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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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no, the door is closed to ukraine in relation to nato, do you think they really closed the door to us? you know, i returned it, a video appeared in the 19th year, where just after the parliamentary assembly, having arrived in kyiv, i am reporting in the parliament, nothing has changed, just security guarantees are not guarantees of peace, they are guarantees of the continuation of the war. why an alliance is needed and why collective security is needed, because this is the system that has only shown. in 70 years, what does it guarantee us? i hope biden first said no you can't shoot then you can shoot that is, that this position will be changed, because really, well, there is no other format, well , look, that's why, when iran started bombing israel, and everyone jumped in and started defending it, let's just look directly and clearly why, because there under 300 billion investments of the united states, or somewhere under 40 billion investments. ukraine,
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yes, but what are these investments? not the united states. the quality of these investments is cyprus. and now we have to do absolutely everything so that they treat ukraine as a relative, his native so none of the foreigners and our partners will be more ukrainians than you and i, who are here, and for whom our land and all our military are important. you know, today was a touching moment for me when, wanted to thank a veteran in normandy , and i wanted to make it that way, i think he understands, the president of ukraine, when he met with him, i think he understood that we need to thank these soldiers, our ukrainians today, very much, because they fulfill this role, if we want, in order for wars to end in europe, ukraine must become a member of nato, and the second option, who is lobbying for aid to ukraine now the most, if you follow these situations, discussions, debates in congress and in other countries, you will see: that
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it is very often the manufacturers of weapons, ugh, and the ukrainians, this is a lot, i think an expensive, but expendable resource, and we still want to live, not just be a resource, and for us today, the key and important thing is that we are given everything we need, and we use it for its intended purpose to be, you know, when your colleagues bilt came here, i settled them in taurus, they they came with a convoy, they helped the people a lot. on the air, we understand all these things about interaction, cooperation, but what do you think, well, purely legally, we definitely did not get closer to nato after such statements, but look, we tend to see very often when world leaders change their minds , and you saw macron who was... at first one,
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we broke him down to microns, he became different and started making other statements, well listen, well at the end of the day, it's a long time, it's a 10 -year war, for me it started in the 14th year, when we first went to chuguyevo to support our brigades are still from the regional council, and as of now i just understand perfectly well that when everyone is doing something, we did not just ask for weapons now, but we said let us shoot with them, we said, you know, but when vitaliy volodymyvitch was going to munich, we say, come close scholz and tell him, even so... then i will leave here, i will not leave until you do this, and well , that is, you understand, yes, where is merklichko in kyiv, and where do we need it, and well, but you understand that each of us understands that we do not want to live constantly in war, we lived in war for 10 years and biden, i hope, i still hope, it will be, well, you know, to such a leader , you can say one thing to yourself today, then another, i understand that there will be a summit, there will be a summit in july , everyone is preparing for it, i know that he is coming here even the first lady of ukraine. that is
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, there are a lot of things that are necessary for the americas to come down now, so it will be ours, i know that today they are looking for opportunities to do there and start convincing about what we are stronger in, and if we want to successfully see successful support, i don't think that the united states is ready to take the risk of losing, they already have it, they need victory, they just always see it from their angle, and for us there is an ugly position of elections, elections to the european parliament, elections in... .. we are leaving a delegation for 10 days to london to britain, where we will follow the elections in britain, this weekend there are elections in the european union, we also do not know how plus or minus, many of our friends are passing, but we we understand that this situation you have to hold on, hold on until that moment and you understand the baltic countries, our friends from poland, that today ukraine in the eastern flank of the security architecture does not exist for the european union without ukraine, and of course, that everyone is looking at biden, because he can even sell for us. from jordan or from south korea,
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what we need for artillery is only possible with the permission of what the united states will say, but forgive me, we still want to, we will follow, because there are really a lot of events and even yesterday it was possible shoot. on kharkiv oblast, and today it is already impossible to shoot at moscow and the kremlin, but we conclude that it is theoretically possible to shoot at st. petersburg, and tomorrow it is possible to shoot at moscow, but not at the kremlin, until, perhaps, we wait until it is forbidden to shoot at the kremlin, when there there is no one, it’s just necessary, just then our viewers notice why the whole world should listen to a terrorist, that is, why we pay so much attention to his words, he holds a press conference, announces something, and it is so important to us, but what did he say and what do we what can be done and what can't be done. mr. andriy, to you wanted to give a word on whom now... the ukrainian military is most hoping, resisting, who is this support? the first ally of the ukrainian military is the ukrainian people, and this is how it has always been, is and will be, and ukrainians must understand this,
