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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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we continue the chronicles of the hostilities, well, actually now we want to talk in more detail about the situation that is happening in the kharkiv region, i will remind you once again about our collection for the repair of armored vehicles, be sure to join it, now you can see the qr code and the account number , a very important collection, they have already collected 400, more than 400 thousand. we need 600 er 50, so please, this is a very, very necessary thing, er, and yuriy fedorenko, commander of the achilles attack drone battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, joined us on the air, congratulations, yuriy , glory glory to ukraine, to the heroes, well, actually, i'll start right away with the last one. as if it was news,
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which was, as i understand it, the second, it was already in june, when it was announced that 60 captured russian occupiers had been captured in vovchansk, and here is such a large number of captured, as i understand it, and approximately the same number of destroyed, well, this suggests that, in addition to defense, our defense forces are trying to do... some specific counteroffensive actions, or what can you tell us about this episode? strength the defenses are not exclusively in the defensive lines, beyond which they do not advance, moreover, in a dynamic line of battle like vovchan, the defense forces have stabilized the situation almost completely at the moment , and reverse, powerful work is being done to improve the position of the former edge on civilian is to knock out
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the enemy from the positions he occupies. the defense forces are doing this very successfully, in my opinion. it is also worth noting that it is clear from public sources, in particular russian propaganda publications it is clear that the enemy is suffering significant losses in manpower, both killed and wounded, because the hospitals operating on the territory of belgorod, as well as in nearby cities, are full to the brim, so it is worth here... to understand that the defense forces are doing their utmost , and, unfortunately, the enemy still has the opportunity to replenish their losses at the moment in order to continue to carry out shock and assault actions as well, to try to realize the intention they set before themselves, namely to fully occupy the populated putvavchanchansk, from a positive point of view, limitless positive, is that the defense forces were given the opportunity to destroy a large nomenclature. of the enemy's firepower on
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the territory of the russian federation, this has already given its first fruits today, we can analyze that the number of shelling, for example, of nearby settlements, which were shelled by s-300, s-400 installations, in particular, the city of kharkiv, has decreased many times, and also the opponent ponitz losses in light armored armored vehicles in their anti-aircraft means in installations previously mentioned s-300 s-400, and this work continues sufficiently systematically and powerfully, it is important to give opportunities in time, the nearest, you know, as they say, today is the day before yesterday, so that we can hit the enemy with the entire nomenclature at long distances, including on the territory of the russian federation, because the enemy must be fought in his ligivi with a reason, we destroy the enemy militarily on his territory and a smaller number comes to our land, continue to occupy and kill ukrainians. i expect that these...
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decisions will be made by them, and of course by us looking forward to the arrival of aircraft to the defense forces, which should close our peaceful cities and allow enemy aircraft to land, this is very important, because the scorched earth tactics that the enemy is implementing by using a large number of aircraft with guided bombs, it somehow gives its runic fruits, so that the enemy does not have dominance in the air, a dominant status, it would be more correct to say, we have it from... both due to anti-aircraft means that come from the defense force, vol, but they come, and for account of f-16 aircraft. well, by the way, there was also the other day, and we also talked about it, when a convoy of russian, well , personnel was destroyed in the kursk region, and i know that somewhere on may 29, it seems, your unit directly also there destroyed some... column
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that was also moving on enemy territory, no, not even on occupied territory, er, well, in principle, er, except, you see, well, some kind of er - well, guns and western equipment, after all and the role of drones and the ability to destroy them is very big here such straight columns, when they move through the territory of the enemy, then this can also be said in principle, i will complement you, probably, if we are talking about unmanned systems, there was no doubt here, from the first days of the russian invasion on the territory of ukraine, we began to use ... unmanned systems of the strike type of actions in the russian federation, hitting military targets, but it is simply necessary to understand that, unfortunately, they cannot massively hit the enemy at certain distances, at which
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foreign weapons can do it more effectively, in particular rocket fire system. that is why the impression of the enemy, it must be stunned, both on the line of combat reporting and in the depth of the ceremony. if we reach we have a crazy impression of the enemy, this gives the maximum result of depriving the enemy of that group of the opportunity to carry out shock-assault actions, and where the enemy loses the ability to storm, the defense forces acquire not only defensive, but in particular shock-assault capabilities, that is, we can deoccupy our land step step by step, so bpla plus foreign weapons is a formula that has to ensure the victory of our state, well... there was such information that such a new tactic appeared, which is attacks by groups of drones, can you reveal something a little, what it is about, what it is, how effective it really is, how does it happen eventually? well, here
