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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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10 years of hardening the ukrainian nation. espresso tv channel prepared a documentary about the key events of our history and extraordinary people who directly influenced its course. it is here that a ten-year history is documented, from the maidan to the present day to the full-scale invasion. there are many documentaries, but there has never been such a clear, concrete chronology of this particular period, well, so far. everyone will see in this film what they understand or want to understand, and everyone will see something different, it was important to me in the context of a little the reduced attention of the western audience to show what is actually happening in ukraine, what happened in ukraine, why it is happening in ukraine, and especially in the context of counter-propaganda. with russian information
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aggression. prominent ukrainians became the voices of the ten-year history in the film. journalist and activist tetyana chornovol, founder of the taira ambulance volunteer corps, writer svitlana povalyaeva and her son, fallen hero of ukraine, activist roman ratushny. all three named characters of this movie, ie tyra. uh tatyana chornovol and roman, they are undoubtedly heroes, they are undoubtedly those people who gave the most precious things for their tribe, and the novel also gave their lives. the film tells about triumphs and defeats, challenges and victories, achievements and transformations that happened to each of us during these 10 years. there are all the events,
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starting from the maidan and ending with the current state of the war, and the main life of these three people, the life and death of one of them, the real heroes of ukraine, on the one hand, it is so historical, it simply retells the events, and with the other is very emotional, because these events are told through people's lives, and i think this is the key to understanding. work on the preparation of such a large-scale documentary work lasted almost a year. in the end, the film will be released in two versions: in ukrainian and in english, because, as the creators emphasize, the main goal is to reach the foreign audience and show the way ukraine and ukrainians have come during this decade. the more films there are about the war in ukraine, the larger their audience will be, because each work of art finds its own viewer, and people who may not have been affected by any other film will be affected by this one, and those who...
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were affected by whose film will affect others, the main thing is that there is an author's point of view, that people see the war as a tragedy, that they see people in war, and this is very important for the future. american director of slovak origin oleg garenchar became the director, scriptwriter and producer of the film. the tape was realized by the espresso tv channel together with the non-governmental organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of the usaid media program in ukraine, which is implemented an international organization. internews and the zmi development fund of the us embassy in ukraine. for us it will be a movie of memories. that is, when we watch these footage, we will think where exactly i was, around which corner i was standing on the same square, when the riots took place, or when the boys were shot. therefore, for us, these are memories, but we did not do it for the sake of reminding ukrainians of these 10 years. we did this to show this... story and these
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stories to all ordinary citizens. the tape lasts two hours and covers not only stories heroes, but also the history of the formation of the state. eu visa-free, establishment of the ocu, adoption of the law on language. the first viewers of the tape share their impressions. the archival, never -before-seen footage was the most impressive. i, because i myself live inside these events as a citizen of ukraine. to say that i discovered something so new for myself, something was impressive, no, but the completely unknown, never -before-seen footage of roman mir, when i began to remember his whole life, and especially the year before the war, really touched me, to be honest, it gave me goosebumps skin, i sat, watched, i looked at these beautiful people, at taira, at svitlana paevska, at definitely the footage of roman
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ratushny's chronicle, and i realized that it has been 10 years, i experienced some of these events in the same crimea, from one on the one hand it is long, almost two hours, and on the other hand in one breath. timing, our main task is to remember and never allow a repetition. the documentary film 10 years of war is planned to be presented in cinemas, at film festivals and, of course, on the air of the espresso tv channel. and several more exclusive shows are ahead. salam aleikum, congratulations. in the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the tv channel, i gulsom khalilova and my colleague andriy yanitskyi work for you in the studio. today, as usual, we will tell you about the first military results of last week in crimea and we will talk with the army general, the head
