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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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regions of the world, where they will strike sensitive objects in those countries that act in relation to russia, so the response may be asymmetrical, in fact , russian propagandists have been talking about this asymmetrical response for a month, and putin's words are actually just a confirmation , that this is what they will actually do, well, when they talk about what... actually, what putin is threatening, then you can break it down into more detail, what it means and how it sounds, so let's let's listen to them, and to make it clear, what exactly are we talking about? what putin was talking about is a response to a possible escalation from the west, which they considered the most successful, that is, these are strikes on the western periphery, the periphery is very wide, it includes the regions of south and central america and syria, there are still american enclaves, ettanf , for example, even the houthis, and deliver something there.
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technically, it is very simple: across the caspian sea to iran, and the iranians will deliver everything they need in full . this is a new level of escalation, and it is not nuclear, which is very good. it will the struggle is on the periphery, but it is not nuclear. it is really very good. at the same time, this is a very clear signal, and these blows to the periphery of the event can be extremely painful. well, actually, no, this is not some new round of escalation. russia has been doing this for 30 years, i used to do the soviet union, there is nothing completely new here, this is what is being done now, is being done constantly, in fact, and russia is also supplying weapons there, and training, in the end, it is constantly making rebellions in africa now some, it is already being done, that is, in fact, all of these, these, these, you know, the threats showed that we don't have, we don't have anything to answer and that's all. all these
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scaremongers, and about nuclear weapons, about some level of escalation, they were only scaremongers, and well, but they went again to listen to it all, obviously, why it is not clear, again, because it was all said, it 's all so obvious that there's nothing to talk about at all, and for that it's enough to just open some newspaper or magazine and read what they write there to understand what's happening, but the main thing is what i tried to convey in general. to all of them western journalists who gathered there, because it is obvious that this was not done in order to talk with some representative of journalists from china or belarus, god forbid, or iran, for example, no, absolutely not, all this was said exclusively for western journalists, and here is the main thing that putin tried to tell them there, that it turns out that russia is not an imperial country, that they are not trying... to attack nato and, most importantly, they are not
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trying to attack nato countries, that is, here is putin himself and all russian propaganda right now is literally focused on saying that russia can swallow ukraine and stop there, and that's actually the main thing they're trying to convey, because they really want negotiations with... the west , they really want ukraine to be given to them, and they really they want western society to do this, accordingly, for this purpose, they gathered these journalists, and i believe that these theses and words were actually the most important of everything that was said at the entire meeting, and exactly what i tried to convey to these western agencies putin and what he is trying to do, to reproduce further. they invented that russia
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wants to attack nato, you are completely stupid, like this table, who invented this, it is stupid, it is delusional, we are defending ourselves in ukraine, we have no imperial ambitions, believe me, it is all delusional, because and the threat from russia to the countries of nato and europe, what do you think? well, you know, for 10 or more years before that , first putin talked about how they would never, never, never seize crimea and start a war for the sake of crimea, because this is a delusion, then that they would never, never attack ukraine, now he says that they will never attack nato countries. well, you have to be really stupid. to not just listen
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to what putin says, but somehow at least take it seriously and try to do something there, some actions, based on... putin's words, because when he says something, it's always a lie, and to listen to it there isn't any in the big sense, well, any sensible content, so see you, see this week's program judicial review, illicit enrichment or connections with the russians, wanted detective. in lyudmila kropyvna's house, what was searched for, there was no search, and according to what scheme the servant of themis got an apartment for her parents in kyiv, yes, her father and mother lived in ternopil. greetings, this is court control and i am tatiana shustrova. during all the years of independence , the judicial system of ukraine has repeatedly undergone
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changes. this year, despite the full-scale war, judicial reform gained considerable momentum. but while the judicial corps is being renewed, representatives of its... old guard still fall into corruption scandals and undermine the authority of justice. today we will tell you about another unscrupulous servant of themis. the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine has opened criminal proceedings regarding the alleged illegal enrichment of the maid of honor themis. this is lyudmila kropyvna, a judge of the northern commercial court of appeal. on april 26, a wedding ceremony was held in her luxury house near kyiv. investigative actions, as a result of which kropivna complained to the supreme council of justice and the office of the prosecutor general. the judge assures that the detectives conducted an inspection and seized her mobile phone and tablet, for which they allegedly did not have a resolution. after all, the higher anti-corruption court approved only the inspection
