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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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that they will immediately take you to the army, determine what you know, what you know, they will talk to you, they will pick you up, then you will be sent to the military headquarters, they will make a connection, you will take courses of safety, general training and get into the brigade, according to statistics at the moment, this is a small number of people, and unfortunately, this, unfortunately, i do not want to say this, but this is for 45 plus, and somehow a fighter, a boy, unfortunately, he died, said that young people should fight, because they are more adapt faster, fight better with more, eh, they say, not all grandfathers are 40 years old, just right for me i was 40 years old then, and i felt a little bit offended that i was already called a grandfather, but i say, let's not be afraid, and where you will be useful, call, dial and get into our brigade, sir, i think that you were heard by our viewers, those people... who
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will serve in the armed forces in the near future, thank you for what you do and what your partners do to protect our country, let me remind you that it was ivan sekach, press officer of the 110th brigade named after general khorundzhy mark bezruchka, this brigade is currently working in the pokrov direction, destroying the enemy, we we know that the brigade worked effectively in the defense of avdiyivka, it has considerable experience and , of course, like all our brigades, it needs to be... strengthened by new people who will ensure an increase in the efficiency of the use of the brigade, although it is currently working quite effectively. let me remind you that it was ivan sekach, a non-commissioned officer of the 110th brigade, and these were the main military results of that day, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel.
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political analysis is objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freely, openly and without prejudice, draw your own conclusions.
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know that... what is happening must be understood. antin
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borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. so, i'm back, there were some technical difficulties, but i'll keep it short what... i wanted to say, today we will have a guest in the theater, with her we will talk about electricity prices, why we are sitting without electricity, how long it will last, what are the reasons, but very interesting information, against the background of these events, ukrenergo announced a tender for the purchase of air conditioners, ordinary room air conditioners, such as the ones you have here, maybe at home, it is planned to buy four sets of air conditioning systems for the needs of the control apparatus, that is, for offices, the expected cost of these four sets is 630,000 uah, we will... talk about it, and now let's
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collect for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and i urge you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solidarsky and zaporizhzhia directions , the repair and restoration regiment at... works mainly on contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, including tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed, which will quickly and more or less safely deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment, which fortunately is also a lot on the battlefield, our... goal is uah 630,000, we currently collected uah 410,651, i understand that everyone has electricity, not everyone can make a transfer, somewhere there is no internet, somewhere you don’t see us, somewhere you don’t hear us, but if necessary, if possible, let’s close this collection and give an opportunity our
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military to purchase the one they need minibus, well, now let's talk with the guest, we will talk today , we will start the conversation from kharkiv... and artem revchuk is in touch with us, he is a deputy of the kharkiv city council. mr. artem, i congratulate you. greetings from the studio, greetings from ukraine. glad to see and hear. just a few hours ago, while preparing for the broadcast, i read the information that a loud explosion was heard in kharkiv. it was also written about. is there any more information about what happened, whether it was a result of an enemy attack or something else. please. yes. they heard an explosion, but at the moment, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, there is no information about what kind of explosion it was, what it was, as far as i know, there is absolutely no information about is-300, which, thank god, is already there today on the third day, it all does not arrive due to the fact that ours
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destroyed this railway in the belgorod region, thank god, there is no information about the victims, there is no information. about the victims, let's hope that it was something like that, maybe the case is not related to a terrorist act of the russian federation, and by the way, this is a very good history, as far as i understand, it was a hit by a high-precision weapon, i won’t say exactly what launch system, which charge was flying over belgorod region, but i will burn... the s-300 system, and there was also a s-400, we all saw and this once again proves that allowing the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, to hit enemy targets with western equipment is a very good story. it is not always possible to burn down or destroy such large systems with drones, and those drones still need to be flown there, but to target them with a missile,
