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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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and all the documents, you see, because we were leaving, we thought that we would spend the night there for one or two nights and come back, that the water would be at most in the yards, personally i will not come back here, that’s 100%, i even come here so that you understood, but i, if i have an urgent need, i don’t come, i can’t, i come here, i have the energy of a cemetery here, we lived here for 20 years, turned everything out, threw it away, we took three kamaz out of the house only, well, the only thing... that everything was thrown away, absolutely everything, certificates were not are issued, regarding compensations, we received 5-6 thousand from the city government, regional government and the state, this is how it was at the very beginning, as it was not compensation, it was help, it is not about anything, i do not want to devalue anyone, but it is difficult to compare a bombed-out house and a flooded one, because... you can
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get something from a bombed-out house, we have nothing at all, and this is a very large number of people, this is a whole neighborhood, you look at what you see, all around, there is no yard, this yard is not , well, i don't believe that there will be life here after the destruction of the kakhovskaya gs dam, the southern part of ukraine was left without drinking water, the reservoir dried up, the water moved 50 or even 200 m away from the shore, people had problems with water and drinking water, and gentlemen. for example, how does a resident of primorskyi in zaporozhye talk about these changes? this is after the cap was blown up, that’s how long the water stood in the cellar, we were always 1.5 meters from the water, we were very close to the water, we watered as much as we wanted, the pump could burn out, the water never ran out, here it is now the trouble is, as you can see, there is no water, there is not enough water, five meters the depth is there, well, there is a lot of water, there is very little water, so to speak, it fluctuated until...
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it rained, what kind of well do you have, this is the second well, and as a result, there is still water, this time, two, it's 4 m to the water, the pumps have been lowered, one pumps water into the house, the other waters the garden, how much water is enough, it's time to water, and the time is here and there , where our onion is planted, here and there, one line will be drawn, it's like this it is raining, so that it is at least more or less, you are not afraid to stay with you relatively so close to 9 km, that's all around the corner. well, what to do? in the nikopol district of the dnipropetrovsk region , 220,000 people remained without centralized water supply, and the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, which is currently occupied, is located just opposite nikopol. the cooling of the reactors of the nuclear plant was also at risk due to the destruction of the kakhovskaya gez. this is what residents of nikopol themselves remember about the dam. of course, we were fishermen, we were engaged in fishing. here we had masonry in the old polyclinic. and now there is nothing, we are sitting
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just at home and we remember how we had a good time, and this is where my memories are, and especially in the summer at this time of the year it is to go out even with a child for a walk, for us it was always a place for graduation parties, when i was little, we lived near the shore on novopavlovka girls, went fishing with my father, caught gobies, i remember that, my father hauled and hauled catfish and big ones. buoy of carp kakhov reservoir, i 'll tell you, it was the most amazing thing we had in the place, people traveled 100 km, even on bicycles. there was a lot of fish, children could rest somewhere, parents could in the evening to go out for a walk somewhere to rest, so with the sound of water. it is very sad, we hope for the best, we are waiting for victory. however, journalists and ecologists record that within a year after...
