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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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world leaders commemorated the anniversary of the landing of allied troops in normandy, among the guests is the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, in his plans for a meeting. with joe biden and emmanuel macron, but what can ukraine expect from these meetings, this is the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast live from london, with you jafer omerov. the coast of french normandy, where allied troops landed during world war ii 80 years ago, changed its course then and today. in order to honor the veterans and the memory of the fallen soldiers of the so-called day there, there world leaders gathered. germany, france,
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canada, the united states, european countries, ukraine and european monarchs. russia was not invited to the ceremony because of the invasion of ukraine, and many of the leaders who attended the ceremony compared what happened in europe in the last century to what is happening now in ukraine. one of them was joe biden. in his speech, he drew parallels between the normandy landings 80 years ago and the struggle. we know the dark forces that these heroes fought against 80 years ago, they never go away, aggression and greed, the desire to dominate and control, to change borders by force are eternal, and the struggle between dictatorship and freedom is endless. here in europe, we see one vivid example: ukraine was invaded by a tyrant seeking to rule. courage, suffer great
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losses, but do not retreat, and let's not forget, the autocrats of the world are watching closely what is happening in ukraine to see if we will allow this illegal aggression to go unpunished, we cannot allow this, to surrender to thugs, to give in to dictators, just don't think if we made it... free, if you want to know the price history tells us that freedom is not freedom, come here to normandy and see. he added that nato and the international coalition will strongly support this country and pointed out that isolation was not the solution 80
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years ago and is not the solution today, but what exactly happened 80 years ago, so on june 6, 1944 , the allied forces of great britain, the united states and canada landed in nazi-occupied normandy and opened a second front. in the operation of the largest more than 150,000 troops took part in the history of naval landings. it cost great sacrifices, but this... day in history is called the beginning of the end of the second world war and the reign of the nazi occupation forces in europe. the landing of troops took place in five sectors of normandy, in one of them the losses were the highest. about four thousand people died on the beach of omaha, where world leaders met today, including the president of ukraine zelensky. he came to normandy with the first lady of ukraine olena zelenska. in this footage, you can see how
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other leaders greeted, including the leader of the netherlands , mark rutte, and the british defense minister. and shanna dniude said: "allies defended the freedom of europe then, ukrainians are defending the freedom of europe now." the ukrainian president plans a series of bilateral meetings with emmanuel macron and joe biden, commenting on the upcoming meeting , us national security adviser jake sullivan said that biden will discuss. with zelensky about the state of affairs in ukraine and how the united states can deepen its own help to kyiv. the commemoration of the historic victory over nazism now resonates with a new war in europe, as the bbc's europe editor, katya adler, has reported. the americans returned to this city. it feels like it's 1900 again on the streets. the hammers are not
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only dressed in the military uniforms of the allied countries from the time of the second world war, they came from all over europe to celebrate and commemorate . i don't consider myself a hero, i was just following orders and i'm glad i was able to help. even 80 years later, they are still considered extraordinary heroes here. that's all ... katrin's father and brother participated in the resistance movement, this street was named in their honor.
