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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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students a competitive advantage in the labor market. all costs for travel, visa and accommodation in the united states are covered by employers. in addition, students will receive a salary. we are a private , tuition-free university. however, we also provide not only the knowledge and skills that will allow you to build a long-term, successful career in your chosen field, but also help our students find summer jobs that pay... more than enough to cover a year of study with us , it is also part of american approach according to the rector of the university, it is important for them that students feel free and can study from anywhere in ukraine and the world. another. another great advantage of our institution is the learning management system. most of our classes are available online in digital form and this provides flexible options for working students who... do not have time to visit campus and
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attend classes. the university began operations three weeks before the full-scale invasion, but despite everything the trial has continued to work and is starting a new recruitment for master's programs. usual affairs become. alnymi heavy bags are not for my sick back, from back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dollgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. when buying a large package of 150 g, you save up to 50%. there are discounts, representing unbreakable discounts on troxivazinel 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats unity society, learn how to prevent
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turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand? and how our today will affect our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the labor shortage is growing, employers believe that mobilization is one of the main reasons for the lack of qualified personnel, about this... in the survey of the ministry of economy.
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most entrepreneurs believe that such a problem did not exist before the start of the great war. also, business now needs external financing, say analysts. activities are also affected. risks related to security, competition and broken supply chains. let me remind you that after several months of positive expectations, ukrainian business has worsened its expectations for development, they say in the national bank. the tariff for the population of 4 g32 kopecks per kilowatt-hour covers only the cost of production and transmission of current to household consumers. deputy minister of energy svitlana grynchuk reported this. the price is made without a penny of extra, she says. the official also emphasized that the summer will be difficult, because a significant amount of generation has been damaged or destroyed. recovery takes time. however, thanks to the increase in the tariff, as well as the help of international partners, energy companies have the opportunity to prepare the system as much as possible for winter 4,200 families have taken out loans under the ye
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oselya program since the beginning of the year. the lion's share bought apartments, and 180 families - private houses. most of the borrowers are military personnel, contractors and security forces. also among them are teachers, scientists and doctors, let me remind you that representatives of these professions can take a loan for housing at 3%. residents of the capital, kyiv and lviv regions used mortgages the most. founders of industrial parks receive non-refundable funds for engineering and transport infrastructure. finances are also possible use to offset the costs of connecting to the power grid. this was announced by prime minister denys shmyhal. this amount is up to 150 million hryvnias, and as much as 80 million will be covered for the de-occupied territories, the head of the government reminded, currently 81 industrial parks are registered in ukraine, new facilities are expected, these sites will attract significant internal and external investments, the cabinet hopes. well, thanks to oleksandr morchuka,
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we will now talk about tariffs, prospects, blackouts and actually everything related to our money, light, electricity. gebabii is with us, she is a member of the ncre of the kp, this is a national commission that carries out state regulation in the spheres of energy and communal services. greetings, good evening, but today i will be in place of oleksandr, he is not such a great specialist in energy and economics as my colleague, well , but in any case, i think that i will ask simple questions, because today they are worrying everyone of us, electricity tariffs and increases, this is... finally for a certain period what we will pay more now is the beginning something more, and will it affect which ones, will it give any improvements in the sense of providing electricity to citizens, what is the cause, first of all, please let's say, the establishment of a new tariff for
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electricity is caused by the following factors: the first factor, the tariff for the cost of electricity must be covered by the company. of energy companies that produce electricity, until now we had a tariff of 2.48 hryvnias, it did not cover the costs of energy atom and ukrhydroenergy, did not cover the cost of transport and delivery of electricity energy and was two times lower than the market tariff for industry, so this decision of the cabinet of ministers was made in order to balance the economic one. generation and other market participants in order for them to be able to function, pay wages, purchase fuel and properly provide electric energy to consumers, it is solely a matter of economic activity of those producers who produce electric
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energy, providing without interruption, financing their operational activities. let me pretend that i don't know. from of these companies that provide services specifically to citizens, this is the case throughout ukraine in general, from the supply of production and supply of electricity, now i am not talking about nuclear power plants, it is clear that they are state-owned, i mean there thermal power plants, thermal generation, and supply even then to, well, through all these transformers and so on, to the citizens, what is the share of the state, the state ownership structure and the private ownership structure of the companies that receive today. more money from the population for by paid tariffs, companies that distribute electric energy and provide transmission are divided into two levels: the first level of electric energy transmission through main trunk networks, this is
