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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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the same gambling company, this bookmaker company, which is one of the worst in terms of paying taxes, and the others cannot, well, that is , it seems to me, is now causing much more questions than any single systematic approach, no matter what we call it , economic reservation, just reservation, strategic industries reservation, all of that, and secondly, if i may, i'll respond very briefly, just to your question about the military-industrial complex, as far as i know from colleagues... the committee, they are now will decide this problem, and i hope that they will offer a solution soon, god willing, everything will be resolved there, and the cabinet of ministers must also now regulate the reservation from the mobilization of all policemen and employees of the state emergency service , because they were also not included in the reservation, and as he says fyodor vienislavskyi, your colleague, people's deputy of ukraine, what the cabinet of ministers should settle is, by the way, a petition on the website of the cabinet of ministers about reservations for the personnel of the fire department. security and
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emergency services, operative-ritual service and other civil defense workers has already received more than 25,000 votes, well, let's follow this topic, because it is really important for many of those who work in critical infrastructure enterprises that perform tasks here in the rear, no no on the front line and not in the armed forces, and also makes an important one. work, another important topic that will obviously be relevant for at least two more weeks is the global peace summit, which is to be held in switzerland on june 15-16, the chinese have already said that they will not participate in at this gathering, united states department of defense spokesman matthew miller, commenting on china's refusal to participate in the peace summit, said that the united states of america...
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does not see how the prc can play a positive role in ending the war as it helps russia rebuild its defense and industrial base let's listen to matthew miller. we have always been clear that china could play a useful diplomatic role in resolving this conflict if it wanted to, but at this point it is difficult to see how they can play such a role given the actions that china used during the last months to rebuild and reconstruct russia's defense and industrial base, so we will continue to make it clear to china that we are against such actions and will hold those involved in this organization accountable. we have already heard that our european colleagues are planning to do the same. ms. yevgenia, what will be the measure of the success of this peace summit, i.e., what will be the result of the ukrainian government. can get, and
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ukraine in general? well, i would definitely not distinguish between the ukrainian government and ukraine, we here in the same boat, absolutely, and it is very important that we fix, as a country, our conditions, and actually these conditions, they are voiced in these 10 points, okay, the summit will mainly discuss three points, and nuclear security, food security and return of captives. including ukrainian children, why these three points, because they actually unite all countries, because all countries and the global south, everyone you don't ask, they, well, of course they say yes, of course we need to return ukrainian children home, that's how it should be food security in the world, that is not possible put tanks near nuclear power plants a.
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accordingly, this is our position, this is the plan of ukraine, and it must be clearly announced, noted so that all these plans, chinese, african, who will bring their plan there, this is the main task, of course, it is very important that as many countries as possible take participation in this summit in switzerland, and the last figure announced by the president, if i am not mistaken, there are more than 100 countries. this number changes, because russia is tight on someone, someone agrees, someone, on the contrary, can even refuse, this life, because russia is really using all the levers at once in order to not so, well no, there was not so much ukrainian support for this plan, in my opinion, then at the same time we should concentrate on working with our key... we partners, those who give us
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the weapons with which we fight, those who give us air defense, with which we protect ukrainian cities and the military, which... conduct military operations, but nevertheless we have to act globally, so on the whole world, and this is the first such meeting at the level of leaders, who will discuss the ukrainian plan in particular peace thank you, ms. yevgenia, mr. mykhailo, on the eve of this summit, or rather, literally two days ago in singapore , president zelensky said that china is trying to disrupt this peace summit, because china has great influence on countries. the global south, and not only the countries of the global south, and china is trying to play its game, the chinese are actually saying that there are no russians, there is nothing to talk about, if there are russians, then we can talk about peace with the russians and ukrainians, what do you think here you evaluate
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the prospects of the future outline of peace in ukraine is without a powerful chinese player. is a powerful player in the world and much more powerful than russia in this situation, because china probably claims a bi-polar, bipolar world under russia and the united states of america, biden will not be at this summit, the vice president of the united states of america, kamala harris, will be. and here, too, is it possible without china to draw this future contour of peace for... ukraine, first of all, it is important that this summit will take place, because we know that russia has put in so much effort, and a few weeks ago, in fact there were big questions as to whether it will happen by itself, because, it seems to me, the very fact that
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more than 100 states will be participants is important, important, next, i agree with my colleague that... it is important that our key partners are, and this will be another arena, to work out joint proposals for future conferences, which may be held in the fall, one is already being announced, with regard to china, of course, nothing strange has happened, we have observed such a very restrained position of china during these... at least years, because of that now, as far as i'm concerned, the cards are open, but not all lost, and i think that the position of the united states, and ukraine, is very important, so that it does not become a hostage of global relations, megapowers
