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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. 9:00 a.m. is approaching, the time when every day we remember and honor with a moment of silence all ukrainians who died because of the russian occupiers. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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whether biden will allow ukraine to strike deep into russian territory with western weapons will become known today, possibly following the results of a personal meeting between biden and zelensky in france, and we will also talk. about what are the consequences of the destruction of the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power plant and which ukrainian hydroelectric power plant is currently also under great threat, i congratulate you, this is the freedom of the morning, my name is oleg galiv, we are starting a live chat, this is the place where you can share your thoughts about what you have seen and heard, well, first of all, i suggest you write where you see us from. partial authorizations for the ukrainian armed forces to use american weapons from the biden administration are not enough. speaker of the house of representatives. us congressman mike
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johnson plans to talk to the white house about removal of all restrictions, he told the voice of america correspondent on the sidelines of the congress. on the eve, i do not believe that we should engage in micro-management of the war effort in ukraine. i think we need to give them the weapons they need to defend themselves and fight back against the russians. that's why i'm against the president on this. i've said it before and i'll say it again. we will have a conversation with the white house about this. the day before , representatives of the democratic parties in the united states house of representatives also said they hope that everyone restrictions on the use of american weapons to strike military targets in russia will be lifted. whether ukrainian president zelensky will be able to convince his american colleague to allow the armed forces of ukraine to strike on the territories of the russian federation will be known by the results of their meeting in normandy. the president of the united states, joe biden, has already arrived in france, where he will take part in the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the landing of american and allied troops. could free
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france from nazi germany in the second world war more than 20 world leaders are coming to the coast of france today. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi will also be there. he will meet with french president emmanuel macron, as well as with joe biden. and for the second time, biden and zelenskyy should talk next week at the j7 summit in italy. this was told by biden's national security adviser, jake salvan. it is he who will participate in the peace summit that ukraine is gathering in switzerland. well , our european correspondent olena abramovych is already working on the fields of normandy. we will learn the details of all meetings and negotiations from her. elena, i congratulate you, where are you now, tell us and what to expect from the upcoming talks between the leaders of the united states and ukraine? good morning, we are now at the normandy american cemetery and at noon, joe biden and emmanuel macron will speak here, honoring the memory of the more than 9,000 american soldiers who died, and who... liberated france, who are buried here, and
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later the leaders will descend closer to the field battles on omagi beach, and there actually will be an international ceremony with the participation of two dozen leaders, among them the ukrainian president, as previously reported by the western media, french president emmanuel macron can use this symbolic anniversary date of 80 years since the largest naval operation, when the allies liberated france, as an opportunity to announce his readiness france, now actually help ukraine to defend itself. from russian aggression, actually by sending french troops to the territory of ukraine, or rather instructors, and earlier the french president spoke about such possibility if there is a request from kyiv, and zelensky and macron will have bilateral talks tomorrow. as for the meeting between the ukrainian president and the american president, the main topic will be the security agreement and the use of western weapons, as you have already said on the territory of russia, so far washington has unofficially allowed strikes only on the areas adjacent to the kharkiv region.
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territories and the previous evening, and putin said that he is considering the possibility of giving weapons to countries that will aim at states that give weapons to ukraine. and ultimately, if мы видим, что... bag, if we see that these countries are involved in a war against us, and this is their direct participation in a war against the russian federation, then we reserve the right to act in a similar way, this is the way to a very serious problems russia, by the way, was not called to normandy this year. putin attended such anniversary ceremonies in 2004 and 2014 and 10 years ago, by the way, the first meeting in the format took place here. of the norman quartet for settlement of the situation in the east of ukraine, and actually russian president putin on that the then newly elected president of ukraine petro poroshenko was forced to speak here for the first time, at that time the west still believed in the possibility of peace talks. now, as we can see, the mood is completely different, and the issue
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of the presence of western military forces in ukraine and strikes on the territory of the russian federation is such a new development that the ukrainian president will now be able to discuss with the leaders of france and the united states, and... well, at the same time to find out from the american president what he meant when he said that the security of ukraine in the future can be ensured without membership of ukraine in nato. colleagues thank you very much, elena. olena abramovych, european correspondent of rfe/rl from normandy, where, i would like to remind you, world leaders gather to commemorate the landing of american and allied troops during the second world war, which helped liberate france and eventually win. sku germany. thank you, elena. well, i remind you that we have a chat under the broadcast, this is a good place to leave your impressions about what you saw and heard, do it. we always respond to them, the most interesting comments, questions, we will read them so that the experts participating in our broadcasts can answer them, and today
