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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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employee, we need time to book him in order to go through the procedure, and the booking procedure can take a month, it can take even two months, in two months we simply cannot do it faster physically, and well, there are very high chances that these for two months, a person simply goes to work and sooner or later receives a tow truck. to the military committee, unfortunately, the military committees are not very cooperative in this matter, when we ask for a postponement or something else, er, some are more loyal , some less so, but this is not a systemic thing, that's why it doesn't work, and the second problem, well , we all understand that people are not perfect, there are people who have problems there with accounting documents and so on, uh, and in order to... book all people , it is necessary to go through
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the registration procedure, and very often at this moment they are mobilized, that is, the appeal of 40 defense enterprises to government officials, to the ministry of defense, it really has a basis and it is necessary to change some procedures in order to preserve the potential of our production enterprises, and literally a minute, roman, from on the occasion of the fact that before the start of a large-scale... war, your enterprise carried out active marketing work, your complexes were promoted and sold all over the world, or this package of foreign orders, how do you deal with them now, fulfill, do not fulfill, can you deliver for export , that not all complexes are purchased by the armed forces, and many of our foreign clients simply expect, unfortunately, export is prohibited in ukraine today. even if we produce
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more than the country needs, or the country can buy these products, unfortunately, we just have to keep our customers on hold, and promise something, decide in the near future, mr. roman, thank you for the explanation, for what your company does for our... defense forces, i hope that there will be more orders, and your complexes will be received by the armed forces and foreign customers who are still waiting, i will remind our viewers that it was roman knyazhenko, the director of the aviation manufacturing company skyton, which manufactures this reyburd 3 complex, which is actually unique in his own technical characteristics and fights effectively on the battlefield. these were the main summaries of this day, and more details on current news further in velikomi. on the air of vasyl zimi.
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well, thank you serhii zgurets, thank you to his guest. we continue to have a lot of interesting and important information ahead of us. we will talk about the kherson region. let's recall how a year ago the enemy committed a terrible terrorist act that led to a man-made disaster, blew up the kakhovka hydroelectric power station, about the consequences of this enemy crime, and actually, what is interesting is that from... now the procedure to take money from the enemy for his crime begins, well, but we start with the announcement of the collection and ask you to actively participate, so we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in solodarsky and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of ...
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lost military equipment, in particular tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment, our goal is 630 uah. well, for obvious reasons, i understand, now there is no light somewhere, you can’t see us, now people have, of course, like all over the country certain problems with finances, we were able to collect 413 uah, i hope that we will make such a sprint and we will collect the necessary amount, the armed forces are waiting for our help, and we will help them together in this. well, now i will add our guest oleksandr tolokonnikov to the conversation. he is the head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. good evening i will ask about the enemy first.
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well, the enemy hit the epicenter in kherson, as far as i understand, the shopping areas were destroyed, but from what i read that there were no casualties, please tell me more about the consequences of this strike. yes, well, this epicenter has already been under fire many times, and at first it was partially occupied, now there was such a large-scale fire, the shop was already completely destroyed, unfortunately, well, of course , it was closed, so there were no casualties, it was at night, around two in the morning, the russians covered kherson, rocket salvo fire systems, all over the city, just... came under fire and this supermarket next to the house, and apartment buildings were damaged, and the private sector, cars were burned, a woman was injured as a result of this attack, she just asked for help today, today there is another one in kherson