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ballistics, other systems, western ones, is very effective, we see, i believe it will continue in the future, and the enemy will simply not be able to pull up the blys. to the borders of this system in order to hit the territory, in particular kharkiv, and unfortunately, the enemy continues to hit with artillery, from other systems in the kharkiv region, assets, let me ask you about the chuguyiv district, they dropped a6 cabs, well, that's normal the enemy launches them from their planes, the planes also have to be shot down, it’s not easy either, well, but in any case we have information that they allegedly already allowed the petrio to beat there outside ukraine, it would also be very effective, but do you have it? more information on the consequences of the enemy attack specifically on the chuguyiv community, please, well, also look, well, as for, unfortunately, attacks on the border go on every day, these are, well, what they just said there, this is a small drop of what is happening well, on the air, of course, all
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attention is focused on the regional center, but unfortunately , it is precisely those settlements that are located along it. the separation glands suffer from these cables every day, because they are behind them there are the positions of the ukrainian troops and its terrorist troops, er , they are trying to raze almost everything to the ground, using the so-called scorched earth tactics, i would like to add once again that kharkiv is the regional center, which is more, as they say on the lips, but it gets more every day. it is just the border villages and towns like lovchansk, where more than a dozen cabs fly there every day, unfortunately, sometimes there are victims when, after all, people do not
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move out of these dangerous places, which on my opinion, in principle, it should not be there, it is impossible for the civilian population to exist there, in principle, they should not be there. the civilian population, as for the victims, the same as the victims, so far there is no information, but i want to say once again that, unfortunately, everything that is in the border strip, near the reporting line, is constantly every day methodically from the side of the enemy to the enemy deals fire damage. the russians have stepped up and are storming near kupiansk. i think it is worth reminding once again, and this is what the military-political leadership says, that the enemy is very important capture, well, obviously a railway junction. in addition to this, what is decisive for the enemy precisely in the attacks on kupyanska, precisely in this community, why... his desire does not disappear, he only continues to multiply personnel,
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personnel and equipment in order to continue his assault actions? well, look, what concerns mkupyansk in general, kharkiv oblast in general, i would not consider it as a separate direction of kupyansk, i would take the situation as a whole, why at all, then look, he first formed several shock groups in belgorod oblast, left there is one novovchan secretary for the direction. on lypka, in the hope that he would break through the defenses there and reach the regional center on an artillery bed and level our quarters of the city of kharkiv, he did not succeed, fortunately for us, our armed forces, the national border guard the service stopped this offensive, and now he is trying, he also understands that if he was stopped here, perhaps the reserves were pulled away somewhere, er... somewhere , more combat-capable units were thrown to
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defend the northern part there, he is trying to break through, well, at the same time kupyansk, maybe even in another place will pierce, this is the usual search for a weak weak point where you can pierce, as for kupinsky directly there or kupinsky nodal, then i do not think that even if we allow the most pessimistic option. that somehow they will manage to seize it, well, they won't do anything about it, because, well, kupentz is divided into two parts there, the river divides it, and from our side, from the kharkiv side, it is a more advantageous position for defense, because the shore is the one that closer to kharkiv, it is higher, what is that shore, well, on the other hand, here, well , from my point of view, this is simply an attempt... to find a vulnerable place in order to later develop one's success, of course, if, well, purely theoretically
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, it is assumed that there is success there, then along the oskil river down there, to closer to ayzyum, it can be there for them too, if not, well, i don't think they will capture it, but if we assume that they will develop success there, then it is possible to control and very it is good for them to defend themselves. er, thus freeing up troops to strike at others directions, well, they actually write about this, in particular defense, that in the summer the russians may try to attack in the east, taking advantage of the factor of operational suddenness, but we will now move away from operational, so to speak , thoughts and operational schemes, operational-tactical, and i wanted to talk about the humanitarian situation, a landmark event happened in kharkiv, finally they dismantled the monument to... alexander pushkin, the russian poet, who, by the way, was not particularly in kharkiv and has nothing