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of the house as part of the criminal proceedings. to learn more about this case, we've reached out to naboo with an information request. from the answer of the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine: premature and uncontrolled. disclosure of pre-trial investigation information may not only affect its course, interfere with the completeness and objectivity of establishing the circumstances of a criminal offense, but also harm the interests of the victim, the suspect and other participants in criminal proceedings. given the above, it is currently not possible to provide the requested information. so the journalists of judicial control decided to independently find out what judge kropyvna is suspected of and how she could have violated it. corruption legislation. we are in the suburbs of kyiv, an elite area. closed from prying eyes cottage town, luxury, privacy and security. everything is here for a comfortable life. a picturesque area, a protected area, luxury restaurants, shops, sports complexes, private educational institutions and
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famous neighbors there we have poroshenko, who did not leave, lives here. that is, this is his peninsula, a little further on the other side. "oh, here, if you go a little further there, there is yuliyuya tymoshenko's plot, yes, that is, we have here the semi-supreme council of otido. at the end of 2021 , lyudmila kropyvna also bought a large estate here. behind this endless fence, drowning in green 20 hectare of valuable land and a building of 260 square meters administration of state security. it's impossible to get here just like that, but we managed to do it, this is vadim, a specialist in the sale of housing, and right now he is selling the house of lyudmila kropyvna's neighbors, they live literally across the fence. the realtor not only praises the place, but also explains that it is cheap it's not possible to live here. the price
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of real estate in ukraine has fallen by 20 million. i've been in real estate for 12 years, and i understand that the properties in the neighborhood are the most expensive. in addition to the residential building here there was a gazebo, an outbuilding, a swimming pool and other elite things. a private lake and a pond are nearby. at the end of 2021, the estate was sold for $1 million on various real estate sites. it was then that kropivna bought it. however, in his declaration, the judge assures that she bought housing and land for a little more than uah 8 million, almost four times cheaper. by. please note that by law, state officials, including judges, are not entitled to receive individual discounts, except for those provided to everyone. so if the judge buys something at lower prices market, it can be regarded as an improper reward or, in simple language , a bribe. data from kropyvna's declaration
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may also indicate an attempt to hide the real value of the house, so as not to explain the dubious origin of the funds for its purchase. because where did the virtuous judge get a million dollars? realtor confirmed. when paying in cash , any amount can be entered in the contract, if, for example, a lower price is slightly indicated in the contract. the purchase of this estate strangely coincides in time with the period when judge kropivna began to consider the case regarding the alienation of the shares of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant from the international company ferexpo. already in september 2022, the board of judges of pags , chaired by kropivna, by its decision, which was later recognized as illegal, gave more than 40% of gzk shares to four offshore companies. these firms included to the russian group vsnergy and, according to the media, is connected with the oligarch igor kolomoisky, as well as his
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russian associates. the current deputy chairman of the russian state duma oleksandr babakov and the president of the central of the sports club of the russian army by yevhen giner. the ukrainian state bureau of investigation directly called them the leaders of the luzhniki organized crime group. so, in the midst of a full-scale war between russia and ukraine , kropivna gives almost half of the shares of poltava gzk worth 1 billion 300 million dollars to the russian raiders at the appeal stage, is it just like that, honestly and thanks, these are very important courts, the appeal is a level, after which decision takes legal force and is implemented, that is, it is very, let's say, the risks of corruption here are increased, it can be assumed that there may be corruption here, because out of nowhere, a judge suddenly became the owner of an elite estate, and the russians, coincidentally, seized control. over one of the most powerful ukrainian enterprises, since
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kropivna most likely could not explain the purchase of the house in kozen with official income, as well as declare the alleged bribe, in her income declaration she had to indicate that she borrowed part of the funds. according to the information of the non-governmental organization, the office of cleaning the judicial system, money for the purchase of real estate of the judge gave a certain viktor b. everything points to the fact that it may be about viktor barsuk. according to the media , he is one of the lawyers. who worked in the office of igor kolomoiskyi. viktor barsuk's wife, maryna barsuk, is also a judge of the northern commercial court of appeal and, according to our sources, a friend of ludmila kropyvna. together, they often consider cases in the same panel of judges, including those related to kolomoiskyi's business. marina barsuk also attends private events with the participation of kolomoiskyi and does not see any conflict of interest. in the fall of 2021, ukrainian pravda journalists recorded the celebration of the birthday of the sanctioned
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russian businessman pavlo fuchs at... the ukrainian oligarch and the barsuk family. meanwhile, according to kropyvna's declaration for 2021 , part of the money for the purchase of the house, namely uah 5,800,000, was lent to her by a completely different person, nataliya georgiivna gavrilyuk. we learned that nataliya gavrilyuk, ex. wife of state traitor and godfather of putin viktor medvedchuk, mother of his eldest daughter iryna natalia gavrilyuk's son-in-law andriy ryumin, ceo of one of russia's largest energy companies, rosseti. the holding's capacities ensure the transmission of 80% of the electricity produced by the aggressor state. the controlling shareholder of the holding is the russian federation. ryumin himself regularly meets with putin, while the rossettis, according to zmi, have long-term partners. relationships with companies related to persons who control vs energy. it should be noted that