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the company ukrenergo, this is a state-owned company that supports the operation of large substations and provides the first level of transmission, it must be balanced, prepare. before winter, to pay staff salaries and build up reserves for winter preparation, this is the first company, it is state-owned, it is a large ukrenergo company that balances. the whole power system, we pay it a transmission tariff, the second level of the company is the companies that we call oblenergo in everyday life, these companies, we have different forms of ownership, we will say that some of the companies are private companies, the other part of the companies have a state form of ownership , but it should be noted that the tariffs of these companies are clearly regulated by the regulator, i.e. nkrkp. ugh, all the expenses that lay. to these tariffs are controlled by the regulator, they are determined at the level necessary to
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ensure their current activity, namely: it's staff wages, it's electricity for transportation, like expenses for transportation, it's provision of repair funds, it's fuel and lubricants, emergency supplies and supplies for network restoration, oblenergo in cases of missile and bomb strikes, what we 've seen has passed. periods of blackouts and significant impacts on the energy sector, everything that happened, the usual quick restoration of the network took place at the expense of the tariff funds of these companies and at the expense of their reserves, that is, our listeners must understand that these companies do not set the cost of services by name, all costs are clearly re -established by the regulator and not checked by the regulator. depending on the form of ownership of the company, and the regulator clearly monitors the appropriateness of these
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costs during control measures, i.e. , citizens also have a question here, and now people will pay more, there are four or so hryvnias, and this is the daily rate, by the way, i think that you can also advise, i already talked about it yesterday, that it is possible to install those meters that are two-tariff, and day and night count, because now there are lights at night provided by people, but i hear, i already hear, and they wash at night, there is another reason. they do something, it's a normal story, but it's just that it's cheaper then the citizens will have to pay, but in any case, that is, these funds will be directed first of all to what, as you said, to balance, to repair somewhere, well, the salary is clear, that is , to overcome certain effects of the enemy's attacks and to prepare for the winter, and these prices, which will now be established, they will roughly correspond to the needs, or the need is still greater, for we are told that we have to focus on europe, but it causes an understandable reaction in people, they understand that not only tariffs are higher in europe, salaries are significantly higher in europe, so i am not talking about europe now, i am talking about whether these tariffs, do they
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meet the needs, is it just a certain step towards those real needs that exist today, or the cost of services, and well, all other aggregate costs that are associated, of course, with enemy attacks and destruction of infrastructure. let's break your question down into three parts: first part of the question: all costs, which are currently calculated and which are included in... the tariff is the provision of operational activities, for example, for the nuclear power plant it is the purchase of spare parts and fuel, nuclear fuel also costs a lot of money, it is not free in order to prepare the power plant for winter and provide it with repair supplies , as well as the ukrhydroenergo company, which supplied electricity to the population, it also has to prepare for winter, form reserves, and this is now that company. which was the most affected, destroyed in as a result of missile and bomb attacks that took place in
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the last month and a half. therefore, all tariff funds, which are currently laid down for these two types of generation, will go to uninterrupted provision of their operational activities. when we talk about the restoration of damaged facilities, the restoration of damaged facilities is financed from other sources, it is financed from their activity of selling electricity. on the commercial segment of the business, and it is financed by credit funds and those funds that are currently being borrowed from international partners, that is, what our, our household consumers are told that they want to restore the damaged infrastructure at their expense, this is frankly untrue, all costs that are currently included in the electricity tariff for a household consumer are purely costs that should cover complex operations. activities of these companies during the next heating season. thank you very much for the second part
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of the question, the second part of the question - the level of wages. yes, indeed, we have an electricity tariff that is currently set, which includes the cost of electricity, the cost of distribution and the cost of transmission is the total cost of electricity with home delivery, not the highest in europe, it is not true, it is at one of the lowest levels. now even after. for the price increase, if we compare the bill that our households receive and the level of income, especially for vulnerable categories of consumers, these are pensioners, low-income, temporarily. seconds, unfortunately, i asked a lot, and there is no time, and, but, if possible, in this case, in this case, the list of vulnerable categories for compensation by subsidies, and consumers have to apply for subsidies en masse in order not to pay the application from their own incomes. thank you very much, of course, there are more questions, but i think we will talk with you and with other
