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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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whether or not i can’t say, but there was such information, in addition, it must be understood that in the military operations on these northern shades of the front, quite heavy and support aviation, which is russian, is bombing these settlements every day, as well as the lines of our defense , and it is necessary for them to support, let's say, the actions of their military, and here already, as it seems to me, they are not up to kharkiv, let's put it this way, without... humming blows on the city, because at such a distance these fabs do not differ in accuracy, but it's just that what you show hits where it hits, and i understand they do lost the sense to scare the people of kharkiv, because nobody here was scared, so we suffered losses, so we were shelled 76 times last month, but it did not help the russians to advance on the front or, let's say, to force us... their
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city, but by the way, these very protracted alarms happen, you look at the alarm map and except for kharkiv oblast, everything else seems like the sky is clear, and it happens for 20 hours or more, it’s how it affects us, let’s say the production business cycle in kharkiv, because it’s as if according to the rules, when there is anxiety, one way or another, people should not work, shops should not be open, but in some cities we have already encountered this. what people open for a relationship, they look, yes, i could also run to work, or some others, like in kharkiv with such long worries, everything works or not, everyone decides for himself, of course the negative influences, but negatively, but they work, let's say, they work, well, not all of them are so networked, how to say the ukrainian language, shops, trading points, which... according to
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their regulations are necessarily closed there, it happens that they do not work there for several hours, or even half a day , such there are, but everything still works en masse, but they are closed or turned off at the moment when the power goes out, and there is no generator, this still happens, but everything that can, everything works, because here in kharkiv it is so difficult, let's say, business can do something with the same electricity, with those taxes. let's put it this way, well, i get the impression that the businessmen said that ukraine has forgotten or abandoned the people of kharkiv, because, for example , it is impossible to get a loan in kharkiv, it is impossible to get insurance for business, and there are some other things, let's say, the increase in taxes that we are promised cabinet, very much so, mr. bohdan, but could you be a little more detailed here, because just yesterday the municipal sociological survey, which...
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the eighth already showed that frankivsk, lviv, kyiv and kharkiv are four cities in which it is very easy and it is favorable for business, so the easiest way to register new cases there is that there is one poll, in reality the second, i don't know what was polled there, i know that we had a meeting with people's deputies a few days ago. when iryna gerashchenko and friz came there, they looked at the ore and we were there there was a meeting, a meeting, including with businessmen, who told the deputies and all of us how they should run this business now, for example, what i already said, to insure cars there, or, well, i mean business, there are trucks and so on, equipment, something else, it doesn’t work, somewhere in poltava, please insure, in kharkiv no, or well... you can insure, but it won’t
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be written there that your shelter burned down due to the intervention of a missile, no one will blame you for that in what, this is the first, yes, a vivid example, the second, credit lines for support business, to receive some there, not that there are any subsidies from the state or any other help, in general, to close these lines, it is for the kharkiv region, i don’t know how sumy, donetsk, i speak for kharkiv, well, and and other things, about taxes too, well, i can tell you... we have businessmen here, they say, well , listen, let's go, if you want us to stay in kharkov, not go there to ivano-frankivsk and something else- something, so that people here remain workers, their families, well, remove some taxes from us, so that we are here at least somehow there was an incentive to stay, nikami is going to promote them on the contrary, well , we had such a conversation, and there is one more question for you from the cossack khark, khark asks, where did pushkin and lomanosov go from the city? and whether and how
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will those who did not even leave the house without limonosov and pushkin survive it? well, they should probably stay in the houses there, i don’t know such people in particular... i know that here we cry for lomonosov, especially for that pushkin, no, there are such, you know, more everyday frictions, when the names of the streets are mentioned , there it's not pushkinska any more, pans and there are some, you know, technical points, taxis, or there is a change of address or something else, and there, you know, there is such dissatisfaction with this, not at all, they demolished and demolished, especially the monument itself, the monument itself was removed it still seems more than a year ago, now they have already demolished the... this entire structure, right? well, no, it's not, it's not a very important question for the people of kharkiv, we're interested in other things, that's why that pushkin, mr. bohdan, left and left, the evacuees from the north of kharkiv region, where are they going, or is kharkiv their
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accepts, is kharkiv still able to accept people, we saw the footage of how a grandfather was evacuated from lipetsk, they helped him and led him by the arm and... carried him on a wheelbarrow in order to somehow help a person, where do all these people end up later? well, most of it, of course, is the city of kharkiv, firstly, people do not want to go further, and secondly, here we have, let’s say, all the conditions for their accommodation, because there are a lot of hostels in kharkiv, which were, well here they worked before the start of a full-scale war, students lived there, we have a lot of universities, and foreigners lived, i.e. these dormitories were prepared in 22-23 to accept immigrants there from kupyan oblast, from luhansk oblast, from donetsk oblast, now from the north of kharkiv oblast, so there are no problems with this, social payments, they are all are working, volunteers, who have already