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a woman was injured on the 2nd day, also around 2:00 p.m. the russians hit the city, the woman turned to the help of scavengers... she was injured, the doctors helped her, in addition to this , two people, a man and a woman, a married couple, came under fire shelling, they also asked for help, doctors hospitalized them and provided all the necessary help, as far as i understand, a commercial hypermarket is a huge opportunity for citizens to buy the necessary things in order to rebuild... repair, well, to carry out some other work, because the enemy is constantly shelling, drones, skids, artillery, and in kherson and in the kherson region they realized that people from the kherson region may be going to kherson to buy something they need, or the situation will become more difficult to obtain necessities, well, besides the fact that great common sympathy for the business that
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continues to work, well, actually on the front line, this is a great feat, here the question is not even that money is made there, it is simply also huge risks, unfortunately, we see this risk has led to the fact that... the enemy actually burned the shopping areas, but will it make it difficult this is the situation with the provision of repair and construction materials, are there any other options, or will we again have to involve volunteers, some humanitarian missions, please, well, i want to note that this supermarket was already closed after the previous shelling, which was, as far as i remember about five months ago, after that it was closed and work is already underway. yes, and, but there are enough shops here, there are construction shops, which are working, thank god, it also helps if you close the windows there, or to cover the roof, temporarily, helps,
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volunteers help, the government helps, buys materials so that the emergency brigades go out for shelling and help people, well, it is difficult to build something now, to rebuild coastal... points where you can build today, and tomorrow you can again the next thing is to destroy everything, that is why people are not actively building, they are not making repairs, but please tell me what is the situation with the supply of electricity for the population, and of course we are talking first of all about kherson, well, not only about kherson, i understand that there is communities, where the situation is absolutely critical, or there is no infrastructure there that could provide , obviously, critical in kherson itself and some related problems with other communal services arise, such as water supply there and others, please, thank you for god's sake , we have not yet increased the limit, we have not exceeded the limit, and we do not have blackouts
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because, first of all, big business is not working. unfortunately, we have a certain problem with communication now, with mr. oleksiy, we will try him again, make a call once more, a video call or an audio call, how will it work, because we understand very well, well , this is actually on the front line of kherson, actually on the front line of kherson there is already an enemy from the left bank, and there are enough enemies, by the way, from the right bank, just what are they, what are they , as they say, are trying to covertly act against the community. against the ukrainian army, and of course, today the event that happened a year ago is one of those events that, you know, broke something in this war in the consciousness, first of all of us, ukrainians, maybe of the world community, i can't blame him to answer, and obviously this was some step
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that the main enemy of ukraine, putin, allowed himself, although the main enemy of ukraine is putin and his russia, which allows its leader to be chosen by them. they are the ones chosen to do such evil things, i remember that morning when i woke up and read that, well, it was just this morning, kakhovsky was blown up, it seemed that it was impossible that such a thing would happen, but it happened, and here we have the material : on this topic , the year the enemy committed a terrible crime, led to a terrible man-made disaster, killed dozens and hundreds of people. let's see, let's remember. on the night of june 6, 2023 , the russians committed a terrible crime that they had warned about, that they feared, but could not prevent. the occupiers blew up the dams of the kakhovskaya gez, the generating station. electricity for the south of ukraine, and the kakhov reservoir supplied
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dozens of cities and villages with fresh water. more than 18 billion cubic meters of water broke through the dam and swept away everything in its path, people, animals, buildings and cars. russia had engineering drawings of the structure and knew its most vulnerable parts place, since the station was built in soviet times. the occupiers seized the kakhovska hpp on the first day full-time. headquarters invasion and waited for the water level of the reservoir to reach its maximum in order to flood as much territory as possible. in the first hours after the detonation, water completely or partially flooded eight settlements on the right bank of the dnieper and one micro-district of kherson. rescuers and volunteers began to evacuate the local population. approximately 16,000 people on the right bank of the kherson region fell into the critical zone. left bank of kherson region.