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people who can say more on this important issue. thank you very much olga babich. she found time and commented that she is a member of the national nkr, this is a national regulatory commission in the fields of energy and communal services. well, what will be discussed in the verdict program, which starts today, fr 20:00. serhiy rudenko is ready to tell. sergey, good evening, please. greetings vasyly, at 20:00 we will start with the verdict, the guest of the next hour, the former chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine dmytro razumkov, we will talk about how ukrainians perceive democracy during the time of president zelensky, sociology appeared, which shows that that ukrainians are questioning the democratic initiatives of president zelensky, we will talk about this in more detail with mr. razumkov, we will also discuss the topic of mobilization and reservation
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from mobilization in ukraine, how this process is going and what legislative norms still need to be adopted in order for mobilization and reservations to be fair, and of course the main topic, probably for the next two weeks, is the peace summit in switzerland, on the eve of this summit zelensky will meet with biden twice, tomorrow he has to meet in normandy, and on june 12 and 13, on the eve of the peace summit in italy, at a meeting of the big seven, where... zelensky will also be invited, in other words, topics for our conversations with the former head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine that's enough, wait for this program at 8:00 p.m., at 9:15 p.m. we will have two political commentators, two political experts, they are vitaly kulyk and oleksiy koshel, let's talk about
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how the authorities are currently preparing for the next russian offensive. and in the conditions of a total lack of electricity and in conditions when it is necessary to build fortifications on the eastern and northern borders of ukraine, and of course the way ukraine exercises its right to strike on the territory of the russian federation, the right that ukraine is currently granted by 13 countries of the world, which we can expect results from implementation. of course, we will mention again the peace summit in switzerland, since china refused to participate in this summit, says that they have their own peace formula for ukraine, does the peace formula coincide with the so-called reconciliation formula from putin, more precisely with the idea of ​​capitulation, which putin
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is trying to impose on ukraine. in short, we will talk about all this in the second part of our program. we start in 10 minutes, the first guest is our razumkov, then two guests, this oleksiy koshel, vitaliy kulyk, political experts, so friends, stay tuned to our channel, the evening will be interesting, vasyl’s big evening of winter continues, big broadcast, and vasyl, you have the word, thank you serhiy, so at 20:00 the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, well, just now i'm adding yevhen postakhov to the conversation, sports news on time, yevhen, good evening, please, good evening, vasyl, greetings, dear viewers. tv channel , there are less than 10 days left before the european football championship in germany, so the ukrainian national team is actively preparing for continental forum, we will talk about this preparation and not only about it in a moment. so, preparations for the european football championship continue, and the day before the ukrainian national team
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visited warsaw, where they will continue their studies. real madrid goalkeeper andriy lunin, who recovered from an illness, joined the team for the training camp before euro-2024, while still in germany. he is already training with the team. in poland , the blue-and-yellow team will have a sparring match against the national team of this country, and this game will take place on the 7th june at the national stadium in the capital of poland, warsaw. of course, we will talk about this game in more detail, and now i will add it. that the meeting will be decided by the english team of referees headed by andrew medley. and before the word about refereeing, the ukrainian football players met with the manager. by the uefa director of arbitration, roberto rosetti. he specially arrived at the location of the ukrainian national team to tell the coaching staff and players about refereeing
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innovations at the final tournament of euro-2024. this was reported by the official website of ukrainian football association. in particular, it was about strengthening the role of the captain, to whom from now on the referee will explain the reasons for his decisions, if the team feels the need. the rest of the players are strongly advised not to run up to the referee with complaints, otherwise there is a risk of receiving a warning, and the player of the ukrainian national team taras stepanenko talked about how rough play will be interpreted and what it means now, i suggest you listen directly to the language, so when there, if if you are going to tackle, then in no case do not play with your foot, even if you you play the ball, but you have... the spikes are directed in the direction of the football player's body and you play the ball, and then you hit the legs there, i don't know somewhere in
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the body there, then this will also be punished with a minimum of a yellow card. very important recommendations, especially for defensive midfielders and central defenders, actually for everyone. we continue also about football. dynamo kyiv has started a transfer campaign. the day before , the capital club announced about... the transfer of maxim bragar. the 21-year-old midfielder joined the ranks of the white and blue team on a free transfer agent his contract with chornomorets has ended. the football player's agreement with dynamo was signed according to the 4+1 scheme, which means that the contract is for four years, but can be extended for another year. last season, bragaru played 29 matches for chornomorets in the championship of ukraine and scored one goal. he is a youth team player. ukraine can play on the flank, on different flanks, both in midfield closer to the attack line, and even as a defender. and now we move on to european football.