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the allies needed details about german military positions, and my young brother collected data for them. due to the treachery of a neighbor, catherine's brother and father were sent to the nazi... from the camps, they survived, that woman missed her father very much, for him his country was more important than his family, i think, and his wife, but you him proud, yes, very, very proud of him yes, apart from the celebrations and celebrations on the occasion of the day where there are also painful memories of the nazi occupation, collaborationism... and the large number of deaths, as well as the realization that even decades after the appeals, war has never returned to europe, and in on such a scale, which has not been seen since the second world war, we are talking about the russian invasion of ukraine. before the start of the official ceremony
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on the occasion of de day, we met this foreign group waiting for the arrival of world leaders. i, a german, came here to call for peace. freedom to all of us. this is a heartfelt appeal to the leaders of all countries of the world. oleksandr kraev, an expert of the ukrainian prism, is in touch with us. unfortunately, due to the technical tents, the expert cannot join the broadcast. and so world leaders are now in france to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the landing of allied troops in normandy, 80 years ago, on june 6, the forces of the united states, canada and great britain conducted a successful operation to relieve
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the troops on the german-occupied french coast. and this day in history marked as the beginning of the end of the second. new war and 80 years later, world leaders are already talking about a new war on the european continent. the war of the past and the war of today have been compared by many leaders, including the president of the united states, joe biden. volodymyr zelenskyi was also present among the guests. he is in france with his wife olena zelenska, and the ukrainian president plans to meet with joe biden and... with french president emmanuel macron. and due to technical problems, unfortunately, the guest cannot connect to our broadcast to talk more about zelenskyi's visit to
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normandy. and this is where we have to end our broadcast. subscribe to our social media pages so you don't miss the most important news. we are on facebook, instagram and tiktok. you can watch our episode on youtube if you missed it on air. so, that's all for today, look for more stories on our website, and we'll be back on the air tomorrow at 9:00. keep yourselves. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but little is known, what is happening must be understood. antin
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borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland in... what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu? in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sister eu.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities
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of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and... thinkers politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00, i see that
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you have switched to generators, i even, i don't even. good evening and glory to ukraine, it's thursday 9:15 p.m. and the project says veliky lviv
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, traditionally on the air of the tv channel on youtube, the project says veliky lviv. we continue, work immediately. to warn all our viewers, we are working on generators, so we will do everything possible so that the broadcast goes continuously, but now the energy situation in our entire state is such that it is necessary to predict something, to understand when it will be a power outage and how to protect yourself from it almost impossible, but we have to endure in order to win our ukrainian great victory. congratulations, thank you for joining our broadcast, there are already guests in our studio, this is an expert. and politicians, and various people who will share their thoughts about what is currently happening in our country, express their own analysis of those processes, because there will be philosophers and political scientists, but we are still waiting for vitaly portnikov, so we can connect him via skype, there is he is with us, and that is good, vitaly portnikov,
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i want to say right away that you and i communicated before espresso went live, just a second before we were supposed to go on espresso, the lights went out, we got our power back up to go live, and here we are with you talked about this russian measure, which is creeping not only with tanks to our country, but also through many, including cultural, as it were, activists or journalists, and i really liked your comparison, it seems to me that the light just went out on this, what do you think putin is such a russian motherfucker. you open it, and there it is yuliya latynina, you open further, and there is oleksiy aristovych, this is a free quote, and i ask you to continue, they are mocking, mocking all of us, because there , by twisting your words and calling you independent, they mean all of us ukrainians, i think , which you and i must realize, ukraine is a complex country that
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really consists of regions with different historical destinies, and ukrainians are not to blame for this. that they turned out to be divided between several empires, and several kingdoms, that a large part of ukraine was part of of the russian empire, devoid of any national identity at all, because ukrainians were declared part of the russian people in this empire, that galicia was part of the austrian state first, and then poland, that transcarpathia was part of the hungarian kingdom in austria-hungary, and then czechoslovakia, and then... again became a part of hungary for a certain time, and then became part of soviet ukraine. imagine the fate of bukovina, a part of the region that was in austria-hungary, as a separate state, in fact, as a separate duchy, then became part of romania, then became part of soviet ukraine. and of course, in such a complex state