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realize that they are the foundation on which the ukrainian army, the ukrainian military, the ukrainian special services, etc. today , mentally, there should not be left in ukraine... not a single civilian, well, unfortunately, it is so, and such is the time, because this is the time of our survival, you know, they will take us into nato, they will not take us into nato, i believe that the ukrainian army and the ukrainian army will be an indicator of this, no one will take the weak link in this security system, the stronger our army, our special services will be, they will gladly and quickly take us there, and we have only one opinion today each person has independence from his profession, from the type of occupation, what did i do today to win, how am i approaching
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this victory today, you know, when you come home, basically the most questions, when it will all end, sounds from people who observe all this on tv, you know? today i was, maybe this is off topic, please excuse me, well today i was on the last call, at the son of my friend, he died a year ago, he is 10 years old, and when the war will end for him, please tell me, never, when it will end for that girl maryana, a policewoman, who, to be honest , i spent 10 years in the war, well, when i saw that photo, her eyes, well, today, this is today... the eyes of today's ukraine. when will it end for her? therefore, today we all have to realize that only victory is possible, only to do everything for victory for the ukrainian army, be united as much as possible. everyone is in their place, i hope that our politicians will work on
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the international arena to ensure that they give us weapons on time, help us, and we will do our job and we will definitely win. glory to ukraine. to the heroes. mr. andriy, i still wanted to discuss the topic with you more, how can i say, this is actually about when the war will end and what is happening on the fronts, because we understand that the situation in kharkiv oblast, the situation in the east of our state, the way we, the ukrainian armed forces, hold positions, pushing back the enemy, they directly influence all the conversations now in normandy, in switzerland, and what their audiences are saying. and not only his own, to the world audience, the president of the occupying country, vladimir putin. what is happening in kharkiv region, because on the one hand, they seem to have stabilized the situation, on the other hand, gur reports that the russians continue to accumulate reserves on the border with kharkiv and sumy regions, that is, perhaps what
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happened a few weeks ago is only the first attempt of the russians to attack in kharkiv oblast, which yours, what is your analysis of the situation now and about... the nose for the coming weeks and months, well , look, i do not undertake to analyze the situation in general, i do not have such powers, i can speak for a narrow area of ​​my responsibility, there my unit and his department, which took place in kharkiv oblast, well, it's clear, as for me, my subjective opinion, putin is now trying to increase the front, he has a bigger army, he has more human resources. it is a dangerous enemy, because it is difficult to calculate it in the way that when we cook some kind of operation, we analyze and think, well , this is a delusion, to throw people here is death, he will not do it, but it turns out that they do it, they easily say goodbye to
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the company, to the battalion, and so on, in order to make some non-standard move, well, but we have already learned, got used to it, got used to what we should do in this situation, i think that my... again, it's a subjective opinion, to draw the right conclusions from each successful and unsuccessful operation. today we have to understand that we have to increase mobility our troops, we can't do it... we can make a two-million-strong army, well, we can , of course, if we apply extraordinary force there, but it is the mobility and speed of transferring troops to that other part of the front that will allow us to respond adequately to the threats posed to us by the enemy, and in principle , i believe that the kharkiv operation was quite successful and timely. we transferred the necessary forces there, pulled up and stopped the offensive on kharkiv.
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markiyan lupachak is with us on skype, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, secretary of the lviv city council. mr. markian, we welcome you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good evening. let's start with you, probably with mobilization, because it is important, and without it, there is nowhere, that's for sure. as mr. marradona said that in our country everyone should be mobilized in one way or another, because... we have to win this war, and three weeks have passed since the new law on mobilization came into force in ukraine, are there any results that you can see , how do you generally assess how the military on the front lines react to these updated results of the law? first of all , i want to congratulate the presenters and all journalists on your professional holiday you were lucky in this field. eh, as for mobilization, of course... we cannot see any concrete changes, because all people who
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are mobilized, who begin to serve in the defense forces, first undergo appropriate training, accordingly, the training lasts from one and a half up to two months, as far as i'm concerned, so let's say here we will be able to see these people, actually mobilized already under the new mobilization law, well, the nearest is there, let's say there in a month's time, i think so. and as for the law on mobilization, i think we already talked about it in this studio once, the military reacts to it in very different ways, and first of all, well , personally, i did not understand it because of the maximum politicization that took place around the adoption of this law, because they started and everyone understood that something had to be done, that we have a lot of loopholes in the legislation, and a lot of people... well, let's put it this way, maybe they unscrupulously tried to take advantage of these loopholes, someone
