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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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and returns meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. a bribe for the right to work on the route. the sbi reported the suspicion of the director of one of the departments of the kyiv city state administration, who demanded bribes from kyiv truck carriers. an entrepreneur who helped the official organize the scheme was also suspected. to the law enforcement officers the wife of a military serviceman who ran a transportation company applied. the enterprise served one of the capital's routes. the woman complained about threats from the official to terminate the contract if she did not pay the bribe. the company is small.
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to transfer uah 40,000 to the official every week. the intermediary entrepreneur was detained after receiving the next tranche. let me remind you that the day before, the sbi conducted a search of the deputy head of the kyiv city state administration kostyantyn usov. meanwhile, the armed forces of ukraine continue to fire enemy equipment. our defenders in the south destroyed two russian panzer anti-aircraft missile systems, the head of the strategy center said. dmytro plytenchuk of communications of the southern defense forces, and the enemy also has a minus command post and drone control post. conscripts and conscripts who are abroad will have their military registration postponed until they return to ukraine or until the end of martial law. the government is developing a corresponding draft resolution, deputy prime minister iryna voreshchuk informed. according to her. government officials understand
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that forcing students of non-mobilization age to come to ukraine to undergo the relevant procedures will only increase the burden on the vlk and will not help in mobilization. the draft resolution is currently being approved and will be adopted in the near future. and the veteran's certificate is now in effect, which is true, it must be added manually, giving permission to receive data. they can get an electronic document. combatants, people with disabilities as a result of the war, victims of the revolution of dignity, as well as family members of the fallen defenders, the minister said of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov. the border guard deserted from the first day of the russian invasion to the temporarily occupied part of luhansk region, but his wife received payments for him as a prisoner of war. according to the investigation, she informed the leadership of the military unit.
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who served her husband, who was captured. on this basis, she received payments. in total, the amount is more than uah 2.5 million. both of them were informed about the suspicion by the law enforcement officers. corrected enemy strikes on dnipropetrovsk region. russian agent and her the daughter was detained by the security service of ukraine. both praised putin and heroized the occupiers. a resident of dnipro traveled around the area and secretly recorded places where locations of our military and heavy weapons. the data was supposed to be handed over to the curator of military intelligence of russia, but the security service of ukraine thwarted these plans. the spy is in custody, she faces life imprisonment with confiscation of property. the daughter of the detainee, residents of kyiv region reported suspicions of justifying russian aggression. an important and unstudied period. the topic is ukrainian becomes sixty. increasingly popular, but
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it is still very little research. what are the reasons, researchers discussed at a meeting at the museum of printing. there are many photos, correspondence, and texts in the archives that would be interesting to ukraine. for example, yevhen sverstyuk's correspondence with his wife valeria andriyevska, but there is a lack of specialists to convey them to the audience. publisher leonid finberg emphasizes that school programs must also be changed. and i am also a little more detailed. at the beginning of this full-scale war between russia and ukraine, we know that part of the heritage has been lost chornovola i think a few more are at risk. other materials, where other other gatherings, and as i see it, our calling is to gather. the archives, for example, of sverstyuk and antonyuk, they are particularly rich in various photographs, there you can see, for example, photographs with signatures
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of stus, photographs with signatures of the same sverstyuk, marchenko and many, many other dissidents. that is, these documents are a very good such testimony. you actually in 2024, the state allocated uah 2.3 billion to help cancer patients. national agency medical procurement of ukraine has already concluded contracts or announced tenders with prozoro for 80% of the total need. in this way , the ministry of health is expanding the access of ukrainians to free diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases. you can find out about the availability of medicines in hospitals and their quantity. on the medical procurement of ukraine website. a certain amount is laid down in the state budget for the provision of medicines and medical products. our role is the entire cycle from collection of need to delivery to the final purchasers, i.e. in the hospital, and these medicines afterwards
