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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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restoration and return of war-damaged military equipment, such as tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, requires a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment. we have been doing this collection for a long time, now we already have 408 uah, 630 we hope to collect, so do not delay, please join in, your help here is very important, and you can see all the details , you can see the bill, you can see the qr code, please join in because it's really something that's great needed to protect our soldiers on the battlefield . well, let's first look at what has been happening in the last few days on the battle line, and then discuss all of this. please. map of hostilities for the period of may 29, june 5. the russian offensive has slowed down, and the armed forces are preparing. blockade
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of crimea. in a week, ukraine received two good news at once: permission to strike russian territory with american weapons, as well as avax long-range reconnaissance aircraft, which will be decisive for establishing the dominance of the f-16 in the sky above the front line. record destruction of russians. may became the most deadly place for the occupiers. here , two events happened at the same time: the armed forces of the russian federation continued to advance, our soldiers eventually received more weapons. so four at once... absolute records. 37,800 straws became fertilizer. this is a significant number, because for the first time since the beginning of the war, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed more in a month than the russian army is currently capable of mobilizing. in june, the trend continued. if nothing changes, the russians will not only lose an opportunity to advance, and significant holes may appear in their defense. general mobilization in russia can change the situation, but it is not for nothing that putin has been afraid to carry it out, because the consequences can be completely unexpected. mass.
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the destruction of russian artillery looks like this: 1116 units. the russians will totally lose the counter-battery fight. what difference does it make if they have more shells, if soon the problem will be what to shoot from? after all, in march and april we destroyed about a thousand art installations. 1730 cars exploded. such a large figure is connected with the fact that in russia there is a lack of armored vehicles to supply soldiers to the front line. therefore , they use what they can. 860. eight destroyed armored cars and 416 tanks - these are the second results for the war. these figures are extremely important, because, as it turned out, it is precisely the stocks of equipment that the russians have that are not infinite. at this level of liquidation, they will be enough for plus or minus a year, and increasing the intensity of their destruction will bring the defeat of russia closer. finally , another record: 1,049 downed operational-tactical drones shows that the armed forces are doing well. it is interesting that from 349 of the shaheds, which... were launched in may, only 10
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were hit somewhere. it is not surprising that almost along the entire front line the offensive of the rashists stalled and only some areas in the pokrovsky direction, where they had small achievements. kharkiv region. the front line in the north of the region has practically not changed. the occupiers were still unable to cross the vovcha river, neither east nor west of vovchansk. they made the greatest efforts in the area of ​​the villages of bugruvatka and staritsa, unsuccessfully trying to flank the forces of meanwhile, in vovchansk itself, the armed forces of ukraine recaptured several streets in central part of the city, took a more convenient position and continue to push the enemy out of the city. it was here that our military captured more than 60 prisoners at one time, and how many more did not manage to surrender. despite this, the armed forces of the russian federation do not abandon this goal with the offensive on kharkiv and transfer reinforcements here. in addition to forcing the river, they also want to unite their two bridgeheads and connect the front near vovchansk with the group. near liptsi, where the russians have been
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trampling in place for several weeks, they also do not hear rumors of an attack on sumy oblast, but at the moment it is not known with what resources, if they start another campaign, then definitely with smaller forces than in kharkiv region. meanwhile, drones of the armed forces of ukraine destroyed a column of armored vehicles moving towards ukraine in kursk oblast. in addition, for the first time, the american hymers struck the belohorod region and destroyed the s-300 installation, one of those that haunts kharkiv. now the russians will have to withdraw their air defenses. and then it will be a little easier for kharkiv. a creeping attack on the timekeeper. the city remains one of the priorities of the occupiers, so they have no regrets here no resources. airplanes drop aerial bombs on our defenders dozens of times a day. on the northern flank, the enemy is trying with all his might to break through to kalynivka and reach the seversky canal. one of the assaults reached the outskirts of the village, but the armed forces repulsed the enemy and even occupied several enemy positions in the southwest of bohdanivka. the russians approached in the center. to the southern outskirts