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the current wife of medvedchuk is oksana marchenko had shares in ukrainian regional energy, logistics and metallurgical enterprises, the co-owners of which were, in particular, the privat group and russians from ves energy, the criminal authority mykhailo voevodin and his partners, the vice-speaker of the state duma oleksandr... babakov and the owner of the cska football club yevgeny giner, who thanks to by the decision of the judges of kropyvna , they tried to take over the shares of the poltava gzk. all the russians mentioned by us support armed aggression against ukraine, are under sanctions and declared wanted, and they are in one way or another connected to putin's godfather. so it was probably on their behalf that medvedchuk's ex-wife transferred the money for judge kropyvnya's house. we called mrs. gavrilyuk to find out. more about the so-called loan and the course of the criminal proceedings involving lyudmila kropyvna. hello, i greet you, this is
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nataliya georgiivna, i am a journalist of the tv channel, we have a few questions for you about lyudmila kropyvna, in particular about the story with the loan of 5 million uah, and what do you need, why should i answer your questions, yes i owed her money , и что дальше, and because she is mine friend, are you passing as a witness in the case of kropyvna and her house in kozen? for which there are no witnesses. it is interesting that according to the documents that are at the disposal of the office of cleaning the judicial system, kropivna paid the funds to the seller of the house in advance, even before the conclusion of the contract. instead, for some reason, they decided to sign the contract itself in the premises of a private bank on kovpaka street in kyiv. community activists speculate that this was done in order not to drive around town with a million dollars in cash. be that as it may, doubts about the so-called loan, as well as legality of the origin of the judge's wealth for the purchase of elite real estate near kyiv,
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appear to be well-founded. all the more so, as 10 years ago, kropivna allegedly did not have any at all. to live and needed an office apartment in kyiv. she moved to the kyiv appellate commercial court, which was later reformed into the northern appellate court, from ternopil, where she worked with a judge in the regional commercial court. in this building on dniprovska naberezhnaya in kyiv, she received a 129 m2 apartment from the state, which she later successfully privatized. by standard scheme of expropriation of state housing into private ownership, then privatize this housing, which is a scheme that is actually a robbery of taxpayers and other citizens of ukraine. in order to provide state housing to civil servants, the law stipulates strict standards - 21 m2 per person and 10 additional meters per family, that is, together with her adult
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son, kropivna could apply for an apartment with a maximum area of ​​52 m2, but instead she received in... to increase the area of ​​​​the housing, which were to be paid from taxpayers' funds , the judge had to arrange a scheme, to which to involve retired parents who actually lived in ternopil and had real estate there. so, in one moment in december 2014, lyudmila kropyvna, her father volodymyr, mother tetyana and son artur became the owners of a state-owned apartment on 129 m, each of them received 25%. they say, look, we are a family here. people, we very much need to improve living conditions, they are calculated by, respectively , multiplied by the number of family members, well, it often turns out that it is not exactly 21 m2, well, it turns out to be much more, and receive housing, respectively, from the state, which is then privatized. however, in the story with lyudmila kropyvna, the math does not agree, because even after registering all the family members who
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did not actually live there and did not need housing, the judge could get free of charge from the state. more than 110 km, received 129. we are going to ternopil to see where kropyvna's parents lived before they moved to a new apartment in the capital, and as it turned out, they did not get the square meters that the judge received for them. according to neighbors, pensioners they did not move anywhere, only the father after the death of the mother and a few years after the nettle registered real estate for them in the capital. please, the question is, when did she move to kyiv? that daughter, she is a longer period of time, did the parents live here in ternopil or did they live in kyiv, also did she take them to her home in kyiv even before her death , she did not take them, they lived alone, they lived alone here purely in ternopil, they lived in ternopil , so father and mother. data indicate that the judge's father actually lived in ternopil
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from the register of court decisions. in 2019-20, the communal enterprise ternopil-vodokanal sued. with him regarding debt collection for payment of housing and communal services. when her parents died, lyudmila kropyvna inherited two apartments in the center of ternopil, a four-room apartment of 83 square meters and a one-room apartment of 38 square meters, which, according to neighbors, she now rents out, this is the first one. we don't know her, i almost never saw her, my mother is late, i knew her. do you know the owners of the apartment? no, i don't know, the owner is in kyiv, she lives in kyiv, and this apartment was rented. the adventure in which our film crew got into with the resident of the second apartment of judge kropyvna, the tenant, became known throughout the country. the tenant attacked our journalist and stole her mobile phone. yes, they are, this is an apartment here, but they are in the next one. are they in the house next door? so. and don't they live here? no. they don't live, we are just theirs. i come from here. are you a
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tenant? so. and you are a tenant, that is, you are not a family, take it away. cameras. the tenant locked himself in with our journalist's phone and only left when our film crew decided to call the police, after which the tenant began to threaten our colleagues with physical violence. i 'm sorry, give me the phone, i came in, no, you come to us, come on, you come out to us, then, you come out to us, i'm the camera, remove it, get out of here, because i'm going to kick you now, such a violent reaction... the tenant of kropyvna can be explained, because it is possible that the judge rents out the apartment without an official contract, does not pay taxes and does not indicate this source of income in his declaration, if this... yes, it turns out that the servant of themis herself violates the law, if the judge rents out housing, then if he receives income, and like any citizen, this income must