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the russian army carried out another act of terror, it blew up the kakhovskaya hpp. after 5 hours, the water will reach a critical level. the evacuation of residents of dangerous areas has begun. all services are working, emergency services, police, military, everyone is nearby. please collect documents and essentials and wait for the evacuation buses. problems with water supply began in a number of cities and villages of the dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhzhia, and kherson regions. the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was in danger, because its cooling system was synchronized with the waters kakhovsky reservoir. on june 6, at approximately 7 a.m., the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, convened an emergency meeting of the national security council in view of the terrorist attack on the kakhovsky hpp. he reminded international partners. who warned about russians mining the dam almost a year before its detonation. on the same day, the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine
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announced an emergency evacuation from the settlements: mykolaivka, olhivka, lviv, tyaginky, ivanivka, tokarivka, ponyativka, prydniprovske, sadov and the kherson microdistrict, which the locals call ostriv. ukrzaliznytsia has appointed additional trains for evacuation of residents of territories that... could be flooded. the first train left kherson at 12:00. as of june 7, 2023 , 1,700 people were evacuated from 29 flooded settlements, and 12 of them were in the territory not controlled by ukraine. on june 8 , during the evacuation of people and animals in kherson , the russian military opened fire on them from hail. and despite the shelling, as of june 11 from the territory. the rescuers of the kherson region evacuated 2,678 people. unfortunately,
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it was not possible to rescue the animals in the zoo kazkova dnibrova in occupied noviykakhovka, due to mining by the occupiers. almost three hundred animals that were blocked in enclosures died there. only swans and ducks survived. in a matter of hours, flooded houses, streets, cars, tons of oil products, garbage dumps, and cattle ranches were in the water. subsequently, tons of fish died due to the shallowing of the bottom. the amount of direct damage caused by the explosion of kakhovskaya gs is at least 2 billion dollars. we are talking about losses in the housing and communal sector, energy, agriculture, transport, ecology and industry. as a result of the explosion of the kakhovskaya jgs in the territories controlled by ukraine, 33 people died, 28 were injured, more than 40 people are still considered missing, how many people died in
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the territories occupied by the russians is unknown. the zone affected by this crime of the russians is 1,126 km. 80 settlements and 40,000 people, whose lives were endangered by the putin regime, were affected. unprovoked war of aggression by russian president putin. against ukraine changed our security environment for a long time. russia destroyed peace in europe, and the destruction of the kakhovskaya dam today endangers the lives of thousands of civilians and causes serious damage to the environment.' the results of the study of the water that flowed to the black sea in 2023, after the explosion of the kakhovskaya hpp, indicated a high concentration of toxic metals, an excess of zinc and cobalt, as well as arsenic. after entering a living organism, these substances accumulate and over time can lead to fatal
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consequences. contaminated water remained in the houses for several days. after she came down, people began... to return home, but it is impossible to live there normally, because such houses had to be dried, disinfected and restored. this spring , water began to arrive on the smooth territory of the former kakhovsky reservoir, and by the middle of may, a large part of the previously drained area was covered with water, and even before that , white willows had sprouted on it. almost a year after the russians blew up the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant on 150,000 hectares. the artificially created reservoir is now a dense forest. ema stadnyk, espresso tv channel. about the lawsuit to of course, there is not much that can be compensated for russia in terms of compensation for specified damages, but it is already being prepared. oleksandr morshivka will tell more about this. i will only say that the press service of the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine informs that
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the russian colonel-general, ex-commander of the russian group dnipro. suspicion was reported as part of the destruction investigation. the gs is talking about oleg makarevich, he was informed of suspicion under the second part of article 28, part 138 of the criminal code of ukraine. well, we hope that this aleg makarevych will sit on the dock. well, now we will talk about journalism, journalists, journalism during the war and the importance of journalists during the war. today is the journalist's day, i certainly congratulate all colleagues, those who remain faithful. profession, to those colleagues who today are front-line correspondents, those who took up arms , or in some other way in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and joins the struggle, to victory, of course, eternal honor to those colleagues of mine, there are many among them there is also you, whom i knew well, who perished while performing professional duties, or with weapons in their hands,
