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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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the peace summit, well, we have the event that yermak presided over, i don't remember, somewhere in the arab countries, where experts were presented, our, our media also called it a summit, then i protested, but now it's more like a summit, because there will be a number of first persons there, but the question is not how to call it, the question is how much this event... strengthens the position of ukraine in future relations there, in particular with russia, because it must be said that after this summit, it was already in the press, is it being prepared somewhere again in the arab countries, in saudi arabia or, somewhere somewhere, the next summit is already being prepared, where china is actively preparing for it and russia should be present at it. i watched the material that
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you showed in the ukrainian truth, i also read bloomberg’s information, but recently i saw the statement of our minister of foreign affairs, who actually denied this information, he said that ukraine is not going to concede in any way, well, its right to present zelenskyi’s formula at the summit and does not consider the possibility of any other scenarios except. those wordings proposed by the ukrainian side, and will strive to ensure that the world community, and it must be said that the turnout is indeed, the turnout is declared quite high, exceeded the expectations of more than 100 countries there, it is true that there will be a different level of representation, but despite everything, our minister of foreign affairs of affairs believes that we will be able to prepare and leave this summit with a consolidated position of most countries of the world. and then it will be possible
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to talk about the virtually unified or maximally consolidated position of the majority of the world's countries for events involving russia, which makes the ukrainian position much stronger, but in this article the ukrainian european truth just called into question the consolidation itself, the unity of the participants, well , one thing can be said that in such events, in the preparation of such events, this document... which is called a communique or some joint statement , they can practice there until the last minute and certain e corrections can be made directly during the summit itself. on the eve of this summit, just a few days ago, china said that they have an alternative peace plan and they will not go to switzerland, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine emphasized that all countries that sincerely desire to restore
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peace should take part in the global peace summit in switzerland, and not make efforts to undermine it, i will quote the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. the participation of a high representative of the people's republic of china in the summit could be a good opportunity to make a practical contribution to the achievement of a just and lasting peace in ukraine, the restoration of its territorial integrity against the background of four summits between china and the state of russian aggression at the level of leaders, that happened in the beginning. full-scale invasion, it would be an important signal of china's balanced position. well, judging by the reaction in the world, and from the information that is already available, somewhere around 26 countries support the chinese peace plan, or simply put, this is the china-russia peace plan. in this situation, is russia trying to discredit the global peace summit in switzerland and say that not everything is so clear-cut, and the peace plan may...
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be completely different from what zelensky proposes. well, if putin declared during the meeting with shchetinpin that the russian and the chinese are brothers forever, then the ukrainian and the chinese are definitely not brothers, and at least not in the next century. i have said about this more than once, that we had some kind of hope, hope, we spent a lot of time hoping that something would change. and china will be at least neutral, but remember the statements of the british intelligence there about the readiness of china to supply lethal weapons, but i have, i told you that i had an episode in my life there, where i communicated, i was lucky with one from two of the world's most famous experts, academics, who published several books about china, and she just dashed all my rosy hopes that shizlin pin and... and the current government in china may be
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some kind of ally of ukraine, it is the ideological half-brother of the russian system, and therefore... even a meeting recently, yesterday , in my opinion, or probably yesterday, there was a meeting of zelenskyi's high-ranking adviser in beijing with an attempt to convince him once again. china is an ideological ally, and it is an ideological enemy of democratic europe, and since ukraine is part of democratic europe, it is an ideological enemy of ukraine, and ideology for xi jinping, for the communist party of china is the main one, there even... not so much economic factors, some geopolitical factors, namely ideology determines the partnership, so we should not have any illusions about the fact that china is preparing an alternative summit , then we have to wait to see how this thing goes in switzerland, well
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, first of all, the numbers are inconceivable, and secondly, let's see how this swiss forum will move to the next van, the next, because it's impossible. exhibit as a separate unrelated event because both forums declare their desire to achieve peace, justice, the triumph of international law, that is, in the russian-ukrainian war, or the crisis, as china calls it, and therefore it will not be possible to pretend that some other summit will be held somewhere in an arab country, even if russia is there , so a lot depends on how the swiss summit will be held. on the eve of this summit, or rather, on the eve of several events, there will be a meeting of the g7 and today a meeting in normandy about where, where will be celebrated or commemorated the 80th anniversary of the allied landings in
