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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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what decisions can the allies take to counter russian aggression during the commemoration of the anniversary of the landing in normandy. the right to self-defense. after long discussions, the majority of western countries approved ukrainian strikes with their weapons on the territory of russia. does putin have opportunities for a symmetrical response: to prepare for cold and darkness. due to russian shelling, ukraine lost a significant part of its own electricity generation, will new tariffs for the population help restore ukrainian energy? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, me my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health! during the next hour , we will talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war
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and about our victory, we will also talk about the emergency situation in which the ukrainian energy industry is now, and about the summit, or rather not the summit, but the meeting in france, where the 80 - the landing of allies in normandy, volodymyr zelenskyi is there, and his meeting with joseph biden is already planned there, this is the first meeting that takes place in june, in a week zelenskyy is to meet for the second time with... with biden already on the sidelines of the g7 summit in italy, we will talk about this throughout our broadcast today. however , before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of how tonight the defense forces of ukraine attacked the novoshakhty oil refinery in the rostov region, there were explosions and a large-scale fire, this is not the first time at this oil refinery.
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there are explosions in the water, local media reported a drone attack, this factory specializes in the production of oil products and is the largest supplier in the south of russia, let's see how it all went, full, our oil tank was blown up, the oil is burning, i went out, i'm standing, i'm filming, it was flying in all directions.
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glory to the ukrainian defense forces and death to the russian invaders. friends, we work not only live on the tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about or? do you think the increase in electricity tariffs is justified? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a separate opinion that goes beyond an unequivocal answer: yes, no, please write it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the increase in electricity tariffs is justified 0.800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers. are free,
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vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we are in touch is our first guest, this is ivan plachkov, chairman of the council of the all-ukrainian energy assembly, minister of fuel and energy of ukraine in 2005-6. mr. ivan, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, congratulations, good health to everyone. first of all, mr. ivan, let's talk about the current state of the energy system of ukraine and what... obviously , most of our tv viewers may not be able to see us right now, because there are power cuts, there is not enough electricity for everyone in the power system, and the lights are turned off in various regions, and obviously it will be a long time. how would you describe the situation we are in as of june 6, 2024?
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the situation is extremely difficult, i would say, a critical situation in the energy system, why after many such massive... missile strikes on the energy structure of ukraine, and russia is trying to completely destroy, first of all , the electric power sector, we lost a large amount of generation, well, we remember we know that our zaporizhia nuclear power plant is occupied, it is 600 mw, we know that ours is destroyed, well, i would say almost all 90% of thermal... power plants that operate on coal are about 700 mw, we have destroyed kokhovska gest, dnepragst, kremenchukska, these power plants of centroenergo, you can see on the screens in what condition they are, that is why we have
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a deficit, we have a large deficit of generating capacity, and considering that two days ago... two power units at nuclear power plants were taken out for repair, as part of preparation for the rainy season, and the high temperature, it contributes to the increase in electricity consumption, that is deficit, and even imports electricity from european countries in the amount of 1.7 to 2 gigawatts, he will not allow it. to balance the system, therefore, the energy industry, firstly, in order to avoid a total blackout, this is firstly, in order to keep the equipment at working power plants, because if there is a deficit of generation, purity drops, and
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this threatens emergency situations, in including at nuclear power plants, they use a very large... such volume of shutdowns, restrictions on the supply of electricity, unfortunately, the situation is like this and it will be like this, well quite a long term. president zelenskyy stated that the issue of protection and restoration of the energy sector should be the main issue to which total attention should be paid at all levels of government. let's listen to what zelensky said. the report of government officials on energy and the possibilities of protection and recovery every day and at all levels should be given not just the maximum, but the total attention of all
