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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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election product, political technology product, this is an action plan, this is a 5-year action strategy, which actually did not exist, and therefore, actually, it is difficult to say here what the voters have in mind, because someone evaluates by extremely simple steps, there the whole state in smartphones, that's how the program of action appeared, the program of action, where quite a lot of issues can be solved, but on the other hand, well, you know, it's absolutely trivial... compared to the tasks that a candidate for the position of the head of state must set before himself for a five-year term. on the one hand, on the other hand, it is extremely important that the authorities listen to criticism and listen to the opinions of citizens. and here is an extremely important number, it is one of the two key indicators that indicate that people see the weakness of the team, the incompetence of the team, the absence.
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experience of the team, and today this is one of the key problems, because the strengthening of the team, i mean, here starting from the cabinet of ministers, ending with persons close to the president, this team needs to be strengthened, the quality of management decisions needs to be raise, i think people are just in a lot of ways also not satisfied with the extremely low adoption rates. i will give an example, there is a bill on mobilization, i apologize, it was adopted with a delay of 1.5-2 years, a number of military bills, there is duty-free import, duty-free, duty-free and vat import of gunpowder, spare parts for drones, night vision devices, these are bills , which were adopted with a delay of a year or more, and therefore there are logical questions, stop, so obviously questions in people, questions in the environment head of state. the problem in the government, the problem
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in general is the weakness of the team, so now it is very important that the government listens to these figures, at least adjusts its work. thank you, mr. oleksiy, these numbers, mr. vitaly, do they mean that zelensky, as a potential participant in the next presidential elections, we do not know when these elections will be held, but they will definitely be after the victory of ukraine and after the end. war, but what are these questions, they will not disappear anywhere, and this is the attitude that zelensky did not fulfill something or did not completed, and that it is not only the russian federation with a large-scale invasion that is to blame for this, because this is evidenced by sociology, that these questions will be articulated by zelensky, or can we say that this sociology is not selective, and this sample is small enough, that... it does not
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characterize society's own attitude to what zelensky did and what he did not do and why he did not do it. well, if we're talking about grades, i think that's what really matters. will not go anywhere, moreover, we will look at other polls we will see that war and corruption are two main problems, citizens, and sometimes in some polls corruption is in the first place, than war, and this is very symptomatic for the authorities, the second position is trust in the state as a whole, not as an existential state , somehow to the idea, namely to the institutions and to the officials, which this, which this state... is being ruled at the moment, and
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this mistrust, it is deepening, and people do not see the possibility of influencing this government in a legal way, somehow make it more friendly for yourself, or solve some issues, what they are facing, and they will also ask zelensky this, but we see that he still has a basic electorate, there are people who still hear him and support him, and believe that he fulfills his obligations, and to be honest... to formally approach this issue, well, indeed, deoligarchization is happening, is happening, kolomoisky is sitting, sitting, that is, certain elements of what he promised are supposedly formally implemented, the administrative service system is simplified, and the action is not just there , this quite the achievements that zelensky will exhibit if he goes again to... is
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to constantly emphasize this, that's why fedorov and the whole block are related to digitalization, and it is worth admitting that in others, it is and will be. there is almost no such thing in the countries, even in our neighboring countries in the european union, that is why he still has the base to write off zelenskyi, to say that his ratings are zeroed, no, political parties, yes, they are really zeroed out, the servant of the people, will obviously go through a transformation with those positions , which are now of this party, it will be difficult to enter a kind of renewed electoral cycle, but this applies to all other parties, the basic electorate of european solidarity, i am not talking about the homelands and so on. frankly suffered, so let's see if zelensky will be swamped at all, or his entourage, his so-called team, will bet on another candidate who will give guarantees to this same team to zelensky himself. thank you, mr. vitaly, and against this
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background, of course, the issue of internal enemies in... ukraine is quite relevant, because we we understand that this maidan-3, which budanov talked about, the implementation of this special operation was started at the highest level in russia, and putin and lavrov, they talk about the illegitimacy of zelenskyi, or question the legitimacy of zelenskyi, the illegitimate putin is trying to say something or delegitimize , let's say, zelensky and it looks very strange. at the same time, ruslan stepanchuk, the speaker of the parliament, says... that a lot of so-called ukrainian politicians, well, in quotes ukrainian politicians, may also be included in this process delegitimization of zelenskyi, including for the promotion of russian narratives, well, from what we have now in the country, we have
