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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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see in this week's program judicial control, illegal enrichment or connections with russians, what detectives were looking for in lyudmila kropyvna's house, what was not searched for during the search, and according to what scheme the servant themis got an apartment for her parents in kyiv, they lived in ternopil, yes father and mother watch the program on thursday at 17:45. court control with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict from... every weekday from
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8pm to 10pm for espresso. well, the information day of the tv channel is in full swing. the air anxiety has subsided, and we will inform you about everything important in the espresso studio live by marta oliyarnyk and andin borkovskii, and in a few moments we will be joined by yaroslav voydko, a diplomat, expert, internationalist, we see mr. yaroslav, congratulations, mr. yaroslav, and glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. well, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, and the president of the united states, joseph biden, are scheduled to meet in the coming days. in particular, it is about the meeting in france, which is to be held tomorrow, and the g7 meeting is to be held in italy. how fruitful do you think the talks will be, we understand that the united states in the person of the president of the united states will not be present. at a global peace summit, but there is
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some hope that the united states will represented at the appropriate level, and in general , the usa is able to present its position at any negotiations very, very clearly and concretely. i think that these two meetings, which will take place in the near future, will allow president zelenskyi to really outline the final positions of our ukrainian position on stamit. peace and about our further struggle with the russian federation, of course, these will not be, i think, marking meetings, because they will take place on the sidelines of such events as, say, tomorrow, it will be the 80th anniversary the landing of allied troops in europe, in normandy, and also on the fields there will be a meeting between biden and zelensky, because the main negotiations will of course... in the town of bari in
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italy take place within the framework of the g7 countries, but on the other hand, there will be, for example, macron , the president of france and president biden will also discuss the issue of ukraine in their bilateral meetings, so our state will sound normal in the sense that the last, perhaps, moments that the american side needs to know will be before it. proved, on the other hand, of course, we should not count on the fact that the most important events for ukraine will take place already in july, already at the summit of the 75th anniversary of the creation of nato, where of course, now it is clear, there will be no invitation to ukraine, put forward, and other formulas will be found, for this there are still a few weeks to... the one that will be developed
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by our western partners, so that it suits ukraine and, of course, the western partners who are not ready yet, including in the person of both president biden and the chancellor scholz and some others nato members, such as, say, hungary, are not yet ready to accept our country into this organization, but progress must be made. mr. yaroslav, what can this compromise model be between ukraine's membership in the alliance and security guarantees that would prevent further, aggressive actions by the russian federation. what do you think this compromise should look like? well, first of all, several agreements have already been concluded, a dozen and a half, regarding the assistance of western countries to ukraine, and such one of the agreements should now be. concluded with
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by the united states of america, its preparation is now coming to an end and it is not known when it will be concluded, perhaps in the next two weeks or at the nato summit in washington in july, it is certainly not a replacement for ukraine's full membership in the alliance, only membership, it capable of providing ukraine with adequate security, so far not all of our western partners are ready for this, i think the documents that will be presented to the ukrainian side will allow us. do homework because we have, for example, such structures, our glorious ones the armed forces, which today are actually ready to join the forces of the united nato, because they have invaluable experience of fighting
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the russian federation, which no other western country, let alone any other army of the world, has that experience, operational interoperability. it has already been achieved in principle between the ukrainian armed forces and nato troops. yes, we agree with you, mr. yaroslav, you absolutely correctly describe our readiness, but, so to speak, it takes two to tango, and right now i would like to ask you to comment on an extremely important, disturbing, as to me the signal from the president of the united states, joseph biden, i don't want to criticize him, well, but he sets certain parameters, yes. that is, it is not just a condition for biden, i am quoting the american president now: peace looks like russia will never, never, never, never occupy ukraine, this is how you are, this is what peace looks like, and it does not mean nato, what they, ukraine
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are part of nato. this means that we have the same relationship with them as we do with other countries to which we supply weapons so that they can protect yourself in the future. well... that 's the story. we understand that the story of ukraine's membership in nato is much more than a story about certain formalities. yes, this is a story about the beginning of a full-scale russian invasion of ukraine. we remember what kind of plan the discussions were going on then, the meeting between the president of the united states and putin took place. that's how we understand the ultimatums putin has given regarding nato. take the money. now the russian dictator and get over the line to 94, when many countries joined the euro-atlantic community, not to mention the further waves of membership, which took over poland as well, well, i would not dwell on the specific words of president