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of the canal district and try to get a hold of the first houses, in addition, they advance along the railway and to the houses on the northern the edges of the district, at the same time not forgetting all the time that... fierce urban battles are expected to break out here soon. in the end, the enemy did not manage to gain a foothold on the southern flank from the other side of the channel, but he does not abandon these attempts, as well as his intentions to push back the armed forces from klishchiivka and andriivka. but for now, the defense forces are holding their ground. the postavdiyiv front remains the most dynamic. the width of the front allows the enemy to constantly shift the emphasis of their attacks and ensure advancement. the front line is unstable, and the zsu still hasn't retreated. to its main lines of defense. this week , the russians directed one of their main strikes to the west and south of the village of solovyova and tried to storm the villages of sokil and novopokrovske. the displacement of the front line was about 800 m to the west. in the semenivka area, the russians leveled the front line and advanced 15 km. along the road to tselidove
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, they made their way for 2 km and came close to the karliv reservoir, behind which our line of defense is located. at the same time on the northern flank. of this front, the russians were unable to achieve anything in the area of ​​novoaleksandrivka and ceramics. it is in the pokrovsky direction that the most clashes take place and here the occupiers suffer the greatest losses. battle for krasnohorivka. there are very active battles for the city, because the strategic location of krasnohorivka makes it important both for us and for the enemy. the russians managed to occupy a few more blocks in the central part of the city, but the ukrainian armed forces still control 40%, especially the northern part. which is the most densely built-up, and therefore an easy walk to the occupier will not work here. despite the fact that the situation in roboteny staromajorsk and harvest did not undergo significant changes for a week, it is worth noting that other sections of the front, which for a longer time did not make themselves known, came to life. thus, the russians attacked north of
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nesteryanka and captured several positions of the defense forces. instead, the zsu managed to occupy several positions near the village of lugivske, northeast of robbotiny. this area was one of those last year where the counteroffensive began, it is still too early to talk about any serious campaign, but at the same time, in the summer, the front in zaporozhye will be more dynamic than in the last six months. the crimean bridge is ready. on may 30, eight neptunes with the support of naval drones hit russian ships in the black sea bay. in particular, they destroyed four military boats, as well as two ferries. the next day, new rockets hit the ferries on the left bank of the crossing in volny and chushka. it was this ferry crossing that served as an alternative. kerch bridge and provided the main military transportation. on june 4, the general staff announced that the armed forces of ukraine had struck again at a ferry crossing in the temporarily occupied crimea and an oil terminals in the krasnodar region. in addition, on may 30, missiles destroyed the russian nebo
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ied radar, which was located near armiansk, in the northern part of crimea. a radar station worth 100 million monitored the 380 km long section of the front. the skies of crimea are being cleared so that the missiles can reach the target without hindrance, probably soon it will be the crimean bridge, although in general the entire crimean peninsula is under the sights and within the range of the armed forces. we defeat death to our enemies every day. so, we already have ihor lapin, a special agent, an officer of the armed forces, a people's deputy of the eighth convocation. congratulations igor. i wish you health, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's. let's probably start with the fact that the biggest such political news is actually the fact that one country after another, even as cautious as germany, said that yes, it is probably still difficult to wage a war, if you do not hit western weapons on russian territories, where russian forces accumulate, which
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then constantly attack the territory of ukraine, and here we are talking not only about some missiles there, well, everyone loves atakams there or there, i don’t i know that tauros. which they cannot give in any way, but we are even talking about some ordinary, well, the same hymars, which we have been using all along the front for a long time, about ordinary guns, about and even about automatic weapons, do you remember when there were battles in the territory of the belgorod region of the russian volunteer corps, even then there were some complaints that how can they use western automatic weapons there, god forbid, that is, it is also interesting here, what allows us? well, how to influence the course of hostilities, this is finally something like that, well, i just think it's common sense, which finally won, and yet what we cannot achieve, even having such an opportunity to use this weapon, how would you rate it in general? well, let's talk