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to do with kharkiv, but he stood in his time they even talked about why pushkin was here, well , it turned out, it became clear to everyone how important it was, and whether those who were against it were possible in the third year of the war, after all that the russians, i will just remind you that alexander pushkin at one time actually justified justified the war against poland. peter and glorified him in the battle with the ukrainians at the battle of poltava, therefore, he is an absolutely imperial poet with imperial narratives, who considered all others to be of secondary importance, and great russia, the one that has the right to teach younger brothers, therefore pushkin is the proper a russian propagandist of that time, and why should his monument stand in kharkiv, please, well, as for pushkin and in general all these russian... narratives, well, i want to say that in principle, well, it should not be in ukraine at all, that is, it is necessary to completely erase
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all memories of, as they say, some kind of common existence there, well, in fact, we ukrainians all already understand that they stole our history and for some reason they think that they are the successors of kyivan russia, in fact, well, it is not at all yes, historians prove everything, but and they want to destroy us precisely because... ukraine is like a witness to their lies, the fact that until ukraine is established, the whole civilized world, well, in principle, the whole world, sees precisely in ukraine the successor of kyiv. russia is a great power, which used to be, and not the russian empire and the current russia, therefore it is necessary to erase everything russian and spread our history all over the world, the true history, and let russia remain
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an unknown state, and... there is no way out it is of kievan rus, and the exit, but as a vassal of the mongol empire. thank you very much sir artem, take care of yourself artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, by the way, moscow tsar ivan vasilyevich the terrible actually destroyed that city, which was the capital of the golden horde, thus destroying the capital of the golden horde, he adopted its tradition. moscow, which was the ulus of the golden horde, became the legal successor of the golden horde, this has nothing to do with kyiv... well, what about us, and what about pushkin, always, you know, if someone says something like that to you, say so, that it is surprising that when the founder, well, if ukrainian language does not exist according to the opinion of russians, so why did it happen that when the founder of the russian, ukrainian literary language ivan petrovich kotlyarevskyi already wrote, i am not going, the founder of the russian literary
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language oleksandr sergeyevich pushkin was not born yet, so here is the question, hanna obko , with us, people's deputy. of the eighth convocation, ms. hanna, i congratulate you, i also congratulate you and everyone who is watching us, i want to start with sociology, and then we will move on to international topics, because the global summit will start in 10 days, biden's statements, statements of the minister of foreign affairs of china regarding the summit, an alternative peace plan from china, it is important to discuss, but the kyiv international institute of sociology has published data, i am a sociological survey, i only took one thing for myself to volodymyr zelenskyi. failed to fulfill promises, well, he has been in power for more than five years, failed to fulfill promises, why, choose the three most important reasons, and here are the respondents 50% of those who took part in the survey and answered, believe that the reason for the unfulfilled there are promises the presence of dishonest, corrupt people in his team, and a full-scale invasion gathered
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only 31%, the influence of oligarchs 26, well, they said that the oligarchs are to blame for this, and their own. zelensky's inexperience and lack of own competence - 27%, and the lack of competent people in his team - 32%. have the ukrainians seen their eyes, mrs. gamno? well, in fact, ukrainians are also partly responsible for their electoral infantility, because many of the promises that were made, they were from a series of populism, lies and playing on the fatigue of ukrainians, because when zelenskyi was elected, it was already the fifth year that it had lasted. russian armed aggression, and many of his things, such as how to examine putin's eyes in particular: i will quickly end the war, also seemed unrealistic from the point of view of understanding the real goals of the aggressor state, not only in relation to ukraine, in general in relation to the continent of europe, so here i would very much like, that ukrainian society also draw conclusions, and firstly,
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we no longer suffered from electoral infantility, we had the opportunity to choose... worthy people and that the next president was really in the parliament, in the government, power, in fact, statesmen, so that we have a choice, a choice, let's imagine, there between vaclav havol, between golda meyer, thatcher, washington, and not a choice, what we always have, you understand, between kuchma and symonenko, is worse at worst, a choice without a choice, and this is just as important, because the russian full-scale war took away so many decent people. and on sunday, when there was a farewell to just iryna tsyboh, and we sang 10 songs that she bequeathed to everyone on the maidan as a sign of gratitude and memory of her, and i had the feeling that such best ones are now increasing our cemeteries, burials, these are the people who should be there in the future and defeat