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normandy, a number of western powers, and our partners, have announced that they are giving permission for strikes on the territory. of the russian federation, their weapons for the armed forces of ukraine. the speaker of the house of representatives of the united states of america, mike johnson, said in the voice of america commentary that the current partial authorizations for the armed forces to use us weapons from the biden administration are not enough. let's listen to johnson. i don't think we should micromanage the war effort in ukraine. i think we need to give them guns necessary for protection and in order to repel the russians. therefore...against the president in this, i have already spoken about it and will speak again, we will have a conversation with the white house about it, well, putin has also received information regarding the response to the strikes, possible strikes, strikes have already begun by the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of the russian federation, he retaliates with strikes
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against the facilities of those countries that supply long-range weapons to ukraine, he said at a meeting with representatives of news agencies. let's listen to a small one fragment. if someone thinks it is possible to deliver such weapons to the war zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to deliver our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where strikes will be carried out on sensitive objects of those countries that do this in relation to russia. after all, if we see that these countries ... are involved in a war against us, and this is a direct participation in a war against the russian federation. we reserve the right to act similarly. in general , this is a path to a very serious problem. sir oleg, how do you evaluate this decision of our
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western partners? i mean, it was late in time, but still something prompted our western partners to say so, is it the situation in the kharkiv oblast near... kharkiv, or were there some other motives for granting the right of the armed forces of ukraine to strike on the territory of russia? well, in fact, these cracks have already gone, i mean, a number of countries have started to give permission for the use of weapons, it's just that some countries do not supply us with long-range weapons, in fact, the focus was exactly, it was the united states, and here we are from the united states. heard the news that it turns out that the united states never and never forbade us to shoot down russian planes on the territory of russia with our weapons, although before that we discussed information, in my opinion , from the german press, that there was hysteria in the germans and the americans, when
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we as patriots shot down several planes and helicopters on the territory of russia, it turns out that there was never such a ban, although i do not believe this information, one in short, there was already a trend, but i personally believe that this is a response to russia's attempt to attack and conquer there. if not all of kharkiv, then part of the kharkiv region, and simply expand the front. and in this regard, there is a certain logic to the american strategy, for example, if biden said today, or said yesterday, that it is possible to strike there even for 50 km, they allow it, to destroy the russian troops that are gathering, or the russian equipment that is going to strike ukraine, for example, for now that you can't attack the kremlin with atakams, but this... then it is a certain, certain signal to russia, because from time to time we hear and from time to time
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we see moscow's attempts to strike at the decision-making center, in particular, at the government quarters in kyiv, and you don't have to be very intelligent to understand that if there are attempts by russia to this extent, the truth is that they don't have such capabilities yet, they tried, they would like to, if they could, if... well, if they had such opportunities, but this is also a certain exhibition there, well, i already have the word of the reds lines, this is already disgustingly simple, but this is how the game on these big chessboards goes, that when sanctions are introduced there in stages, there is always room from the west to give an immediate adequate response, and russia cannot stand this race, because there commenting on this... somewhat frightened statement by putin with some threats, what weapons and to whom can
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russia supply, if putin is now selling weapons to the koreans, the same weapons that he promises to give to the same koreans so that the koreans are in europe, to whom he is going and what he is going to give if they have them there right now china and korea, iran, they, they ask for these weapons for themselves, they have nothing to fight in ukraine, so i don't know who these threats are aimed at. but in the west, and the americans, you and i know this for sure, there is an opportunity to significantly strengthen the military capacity of ukraine and provide us with much more equipment of the great radio judge, and today we received good news that we will be sharing intelligence with us in order to we knew exactly which objects to hit on the territory of russia, because before, as i understand it, we did not have this information given on the military facilities that are located, found. near the border of ukraine with russia on the russian side, and now we will have this exact map as well. thank you, mr.