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where oppressors, such as the russian imperialists, organized famines, in fact , for... they tried to replace the population, destroy the village, as such, this is the same, you understand that this was also the basis of the nation for many centuries, the bolsheviks tried to destroy all this at the beginning of the 20th century, so it is really very difficult to organize such a state as a state with a common identity, both on this and on that the imperialists are paralyzing, their mercenaries, their allies are paralyzing on this, and i keep saying that in fact our task is to create a single... ukrainian political and public identity that is not based on ethnicity as such, although, of course, that ukrainian ethnicity plays an important role in building this political public nation, simply because ukrainians, ethnic ukrainians are the majority in our country, and this is also an obvious fact, as ethnic french are the majority of france, ethnic italians are the majority of italy, and
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ethnic poles are the majority of poland, this is how european, european states are built, but no one thinks, you see, no one thinks about the difference in identity and the difference in origin, no one there, especially in france , mentions that the former prime minister of france peter , pierre bérigois was pyotr beregov, and the great french singer charlize navour, of whom armenians are proud, that he is first of all an armenian for the french, and then a french chansonnier and he is a french chansonnier for them, simply has such an exotic armenian origin, and france does it too. such a diverse civilization, and no one in many countries of the world mentions this ethnicity, you understand, but here. the soviet union has always tried to impose this and is now imposing that we cannot be a political project, that only the russians are a political project, that only they absorb people of different
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nationalities, in fact this is not the case, because these are exactly ukrainians have proven in the last decades of their history that they are capable of making a political nation in which everyone is respected in russia, i apologize, in order to to become russian, you have to hide your own national identity. identity, to be ashamed of it, to be ashamed of it, to be a ukrainian, so khahol, go there somewhere, to be ashamed to be a jew, to be ashamed if you are not russian, to be ashamed to be a yakut, you can tell jokes about everyone, about ukrainians, about jews, about yakuts, about chukchi, about armenians, about anyone, remember that all russian humor is based on anecdotes about other peoples, the truth is, well, that also says something, and it is you... it turns out that these people want to develop a complex in all of us inferiority complex, inferiority complex, and with those who have this complex, they happily
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talk on all their broadcasts, and with those who do not have such a complex, they will debate, so to speak, once, and go away, goodbye, we are now let's sort out in our circle what a scoundrel you are, a nationalist, anyone, but not a person of ours... circles where they understand the full importance of the empire, well, it surprises me, but, to be honest, it doesn't bother me, because i always remind a simple thing, you know, we are building ukraine, everyone has it has its own task, everyone has their own mission in this construction, respect for disadvantaged peoples, quoting pavel hrabovsky, has always been an important part of ukrainian culture, the new ukrainian culture, begins with heritage. from the caucasus, and this should also be remembered. let's go back to putin's statements, he met with journalists of world news agencies, and right there,
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let's show this quote, he said that the strikes of western weapons on the territory of the russian federation are perceived in the kremlin as a direct war against the russian federation, and he declared that they are ready to strike at those countries which supply arms to ukraine. how will our partners react to these statements of his, that is, this is not the first time, and in principle he can say at any moment that these weapons that have flown to us are weapons from europe or weapons from the united states of america and simply to start acting, or is it just some kind of raising the stakes again and now, it's raising the stakes, listen, putin is a talented blackmailer, because we are always looking for reasons that will force him to act, shall we say, more... harshly or to act against the countries of the west, and i'm all the time i remind you and i will remind you again that in vladimir putin's behavior you need to look for reasons, not pretexts. if vladimir putin
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needs an excuse for aggression, he will find it, yes, because in principle, western weapons have long been shelling the territories that the russian federation considers to be its russian subjects. donetsk, luhansk oblast, kherson oblast, zaporizhia oblast. region, crimea, sevastopol, if anyone does not remember, are considered subjects of their own federation in russia, and if russia wants to strike at the countries of the west, it can absolutely it is safe to say that western weapons are being struck on russian territory and that it is going to respond to this with strikes on western objects, if putin is not going to strike on western territory, in that case will you lead? you are in sevastopol or in kursk or in bryansk or even, i apologize, in the kremlin, as drones attacked the kremlin, right? and nothing happened, there will be no strikes, so
