situation for... we had to get permission to use heavier, more serious artillery, we are talking, first of all, about hymars, hymars has two types of munitions that are our allies, the first is tsemerls, it is a projectile with a range of 84 km, it is a high-precision projectile that can hit a circle there 15 m with the help of a universal guidance system and gps, and the second. more powerful, these are atakams shells, a well, it is known for sure that we have 160 km projectiles, and with some degree of probability, we have 300 km projectiles, well, there was a lot of talk about this, but there has not been any confirmation of this information from official sources yet, and with the help of atakams shells, we can hit very high-value targets, well, for example, we
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can reach the baltimore airfield, which is located in the city near the city, well, not far from the city of voronezh, and from which we launch... bombers that drop guided air bombs on the city kharkiv, well, for now we have not seen such strikes either. what have we already seen that changes the situation? russian assinter published photos of the destroyed s-300 system, possibly s-400 in the belgorod region. with the help of this s-300 system, the russians are firing ballistic missiles at the city of kharkiv, and several launchers were destroyed there, the control center was destroyed there, and most importantly, the radar was destroyed, well, we can say that the entire complex was destroyed and he will no longer work, which changes the situation, it means that the enemy will not fire ballistic missiles at the city of kharkiv, and when we see strikes on
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airfields, this means that the enemy will have to transfer their planes to other airfields, here we are already talking about the fact that they... they are no longer 300 km from the city of kharkiv , they will be located 400-500 km away, which means that, this means, much more aircraft resources will be used, they will not fly 600 km to drop one cable, well there or several cables, but will already fly over there under 100-1500 km, this is the fatigue of the pilots, this is also resource of aircraft, it is the future possible errors of pilots during reset. these cabals, well, that is, it all plays a very big role for us. germany gave, gave permission to use patriot missiles, which they transfer to us to shoot down planes in russian airspace. and this is very important, why yes, because the biggest threat to the peaceful city of kharkiv and to the defenders who are currently fighting in the kharkiv region
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is the strikes by guided aerial bombs. these guided aerial bombs, their range, well... they're actually kb - it's not so good the name is technically correct, it's actually a family of different bombs, and the range of these bombs varies from 60 to 120 km, 120 km is the longest range, it's achieved by a jet engine that 's mounted on this bomb control, and we need to shoot down these planes, well, in order to protect kharkiv oblast, we can do this exclusively with the long- range air defense system. we don't have others at the moment f16 we haven't received yet, so we don't have other systems for knocking down at large radii, so this it is very important when we start shooting down... in large numbers of planes, then the enemy will stop using cabs, well, that's in a few words what will change the situation with western weapons in kharkiv region. mr. pavle, but
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even before the adoption of these decisions, moscow's reaction was quite so harsh, they talked about the fact that we will also respond, maybe even respond not only on the territory of ukraine, and medvedev, as always, threatened there, the countries of both eastern and western europe , chancellor of germany olaf scholz says that the permission to ukraine to use weapons transferred by germany to territory of russia will not lead to any escalation, because it is about self-defense. in a comment earlier in the post, he said: "we are convinced that this will not lead to escalation, because, as the president of the united states of america also said, the question is only about being able to..." protect such large cities as, for example, kharkiv. in your opinion, will this opportunity of ours and our new opportunities lead to an escalation, when russia can
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move to a new stage, or to a new level of shelling of ukrainian territory, and these threats that are being made in the direction of our western partners, as far as they can be implemented by moscow. well, first of all, what could be an escalation, the use of tactical nuclear weapons, well, a lot has been said about this, if russia starts using tactical nuclear weapons, it can already be considered as a blow to nato countries, well, because it is impossible to deliver such a blow , so that it was there in a radius of 3-5 km, so that there was no pollution, so that this pollution did not get there to other countries in europe, and so on, in addition, there are huge doubts that... the enemy has this tactical weapon , she is in is in combat condition, because it is known from official sources that by 2000 the warranty period for the use
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of these weapons expired, after that, again , there was no information in official public sources that they directed the funds to purchase or in support of these nuclear weapons, chemical weapons can theoretically be so, because the enemy uses them in the war with ukraine, well, that's enough for now. small scale, they drop grenades with chlorpicrin there, they are some not well not 100% confirmed information about using artillery ammunition with chemical weapons, but again any confirmation of the use of such weapons is a violation of a bunch of international conventions signed on the protection of chemical weapons on the prohibition of chemical weapons, which russia signed and so on, all other types of weapons russia has already used. they hit us with ballistic missiles, kinjal, iskander, they hit our territory with heavy anti-ship missiles, such as x20,