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of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-2010, mykola malomuzh. mr. mykola, congratulations. silya maliko. congratulations, glory to ukraine, to the heroes. slava, and well, mr. mykola, of course, we would like to start this broadcast from the latest and most relevant news, as you know, yesterday gurmo of ukraine reported on a successful operation that it conducted in the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula and it became known that there they destroyed russian high-speed boats - caraba , these are boats, yes tunets, if i'm not mistaken, and two of them destroyed, fishy name, fishy name, yes... what does this mean for us, why did the russian occupiers use these boats, to what extent is this really a very powerful blow to russia, to the russian black sea fleet? well, first of all, we need to talk about the fact that we destroyed just the logistics route, it's exactly the ferry crossing, and that was our second
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question, well, what are the boats, because the enemy has two routes, the eastern one, we know that, donetsk region, the zaporozhye direction. and the crimean direction, this is the kerch bridge, which is currently in limited use for the delivery of equipment and is armed with ammunition and a ferry, they expect that at some point we will destroy the bridge completely, so they worked out the full logistics through the ferry crossing, which we actually disorientated and a huge part of were destroyed, not only that, there were a number of blocks in such a way that it is now almost impossible to carry out repairs, it simply blocked the movement of the su. and in parallel, we destroyed the security, just these two tunas, it was security from our drones of underwater, sea, surface type and air type, so exactly these cators were destroyed in the format so to speak of a common one, both the logistics path and the protection of this
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path, that the important result is that we have now stopped the delivery of equipment and ammunition to the territory of crimea, kherson. zaporizhzhia region and one more point have lowered the level of combat capability of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, it consists of strategic ships, frigates, missile systems that you have repeatedly dropped, well, of course, these boats, which provide precisely the protection of strategic objects, including ferry crossings, and it is possible to use them in in the format of conducting some remote operations, that is, they will not really threaten us, mr. mykola, well, earlier there was a lot of talk about the fact that it is necessary to destroy the kerch bridge, which also armed russians threw it over, but recently, well, probably because there is so much in the media about the destruction of the bridge, they stopped
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at least transporting heavy equipment over this bridge, an investigative agency such as molfar reported about this, that it is clear from satellite images that it is heavy equipment. .. now they don't bring it in via the bridge, they protect it, and accordingly they decided to hit the ferry crossing, does this mean that they won't hit the bridge anymore, or is the bridge just our next target? well, the bridge will definitely be beaten, our special services and we are in contact with them and conduct preparatory special operations, but i believe that today we are neutralizing practically on the territory of crimea, in which the black sea is all strategic. objects are launchers of missile systems and, accordingly, such as triumph - these are rockets, they converted them to ground strikes, and for air targets, these are onyx, these are radar systems, which literally this night also hit the territory of crimea, these are ships,
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these are, respectively, groups troops, therefore just limiting the activity and the bridge, it once again lowers their combat capability, but when we we will destroy, as this is the main issue, i will say directly. today we have to stand at the front, we do it in strategic directions, destroying 1,200 to 1,700 enemy reserves every day, and in a week it is 12,000, that is three brigades at least. in a month, for 30,000, it is an entire army, and this undermines powerful russia, no matter who says that it does not undermine, it undermines, i know well, the russian army is a powerful blow to its, so to speak, offensive aggressive positions, but we are on the second stage, i think, the second half of the year, the end of the year, we are moving on to strategic offensive operations, this is a new strategy of waging war, but having received weapons and ammunition from the usa and europe, and having purchased on foreign markets and our own anti-aircraft missile system from... destroying these facilities on the territory of crimea, we will move on to strategic strikes on the border and enter the
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crimea. and at this moment, temporarily cover the kerch bridge once, the fact that they will rebuild or not rebuild the ferry crossing is two, then the crimean peninsula will turn into a big trap, not a fortress, no one will be able to escape there either by the bridge or the ferry crossing, we will not maybe a small number of ships, the more we destroy them today every day, and... nothing just strike groups, these are airfields, well, like belbek, we have already spoken, including various types of aircraft, bombers, missile, just aircraft, especially , which are from the mih 31, which launch missiles and daggers that fly even to kyiv for a few minutes, and we simply destroy them, the infrastructure of the airfield, planes, as well as iopators in other places, other military facilities, ammunition depots, control headquarters , rails that... all equators, almost all of our state, so at the moment, it will be a one-time,