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i will remind you once again that in our broadcast we will also talk about what to expect from the meeting between zelenskyi and biden, as well as about , which ukrainian gas stations are under attack by russian forces, what... security can this represent for ukraine and the main question is whether it is possible to protect them, because today is the anniversary of the actual tragedy on the kakhovsky gas station, which was destroyed, in addition, by russian forces during the recent attacks were also attacked by others ukrainian hydroelectric power stations, in particular dnipro-g. i see you write your thoughts and impressions in the comments, that's good, we will respond to them during our broadcast. i will also note that in our social networks, in particular, in the telegram channel of radio liberty, you can receive operational information, in particular, about the meeting. zelenskyi and biden, what will happen today, and what will they agree on? the first exclusive comments can be right there, because our correspondents work at the scene and will be able to inform you and us. well, under the pressure of switzerland and the countries of the global
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zelenskyi can introduce amendments unfavorable to ukraine, which threaten the lack of alternatives to the peace formula, to the project, the decision of the peace summit. this is written by the european truth publication. if the decision of the summit is approved in the edition that some media had the opportunity to get acquainted with, then... this completely destroys the idea of ​​the peace summit, the publication states. in addition, the peace summit, which will be held in switzerland on june 15 and 16, will focus on only three narrow points, namely nuclear security, food security and the release of prisoners and the return of deported children. these the points are actually unrelated to the achievement of peace. ukrainian president zelensky presented a 10-point peace formula. the swiss side explained that such a narrow choice was made in order to make it easier to reach a consensus. well, he joins our broadcast. oleksandr kraev, i would like to remind you that he is the director of the north america program of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council. congratulations. mr. alexander, can you hear me?
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we are waiting to establish a connection with oleksandr kraev in order to communicate actually, what could be the results of the meeting between president zelenskyi and joe biden. well, you have to understand that now it has become more difficult. to work, taking into account the situation with the power system in ukraine, power outages, internet outages in some places, do not give us the opportunity to constantly be in touch with our speakers, with our experts, by the way, this is also an important point, blackouts have become more frequent in broadcasts here as well you can write from which region you are watching and what is the situation with your light, because in other, in different ukrainian cities, the situation is different, disconnection in kyiv for example, it is longer, and energy experts constantly warn about this, that there will be such outages... despite the fact that the situation in the energy system is difficult, in other ukrainian cities, outages are much less frequent, meaning in terms of time, so write where you are from look at your situation, it is important, and i will remind you that we are discussing two main topics in our broadcast today, and one of them is the actual meeting between zelenskyi and biden
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on the normandy fields, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you once again, let's get in touch, oleksandr kraev, an expert on ukrainian-american issues, we can say so, and a person who definitely understands more deeply the politics of non- americans in relation to ukraine, in particular, the topic that has been discussed in recent days is unofficial. in fact , kyiv's permission to strike along the border with ukraine, in particular on the border of the kharkiv region and russian territories, in order to somehow protect ukrainian territory from attacks by the russian side. in addition, ukraine has a request, and it was given once, so that ukraine could attack the military with western weapons objects and deep into russian territory, and analysts say that this issue will probably be one of those that zelensky will talk about today with biden at a meeting on the fields of normandy, actually somewhere. will communicate in person and then there will be a second meeting between zelenskyi and biden, where these issues may also be raised, and the topic
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is important, it must be discussed, so we and our experts will try to analyze as much as possible, i will only note that in our broadcasts we try now raise the most relevant topics in order to to understand what and how it is happening, well, the two topics we are talking about today are actually the topic of the meeting between zelenskyi and biden and the topic of attacks on ukrainians. guest, oleksandr mareshko, people's deputy of ukraine, servant of the people party, head of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, is in touch with us. congratulations. good morning. thank you for joining, and we are glad that you also have the light so that there was an uninterrupted state of communication and we were able to talk about important topics. please tell me what your requests are does the ukrainian side have from your point of view and what president zelenskyi can talk about today with the president of the united states joe biden. will the topic of strikes by western weapons deep into russia really be one of the key ones? well, in fact, there are many issues, they have accumulated and they need to be resolved, and you know,