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responsible officials. mr. ivan, total attention, is it enough to restore our energy capabilities, well at least half of what russia... did not destroy, well, look, restore, this, this is not only total attention is not enough, but also and even and ee, if we, we, we, somewhere count how much money we is needed for financing, it, it is calculated not only by tens of billions of hryvnias, then we need time in... a month, in three, in six months, even in a year, it is impossible to restore such a volume of generating capacities and substations, that is why even the protection of those objects that today work as some kind of
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construction facilities or the first one there degree two, it is impossible, and we have been talking about it from the very beginning, whenever... there are talks about some structures that protect, the only effective protection is air defense. today, first of all, it is necessary to strengthen anti-aircraft defense, i hope this will be done on existing, working energy facilities. second, what does total attention mean? we need to coordinate the work of the energy complex now. by the central bodies of the executive power, i do not see it, because there is no profile vice-prime minister for energy the energy sector, today the energy company is not subordinate to the minister of energy, this is how our
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power structure is formed, they are not subordinate to him, who is involved in energy today, all of them , if you say, all the ministries of the department, well this... it is no less important for our country, than the situation at the front, because it is the existence of the country, and as for the recovery, it is years, years, years, for us, i i... even you know, i am not thinking about this period, the summer period, that awaits us, especially in
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in the middle of summer, there are also very big problems, i i think about the next heating season, how we will winter, we will not be able to build a generation, we will not be able to increase the import of electricity, unfortunately, well, these are the realities, how we will winter, now we need to prepare and think about how they will... winter , how the city of kharkiv will winter, who will tell me, when all the heating is destroyed, how the city of kyiv will winter, if we do not exclude strikes on our energy infrastructure, and if it is a cold winter, and if it is -15 and there will be no electricity in the city, there are 10-15 in some area hours, what will happen to the heat supply system, what will people do, how will utility workers not act, we need interaction with local authorities, with city mayors and so on and
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so on, we need to carry out a huge amount of organizational work now, unfortunately, i don't see anyone conducting it, only slogans, everyone needs total attention and so on, this is not enough, i will ask you, mr. ivan, what is it about, you have a lot of experience in managing energy companies as well, did you? minister of fuel and energy, the current government is addressing you for advice, what to do in this situation? no, well , i don't apply there, i think that maybe it is, there are many specialists, others, many experienced energy workers and so on, it's not a matter of principle, it's a matter of principle now to do exhibitions, some organizational actions, that's specific. it is necessary to appoint such a position, here is a person for the position,
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the first vice prime minister, the minister of energy, the fuel and energy complex. second, make an interagency commission at the level of the central executive body, where the minister of transport, the minister of finance, or the first deputies of the economy and so on, further in each region to do such and such. the interdepartmental commission, which is headed by the first deputies and to coordinate this work online, well, i will say that these shutdowns are necessary today, they are necessary, but they are not organized, they are some kind of situational, reflexive, we need to make a schedule of shutdowns that will work, let there will be no electricity for 5 hours, for six, and for four, no... but people must understand that there will be no electricity for 6 hours, after that there will be
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electricity for four hours, and we will adapt, adjust to this situation, and not only us, and enterprises and so on and so forth, there is no organizational basis today in energy management, unfortunately, the financial times also writes about the difficult situation in the ukrainian energy sector, they write about the fact that ... the russian federation disabled or seized more than half of the power plants, causing the largest blackout of the first full-scale war. to quote the british publication: we must prepare for life in the cold and darkness - said the source of the publication in the answer to what such destruction predicts for ukraine in the coming months. at the same time, the ministry of energy responded that the vft article has signs of disinformation and that it is in the interests of russia. the article uses a reference to anonymous sources in... which government, this calls into question the reliability of the information provided, because it is not confirmed by official
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sources, for example, an unnamed representative of the ukrainian authorities in the article claims that we should prepare for life in the cold and darkness, such a statement is aimed at spreading fear and panic among the population, mr. ivan, where is the line when telling the truth about what awaits us next winter and what is called russian ipsum? you know, i don't want to comment anymore. here is this information of the ministry of energy, it is, first of all, the information of the press service, and, well, well, how they don't see, they do see, i think it's a chip.