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of the world, such as the united states, china, etc., because of that clearly a big role. er will play their bilateral relations, but one thing is certain, as far as i'm concerned, there will be serious concessions before the er upcoming conferences, which will be pain more concrete solutions, if there are questions about the exchange of prisoners of war, for us this is an important archive, we know which is almost... a thousand of ours heroes who left the battlefield practically under the guarantee of international partners, i mean azo and other combat units, it is important that they return to ukraine, the exchange,
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or rather, the return of ukrainian children who were illegally taken out of the territory of our state, is the same and a topic that can be resolved. and we know the readiness of many states in relation to nuclear security, not only ukraine is interested here, the whole world must knock out the algorithm that did not exist before, because this is the first challenge to the international community, when a captured atomic station and it is not controlled by the state that owns it, that is, we will see how our... partners will react to this. thank you, mr. general. mr. yaroslav, bloomberg writes that the peace summit can agree on the further involvement of representatives of the russian federation, that is, after the founding peace summit. i don't know to what extent the sources referred to by bloomberg and the documents
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they have at their disposal, how likely this is, and these theses about the constant involvement of russia in the negotiation process. come from completely different sides, but mainly those who are putin's partners, or who are helping russia to circumvent sanctions now, or those who are helping russia. with weapons, or should we expect a peace summit in the next stages, because it will be obvious in the next stages or the next peace summits that the russian federation will be represented there, in answer to your question the same as the news in bühlenberg, the advantage is there, the question is simply this advantage , as far as it is equal to zero, my, my feeling so far is that it is close enough to zero. regarding the statements about the presence of russia, well, let's
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not confuse the excuse and the reason, there are countries that obviously will not go to the peace summit, and it's not the fact that we invited them, and they openly use their position, their support for russia, but there are also other countries, and one of the vivid examples is, of course, china, but the same saudi arabia... or brazil, or other latin american countries, which use as an excuse for their absence, the absence at the negotiating table, whatever, of china, russia, russia of china, wakanda , they will come up with any excuse, but in fact, here colleagues have already voiced, well, that's understandable. there are countries that, let's say, listen more to the position of the aggressor country, and the aggressor country is certainly not
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satisfied and definitely does not want to have such a summit. i am surprised, sometimes, even that i hear from colleagues in the parliament that someone there, you know, is so critical of the holding of the summit, with all due respect, i do not see any reason to rejoice here, if something goes wrong, he really wanted i would like it to be a success story, but... but it seems to me that we should not expect any quick results from the summit or very loud results, well, this is impossible, because the outcome of our war is now decided not at the summits, on the battlefield, and this is the only sad truth, but in any case it is good that ukraine in this regard, well, let's say that, what is called in martial arts, has taken over this... initiative and is conducting this, i hope that it will only intensify in future summits, i do not know
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how many countries will be there, i especially do not know how many countries will be represented at the level of leaders, it seems to me that unfortunately, because the absence of key persons there so far, yes, god forbid there should be good news, many leaders have lowered their representation, let's say, the summit, but in any case, well , once again, it's good that ukraine is holding, i.. i really hope that at least this will start a proper conversation and at least reduce the number, as ms. kravchuk rightly said, of these peace plans that each country is trying to bring to us. thank you, mr. yaroslav, i will remind our viewers that during our broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today about so, do you understand the principle of booking from mobilization, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write. in the comments under this video, like this video in order not to be promoted in youtube trends, and for those
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who watch our telecasts, there are telephone lines, if you understand the principle of booking from mobilization 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382, ​​all calls these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will tally up this vote, one more is enough the current topic, which is... is critically important for ukraine, is ensuring freedom of speech, ensuring democracy and the absence of censorship in mass media. last week , a scandal broke out in ukrinform in the state agency, where, as it turned out, the former head of ukrinform, oleksiy matsuka, had been sending secret agents for some time. these are the documents that were recommendations for who should comment and who should not comment on various events, and we
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are not talking about military censorship, we are just talking about ordinary censorship, at one time such dark people were introduced in ukraine with the arrival of russian political technologists in the team of viktor medvedchuk, who at that time was the head of the administration of the president of ukraine, in the early 2000s, i remember this time very well, well , i looked at these temniks, they... well, they are made by the zalikals of those distant times and they are very reminiscent of these darkrooms, mrs. evgenia, you are in your committee. and information policy, have they already considered the question of what actually happened in ukrinform, is there a fact of censorship, is there a fact of interference in the work of journalists with on the part of the former heads of ukrenform and who produced these documents that were published last week in
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ukrainian pravda. well, to us, to us team. did not request that we consider this issue, we are open to cooperation with the new head of ukrainform, and i spoke about this as the head of the information policy subcommittee with our head of the committee, that it would be good to have a meeting with the newly appointed head of ukrainform to talk about all those questions that, of course, concern not only deputies, but journalists and society in general. however, i would not compare this situation with... medvedchuk in particular, because even the very fact that you are asking these questions, that this article by ukrpravda came out, that we see this sharp reaction of society and the rejection of any signs where it is written, i don't know, unwanted speakers, people who don't have water supply, or what was on these plates, and this is also a certain criterion, and