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powerful, complex strike by foreign means, strom shadow, scalps, respectively atakams, our systems, precisely, these are also onyxes, these are drones of various types, including ballistic and naval ones, that is of course, these are different types of weapons that are hanging during the liberation of the peninsula, this will be a moment of truth for kerchensky as well. mr. mykola, i have one more question, yesterday the russian occupiers, it was simply an unprecedented situation, when they raised into the sky 32 times different aviation, and this is the su-27, this is the su-30, su-35 and other midk-29 helicopters, and if i am not mistaken, the other mi-8 and others, other aviation, this is truly unprecedented. in the case of yesterday, why are there so many, or is it simply the custom of the russian occupiers that
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they cannot and do not know how to intercept ukrainian naval drones? first of all, they know that we are now carrying out a number of systematic operations to strike the main objects on the peninsula, first of all, and these are strategic objects on the black sea, and it is clear from the radar systems, this is very it is important, because they, like this, as we destroy, it is actually done blindly, and then , like missile strikes, targeting aircraft, other systems that fire means, striking our territories, they practically have no possibility, that is why they raise planes of various types in order to make it possible to shoot down missiles, although the effectiveness of shooting down, i will say frankly, both stromshedov and skariv, for example, and atakamsky showed that it is very, very low, practically zero, and even more so even our friends. we have now worked out anti-radar systems on naval drones, worked out the system of maneuvering and destruction and
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disorientation of the enemy, the same planes that rise, the same missile systems and radar systems, that is, we have mastered exactly this model of how to counter the enemy, that is why he is so nervous, raises different types of planes with various identification guidance systems, he combines, tries to find weak points in our drone system, so to speak, and ours. missile systems, radar systems and, accordingly, electronic shields, we ourselves create so that the enemy does not could penetrate it with unmanned aerial vehicles and planes, so that they do not fly, we create electronic shields at the expense of powerful radiocracy systems, they also try to take them out with the help of the appropriate identification systems from the planes and strike, it does not succeed as a right to carry it out, but they raise it anyway, they are looking for places, probing our line. and anti-aircraft defenses, strike systems, and of course, what we can use at sea, these
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formats indicate that the enemy is afraid, he is already panicking, but there are no real results to predict, and this is a steamship the crossing also showed the destruction of boats, and before that, missile cruisers, other systems, so to speak, so we are increasing our resources, and if we receive additional high-precision weapons from the usa, britain and the european union, it will already be systematic strikes on this. direction, well, now we really see such efforts of the russian occupiers to protect the remnants of their black sea fleet by any means, and if we talk about the kerch bridge, i have such a... question, andriy, excuse me, please, but i just wanted to ask, because we really now see how the russian occupiers are trying in every way to protect this kerch bridge, and recently we see how they use this artificial smoke screen, how do you think it can protect the kerch bridge, how effective is this defense, well they use,
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you know what slogan in russian. it seems cunning, but they are just starting to blow smoke, somehow to cover the kerch bridge, to disorient our control systems, well, they are no longer oriented, that we not in the 19th century, already in the 21st, when the means of control and identification are at a high level and no smoke does not interfere with this, so they try to reassure everyone that they, in addition to air defense systems, ... defense, and the rs systems, the landing groups, which are located there, the naval and, accordingly, the military, which directly protect there, that they will still have a smoke protection system, they protect themselves more and hide themselves like an arrow with its head in the sand, it will not help anything, but the illusion is that they cover it up and we
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won't detect it, they have it, but i will say frankly, the means we have today are really visible. the kerch bridge can be used both in fog and in fog, and it is clear that you can use complex strikes. they have six or seven systems, how do they say defense, well, for example, ffo systems, radars, missile cruisers, systems, for example, warning of various types, well, landing groups that they have placed there, and we have dozens of different opportunities to disorient their systems air defense, missile systems, neutralize naval forces protection and apply the main ones. an attack on the bridge, diverting all the resources of russia, that is , on unusable objects or on our other strikes, that is, this is already the art of the military and special operations forces together with the special services of ukraine, we already know how to do it, but the decisive blow will be that period , when it is necessary, mr. mykola, one should not forget that a lot
