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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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they were joking, one of the boys says: in order to get home, i need my leg to be torn off at the knee, i say, well, what are you saying, well, these are terrible words, and they are joking, he says, well, there are no other options , and it is true, there is no rotation, they have not established mechanisms for recruiting people who would come to defend the homeland, in theory you can recruit people even with the methods that the tsk is carrying out today, but what will it do, the military at the front say: you are only a whip you won't recruit people for the armed forces of ukraine, they won't will fight, and seeing everything that is happening there today with the shopping center, with the mobilization process, it also negatively affects the entire state, is it possible to fix something, but if very briefly, quickly no, this is a systematic work that must be undertaken, write in the plans, assign responsibility. and start
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working, this is the return of people's trust that he will serve where he will be useful, and not just because he was taken, he could have been a great medic, but he was sent to the stormtroopers and he died in the first battle, or he will be a drone operator so called, or he will be responsible for the rap, or he will be, excuse me, a good cook, or he will work in the headquarters and perform other important tasks, but everyone must ... be responsible for his own, as in any direction, a good person cannot become a good doctor, well, it does not happen, you can be very decent, but if you do not know how to count, then you will be a bad accountant, and so on, if in the country a good actor could become the president of ukraine, then why there can't be something like that because... very often
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experiments don't end the way we want them to wanted to thank you, mr. dmytro, i will remind our tv viewers that we work live, including on our platforms, in youtube and facebook and conduct polls there, we ask you about the following: is ukraine threatened by authoritarianism? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion that does not fit into an unambiguous answer, either yes or no, please write in the comments below . video, like this video in order for it to advance in youtube trends, well, if you watch us on tv, you see on the screens now homers of phones with which you can vote, if you think that ukraine is threatened by authoritarianism 0800-211381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote , therefore, as i said earlier, mr. dmitry,
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the global peace summit will be held in june 15-16, we can already see how china is trying to beat the zelenskyi team, which is carrying its peace plan, although only three of the 10 points are left , but after china refused to participate at the global summit, the country's foreign minister wang yi announced that the chinese peace plan has allegedly been supported by 26 countries in the world, let's hear what wang yi said. the world needs more balanced, positive and constructive voices regarding the crisis in ukraine. to this end, china and brazil jointly prepared a six-point plan for the political settlement of the crisis in ukraine, emphasizing the need to observe three principles: not to expand the battlefield, not to allow the escalation of hostilities, not to inflame the situation by any side. only in a week. about 45 countries
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have responded positively to this plan, 26 of them have confirmed their intention to join, or are seriously considering such a possibility, russia and ukraine have also confirmed most of the contents of the six points. so, mr. dmytro, zelensky's plan is against the plan of sidzenpin, well, relatively speaking, or of sidzenpin and putin. that's it in this story. with the global peace summit, what will the success of this summit mean for ukraine, well, how will it be determined, well , first of all, it does not quite fit into the meaning of the summit, because the summit must be attended there only the leaders of the states, well, objectively, it can be a conference, it can be a forum, it can be another name, but it is the leaders themselves, if there are no leaders from all countries, but... i hear
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that there will be deputy ministers, ministers, someone will send an ambassador, it seriously undermines, well, the level of this event, secondly, the issues that... which are brought there, they are important, but they will not be able to lead to ukrainian victory, in the short term, yes for sure, the issue of food security is important, the opening of sea routes is serious assistance to the economy of ukraine, if it happens, secondly, nuclear security, well, by and large today , the magathe oversees this, and they will continue to deal with it and not only them, because... even there our partners, they still have some communication with russia, negotiation processes, and i do not think that such a red line can be crossed, they can cross it, it is unlikely that they will go for it, and the third issue is the exchange of hostages,
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the return of children, a very important aspect, there are no questions, i don't know if russia will go for it, to be honest, i don't see any of them yet prerequisites, god forbid that i be wrong, if we are talking about the exchange of our captives there for those who are with us russians, i do not think that they will go in the regime of all for all, honestly, i would like to believe that , but i do not see such and such signals from the enemy, and those are the statements that come from china, brazil, other countries, including already... saudi arabia said that they will not be present, it is not quite good for us, for this event, and it will be beaten by the fact that the division of these two will take place division of international society