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we need to divide them into categories, the drone is, you know, the understanding is so expanded, they have different applications, reconnaissance, shock, day, night, multiple use of comedy and so on. it's about satiating the specific, specific as much as possible the point we need to destroy, the number of fire means, impressions, in this case it is strike drones, systems are being developed so that they can be used en masse at the same time, some means are already technically, we can do it when we work on the carousel, or we use several tools at the same time, for others, in particular for kamikaze, there are issues related to communication. i will not reveal the details, but technologically we cannot do this en masse yet, but the fact that we cannot do it today does not mean that we will not achieve this in a few months, because modernization, new developments, they are moving at a frantic pace in our country, in particular at the expense of private
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companies and enthusiasts who have a very powerful education, which they received, by the way, in ukraine, and now they use this technical education precisely in order to... our state won victory, honor and praise for all ukrainians, engineers, everyone who contributes, who supports the defense force, and i would also like to note, i often hear the opinion that in the state's extremely high defense budgets, and it can last so long that it is necessary to donate both for the repair of the equipment and for the means of the uav, the order of war, and it costs so much, you just have to think about it, one fpv calculation of the achilles battalion is just one position. in a day under normal weather conditions, it can shoot 50 defydrones, hit or destroy from 20 to 25 targets, that's 1 million uah, we somehow collected 1 million uah there for 3-4 days, well, you have
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to understand, it's only one day, one calculation , if you count for a month, then for the maintenance of our unit, the state is a plus volunteers e with the means of uavs and with money for their modernization, they spend 4.5 million uah for the month of may, 4.5 million uah we cost for , i apologize, 4.5 million dollars we cost volunteers for the state, this is without equipment, without motor vehicles, we destroyed that much equipment of the enemy on the battlefield, more than 60 million dollars from an economic point of view, units of attack drones, this is very profitable from the point of view. fire impact on the enemy, sometimes such units play a key role in the completion of a particular battle, which means that we saving the lives of our infantrymen and taking the lives of our enemies is very, very important, so friends, every one of you who reports, who does his job honestly, who pays his taxes, who is involved in the common cause
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of victory, and it is up to you how it ends this war, well, in addition to the fact that it is not only an economic sense. of all this, it is simply the effectiveness, precisely in military actions, the effectiveness from the point of view of destroying the enemy, is huge, just huge, incomparable to the costs that are. on your unit, well, i want more, well, we have more there for literally 3 minutes, you know, but on friday the soldiers of the sove strike drone unit, the 36th marine brigade, showed that near the city of vovchansk they destroyed the engineering equipment of the enemy, and this means that the russians are already trying to build there some... their engineering line of defense, you see that too, what's going on, how successful they
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are at all, how much they're already trying to procure, what can you say about this? the enemy can never be underestimated and the enemy is not worth overestimating, it is always necessary evaluate as adequately as possible, in particular its strengths, if we talk about the construction of engineering and certification facilities, shelters. line of defense in this, the enemy at the current moment, unfortunately, works better than the state of ukraine. i think this is a temporary phenomenon, but the enemy's position is very simple: take a position, dig in, then they send stormtroopers there, which are expendable material, until they dig a growth pocket there and then connect with the neighbors on the left - the case will not arise. full position, outside the occupied territory occupied, they necessarily begin to build a line
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of defense, so one way or another in this, in this matter the enemy is at a sufficiently high level, but also the defense forces, i would say that in some directions we are on par with the enemy came out in the preparation of engineering facilities to parity, to full parity, we can say, on others we still need to work, work, work, how much can this parity be said? about your direction, literally 3 minutes, oh, not three, 3 seconds, let me tell you that it was not far at the time of the start of hostilities in the kharkiv region, but the shortcomings that were admitted have now been corrected sectorally, and i sincerely expect that those officials who did not take appropriate measures will not only bear the stipulated responsibility... the lives and health of servicemen, and that complex measures will be taken that will provide
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an opportunity to check all defensive lines in a prospective way, thank you mr. yuriy of the defense, we must finish, thank you, it was yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the shock battalion drones, and we will meet with you in a week. good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, by the way, i congratulate all journalists today on journalists' day, eternal memory of those journalists who died while performing their duties with weapons in their hands, and of course , we believe that the journalists who are currently in captivity in the territories temporarily occupied by the enemy or in the territory of russia will return. we will discuss many interesting and important topics today. oleksandr morchuk prepared very important information about money, which is directly related to our money, the world about