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it is very good that this is one of the first, as i understand it, meetings, because there will be another meeting planned during the big seven, the group of seven, it is also important, well the main issue today is indeed the issue of our security, defense capability, i.e. the issue, for example, regarding permission to use long-range weapons. which is provided by the united states on the territory of the aggressor state, that is, it is a necessity that is determined by the logic of war, war, because it will be very difficult to win a war without using weapons and without conducting hostilities on the territory of the aggressor state, this is one of the main issues, well there are others the issue, for example, the issue of concluding a security agreement, this is very important, the issue is also, i would say so, before the july... nato summit in washington, it is also necessary to decide on
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ukraine's prospects for joining as soon as possible in nato. well, we know that the last one is one of the last interviews of president biden with time magazine, there is a statement of his that needs some explanation from the president. explanations have already begun to arrive, for example, the mission of the united states at. nato, she explained what was meant, but we need to hear it from the president himself, and how do you explain for yourself, mr. oleksandr, what president biden said, if you look at his statements, he says that he was not an active, shall we say, supporter of for ukraine to already join nato, that is, he does not reject the fact that it is possible, but he says that there is conditionally victory for ukraine and an important moment will be if russia cannot occupy it, will ukraine be able to in the long run without nato membership? the closest to fully protect yourself, even after victory? certainly, membership in nato is the only reliable
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guarantee of ukraine's security, and all politicians, everyone understands this very well, and by the way, those statements and those comments that biden, president biden gave earlier, he said that this it is only a matter of time before ukraine becomes a full member of nato. i think that, well , for... nato, that is, for example, the vilnius summit and what's more, they clearly indicate that ukraine should become a member of nato, and it's only a matter of time, it can be discussed not whether whether it will happen or not, and when, exactly when it will happen, in my opinion, it should be done as soon as possible, mr. oleksandr, but there are two realities, what ukraine wants to happen as soon as possible and how the world sees it, according to your feelings. internal, as a person who is more familiar with with information and tangentially, than some journalists there, than ukrainian citizens in general,
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objectively, what option can be offered to ukraine there in the next few years, well conditionally, not to immediately join nato, but to become , for example, one of the main partners of ukraine outside the alliance, nato partners outside the alliance, or what the options may be for the next few years, or maybe the security agreements that ukraine has already concluded and will conclude with the united states, they will assume that the states will agree as much as possible protect. well, if we are talking about security agreements, we understand that these are only temporary measures, that is, it is about giving us some guarantees or assurances until that moment. how ukraine will gain membership in nato, i am optimistic about it, and the fact is that the decision in nato is really made by consensus, and now some part of nato members, they are waiting, that is, they are looking at how the situation on the field will develop fight and will come out of it, i
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think there are several options that are now under consideration, one of them is our friends in nato. the baltic countries, poland, great britain, they are in favor of ukraine becoming a member of nato as soon as possible, they understand that this will help stop aggression, russian aggression against ukraine. at the same time, there are other scenarios that are being discussed, for example, the scenario as a model of west germany, that is, when the article is fifth, it protects the territory that is under our control and does not extend ... to the temporarily occupied territories, that is different options are offered, i.e. me i understand correctly, i understand correctly that both ukraine and ukraine's allies are considering the option that it is possible that the territory currently controlled by kyiv may become a member of nato in the near future, while the territory on which hostilities are taking place will not conditionally join nato. but nato will not extend its activities to these territories? well, now such a scenario is not
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being considered, it is rather, you know, in expert circles and on... the pages of newspapers, magazines, it is discussed in an expert environment, you as a politician, as a person who represents ukrainians there in the parliament, a person who is responsible for international cooperation, in the near future , would such a variant of the development of events be acceptable? in my opinion, ukraine should join nato as a whole, as a state, that is, including the entire territory within internationally recognized borders, there is no doubt about it, yes, the question is about. the spread of the effect of article five, this is already a separate issue that can be considered, mr. oleksandr, there is one more topic, and we will devote more time to it, this is the topic of the summit itself peace, an important topic that is being discussed, the global peace summit, more than 100 countries have confirmed their participation, there are key players that the president's office was counting on, for example, china, conditionally, the peace summit will not
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come, there are other countries that have refused, because they say there is no will be in russia, actually there is nothing to talk about, but colleagues from the ukrainian pravda... rather from the european pravda published an article in which they say that the final draft of the decision of the global peace summit is already ready, some media even had an opportunity with it get acquainted tell me, please, did you have the opportunity to see, perhaps, either this final document or its development, so what will be adopted? i don't see this document, i think it's a question, well, it's a project, and the final question, what, we have 10 days before this global peace summit is held. and the states will decide, will be able to decide, that is, we will see what this document will really be. for me, as an internationalist lawyer, the case is very simple in this regard, there is international law, and this is the main, objective, only criterion by which there must be a final document, and it is about the restoration of international law, it is about
