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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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quarrel, let's make up, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible, a project for those who care and think politclub, every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. joe biden explained exactly where on the territory of russia they can hit with american weapons. the media write that the eu is wondering why ukraine is making concessions regarding the peace formula at the upcoming summit in switzerland. well, the ministry of energy accused the financial times of promoting the russian ipso that ukraine should to prepare for life in the dark and cold. how is it
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really? let's try to figure it out at svoboda life. my name is sashko shevchenko and we are starting. russia has disabled more than half of ukraine's energy potential with missile and drone strikes. because of this, massive blackouts are now taking place. in an article published by the british newspaper financial times, it is said that, in particular, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia , electricity generation in ukraine has fallen from... the article also stated that due to russian shelling until winter residents of ukraine are likely to spend most of the day without electricity. and one unnamed ukrainian official in a comment to the financial times literally said: we must prepare for life in the cold and darkness. the newspaper also reminded of the doubling of the tariff for electricity in ukraine from june 1, i.e. an increase of 100%. but the ministry of energy of ukraine.
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called this publication part of an informational and psychological operation and promotion of the enemy's narrative. the ministry of energy says that the tariff actually increased by 63%, and there is a big difference between 60 and 100%. also the department assured that it is restoring the energy infrastructure destroyed by russian strikes. ukrainians are an indomitable people who know how to unite and overcome difficulties. energy workers are restoring what was destroyed by russia, doing everything possible to... to maintain the energy system, ukrainians will have light and heat. we continue to talk about the situation in the ukrainian energy sector, and what should be prepared for now? for this purpose, we invited gennady ryabtsev, an expert on energy issues. he is already in touch with us. good evening. good evening. so, let's start with what is the current real situation with the losses of the ukrainian energy industry as a result of the russian strikes. is it really more than half of the energy capacities, as of now.
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disabled, well, to be honest, what is in the newspaper, to put it mildly, is not true, because these 50 gw of installed capacity, they were never used in ukraine, even before the war , the maximum consumption of 18 g was every hour power, well, in peak minutes, on certain days. to 20, therefore, it is probably worth thinking that the person who wrote this, she doesn't really understand the subject, well, of course, she doesn't really know how to count, since 4.32 and 2.68, it's somehow not half as much, if i'm not mistaken, she lifted, the lifting was from... at least so before the broadcast, i
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checked that it was 4.32, 4 hryvnias, 32 kopecks for 1 kv of electricity, that is, well, definitely not twice as much, but it is obvious that in certain media, in certain media, they may have indicated the wrong number, i also saw the number 4.8, that is it is obvious that someone made a mistake somewhere, it is possible that later the financial times journalists took it. well maybe, well, here we can only guess, but in my opinion, shouldn't we do more than what the russians have done? yes, there are certainly problems, now there is a shortage in the energy sector, generation, and this shortage of generation leads to the introduction of stabilization shutdown schedules in ukraine, and they are in effect. in
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all regions of ukraine and for all consumers, and this situation is caused by the fact that ukraine really lost, but not 25, not how much... there are more gigawatts of power, but eight, and the biggest problem is that it shunting generation, i.e. the one that allows to increase the production of electric energy when it is needed, namely in peak hours in the morning and in the evening, and that is why these restrictions, which are established by ukrenergo, i.e. the operator, are introduced in the first place. transmission system and brings them to regional energy operators of distribution systems, so indeed, by the beginning of the heating season, it will not be possible to restore even half of those destroyed capacities, of those eight gw, but this does not
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mean that everyone will sit in the dark and everyone will sit in the cold. again, i'm always wary of references to na an unnamed source, and i've seen with... even very reputable publications refer to a fictitious source that has nothing to do with the situation or the government, just, i don't know, an outsider, a person from the street, and i it seems that there may still be such a moment that the publication itself stated that the ukrainian official with whom the financial times spoke was... not authorized to comment, and i also think that it should not be ruled out that this person is simply could not know the completeness of the picture what is happening mr. gennadiy, let 's still, before we go further, let's stop on the numbers, you said that indeed in peak hours, maybe it is necessary to generate, if i
