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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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but i have no answer to the question of why they do this, because it was an extreme electorate and extreme people who supported the government, they were ready to vote for them, because they watched the only marathon where every day they told what the government was well done, they didn't see there the level of corruption that happens here, they didn't see other things from abroad, they still thought that the government there , well done, after they are outlawed, i repeat again, i don't now. .. i don't want to ostracize anyone, get out under attack, that's why what they tell me there, do you help or support the uhilians, no, i am against those there who run across the border, swim across the yew, this is a bad story, this is a violation of the law, but let's talk about those who left there 10 years ago, those who paid into the budget, those who have a business here, live there, those who left after the start of a full-scale invasion, were released by the state, released by the government, those to whom this government... well, let's
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call things by their names, sold white flowers, gave the opportunity to leave on the way and many others things, well, it wasn't you who gave such an opportunity, it wasn't me, yes, it was someone who issued such a document, and it's a vertical of power, not mine, not yours, not other journalists, or those who are watching us today, so first of all then let's deal with the question of who allowed it, and then, as they say, present it to those who went abroad, so what... is happening today is the maximum cutting off of people from returning to ukraine, well you see, you can introduce any norms, any laws, but you have to understand that if you say that at the age of 17, your child must come to ukraine, be registered and after that we will not release him, then in most cases with a probability of 99% this will not happen, if you believe that, you are either a fool, or you do it on purpose so that people just say, no, thank you, we
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will never go again, now we will find some kind of citizenship of another state, we will live there, or they receive, as germany already gives there, other european countries, certificate of existence, stay, because it is not a residence permit, yes, and they will be further to be on the territory of these states, plus processes are already underway to simplify the acquisition of citizenship of other countries of the european union, and well, we should understand it, see it and... instead of creating conditions for people to return, if not now, then after the end of the war, in order to rebuild the state, returned with their wealth, their knowledge, their families, because we will have a catastrophic demographic crisis, we already have one, we will have a catastrophic history with people who are ready to work in the country and work for the country, because in order to attract people... then to the public sector, to
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the recovery sector, it will be necessary to make such a frantic effort that, well, today it is even difficult for me to evaluate it, you may know, once a blogger, i heard, he said that we can win the war but lose the state and every day i remember his words more and more, you know, i'm going to ask you a question that maybe someone has asked you before during the war, but in... you removed from office on the eve of the war, it was in october of the 21st year, october 7, the day before the war, the people, yes a gift, a gift was also given to you by the power of the symbolists, in principle, see if there would be a different supreme council under your presidency during the war than the one we see under ruslan stefanchuk, i think there would be, but not for long, because i when i... was the chairman
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of the verkhovna rada, i tried not to do stupid things, in principle i try not to do such things in my life, and recently a colleague from the parliament there came up to me and said: my god, what are we voting for, such such rubbish, we are forced to vote inside the walls of the verkhovna rada, i say that you know, and i had to apply, you don't even understand how much effort was put into preventing this garbage from entering the walls of the verkhovna rada, and you didn't vote for it, but to be honest, many of my colleagues there i asked this question, journalists also asked it, and i understand that i would not dance to the tune, i would still stand up for common sense and the right things, and for some reason i think that i would have been dismissed from my post just the same, but a little later, and it would happen more calmly for the authorities, because that's why everything that doesn't happen happens for the best, that's why conservation point of view. institutionality and
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independence and adequacy of the verkhovna rada, i think this is my personal opinion, i would have done more. cannot have either, or, or, but, and that is why there is, yes, a conditional way, that is why there is what is, and, therefore, it is necessary to go further and reach new and new heights, new tasks for yourself, you have already mentioned about mobilization, this is now quite an active and alive topic in ukrainian society, ttsk, reservation, later. now topics are already starting that it is necessary to extend the data update period, because they don't have time in 60 days, we need 150 days, we said this on the eve of the adoption of the law that this is not possible, that is, very, very many such things arise that, well, it would be possible to predict in principle and say that it could be,
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or, for example , the issue of reservations, where some very strange gambling companies arise or there is a head and where they book their employees, and now those who... will be booked, immediately receive and receive combat summons, that is, well, it still turns out that , for which they were preparing for this system of mobilization, updated that it doesn't work as it should . no, it does not work at all as it should work, yes, well, in principle, you can get the reverse effect, and we will get this reverse effect, we see that many people do not try to solve it in some way, all the same, we see that in poltava region yes. there are 30% of tsc there, what unsuitable people, who , according to the vlk, are in poltava oblast, apparently went there, because it is difficult to solve the issue here, that is, the system has not changed anyway, these tsc and vlk still decide, all the same