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biden, although they really sounded enough, he said it drunk, mr. yaroslav, that is, we understand, that the protocol service is very clear... this is not just a pretext, yes, but this is a spontaneous speech, i think that we will have to somehow wait for the clarification of this message, this message of the american president, let's say, tomorrow it will be to speak in normandy with a speech about democracy, and about the fact that 80 years after the landing of allied troops in france. democracy in europe, because of this aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, has become endangered, maybe tomorrow in one of his speeches about democracy, as its topic was designated, he will somehow clarify his decision, on
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the other hand, there is no need to wait for which we cannot get now in the conditions when the pre-election is going on. struggle in the united states of america, and we know the position of president biden himself, currently ukraine does not ready to count on full membership, there are a lot of things like that, and in the same magazine interview, he recalled, i mean biden, about how he repeatedly while still a senator and when he was vice president under president obama, he visited ukraine, and there are so many problems. first of all, we know that we suffer from corruption and other reforms, which, mr. yaroslav, are all well-known facts, but on the other hand, our armed forces have already proven that we are worthy of being a member of nato. on the other hand, we understand that it is
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purely a political decision, and the main executor of this decision is the united states of america, which fears an open nuclear conflict, which is why even now there is this uncertainty about our future in nato. let's be very brief: china has stated that its plan for ukraine is supported by more than 20 countries, to be more precise, 26, it is an alternative peaceful, so -called plan of china and russia as an alternative to the one presented by him... zelensky at the summit in switzerland, and here the question is whether the chinese will somehow manage to convince the world with russia agree to their terms, do china and russia have leverage, we know that terror is their leverage, but maybe there are some more civilized leverage, or there are none, and they will be able to convince the west that the west essentially agreed to the neutral status of ukraine. well, you and i will not agree on the neutral status of ukraine, because it is in our constitution. course on the european union and nato. on the other hand, we have to take into account the realities, and the reality is that
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right now the situation on the battlefield is really what if now to bother with the demands of russia and we will not bother with them, of course, because we expected the ukrainian side from the fact that we will be able to present russia at the peace summit to be held in switzerland. and their allies, such as china or the dprk, iran, above all russia, of course, we are interested in some kind of ultimatum, so i think that this summit cannot be, i would say call it a summit, it is such a meeting, because the summit - this, translated from english, this is the peak, and the meeting is at the highest level, so it will be like this a meeting at which, at which no cardinal decisions will be made, but we will look at... what will happen in the months that will take place before
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the european union, and probably still with the involvement and china and russia, they will still hold that summit with russia. at that time, of course, i would very much like our ukrainian boys and girls on the battlefield to be able to achieve such successes that they could, even if we involve russia in... this summit, then there are completely different positions to talk about, well in china's plan, of course, 26 countries have joined it there, we would really like to see as many countries of the so-called global south as possible join, but even if only 26 countries have joined in china, ukraine, unfortunately, has much less leverage in order to sway the majority developing countries. yaroslav voydko, diplomat, expert, internationalist, was the talk of the press, thank you. for the possibility of direct inclusion, we will now have a short break, after which we will continue our information day, so stay
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an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to join nato to collect from scratch even on a quad bike for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, a rather resonant sociology has arrived, yes. the kyiv international institute of sociology conducted a survey, well... which our ukrainian politician may not like, we will talk about this and other things now with anton hrushetsky, the executive director of kmis. glory to ukraine, mr. anton, we congratulate you. good day, glory to the heroes. well, let's hear it, voice it, marta. five years have passed since zelensky actually became as the president, he continues to perform his
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functions, since there is now a war in the country, and we understand that it is impossible to hold elections in the current conditions, but we know that sociologists measured the mood of ukrainians and asked them about zelenskyi's five-year plan, we would like to ask you what was achieved do you want to learn from our fellow citizens? good afternoon once again, we conducted a survey in may, 5 years of volodymyr zelenskyi's presidency just passed, in fact, there were a number of questions that we investigated, this also applies to the trusted president, by the way, in other surveys we asked whether it is necessary to hold elections, but specifically yesterday and today we published the results of how the situation with democracy in the country has changed in 5 years, with the economy, whether volodymyr zelenskyi fulfilled his promises, if so, how much, if not, then what are the reasons for his failure to fulfill certain promises, that is, because of what prevented their fulfillment, and we can say that quite a lot of people note the deterioration of the economy and democracy in the country, although a large number of them associate this rather with objective reasons circumstances, and yet relatively not so
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many people blame the government itself, but at the same time in the case of the president himself, the majority believe that he did not... fulfill his promises, but at the same time they do not blame him personally, that is, in principle, not so many people they associate it with his features, competence, corruption, but rather they associate it with his environment, uh, with zelenskyi's environment, but isn't it zelenskyi himself who decides what kind of environment he has, this is a political question, here i would just like to measure the eyes moods of our citizens, well, we we understand that people know who attacked us, that is, that the responsibility lies with our enemy, and the administration of the president... zelensky, so to speak , the people who represent his information service, well, they try to explain this whole thing regularly, in particular, the same telethon and not only it, but still there is a feeling that the people either do not believe, or are tired, that what is happening now with those real attitudes is not even going on here, it is not only about sociological indicators ,