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be declared, especially if it is a public servant, there is a declaration that provides, even receiving a very small income, some discounts, some preferences, some winnings, they should still be reflected there in electronic declarations. the ternopil police initiated criminal proceedings on the facts of obstructing the journalist. activity and kidnapping phone, then closed it and, according to the court's decision, violated it again: the culprit, who rents the apartment of an influential judge in the capital, has not yet been brought to justice. we visited the northern court of appeal... podarskyi to talk to lyudmila kropyvna about her property. and tell me, please , how did you manage to buy the house you have in kozun for less than a million dollars,
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although its price was a million, you bought it for less than that the price was a million, well, we have information, you have information , you purchased it in the declaration and indicated it for 5 million. yes, with a fantastic discount for luxury real estate. at least four times cheaper than the market value, and even if you believe in this miracle, the funds with which the house of extremely dubious origin was purchased were borrowed either from medvedchuk's ex-wife or from a lawyer in the case, which was considered by the judge, about the multibillion-dollar assets of the poltava gzk who lent you the money for the house, i am not obliged to say, huh, but if the declaration had indicated as an additional source of income the provision of ternopil apartments for rent, maybe... and inventing a loan is not it would happen that you rent out two apartments, but why don't you declare the rental income, i rent out apartments, we had journalists and you had tenants there? these were not tenants, there
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is nothing to comment here, the ternopil story of the theft of the judge’s tenant’s phone is very eloquent: the man himself admitted that he was renting an apartment when our film crew visited him, and while the case with the attack on journalists is still being investigated, lyudmila kropyvna is already in another proceeding, apparently... is trying to explain to the investigators the origin of the funds for the purchase of the house, which sold for 1 million dollars and which nabu was already interested in, and also writes complaints about the actions of detectives to the supreme council of justice and the prosecutor general. meanwhile, kropyvna's attention has so far been ignored by the zk, which should have asked about the income from the rental of property, the sbu, about relations with the russians, as well as the security intelligence service, because she received an apartment in kyiv of almost 130 square meters, which is suspicious from the point of view of the law way and involving parents of pensioners who actually lived in ternopil and owned real estate in the scheme. next year lyudmila kropyvnia turns 65 years old, and
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she should resign. this means that you and i will continue to retain the servant of themis, to whom there are reasonable questions regarding the likely illegal enrichment. kropivna will retain judicial immunity, and the amount of her pension may reach hryvnias per month, every year hundreds of judges receive lifelong support from the state, and not only those who have honestly performed their work and maintained a crystal-clear reputation. for today, i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova. report to us the facts of corruption and unscrupulous judges at the email address you see on the screens or write to me on facebook. we will meet exactly in... a week, all is well, what is
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bahmud? bahamud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear, bahamud is the adventure that will stay with us. until the end of our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. the writer's book olena cherniykoi. a mother's book about her son. a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. in the latest edition of the magazine
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ukraine. the diary of the deceased paramedic iryna chekei tsyboh. a story of courage and a firm position. energy security expert andrian prokip with tips on how to survive power system attacks. the story of ugandan dictator idi amin's path to bloody madness. interesting stories and quality analytics. with the country at the center of the main events. buy it. at points of sale of the press. fm: galicia. listen to yours. i remember betargin. the morning will be without a hangover. what discounts represent unbreakable discounts on memica. ic
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10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. turn on well, that's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. me google. turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. summer. this is a time of rest and recovery. and i
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believe that this year we will succeed. to give a real fairy tale and some peace for children, a world destroyed by war. these children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like no other, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown. that traveling helps children to recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally, i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and
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maybe now this video... will be seen entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went out to restaurants. i visited with... thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's give together memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments.
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine and for your attention. news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. volodymyr zelenskyi held talks with president emmanuel macron in france. the meeting took place as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the start of operation overlord, the landing of the allied landings on the normandy coast, as well as a meeting with other state leaders, including us president joe biden.


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