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worked out this mechanism, the city government, which is engaged, that is, well, that's all, let's say, it's all working, why, why don't they go further , the majority, well, of course they... hope for the liberation of their settlements , they want to be closer to, say, the place events, and yet kharkiv is native to them, because they are all 30 km away from here, all issues were resolved before, i went to kharkiv, it takes 40 minutes to drive there, are you already there, are you at the polyclinics or have some other questions, or have you visited your relatives, that's why it's native to everyone from povchansk, from livets, it's our hometown, that's why they don't go far, or those who can, i'm talking about able-bodied people... people of working age, whether they have an occupation that they can find in kharkiv, who left, who evacuated? eh, classes, look, most of them leave there, they are still people elderly people, i see dormitories near my house where
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immigrants live, i meet them, i see it, well , most of them are children, families, women and elderly people, there are such people there, relatively young a bit. so, what else can i add, regarding work, well, the problem with work is related to the fact that not all documents are processed there, for example, the central civil service, sometimes entrepreneurs say, well, i can't, people don't come to see me there work, they also need money, and there is work, but they don't go because they don't have it documents have been drawn up, they don't want to get there somewhere to talk with employees of the central committee or the police, that is... there is also such a problem, and this is the law on mobilization, it is working now, but there are still, well, i think, these two months, which were allocated, allocated for, let's say , the preparation of documents is already not enough, it is already visible, and now the deputies said that in the verkhovna rada they will raise the issue of
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extending, let's say for a month or two , the postponement of the effect of this law, well, this is the situation, mr. bohdan, thank you for the information, why were you with us bohdan kachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council on the air of the espresso tv channel. we already know from khmelnytskyi that as a result of a night attack that night , a fire broke out at an infrastructure object, actually a mine was knocked down, but somewhere the debris obviously damaged something and a fire broke out. and with that, we'll take a short break, then we'll come back and talk about the new tile, we'll talk about the tragedy that happened a year ago and... the consequences, wait. attention, total sale, garden trimmers for kors under unpack tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799 for reliable tool, high power,
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is not enough, yereo, reo - water for special medical purposes, there are discounts, they present, unbreakable discounts on psilobalzamgel, 15% in travel pharmacies to you and save. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. giving facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but how do these changes affect? on our life we analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in
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ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. by. shake your own. the result of their work is our safety. they are guys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the hundredth individual. mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. exactly one year ago, on the night of
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june 6, russian terrorists committed a war crime and an act of genocide. they blew up the dams kakhovka hydroelectric station. 16,000 people and 80 settlements were in the disaster zone . about a large-scale ecological disaster and its consequences. in the plot of our colleague. on the night of june 6, 2023, the russians committed a terrible crime that they had warned about, that they feared, but could not prevent. the occupiers blew up the dams of kakhovskaya gez, a station that generated electricity for the south of ukraine, and the kakhovskaya reservoir supplied dozens of towns and villages with fresh water. more than 18 billion cubic meters of water broke through the dam and destroyed everything in their path, people. buildings and cars. russia had engineering drawings
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of the structure and knew its most vulnerable places, since the station was built in soviet times. the occupiers seized the kakhovskaya hpp on the first day of a full-scale invasion and waited for the water level of the reservoir to reach its maximum in order to flood as much territory as possible. in the first hours after the detonation, water completely or partially flooded eight settlements on the right. on the bank of the dnipro and one micro-district of kherson. rescuers and volunteers began to evacuate the local area people. approximately 16,000 people on the right bank of the kherson region fell into critical condition. the left bank of the kherson region, occupied by the russians, was in even greater danger, because it is lower in terrain. the russian army carried out another act of terror, it blew up the kakhovskaya hpp. after 5 hours, the water will reach a critical level. the evacuation of residents of dangerous areas has begun. all services are working,
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emergency services, police, military are all nearby. please collect documents and essentials and wait for the buses. they started because of the explosion problems with water supply in a number of cities and villages of dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhzhia and kherson regions. the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was in danger, because its cooling system was synchronized with the waters of the kakhovsky reservoir. on june 6, at approximately 7 a.m., the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, convened an emergency meeting of the national security council in view of the terrorist attack on kakhovsk. hess he reminded international partners that he had warned about russians mining the dam almost a year before its detonation. the same day at the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine declared an emergency evacuation from the settlements: mykolaivka, olhivka, lviv, tyaginky, ivanivka, tokarivka, ponyativka, prydniprovske, sadov and the
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kherson microdistrict, which the locals call ostriv. ukrzaliznytsia has scheduled additional trains. to evacuate residents of areas that could be flooded, the first train left kherson at 12:00. as of june 7, 2023 , 1,700 people were evacuated from 29 flooded settlements, 12 of them in the territory not controlled by ukraine. on june 8 , during the evacuation of people and animals in kherson the russian military opened fire on them from hail, despite the shelling. as of june 11 , rescuers evacuated 2,678 people from the territory of the kherson region. unfortunately, it was not possible to free the animals in kazkov dibrova's zoo in the occupied nova kakhovka, due to landmines by the occupiers. almost three hundred animals that were blocked in enclosures died there. only swans and ducks survived.