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stormy union, odious antonio conte, from now on will lead the italian napoli. thus, this specialist returns to his homeland. after the adventures in misty albion. the agreement is valid until june 30, 2027 . and even before the official appointment of the contra. took an active part in the discussion of napoli's transfer plans, among the club's targets, antonio approved the potential transfer of gerona and ukraine national team striker artem dovbek, various media reported about it. napoli finished the season in 10th place in serie a, the team finished under the leadership of francesco colzona, who acted as the head coach coach in february, the club fired walter mazari. before that , rudy garcia was released by napoli in november. in june, he replaced luciano spalletti, who won serie a with the neapolitans for the first time in 33 years. you can only imagine the chaos in the decisions of the club's management,
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if you look at this series of resignations and appointments. the last club that conte coached was english, london tottenham, the italian left spurs in march 2023 last year. he harshly criticized the mentality of the team, the mentality players, their psychology, as well as under... gave criticism and actions of the club's management, a mentor known for success at the head of various teams, in particular with chelsea he won gold in the misty albion, and also won gold in serie a, in particular winning with juventus and inter milan. more about boxing: vladyslav sirenko won his 18th early victory in the pro ring. in the american nashville, he won over the americans. by keith barr. the fight lasted four rounds. every three minutes, the ukrainian's opponent visited knock down in the end, the referee stopped this fight. this is
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sirenko's second victory this year. at the beginning of april, with a knockout in the third round , the ukrainian won his 20th victory in his professional career in a match with another american, dion rony gale. in total , the ukrainian has 21 winning fights in his professional career, and only three of them lasted the full distance, in the 18th, as i said, sirenko won just ahead of time. and that was the last information in the sports column for today. i say goodbye to you, i wish you a quiet peaceful evening, but a big broadcast on espresso continues, so vasyl zima will continue it in a moment. i thank yevhen pestukhov. well, i 'm saying goodbye to you, until tomorrow at 6:10 p.m., at 8:00 p.m. the verdict, but right now natalka didenko will tell you about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, let's watch and listen.
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synoptic hello to everyone, our dear viewers, we are starting our conversation today, our meeting, before we talk about the weather forecast for tomorrow, about what the climate is like in ukraine, well, maybe this question is simple and everyone knows, but still we will talk about this in more detail, so the territory of ukraine, if you suddenly did not know, has only two types of climate, it is moderately continental. in most regions and also the mediterranean climate on the southern coast of crimea. the main, well , climate-forming factors are the amount of solar radiation, the circulation of the atmosphere , as well as the appearance and qualities of the supporting earth's surface. solar radiation: most of it falls on the warm period of the year, may-september in our country. circulation:
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flat terrain. this is the free movement of air masses, and the territory is ours the country, especially the northern one, is under the influence of warm, moist atlantic air masses throughout the year, and because of this, we do not have such a terrible heat in the summer, severe frosts in the winter, well, lately there are not enough of them at all, to be honest, the mountains and highlands also delay winds and affect the distribution of precipitation, forests, they slow down movement in the lower layers of the atmosphere. and in the steppe, on the contrary, of course, air masses move with great speed. it is interesting that snow cover reflects up to 94% of solar radiation, and grass and the soil reflects 26% of solar radiation, we do not mow the grass somewhere only for scientific purposes, and i remind you once again that the climate in ukraine is moderately continental, on the southern coast of crimea, it is mediterranean. we move on to
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the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, let's see. what with the magnetic storms tomorrow, there will be some small fluctuations tomorrow, so nothing too threatening is predicted, and we eventually calmly move on to the weather forecast for the next day, june 6. western regions, short-term rains are expected tomorrow in the west of ukraine, thunderstorms, during thunderstorms, be careful, heavy showers, squalls and even hail are possible, well, the air temperature in the west is very comfortable. one of the lowest in ukraine 22-26° above zero, in the northern part of ukraine also in places short-term rains thunderstorms, this is mainly sumy and chernihiv regions, will affect the eastern regions of kyiv region. the air temperature is a little higher - 24-27° of heat, of course. tomorrow in the east of ukraine, there will be no significant precipitation, the temperature will be 28, 32, 28, 33° above zero. in the central part of ukraine
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, there will be no significant precipitation tomorrow. dry will prevail the air mass is even hot 27 - 31° above zero. in the southern part of ukraine , quite hot weather is also expected tomorrow, 27-31°, a lot of sun, precipitation is not expected, due to dry weather, fire danger is increasing, be very careful and careful with fire. and in kyiv, in the capital, warm weather is expected tomorrow, june 6, the maximum air temperature is around +26. significant, serious precipitation in the capital tomorrow is unlikely, as i already said, it is more likely to affect the eastern regions of kyiv region, but for now we are enjoying the summer and keeping a close eye according to updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the program verdict with serhiy rudenko, european rendezvous, american
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president. biden flew to france to discuss support for ukraine with macron and clarify relations with zelenskyi. are there any grounds for rumors about tensions between kyiv and washington? competition of the formulas of the world. china has already gathered more than two dozen countries under an alternative plan to end the war in ukraine. what to expect from a global forum in switzerland without participation. xi jinping. prospects economy booking. ukrainian business warns of a catastrophic situation that is developing in industries due to the mass mobilization of men. how to avoid a crisis in the economy? glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rodenko. i congratulate
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everyone and wish everyone good health. in... for the next two hours we are talking about ukraine, about the world.


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