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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world mr. norman dreams of, we can imagine it. in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more top guests foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and on. the verdict with serhii rudenko every
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weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. a ride to bc, a ride to the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded. we invite everyone donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of time. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, that's important news. in the near future, president zelenskyi and the president of the united states, joseph biden, will hold two meetings. this information was announced in the white house. and the first meeting will take place in the near future, the adviser said.
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of the president of the united states on national security affairs, jake sullivan. so, as noted, zelenskyi and biden will conduct meetings already this week in france. the presidents will be present at the events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the landing of the allies in normandy, as jake sullivan noted, biden will have the opportunity to talk with president zelensky. he will hold a meeting with him to discuss the state of affairs in ukraine and how we can continue and deepen our support in... ukraine , the white house adviser noted, and according to salevan, zelenskyi and biden will also meet on the sidelines of the g7 summit , which will take place on june 13-15 in italy. there will be attention focused on the use of frozen russian assets for the benefit of ukraine. well, french president macron has confirmed that the visit of our president will take place tomorrow , june 6. well, we are adding dmytro petenchuk, head of the center of strategic... communication of the defense forces
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of the south, to our team. mr. dmitry, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, congratulations to the studio, congratulations to the audience. so, we would like to ask you whether it was possible to find the body of a policewoman who, unfortunately, got into the sea and was washed away by an assault boat wave yesterday we had the opportunity to talk with serhii brachuk, he said that the search is ongoing, is there any updated information? well, it is beyond our competence, we, in principle. we do not take care of such issues, the war is our main work, and as for the work of structures that are extraordinary, as for civilians, we are not involved here, so excuse me, this is simply from consideration of operational issues, of course, now we will talk about the most important , but there is already an important message from the state emergency service, so the odessa divers, the state emergency service, found the body of a girl who... the girl who
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was swept away by a wave the day before spears. at a distance of about 1 km from the shore, divers discovered the body of a drowned woman. yes, well, we are now talking with dmytro pletenchuk, in particular we are talking about the situation in the black sea basin and in the temporarily occupied crimea. mr. dmytro, if we are talking about a serious threat from the black sea, yes, from the sea area, we understand that the enemy does not abandon his plans, emphasizes plans regarding... a possible landing of landings or, in general, the complete blackout of odessa, if we talk about the enemy's intention, we understand, the intention is not a secret, but i would ask you to elaborate and perhaps reassure our odesa residents a little, well, if information appears in the information space about a possible landing of marines, it can definitely be written down immediately. because currently it is
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impossible for many reasons, the main of which is that such operations do not occur as an independent operation, but exclusively. that during the general military operation, during the land offensive, and in addition, the enemy's amphibious capabilities were significantly reduced, the account of the destruction of at least four large amphibious ships, the damage of a few, that is why they do not have such capabilities at the moment, they are afraid to go to sea at all, not to mention the large, not very fast amphibious ships, therefore... in this case it is impossible, because regarding the energy infrastructure, you see that the enemy in principle is periodically shelling energy facilities, critical energy facilities, however, if you take odeschyna, the last blows we
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received were precisely on the port infrastructure, not on energy, but of course the enemy's plans are there may be different. mr. dmytro. in one of its last massive attacks, the enemy used caliber missiles, and we would like you to find out what is the current situation with the carriers of those missiles in the black sea, whether there are many of those carriers now, and whether this missile danger is currently at a fairly high level ? the missile danger is at the level when they go into the sea charged, now there are no charged carriers in the sea, there was one discharged in the morning from the last attack, you see that they... in principle chose this tactic of using submarines, carriers of cruise missiles they have three submarines, in principle two go out into the sea, maybe the third one is not capable of such actions now, but we see that two go out and fired back at the last attack, two of them, eight missiles were launched, several
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of them were destroyed accordingly, as well and surface ships do not enter the water area, ordinary ones, only... the watercraft of the haltus project, this is the alrosa, it is the only one there that is not a carrier of cruise missiles, therefore, in principle, all access to the sea is now limited to submarines, once again, in total there are four of them, three of them are carriers of kilowatt missiles, two of them actually went out to sea, uh , in order to strike, the rest of the ships are at base points, there are five more carriers, but again, they are on the internal... raid of the novorossiysk naval base, currently not actually applied, if the level of danger increases, we will definitely see it and let you know. thank you, mr. dmitry, well , you calmed us down a little, but as for the enemy, we feel certain