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oh, yes, x-22, if i am not mistaken, there is a missile with a subton warhead, and it is quite of low accuracy, they hit, for example, a hotel in odessa with such and such a missile, they fired zircons and so on, so at the moment i cannot imagine anything that the enemy... can use and that can, well , raise the degree of escalation on the territory of ukraine, because they have already used almost all types of weapons in the war against us, can they currently, do they have the resources to start a war with any nato country, if we take it there, let's say, if germany gives us permission , we will start using their weapons there or there, let's say there storm stormshedeu we will start hitting russian airfields, i am more than sure that russia does not have such resources to open another front and start... with great britain or, say, france, and then the level of escalation will be different, and then, unequivocally, it will already be a war, not with great britain or france, it
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will already be a war with the entire nato bloc, then it will already be a war with the usa, then the usa will already be used, and this is the most powerful weapon that exists in the world . mr. pavle, an economist , writes that thanks to the received by the armed forces forces of ukraine to attack missiles with a range of 300 meters, crimea turned from a logistics center into a death trap for russian troops, i quote the publication: ukraine is trying to make crimea a liability for putin, not an asset. the goal is to isolate the peninsula, suffocate it as a logistics hub, and thus push russian air and naval forces away from southern ukraine. so, well, considering how he evaluates. the crimean bridge, and we understand that the crimean peninsula can turn into something nearby perspective on the island, how soon can the armed forces of ukraine before... create crimea from
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putin's asset to a liability? well, what do we see now? well, first of all, there were absolutely official statements by kirill budanov, the head of aur, about what would happen, that the crimean bridge would be demolished as an illegal building. and, in addition to words, we have recently seen a very large number of strikes on systems, pppro. it was destroyed s-300, s-400, destroyed radars. airfields, airfield infrastructure and so on were struck. in addition, an attack was made on the ferry crossing. there were destroyed warehouses with oil products, which were obviously intended for transporting them to crimea. there were, one ferry was sunk, and the other was damaged. here it is important to understand which paths logistics is taking now, well, first of all,
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crimea itself is not like that. the most important for them are the zaporizhia and kherson regions, but in order to bring any cargo there, there are currently two ways: the first is through the crimea, through the crimean bridge, or the slave crossing, or by ships, to bring something to crimea, after that load on the railway road, bring jonkoi, unload jonkoi and then take it by truck to zaporizhzhia region and/or kherson region and use it there. way number two is... to bring to mariupol by trucks or by some other means, load it onto the railroad there, or carry it further by trucks. the railway that goes from mariupol to melitopol is in the zone of action of ukrainian artillery, here we are not even talking about haimarsy, but we are talking about even soviet barrel artillery, which can reach this railway from the city of buglidar branches the enemy is now actively building a new branch from
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rostov through mariupol to... well, it will go, or is already going along the sea of ​​azov, but here again there are many questions, first of all, under the granite in the donetsk region, there is a bridge that they are building, and there were absolutely official reports of several strikes on this bridge, when engineering equipment was destroyed and so on, so the existence of this branch is currently under great question, well, how capable it is of transporting some cargoes and so on, and the main cargoes they still go through the crimea. the enemy is afraid to carry goods across the crimean bridge, because there was one very successful strike, when a truck exploded on the crimean bridge, the sbu later confirmed that it was their special operation, the truck exploded at the same time a railway train with diesel was traveling on the bridge, diesel caught fire and after that they repaired this railway branch for about six months, it was a very serious, very powerful blow to
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the military logistics of the enemy, they made... the conclusions began to transfer cargo with large landing ships and ferries. big ones landing ships were destroyed by missile strikes, by naval drones, and they have only one way left, which is ferry crossings. by air, it is absolutely impossible to transport such a large amount of cargo. therefore, now there is such a big question: when will the crimean city be destroyed. and we see preparation for this, the destruction of air defense systems. why yes, because... that we have, well, from such heavy weapons, we have a shadow storm with a warhead weighing 450 kg and potentially we have atakams missiles with a high-explosive charge, well, official there is no confirmation of this information, but it is possible from a technical point of view, and the question arises, when will a strike be made to demolish the crimean bridge? then the enemy will deliver anything to crimea, there will be only one way left: along the sea of ​​azov along this unfinished...
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iron road or cargo, and it will be a very long, very problematic way under fire from ukrainian artillery, under the strikes of drones and so on. and then 2 million people who are in crimea, it will be a problem for them, well, because there was approximately, well, the population before the war until the 14th year was 2 million, and approximately 1 million were brought by the russians after the occupation, how many there are, well, it is difficult to say, and it will all pass along the coast of the sea of ​​azov, well, that is, it will not be easy for the enemy a problem, but simply a catastrophic problem from the point of view of logistics to deliver goods there. thank you, mr. pavle, for the conversation, it was pavlo narozhny, a military expert, and we, friends, continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are there watching us live, please join our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following, did
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you understand the principle of reservation from mobilization.


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