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in fact we are now in such a process, when at first people criticize not... the president himself, and this is characteristic of all ukrainian presidents, first his entourage, then the negativity is transferred from the entourage and the president himself. in the case of zelenskyi, this was until february 24 , 2022. at first, since the 19th year , trust in his entourage decreased, his trust held, then people began to criticize the president himself more, and before the invasion, the majority no longer trusted the president. after the invasion, the level of trust increased dramatically, and by the way, until the end of december 23rd year he kept at a high level, but still. this criticism of certain corruption issues, certain incompetent decisions, it was given in signs, and at first people criticized the environment, but then more the president. now , after all, the majority of ukrainians trust the president, consider him legitimate. but still, the trend of trust is inexorable, and we continue to publish results that show that trust has become even slightly lower in the last few months for the president, but again, people are still less
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focused on the president himself, and say, that you should clean up the team, rethink who you work with, but if this does not change in the coming months, it will affect the president himself, by the way, it will create many opportunities for the enemies of ukraine to speculate about the legitimacy of the ukrainian government. this is a huge threat, the question here is not whether we like president zelenskyi or not, the question here is that this government is legitimate, yes, zelenskyi came to power as a result of fair, transparent elections, yes, and here is the key story, if, for example, a certain drop will be critical, it can have a very serious impact, in general, on the stability of the state apparatus during the war, so, well, but on the other hand, this is a question again... such a political one, i would like to feel more here, but but when we talk about the decline in trust in zelensky, how much it is accelerating, well, if we take the last 2.5 years there, well, look,
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at the end of december 2023, he was still trusted by 77% of citizens, now about 59% trust him %, 59% is the majority of the population, and for democratic country, these are very good indicators that confirm his legitimacy, and at the same time, we have somewhere around 78... 70% oppose the holding of elections, that is, there is a large number of citizens who may criticize volodymyr zelensky, but believe that he should fulfill the powers of the president until martial law ends and elections are not needed in ukraine right now, but you 're right that if those trust numbers continue to decline, if we get to a point where the majority of the population doesn't trust the president, that could really create a lot of problems, so the easier it will be to shake the population from within, the more it will be imposed on certain cases of corruption that annoy the population. the rate hikes, what we're seeing right now, like the blackouts, i think everybody's watching, and a lot of stories about the government being in a coma, the power going out and causing some inconvenience, and
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all of that can have some cumulative negative effects, and by the way, which is a little frustrating, we had a multiple-choice question, what do you associate with the fact that volodymyr zelenskyi failed to fulfill his promise, the respondent could choose up to three answers, and the fact that only 30% chose a full-scale invasion, which is an objective fact that would prevent any president from carrying out the election, is quite unfortunate and makes you a little worried, because if the majority of people do not connect with the war, but with something else, this is not good, but what were the rest of the answers, well, relatively speaking, were these answers closed or expanded? in this case , we put closed options, there were about 10 options, they related to how the president's entourage is certain to be incompetent and corrupt. personal corruption of the president, incompetence of the president himself, inexperience, full-scale invasion, opposition activities to destabilize the situation, the influence of oligarchs or
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the destabilization of the situation in the country by certain external actors, and in our country about 50% explain the failure to fulfill promises to the president's entourage, and then about 30% talk about a certain personal inexperience of the president, about a full-scale invasion, about the influence of the oligarchs, that is, it turns out that these things, they have much less influence... than the feeling of the population, in fact, once again, we have a conditional category of officials and managers there, and they are doing ukraine worse than, for example, the same russians who wipe ukrainian cities alive to dust, and at the same time, if people believe that the problem is no longer in the russians and the invasion, in some internal issues, and this can happen, then in the heads there is a change of thesis, and this can have extremely painful consequences, but it is as usual, well, people will understand later , march i i see well, yes, i also wanted to ask if you somehow measured trends about expectations, yes, because we remember what theses zelenskyy entered the election campaign with,
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he promised to quickly end the war, great economic growth and so on, and here we are we understand, well, have sociologists measured the extent to which expectations have not been fulfilled, well, the very fact that we, to our question, has volodymyr zelensky fulfilled his promises, only 5% answer, is he completely them? threw away and 13% who threw away the majority, so we only have 18% of people who actually say that certain expectations were fulfilled among these people, regarding his promises, but in fact the people themselves do not remember quite well what the promises were, if we ask respondents what they remember what the president promised, then people talk so vaguely about the end of the war in donbas, the restoration of territorial integrity, the fight against corruption, the improvement of the population's well-being there, the infamous salary of several thousand dollars for teachers there.