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provided free of charge to patients directly in the health care facility. as an organization, we show where these medicines should be, what the patient should expect free of charge. and on the other hand, the national health service of ukraine has a separate line that accepts appeals, if there are any complaints, comprehensive rehabilitation for young ukrainians, the updated unbroken kids rehabilitation department was opened in lviv in time for international children's day. in this city , children aged from a few months to adulthood will be helped. how the rooms were arranged and how much patients will be accepted here, my colleagues will tell. 16-year-old. selina prytula is learning to walk with a physical therapist. the girl is recovering in the hospital after the accident. on march 11, well, i fell out of the window from the fourth floor, well, i was hit by the window, i fell, i stayed in this hospital, they put an external fixation device on me, with which
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i walked for two months, well, i was in bed for two months, and now here for two weeks for rehabilitation. vasylyna, one of the first patients of the department. the updated center was opened at the lviv hospital of st mykolaiv, here children from all regions of ukraine who suffered from the war, and those with particularly difficult diagnoses, can receive comprehensive medical care in one place. she did not meet the requirements. that we encountered, so it was necessary to update absolutely everything. we work with children with explosive mine injuries, with shrapnel wounds, with children after a stroke, with craniocerebral injuries, with spinal injuries, children after injuries, children with
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body burns, children after limb amputation. in the new department, a physical therapy hall, a swimming pool, an occupational therapy kitchen, a psychologist's office, and a room for retraining skills were installed. load on our specialists, that is why we work in the structure of a multidisciplinary team, which includes physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, prosthetists, orthotics, a speech-language therapist, medical rehabilitation nurses, 90 benefactors to... joined the opening of the updated rehabilitation department for the arrangement offices and more than uah 100 million was spent on the purchase of equipment. we supported the rehabilitation department without hesitation, it is one of our main areas of work, we invested more than 40 million. not
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only here, but also van brokin for adults. every year, almost half a thousand patients receive help from rehabilitation and rehabilitation specialists here. departments, this number will increase to 1,200 patients. to get treatment at unbroken kids, you need to have an electronic referral from a doctor. rehabilitation is free for children. according to the program. medical guarantees of the national health services of ukraine. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. and i offer you to convert our people into donats due to enemy shelling. therefore, the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch we plan to purchase is eight upgraded fly combo mavics and five mavics. in 3t. unmanned aerial vehicles are the eyes in the sky, they keep an eye on security and enable
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our military to move forward with confidence, but most importantly, they help save lives. we have to collect uah 2.5 million. and thanks to you, we already have more than uah 312 in our accounts. so don't waste time, join the collection for our defenders. and i thank everyone for. your donations, thank you for supporting the armed forces of ukraine. wait for the next news release at 15 o'clock, you can read more on our website spreso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. next, ether is continued by my colleagues, marta olyarnyk and antin barkovskyi.
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greetings to all espresso viewers. in the studio marta ulyarnyk and in the next few hours we will analyze with you the main events of today, there are many of them today, but traditionally, i remind you of our collection, we continue to collect money in order to purchase atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade, they need them now our donation in the amount of uah 4 million is quite large. donation, but this donation is needed in order to purchase atvs with which our boys and girls can evacuate the wounded, which means saving lives, because successful, correct evacuation, timely evacuation, it saves lives, and actually these quad bikes are also needed to transport ammunition, so we ask you to the best of your ability, please join our collection, every hryvnia is important, remember that there are no small donations, and now i actually i will... start today's information day, and with me will be pavlo lakiychuk, the head of security programs
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of the strategy of the 21st century center for global studies. mr. pavle, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. good day, heroes, glory. so, there is information from the general staff that today, the occupiers unsuccessfully tried to advance in the direction of orihiv and attack near krynyk. we understand that this is the south of our country. we understand that the situation both near krynyk and in the orihiv direction is very, very bad. it is not easy, the enemy has now accumulated a lot of manpower and equipment there, we would like your assessment of the situation, how threatening the situation looks now in the south of our country, the situation was both threatening and remains threatening, including in the south, well, we see that well , of course, what is on everyone's mind, kharkiv direction, where heavy battles are taking place. in the area of ​​vovchansk and in the area of ​​lybtsiv, but this is the exact direction to the east, well