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understood correctly, up to 20 gw, ah, and actually, why, how much now there is a need for peak hours, in the morning and in the evening, and how much intact infrastructure there is now, can now generate the necessary necessary power, if, if we talk about the summer peak of consumption, then most likely you will not be enough at different hours from one to 3 times the capacity , i.e in the morning about 1 g, in the evening hours about 3 gw, if we talk about the autumn-winter period, then these... shortages can reach 3-5 gw during the whole day, because it is primarily about heating, but this does not mean that until during this period, no one will take any measures and will not reduce
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the problems that we will certainly have during the summer and... during the heating season. yes, there will be a shortage of electricity, yes, there will be restrictions on energy consumption, including stabilization schedules of shutdowns, but, the stability of the unified energy system has not been violated, the limits, if there will be, they are introduced, they are introduced purposefully, reasonably, and under the command of the dispatchers of the unified energy system of ukraine, i.e.... the dispatchers of ukrenergo, and certainly that now there is a lot that depends on the initiative on the ground, on the ability of local self-government bodies, territorial communities, to do everything to ensure their own energy autonomy, the more they do, the
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less likely long-term shutdowns will be electricity in the heating season. and if we actually talk about these paces of restoration work, we just talked about... the possible range, there is a lack of power, and if we talk about the winter period, or by this time, they will have time, so to speak, to restore more than to lose, i and i will of course make a separate caveat here that it is impossible to predict how the attacks on the energy infrastructure will unfold further, but if we take the situation as it is now, it is extremely important to do what was determined and... to of the war with the tasks of both the energy strategy of ukraine and the energy security strategy of ukraine, namely to rebuild the architecture of the energy system as quickly as possible, that is, from the 15-20 large power plants that existed
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before, we need to move to more than 300 small distributed power plants with a capacity of 5 to 30 megawatts, which, first of all , because of... their minority, they are much smaller , and they are not located where google prescribes for them, google maps, they have a lot. it's easier to hit them, it's much easier to protect them, and that's it in addition, they will be able to compensate for the lack of shunting capacity, because most of them are stations based on local fuel sources. yes, of course, it will not be possible to build all 300 before the beginning of the heating season, but it is quite possible to partially compensate for the shortage, and in addition, to start this process. it is also possible to actively start this process, especially since
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territorial communities are interested in its implementation as private investors who will build these stations, because it will ensure their energy autonomy and the citizens of ukraine, because it will reduce the periods when they will be without electricity, in particular in the next heating season, that is , it is quite possible to implement this task, and... to ensure the energy independence of ukraine, its autonomy, its independence, including from further missile attacks, is also quite possible. mr. gennadiy, if you had to predict how long the blackouts that are going on now can last, can they shorten and is it possible to talk about the fact that they can stop at a certain point, well, before the start of the heating season season, a blackout is when the energy system breaks up into separate islands and cannot recover after failures, no blackouts ever, even in 2022
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there were no blackouts in the winter of 22-23 in ukraine. which are either planned or emergency, that is, if we talk about emergency shutdowns, stabilization shutdowns, then they are mainly caused by the need to bring nuclear power units into repair campaigns. which should prepare for the start of the heating season season, so that all nine work normally without failures during the autumn-winter period, so in principle you can not take them out of operation now, let them work, and then the energy that is generated will be quite enough to meet the needs of all consumers , but we are not only thinking about today. today, we have to think about the heating season as well, we have to prepare for it
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to be normal with less losses for consumers of electric energy, so we are now forced to put up with the fact that these the stabilization schedules of electricity shutdowns, which oblenergo has been following more or less recently, are bad, but unfortunately there is a war in ukraine. and this is one of the negative consequences of the war, which the russian federation started on very far-fetched pretexts. mr. gennadiy, in the end , i would like to ask you very briefly, you yourself actually mentioned nuclear power units, that is how protected they are from attacks, i.e. us, or if the third-level protection is the third-level protection, i.e. protection against air cruise missiles. basing from ballistic missiles, therefore from this about the danger, the possible actions of the russian