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used, let's say, all the opportunities, all the loopholes, which are these, which were in the previous one law, but instead of arranging everything as quickly as possible, and this should probably have been done in the 22nd year, instead they started talking in november, in october of the 23rd year, and this is all chaos, 5 months, all everything was discussed, it is traditional for us... a lot of politicians are guided by this, starting from covid, ending with the war, the economy, and all these discussions, delays, well, in fact, in my opinion, they did not lead to anything good, this law to be much faster, which is now the greatest need for of the ukrainian army, for those units where you serve, that this, these weapons, this is some kind of clearer position of our partners regarding how they support us and what messages... they give us and i am now talking more about the united states of america, or what do you think in my
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opinion, first of all, the consolidation of society is needed, because, well, the most, the most striking and disturbing thing is when you look at some contradictions, some scandals, some misunderstandings that take place in our society, that is, when there is sprawl society, very often it is a conscious or unconscious playing along with the enemy, it is , let's say... there are constant corruption scandals, constant quarrels, constant pulling of the political blanket, constant trying to please someone, that is , we must understand that victory in this war , first of all we need it, we don't, well, of course, we need to turn there and rely on allies, we need, let's say, to improve in many points, but first of all we need victory, and we as a society, as far as we will be.. . to relate before this war, how united we will be, how adequately we will assess the entire situation that is happening in
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the country's economy, at the front, the situation in physical cities, with energy now and many, many other things, how adequately we will adjust to it, how we will jointly endure all these difficulties, both in the rear and here, as far as it will be easier for us, let's say, to resist and defeat our enemy, well, this is first of all, secondly. this is, of course, the motivation of our army , including those people who are now joining to the defense forces, of course, that this is extremely important, this is the weaponry that we... thank god we are getting and we cannot now say that there is some critical situation with what, this is the biggest and best evidence of this is the situation at the front, which hard as it is, but she's holding on, we're holding her up now, so there's a lot of things to talk about, but let's not forget that we 're in a warring country right now and maybe at a
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lot of times she needs a little bit there, let's say about props things and and and, say public discussion, just avoid it, or well, many things simply cannot be talked about, openly on the air, so, therefore, let's finish with this, if we understand, mr. marken, if possible a short question, if it is possible to talk about it on the air, again well, we will understand any of your answers, the situation with the number of shells, with the number of weapons, if compared with what was conditionally there 2-3 months ago, when we were all waiting for this help, how is it now? when to talk about an increase there or a decrease in quantity shells it is it it is not just such a static mathematical thing, how many shells do we have, it depends primarily on the activity of the enemy troops, it
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depends on a lot of factors, that is, i will answer yes, as of now, of course, artillery is and... an organism that always wants a lot and as much as possible, that is, how many shells we will have, we will never say that there are too many, we will use them for their purpose, but to say that there is now a critical shortage of shells, i i can't say that personally, it's important, thank you for this answer, markiyan lupachak, secretary of the lviv city council, but now a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine was with us at the launch, mr. andreykiv, we began to analyze the situation at the front, we understand that all these negotiations that are currently underway and signings will hopes of ukraine, ukraine and the usa for real security guarantees and a real security agreement, everything depends very much on the fact that we have on the front line, judging by everything, what the russians planned in kharkiv oblast, they did not succeed, so they
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seized a number of territories, but this is obviously not what they planned. initially, strategically, what is the current situation at the beginning of the difficult summer of this year? it seems to me that we are entering such a deep historical stage, where events will take place that will have great significance for the long term, why do we not notice them, because we are either busy with everyday life or some tactical things, because we are struggling with the loss of light or support. .. the armed forces, the point is that biden's statement that ukraine should never, he repeated it five times, never, never, never more occupied, on the one hand, on the other hand, that she does not need to hope now that the accession to nato will be quick, we have this quote, we will show it to the audience now, indicates
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two main things, first, we must not forget, that nato was created. 1949 and has gone through a very long period of its formation, changes, reorganization, it is a very complex bureaucratic structure, and in addition to the army factor, it also contains many elements of the social, economic, political, democratic plan and requirements and standards that should be countries, applicants, because everything is happening extremely dynamically, and events in ukraine are also extremely fast-moving. then , in order to protect the realities of our interests, the realities of our interests in the current format, we need to talk not about nato, but in the context of nato, we need to talk about other tools that will allow ukraine today, first, to relieve the intensity of the aggression of the russian federation, using