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, almost on the entire line of defense, heavy battles are taking place , the heaviest possible in recent months, and by the number of even destroyed orcs, you can see what kind of mass is climbing, and what the enemy was forced to throw reserves two or three weeks ago. from the south in the eastern direction, well, it gave hope that in the zaporizhzhia in the kherson direction there would be a certain relaxation, nevertheless, obviously, since the military konoshenko and gerasim reported to the kremlin that they did not take the job, so they are forced to... make efforts to at least do it after the fact, that is why
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the fighting continues, on the contrary, the fighting in the orichov direction is intensifying, serious, this is our orichov performance from last year's counteroffensive, there remained an insignificant part of the recaptured territory, and now they are trying to return it with any effort. this situation on the weekend, so to speak, the same thing is happening on the left bank of the dnieper, the russians are very worried about our bridgeheads, first of all, our bridgehead. on on the left bank, it is in the area of ​​krynyk and neighboring villages, which has been operating for a long time, which they cannot cope with in any way, which, the destruction of which has already been mentioned, it seems three times, as well as our activity on the dnieper islands, because the dnieper islands, they operationally important from the point
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of view that in fact the mouth of the dnipro is what it is, it is a lot. small rivers, separated by large strips of land, no, uninhabited, from which sabotage and reconnaissance groups can operate, the russians can penetrate there and shell kherson and our villages are nearby, well, on the contrary, our military, which is destroying the enemy on the left bank. also, the clashes over these islands are getting more and more fierce, unfortunately,
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there is no reason to relax the situation in the south. a ferry crossing in the crimea and a terminal in the vsk territory, but then this information was deleted, why do you think the general staff decided to remove this information from its official pages, what are your thoughts on this? what's the difference, it was removed or not, the main thing is that some good people really carried out an attack on both the slave crossing and the oil terminal, those barrels with oil are burning there in the darkness, and the darkness is ... , where the export terminal for the black sea, and this is the taman terminal, which just provides crimea and the occupying forces, fuel and lubricants, they are burning, which means they will not reach the tanks, the ferry crossing to it is in the second, when something arrives
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to her, unknown flying objects, to... this is precisely the port of the caucasus port of crimea is a crossing that has now begun to a large extent, well , it was supposed to fulfill the role of the crimean bridge, which partially lost its carrying capacity on military cargo, because of it, because of it, well, there are generally restrictions on movement, because of it , it is forbidden to transport explosive cargo, important military objects, to move cargo, so they are moved either by amphibious ships, on which, then some drones arrive here from the sea and appear and let them on the bottom, or the ferry crossing, but the ferry crossing finally became an object with such kind attention of our armed forces, and once
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the general staff posted information about what had flown in about... the huge crossing, well , it means they are definitely watching it, then they thought , well, who hit there, who knows, maybe the martians, it's also good. mr. pavle, look, there was information from the kharkiv region that one of the communities is forcibly evacuating children in case of an attack by the russian federation, the zolochiv community of the bogodukhiv district, and actually, well, this indicates that the situation there is controlled, but it can change and change, probably not to a crash. benefit, how do you assess the current situation in the north of kharkiv oblast, is the enemy really gathering forces so that it is possible to re-attack the north of kharkiv oblast, where vovchansk, hlyboke liptsi, this bridgehead in the north of kharkiv oblast are now, can he now he is the enemy, to try to expand this bridgehead, and
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does the enemy have the resources to do so? well , you see, until today we were talking about... mainly about two enemy klasdarms the vovchansk district and west of it, this is east of kharkov and in the liptsi district, this is north of kharkov, where the enemy is entrenched and where the fighting is going on, but now they are talking about the bogudukhiv district, this is already west of kharkov, and what is being done, besides, our command. and the president, even zelensky, talked about the fact that the enemy is forming additional strike groups in the kharkiv area, and on the border of the sumy region, that is, bogadukhiv. it is precisely this direction, if the evacuation of the population is carried out there, it shows that our military command, the military-political
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command, envisages a possible breakthrough of the state border in this direction in order to try to capture kharkiv from the west by the enemy, i think that the enemy's plan will not succeed, nevertheless. we must also be prepared for this, and by the way, it is precisely for such cases that our foreign partners finally agreed to strike with their weapons on the territory of russia, which borders sumy, kharkiv oblast, so far such a limited wording, but it just shows that such a threat is really very high. mr. pavle, statement biden in an interview with time, she made a lot of noise yesterday. many of the ukrainian political establishment, ordinary ukrainians, were very alarmed by this statement by biden, because everyone understands that the only guarantee, the indisputable
