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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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after all, it seems to me that now a lot has changed in terms of technology, it was not by chance that yuval neuharara, an israeli researcher, was mentioned, who, of course, emphasizes a lot among other things on these technological points, and of course, we live in a completely different world, at least it is transparent, and what happens at any point of the earth, it immediately becomes an asset. the public, and again we are talking about the methods of waging war, here a person from the military sphere would better say about it, but we understand that to carry out some kind of offensive there, and it is extremely difficult to be unnoticed now, this effect of novelty, surprise, it is usually lost, and the comparison with that situation or with czechoslovakia or with austria, it is in some sense not completely correct. how will
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the government, well , the united states, behave accordingly, it is clear that a lot depends on what will happen in november, who will become president, and we also do not know, it is also unpredictable, because trump will come to power, well not the fact that it will be much worse, but, that is, it is such a very unpredictable story, and here in fact parallels if one washes off to do a lot, but history is always remade, it never repeats itself, mr. andreykiv, and by the way , it is interesting, we talk like this about the fact that trump can come, but biden can also do a lot more, being in this pre-election campaign campaign, i.e. some surprises, he can overtake trump and something, well, i would like something pleasant, of course , for the upcoming elections, this is a very unpredictable thing until the last moment, it is so difficult to support. not worth it at the state level,
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meanwhile, macron promises to hand over the fighter jet mirage 2000 and 2005, that's what this modification sounds like, but before that, a six-month training course for pilots, that is, yes, what kind of aircraft are these, if you know, because look, i wanted to emphasize everything that we heard today, military any structure, it is extremely complex, and it must work with algorithms, that is , there is a plan for offensive... defensive, counter-attack actions, and the larger this structure, the more difficult it is to make a decision. nato, as a huge body, needed time to directly develop a strategy of what to do further. why? we are talking about since the beginning of the war, both the russians and our armed forces have already changed their tactics several times, and these tactics are changing this summer as well. first it was there biyitikai, then fire ramparts, then there were unmanned systems, now we have damage to the infrastructure and everything will be new. new and
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new, we have the same abrams tank, which, in principle, a lot of defensive and offensive strategies have been built on the basis of the use of the abrams tank, but now it turns out that when it is picked up by a lancet at a distance of 30 or 40 km, the concept the use of these heavy weapons, on which billions have been spent, it is not working, so my personal feeling is that nato has reviewed the concepts and they have formed a plan of action, what they will do next. this is confirmed by optional signs, for example, sweden handed ukraine a saap long-range radio-tracking aircraft. in ukraine , sweden also transfers missile systems that are used exclusively on aircraft of the type you just mentioned, or on the f-16. we can understand that things are going on, some that we can't talk about right away, but some side signs indicate that there is a lot of intensive work going on, which yes... the result,
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for example, i analyzed in the last week, our armed forces hit about 320 ee artillery systems, so that we understand, one division consists of 18 guns, 320 artillery systems, these are three artillery brigades, in the month of may, according to official data, which in principle confirm the same as abroad. analysts and indirectly the russians themselves, the ukrainian armed forces reached the level of defeat of the armed forces of the russian federation-39, 40,000 per month, they can compensate only 30,000, this has never happened in history, what kind of resource do we use to do this, we don’t see it now, but statistics, you know, they are a stubborn thing, that is, there is already a strategic advantage of ukraine, which has not been announced, but it will be manifested in the near future , i think that this meeting, which will take place in italy,
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by the way, our president will meet with biden first in france, he will hear the proposal there, and the second time he will meet with him. in italy, where obviously he has to say his opinion of the proposal that will be voiced, that is, we enter the time active actions, active responses of the russian federation, because elections are really planned, everyone wants to come to these elections as a winner, and the candidates for the european parliament, and accordingly those leaders who want to occupy the oval office in the capitol, they want to speed up these many events, the main thing - this is what was said by... portnikov actually before our meeting, it is that we need to use the moment correctly, prove our subjectivity, build our plans, and here we have a problem, we are in berlin in a week there will be a huge conference on the restoration of ukraine, the prime minister has not
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been declared there, there are two ministers who are the economy, and we do not have a minister of infrastructure, this is actually the fact that the minister of infrastructure who is expected in germany is undeclared. the minister of economy has not been declared, the prime minister will not go there, and it seems that this conference, which was actually created by the germans, is organized by them, who finance the accommodation, communication panels, it is not needed by anyone from the government. when we talk about energy with you, well, i hear from foreign experts, who owns the assets of energy companies in ukraine? there is a huge number of journalistic investigations that clearly say who is the owner. and they, unfortunately, do not lead anywhere, these are open data, these, these open data, which will generate even more questions than a direct answer, unfortunately, and therefore questions, and we still sell, by the way, energy abroad, have all these questions already been closed, look, i, well, that is, this is a subject, i , i love chemistry and physics, because these are subjects, well