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democracy, it is, well, well, being built, and... all the pillars of democracy, one of them is freedom of speech, it is built from at times, and in my opinion, our society is more democratic than during the times of medvedchuk, yanukovych and so on, so i would like to record this, of course, in a country that is joining the european union, it is not possible to have any plates with the desired, unwanted speakers, if we talk about the verkhovna rada, then it seems to me that the parliament, well no... between sensitively responds to all issues related to the protection of freedom of speech, and the relevant committee has been established, and we in our information policy committee also constantly consider the issue and social, and and and in general, non-interference in editorial policy, but i would also like to take a broader look at
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this problem, because in just a few days we will have a journalist's day, but eh... would such articles about private media appear, or is there interference by private owners in the editorial policy of private media, well , let me make an assumption that there is, but it does not cause such condemnation, and i understand why it is, because it is state media, it is wrong, i also think that we should get rid of it as much as possible, and there is this temptation, especially during martial law, but questions non-interference in... in editorial policy, it is broader than some issues of okirinform. well, but look, i, well, that’s not why i’m asking you the question, is there interference in editorial policy, in private media, i work in private media, i can tell you, in a private tv channel, i can say that there is no interference in my work,
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that is, i calmly formulate questions to all our guests, communicate with all guests. on equal footing and no one prescribes me such temniks: oh, evgenia kravchuk, you must ask that's about it, or mykhaila, it shouldn't be, please, or it shouldn't be? i don't have them at all, i'll tell you who has them, i don't know who has them, that is, if they do, people should come out and say that they have them, if former employees of ukrainform came out and said that they have temniks. well, it means there is, especially since the state agency and interference and censorship in state agencies is a certain marker for our western partners, why am i asking about this, not because i want to show that there is something in ukrinform, in some private project there is no such thing, mr. yaroslav, no, well, well, sorry, colleagues, let's either prove
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the discussion is true, or it's better to move on to another topic, there were dark people in ukrainform, you can see them all. i saw, to be honest, from the people who managed, or managed from the office of the president of ukrreforma, i didn’t expect anything else, well, i’m sorry, they can’t manage telegram channels, do all the channels that are included in the marathon, except for a long time, have dark people , social, yes, well, look, i am a deputy, i am enough already, well, i know many people from the media market, they say directly, i'm sorry, we want to include you, they suggest someone else , we can't, the office forbids us, do the representatives of the president's office call the same radio station, well , they call to open an interview with sich, they ask not to show someone there or for a while. to show less, the only problem, which is conditional now, or not a problem, the only thing is that we
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are being saved conditionally from deterioration, yes, significant by these dungeons, that once again the people who are involved in this, excuse me for the parliamentary expression, are stupid, well, they do it as well as everyone else is doing it through one place, and that's why they certainly don't succeed, please tell me, we're right, evgenia , what are you and i talking about the rada channel, which... during the war alone , transferred 290 million budget money to the company mindichat together with kyril tymoshenko is our state tax money, so i honestly have no complaints against any owner of a private channel, because , well, he does it for his own money, the oligarchs there did it, probably for lobbying, now i hardly understand profitability in general of the media market, but this is being done... not for my money, not for tax money, but the rada channel, which practically does not show the opposition in normal prime time, is so desperate to open media monitoring there,
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it was cut down not even by itself, but through mindych's company and kyril tymoshenko and other representatives of the shadowy office of the president, 290 million, even more, that's the whole difference, so once again, when you want to tell that there is no censorship here, there is no censorship and so on, well, it's not true, well, it's complete, forgive the lies, which are not true, do they have the opportunity to do this ok, no, well, i already mentioned the reason once again, because stupid people are engaged in this, well , many people, understood your point, mr. mykhailo, how do you evaluate these attacks on freedom of speech and attempts to regulate, not military censorship. we are not talking about military censorship, first of all we need to complete the denationalization of the armed forces, that is clear, and i think
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that if the war in the state of ukraine would finally end this reform, then god grant us victory and glory to the armed forces, we are sure that after our victory, we will be able to complete the denationalization of all countries, so that everyone were on equal terms. next, we need to talk about... another, whether the state has a full-fledged information policy, information security, information hygiene during the operation of the special regime of martial law, which was first introduced during the years of independence, this is a big problem, and regarding prisoners, well, here it is necessary, let both the journalistic community and law enforcement agencies conduct an honest investigation. and so that after that it is not proper for anyone to engage in such things, because of that there must be joint
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responsibility, and everyone must remember that the word is a weapon, and especially during the operation of a special regime of martial law , it must also be used very carefully. thank you, mykhailo tsymbalyuk, evgeniya kravchuk and yaroslav zheleznyak. were guests of today's program. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for being with us today. during this broadcast, we continuously conducted surveys and asked you about whether you understood the principle of reservation from mobilization. let's look at the results of the television survey. 5% - yes, 95% - no. these are the results of our today survey, it was a program of verdicts about her serhiy rudenko. come tomorrow for the verdict at 20:00. it will be interesting as always, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. tingling, numbness
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