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structures, i'm not sure, so we protected all energy facilities, we don't know, maybe we did, even if there will be no additional destruction, then i have already given an example of what can happen, but how will the city of kharkiv winter , so let the ministry of energy will say, where there is no thermal generation, it is completely destroyed, kharkiv ts5 and so on. there is a boiler house and everything in kyiv, the test is damaged, but it is winter, it can be cold, it will be minus 15, 5 hours there, if there is no electricity, there will be no heating in the house for 5 hours, what will happen to this heating system in the house, it will freeze, if it freezes,
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there will be explosions, pipes will burst, and what and what and what is next, that we have measured time. there were alchevsk, there was alchevsk in peaceful times, they just probably don't remember and don't know what it is, that's why i i'm talking about understanding and preparation, we need to make points of invincibility in large cities, where there will be many people of some mass, so that they wait, maybe a week, maybe a week and a half, until the energy companies fix things after... there will be problems with heat supply, there should be diesel, heat, food, medicine and so on, and we, well, imagine, i just really, really worked a lot, i survived many heating seasons, and we have peace times were
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massive problems, when the margin of safety in the energy industry was 40, 30-40%. and now we have a minus 30-40% margin of safety, so we need to think about winter and make sure that it is not the same as before the war: everything is fine, rest, go for a walk and so on, and then what happened on these railway stations and so on, and even now, we must understand that we have a war, that energy is destroyed, that they will try to... destroy us, and i will tell you one more thing, i don't often say this, look , what is with our gas, today ukraine transports gas to europe, we all know that the contract is working, we transport it to austria, to hungary and to slovakia, 30 billion there, this contract expires in the new year, on january 1, and
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please tell me what can stop it. russia to attack our gas transportation system, our gas pumping stations, main gas pipelines and so on, we, we, we can expect it, yes, and they are already attacking our gas storages, and if we have more problems with gas, we rule it out , we do not rule it out, we must prepare, think through, calculate the toughest, most difficult scenarios. to think as much as possible to prepare, and if that does not happen, then thank god, and if it happens, we must be ready to come out with minimal consequences, losses from this situation, unfortunately, the slogan and the leadership are not enough, that everyone's total attention and so
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on, total attention is not enough, work must be done... in a 24.7 organizational mode of all authorities. on june 4, the verkhovna rada partially lifted the moratorium on tariff increases, so the government can expect an increase in heating prices, the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee said council on finance, bank of finance, tax and customs policy, yaroslav zheliznyak, in an interview with radio nv. let's listen to what zheleznyak said. this is a small insider. yesterday, the parliament partially canceled this moratorium, it was written in the new law, which, of course, no one there is chasing after amendment after amendment, and nobody noticed this amendment, well, the deputies should, probably. read the law, i already yesterday, when i reread it, that we voted, well, i saw it, i am sure that it is a partial cancellation of the moratorium on raising tariffs, is it not
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for household consumers, that is, not for the conditional population, but for industry, it is laid down there, so i think that we should expect such surprises from the government not only for electricity, mr. ivan, it is obvious that the increase in electricity prices and... .change in heating prices, they will not change the situation, what would you advise our viewers to prepare for winter? and look, as far as the tariffs are concerned, you and i remember and we know very well that since the first year of ukraine's independence, the tariffs for electricity, heat and gas, they, and water, electricity, heat, heat and water, they... had nothing to do with economic commitment, cost price and so on, they were always formed through the prism
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of electoral, rating, electoral, through the prism of elections and so on, so the country switched to a market economy, but we came up with our ukrainian know-how, where we took these three services out of... the market economy, there is no such miracle anywhere, this is our ukrainian miracle, and that is why we are forced by the government there, they fixed the tariffs, then they wait a year, two, three, one election, others, others, everything exactly then they are forced to increase them, and to increase them twice or 2.5 times, because life, it, it forces you to do it, because you have to do according to the tariffs, you have to do according to the tariffs... the following: first, an inflationary component must be included in the tariffs, firstly, because inflation is, it is inflation of 7%, why is this inflation, as it were, it applies to
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everything else in the market economy, but it does not apply to these water and electricity and heat, well this cannot be, and secondly, secondly, we have the lowest tariffs in the world, even only in turkmenistan it is less. tariffs for these services, so if we want to bring them closer to the cost price there and at least gradually raise them, let's make a decision by half a percent or by one percent per month, we will raise tariffs, if a family pays 400 uah per month for electricity, it will be next month to pay 402 uah, then 404, 406. and so we will pay 6% per year for this or that or 12, and we will support tariffs, no, elections are not necessary, we are for