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vibrations, so we understand that our rocket launchers worked quite well, that is, extinguished several of their lines in crimea, we understand that they were also inflicted... extremely demonstrative demonstration strikes on what are called ferry crossings and not only on them, well , accordingly, what is happening to the enemy in the temporarily occupied crimea, because some kind of such, you know, unverified information that they begin to transport, move air defense systems, try to cover the holes that they received as a result of our strikes and so on, very interesting, well, this is a process... it happens all the time, of course, they change places parking lots, you see, they even cover some part of the track with metal, metal shields, so that people who drive cannot see where they are, and so
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of course they will try to restore somehow, and the blows on the ferry crossing, they are just not demonstrative, they are iconic, they are... an event that actually opens a new chapter in this book called the russo-ukrainian war, because this ferry crossing was the main logistical tool for providing crimea with military supplies and actually the southern group as well, because the brocade railway provided to the crimea has not been extended and it is not clear when and how it will be extended, the bridge is not actually used. in its entirety, less than a quarter of the logistics there is military, naval logistics have long since been eliminated, large amphibious ships no longer go to sea, there was only a steamboat, and there they disguised themselves as civilians as always, as they like it, so it was very conditionally possible to call
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this crossing civilian, well, they also transported weapons and personnel, well, mostly weapons to the crimea, and now this the instrument is actually with them... they picked it up, tore it off with their hands, uh, of course they don't like it, of course they will try to somehow compensate for it, but it's not clear, now how, well, of course, it affected the mood. locals who, if they are not collecting their belongings, at least understand that they are not here forever. mr. dmytro, look, the general staff reported today that the occupiers unsuccessfully tried to advance in the orihiv direction, for our viewers, i will remind you that this is the robotyny district and they wanted to attack near the wells would you, if you have the opportunity, give more information, what was the nature of these attacks, what... resources did the enemy operate, and actually, did he somehow manage to
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experience any success as a result of these attacks? there were no successful attempts, 11 assaults in the direction of orihiv, the situation there is very difficult, because all these objects are being fired upon, and all these objects are being fired upon seriously, and accordingly it is difficult to secure and evacuate, nevertheless the positions there... our servicemen are holding, as well as on the krinkas, there were three attempted assaults yesterday, they didn't mention about the nest yesterday, it wasn't for that, there are actually no wells, just like there are no structures that you can hang on to there, but still the ukrainian marines are holding positions on the wells, that's why they didn't succeed, they lost another company yesterday there are more than 150, a third of them are dead. among the interesting things is the loss of two tanks yesterday in our operational area, it is quite infrequent,
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let's say so, a trophy, well, not a trophy, but a destroyed unit, as well as a few days ago , a sundial was destroyed, two days in a row they lost 10 artillery pieces in our direction, and no less interesting are the losses of control points, uav control points, warehouses, so it also flies quite hard there, aviation is used both from our side and from the enemy, from the enemy’s side, it is mostly tactical aviation , this is a cable, very often they hit civilians, civilian houses on the right bank, small settlements, yesterday there was one civilian killed, and unfortunately, most of them are elderly people. look, mr. dmytro, they still wanted to question you about the situation on the robotynskyi direction, you
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mentioned it, but if possible, a little more detailed level of the intensity of the battles, yes, there is an understanding that the enemy may have become more active, well, we are starting from open sources with march liarnik, that is, in particular, we are currently working with the deep state map, an interactive map, i understand, it does not have an official character, so to speak, but you are a person who understands and within the limits of what... released, i think you will inform our tv viewers, the level of intensity of fighting on this bridgehead, which our military at one time returned under at the time of the counteroffensive and where fierce battles are currently taking place, it can be assessed as very high, and so they periodically enter these settlements, for example, the same robotino, tries to gain a foothold, we periodically knock them out of there. therefore, accordingly, this type of hostilities continues and in the future there are attempts
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to repulse in a circle, and because of this , their losses there are so high, and the settlement itself does not actually exist anymore, and besides, this territory is densely shelled with artillery and half-buckets by other means that's why it's extremely difficult to keep the defense there, that's a fact. in the gulyaepil direction, so in the area of ​​marfopil or marfopil, there is also some kind of revival, is it at the tactical level or the operational level of the battle? in fact, any e-e sections of the front, they can give or reduce some tactical advantage. of course, every settlement is important, of course... every part of the front is important, that's why we