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the aggressor. and you know, i'll just take literally 30 seconds, i recently read a post on facebook. a person who is engaged in business, and the fact that now it is a problem to find professional people for key positions in management, in ceo, well, that is, people who are high-level managers, i just remember the statements of many businessmen, famous businessmen, leaders of public opinion, startups who did a lot in business, who supported president zelensky, i say why are you looking for professional people for positions, there are no people, so you chose the artistic director of the studio, i now have no, no complaints against zelensky, he was elected by the president, and i will say this, you chose... when for the position of the head of state a person who had experience as an actor and artistic director of a studio, you were not asked for anything, and why do you want very professional people in your business, and when you elected the verkhovna rada from hairdressers and massage therapists, you were not asked for anything. who write the laws by which you will live, no, well, it's different, i say, it's not different, it's not otherwise, it's all consequences, and again, it's good that people, that people understand it now, but for some reason, when it comes to your business, you
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want professional people, and when it comes to when you and when you go to the doctor, you you you want to have a professional doctor with experience, because you don't want to entrust your life and health to incompetent people, and i think the worst thing about this case is that the best ones are the ones who are the most patriotic. who voluntarily went to defend the state, gave their lives when the worst were in the leadership of the state and now, on unfortunately, two managers have monopolized all the power and still complain about how little time they have, how busy they are, and i was at the front two weeks ago and i can say that we have many problems with the provision of our units, and many of those problems could be would decide, if both the ministry of defense and many other departments had... better communication, there were better professional people, that is when there would be a dialogue, it is absolutely unacceptable when the president of ukraine has not found time for a serious, frank discussion in two years conversations with
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democratic opposition, with representatives of civil society, with veterans, when his environment created a bubble effect for him, and therefore this sociology precisely shows that the society we are in today, by the way, the international republican institute also showed that 38% of ukrainians have someone who abroad, and the number of those who do not want to return is increasing, and not only because they have already adapted to school for a long time, found a job, but because they do not see prospects here, because the actions of zelenskyi and his team , no give people hope that upon returning to ukraine they will be able to find a decent job, they can connect the future of their children right here in ukraine, and therefore the question... to zelensky and when state secretary blinkin came, i was also at the meeting, one of the issues that were discussed are corrupt people who are inside the team, that is, there is a whole list,
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and i am surprised why the president of ukraine values ​​tatarov and a long list so much instead of receiving international support, in particular, our geopolitical aspirations on the way to nato. well, yes, here you know, the most important thing is that you just want to, because they say, again, but you are criticizing the president, no, no, the matter will not be covered here, he just really wants to. in the third year of the war, you will hear at least once, at least one word, where you are to blame, where your team is to blame, not conditional evaders, conditional commanders, conditional battalion commanders, conditional some mayors, some conditional someone somewhere, some people abroad are guilty, where are you, until we hear this, trust, well, it cannot be with people who do not admit their mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes , jesus christ is not on earth, and there will be shakyamuni too, therefore, well, obviously people make mistakes, these mistakes must be recognized, but we do not hear this recognition... mistakes, so, well, obviously we have holy people on earth, it is very nice to live in the times of real saints without infallible people, it is wonderful, but i , but here it is very
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important, we need to understand whether we can win a war with such power, or have we seen an example in history when a society that has taken over the duties of many executive bodies of ministries and donates to the army, when the state has been turned into an ineffective one the state, these people... we can win the war, this the key question now, well, actually, sullivan said that a state whose economy works only to support the army cannot provide for itself, it cannot survive, well, sullivan, he is not a military person, but he is a man with a good education and with good, we still have 5 minutes, i am talking about the president who went, if i am not mistaken , to qatar or saudi arabia, i could be wrong right now, i think he is talking about... about the return of the children, this is a good thing, i think that maybe there is more about something will be believed, but even if the issue of the return of the children is resolved, then in fact there will be a lot of thanks to the president and his ally, with whom he is meeting now on the arabian peninsula, but i am talking about