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ukraine with yuri fizer, and of course, the weather from natalka didenko, culture from lena chechenina, today there is a lot to talk about, but we will start with the situation at the front , and of course, the question that you definitely want, to which you want to know the answer for sure, is that there is another russian ship that was sunk in the waters of the black sea. serhii zgorets, with us, the director of the defensexpress agency, serhii, i congratulate you, please take the floor. i congratulate you vasyl, i welcome our viewers, today we will really talk about how and with what the armed forces attacked targets in russia and crimea, about the situation on the front line, and there will also be a conversation with the developers of the unique reconnaissance unmanned complex from the skyton company, about it's in a moment. today , we have such an interesting time in terms of the use of means of impressing the enemy, especially means
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of ukrainian production. first of all, this is the destruction by naval drones of one, or maybe even two, russian tugboats near the shores of the temporarily occupied crimea, this seems to be a routine matter for magura-5 drones, but the trick is that the enemy felt completely safe near the village of chornomorske, because he blocked it with... and what is interesting here is that you can see here that the sea drones from gur have worked. in practice, passing such barriers created by the enemy gives the impression that one drone blows up the barrier, and then others enter this gap and then destroy it russian ships are already outside these barriers, so these actions show that magur drones can in the future reach both
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sevastopol bay and novorossiysk bay, where the enemy has now moved. their strike ships and also under the protection of these boom barriers. also tonight , an attack was made, but already by air drones, on the russian novoshakhten oil refinery. two, that is, all primary oil processing units at this plant were destroyed. and it is symbolic that exactly two years ago, this refinery was the first one to exist attacked on... shima by aerial drones. the destruction of the capacities of russian refineries is carried out by the defense forces as part of such a long-standing concept of limitation, ideally the complete abolition of the enemy's ability to earn from oil, and therefore to finance hostilities. and these blows are more effective, such an impression, than the hope of sanctions. at
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the same time, the situation on the front line remains extremely tense, although. certain that these descriptive adjectives somehow accurately reflect the situation at each section of the front. yesterday, headmaster oleksandr syrsky talked about four directions where the enemy is most active are kharkiv and kupyan. there, the enemy's efforts are interconnected, and the second pair of directions is pokrovsky and kurakhivsky. at the same time, to the north of kharkiv, we can already say that the enemy's advance has been blocked, and our countermeasures continue. tactics for killing the enemy from vavchansk, there is a video of the capture of the russian military, there after a counterattack by marines of the 36th separate brigade of marines, units of russian attack aircraft were defeated and the company commander and several soldiers surrendered there, now we we see this video, but in other areas,
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in particular there on pokrovsky, the situation around ochereteny is quite difficult, the enemy is trying to... widen the gray zone and there is a certain advance near novooleksandrivka and arkhangelsk, and the situation in the area of ​​yaru times is also extremely difficult, the enemy is there is trying to carry out attacks from the north, from the south, from the east, we understand that time is an important height from the point of view of our defense, and now we understand that the main task of our armed forces is actually to hold areas, destroy the enemy, to form reserves, including... to strengthen arsenals due to supplies from partners and from our defense industrial companies. so next we will talk about quite unique examples of unmanned equipment used on the front line, we are talking about the unmanned reconnaissance complex reybord or acs-3 from the skyton company. this development
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formally belongs to the tactical level, but according to its capabilities. it is actually an operational-level reconnaissance uav, because it can stay in the air for more than 24 hours hours, it can cover a distance of more than 2000 km, and how it is used on the front line, now we will talk with the head of this company, we are joined by roman knyazhenko, the director of the aviation manufacturing company skyton, mr. roman, welcome, nice to see and hear , i congratulate you very much, i would like you to... first, we added details on how your unmanned reconnaissance complex is currently used, what operations are the most typical, maybe there are such interesting examples, maybe they have already flown to moscow with this drone, so publicly we can say about the use of this complex by our military? yes, unfortunately, we are a little limited
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in what can and cannot be said. but, as you have already said, this system is able to spend more than a day in the air, uh, and this, of course, gives us such opportunities when we can monitor some areas without leaving and without losing any information, also the main task for of our technique is deep. reconnaissance, when we enter the rear of the enemy at 80, 100, 120 km, this is a very important mission, because the stronger the rear. the enemy, the more difficult to the front. and it's our system, it works with the fact that we find targets, ah, destroy logistics, we
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adjust the fire of both barrel and rocket artillery, uh, there are a lot of tasks, because it's a good platform that can perform , well , almost any task, it all depends on what useful, payload we hang on it, well... in fact, you speak quite so discreetly about the capabilities of this complex, we know that a complex that can fly a whole day, for a distance of up to 200 km, if the maximum range, even more, it weighs only 20 kg, that is , in fact , there are probably a maximum of five such complexes with such a combination of technical parameters in the world, so you are probably one of the five such developers that you can be proud of, i think you should be proud. and what do the military say from the point of view of using this type of equipment, because you had the basis for this complex to be as autonomous as possible,