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federation do not constitute, if we exclude from this the zaporizhzhia as, which is occupied, and over which the ukrainian government has no control, what can happen there, it depends solely on the actions of the russian federation, of course, i will just clarify, that is, if to speak only about the generation of nuclear electricity, then there should be no problems, there is not even such a serious factor, yes, possible, if, if we talk about now, then for most regions of ukraine, if there were no repair companies at nuclear power plants, it is quite possible that there would be enough electrical energy, well, at least for household consumers, that is for sure, but we are forced... to prepare for the winter period and are forced to, but now
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three power units at nuclear power plants out of nine are not working, i.e. a third, and that is why these significant shutdowns and significant periods without electricity, about challenges related to generation, about challenges that could be faced before the possible heating season for ukrainians, we spoke with gennady ryabtsev, an expert. on energy issues. american president joe biden for the first time personally commented on ukraine's permission to strike military targets in russia from the application. american weapons. in an interview with the abc tv channel, the american leader explained that strikes against russia are allowed only in the border regions, russia itself. at the same time , washington does not allow the use of american weapons for strikes deep into the territory of the russian federation. this morning , german chancellor olaf scholz, speaking in the bundestag, again repeated his statement
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that ukraine has the right to use german-made weapons for strikes against russian territory. let's listen. these statements of the american and german leaders. strikes are allowed to be used near the border, when they are used on the other side of the border to attack specific entities in ukraine, we do not allow strikes 200 miles deep into russia, and we do not allow strikes on moscow, on the kremlin. we have worked closely with our allies to coordinate our response, as we always do, and we have jointly confirmed that ukraine has the right to comply. with the international right to defend itself against attacks on its territory, on their cities and their citizens. this also applies to attacks such as those in the kharkiv area, which russia carries out from positions located in close proximity to the russian border. ukraine can also use weapons provided by us and our allies to defend against such attacks. these statements were made on the eve of celebrations in
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french normandy, where the 80th anniversary of the landing of the allies in the second world war is being commemorated today. ukrainian leader volodymyr zelenskyi, who has scheduled meetings with joe biden, also visited these celebrations, and also with french president emmanuel macron, with whom, among other things, they can talk about the prospect of sending french instructors to ukraine. meanwhile, russian president vladimir putin has threatened to provide his long-range weapons to regions where they can be used to strike countries that provide arms to ukraine. if someone thinks that it is okay to supply such weapons to a war zone to strike at our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where to strike sensitive objects of those countries that do this against russia. and about
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what to expect from zelenskyi's meetings in france, and how far rhetoric can go. about strikes by western weapons on the russian federation, ivan stupak, a military expert, a former employee of the sbu, is in touch with us, good evening, greetings from the studio, thank you for the invitation, thank you for joining our air, so the first explanation from joe biden was heard, actually personal on camera, but about how exactly ukraine can use american weapons on territory of russia. in your opinion, should ukraine count on more in the future, or can we assume that now it is just another one. the red line and in washington can continue to think about expanding the geography of strikes and expanding the types of weapons that can be used to deliver these strikes? so look, well, put our red, such an american red line, that you can’t hit moscow, the kremlin, well, i’m already interpreting it, along the mausoleum, where volodya lies, well, you can’t hit there, okay, of course, but there are
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many other territories of the federation, where possible and you have to beat. i will tell you this, yesterday i had communication. military commanders separately, i asked: what is the depth of strikes allowed on the territory of refia in the borders of 1991, and all as one, smiling, say: well , let's not talk about it, let's not give the russians a reason to to improve its defense, for example, if the distance is indicated there, for example, 55 km, it means for the russians that they should withdraw their troops to the mark of 70 + km. to fully secure myself, mr. ivan, i apologize that forced to interrupt you, i'll just add here what joe biden actually said today, he named the following number: 200 miles, but supposedly you can't beat 200 miles, this is according to the calculations of the journalists who retold his interview, it's 322 km, is this such a defined line, look, yes, it is a defined line, these are buoys, beyond which it is not