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biden's statement and wang yi's statement, and biden said that peace in ukraine is not ukraine in nato, it is that russia, and he said it four times, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, russia will be occupied, how to decipher it, well actually , i would not undertake to ... decipher biden's statements, considering to the fact that there is a presidential campaign there, and for biden the number one priority is to win the presidential elections, that is why the question of ukraine's membership in nato will be tied to the course and development of the campaign there, plus, unfortunately, the domestic political situation in ukraine and the lack of real reforms, which even last year, let me remind you before the nato summit in vilnius, biden also said that we do not invite ukraine. not because there are any agreements with russia or anything else, or because we are afraid of escalation, because ukraine has not yet sufficiently proved that it meets all nato standards and so on, so we
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should not give. because many think that our army is in nato standards, well, okay, i can't talk about the army, but it is a military-political union, in addition to the military component, there is also a political component here, just so that people understand this, so we should do so as to take away this argument from our partners, when they use it as an excuse for not giving us a political invitation to nato, accusing us of insufficient reforms or corruption, and for this we should remove people like tatarov and many other... cases, which, believe me, western intelligence clearly understands what is happening in ukraine, and we will not be able to deceive anyone further. plus, if we look at the roadmap for specific reforms, there is also, unfortunately, nothing to brag about. therefore, i would now say that membership in nato needs to be worked on, but our priority task now is to form this stable coalition
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of the determined, which is not afraid of defeat. putin, the russian federation is not afraid of scenarios related to the military russia's defeat in ukraine, and which is ready to send troops to ukraine, gives us permission to strike military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, which wants not just confiscation of assets, but complete economic isolation of russia, in fact, to bankrupt the russian economy, which is ready to give us our technologies in order for us to win the war of technologies and in the future become... a hub, security and military technologies, and therefore the world is already beginning to be very clearly divided into camps, the camp of those who are against the axis of evil, here, and the camp of those who who want a new world order and impose it ukraine has a capitulation plan in the form of so-called peaceful various, i don’t even want to name the plans, because there is no respect for territorial integrity, since we often have limited, i will go right away, i understand
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what you are talking about , it is... the statement of chinese foreign minister wang yi, who said that china's peace plan, well , in quotes here, is peaceful, and brazil, let me remind you that china and brazil are members of the brics international organization, which also includes south africa and russia, most importantly, and what is theirs the peace plan is allegedly supported by 26 countries, and ukraine and russia separately confirmed most of the content in principle of the entire plan, well , let's act according to this plan somehow, they say, and the foreign ministry said that , of course, they understand that china respects certain prices there . the integrity of the countries of the world and so on, but ukraine has a great plan that is supported by a lot of people, why shouldn't china join it, why doesn't china join it, and in short, what should we expect from the burgenstock meeting in switzerland? first, china is not interested in ukraine's victory, he needs a protracted war, because china gets, as the main beneficiary, and access to russia as a raw material appendage, and with the saudis, and china is preparing for
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a global one. before the invasion, and he does not need a victory for ukraine as a restoration of the world security architecture with a tribunal against the aggressor state, because china has its own ambitions of global dominance, that's one thing. second, our key to victory is that nato, the united nations, and this coalition of resolute, do everything so that we get an advantage, not only there in fighters, an advantage in technologies, well, because the economy of ukraine, which should work, is also important here, so we now need to work with those who understand that european security is a part of their national security. why do you think macron talked about sending troops here, because they also need the experience of ukraine, they do not want the war to spread to the european continent and the territory of nato and many other reasons, so we do not need to disperse our efforts to the whole world, but work with that


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