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, they are demonstrable, they can be measured with a ruler, there with a voltmeter, there with a wattmeter, it can be measured in ukrainian electricity. it is different, electricity is basic from nuclear plants, electricity is shunting, electricity is solar, it is weather-dependent, there are weather-independent, such as nuclear hydro, coal-fired power plants, they are weather-independent, but there is also hydro, it is weather-independent, we merged all water from the hydro, hydro from the storage and there is no more water there, either until it rains or until it snows, there will be no water, it depends on the weather, exactly the same... we depend on the sun, only it is there, the speed and reaction is higher there, today, for the safety of our office , we put a solar station on the roof, and today i just sat and looked at the power of this station, just stood, looked, put the kettle on, we boil the kettle with gas so as not to overload the system,
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but we boil the kettle, i just connect it to the solar panels, well, here we are , the electricity is conditionally free, at some point the solar panels produce 3 kw , and not a slag brand, i look at it like this... dropped to 800, and what? the cloud did not go, and then both dropped to 200, today, you understand, that is, the power of these systems changes 10 times, because the clouds fly, because god created such a world, that’s how it is, the clouds fly, they cover the solar panels , and they sometimes produce a lot, and sometimes a little, and we have periods when we have a lot of this electricity in the south, and we have nowhere to get it, because our networks are broken, and we physically delivered this electricity to kharkiv. we can't, and you can't carry it with a bucket, you have to pass it to the line, which the footmen broke, therefore, according to the law, in our country, all solar energy, all electricity that comes from renewable energy sources, it must be purchased by a company, a guaranteed buyer, a specially created company, and accordingly, we have
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a situation when this electricity in a certain area has nowhere to go, and this happened to us before, and it happens to the germans, there are so-called negative prices for electricity, then the buyer is guaranteed. has to buy energy, but if he has nowhere to go, then the dispatcher commands to exclude the station from networks, and this is a station, even when it is turned off, because it has no electricity, children, it receives money for it, that’s how the law is written, yes, yes, investors built these stations under such conditions, so it is better for us to sell this energy abroad , there is not much of it actually, these are periods there somewhere from 12 o'clock to two o'clock, when there is a lot of sun and electricity. there is no place for children, and at this moment this electricity can go there, for example, to romania, or go somewhere to slovakia, we have five neighboring countries that we can, we have these flows back and forth, that is, we mainly supply energy that we cannot consume ourselves, which comes from solar panels, which we cannot use anywhere,
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but at night again we import, that is , electricity at night will be much more expensive, than electricity per day, because there is a lot of sun in europe, sorry, but very interesting actually, you tell things. because richly in the comments they carry treason, that they say two famous oligarchs sell electricity abroad, but we understand that, well, i am not defending now two famous oligarchs, oligarchs are not sold for... they explained how the scheme works, but we apologize, it is possible and deletant, but if this electricity is accumulated during the day, then where, well, the question is, it is not accumulated, that is, it can accumulate in two ways , it can be stored in hydro-accumulating stations, which cannot be broken, or large blocks, batteries, these batteries are, well, there is a legend about musk, who in australia built a power plant in two months, solved the problem. it solved the problem for 15 minutes, the problem australia's advantage was that they have a lot
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of solar plants, and when a cloud came over, the solar plants drastically reduced their production, and in order to start a weather-independent gas generator, which will start a turbine and give electricity to the grid, well, it takes some time, so that the turbine starts up, warms up and goes into working mode, and for this period of up to 15 minutes, musk can provide this... with this station for no more than 15 minutes, but we are talking about much, much larger volumes, i.e. at this moment means to accumulate no energy, well, we don’t have enough of it, the norwegians can afford to pump this water into the fjords, the germans also use it from the norwegian fjords, they threw two huge cables across the sea for them, and in norway they created huge hydro-accumulating stations, where they pour water into the fjords into the dammed in... we don't have such a geography, the dniester was simply drained to the level of a swamp, on the dnieper we have once again
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destroyed the kokhov watershed, this zaporozhian dnipro-hes station is also damaged, i.e. the realities are such that we have a basic nuclear power generation, which also goes through repairs every year, that is, it stops, routine works are carried out, they can last two months or three months, almost like that. that is, with fuel unloading, without fuel unloading, this is now also happening for that, and it was a continuous process, but we had 15 nuclear reactors, and now nine of them, two of them are now under repair, and we have a situation , when we have a deficit, and we purchase electricity from the european union at night, which is expensive, and for it it has to be paid, and it is much more expensive there than it is in our country, and from where do we have to pay for this deficit, so there are no very simple answers here, and there are many points that, well... need a calm discussion, a calm discussion, and not of these fakes in