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in a matter of hours, flooded houses, streets, cars, tons of... products, garbage dumps and cattle burial grounds were in the water. subsequently, tons of fish died due to the shallowing of the bottom. the amount of direct damage caused by the explosion of kakhovskaya gs is at least 2 billion dollars. these are losses in the housing and communal sector, energy, agriculture, transport, ecology and industry. as a result of the detonation, kakhovsko eg died in the territories controlled by ukraine. 33 people, 28 were injured, more than 40 people are still considered missing. it is not known how many people died in the territory occupied by the russians. the zone affected by this crime of russians is 1126 km 80 settlements and 40,000
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people were affected, whose lives were endangered by the putin regime. russian president putin's aggressive war against ukraine has changed our security environment for a long time. russia has destroyed peace in europe, and the destruction of the kakhovskaya dam today endangers the lives of thousands of civilians and causes serious damage to the environment. the results of a study of the water that flowed into the black sea in 2023 after the explosion of the kakhovskaya hpp indicated a high concentration of toxic metals. excess zinc and cobalt, and yes... after entering a living organism, these substances accumulate and over time can lead to fatal consequences. contaminated water remained in the houses for several days. after it came down, people began to return home, but it was impossible to live there normally, because such houses had to be dried, disinfected and
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restored. this spring , there is already water on the smooth territory of the former kahovsky reservoir. and by the middle of may, a large part of the previously drained area was covered with water, and before that white willows grew on it. almost a year after the russians blew up the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power plant , the 150,000-hectare artificial reservoir is now a dense forest. ema stednyk, espresso tv channel. back with us, this story was watched by volodymyr kovalenko, the mayor of the new city. what feelings, let's say, what thoughts. oh, you know, i won't tell them in the ten-minute report, i sat, waited, remembered everything from those people who built, after that terrible war, they came there in gymnasiums and
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built, and until that moment, before those consequences that today are real for every person and on such a global scale, which affected not only kherson oblast, but also the consequences that await us in connection with the absence of such a large mirror of water. you know, at 3 o'clock in the morning 20 minutes 25, i don't remember, on the sixth of last year, i got a call from a man from a new tile house, who has such a not very good habit of smoking every two hours, he was standing on the balcony of the ninth floor, looked in the direction of the man, i went out to the balcony, and he called literally, he says, something happened, some rumbles, so to speak, explosions, sounds and a sharp noise of water, huh? and after 20 minutes i was already watching the report they sent me from germany about the fact that this stream of terrible water gushed, i realized that what i was afraid of, what they were talking about,
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what even i in strasbourg said as a member of the congress local regional authorities from ukraine, it unfortunately happened, i realized that the enemy does not have any simple elementary concept, well, something human, you know, appeared in the kokhovsk s2 plan, which... oops, 2008 year, we discussed the former leader, the hero of ukraine, energo semyon israeliovych patashnyk, there was an international bank for the reconstruction of development, and all that disappeared, the symbol disappeared because of which, in fact, the city was built, but we can talk about those tragedies, because such a village as korsunka, the city itself has disappeared, only the recreation area has disappeared, they have already said about a fabulous forest of 12 hectares. the sports complex, including two olympic bases, the preparation of the national team of ukraine , memory hammer and po, ​​archery, the unique yakhlub, which is known to all of us, has disappeared
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the world, yes, it’s like this with a gas station on the water, burning and lubricating materials, the village of korsenka disappeared, how many animals, well, 3 m of water flowed through the village, you understand what happened there, and i know the fate of those people who went all over the world after this accident, but it’s terrible, another thing, i ’m on the territory of the community in the city of tavriysk, well, it’s a former part of uvikahovka, there is a hydromerative station, there was another one, and they give forecasts, because there are many discussions, but they showed 150 hectares of verboloza growing there , talk about it, but you know talking about a disk phone in the age of mobile phones is somehow inconvenient. progression progress and the construction of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, whether it is bad or good, it was caused by time, and this is a whole, a whole complex of resolved
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issues, the first is the provision of water, not even electricity, water, because the essence of the construction was exactly 16 m 40 cm, straight and without pumping water to the crimea, water to the crimea, irrigation system, increase in crops, up to 2.5 million tons today. received vegetables and fruits in kherson region. the consequences for today such: the left bank, it is practically dead, without water, water, groundwater has fallen by more than 10 m, which means that with a certain time, in 3-4-5 years, it will generally be a zone of no life, salinity will occur soils, so soil experts say, today the river has lost, as the cheapest transport infrastructure, and on the left. on the right bank of the reservoir itself and above the dnieper, these are industrial zones, today, that is, there is no transport of products on barges, the economy for ukraine today is incredible
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thing, you know what i'm talking about, today, there is not the amount of technical water that would ensure the normal operation of the enterprises of nikopol, krivy rog, margants and so on and so on, today the absence of this water class, such a large mirror, it changed microclimate, after a certain time the average temperature regime will rise by several degrees, it was already a drought, and just like the borders of the oleshki desert, they will rise there, probably all the way to rogachyk, if there is no such mirror water, that's all, so to speak, in mine, i live by it, i was very pleased to hear what the head of ukraine's hydropower orphan said yesterday, well, i'm interested in the fact that the project still exists, and i say, first of all.. .. it may not be so energetically, although the hydroelectric power plant was in the southern scheme of energy supply, but today the main thing is about what i said, today is a change, well, globally, those issues.