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are trying to do something, this system still works, or can we say that this system was created so that this system will continue to live, well, that is, these changes, they are aimed at the fact that a person who is not she makes it, she started to bring someone there, she is standing in line at the shopping center, she can’t go in, she has to give it to someone, in the lc, he can’t get through in time, with limited eligibility, eligibility to get through, and this system still goes, goes, and it continues to work, well, look, it was probably beneficial for me to say that they passed this law, for her to continue working, no, i don't really believe that, i believe that they themselves did not understand what they were voting for and that they... do not accept, because when, for example, you want we started talking about mobilization in the 22nd year, but not the ridiculous idiotic one that has been adopted now, but because well, first of all, this is a lie, the mobilization has been going on since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, every three months we continue
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the presidential martial law state and about mobilization, that is, they had all the powers even without this law, but they are all that could do bad things... they did it with this law, when in the 22nd year they were told that let's not cut off all the people who come to the ccc on their own, let's train them, let's train them, so that we have a reserve, so that we we had those who would be able to rotate for those units that are already at the front, we don’t need it, we calculated everything, we have people, we don’t need anything, i say, well, you don’t know how long the war will be to go, let's... take a more systematic approach, and they lived in a mode of two or three weeks, and this story, it is like a contagion, how a disease has spread through society, why? because when they tell you that sergey, don't worry, we'll be at the border for two or three weeks,
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we'll be near moscow for another two or three weeks, and there for two or three weeks, well four at the most, and the urals are ours, and you 're sitting in kyiv and you think, well, i've been there for two months and... the war is over, firstly, i won't have money, firstly, i'll live the way i lived, thirdly, yes, they're doing without me, why should i to go there to serve, why should i prepare, why should i do anything else to do, i will live peacefully for myself, then the following happened, these stories from tsk that we see every day are one side of the coin, the other side of the coin is that people do not want to fight, yes, we see two many people who , and they don’t want to, why, because they don’t understand how it will happen when we proposed a system, including rotations, you, part of the time, well, like, for example, it is with the border guards, they have three months each, and there for the armed forces we offered, for example, 6 months, six months you are on
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ppdd, you can visit home, you can stay with your relatives, six months, you stand at the northern border, or, for example, if we take those who are mobilizing. there you prepare for three months in the west, for three months you stand by, next to those who know how to fight on the northern border, and there are no such hot fighters there. act like an oriental, then you come to the brigades, and i believe that the staffing should have been no more than 50%, that is, 50% of those who already have combat experience and 50% at most, better 1/3 of those who have only joined the ranks of the armed forces forces of ukraine for you to be told, to be taught, to be brought to your senses sometimes, because you know when they say that one of the scariest things is the first battle, for someone to... take, excuse me, the ear, and sometimes with a kind word explain what needs to be done and thus save your
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life. no, no one did this, the system was not built, then it was brought to a situation that today completely discredits and i am very ashamed of what is happening, discredits the military, because let's remember the year 22, when a person was seen on the street, and in soldiers and officers talk about it, children ran, toys were given, sweets were given, flowers were carried. a person in a uniform commanded only respect, nothing else, and today, when guys say, we come here and there, or on a business trip, or sometimes on some small vacation, we don't go in a uniform, because people see us, they switch to another side of the road, this is a shame, what has already been proven, a shame, but today it is possible to restore trust in the authorities, in the mobilization process... exclusively through recruiting, but they will not be able to do it to do in two months, it will already be a long
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process, because if you spoil the relationship, spoil the trust, you will not get it back quickly, and the trust in the authorities, including stories with the fact that someone will pay off me, someone has already left abroad, does anyone see what happens to those who are mobilized and got to the front, there were also such examples, when a person was mobilized today, he died a week later... at the front and there, there are also such examples, i understand that this also russian dogs and enemies use it well, but we give it ourselves these specific examples, we, i mean as a state, we as a system of governance, the government, the government that should be responsible for this, and we have what we have, so this bill is bad in every way, because it is not solves none of the issues raised, it does not allow demobilization, even... and this does not stimulate and demotivates not only those who fight, but also those who
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have joined the armed forces of ukraine, because they say: how long will i go there , for a year, for a month, for 10 years, how much? those who fight at the front, i always quote one guy, he said: we came as volunteers, we became slaves, i don't know when i will return home, after the adoption of this law, the boys joked, during our trip to the front we joked, one of the boys said, i should. .. to get home, i need my leg to be torn off at the knee, i say, well, what are you saying, well, these are terrible words, and they are joking, he says, well , there are no other options, and it’s true, there is no rotation, they did not establish mechanisms for recruiting people who would come to defend the homeland, in theory, it is possible to recruit people even by the methods used by the tkk today, but what will it do, the military at the front say, you are only a whip. you will not recruit people for the armed forces of ukraine, they will not fight,