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fulfilling the requirements set forth by the charter of the united nations organization and the basic principles of international law. it is about the withdrawal of the occupying forces, the restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine and the punishment of the state that committed the crime of aggression, that is , it is necessary that this document be based firmly on the ground of international law, clearly, this is a formula for peace, in fact, which is promoted by president zelensky, supported by ukraine and some its allies, but if you read the article of the european the truth is, if you read the international publications for example, they write about the fact, and in general they talk about it in the last few days, that after all, at the summit we will... simplify this actual peace format to three points, and that is , in particular, it will be about , that it is necessary to return all prisoners, this refers to the return of the deportation of ukrainian children and nuclear security, in fact, as far as these three directions, they reflect the overall position of ukraine in the context of how ukraine sees the end of this large-scale russian
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aggression? i understand that you are not on a tangent, maybe until the end of the work, but still before the peace summit, but it is important to understand which one. what is your view, and you are still out there in the fields talking to different politicians on this topic as well? there is a very clear peace formula of president zelenskyi, the ukrainian peace formula, and there are 10 points, all 10 points must be fulfilled, at the same time, i understand that given the fact that some countries of the global south, they take a more cautious position for political reasons, geopolitical, even economic, sometimes, reach a broad consensus throughout. 10 points will be difficult, it is not impossible, but i understand that from a political point of view it will be difficult, that is why the formula for peace that the country is designed in this way. can choose, for example, an issue that unites everyone and around which there is a broad consensus, this is the issue of nuclear security, which is directed
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against the nuclear blackmail used by putin, against the whole world, and this is already a victory, this is already important, the issue of food security also unites everyone, the issue of return children, children stolen by russia, this is also a humanitarian aspect, no country. cannot remain indifferent, but it is necessary to fight, of course, so that there is a consensus around the main issues, issues of an international legal nature, connected with the cessation of russian aggression, with the cessation of this crime and punishment, logically , punishment follows from this cry the aggressor let me clarify, you do not rule out that during this final communique of the summit, which will be adopted there during its holding on june 15-16, there may actually be not only... points about that we just talked about have been adopted, but also other things that are in president zelenskyi's peace formula, ukraine is now working on it so that these points are also included there. yes, i believe that it is necessary to fight for
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the maximum number of these points of the peace formula to be reflected in the final document of the summit. tell me, please, how you feel about the thesis presented by analysts, there, international observers, who say that it is quite possible, after the peace summit, such decisions can be made that will be based more quickly. on those peace projects put forward by china, for example, and not those put forward by the ukrainian side, because in particular the withdrawal of russian troops there, well, this is obviously not an issue that can be resolved at the peace summit, yes, that is, it is key for the example for the ukrainian parties, could there be such a thing as blurring the lines between this point and this, this peace formula presented by president zelenskyi? well, unfortunately, i am sure that china and some other countries that have friends. relations with the aggressor state will try to blur the formula of president zelensky, but the point is not that there is no alternative, what china offers is so
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abstract in nature that it is not at all clear what it is about, if the formula, the ukrainian peace formula is very specific, based on international law, the un charter, the chinese plan, or the plan of other countries, it is impossible to understand what they want. there is a key question that should be asked of china and other peacekeepers in quotation marks: the restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine, as required by both the un charter and international law. the key question here is how they feel about it and what they do to make it happen. tell me, please, the story is clear with china, here ukraine was not able to fully agree on the plan for china to come to the peace summit there, for china to support ukraine there. the peace formula and so on, with which other countries, ukrainian parliamentarians, in particular, today it is very difficult for you to talk about the end or approaching the end of the russian-ukrainian large-scale war,
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which of the countries takes the most neutral, let's say, position, or a position that is very distant, it is clear that there african countries are dependent on food and there the russian influence is felt, and the minister of foreign affairs of russia lavrov is currently there in some african states continent, what other countries on earth? remain either neutral or, let's say, unsustainable at the moment so that ukraine can negotiate with them and explain why the ukrainian position - is this the position of those who are right? well, it is brazil, it is not a great pity, which takes such a pro-russian and pro-chinese position, i would call the south african republic, but after the last elections the situation there may change in favor of ukraine. earlier i would have said that... that india, but india pleasantly surprised me by the fact that it decided to take part in the peace summit and proved that it is, after all, not such a,