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comprehensive, which were decided when it happened, it will bring damage from all sides, but to carry out any work, mr. volodymyr, deoccupation is necessary, because the occupiers are not doing anything, absolutely, well, there is a project, then everything is as if it is, so it is realistic, of course deoccupation, because the left bank must be free in order to start any work there , it is clear, please tell me whether you understand or not? know, any guesses as to why they do this? i am talking now about the fact that nova kakhovka is already under occupation, and they are shelling when they shoot on the right bank, we can still somehow understand this logic, but when they shelled the right bank, and then let's shell the new tile, the city, what is it for them? and you know, this is the so- called element of their upbringing, because information from the left bank also goes to
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the representatives of the force. structures of ukraine, people, in spite of everything, you know, there is a very large number of ukrainians there not by passport, but by conviction, and they, and this is an element of education, immediately after every shot there is an accusation, here you, as the armed forces of ukraine, you, as they say, relate to you, destroying all this, and the people themselves, when they are talking, they say, we can see, well, from the shore, and, because there most of them are concentrated just on the shore on the left, weapons, well, as it were, a line of defense. and it takes off from there through takes off after a second on sokol explodes, this is such a sokol neighborhood, we understand everything, it is, as you know, such an intimidation that there was no, so to speak, contact, conversations, information, only that, but we had a conversation with ecologists literally a day ago, and ecologists have a different view, in particular on this project, which is for
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the restoration of... and the dam and everything else they say that it is possible to abandon this project, which was developed by the government, to leave it as it is, because there are many positive points, including regarding the fauna, and regarding the restoration of the pre-historic, let's say , natural ecosystem. such things, you know, ecologists, they are specialists, eh, god bless them, but i want to say, to make 150 gaunas, and at the same time turn 60% of the kherson oblasts of the left bank into a forest, well , worthy, worthy to say so , because everything from henichesk, kalalchak, chaplinka, ivanivka, sirogoza, rohachyk,
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lepetiha, gornostaivka, today people... let's leave, let's devastate, turn the territory into absolutely unfit for life, and i named seven or eight main facts that today, you know, when i meet with elderly people, they say, where on these grandchildren found these smartphones, they are sitting on them, but we had telephones, i spun the disc, talked, everything is also harmful, today it is harmful, they say, you can turn this way and that, 300 years, you can go back to the oxen, there is no need for civilization at all, it will be solid ecology, but don't stop time, look the surrounding world is developing at the expense of hydropower, including hydropower, but today the main purpose of the hydropower plant is not hydropower, namely water supply, what will we do with crimea, which we will liberate, i told you, well, there will be no industry, there will be solid ecology, no, we i don’t mind if, if the beliefs of environmentalists are, so to speak, the most important for the development of our country, then i don’t mind, but i told you the main facts: well
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, destruction, well, it’s just elementary, everything is industrial, economy, jobs, you know, how many thousands have disappeared due to the fact that no works at full capacity, nikopol pipes, all of them are there, enterprises that needed water, mr. volodymyr, we see how all this hurts you, thank you for what you do, thank you for being with us, volodymyr kovalenko, mayor of novaya kakhovka , it's news time, khrystyna parobiy is ready to share information about... the most important thing for this moment, khrystyna, is your word. greetings, colleagues, thank you . i will tell you about the work of our defenders of the sky in the issue, and also about the losses of the enemy , don't miss it in a moment.


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