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guarantee of our future security is membership in the north atlantic alliance, and biden said in his interview as if he had never russia should not seize ukraine, on the other hand, he says that he does not see ukraine in nato. how did you personally perceive this statement by biden, is it really for us quite alarming, should we not exaggerate these words now, and there is no reason to despair that nato will be closed to us forever. well , you know, i am an old euro-atlanticist, both professionally and as a member of the ukraine nato public league. we have been fighting for nato entry for 30 years, and this swing, it continues for the first year. and every time the swing swings in the opposite direction and they say that everything is lost, everything will be fine, but you can't fold your hands,
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in fact the movement is not constant, two steps to the left, two steps to the right, as they say, but he continues, what can i say, we have to do our part, we have to defend our land, no nato will protect ukraine now from the russian invasion, we have task number one. existential, it is protection against russian aggression, and secondly, it is necessary to prove that, you know, europeans, americans are now considering ukrainian attempts to join the north atlantic alliance, as such to fall under the euro-atlantic umbrella, charity from nato, no, not taxis, actually ukraine , which now has one of of the most experienced, most powerful armies in europe, if it joins the alliance, it can become... one of its real basic defenders, and the europeans, until they change this paradigm in their heads, that it is not for
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the sake of our security, but first of all theirs security, this is for the sake of the security of europe, then changes will take place, and they are working on it, and we need to continue to work hard, the result will be then, mr. pavle, i would like to be brief... or you also commented on the statement of the chinese. china said that its plan for ukraine is supported by more than 20 countries. we know what china's plan looks like, it is very similar to the one proposed by russia, and it is not at all similar to the one proposed by ukraine, because in order to implement the next steps of this peace plan, it is necessary first that russia withdrew its troops, to which it obviously does not agree, and china also believes that russia should consolidate the status quo, we will have it. soon the peace summit announced by president zelenskyi will be attended by 107 countries, so far they have confirmed their participation in the organization, as well as in fact, i would like to ask you whether you believe
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that this summit can bring us closer to talking about peace, even if it is some kind of first link to its achievement? not the first, not the first echelon, that's for sure, a number of diplomats have already been held. tical events in the world, starting from the events of the united nations organization, you will remember how active ukraine was the year before last, last year a number of summits were held at resting from the expert level, ending directly with advisers to the heads of governments, a wide spectrum, before harbingers, too, to saudi arabia, which met... there was, uh, that is, the work is ongoing, and this is not the first step, but each step is different, it is not a step to
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the finish line. dash is already a step to victory, but this is one of the steps to victory, and what about the chinese? i can say two things about the chinese, two short theses, there is not much time: the first is china, the minister of foreign affairs of china announced some numbers, and if we are talking about the partner states that are ready to join us at this summit, then we call them specifically, you can see the list when... because the chinese are talking, they don’t name any country, well, obviously there is only brazil, yes, and maybe the russian federation, so about their 20 or more there, it’s a very big question, let’s see, let them try, well, but on the other hand, no, it will be without good, the chinese tear off their bowl, that mask of peacemaking,
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or more precisely, mediation. and demonstrate that they are a real ally of russia. thank you, pavlo lakiychuk, head of security programs of the center for global studies strategy of the 21st century was in to our broadcast, and i would like to remind you that you can see all the important theses of our guests on our youtube channel, where we actually publish clips from our broadcasts, in the video section you can also view news, and special projects and programs, in the shorts section , watch short videos on hot topics. and be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel, it's important for us, we're going on a short break, after that we 'll continue our information day, so stay tuned. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. or have you ever wondered what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. new
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look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, about what a dream world, pa norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format , even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion of the day via phone survey, turn on and on!


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