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you know, pro-russian neutral country, as i perceived it's earlier but next to that, participation in the peace summit does not mean that india will be ready to support all positions of the ukrainian side, it is so simple to understand. mr. oleksandr, i thank you very much for joining in and explaining what your vision is. oleksandr mireshko, people's deputy of ukraine, slaga party. of the people, head of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, guest of our broadcast: has signs of disinformation and ipso in the interests of russia. thus, the article of the british edition of the financial times, devoted to the energy situation in ukraine, was answered by the ukrainian ministry energy industry the article itself is called russia has destroyed more than half of ukraine's energy industry. as it is already clear, from this headline, the journalists tell that at first a full-scale invasion due to the attacks of the russian troops, the production of electricity. significantly decreased from 55 to 20 gw, and an unnamed ukrainian official in the material predicts that ukrainians should prepare for life in the cold and
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darkness in winter, so... the ministry of energy called these theses manipulative and spreading the narratives of the russian side. it is said that the claim of winter in the cold and dark is aimed at spreading fear and panic among the population. the material does not inspire confidence due to the citation of an anonymous source, he explains energetically, and journalists play on the emotions of readers and, in order to give the article the appearance of credibility, mix true and false data in it. in addition, the ministry of energy accused the financial times of providing false information about. removal of electricity tariffs, they say, they have not doubled, as stated in the material, but only on 63%. it is interesting that despite the fact that the financial times article in the ministry of energy causes a manipulative reaction, they say that it is a manipulative article, they themselves recognize the difficult situation in energy, the minister of energy herman galushchenko says that due to constant attacks it is difficult to predict what their consequences will be at the beginning of winter. until then, it is important to increase the capacity of distribution generation, the objects of which are
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a much... more difficult target for the enemy, - explains the minister. i also noted that after the latest attacks by russian troops on energy infrastructure in ukraine , mass blackouts began again. just this week, due to shortages in the energy system, ukrenergo daily sets consumption limits for all regions and even introduces emergency power outages. according to ukrenergo, from march 22 to june 1 this year, russian troops attacked all large thermal and hydroelectric power plants six times. due to significant damage , these objects cannot be produced. the same amount of electricity as before. today is the anniversary of the destruction of kakhovskaya hes. by the way, if you if you are watching us from kherson region or mykolaiv region or other regions, write us exactly what you remember about this time and what actually comes to your mind now when you remember these events. a year ago, on the morning of june 6 , the first videos of water spilling began to appear online. within a few hours it became
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known that kakhovska da..., which was occupied by russian troops, was destroyed. here are the first shots. then the water began to flood houses and entire settlements of the kherson region. those who could not escape remained hostages in some places in their own homes. people waited for lifeboats on the roofs of their houses. the official ukrainian data from the controlled territory are as follows. 33 citizens died, 28 were wounded, more than four dozen people are missing. russia claimed that 59 people drowned in the occupied and... although journalists of the associated press established that there were hundreds of dead only in the occupied oleshki. the russian authorities suppressed data about these consequences. on this day , olga tsylinko also lost her home. a year ago, she joined us on the air, in a bathrobe, rescuing children talked about how the water arrived and that she did not have time to take everything valuable from the house, but she helped save animals and neighbors. and she
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never returned to her flooded house a year later. let's. let's listen, see, you can see where the water stood, that is , it flooded all the first ones and rose, yes, that was the level of the water, i have a photo where a boat was sailed on a rubber boat at that level, i have a garage here, a garage were swimming everywhere, all the time there was a message that the peak of the water would be in... 4-5 hours, when we woke up there, according to the calculations , there was a peak at 7-8, so we stayed here until 9, we realized, well, nothing terrible will happen, we poured sandbags there at home, put them there by the door, thought, well, come on the water will enter the yard a little, it did not give us the opportunity to save at least something, at least the photos and
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all the documents, you know, because we... we were going, we thought that we would spend the night there for one or two nights and come back, that the water would be at its maximum in the yards, i personally will not return here, that's 100%. i even come here so that you understand, only, well, how, if any i have an urgent need, i’m not coming, i can’t, i’m coming here, i have the energy of a cemetery here, we lived here for 20 years, turned everything out, threw it away, we only took three kamaz cars out of the house, well, that’s all, because that’s all was thrown away, absolutely everything. certificates are not issued, as for compensation, we received 5-6 thousand from the city government, regional government and the state, this is how it was at the very beginning, it was not compensation, it was help, it is not about anything, i do not want to devalue anyone, but it is difficult to compare a bombed-out house and a flooded one, because...


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