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hold on to every part of the front, well, last day at least we didn't lose any positions. we thank you. dmytro pletanchuk, head of the center of strategic communications of the defense forces of pivnia was with us on the air. we are now going to take a short break, after which we will continue our information day, because there is a lot to discuss, in particular we will also have the opportunity to speak with the state border service, the news about... that men who have two passports will not be released, i mean men who have both a ukrainian passport and a passport of another country will not be allowed out of the country, we will ask about all the nuances in just a few minutes, so don't wait. enjoy warning, a good offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 99. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 99. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, but
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went to the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. thank you we thank iryna koval for her tireless, not only informative work. koval is trying to revive the collection of funds for many projects related to the needs of the military. well, dear tv viewers, we are turning to you. if possible, support ours. fighters, not only with a kind word, not only with a post on facebook, above all with money and psychological support, the guys need it, if you see certain
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qr codes that are broadcast on the espresso tv channel, know that our tv channel is jointly with various volunteer organizations announces this or that gathering, we gather for soldiers, we don't we collect for the needs of the channel, we collect for the needs of the fighters, and the fighters regularly announce what they need, understand? that money is not very good for all of us, but fighters are on the front lines and this is the equipment for which we collect money, simply very often saves their lives, so dear tv viewers, if possible, do not be indifferent and support your indifference financially , qr code, you see, well , we will continue to inform you about all the most important things in the espresso studio marta ulyarnyk, tantin borkovskyi and we add on the air of andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state. for the border service, mr. andriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, good day, so ukraine has decided to do something about those
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people who have two passports, who have dual citizenship contrary to the constitution of ukraine, since dual citizenship is prohibited in our country, nevertheless, they actually got to the point of figuring out what to do with those people who have two passports, and from june 1 they decided that men who have... actually two passports, which of them is one of ukrainian , they will be considered accordingly citizens of ukraine and the same restrictions will be applied to them as to male conscripts who have only a ukrainian passport. we would like you to explain what this decision actually means in practice, have you already managed to turn someone back because the new rules have already come into effect and how are they reacting to this innovation at the border? look, actually. yesterday evening two completely different topics began to be interpreted in two ways: those citizens of ukraine who have passports of other countries are one story, and
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there are also citizens of ukraine with ukrainian documents, which had the appropriate marks about leaving for permanent residence, which had marks about being registered in the consular register, this is another topic, let's go... simply due to dual citizenship, which everyone began to link to martial law, and during the martial law, and as of now , there is a single citizenship in ukraine, and in fact, even before , the border guards acted in accordance with the norms of the law regarding citizens of ukraine who submitted passports of other countries to passport control, pretending to be foreigners. regarding the pass to leave ukraine, such citizens were not allowed to use such documents and were held accountable for
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an administrative offense, for an administrative offense, in connection with entry into ukraine, when citizens of ukraine submitted passports of citizens of other countries to passport control, they were held administratively liable, but accordingly according to the constitution, no citizen of ukraine under any circumstances may be restricted in the right to enter ukraine. now the actual story is related to what happened a few days ago citizens of ukraine who had the opportunity to leave ukraine during the martial law on the basis that in their ukrainian documents, as citizens of ukraine, there were notes about departure to a permanent place of residence outside ukraine. and the notes of the diplomatic institutions of ukraine on permanent consular registration, in connection with changes in the legislation, this category of citizens cannot now temporarily leave
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ukraine for the duration of martial law. that's all, that's the difference: there's no need to confuse citizens of ukraine who have passports of other countries, with those with that category of citizens who had the opportunity to leave ukraine on the basis of documents and as citizens of ukraine. ugh, thank you, mr. spokesman, it is quite understandable, and we would also like you, if we are already talking about leaving ukraine, how does the situation with the relevant documentation look now. on may 18, the draft law entered into force, we understand that it concerns mobilization, but there may be some or other updates regarding the departure of male citizens of ukraine by conscription. age and which may be additional documents that should be prepared for those people who have the right to leave, i understand that the topic is quite broad, well, but well...