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the destruction of the kakhovskaya hpp, nature is reviving and there is a chance that it will approach the ecosystem that existed before the construction of the kakhovskaya hpp. that is, as before 1955, when the velikiy lukh reserve was on the site of the reservoir. this is the floodplain part of khortytsia island. during the existence of the kokhov watershed, there was a network of lakes and canals here. when the kakhovsky gestem dam was blown up, all the water through these points of connection with the dnieper, it simply came out, formed. huge areas of wet bare bottom, and of course it did not add optimism, this is a very big ecological disaster that could be compared to the chernobyl accident, but nature ordered otherwise, absolutely, what no one could have expected at all is the willow fluff, which recently from fruit bearing, we can see in this fluff fluff a small grain, these grains, they fluff remained on the surface of the water, and the grain... sank under
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the water and sank into the mud, this is a huge coincidence circumstances, that is, that the russians blew up the kakhovskaya hess precisely at the beginning of june, not in august, not in... march, but precisely in the month of june, when this seed had already sunk into the mud, but had not yet had time to rot, and it began to germinate immediately, this coincidence gave us the opportunity to see these utvos now, the newly formed forests can already be called, of course, it cannot be super wow right away, but we observe that about 100 types of plants are already growing in this area, except for willow and poplars and... we see an active migration of the animal population, i'm not talking about reconstruction or return of the great meadow, because it was formed for a very long time. now a new ecosystem is being formed, but in terms of its appearance and biological characteristics, it will be
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closest to the ecosystem of the great meadow, as it was before. vladyslav vryaben joins our broadcast in these seconds. he is the head of the press service of ukrhydroproekt. i welcome you. good day. vladyslav, thank you for joining. we will talk with you in general about those stations that are in ukraine, in which they are dangerous. but let's start probably from kakhovsky. a year has passed, your experts say: the station is subject to restoration, it is not, there should be a new hydroelectric plant, there should be nothing in the future. so what do your experts say? our experts consider several options, as a recovery option, yes. the option of building a new station, of course, it is needed, because this is the south of ukraine, it is water supply, first of all, the kokhov reservoir supplied water, this is the main thing, energy was secondary, several
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options are being considered, but which of them is possible are inclined the most, that is, there is an option to restore the station in general, there is an option to restore the station, but the fact is that what is more expensive is more expensive. to restore or to build more expensively from scratch, calculations have not been carried out yet, calculations are being carried out, examinations are being carried out, but unfortunately we do not have the opportunity to look at the area, ugh, because the territory is still occupied by the enemy. tell me, please, if at least something is clear from the kakhovskaya hydroelectric station, then there is still a question about those stations that will be attacked by russian troops in the future, that is, for for example, one of the projects of your company, in particular, is dniprogez, the russian army... dniprogez has already been attacked several times, and in particular, a few days ago , during the attack , traffic was resumed there not so long ago on the dam itself, how powerful is this structure, i mean in general , the dniprogez building and what impacts can it withstand? yes, the dam itself is very powerful,
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the reinforced concrete has already been compacted there, and you can't do anything with such missiles. that is, russia cannot destroy the dniproges with ordinary missiles. no. unfortunately, by themselves both stations, they are not so fortified, so they got it. ugh. that is, as we understand correctly, the russian federation cannot destroy the dam there with missiles, but it can attack and destroy the stations themselves. maybe, unfortunately, maybe. and how can they be protected? for example, there is dnipro-hes, is there any option for additional protection, or is that all there. all protection was provided during construction, only powerful anti-aircraft defense, only anti-aircraft defense, nothing else, please tell me, except for the destroyed kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, if i am not mistaken with the calculations, there are more now there are about nine powerful hydroelectric plants in ukraine, that's right, that's right, and
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an interesting point, by the way, also from your comments from the past, that the russian federation has projects for each of these plants, that is, i understand correctly that in the past these projects... were sent to moscow and now in the kremlin there they understand which station designs are the most vulnerable and what can be beaten? unfortunately, this is so, because the hydroproekt corporation was all-union and, of course, everything was sent to moscow. but when did they start? strikes on the energy facilities of ukraine, some changes were made, possibly modernization, in order to protect those stations, projects that the russian federation has. yes, changes were made, of course, yes. modernization work was carried out, protection work was carried out, but you understand, when you have a basic project in your hands, you know where to go, and you can’t do anything here, that is, in fact, any changes are carried out now in modernization in order to at least somehow be there , i don't know, those places that are most vulnerable