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into two camps, that is, into two camps, it will be negative first of all for us. today i already saw the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine on the statement. mr. foreign minister of china, but i don't think that globally it will affect china's position in any way, they mentioned it, they will not be present at this conference, which is bad, because no matter how we perceive such statements, but the presence of china - this would be serious help and support for ukraine in the international arena, unfortunately, this does not exist, let's see who will represent the united states, unfortunately, so am i... and from the united states of america, yes, well, it's today, let's wait, but the fact that biden will not be there, it's not very good for us either , i understand that now they will sell the story about the signing of the document of security agreements, but this is also a security agreement,
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there is a difference in a security agreement, as they say, we already had a bedp memorandum, which, as we can see, is not working today. all those agreements that are signed, yes, there are positive things, and aid, and finances, and loans, and many other things, and weapons, but they are not the kind that could replace the fifth article of nato there, for example, because there really is a security guarantee that if one state is attacked nato, then everyone else should stand up for it and not only be very worried about this , but send their troops here along with their weapons, etc. i have not yet seen such a thing in any of the so-called security treaties, by the way, you mentioned nato, and just a few days ago the president joe biden of the united states of america said in a magazine interview that ukraine's membership in nato is not necessary to guarantee peace,
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i quote what the leader of the united states of america said: peace looks like a guarantee that russia will never, never, never occupy. this is what peace looks like, and it doesn't mean nato that they are part of nato, it means that we have the same relationship with them as we do with other countries, where we supply arms so that they can defend themselves in the future, but it's not yes if you noticed i was the one said that i am not ready to support the natovization of ukraine, well, that is, biden says that this security agreement that will be concluded is the maximum that you can get, so we will help you with weapons, so we will... help you not to lose this war, but the issue of ukraine joining the north atlantic alliance and being invited to the alliance in july at the anniversary summit, it does not stand, and biden's position is probably decisive in this situation, well, the position of the united states of america and the answer
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that we will receive from the washington summit, maybe obvious or not? well, the fact that we will not get nato from this summit, these were already direct statements by... by and large , there is no need to hope here, but biden's statement is not only about this summit, it is true, it is not bad for us, so what to deliver, he conducts. an analogy with the supply of weapons to states that are still supported by the united states of america, but none of these states have such a big enemy as russia, not a single one has such a big war, well, it is a big war, because there is a big enemy that does not count his people, who does not count his own the economy, which abandons everything, abandons the furnace of war, so none of the states supported by the united states. america does not have such an adversary as russia, that’s right, that’s the first thing,
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and secondly, there is also a difference here, because the nato countries closed it over some other countries, the sky, for example, over israel, not over ukraine, that’s also there, well diversified, let's call it, that's the approach, i really don't like it, but it, well, we have what we have, so the story is that... we will just help you with weapons, support, we are very grateful to our international partners, this is very important, but as of today, i am not sure that this will lead to what president biden said, that ukraine will not be occupied, er, by russia, as of today , we have a large part of our territories occupied, if until 204.022 it was 7 % in... the country, as of today it is more than 20%, and this, and
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today the enemy continues, despite the fact that our army destroys tens and hundreds of his soldiers every day, he continues to press, press, press and is trying to destroy ukraine, this must also be understood and those challenges which are before us today, and if we approach simply in the format of a war of two armies without... technologies, then there are more of them, this must also be understood, and it will be impossible for us to defeat them simply by numbers, we have to fight with quality, and today quality, we have problems and the situation in the kharkiv direction, so a direct confirmation of fortifications, drones, and many other things that our army unfortunately lacks today, well, obviously, nato membership is not only readiness or condition. our armed forces ukraine and the provision of nato, nato
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weapons, because it is also about fulfilling a number of demands, overcoming corruption, developing civil society, observing democracy, freedom of speech, that is, well, there are a lot of principles, and the washington post wrote about that last week , that there are contradictions between official kyiv and official washington regarding what is happening now in ukraine, do you see? that you need help, but we have certain problems, you have certain problems, and you must fight with them, and this is not a secret, not only in relation to my communication there, you saw the articles of international publications after blinkin's arrival, when they write directly about corruption, before that the state debt office talks about freedom. the words about the single marathon are the problems that are seen abroad, and frankly
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many of the representatives of other countries who are helping us today say that look, every day it is more and more difficult for us to explain to our society, the society in our countries, why do we help a state in which there is corruption, that is, we take money our taxpayers, we transfer to you in ukraine. and then we see scandals related to the fact that there are eggs, shells, jackets and many other things. how can we further explain to our citizens that we should continue at the same level, or even help ukraine more? this is the first story, the second story is the principles of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech and many other things that are basic for nato countries, and today is yours. will show how basic they are for ukrainian society, as it stands