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and seeing all that is happening there today with the shopping center, with the mobilization process, it also negatively affects the entire state, is it possible to fix something, but if very briefly, quickly no , this is planned work that must be undertaken, written down in the plans, put in charge and start working, this is... restoring trust people to the fact that he will serve where he will be useful, and not just because he was taken, he could be a cool medic, and he was sent to the stormtroopers and he died in the first battle, or he will be a drone operator, so- called , or he will be responsible for the rap, or he will be, excuse me, a good cook, or he will work in the headquarters, perform other important tasks, but everyone must be responsible for his own, so ... like in any direction, a good person is not can become a good doctor,
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well, it doesn't happen, you can be very decent, but if you can't count, then you will be a bad accountant, and so will many others, a good actor could become the president of ukraine, so why can't something like that happen, because very often experiments end... not the way we would like. thank you, mr. dmitry, i will remind our viewers that we work live, including on our platforms. on youtube and on facebook and conduct a survey there, we ask you about whether ukraine is threatened by authoritarianism, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion that does not fit into an unambiguous the answer, either yes or no, please write in the comments under this video, like this video so that it can be promoted in youtube trends, well, if you watch us on tv, you can see on the screens now the phone numbers with which you
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can vote if you think that ukraine is threatened by authoritarianism 0.800 211 381. no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. so, as i said earlier, mr. dmytro, v the global peace summit will take place on june 15 and 16, we can already see how china is trying to outwit zelenskyi's team, which is leading its peace plan, although only three of the 10 points are left, but after china's refusal to participate... in the global at the summit, the minister of foreign affairs of the country, wang yi, said that the chinese peace plan was allegedly supported by 26 countries of the world. let's hear what wang yi said. the world needs more balanced, positive and constructive voices regarding the crisis in ukraine. for
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this purpose, china and brazil jointly prepared a six-point plan for the political. settlement of the crisis in ukraine, emphasizing the need to observe three principles: not to expand the battlefield, not to allow the escalation of hostilities, not to inflame the situation by any side. in just one week, about 45 countries have responded positively to this plan, of which 26 have confirmed their intention to join or are seriously considering such a possibility. russia and ukraine also confirmed more. part of the content of the six points, therefore, mr. dmytro, zelenskyi's plan against sydzenpien's plan, well conventionally speaking, or sidneypin and putin, but in this story with the global peace summit, what will the success of this summit mean for ukraine, well, what will it be determined by, well
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, first of all, it does not quite fit into the meaning of the summit, because the summit there only the leaders of the states should be present, well, objectively, it can be a conference, it can be a forum, it can be called another name, but it is the leaders themselves, if there are no leaders of all countries, and i hear about that , that there will be deputy ministers, ministers, someone will send an ambassador, this very seriously undermines the level of this of the west, secondly, the issues that are raised there are important, but... they will not be able to lead to a ukrainian victory in the short term, for sure, the issue of food security is important, the opening of sea routes is a serious help to the economy of ukraine, if it will happen, secondly, nuclear security, well , by and large today
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the ministry of defense oversees this, and they will continue to deal with it and not only them, because even there they are our partners, they are all the same... they have some contacts with russia, negotiation processes , and i don't i think that such a red line can be crossed, they can cross it, it is unlikely that they will go for it, and the third issue is the exchange of the betrothed, the return of the children is a very important aspect, there are no questions, will russia go for it, i do not know, to be honest, i do not see such prerequisites yet, god forbid that i be wrong, if we are talking about the exchange of er... our prisoners, there for those who are with us, the russians, i do not think that they will go in the regime everyone, honestly, i would like to believe it, but i don't see such and such signals from the side the enemy, and those statements that come from
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china, brazil, other countries, including saudi arabia already said that they will not be... present, it is not very good for us, for this event, and it will be beaten due to the fact that there will be a division of these two, there will be a division of the international society into two camps, this is into two camps, it will be negative first of all for us, and today i have already seen the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine on the statement of the minister of foreign affairs of china . but i don't think that it affects globally in any way china's position, they noted it, they will not be present at this conference, which is bad, because no matter how we... we do not accept such statements, but the presence of china would be a serious help and serious support for ukraine on the international arena , unfortunately, there
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is no, let's see who will represent the united states, unfortunately, so am i from the united states of america, yes, well, it's today, let's wait, but the fact that biden will not be there, it's not for us either not very good, i understand that now they will sell the story. about signing a document on security agreements, but this is also a security agreement , there is a difference in a security agreement, as they say, we already had a security agreement memorandum, which, as we can see, is not working today, all those agreements that are signed, yes, there are positive ones things, and aid, and finances, and loans and many other things, and armaments, but they are not the kind that could replace the fifth article of nato there, for example, because there... there is indeed a security guarantee that if one nato state is attacked, then all the others should stand up for it and not only be very worried about it