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cannot be additionally protected, except for the system air defense, only an air defense system, and both short -range and long-range. please tell me, speaking generally about hydroelectric power stations of ukraine as of now, in what condition are they, how many additional requests do you have in order to examine those parts of these stations that were damaged. destroyed, tell us more about it? well, pradhydroproject is constantly working on the modernization and maintenance of our hydroelectric plants. of course, we have a huge number of requests for both modernization and protection. and that's all is being worked on tell me, please, and the state of ukraine, i.e., official kyiv , appealed to you so that, possibly, the ukrhydroproject there... develop additional projects for the construction of new hydroelectric power stations, or stations in general,
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with which you can also actually engage in their construction, their design, is it now not about building something new in ukraine, but only about modernization, restoration of the consequences that actually occurred after the attacks of russian forces, well, regarding the construction of new facilities, this is closed information, as you you understand, well, so that our, so to speak, neighbors do not have it. therefore, of course, no, no, no, all kinds of work is being done, but nothing concrete can be indicated. i understand that everything that we will talk about now, in general , and the questions that i can ask, may be covered with information somewhere, if so, you stop me, the questions are just for journalists to ask, from those hydroelectric power plants that exist today , there is some level of security, what i mean, that is, for example, a hydroelectric power station is better protected, it is built stronger, because it is older or newer there, another... the station is less powerful in terms of protection, isn’t it, all the hydroelectric power plants that were built
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on the territory of ukraine, they were prepared there, i don’t know, to survive conditional nuclear explosions, that’s right , all power plants that were built during the ussr were designed to survive a nuclear war, that is , they have the same protection, so of course the level of protection is quite so decent, but ... you have to understand that no calculations were made for missile attacks such as now, that is, such calculations were not carried out during the design of the actual hydroelectric power station, well, then there were no such rockets, that is, this, because how can it be calculated, but this only applies to the stations themselves, that is, the premises of the stations, if we speak for yes.. . then the missiles cannot harm them, no, the dams
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are strong enough, and i must say that all our dams will successfully survive such missile attacks, that is, you should not worry about it, in fact, there should be no problems with this either. , but the station itself, it may be different there, please tell me, the experience that ukraine is currently experiencing in terms of hydroelectric systems, hydroelectric power stations, will it somehow be taken into account in the world, how do you assess, perhaps representatives of other countries have already approached there, in order to ask what improvements are possible to contribute to the protection of power plants in order to protect them in the future from strikes , including modern missile complexes and modern missiles, is there any possible such cooperation or i do not know such consultation with partners from other countries yours, well, of course , our partners consult with us and... they ask what can be done for protection, that is, ukraine actually now has a lot of information on how to do it and can
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share it with, unfortunately, yes, well, in conclusion, don’t calm down yet , already ukrainian viewers who watch us, not only ukrainians from different regions who write to us, understood that there are dams there, they are powerful, they have a powerful level of protection, and the stations themselves, when they were built, they were not designed for such modern missiles will be able to hit them, in general, like you otsi... knows how to actually design hydroelectric power plants and has an understanding of how they work and can
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talk about their protection, well, we heard that dams, for example, the dnipro-hes are powerful and russian missiles, according to experts, are not scary for them , but the stations themselves can be subjected to attacks and damage, because during construction they were not designed for such intensive shelling. the broadcast was difficult, given the problems with the power supply, but we thank you for being with us, but... the chat for the broadcast is also on today, there are various comments here, i will not read them all now, because you expressed them during certain discussions, but it is important, it is important that you write your thoughts and impressions here, that you share with us your... your understanding of the situation, maybe , even tipped us on what topics we should discuss in our broadcasts in the future, with you in the broadcast, we will meet tomorrow, this is the freedom of the morning project, my name is oleg galiv, and i thank everyone who was with us and from the svoboda ranok team i wish you a peaceful day, as much as possible, and keep an eye on it schedules of power outages in ukraine, they already exist, if they are not emergency, but