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the networks, and explanations to our audience, so we join our guest on skype on the same topic, we have yuriy prodan, honored energy engineer of ukraine, minister of fuel and energy of ukraine in 2007-10, minister of energy and coal industry in 2014, sir yury, we welcome you, can you hear us, is everything okay with the connection, good evening, i can hear you well, see you well, then it is interesting... to hear your predictions of what will await us in the near future, we are working to to inform the ukrainians as much as possible, because they are informed, armed in this matter too, what to prepare, how to prepare for those threats that may arise in the energy system of ukraine? well, probably all of us have already felt lately that the threats are extremely serious today, we lost, we lost somewhere... close by the last shelling is about 30% of the generation,
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we have such a deficit, this deficit will increase in the next month, because first of all, the weather will be warm, the air conditioners will work, but the main thing is that our nuclear power plant units will also be under repair, in in the future, of course , nuclear units will come out of repair, but consumption will grow in a corresponding way, the deficit will persist, and we already have guaranteed blackouts for the entire autumn-winter period, it seems to me that we should definitely everyone should understand and should fully prepare for it, i don't want to aggravate the situation, but it is the worst situation, probably, which was, which i knew. in energy during the time of independent ukraine, and my expectations are not no, not very, not very good
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for this autumn-winter, autumn-winter period, because we will definitely not have time to restore the generation, definitely the enemy will probably continue shelling, so for today day to me, it seems to me that the most important thing today is to focus everyone financial, human resources, material resources, uh, but, but for this, most likely, we currently have a system of management in the half-anatic complex, which was for peace. time it has not been rebuilt, it, it remains not, not a wartime management system, a peacetime management system, unfortunately, that is why, in my opinion, today the coordination between inter-enterprises, inter-agency is quite weak, i do not see that there are some
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very clear priorities are defined, because we see that the cabinet of ministers adopts some the decision for... for the five-year construction of nuclear units and so on, but today everyone must work for the nearest result, for the coming months, this is the autumn-winter period, the month has passed, we are adjusting the plans, again, again we are doing the appropriate re-planning, but the system management must be very strict with clear, with clear execution and with clear responsibility. and what can ordinary ukrainians do, is there any method at all that we can, well, somehow there is something...
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and we need to adjust this and that balance, unfortunately, the negative balance of electrical energy, which exists today, of course, ukrainians should prepare, just in case , they should have relatives from big cities, relatives in the villages to stay there, perhaps with small children, to keep warm, because after all, the situation will be extremely difficult. if, if, if not today, people and the government did not concentrate, but it is necessary, it is necessary to do everything as possible in order to pass the autumn-winter period without serious losses, therefore, everything that we did last autumn, autumn-winter period, it is necessary to do, of course, to reduce consumption in
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daytime, daytime hours, hours, and to increase consumption in the night hours, of course, it is necessary to be more serious, it seems to me that the regional state administrations are also engaged in this, this issue, so that we do not have such excess, excessive lighting , so that, if possible , only the extremely, extremely necessary consumption of critical infrastructure remains. we thank you. a sold energy expert was with us on skype, which is really important here, because we are at the beginning of full scale when these outages started, in the studio they also minimized our light, and for a while there, in principle, nothing was lit, we will think about it, we will think about it, how we can also save money, because, well, in general, to set priorities, what is more important to us, but i would also like to clarify, mr. svyatoslav,
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that is, people are still worried about whether there will be any schedules, whether it is possible to predict or not? that are turned off situationally, this is how it is and it will be like that, and you have to be ready for it, see if, if you sum it up like this, in a simple way, there are two schedules, there is a planned schedule, if possible divide that amount of energy into on into approximately on into the districts are more or less equalized in terms of the number of consumers, there is an emergency schedule, that is, when the automation is simply activated from overload, it is turned off, why is the automation activated, why is there an overload? overload appears when on... for example, we all have refrigerators that turn on at once, but the refrigerator is at the start, especially old refrigerators, they take a lot of current, well, that's their nature, they turned on once, just like that, a lot current is taken by a boiler, a banal boiler, that is , if you do not have a standing, no no no warmed up boiler and it has cooled down a little, and when the current appeared, they all turned on, and
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you have them in all apartments, you have both each apartment included 2 square meters. and that's how megawatts come running easily, that is , first of all, what should be done in order to save electricity as a resource, that is, not by price, but by its value, because now we are not talking about we talk about the price, about the value of the resource, first of all restore heat, hot heat supply systems as quickly as possible so that people, and this water should be cheaper than it will be with electricity, so that people turn off boilers and start using it. water heated by gas, because we still have gas, but we do not have electricity, this is the number one point, it is the number one resource in kyiv, in lviv, in big cities, stop using it. electric boilers, that is, on such a scale as it is used, if this electricity were more regular, well served more calmly without such bangles, then you can set it up with timers that