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of money is written off under all these smokes, i think that this is the main reason for starting these houses in general, because russian corruption. actually help the ukrainian military, when something is spent there for the wrong purpose or inefficiently, let them do so, let corruption flourish in russia, and i wanted to ask about the detour that the russians are building around mainland mainland ukraine through the occupied territories, they already understand that crimea is an unreliable link the supply of weapons and manpower, here is this railway route, is it already working? at full power and is it protected from our hits or are we just waiting for them to finish it and blow it into a shunt? but first of all, more not completed, as they said by 80-90%, but already separate branches are working, it is not yet a strategic corridor, especially since they
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predicted that it would be a satisfactory corridor to crimea, but that is not all, separate sections are being completed, ah... but i will say that the entire infrastructure of this railway is in the field of vision and reach of foreign and our powerful means of impression, the same, as we said , missile systems of somsheds, scalps and atakams, the same onyx that can be on the ground and to be used at sea, the same short-range tactical and ee missiles that hit up to 200 km and understandably. ballistic and medium levels of the army of drones, this is only me partially speaking, except for the long-range artillery up to 60 km, with hymers hitting 80 km, these are the powerful charges that can destroy the infrastructure, i am not talking about aviation, which is still ours , which we have, in addition to the f-16, we have not yet received, it can also strike very
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systematically, it is a matter of time, it will be built in order to neutralize it in all directions, i think a number of operations will be carried out. or one comprehensive, which will destroy the infrastructure and there will be no point in renewing it, therefore, in this situation, i think there are no prospects, but they will still be used in part, until we set the strategic task of neutralizing it completely in order to block this path as well, we will also block the southern kerch bridge and steam crossing and east this railway, mr. general, and if we talk about f-16 planes, do they have a place in this operation to... liberate crimea, what is the importance of these modern planes? well, first of all , in order to start a new war strategy, what the enemy does not wait, and this is a new art. and the team today sets the task, not only the traditional protection of borders, the protection of certain areas and the destruction of reserves, this is an extremely important task today, but even more important is a change of strategy, not an assault
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of dragon's teeth, minefields, as in our country in the 23rd year was, but alternatively, when the enemy is not expecting, and one of the scenarios, we are not talking about decryptors in general, it is, accordingly , the penetration of the southern corridor, well, for example, ours is already located in the kherson region, but the very deployment of our powerful groups but complex strikes, only complex, these are f-16 aircraft, with all charges, so to speak, on all objects on the territory of crimea and on the isthmus, these are strikes by those missile systems we talked about, foreign and of our production, this is our aviation in a complex zf-16, that’s clear, the long-range warfare of the artillery system, well, that’s clear, actions on the territory of crimea, and these are the landings of special operations forces, airborne troops, our special unit... the main intelligence department of the sbu will carry out sabotage, sabotage at night, it’s a one-time thing, i at once for several hours, which
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will create, i will put it bluntly, in other words, armageddon for the enemy, on the entire territory of crimea, on all logistical routes and on all bridges, this is a prerequisite that is really released, not to partially bite into the defense, it is hopeless, it russia imposes such tactics and strategy on us, and we will go the other way. well, as far as i understand, if i understand correctly, there are also these planes that sweden gave us, ask 8990, and they will strengthen our f-16 and, if i am not mistaken, you will correct me, these planes can see in real time where the russian military there are now, russian military equipment and so on, and they have a very large radius, that is, we can... in real time already see where the russian occupiers are and this will strengthen our f-16? this is a beautiful, beautiful complex, because
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as a rule it works in the system, they do not work separately, in the system, so to speak, provision. the first stage of the f-16 aircraft, the ukrainian aviation sky park, then and a number of foreign structures transfer there and they are in this system and the armed forces as a whole, that is, we act in the general system of introduction. war, so these planes are an extremely important element, we remember that we destroy 50 russian ones, well at least three, one is damaged in belarus, two are destroyed, this powerfully undermined the control system, and now we will get swedish ones, frankly, swedish ones high-tech and better, which were soviet-made, we destroy, and this is already more of a class, which will give a huge and scat territory of control, guidance. and the most important thing is identification with ours long-range firearms in the system in automatic mode, there is no need for the minimum participation of people, fighters and officers who