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works of one of the divisions, it is the 93rd separate mechanized brigade cold. ravine, this is how they work in the direction of bakhmut, they saw a mangal tank, and it is no longer there, it went to the dam, but they did not just work on it from above, the dam was mined, our boys and girls understand what a comprehensive approach to work is , so remote mining plus fpv drones, and the brazier has fulfilled its function, as one would say. character kebabs are ready, so this is one of the subdivisions of the cold ravine, the black crow, eh, and actually, no save money, because we see that they obviously have drones, mines, i don’t know if it’s enough, it’s not enough, but for sure they lack quad bikes, and it’s actually these quad bikes that we ’re collecting for now, so don’t skimp on such good shots, thank you donations, and in the
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meantime we will include in our conversation iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign affairs. of politics and interparliamentary cooperation, mrs. iryna, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and i want to congratulate ukrainian journalists, even in these difficult times with a professional holiday, today we remember all the dead ukrainian journalists, max livin and sasha makhov, and journalists and oleh zadanychuk, who died in september 14 , we think today about all the journalists who remain in captivity, some of them are missing and of course together we must make every effort to release them. mrs. iryna, you also entered politics from journalism, so i remain a parliamentary correspondent, by the way, so what. this morning, mrs. iryna, we had a conversation with a local deputy from kharkiv, and he just so in a word i agreed that i saw you and other
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colleagues from the faction, and we understood that you went to see how similar the idea of ​​the preparation of defense structures and lines in the kharkiv region is to what is being discussed in the parliament and what is being written about in social networks , so what did you see? impressions and emotions, please, well, our profession excludes emotions, and we are not talking about worse or better, but about the truth, but we always see the truth, and this is very important, i must note that now they have started to dig these defensive structures and in the fields we saw the technique there that began to stretch these dragon's teeth, this is positive, but other facts remain, first, why was a year and a half lost after the deoccupation. kharkiv oblast, when the security conditions still allowed us to strengthen the defense structures there on the first and second lines, now we definitely can't talk about the first line anymore, it's really
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very hot there. the second issue is that we have seen defensive structures built during these one and a half years, when the security situation allowed, and unfortunately, this can only be called an imitation and the purchase of money. in the land is real, you know, the first one we saw , show us this ditch, it looks like a trench, this ditch is in the middle of the village, right in the middle of the street, where a concrete ditch is dug, this is the first time we saw this concrete ditch, which is just catastrophically there is not enough there on the first or second line, where the observation of the enemy should go and where our soldiers should hide in this hole in order to hold the blow there. when the offensive is coming, you see a structure that is simply buried in the ground, from the loopholes of this structure, you can see, except for the colorado beetles, that is pure, you know, well
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a corrupt act, irina friz and i definitely handed over all these photos and information to the temporary investigative commission, because first of all we need to draw conclusions about how much money was allocated to defense structures, who was responsible for them, how the technical tasks were set and... who is this you see dumps of dragon's teeth, they have been lying around for several months, the concrete has started to crumble, i'm not an expert in concrete, but people who understand this say that it means the poor quality of this mixture, well, actually professionals, specialists have to give answers to this question, and now the key thing is, you know who is to blame, it is important, and here it is necessary that responsibility finally comes, now what to do, it is urgently necessary to strengthen coordination between. the military, between the engineering troops and the military and the military-civilian administration in order to understand the logic of the construction of these words, if we are talking about dams, it is necessary
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to involve the relevant services there, which monitor the water level there near these dams, because all , who understands this, complains about simply complete miscommunication, there is a complete lack of coordination of these works, and then it turns out that something turns out to be a tick... they dig along the field, and how it will really work for defense, that is a question. mrs. iryna, why is even logic broken, the military tells us that a properly constructed line of defense is not just a trench dug there, it is a very complex system of communications, where, where necessary, it is blocked, where necessary it is concreted, with absolutely additional exits, approaches, opportunities to deliver by fire'. and this should be done by the military, taking into account the landscape. that's what they tell us military, here we see some unknown layers, some subcontractors, and