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the former faction of the opposition platform for life in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it continues, the deputies continue to sit in the parliament despite... that this the party is officially banned in ukraine, we see that there are more than six hundred deputies who were elected from opzh and the shariat party, two parties that were banned in ukraine, and whether their activities have been suspended, but the deputies themselves have remained in local councils , i.e more than 4,000 deputies still decide the fate of individual communities and individual... bodies of self-government, how and why, mr. oleksiy, at the moment, the authorities do not want to fight this fifth colony together with the ukrainian orthodox church, the moscow patriarchate, because this the whole community,
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they are potentially that large cohort of people who can speak, or let's say, promote this idea on... the legitimacy of zelenskyi and dream of some legitimate, well, conditional yanukovych, who did not last in the presidency for one and a half years presidency well, first a few words, the language of facts: here is the government bill, i emphasize the government bill, which provides for the possibility of taking pandas from the deputies of local councils from pro-russian parties, this bill was registered in the parliament almost two years ago, there for a year and 11 months. at this time, it has not progressed, it is not put to the vote, the so-called church bill, and it is not just a government bill, it is a bill that was submitted by the government to implement the decision of the rnpo and the presidential decree, but it would seem that in such the format of the decision should be adopted
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immediately, that is, well, in a matter of weeks or a matter of months, this draft law has not been adopted in the second reading, it has already been almost a year and a half and... to say that it is just a delay, i would not say, here i think that , after all, it is a matter of deliberate blocking, perhaps in the case of the church they cannot make a final decision, but again, here the issue is in an extremely compromising bill, and i would in no way call it a bill on the banning of the church, but it is rather a bill which will allow to ban individual church organizations in manual mode. this process can stretch in time for years, moreover, even for decades, it is an extremely slow, slow process, and there are no particularly big threats to the uoc mp here either. i wouldn't want, i wouldn't want
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to give conspiracy theories after all, that they say it 's profitable in two groups of the former opzh, that it's the result of negotiations, but actually i really don't want to. to draw such conclusions, i actually proceed even from the fact that one thing is important for opz now, it is simply survival and at least some small guarantees for further political. the future, and that is why they are ready to put their hands on the government on any bills, today they say that we will not vote, tomorrow they will vote, they support the bills, i think this is just a banal survival tactic, after all, according to the church, i think that the church lobby in power plays a role, the church lobby in power, but again, mr. stefanchuk publicly stated at one time that he voted for this law. there is no draft in the parliament, let's recall the result of the vote in the first reading and
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exactly the opposite, exactly the opposite of what the chairman of the verkhovna rada said, well , i won't dwell on the details there, there were enough lobby statements, but when you talk about the fact that this is a church lobby , a pro-russian church lobby in power, at what level does this lobby exist? well... i think that it is many times less than what existed in the early 2000s, since then the relationship between the church and the state was so interdependent, that is , on the one hand, the church served the authorities, and during the elections, the inter-election period, on the other hand, the state gave extremely large preferences to the church, the beginning of the 2000s was a period of struggle for land plots, for revenues, for access to the state. ownership of the church, the monastery and many other things, and this process was very
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interconnected, now it is much less, but i think that now the lobby, it is still a matter of key sponsors, key sponsors of the church, and i think that they can finance not only the church, not only the uoc mp church itself, but can be generous enough and give certain preferences to those politicians who support the church. this is on the one hand, on the other hand, i think that here is still a question of such moral ties with individual people, that is, as a rule, inexperienced managers, inexperienced politicians, they are very vulnerable from the position of moral authorities, for whom, what representatives, actually, the ecclesiastical hierarchies of the ukrainian orthodox church can be for them. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. vitaly, the existence of pro-russian... politicians, pro-russian movements and the pro-russian church, the further
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existence of what threatens ukraine? well, it's obvious that, it's obvious that opz, she concluded really a political agreement, or rather the remnants of the opzh, so what are called gasmen, firtash's group entered into an agreement, on boyko, who entered into an agreement with the servants. entered the majority of many regional councils and local ranks, actually entered the majority, even executive committees, and the ban on the opz as a political party did not even affect the removal of these people from the executive committees, in some cities they remain on the executive committees as non-factional members, but it is worth noting that in a large part of the cities, especially in the center and east. the opzz of ukraine was like this the franchise that was given to itself was given to the local prince, who financed this
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organization on the spot, and filled this faction with his people, in fact, the relations of the pzh, which in kyiv are not very mediated, sometimes strange enough such cases occurred in the cities, that people fell into this the party had nothing to do with the ideology or the political program of this party. but in fact, it would be appropriate after the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine to still illustrate the opz as frankly, vividly, openly pro-russian of the political force that contributed to the invasion, that shaped the circumstances of the invasion and the collaboration of some of its active supporters with the occupier, this party had to submit to lustration not only the ban on the political party deprivation. the mandate of deputies of the verkhovna rada, the mandates of all deputies elected on