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respect and honor to these people, and we will talk... about it with serhii tomilenko, head of the national union of journalists of ukraine. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you. good evening, mr. vasyl, i congratulate you on today's award on the occasion of the journalist's day in the parliament, and in general i congratulate the express team on the ukrainian journalist's day. thank you very much, my modest person, but it was awarded in the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the hands of ruslan stepanchuk, for which i sincerely thank you for this award, i think, for everything tv channel that continues this one. time, who is at the front, who is here in the studio, who continues to work as a correspondent, like all my colleagues from tv channels, from newspapers, from websites and so on, so respect and honor to all, i want to start with how in your assessment of this very difficult time, which we have not lived before, of a full-scale war, i mean, because the war has been going on for more than 10 years, but of a full-scale war, how do you assess the work
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of ukrainian journalism in the conditions of military censorship, which is necessary? in the conditions of some kind of political censorship, which is not necessary, but it exists, in the conditions of very fast events, fluid, in the conditions of the fact that it is sometimes necessary to speak, and also perform the role of psychologists, journalists for people, support, how do you evaluate the work of journalists, how much has it changed, well, of course, that the work of journalists has changed , but the key thing is that we are all really hardened by these events, and the key conclusion is that despite the challenges. military challenges, economic challenges, political, somewhere, really you notice that there is, as officially and recognized military censorship, or i would more used the term certain restrictions on the dissemination of this or that information, based on the mandate of the national security, but there are also certain attempts by political forces to influence or take into account for their
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political opinion, but the main conclusion is that we are still a ukrainian journalistic community. we want to breathe freely, we want to preserve democratic values, freedom of speech, and precisely freedom of speech and a certain kind of democracy, a desire for democracy, for possible maidans, but in the sense of a certain kind of people's rule, if it is in the interests of the people. people, we want to preserve this culture, and it is preserved, indeed, are there challenges for journalists, there are, unfortunately, we are alarmed by those cases that are connected with the surveillance of investigative journalists. with certain effects of depriving those, and in particular of your tv channel, of the opportunity to have the widest access to their audience, but on the other hand, we still say that... mostly journalists can work, they try to work and they make a great contribution to, first of all , informational resistance to the occupiers, and accordingly
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journalists and the media inspire ukrainians, although it is very difficult to do, but still we unite, inspire, and the designation, for example, of journalists and our contribution and work, i would like to emphasize literally one aspect, we literally yesterday in... in the evening, they premiered a documentary on the border about the editor of a front-line border newspaper in kharkiv oblast, who prints a newspaper in kharkiv and then drives it along broken roads in dangerous conditions up to the border from up to 1 km from the border with the russian federation through the villages delivers the newspaper and this route 400 km, then these emotions and comments are accordingly removed, then for... ukrainians on the border, on the frontline, a ukrainian newspaper is a sign of ukraine, and that is why we all make this contribution with you so that as many ukrainians as possible
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to keep in the information field, in the field of our just struggle against that darkness, which, well, today is a real threat both to ukraine and to the entire civilized world. well, you mentioned the espress tv channel, i 'll just casually remind you, because you know it's not our question, even about the fact that... the tv channel has been turned off from the t2 network since april 22nd, there is no explanation until now, i just want to say that this is important for viewers, who should have full access to information today, because if the tv channel is working, there are no comments about it from the national council, he fulfills the law, he does not violate the law, so obviously this tv channel must work in the information field and on those platforms, in those networks that are available today, so i hope that if this was a deliberate action or a mistake of some officials, i don't blame now... because you know, they say, it's the government, no, there are people in the government who make specific decisions, i hope that it will be corrected and we will really do this work together, regarding journalists, 91 journalists, if my
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statistics are correct, were killed by russia during the war, this is a lot in fact, 91 journalists died during this war, this is again a terrible statistic, here is honor and praise. first of all, respect, thanks, it shouldn't be like this, journalists don't, well, journalists always die, it's a risky profession, but now we see dozens of people gave their lives, but this sacrifice, you know, the most important thing is that the sacrifices of our colleagues, they were not in vain, that they taught something and society to respect the people who today write, work, on the other side of the screen, on the other side of the site, and the authorities to respect these people, what is the conclusion to be drawn here and how , again, maybe now... to protect journalists to a greater extent, of course, that this is the biggest challenge now of the war, both for every ukrainian and for every journalist who works in ukraine, it is