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reason, but to send your troops here along with your weapons, etc., i have not yet seen such a thing in any of the so-called security agreements. well, by the way, you mentioned nato, and just a few days ago, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, in an interview... stated that ukraine's membership in nato is not necessary to guarantee peace, i will quote what the leader of the united states of america said, peace looks like a guarantee that russia will never, ever, ever occupy ukraine, that's what peace looks like, and it doesn't mean nato, that they are part of nato means that we have the same relationship with them as we do with other countries that we supply weapons to so that they can defend themselves in the future, but that's not the case if you notice... i was the one who said that i am not ready to support the natovization of ukraine, well, that is, biden says that this security agreement that will be concluded is the maximum that you can
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get, so we will help you with weapons, so we will help not to lose in this war, but the issue of ukraine's accession to the north atlantic alliance and the invitation to the alliance in july at the anniversary summit, it does not stand, and biden's position is probably decisive. in this situation, well, the position of the united states of america and the answer about what we will get from the washington summit is probably obvious, isn't it? well, the fact that we were not nato members closed over some other countries, the sky, for example, over israel, not over ukraine. this is also a diversified, let's call it that, approach. i really don't like him, but he, well, we've got what we've got. that's why the story that we will simply help you with weapons. to support, we are very grateful to our international partners, this is very important, but as of today i am not sure that this will lead to what president
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biden said, that ukraine will not be occupied, russia, as of today we have a large part of our territories, if until 20/04/22 it was 7% of ukraine, then as of today it is... more than 20%, and this, and today the enemy continues, despite the fact that our army destroys dozens and hundreds of them every day soldier, he continues to press, press, press and tries to destroy ukraine, this too must be understood and the challenges facing us today, and if we approach simply in the format of a war of two armies without technology, then... there are more of them, that too it is necessary to understand that it will be impossible for us to defeat them simply with numbers, we have to fight with quality, and today we have problems in terms of quality, and
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the situation in the kharkiv direction is a direct confirmation of that in terms of fortifications, drones and many other things, which ones today our army, unfortunately, lacks, well , obviously membership in nato, it is not only the readiness or condition of our armed forces of ukraine and security. to develop civil society, to observe democracy, freedom of speech, that is, well, there are a lot of principles, and the washington post wrote last week that there are contradictions between official kyiv and official washington regarding what is happening now in ukraine, do you see these contradictions, do diplomats, foreign diplomats talk to you at meetings, listen, well, we we understand that you are at war, that you need help, but we have certain problems, you have certain
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problems, and you must deal with them. to fight, and it is not a secret, not only in relation to my communication there, you saw the articles of international publications after blinkin's arrival, when they write directly about corruption, before that the state debt office talks about freedom of speech, about a single marathon, these are the problems who see abroad, and frankly many of the representatives of other countries who help us today say that look, every day it is becoming more and more difficult for us to explain to our society, the society in our countries, why we help a state in which there is corruption, that is, we take the money of our taxpayers, transfer it to you in ukraine, and then we see scandals due to the fact that there are eggs, shells, jackets and many other things. how can we further explain to our citizens that we should continue at the
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same level, or even help more. for ukraine, this is the first history, the second history is the principles of democracy, supremacy, law, freedom of speech and many other things that are basic for nato countries, and today's survey shows how basic they are for ukrainian society, how it relates to what is happening today, that's why there is such a problem, first of all, i i believe that everything is fair, if we are talking about nato, and not about... the european union is a security component, but the movement towards the european union, in this regard , can also become endangered, because every day more and more and more signals, negative signals we can hear. well and the administration of the united states of america intends to fully use the powers of the repo act to ensure the effective withdrawal of the frozen assets of the russian federation in favor of ukraine, but
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must agree. this process with european partners, said matthew miller, a spokesman for the united states state department. let's listen to miller. i think you know that the vast majority of frozen russian assets are stored not in the united states, but in european countries. therefore, for this process to be as effective as possible, it is important that we acted in concert with our allies. and we are consulting with our european allies about the best way to do it. this, we are committed to ensuring that the frozen assets of the russian federation remain immobilized and used for the benefit of the ukrainian people, matthew miller says the right words, but every time i think they are dragging it out for so long that it is not known if they will go as fast as harness, because there is such a proverb that they harness for a long time, but they go fast, well, for some reason this...
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speed, it is so moderate, or is it including the problem of the ukrainian side, that they, well, we, not them, we, that ukraine is something, well, raises certain questions from our american partners, whether it is about the fear of russia, or whether it is about the europeans' fear of russia , that is, what is the reason , that some decisions that are absolutely obvious , when the russian... to pay, including frozen funds, and for the third year they are thinking about whether to do it or not to do it is in accordance with international norms or not, if putin simply did not care about international norms, why is the world not adequately doing the same with him. look, this is a complex issue.


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