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control them, this is what will give system advantages during offensive operations on the territory of the mainland and on the peninsula. mr. mykola, from what you say, and this will be our last question, it turns out that there is an element of trickery in... the strategy, that now it is in principle beneficial for us for russia to accumulate its manpower and weapons on the crimean peninsula, because we will actually be able to immobilize her in some point when we will have enough forces and means for this, and thus simply take it out of the game, and here it is important to leave the kerch bridge in working order for the time being so that the russians can continue to transfer and saturate. the peninsula by manpower, i hope that i am not scouting the peninsula in such a way that it is impossible to create some kind of powerful fortress there, as we say, ugh, but by destroying
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the resources where we are, and especially the means of delivery, and bridges, and logistics centers , not only crossings, but also others the possibility of shipping by ship, shipping across the southern mainland, this is what will transform simply, as i said, the west.' day and the greater the concentration of conventional types of weapons there, the more we will destroy the enemy's resources, they will not go anywhere from there, they will not go to the sea, they will not go out, they will not pass through the isthmus, of course, if we are talking about the first stage, but their strikes are constantly system, with these powerful means, and we will then control the entire equatorial region, the entire crimean peninsula, into the black sea equatorial region from various sides and part of the sea of ​​azov and that's it. there will be no prospects there and the tactics are right, yes, they are preparing groupings there, russia is allegedly preparing to create some powerful defense outpost there, and it will turn into a zone of destruction. and
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will turn into ukrainian military, sir, general, will turn into ukrainian military trophies and thousands, or maybe tens or hundreds of thousands of captured russians, thank you very much, mykola malamush, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-2010 was in the berber program together the ukrainian joint project of the crimean-tatar tv channel atr and the tv channel, well, we have a small one. first, see you later. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for intelligent
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and caring people. espresso in the evening. congratulations of our tv viewers of the joint broadcast and programs of the first tv channel and tv channel except for svetar. i work for you as khalilov's gulsom and my colleague andrii yanitskyi. we remind you that if you see a qr code on the screen, it means that the money from your transfers goes to support the unit. which is formed mainly from crimeans and whose goal is precisely the liberation of crimea, it is a unit named after nomen chel bijgan, a well-known crimean tatar figure, political and national leader, national leader, and we also remind you that if you watch us on youtube, then subscribe, like, comment on this video, so it will be seen by as many people as possible, unfortunately, this is
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how youtube algorithms work. what do you need to do anyway to make this video popular, and now we have a guest natalya krasnenkova from ireland herself, ms. natalya from bakhchesarai, but now they are in the game, the town is called, so if kilgeri , kilarni, kilarni, i'm sorry. ms. natalya, tell me how it happened that you and bogchisarai ended up in the slaughterhouse, greetings beraber audience, i am glad to see you to hear and see, the journey was long and not immediately from bakhchesaray to killarney, it was with a stop in kyiv for more than 20 years, so now killarney, ireland, but i hope to return to ukraine and i also hope to
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return. to crimea, because she has not seen her parents who are still there for a long time, recently, especially after the large-scale invasion of the russian federation into ukraine, we know that many crimeans, crimean tatars were directly forced to leave the occupied peninsula, especially as part of the russian mobilization , and as reported intercession of the crimean tatar people , the representative body of the crimean tatars moved to the territory of ireland during this time, in two years. more than 3,000 people from the temporarily occupied peninsula of crimea, is this really the case, do you communicate with crimeans who have moved to ireland, is the number really that big, and do you meet crimean tatars directly in ireland or not? yes, i see and hear, and regularly communicate and make friends, really in our county, i don't know
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how much crimea exactly. but there are even whole communities, we have such a town of karsivin, and there are a lot of crimean tatar families compactly there, i also work in dingle, and in dingle i have about 30 crimean people, and we communicate with them, try to solve their problems, various problems, in particular, they were looking for a place, because we only have two mosques on our account, two such cultural, cultural and religious places, together and pray at least in hotels and we were also looking for premises for permanent such meetings, so the needs, the needs of the community are there, the community is, in karsevin in general, it's very cool, when do you come, it's small


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