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it is possible that this does not undermine legitimacy, again, people are willing that we do not like it, we criticize it, but let's first win the successful war, and then we'll figure out who and what did these 5 years. mr. anton, do you know who these respondents voted for, because it would be very interesting to understand what is the current attitude towards zelenskyi, actually the voters of zelenskyi, and because it would be interesting to observe this trend in general, as a person who, for example, chose zelenskyi, did she trust him and how does she feel now? which marto asked if they were members of the ruling party on places, no, well, if maybe maybe pollsters asked who a person voted for, in this survey we didn't ask, but before we asked the question who did you vote for in the last election, how would you vote now, i can to say that the situation is such that among the current politicians, if there were no conditional new generation of politicians, from volunteers and from military personnel, so to speak, then
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volodymyr zelenskyy would still have the majority of support. i can say that his voters before the invasion began a significant part of them were really disappointed in him and were already considering other options, but at this stage, if we provide a classic list of politicians, leaders of factions, leaders of the main parties of ukraine, then people would vote for volodymyr zelenskyi, but again, now many of they are made for these reasons, that it is worth confirming the legitimacy of the current government, because we need to maintain institutional stability, institutional stability in order to maintain the defense capability of the country, but if we dig deeper, are the people for... and would they change their choice in peacetime, then a large number would probably change their choice, but after all , it is postponed for the period after ukraine's success in flights. mr. anton, what is our situation, how do people perceive the situation with democracy and certain freedoms, which in ukraine we understand that there is a regime of martial law, wartime, certain rights, certain freedoms are restricted, but democracy is not only about certain legal mechanisms restrictions,
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it's also about... people's feeling that everything is moving, well, in some right direction, and how do people generally treat our parliament now? well, you asked a set of questions, i can say that if we talk about the direction of things, then there are fewer and fewer people in our country who say that things are in the right direction, although quite a lot, about half of ukrainians believe that things are moving in the right direction, and less, by the way, to a large extent precisely because of the periods of delay in aid to ukraine, which was also reflected on the battlefield, at the same time, we have a really critical low level of trust in the parliament, we have quite a few people there, literally 10-20% trust the parliament, but when asked what should be the desired model of ukraine's political system, in our country more than 70% of ukrainians want the parliament to play a serious role in ukraine, and the same number want it in ours in fact , the president had serious powers, but people can criticize the parliament, but they understand that parliamentarism is important for preserving democracy in the country, especially since 90% of ukrainians here want to see ukraine.
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democracy, and this is primarily about fair justice for everyone, about freedom words about free and fair elections, but clearly at the appointed time. at the same time , about 60% consider ukraine a democracy right now, and 43%, by the way, answered that the situation with democracy has become a little worse in ukraine over the past 5 years, although 30% of them are mainly related to the actions of the authorities, but the rest more than 10% with the objective consequences of martial law. we have a martial law, and therefore it is clear that some powers of the people's right are... that is, there are approximately the same 30% of people who criticize the government and talk about the deterioration of democracy there. thank you, anton hrushetskyi, the executive director of the kyiv international institute of sociology was eteri espresso, and we talked about the latest sociology from kmis, which related to the actual mood of the population, to the promises of the president, his rule, so five years of his rule of the country and the current situation with democracy we
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are already for today... we will finish with antin borkovsky, our colleagues will continue to work for you, in a few moments there will be news, and tomorrow we will see you at the same time in this studio, so see you soon, take care and all the best. 17 in ukraine. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all the viewers and i will just now tell you about the most important events. so, let's start with the situation at the front. the russians are concentrating their main efforts on the kurakhiv, pokrovsky, kupyan and kharkiv directions. the commander-in-chief told about it.


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