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security, it is survival, because it is not russia adheres to no conventions, no documents, and accordingly for her the question of the safety of journalists is a zero question, on the contrary, we say that a professional independent journalist is a threat to russian propaganda, it is against the poison of this traveling propaganda, therefore... for russians, journalists, media workers , the media are military targets during this military offensive, and they hunt down journalists, kill them, take them prisoner, but on the other hand, this victim is, again, this is exactly what we are wrapping up, well, our right to, because it is also very important, and i would like to emphasize that before honor of the absolute majority of ukrainian media workers and journalists in... the temporarily occupied territories, the russians have an absolute shortage of collaborators among workers, media workers, journalists, local journalists, in kherson, in zaporizhzhia, in other
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temporarily occupied territories, they refused and refuse to go to cooperation, accordingly, the russians import and export propagandists in order for them to deploy local propaganda broadcasting, so it is to the honor of journalists, but it is quite risky to avoid... cooperation and accordingly fate of the captured journalists in this testimony, i would like to emphasize now that when we meet with you, at least 30 journalists are in russian captivity, and accordingly, their only fault is not these fake courts, accusations that they are some kind of agency, terrorists, subversives, etc., which russia is trying to slander, the only fault of journalists is that they chose this profession of journalism, that they chose the mission to fairly inform the whole world about what is happening, and therefore we have today is a journalist's day, not
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so much to talk about... some kind of celebration, of course, we would like, as every person to celebrate, to rest, but today is the day to sharpen attention in the conditions in which journalists work, and we emphasize, sharpen attention to the fact that we would like to congratulate dmytro helyuk, who has been in russian captivity since march and april 22 , iryna levchenko, who was thrown into the basement in occupied melitopol last may, and we do not have a wife. no news, no verified news about her fate, and we are also in solidarity with viktoria roschyno and vladyslav isypenko and other worthy colleagues of ours, but again , these tests are very big, very scary, but they, for the most part, again rally every journalist, and they force each of us, well, every day to watch, and what i did, being in the profession, being a civilian journalist in order to help ukraine
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to do. resistance in order to help the defense forces to strengthen this resistance and in order to bring victory closer, and accordingly, that we want to defeat russia and punish this evil for accordingly, this war, for all this injustice. finally, i would like to emphasize that our initiative of the national union of journalists of ukraine is an international tribunal against russia for war crimes against journalists and freedom of speech. we believe that it is... to be a part, a significant part , of the great international tribunal that ukraine, the civilized world, is demanding, so that russia is punished for war crimes, and accordingly, russian propagandists should be elements, if defendants at this tribunal, because they are the ones lit the big one enmity, which accordingly killed the cities of russians, and this population today is only sergius, i myself want an end, well, by the way, i want
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to remind you that julia strei. the editor of this publication, dersthürmer sturmovyk, the editor was a journalist, he was executed by the verdict of the nuremberg tribunal precisely as a propagandist, he did not kill people, he killed them with his words. i want to ask very briefly, we literally have 40 seconds, but there are journalists who, according to one of the presenters, who went on a business trip and did not return, made a difficult decision the decision to stay abroad, well, they didn’t go to work for the enemy, i’m not talking about those who work somewhere in moscow as a propagandist, or work part-time as a propagandist, there are some, but those who left and cast a shadow on the profession, i , let's say, i was also in poland in january, for some reason i didn't stay, well, it would be, well, that is, there is always a choice, but i didn't even think about it, but i did my work, like after the war, after the victory before these, to treat this, because it's like, well, you broke the law, and it's like you're not working for the enemy, but you threw honor at profession, for those people who sacrifice their lives and health today,
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well actually i... believe that everyone should act according to their conscience, and accordingly, i think that we should not even discuss the question of what will happen after war with these people, they themselves have to atone for some kind of moral choice, etc., for today i think it would be fair for you and i to join forces and help those professional journalists who in ukraine fulfill our professional duties with honor as much as possible, and i don't think it's a big deal the problem is all this more... this is a problem for them personally, for those people who escaped, who broke down, but for us, again, we concentrate on the worthy, and again i want to emphasize, for me, many of my colleagues from izyum are an example, from kherson, etc., who perform important work under daily risk, and accordingly, that is why our slogan of the union of journalists of ukraine, journalists are important, is hardened more than ever in the current difficult wartime. thank you very much, once again
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happy holiday, and once again memory to everyone. dead journalists and with weapons in their hands and at implementation.


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