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oleg, for the conversation, it was oleg hrybachuk, a politician, a person who knows everything, or almost everything, about ukrainian politics. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live there on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, do you think? are you justified in raising electricity tariffs? yes, no, if you have a different opinion and you can write it in the comments under our youtube stream, please leave this comment, we are interested to know your opinion, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you think it is justified to increase electricity tariffs 0.800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to... these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will match the results of this vote. next, we have
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viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, i congratulate the entire spresso team on today's journalist's day, i wish you to be the first to announce the news of ukraine's victory. thank you, mr. viktor, and i congratulate you from... a journalist, one might say, with the past, with your past day as a journalist, since you are now engaged in world politics, as an expert, as the chairman of the board of the institute of world politics, let's start our conversation with the statement of biden, who in an interview with abc news explained what exactly the limited permission of ukraine to use american weapons for strikes on the territory of russia means, let's listen to a small fragment of biden's answer. it is allowed to be used near the border, when the russians
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strike from the other side of the border at specific targets in ukraine. we do not authorize strikes on moscow, on the kremlin. well , i missed two words in this synchronicity. will allow to fire their weapons. the ukrainian army on the territory of the russian federation, how do you assess these decisions that were made during the last two weeks and during the last days of the americans. made this decision, how does it change the balance of forces in the russian-ukrainian war? eh, the stakes are rising, if we talk about whether biden could allow to hit moscow, then he could not do it, if only because we do not have missiles that would reach moscow, because according to
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the information that was with open sources, us delivered missiles for... no more than 320 km, that is, even if we wanted to hit, sorry for such a word in moscow, we physically could not do it, what biden is saying now, that we can already use missiles close to the borders of ukraine, and again, without mentioning the range there, it seems to me to be an answer, including yesterday's big one. the press conference that vladimir putin gave, because vladimir putin yesterday let the whole world know that he can also provide some conventional weapons, well let's say, countries that are unfriendly to the west in order to stir up new centers of escalation
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around the world, i really doubt that... except for some terrorist groups , anyone can do this, like countries that are worried about their territorial integrity and that , so as not to get a quick response from the united states of america, but what putin said yesterday should have received some kind of response, but he received this response today. simultaneously. biden talks about what he, in another interview, time said about the fact that he is against the natovization of ukraine, and does this mean that by giving ukraine the right to strike on the territory of russia there no more than 200 miles, well, it is 300 km, at the same time, biden still does not give any hopes, does not leave
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any hopes so far ukraine, that ukraine will be a member of the north atlantic alliance, well at least. that in july we will receive some signal from nato? well, let's be adults , we will definitely not receive an invitation to join nato in july. a country at war, i do not remember cases when a country at war was declared a member of the alliance. that's why i it seems that even when jack salvan came to kyiv. accordingly, there was an understanding that he would bring, i apologize to blinkin, that he would bring just some news, but these news would not be about the fact that ukraine would receive an invitation to nato membership there. now they are talking about some other formulations, but you remember that the previous
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nato summit, which was held in lithuania, ended with the creation of a council. a nato country, but by and large this council was some kind of incomprehensible superstructure and it did not show itself particularly during this year, so of course that will try there to sweeten our refusal of the next one, i do not rule out that it may be the transfer of f-16 aircraft to us in this period. but to hope that the anniversary summit in washington will end with an invitation there, well, i wouldn't, well, not that i didn't, i'm 99% sure that it won't happen. commenting on the words of the american president for radio liberty, the diplomatic mission of the united states of america at nato explained that biden meant only the current
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unreadiness of ukraine for membership in the alliance. i will quote this statement of the diplomatic mission. is the president he made it clear that ukraine's future is in nato, which the united states confirmed at the summit in vilnius along with all other allies. the president spoke about the fact that he does not believe that ukraine is now ready for membership in nato, which he has repeatedly said and said before. last week, mr. viktor, there was information that our allies are asking zelensky at this anniversary summit in washington not to torpedo the issue of ukraine joining nato. in your opinion, will he listen. ukrainian president, considering the fact that our foreign policy, for the past two years, has been in a good way, aggressive, sometimes constantly, constantly. and his team are keeping the world on their toes and forcing them to do more than they promised? well, let's say, even to more than they hope to get from themselves,
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that is, we constantly try to encourage both nato countries and the countries of the european union that they are capable of doing more, and that they should be able to make... the right decisions, but it always turns out the situation is such that, for example, the same americans will try a bunch of different options until they come to the probable and most correct, the most correct is always what should be supported, we remember how painfully we perceived these discussions in the congress and in the chamber. what kind of sacrifices did we actually pay for these 6 months, while there were discussions about whether to give ukraine, allocate weapons to ukraine or not