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the lists of this political party, the ban on being elected or appointed to the positions of people who were on the lists as candidates for deputies, were representatives in precinct and district and cecs, for example, from this political party strength, but then it was real lustration, which would at least create a filter from the act... opz, and other prohibitive political parties that can be reproduced in the new electoral cycle. with regard to the church, this issue is more complicated, since there is pressure, including on... their partners, they are watched, and the same servants on the sidelines say, explain their unwillingness to vote for the bans of the moscow patriarchate, that this is supposed to be pressure, that it is there will be persecution of freedom of conscience and so on, but in fact the moscow patriarchate in ukraine has long ceased to be a regional organization, it is a political organization, an organization based on aggression and occupation,
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so how can i be in the verkhovna rada. the only thing missing is the political will, and there are people who could press the button for the complete ban of the moscow patriarchy, they are there, there is a critical mass, and even the lobby will not be able to prevent this, only a rebuke from the bank is needed, or say vote, as you see fit, everything, i think, this would be enough to vote for the ban, unfortunately, the bank does not show this political will, until thing, the security service of ukraine reported that it had discovered anti-ukrainian literature on the internet. of the benches of the uoc, among the confiscated pro-russian publications that promoted religious intolerance and justified the war of the russian federation against ukraine, replicas of the armed forces parties were found in uzhgorod, zhytomyr, mykolaiv and kyiv on the territory of one of the networks of church benches. the owners of these flints wholesale ordered propaganda literature from a printing house in the ternopil
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region, so something incredible was happening, and they are obviously watching. or for in such cases, we still have to remember and understand, not only us, but also the representatives of the authorities, that something needs to be decided from the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, otherwise it may simply turn out that at one fine moment, russia will simply activates its network, and this network will work inside ukraine even more actively and more diligently than we can imagine. one more topic, gentlemen, for... our conversation today, is a meeting, a future meeting, two even meetings between president zelenskyi and the president biden, the president of ukraine is scheduled to meet with the president of the united states of america tomorrow in normandy , and, according to white house national security adviser jake sullivan, biden will have the opportunity to talk with
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zelensky in france during the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the landing. in normandy, in normandy, to quote jake salevan: in normandy , biden will have the opportunity to meet with president zelensky and discuss with him the state of affairs in ukraine and how we can deepen our support for ukraine. in a few days he will also have the opportunity to meet with president zelensky within the framework of the group of seven summit in italy. so, mr. oleksiy, can you somehow explain why... that is why biden does not want to be a participant in the peace summit and does not want to support ukraine's accession to nato at the next anniversary summit of the alliance in washington, but instead takes and well if he makes two meetings with zelenskyi to explain something, since participation in the peace summit and support of ukraine at the nato summit would
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probably have much more publicity and would have a much greater effect for the international community. biden is not just the president of one of the most influential countries in the world, he is also a candidate for the presidency, and therefore it is obvious for him to participate in a summit that will not give him special results, tangible results, and will not give him the image of a peacemaker, well, obviously such a format is unacceptable for him, as for a politician , who is running for a second term, and that's understandable, because it would be ... funny for biden to declare himself after the summit as a peacemaker, as someone who solved one of the most brutal wars to date, and as a person who, for example, can claim the nobel peace prize. yes, it can add to him, i'm not saying that this is a turning point in the course of the election campaign, but considering that
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the difference in ratings between biden and trump today is within the margin of error, sociological error, well, it is obvious that it ... added to him b, so it's quite natural that he doesn't want to participate, well, with the fact that, well, things like the summit, they are planned in advance, and it's obvious that biden's actual agenda could be adjusted even six months ago, that is, it is obviously not about the need to participate in the fund-raising campaign, it is obviously about a conscious reluctance to negotiate with zelensky, i think a lot of problems have accumulated here, especially recently... let's be honest here, there is a problem, it is the rhetoric of the ukrainian president against biden, it was still quite harsh in recent days. and obviously, this will affect the conversation, which can be difficult. here, it will be obvious that the demands from the ukrainian side should be made clearer an explanation from biden's side, or clear
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prospects for ukraine's nato membership, or at least to clearly explain biden's last words, because they are interpreted differently, but he did not clearly say yes or no. therefore, these questions will be. but here the key thing is now, the key thing is the vision. at least for the nearest period of time, what ukraine lacks is the ability to look months, or preferably years ahead, we mentioned with you about the church issue, well, i'm sorry, it was possible to accept a soft one and a half years ago the format of the draft law, even if it was not about a ban, but about a simplified transition of parishes from one church to another, well, believe me, i analyzed these issues in detail, that's on my behalf. 80 percent of representatives of the clergy, especially the parish clergy, could unimpededly transfer to the orthodox church of ukraine. it's just that the authorities are not ready to develop