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frankly about the weapons that we can use and the depth of defeat of the russian occupation forces, to which we can destroy them on the territory, let's say so. deployment on the territory of russia, of course, it wants to be better, the same atakams, which today we still do not use, unfortunately, would give opportunities much further. according to russian logistics centers, as well as in russian places of concentration of personnel. if we talk about what we were allowed to do, well, i see it as a psychological barrier, and the lines that putin drew, there are red lines, but unfortunately, they looked brown and reeked of western cowardice partners, well, this is my position, i have the right to express it, if only because i cannot understand how... it is possible to win a war without transferring it to the territory of the aggressor and without destroying
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the military infrastructure on the territory aggressor, you know that, it’s like not touching germany during the second world war, well, that’s how it should have looked from the perspective of the unknown at that time, so this is a more political decision and it was precisely the last bombing of kharkiv that prompted it, i want to note the work of our delegations, together with one of the deputy heads of the committee on... security, who were in america, showed these footage to the congressmen, showed how the russians roll out their artillery, the grad, right on the road in their territory, stop civilian traffic, shoot and are fleeing, effectively endangering themselves, again by hiding behind their own civilian population. i think that all of these things played a significant role in the opinion of president biden himself. why do i consider that it is president biden, that... that all the congressmen said that in the aid package, where the congress voted these 60 billion and more for
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ukraine, there were no prohibitions in the law, and therefore, if the law is not prohibits, means he allows, and in fact it was, unfortunately, i think so, the position of president biden himself, not to allow us shelling on the territory of russia, but biden was immediately followed by scholz and all the others, i want to ... read the position of sweden, which has long said that they do not mind when we use their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, and in particular, they offered their the grispin planes, if i’m not mistaken, with such a right, but for some reason the air coalition formed around the f-16 said: well, wait some more ukrainians, don’t take the grispin, because you will disrupt the f-16 plans, well, okay, we waited , now i think it is possible to take everything in a row, further on... in the text the use of western weapons on the territory of russia. if we are talking about planes, then
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we have the right to shoot down what is flying in the russian sky, and i cannot understand why we cannot touch what is standing on russian airfields, and here it would be significant, of course, the permission to let us use atacoms , it would be, well, at least fair to ukraine. i don't know, the line of fear, brown in color, which stinks of shit, has not yet disappeared in western partners. about not escalating the conflict, well, to be honest, they can't stand any critics, because russia already uses the entire range of weapons against ukraine, namely planes, missiles, aviation, artillery, there are mlrs, hail, death, hurricane, well, everything that russia has, it all flies over ukraine, except for tactical nuclear weapons, but i want to emphasize that the question of using nuclear weapons on the territory of a non-nuclear country is already a question of a different global scale, and here i think that it is not china. and america aren't going to sit back and watch putin use it, so i think that's
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a deterrent for putin, at least as of today, at the moment , well, there was a decision and it was announced that the airfield in vku podkursk is quite a legitimate target and can be attacked, of course, but we need it, i emphasize once again. .. attacks, because, let’s say, attacks are missiles that have a very large warhead, and it, let’s say, is a cluster munition that covers a large area of ​​damage, and therefore it is possible to burn a very large area together with the equipment on it yes, it would be significant, and the fact that we are firing on the territory of russia, you understand, i want to tell you that this is also a matter of saturation and scaling of our attacks on the territory. russia, that is, the density of our attacks on their
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territory, because to smear, let's say, three drones on a hundred-kilometer area, it 's nothing, we need more density, and it is precisely in this context that we should use, including attacks by the way, i want to emphasize that during the war in the persian gulf, if i am not mistaken, the americans in a very short period of time used 600 of these atakab missiles, and when they give us 10... 20-30, well, it’s nothing, and especially if you can’t even touch russian territory with them, well, it’s nothing at all , well, that is, scalp and stormshades cannot replace it, let's put it that way. no, no, eh, the combat part of the scalp or storm shadow defeat, it does not carry cluster charges and such a large area, once, and secondly, let’s not forget the issue of russian air defense, they can work in principle if they guess against the scalp and storm shadow, but there is no way they can work against attacks, these are also different systems, and the area