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they do all this on the orders of the local administration? you know, that's what i 'm talking about, that the complete lack of communication, it gives rise to the first corruption, and the second, just an imitation of corrupt activity, and not the development of real ones. those defense lines that kharkiv oblast needs very much today in order to, ah, stop the enemy, in order to prevent him from getting even further into the city. we are aware that the advance of the enemy every kilometer, well , simply puts the city under a new and new threat, and because the enemy is approaching and can then cover kharkiv with fire. kharkiv is suffering a lot now from cabals, from daily attacks on itself, in may and the air on... the anxiety in general, so in total, amounted to 20 days, and people continue to live there in such conditions, and it is obvious that the issue of defensive lines, it it turns out, well, at such a very... technical level
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in the kharkiv region, we talked with the military, we talked with the residents of the cities, you are absolutely right that the correct defense structures are several lines that have a different system of communications, these are deep trenches, these are , of course, trenches, this is also a system of storage facilities, this is also a system of the correct pits where our military should be located, and obviously the landscape must be taken into account here. what we saw, you know, well... it felt like people were building themselves, as they say, a cellar, so that , you know, jam was hidden there, but not for the military, because this building was built, which costs, well, several millions of hryvnias, because it is a concrete pit, concrete, you understand, it is built on the contrary in the lowlands of the village, and not on top, and the poor soldiers who now the subdivision in this settlement was forced
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to establish their own. an observation structure, as you correctly say, above, from above in order to take into account the places of kharkiv region, and there we have exactly such a relief cave, and we transmitted all this information, certainly to tsk, you know, it really scares me when i see the eyes of the victorious relay marathon, and there is a feeling that the representatives of the authorities, who tell how everything is fine, well, or they do not have information, and this is terrible. when in times of war people do not have complete information that what is happening with the fortifications, who is telling the truth, they are accused of the russian epso, it seems to me that the russian epso is simply corruption to engage in communications and fortifications, or people really do not just not have information, but are involved in , you know, soft corruption speaking, but really to just some malicious
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actions for the country. when, instead of fortification, these one and a half years, funds were simply plowed into the ground, building such canals, that is the last one, you showed our photo, you know, i too, well, a lot we have seen various things, but this is a ditch that is simply buried in the ground and there is no entrance or exit, and it is like a pit in the middle of the street, i have seen this for the first time, mrs. irina, we still have one and a half minutes left for our conversation, and you mentioned that now they are starting to... do something, actually install all these mountains, and when it comes to quality, do you see that there is any work on errors, or have you noted something like that for yourself? firstly, it's good that this work has started and i think it's about the second line, secondly, you know, the work on mistakes, for example, involving everyone who is ready to help the fortifications, let me remind you, for example, petro poroshenko, his foundation, bought 20 excavators there, which are ready
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to help. the construction of these fortifications, but even here they are resisting, so that you know, there was no equipment, because it is from poroshenko, well, this is bullshit, because on the contrary, it seems to me that today we should throw such a cry to the construction business, to everyone who has such equipment, to help the military wherever possible, to strengthen our fortifications as much as possible, and secondly, i think that quality is a very important issue, a very important issue, targeted use of funds, and i hope that... that these topics will be important within the tsc. we have high hopes for tsk, despite the fact that the servants put very different people there, but i understand that there are several servicemen there and from the voice, from our faction, serhiy rudyk is there, i think they will seriously monitor the information that comes pressure. ms. iryna, thank you for participating in our program, iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy and members of the parliament's committee on foreign
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policy and international affairs. of parliamentary cooperation after his trip to the northeast. khrystyna parubiy is ready to tell what happened during those 15 minutes, while we were talking about the most important things, she and the news editors have already prepared a selection of the latest information. christina, we pass the word to you. thank you, colleagues, i will tell you about the situation in ukrainian cities after the russian shelling in the issue, and also about the new operation of our scouts in crimea. wait a moment. news on espresso, i'm khrystyna porubiy, i will tell you about the most relevant at the moment. you know the russian ship.


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