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putin's policy looks like hitler's, first you make a decision, and then you look for an excuse to explain the reasons this decision, that's all, and everyone should remember this. i wanted to clarify, but again. i watched this whole press conference of putin today, he finally gathered, by the way, in a small space with a large number of journalists, it was very easy to study the geopolitics of the russian federation by the way he treated certain representatives of different countries, where he tried to somehow communicate with those italians there, told the germans that they do not have ultimate sovereignty at all, but i am talking about something else i wanted to ask you, this demonstrative story with such even a little... mocking tone towards journalists, well, it can rather testify to the fact that he cannot answer the conventional biden and macron in this way, but rather gather journalists and, as it were, show his
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superiority over the collective according to... the so -called measure, well, that's a little different, to gather them in st. petersburg, to tell them that gas can be supplied to the whole of europe from here, that is, it still looked like, well, maybe such a gesture of intimidation, but definitely not a gesture, which can to show what actions putin wants to take, do you think, or maybe in search of legitimacy, if putin talks to western journalists, then he is respected, but i have to tell you that if you listened to putin for three hours, topin... you should to send a bottle of this wine of his, which he makes there on his own plantations somewhere near galenzhuk, but i advise you not to drink it if he comes, but to send it to a laboratory for analysis, because this person mixes some other substances with each bottle, we know , and this and this habit is not cancel, but i agree that by and large, by and large, putin is also trying
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to send his signals to the west, i believe that the very fact of... talking to the western press does not show confidence in himself, when he is confident in himself, he is not with whom he does not talk, and this also seems to me to be an important point, and he cannot say anything new, and you heard putin's wonderful phrase that he finally explained what denazification is, for two and a half years we have been looking for answers to the question that what this person means by denazification is pure legally, and he said, well, something incomprehensible, i want the propaganda of nazism to be banned in ukraine at the legislative level, but what year did your colleagues ban the propaganda of nazism at the legislative level? it seems to me that almost 10 years have passed since the adoption of this law, when the propaganda of totalitarian ideologies, both nazism and communism, was prohibited, right? so, i would like to ask the people who inform vladimir putin why they haven't told him about it yet? thank you, vitaly portnikov, traditionally, as detailed as possible,
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as much as possible... today we delayed a bit because we had problems with the light, we had problems with setting the signals, we are moving to our big studio, the largest discussion platform of our entire country, the guests are already waiting there. good evening to everyone, we are ready to introduce to our audience, who watch us on the espresso tv channel, as well as on the youtube channel velikiy lviv, those who are with us today in the studio, we are working live, i also remind. i warn you that something like this can happen the light may go out, unfortunately, we do not have any guarantees, the generators will work, and literally in a few seconds we will then restore the air, be ready for this, but we understand that in a situation like ours, many ukrainians throughout the territory of our state andrii dakhniy is with us today, doctor of philosophy, head of the department of history of philosophy at ivan franko lviv national university. welcome
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to our studio for the first time, nice to see you. andrii kopychyn, maradona, commander of the unit within the special unit of timur gur of the ministry defense of ukraine. oksana yurynets, also with us, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, ex-head of the permanent delegation of ukraine to the nato parliamentary assembly. maryana verkhutura, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of international activities of the research institute of public law. good evening good evening. svyatoslav pavlyuk is with us, executive director of the association of energy-efficient cities of ukraine. and andriy andreykiv, candidate of legal sciences, military-political expert, member of the aspen club of ukraine. oksano yurynets, this is me the first question i ask you right away, because it really burns, everyone is talking about it. joseph biden's last statement that there can be peace in ukraine, but here, but peace without nato, and in fact it is perceived as, well, as of now, as such, well, such an intermediate closed
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door for ukraine. regarding nato, do you think the door has really been closed to us? you know, i returned a video from the year 19, where just after the parliamentary assembly, i arrived in kyiv, reporting to the parliament, nothing has changed, it's just safe guarantees are not guarantees of peace, they are guarantees of the continuation of the war. why we need an alliance and why we need collective security, because this is the only system that has shown in 70 years that it guarantees us, i hope. that biden said at first you can't shoot, then you can shoot, that is, that this position will be changed, because in fact there is no other format, well, look, that's why when iran started bombing israel, everyone joined in and started to defend it, let's let's just look directly and clearly why, because there under 300.


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