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new technologies and weapons that are given to us, secondly, to form a correct, clear and unambiguous one. well, pre-contractual or before negotiating position, with which it will be necessary to appeal not only to the russians, we already understand with you that this is not a war exclusively between ukraine and russia, it is a war of western democracies and, let's say, eastern dictatorships, because russia is not fighting alone, it is in fact the leader of the ideas of totalitarianism, and we have repeatedly come to the conclusion in this studio that with the hands of... russia, china, iran and korea are testing the red lines of western democracy, and those measures that will be resorted to, for example, by western democracies in defense values ​​that are so... and difficult were formed, then they will be applied in the case of a possible but very likely scenario of the capture of taiwan, which is also one of the key points of risk or formation
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of foreign policy. biden said for the first time that it is allowed to strike at a distance, in principle, to hit the means located in the belohorod region, it is up to 70 km, but today he said not at the kremlin, but at a distance of up to... 200 miles, 200 miles is 320 km, i reread this news several times, then i went to english-language sources, and indeed it was spoken in the context of the events celebration of the 80th anniversary of d-day, that is, the landing of the landings in normandy, he mentioned again that dictatorships are waking up, i would also advise those who are watching us and who are present in this studio to read an article by the economist yuval harari noya, known to. .. a follower of historiography, who wrote both homodeus and the history of civilization, he said that what is currently happening in ukraine will have such profound consequences that if we
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today, well, the western world, he means, will not oppose unequivocally and quickly the changes will be unique, so when he said about these 300 km, this is what he meant, explain, we will not impress, we do not allow hitting the kremlin and moscow, administrative buildings, ugh. the maximum distance of damage that is possible, up to 200 miles, is 320 km, that is, we see that such a statement by biden is actually a message to the russian leader, the leaders of china, the leaders of iran, we are talking conceptually, and nato, as a bureaucratic structure, which sets out its procedures that cannot be violated, that is , the requirements, standards for admission must be complied with, and we will work on it. but in parallel with this, in principle, the uniqueness of ukrainian politics today and our realities lies in the fact that we cooperate with nato, in terms of joining the alliance, and with each nato member country
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separately, in terms of guarantees. and who will give these guarantees? if we look at the map of europe, then according to the classical approach, europe consists of five parts: this is atlantic europe, central, scandinavian, southern and eastern europe, and this is the concept of the heartland, the concept of... eastern europe, which is the main cornerstone a defining stone of politics, because the great scientist, the founder of the london school of economics, mackinder once said that whoever owns hartwell eastern europe owns eurasia, whoever owns eurasia owns the world, and the task of politicians in the 20th century in the 21st century was to create in fact, the exclusion zone of the coalition of germany and russia. and actually this pact, which was signed in the 36th year between poland, france and great britain, was the prevention of direct cooperation between germany and russia at that time, because it represented
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a new threat, but today russia has turned in the other direction, it has concentrated its efforts on cooperation with china, cooperation with iran and cooperation with north korea, therefore biden's message that we allow to strike, we give weapons, we are no longer talking about us. and we will talk, we are talking about real military cooperation outside nato, which will have realities, that is, the military component of the application will be carried out on the territory of russia, one more second, why did the russians shoot themselves in the foot by bombing kharkiv, because bombing of civilian objects, civilian infrastructure, bombing of beaches in odesa is nothing else, in fact, genocide and aggression against civilian objects, and this is a violation of international humanitarian law, and with this they opened up what is actually possible. legal and factual from the point of view of the country's international legal obligations to protect civilians anywhere. the americans condemn the killing of civilians, the bombing of critical
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infrastructure facilities that ensure life in any country in the world. but when it happens in the center of europe, when it is is happening in a country that has renounced its weapons, this was already the red line that the russians themselves crossed. further events will be even more interesting. we put three dots on this, it will really be even more interesting, and velikiy lviv speaks on the air of the project. short advertisement. on express tv channel. during this time we are on youtube and we can. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you. a special complex of active substances. dolgit antineuro helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuro helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. dolheit antinevro capsules - help for your nervous system. in a fresh issue. ukraine. the diary of the deceased paramedic iryna cheka tsyboh, a story of courage and a firm position. energy security expert, andrian prokip, with advice on how you...
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will work on diesel. generators that will refuel, that will produce energy, energy, i understand correctly, i then i will repeat this thesis, because it is important, please, the absence, that is, the fact that the government has removed customs duties on or is removing, i am not sure that this resolution has already been adopted, but it was considered, customs duties on energy equipment and to it components, generators, batteries, means that the government understands that it will not be able to help, that our energy stations will not be able to be rebuilt. therefore, it makes it possible for every household to take care of itself at least minimally independently, and for minimal money, that is, we do not have such produced domestically, we can only import it, the cost of operation of the generator is quite high, the smaller the generator, the higher the cost per kilowatt-hour, well, that’s the physics, and the larger it is, the lower the cost per kilowatt-hour is, that is element of scale, element of effects.


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