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to what is happening today, that is why there is such a problem, first of all, i believe that everything is equal, if we are talking about nato, and not about the european union, this is a security component, but the movement towards the european union, in this the plan may also be in jeopardy, because every day there are more and more signals, negative... we can hear, well, the administration of the united states of america intends to fully use the powers of the repo act to ensure the effective withdrawal of frozen russian assets. in favor of ukraine, but has coordinate this process with european partners, said matthew miller, the spokesman for the state department of the united states of america. let's listen to miller. i think you know that the vast majority of frozen russian assets are stored not in the united states, but in european countries. therefore, for this process to be as effective as possible, it is important that we
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act in concert with our allies, and we consult with our european ones. as to the best way to do this. we seek to ensure that the frozen assets of the russian federation remain immobilized and used for the benefit of the ukrainian people. matthew miller says the right words, but every time, i think they take so long to harness it that you don't know if they'll go fast the way they're harnessing, because there's a saying that takes a long time... but they go fast, well for some reason this speed, it is so moderate, is it, including the problem of the ukrainian side, that they, well , we, not they, we, that ukraine is somehow, well , it raises certain questions from our american partners, or is it about fear before
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russia, or is it about the europeans' fear of russia, that is, what is the reason, that some decisions that... are absolutely obvious, when the russian federation breaks up ukrainian cities, and destroys cities, and destroys the entire infrastructure, absolutely obvious, that if the aggressor does it, then he has to pay for it, including with frozen funds, and for the third year they are thinking about what to do or not to do, whether it complies with international norms or not, if putin simply did not care about international norms, why adequately the world does not deal with him in a similar way. look, this is a complex issue. there are many answers here, including the answer that they are worried about their assets, well let's call a spade a spade, this is not only about international law, because you absolutely rightly pointed out, putin spat on international law and on the principles of the rule of law and on principles of the inviolability of human life, we see what
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happened in arpina, buch, gastom, livyzyum and many other cities, where the rashists destroyed a huge number of our people. and it is even impossible to compensate for this with money, but if we are talking about the allocation of these funds, let our partners forgive me, but it sometimes looks like throwing a hot potato, what are we, we are in favor, but let's go there, yes, someone else will think, and then , here we still have such a problem, every time an additional argument appears, and why it should not be done now, and let's do it the day after tomorrow. but if we talk to you about it, after all, it is not us and you, but the representatives of the authorities, because today they vested with such powers. the corruption component is probably one of the key ones today, i.e. those line breakers who do not want ukraine to receive these funds as part of
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the confiscation of russian property and frozen assets, they use... the same argument that i just said that look, there is a high level of corruption there, if we give them these funds, they will not recover, they will not defend themselves there, they will embezzle them, and this, unfortunately, works, plus they bring one or another facts, and this, and this carries the result that you and i see today and that we are talking about today is therefore a story about corruption, it is no longer just a story about profiteering, a story about stolen money, but it is a story about people's lives. people, and this is a story about the preservation of the state and statehood, you know that in 2016, when the anti-corruption legislation was adopted in ukraine, all the authors of the laws that were adopted there four or five laws on the creation of this anti-corruption infrastructure, and there were conclusions our european colleagues who
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they talked about the fact that this is one of the best anti-corruption laws in general in... europe, at least, which was adopted and all these infrastructural institutions should work and fight corruption, what went wrong? look, i think that something went wrong, but the question is different: nabu, sap, vax, nazk, they cannot fight corruption in the state, it is not physically impossible, yes, they can catch someone or... another to imprison a corrupt official, perhaps take away the funds he received illegally, but they cannot fight corruption in the state. it by and large, it is not unrealistic and it is not their task. corruption in the state can only be fought on a top-to-bottom, top-
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to-bottom basis, because when a non-declarative but real decision is made from above that we do not earn, you know, the favorite phrase of officials, we do not earn from the state budget, well, this is a favorite phrase and zelensky's thesis is that we will imprison everyone and we will punish everyone... and there will be justice, well, justice must really be there, and not only in slogans, i am not talking about specific characters, i am speaking in general, if it is not will be a slogan, and if it will be a principle, then believe me, this is not a quick process, i am also conscious here, i will not lie to people and tell them that it was only a decision was made, tomorrow it ran, no, it is a difficult process, but when you you make such a decision for yourself, bring it to those who... work next to you, are your subordinates, and demand that it be implemented, then this will lead to the expected