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the people, we are for the people, and then forced and and and and and then cannot be explained, this regarding the tariff regarding the winter, we have to imagine and agree with this eh that eh... the enemy destroys the energy system, i will say at least 60, well i can say 65% ​​of the energy complex is destroyed, the reserve capacity is -40, restore it years, this is not one year or two, so we have to live with it, we will win, we will overcome everything, there is no doubt about it, but we must be ready. in the summer period, it will be difficult, because the temperature is high, refrigerators, air conditioners will apply these shutdowns, i think that
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in the near future they will switch to schedules, that what i said, it is possible, and the energy sector has done it, and in winter we need to think about how we will winter, so, first of all, especially in big cities, that is why i say, urban... authorities, mayors should do these points of unbreakability so that if people can enter a warm room and wait there for some time, and if there are acquaintances, relatives, friends, in villages, cities, district centers, to always go, make an agreement, i am not saying to go now or in october, if... there is a need where there is such traditional heating, where there is firewood, coal and so on, so that you can also take and go, which
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people know where. to go and be there for a while, it is clear that for the social infrastructure these are generators and heating systems, not only boilers, heating systems that work on electricity, if there is a generator, well , a lot of measures are needed, a lot of experience, well, if people, what professionals, what career energy workers, i repeat again... career people who have passed and know all the degrees, where they have worked on many levels, they, they know it, and they and it is possible to prepare and prepare for this set of measures so that the consequences are minimal. thank you, mr. ivan, for the conversation, it was ivan plachkov, chairman of the council of the all-ukrainian energy assembly, former minister of fuel and energy
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of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live, please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you the following, do you think the promotion is justified? electricity tariffs, yes, no, if your answer is beyond a single answer, either yes or no, please write in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and... vote , if you think that the increase in electricity tariffs is justified (0800-211-381), no (0 211-382). all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, oleg rybachuk, former head of the center for joint actions, will be in touch with us the head of yushchenko's presidential office and the former vice-prime minister of ukraine for european and euro-atlantic
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integration, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, i realized for myself that it is necessary to prepare for the inclusion of points of invincibility for the winter. yes, well , plachkov says that this is how it will be, that these points of invincibility, after all, we need to think about how to deploy them, because there will be a problem and a rather serious problem, i hope that you are out of electricity now, so we will work let's talk in this slot about... peace summit in switzerland on june 15-16 , a peace summit will be held in switzerland, and which will be initiated by president zelensky, more than 100 participants have already been announced, or rather participants from 100 countries, and as the ukrainian pravda writes, referring to some draft documents, i am sure it is not clear what it is, but it is a draft decision of the summit, as if under the pressure
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of switzerland and the global south , amendments were made to the draft of this decision that are unfavorable to ukraine, which threaten the unalternative status of president zelenskyi's peace formula, includes a change, that is, that zelenskyi's peace plan ceased to be an alternative, or even a key document for the settlement of the war. now it is said that the participants of the summit are based on the ukrainian peace formula and other peace proposals, without a special role of any of them. how do you, mr. olezh, assess... this meeting, because it is probably not worth saying that it will be a summit, because it will not be only the first persons who will be states, or whether the definition of a peace summit is correct here, taking into account the fact that president biden is not will be, the leader of china will not be there, and obviously the part of the prime minister india will also not be there, or can this be considered a peace summit? well, we have the event that yermak presided over, i don't remember somewhere there... in
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arab countries where experts were presented, our media called it a summit, then i protested, but now it's more like a summit, so that there will be a number of first persons there, but the question is not how to call it, the question is how much this event will strengthen ukraine's position in future relations there, in particular with russia, because... it must be said that after this summit, it was already in the press, the next summit is being prepared somewhere again in the arab countries, in saudi arabia, somewhere, somewhere there , the next summit is being prepared, where china is actively behind the preparations, and at which russia should be present, i watched the material that you showed in the ukrainian truth, i also read the information...


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