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of ​​​​impression from the scalp is more point-specific, i.e. according to its combat part, according to its, well, let's say, being locked under certain objects, that is, hitting an object is one story , to cover an area is a little different story, an airfield is an area, it is not something that we have to search with one missile, search for one plane, so the attack can cover a large area and can burn several planes, being at the base airfield, well, that’s another once i emphasize, this is us now, you know, a ukrainian soldier tells me, who cheers for his... brothers who continue to do the work that, unfortunately, i will no longer be able to do, and it is precisely the lack of weapons and some additional restrictions for ukrainians, this is exactly what leads to the death of a larger parts of my fellow brothers and sisters, well , yes, well, in this regard, the diplomatic struggle
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continues, well, let's hope that it will not be so long that, after all, there was already talk of an attack. but there is one more nuance, well, it has been a long time since that moment, how did the hostilities begin in the kharkiv region, in ovchansk near liptsi, we are talking about the threat in the sumy region, and the fact that now it is possible to strike more widely on the territory of russia, this mass of troops, did this reduce the possibility of an attack on sumy at all region and this attack on the sumy region? well, of course, let's be honest, there is a difference between sitting 100 km from the front line, immersing yourself in vehicles, walking the colony to the distance of deployment, deploying in combat formations and going to advance with a wide front, it's one story, another story, when we would still have the opportunity to hit them 100 km away, well, but at least we are
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on the very approaches, before the russians deploy in combat formations, we will already have the opportunity to hit them with. .. by western models of weapons, and here we can already use the other spectrum that is allowed to us, here you can already be kind to you, sailors, do you want three sevens here, do you want caesar or other artillery systems here, please, the same vampires are advertised by russians, by the way, which are not they hit as far as the russians were afraid of them, that is, this is all that prevents the accumulation of troops from approaching our territory, or let's say to pass. unnoticed, well, this will help us, this is the first moment, the second moment, which refers to the sumy region, i would still believe that at the moment, if we were all shouting, that an attack is awaiting kharkiv oblast, that there is a concentration of personnel there , equipment and so on, then for some reason, to our great regret, the main directorate of intelligence went on the air on may 3-4 and
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told us all that those who shout about kharkiv region, that this is all russian ipso. at the same time, when the rusnyavs were already trampled. gur went to the media and said: we knew the time, the place and even when and with what forces the russians would go, the question is asked in that question, why didn't they evacuate the civilian population from vovchansk before that, is it better to do it under shelling, when both people die and when the policemen who carry out this evacuation also die and so on. i do not understand this, it is either treason on the part of those people who did not allow the evacuation and so on. second point, i want to pay attention that if we are talking about an attack on the kharkiv region. well, the concentration was really a large part of the russian troops, so they are not enough to break through and capture kharkov, but the task of the russians is not to capture kharkov, but their task is to get within range of their artillery, and what is the russian artillery doing with the cities? well, please, look at avdiivka, look at any city where russian
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artillery reaches, and you will understand what will await kharkiv if the russians can do it, thank god, they will not do it suddenly it was successful that the defense forces held out, that the reserves were pulled up in time, but in this situation, i am asking myself, in this problem, how did it happen that the russians reached the very city of vovchansk with such direct columns of fire, and what happened to us with mines , with the preparation of the famous borders of the kharkiv region, which were inspected by zelenskyi and his team, well, this question has been hanging for a month, so it is hanging here and continues to hang. i also wanted such a general thing, well , someday we will learn some of these, you know, i would analysts when assessing the overall situation. you noted such a thing that now, in principle, well, the daily and monthly losses of the russians are already so great that they
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cannot do it yet, well, they have already reached the figure when they cannot replace it with their creeping mobilization, and that well , the story itself with the fact that the number of knocked out military equipment has also increased very, very much, and it's already... well, it's also just big enough, it can lead to, well , weaken the fronts, to some extent, maybe, well, expose a bit of a russian front, that's how you feel about it bet, do we now have, are we not approaching the moment when we will have the opportunity for some of our own, possibly counter-offensive actions? i completely disagree with these analysts, i don't know about their database, but i want to say that today on the territory of ukraine there is more than half a dozen. not the russian army, i want to say that they are currently forming reserves and attacking kharkiv region, this is an example for all of us, but this is not the last reserve that