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result, expected by ukraine, because when you, you know, i always i give the example of a director of an enterprise, if you sit in the position of director, you have it there six orders that you said you don't steal, i understand, you can't see, can't find what... did the cleaning lady do there or did she take home, maybe i don't want to offend anyone, one roll of toilet paper, but if you have deputies whom you told not to take, not to steal, and they continue to do it, well, you can not see it once, twice, a third time, there will be two options for solving the problem, or you do not see and you do not belong here , or you are both in the subject and in the fate, otherwise it does not work, and then from top to bottom such a system should be implemented. and those who are in it, who do not want to live according to the principles of this system, should leave it, either voluntarily, or with the help of that anti-corruption structure, anti-corruption system, yes,
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which you just mentioned, does zelenskyi have a chance to become a person who, well, let's say this, understanding that she will obviously run for a second presidential term, and this is obvious to me, in my opinion, because it is a matter of survival. er, well, at least these five or six managers, that is anti-corruption the story will be continued, or let's say activated, when they will show everyone, and live, how they come for someone, well, in one country, it happened, remember, in georgia, how they fought with corrupt people there and right in the air was shown on the air, well, in the only telethon, let's say that it could be one of those chips. the next election campaign, should we checkers or go, should we use commercials or a real fight against corruption, when you and i will get
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an answer, for whom it is fundamental, and for whom it is just because it is beautiful, then, we and let's see what this will lead to, i haven't seen the president in a long time, i don't know what the mood is there, i can talk about myself there about my team of smart politics, and everyone should be responsible for themselves if... we go back to 2019 and this phrase, i really remember this phrase at the nsc olympic zelenskyi about what he said that when asking petro poroshenko why all your friends are still with their hands, hinting that under poroshenko there friends stole, would it be possible now a similar question, well, could the president fight, could volodymyr zelenskyy sample 2019 ask the president now... i think we have to wait for the next election campaign, and there will always be a person who will ask such a question, the idea is probably
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the president, well, you are ready to be such a person, well, there will be elections, let's see, let's live until elections, and when they will be, and for this the state needs to win and the elections are held, not as someone likes, but according to the principle of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and opportunity. to speak the truth on the air, thank you, let's hope that we will continue to be truthful speaking on the air of the tv channel, thank you, mr. dmytro, for the meaningful conversation, it was dmytro razumkov, a ukrainian politician, the former chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, during this broadcast we conducted a survey, friends, we asked you today whether authoritarianism threatens ukraine , let's look at the results of a television poll, 92% say yes, 8% no. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on emolium 25% in pharmacies, the plantain
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for you and the saver are moments. when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration, when there is not enough normal water . rheo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts, they represent unbreakable discounts on penistel, 20% in pharmacies psyllium, pam and oskad. vasyl winter's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, that's great. on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the front, the component, serhii zurets, and what is the world like? yuriy feder, already in front of me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury , good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, olsen morchivka next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of ulyuble. as
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well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar people. contact us. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for intelligent and caring people. espresso in the evening. summer is a time for rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they...
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need our support like no other, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children to recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will survive vivid emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new ones. friends, and the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really liked the trip to austria,
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i liked it. in which we went every day, this it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of saarsburg, vienna, and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, and today we will talk about the following. global ambulance without china beijing does not want to discuss.
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the kyiv formula of peace without moscow's participation, what is president zelensky bringing to the summit and what results can be expected? mobilization scandals. the cabinet of ministers can deprive the reservation of some rescuers of the state emergency service, and employees of defense enterprises are already served with summonses. when the government puts order in the mobilization. the scandal surrounding censorship in ukrinform. who and for what... to introduce darkrooms in the state information agency, which is included in the list of the most transparent and responsible media. friends, we are working live on the tv channel espresso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you this, do you understand the principle.


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