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we have just discussed one category, that now those who permanently lived outside of ukraine, citizens of ukraine and from with appropriate markings , they cannot now leave the borders of ukraine for the time of martial law, until, perhaps, this issue is somehow not regulated by law over time. from may 18, respectively, again before the changes made to the law on mobilization training and mobilization, to of the law of ukraine on the legal regime of wars. state, the border guards additionally check the presence of a military registration document in a separate category of citizens, well, in fact, we are again talking about men, citizens of ukraine aged 18 to 60, e, and these military registration documents must have appropriate notes about postponement of the draft , or about exclusion from military registration, actually this concerns those reserved for
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military service. this applies to persons who, according to the conclusion of the military medical commission, are unfit, recognized as unfit for military service due to health, this also applies to men who have three or more dependent children under the age of 18 who are raising a child independently, or who have a child under the age of 18 and a wife who is doing military service under one of types of military service, we do not additionally check availability. of a military registration document for other categories of citizens, which are prescribed by the rules of crossing the border by separate norms, separate clauses, where the condition of their departure is clearly indicated, well, in particular, this applies to persons with disabilities, e.g. people who accompany persons with disabilities or children with disabilities, and this actually applies to drivers who carry out international transportation of goods and passengers, or who transport
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humanitarian aid. assistance, this also applies to representatives of the railway, aviation and maritime industries, which are again clearly prescribed by the rules of crossing the border, this is in accordance with the resolution number 57 in separate clauses. mr. demchenko, please tell me, i know that women are also required to serve in the military, these are medical specialties, they also have them now obligation to come and update your credentials by july 18 to 17. will women in medical specialties have travel restrictions? military registration is military registration, crossing the border is crossing the border, again we demarcate, the restriction on leaving ukraine, as before, applies exclusively to male citizens of ukraine between the ages of 18 and 60. dear mr. speaker, i still wanted to clarify , you mentioned military registration documents, so we understand that there should be
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updated data, well, from... respectively, as to be with those ukrainian citizens who, for example, did not update, did not update the data and are there any, perhaps additional certificates? look, it is important for us to have a military registration document in paper form, where the necessary marks or records relating to the postponement of the draft, or exclusion from the military registration, will be made accordingly in the legislation. mm, the norm was clearly introduced, which determines that determining whether a person has a deferment from the draft, as well as properly issuing it, can only representatives of the territorial recruitment centers, therefore the border guards will only check this military registration document in the category in respect of whom i noted, with these marks, the military registration document in electronic
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form, although by resolution... it was determined that he has the same legal force, like a paper one, but at the moment it has not yet been typed, not formed as a document in electronic form, therefore at the moment it is only a military accounting document in paper form, while a military accounting document the document in electronic form will already be fully acquired, will be fully formed and will take effect, of course we will check... and its availability instead of electronic, and instead of paper, sorry, uh, so at the moment yes, i can additionally note , that the postponement, confirmation of the postponement of the draft can also be confirmed to the border guards with a certificate, which is also determined by a resolution of one of the government resolutions, and which can be issued in territorial...


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