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, and actually it is very difficult to predict now, or rather not even to predict, to push the united states america, which is entering the most acute phase of the election campaign. to the fact that they are now taking, well, let's say, unpredictable steps, that is, in the united states of america, everyone understands this, the election campaign is going on, the white house very much wants this campaign to end and for it to go smoothly enough to return to the internal agenda of the day, but all the time the white house has to respond to external challenges and... i think that, going back to putin's interview, he hints that he will not allow this election to be held quietly campaign, that the united states
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will have to deviate from its, its domestic agenda, so of course we can demand even more weapons, we can demand speed, and that seems to me to be the right position in this case. because we constantly talk about speed, and when those reports that they are ready to give us something, and the time from their announcements to the transfer of specifically military aid to the front takes six months or more, it starts to make us nervous not only our establishment, and the guys who... are on the front line. mr. victor, this week the washington post published an article about some misunderstandings that exist between kyiv and washington in the fight against
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corruption, it was about the resignation of deputy prime minister oleksandr kubrakov, what claims the united states of america now has to zelensky's team? well, you remember last year's visit of volodymyr zelenskyi... to the united states of america, in fact, in september of last year, a preliminary agreement was reached on restarting the government, they talked about it in ukraine, about it said my sources in the united states of america, and in fact, you will remember that even the united states of america embassy took the unprecedented step of posting a letter of four on its website there. pages, or rather proposals of four pages, where the reforms that they expect ukraine to carry out in principle were described, at the same time
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it was said that the subjectivity of the cabinet of ministers should be returned, at the same time it was said that the subjectivity of the verkhovna rada should be returned, but events happened in israel, and then all attention shifted to the first. it's israel's turn, you remember that even in the world news there was less and less talk about ukraine, so this question, i think that sooner or later will still arise, you see that there are no personnel changes in the parliament, because there are simply not enough votes, and sooner or later, i repeat, personnel issues will still be on the agenda. the question is when? and one more marker, probably for our american partners, the first thing is what is happening in our country with democracy, what
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is happening in our country with freedom of speech, last year the state debt office published a report that talked about the problems with freedom of speech and expression, talked about a single telethon, at the same time in ukraine, the kmis conducted a sociological survey, and they asked ukrainians about what actually happened to democracy in ukraine in the last 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency, 43% of ukrainians believe that the situation with democracy has worsened. of them, 28% are convinced that this happened due to the authorities' efforts to curtail rights and freedoms, and at the same time, 19% believe that the situation with democracy has improved, and 29% that has not changed, while 50% of ukrainians are convinced that president zelenskyi has not fulfilled any or a minority of his pre-election promises, and 18 respondents answered that zelenskyi has fulfilled most or all of his promises, almost as many believe
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that... he has fulfilled about half of his promises , the largest number of respondents, 50% explain the failure to fulfill promises by the presence of dishonest corrupt people in the president's team, followed by approximately the same result of 26-32%, there are such explanations as the lack of competent people in his team, full-scale invasion, actual inexperience, influence of oligarchs. how do you, mr. viktor, very briefly evaluate this sociology, about what, what does it testify to? well, first of all, this is so... today, changes in the consciousness of society are of a different nature, and it is obvious that these changes are influenced and influenced by the war, and the history of mobilization, which is not completely understood, and the lack of major victories now, i think it still
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shows... a great emotional fear, the emotional state of society and shows the actual trends that we can fix for today, if, for example, ukraine starts to win, if ukraine starts to listen to western recommendations, for example, to do something there with the government or with the parliament, then i think that the trend can change, i really believe in it. actually. thank you, mr. viktor, for the conversation, it was viktor shlinchak, the chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel. and now we will sum up the results of our vote, the vote on the issue of prices for electricity, electricity tariffs. do you think the increase in electricity tariffs is justified? so, 15% of ours.
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of tv viewers said that they think this increase is justified, and 85% said that they do not think these tariffs are justified, on youtube we have 20%, yes 80% do not. that's it, friends, i'm putting an end to it, i wish everyone a good evening and i wish everyone health, take care of yourself and your relatives, we will meet with you tomorrow, as always at 20:00 there will be a new... verdict and we will be visiting valery chaly at 20:00 no skip this program, let's talk about foreign policy and domestic policy, also, it was the verdict program, then serhiy ordenko, bye.
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world leaders commemorated the anniversary of the landing of allied troops in normandy, among the guests the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky, in his plans to meet with joe biden and emmanuel macron, but... what can ukraine expect from these meetings, this is the next 15 minutes of the bbc live broadcast from london. jafer omerov is with you. the coast of french normandy, where they landed 80 years ago allied troops during the second world war changed its course then, and today. in order to honor the veterans and the memory of the fallen soldiers of the so-called de day, world leaders gathered there.


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