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possible to swim yet, but once again we have many targets up to this mark, i will tell you so, the airfield and... lipetsk, on which, if you just open google maps now, okay, of course, it's outdated data, you can place about a hundred there, attention, hundreds of various aircraft, helicopters, planes, that's 200 there 80 to 28080 km, for us it is more than enough to be able to hit there, and there are a lot of such objects, now it is said only work along the border, i’m already there, these are my data, calculations, it’s 40-50, 60 km, i think that over time, when the americans see that it can be done, they will very simply give permission for the destruction of more distant ob objects, as i said, more. in terms of efficiency, some airfields are large, some are large warehouses and something that will really be useful for ukraine. by the way, i happened to read, unfortunately, i don’t remember exactly where, but such assessments were made that it
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was allowed to shoot along the border right on the territory of the russian federation, and allegedly, allegedly, i can’t confirm this for sure now, but allegedly the shelling has decreased kharkov, because they allegedly neutralized the c300 installation, whether this is the correct conclusion and with such permission, see above. the installation was definitely destroyed, even two launchers, if i am not mistaken, they were located in the north of belgarad, that is, in the north, under the cover of the city, civilians, they took cover, and this installation fired at the city of kharkiv and the kharkiv region, if, well, i think you also periodically saw in the telegram channels attention, the exit of ballistics in the direction of kharkiv, these are exactly the stories there were, now we see a decrease in such strikes, at least not reported, i think that the russian federation is very actively working out the moments. how can this be countered, what can be done to stop being hit by american weapons? well , so we can really conclude that permission
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on the use of western weapons, at least along the border of russia, has its effect precisely for defense, for the defense of ukraine. i want to clarify here in this context, previously anthony blinkin, the us secretary of state, spoke and confirmed that biden allowed to strike with american weapons, but only... near the kharkiv region, and now biden , answering the question of an american journalist on the abc tv channel, whether intentionally or unintentionally, he did not talk about kharkiv oblast, he simply talked about the entire border of ukraine and russia and the depth to which one can ask blows, do you see any developments in this, one more, well, so to speak, the news in this, that even further they allow even more opportunities to provide, are provided to ukrainians by the usa, it seems to me that it was such a... more impromptu , i don't think it was a prepared, pre-agreed position, i think it was impromptu, and now, the white house, the pentagon and all the us government agencies
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will be subject to this in the direction of this statement, and i think that ukraine awaits a more focused, focused response from the united states, is it really a green light, or is it just intentions, or can we really beat it, because ukraine does not have the ability to act. mistake in the plan which? consider these words of mr. biden as a green light for action, and then, for example, an hour and a half later, a denial will come from the pentagon, with a shudder, they will show: guys, you misunderstood here, you violated the red lines, you spoiled our relations there, so to us, we value the relationship with the united states very much and we are very careful to communicate, double check that we are correct understood whether there was a mistake in the translation, or maybe we know re... interpreted your words the way we wanted it, in fact you wanted to say something else, that is, this is really an agreement that will last for a certain time, well, by the way, it is interesting, and why is this happening, so to speak, from
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open sources, these are the interpretations, and not through closed channels, this is true, of course, personally, i expected such an agreement in some sense, that informally the united states will just give a nod, work, who are we, what don't bother you, work, you have our weapons, as long as it is there... it is embedded in the computer, work like that, i think that it will be in this mode, but you see, it was released to the general public, that's how it was made public, well , maybe there is a logic here, maybe they influence, the approach of the presidential elections on november 5 has an effect, perhaps, well, not the conviction, but the indictment of mr. trump’s competitor, here are the 34 articles on which he was found guilty, perhaps this gave confidence to the white house, well, anything can happen, really, and in this context, i want va... to ask if you have any expectations from zelenskyi's negotiations and biden, which, as the american administration reported the day before, there may be as many as two, two rounds of such negotiations in
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the coming weeks, first in france, then during the group of seven meeting, are there any topics, so to speak, that are not now they require a personal discussion and perhaps you expect some results, look, the fact that there will be a meeting in france, i do not count on any results, because it will be a solemn event, there will be no reception. that is, during solemn events , to talk about some important things there things, that is, it will be a rather short meeting, but here in italy, i think there will be a more serious, more coordinated meeting, in which sense it will be analyzed which countries agreed to come to the peace summit in lucerne, switzerland, who refused, who else hesitates, for example, and they will agree on what the final of this meeting is, what they want to see at the end, i.e. no one... who does not want to participate in the event without understanding what will happen in the final, plus this is the planning of a new event, like evil gossip says it will be in saudi arabia, maybe