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the russians are currently using, it is also a mobilization resource for putin, and especially after the elections, it is in general about nothing, no problem, as they say, because they can actually do it anytime and in the amount they need, if someone says that there is some inexplicable force out there that will keep putin from unpopular flattery cry. stand up, great country, i want to tell you that putin has an fsb system that can suppress any riot, arrest some of the most violent ones, and if they need to mobilize a certain number, then they can mobilize it. further, putin has a million-strong army of conscripts who sign contracts for various reasons, if he needs 300,000 of them to sign contracts, they will sign, i don't see any problems with irrigation in russia so far, trade is going, sanctions... work, we know how they work, oil, gas is traded , and therefore the growth of russia's gdp, we saw last year plus 3.6%, if i
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'm not mistaken, and in fact today the issue is that putin is running out of people, well, let's be honest, we already counted when putin running out of missiles, so that's what i want to say, if putin has unlimited human resources and has a total advantage in artillery, despite our successes, but he has a total advantage in artillery. in shells, it has a total advantage in such missile systems as the s-300, which we do not shoot down, because we cannot afford to spend patriots on them, so tell me, please, what problems they have in organizing a new counterattack on any which area, the only thing is that it should not go unnoticed, this is us the main thing, then the question of their superiority in the sky, well, let's not shout gep today, because we still have the f-16 did not come to us, and russia actually rules the skies today, i believe. that at the moment, you know, the victorious relations, that we throw them there with hats, and they will end, will not end, this is a rather dangerous opponent, which has a colossal potential
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of the military-industrial complex, i do not want to emphasize, they have a closed cycle of production of all military- industrial complex, in ukraine we already have open letters from the ministry of the military industry of ukraine asking the cabinet of ministers not to book in order to book workers, because soon there will be no one to launch missiles, i cannot understand the logic of the tsk, i cannot understand... the logic of the cabinet of ministers, when our military-industrial complex employees cannot be armored, at the same time firefighter armor is removed, we know these stories, up to 50%, as one of the people's deputies wrote, they are ready to mobilize firefighters only to preserve the mintov-musor power structures, which to date have shown their super-inefficiency, starting with the dbr and so on. by the way, i would like to highlight the story of one soldier, about whom said yura botusov. this is a soldier of the dobro territorial defense, who was in the kharkiv direction, the wounded left the battle, now criminal proceedings against him are being conducted by the state security bureau. please tell me how a rear rat dbi investigator is going to investigate
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the abandonment of a position by a wounded soldier when everyone else in that position died, this soldier should have been either captured or killed, then the dbi would have calmed down. to be honest, i can't understand where the green team is taking ukraine today, and just as the kmis poll showed that half of ukrainians... no understand what is happening today precisely in this context, well, maybe it just means that it should have somehow resolved the issue of both the military prosecutor's office and some military special service, because i really agree, well, physical people can hardly adequately evaluate what happens during hostilities, to initiate some cases there or to try to investigate them, sitting there somewhere in the deep rear, i agree with you, but the same rear rats who sit in the parliament of the verkhovna rada passed a law that strengthened the responsibility for servicemen during martial law, including for leaving the position, you understand,
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the court cannot give a military serviceman a suspended sentence today... because the body curtains were emphasized, at the same time, you should see if there is a fight against other crimes today and how we actually do a suspended sentence is given to a collaborator who pointed rockets at the airfield, for which colonel chervynskyi is being tried today, including for the same story, this is absurd, absolute, this is simply absolute absurdity, here are the priorities of today's government, well, unfortunately, we have time is up, we have to go for a break, so thank you very much igorela. that you have joined us, we have a pause now, i remind you about our meeting, please remember and join it, now a pause, then we will still talk in more detail about the situation in the kharkiv region, so wait, tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you, a special complex of active substances
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