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complex solutions, and therefore the discussion is now prohibited or not prohibited. regarding the situation with biden and the peace summit in general, we need to focus on more than what will be the results of the summit, it is already obvious to us that these will not be the best results for us, it is not only ours, our... problem, here the issue is much more complicated, we need to look several months ahead, in particular, what could be the next summit, what can be the format and key, what will be the agenda. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. vitaly, will zelenskyy be able to get what he wanted, that is, the effect of, not only from the summit of the global peace summit, but also from the meeting from joseph biden, because at this summit relied a lot... a lot and now it seems that the summit is not a summit, but a form of a forum or a meeting, because the summit is still the first persons, and the first persons, well, at least a few
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key countries will definitely not be there, that is, china will not be there, at all the united states of america will be represented by the vice president, will ukraine get what zelensky hoped for? well, let's start, let's start with the fact that i agree with oleksiy that biden is still tied to the domestic political agenda of his elections, it is obvious that the dry residue that could be to calculate and convert it in some way in the election campaign, biden's staff does not see from this summit in switzerland, as well as the agenda itself and possible compromise positions. concessions or some consensual things with the global south, they will not be so valuable and weighty for the strategy of the united
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states, therefore the white house did not want to participate in this personally under the conditions of a proprietary company, whether or not zelensky will be able to hear something new from biden during these two meetings no? think that it is unlikely that he will hear anything new, again, biden will not promise anything beyond what has already been officially announced, possibly excluding some amount of financial or military assistance, it is also obvious that we will receive another package commensurate with the previous one by the end of the year, well, it is unlikely to succeed, and in general, there is a question to what extent... only washington will be able to form such an aid package in the near future, whoever becomes the president of the united states, even if biden wins, it is not a fact that he will be able to
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pass it through the congress next year to us the necessary assistance, this will again be a subject of political bargaining, the situation is ambiguous in the political system of the united states. biden is forced to look back at his peacemakers in the democratic party. the democratic party, which criticizes him for excessive militarization, for supporting the war in europe and israel, and in some states during the primaries voted, abstained, abstained, during the choice of the candidacy of biden himself. mr. vitaly, 30 seconds remain on the air, 30 seconds remain on the air with us, so call this is a complete defeat, there is no sense in the swiss forum. but of course, the level and start of the discussion of the peace formula, well, of course , i wanted it to be bigger and more weighty. the participation of china, india would be such a strong argument.
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unfortunately, this is not to our advantage, and biden does not compensate for it either. thank you, vitaly kulyk, oleksiy koshal were guests of our program today. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. during the entire broadcast, we conducted a survey, we asked you today, friends, whether authoritarianism threatens ukraine. so, the results of our television poll are 92% yes, 8% no. i will put an end to this, friends, it was the verdict program, conducted by serhiy rudenko, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself. and your relatives, come tomorrow at 20:00 there will be a new verdict, there will be new guests, there will be new topics, i am waiting to meet you, goodbye, in the latest issue of the magazine ukraine, the main threats to the unity of society, find out how not to give us to the enemy to boil
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it means saving his life, giving a lift to the beka, giving a lift to the guys, a quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from scratch to life on quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv. greetings, i am olga lel, these are the chronicles of combat operations, and the first thing i would like to remind you about is the levy for heavy armor, for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaprozhsk directions, the levy is very important for us, this is the repair and recovery regiment, it works mainly at the line of scrimmage or in the gray zone, in all weathers, day, night, and for emergency recovery and return to
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the field of damage. military equipment, such as tanks, armored personnel carriers, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed, which will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the war zone, as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. we have been doing this collection for a long time, we already have uah 408, we hope to collect uah 630, so don't delay , please join in, your help here is very important and all the details you... see, see the bill, see the qr code, whatever please join because this is really something that is very much needed to protect our soldiers on the battlefield, well first let's see what has been happening for the last few days on the battle line, and then we will discuss all of this, please, a map of the hostilities for the period from may 29 to june 5, the russian offensive has slowed down, and the armed forces are preparing:


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