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not in saudi arabia, united arab. where serious issues of peace will really be discussed and where the russian federation will be present, but in this context, well, by the way, this is the topic of our broadcast a little further, but let's touch on it too, joe biden will not be, at least officially, now he will not be at the peace summit , he will be replaced by national security advisor jake salevan and vice president kamala harris. it's absolutely true, i'm right there, that first there will be a meeting here in italy, he won't be at the summit himself, there will actually be a representative. komlagares, i think they will to talk about positions, what to agree to, what not to agree to, that is, once again this is a big, big political chessboard, and here you need to know what, what to play, what you have on this chessboard in general and what you can sacrifice, and obviously, it is really ukrainian the authorities should use this opportunity for a personal meeting with the american president in italy, if we talk further about the permission to use western weapons on the territory of the russian federation,
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then we also see that... germany, which until recently opposed, is now in favor of in your opinion, what does this recent change of mood indicate? i am very, very happy about such a change in rhetoric, i see that the european union is gradually starting to wake up, well, maybe they are already waking up from their sleep, because before, remember there in previous periods , decades, decades there was an opinion that we should work, we do business, all military issues will be solved for us by the americans. remember, anything, call the americans, call the americans, they will send a carrier group, a squadron, planes, destroyers, aircraft carriers, everyone they will bomb, they will do it all for us, we just have to vote, now the europeans have realized that they need to take responsibility, pull the blanket over themselves, and here are france and germany, they are becoming the leaders of aid to ukraine, they perfectly understand what impetus is given to the french economy , plus germany, and remember
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, please, how mr.. shol changed at the beginning of the war, guys, ukrainians, 10,000 helmets and not a helmet more, the whole issue is closed, now we are already, guys, and fight already on the territory of russia in the border in 1991, that is, we see the evolution of german politics, how they were really afraid, so as not to make a fool of themselves, so that there would be no analogy with the second world war, that's all, they stopped being afraid, this means that relations with the russian federation are broken, cut, severed, and what was before 20' . the second year will not be there for at least the next 10-20 years for sure. unfortunately, we do not have as much time as we would like to discuss all the important security issues. i will then just briefly mention that recently the minister of defense of germany, boris pistorio said that germany itself should prepare for a possible direct confrontation with the russian army by 2029. but at the very end of our conversation, i ask you to comment on the following: nato secretary general jen stoltenberg said that nato is
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like an alliance. does not plan to send troops to ukraine, and the same was confirmed by the president of finland, who said that finnish troops do not plan to send either, and by the way, it seems that only president emmanuel macron in his rhetoric that paris can send i was thinking about sending troops, maybe instructors, well he's still kind of a loner, isn't he? well, look, it said that not to send troops to introduce them into the combat zone, i really, i even at the beginning, when such ... messages appeared, i could not imagine how, for example, mr. macron will be able to explain to the residents of toulouse, marseille, lyon, saint-tropez, that's all, dear meu, you should go, for example, to avdiyivka district and take a position there, how to explain? no, oh, but there is another option, for example, to patch up your military personnel, there estonia, latvia, lithuania, there, finland, france, for example, on the border of ukraine with the republic of belarus.
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yes, it's not a line of demarcation, it's not... a combat zone, but it's a serious part of the front, the enemy on this side is real, the metal hedgehogs are real, the mini fields are real, the reconnaissance drones are real, and there are a lot of our troops located there, which delayed, they are pulled there, i'm sorry, unfortunately we don't have much time, but just to clarify whether you believe that the sending of troops, or instructors, or as you said to disengagement from belarus, can happen in the near future, in general, i believe, it is possible for this. there are no problems, no, thank you very much, we were contacted by ivan stupak, a military expert, a former sbu employee, with whom we talked about more and more permits from western partners of ukraine to use western weapons for attacks on the russian federation. well, in the meantime, ukraine can probably make concessions regarding its own peace formula, and all this in order for as many participants as possible to take part in the future summit in switzerland. about this. from their own
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sources became known to the european publication.


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