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will turn on not when the electricity is turned on, but after an hour, for example, at certain hours of the night, that is , we, the power system actually suffers from these load peaks, that is, when everyone together turned on the kettle, turned on the microwave, turned on the right machine, because this is actually a problem when you have it for 4 hours a day, in kyiv , my daughter actually turned on the right machine, and the kettle, and something must be done, you have electricity, except for electricity, there is no other resource at home, and this is where this trouble appears, we need a well-thought-out communication campaign, how we, we, we act with this, we work with this, because this chaotic switching on, it it causes the chaotic reaction of people, and it goes to waste, remember in lviv there was somewhere there until the end of the 2000s, water was on schedule. this is exactly the same situation, everyone filled the bath with water in the morning, poured it out in the evening, filled with fresh water, well, in principle, because of water no, but it should be, and actually as a result of such chaotic consumption,
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use, consumption, it is higher than if it were normal, and here it is necessary to put things in order, yes i would, but i want to return to the topic of water, it it hurts me terribly, especially for lviv it is very, very important, we, we live in a situation where electricity for industrial... including two-channel power plants has tripled in the last three years, it has grown there from 4 hryvnias, now to 12, 8 12 cuts, various different options, cost of labor, cost of minimum the minimum wage also increased almost twice, salaries increased twice, the water tariff for the population remained the same, despite the fact that in lviv only in lviv, it is all over ukraine, we have not only those companies that are licensees of the nkrkp, i.e. for big cities. the tariff is set by the regulator, and despite the fact that vodokanal asked to raise it, the lviv city council supported the request to raise it, last year they raised it for as many as 5 days, after
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which there was a call from the president's office, they said no, to raise it back, and now vodokanal had a higher the tariff for 5 days, then it was canceled back, and we have a situation in which the lviv water utility, including it is, by the way, so that you understand, the lviv water utility and other water utilities in other regions are the largest... consumer of electricity in the region, yes, water is delivered 120 km from stryi, that is, these are huge, well, pipes, huge pumps, well , we have such a geography, it rises and it goes to a great height, to a great distance, so the electricity costs are physically there is such a construction and there is this one system, that is, it takes water from far away, and if this tariff is not raised, the water utility will simply not have anything to pay for electricity, it is already there. the situation of a planned loss of 200 to 400 million by the end of the year, it does not come to mind at all, do you understand? i want to summarize this topic, it is important, there will be drops, and prices will also increase,
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but when we talk about the stability of the system, we need diesels to be standing, because if there is no electricity, we need to start diesels, we need to start cars , so that they bring this water, and money for na there is no car, you understand, it turns out to be quite a closed circle, but we will hope that somehow the state will find ways, i am different... svyatoslav is interested: if everything went to this, then why, roughly speaking, an average ukrainian, still there conditionally on may 15 , could not even imagine what a critical situation it was, we did not agree whether it was successful after all, well, successful in quotes, of course, the attacks of the russian federation were the last, because really, it is such a pike, even this first winter, when they started shelling the energy industry, somehow, it was not like that suddenly, but here... everything was just fine and then you understand, well, the system has certain limits of endurance, elasticity, but it was destroyed to some extent, but it was able
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to somehow close these and these and these gaps, that is , if we had there are 12 units at the thermal power plant, several of them are damaged, but where they work, but if they are all systematically knocked out, then at some point it stops, it cannot continue to work, that is, there was never a moment when we simply did not were not informed but... i consider the work of the ministry, i consider it work of the ministry of energy is bad, i consider the work of the leaders of the energy atom to be bad, i think the position of the president's office regarding energy is bad, and the president, deputies, prime minister, that is, these are the people and the chairman of the verkhovna rada, because they appointed these people, if they give themselves advice, so we have to ask the question, maybe we guys can change something, that is , if... decisions are not made, and they, they actually lead to the fact that the country, i understand that the russians are the first to blame, this is not about what to say, that is, they are the first to blame they are, but we have to conduct a normal
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information campaign. we must stop hoarding money, because the electricity tariff should have been raised a long time ago and the money should not be spent on the construction of new nuclear reactors in 12 years, but it should be bought now , gas generation should be installed, energy efficiency support programs should be created so that people can to insulate the houses and somehow did not need so much energy, all of this is not enough of you to continue on youtube , we say to the viewers of espresso, see you next week on youtube, we will continue literally in 30 seconds. keep yourselves. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine, the diary of the deceased paramedic iryna chekybukh, the story of courage and a firm position,
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let's make it up. it helps. understand the present and predict the future for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. joe biden explained where exactly on the territory russia can be beaten with american weapons. the media write that the eu is wondering why ukraine is making concessions regarding the peace formula at the upcoming summit in switzerland. well , the financial times accused the mining industry of promoting the russian ipso that ukraine should prepare for life in the dark and cold.


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