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that is, to ensure the performance of the function as much as possible with the minimum participation of the military, does this concept work or not the concept is wrong, or on the contrary, it was absolutely correct, which is confirmed by practice? and let's say this, the autonomy of the system, first of all , it is the reliability of the system, that is... it excludes any errors of the operator when we carry out this or that mission, one must understand what war is, a person in war, he can be distracted, these are very difficult conditions, people work in a well under such stress that it is very difficult to imagine, and if you have to look at the parameters there every second or minute, manage... com, then it will inevitably lead to what you will do mistakes, and in our case it is not necessary to control the plane, you just need to give it
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commands and it will carry them out, er, there is protection against commands that do not need to be carried out, and let's say this, it gives results, today our boards , they practice ee much more ee... missions than other, second, other planes, and this is firstly, secondly, well, let's say this, not only military, almost every person, it will be much easier for her to perform any- what task, if it is insured by different subsystems. unfortunately, it is not possible today to automate the system, for example, observation, that is, the aircraft camera needs to be controlled, and this is probably the biggest problem and burden on the operators, because in our
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case, when we fly for 10, 15, 20 or 30 hours, people get very tired, but we solve it is because we are changing the crew right in the middle of the mission, mr. roman, and regarding the orders, has the desire to purchase this complex increased on the part of the power bloc compared to the beginning of the large-scale phase of russian aggression, do you have such a plan now orders for three years in advance, for example, can you predict the business load now? yes, volumes have increased, but we cannot yet talk about orders for 3-2 years, even for one year , e. we feel that there are not enough funds, and not only we feel this, all ukrainian manufacturers feel this, unfortunately, today we still
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cannot talk about the fact that the enterprise can be loaded, well, at least for two years ahead, well, that is, now the potential of the enterprise is much greater than you have orders, so all the money that we earn, we we reinvest them in full. in new developments, leases and production, so we, let's say, move a little faster than new orders come. well, in addition to money, which is now, well, restraining factors related to the development of the enterprise, people, reservations, industrial capacity, what about it? yes, there are many problems with booking, it is such a long process. sometimes the company is simply, well , it’s simply impossible to ban a person, they can be taken to the army, and we just don’t
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have time to... the booking procedure, that is, it must be simplified, it must be done fast, because if an aeronautical design engineer is drafted into the army, well , he will never use even a third of his potential, which he can do in our company, plus such a person to get this education, that ... for this person to gain the necessary survey, well, it’s not two years, not three, it’s 5, 7, 10 years, that is, there are not many such people, and it is impossible to train them very quickly, that is, you had problems with the fact that your professional workers there were mobilized and because of this they were problems with certain chains in
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production? yes, there have already been, but it is necessary understand that we are a fast-paced company, and well, in a private company there are no people who are just here, er, well, we, if a person works for us, it means that he is loaded at 100%, he performs very important parts, in my there is a very good example, when we mobilized a storekeeper, ah, and it was a week. when we realized that this is probably a very important person in the company, it is impossible to say that there are specialists and there are non-specialists, well, in a private company, every employee is money that we spend, this is a resource that we spend, and this a person is guaranteed, very important for companies, but now in fact, an enterprise that fulfills a state defense order,
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i think that... your enterprise manufactures products precisely according to the dose, it can 100% armor its employees, what are the loopholes that are used, well, in particular in the tcc , which influence the stories you told? well, let's say, uh, the first problem is when we take on a new employee, we need time to book them, to go through the process, and the process of booking can... take a month, it can even take two months, in two months we simply cannot do it faster physically, and there is a very high chance that in these two months just a person will go to work and sooner or later receive a message to the military commissariat, unfortunately, the military commissariat does not cooperate very much in this matter when we ask to give there postponement
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or one more thing, er, some are more loyal , some are less, but this is not a systemic thing, that's why it doesn't work, and the second problem, well , we all understand that people are not perfect, there are people who have problems there with accounting documents and so on, er, and in order to to book these people, it is necessary to go through the registration procedure, and very often at this moment... they are mobilized, that is, the appeal of 40 defense enterprises to government officials, to the ministry of defense, it really has a basis and some procedures need to be changed in order to preserve potential of our production enterprises. and just a minute, roman, about the fact that your enterprise before the start of a large-scale war carried out active marketing work, your complexes were promoted and sold all over the world, or
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this is... a package of foreign orders, how do you deal with them now, fulfill, not fulfill, can you deliver for export, that not all complexes are bought by the armed forces, and many of our foreign customers are simply waiting, unfortunately, exports are prohibited in ukraine today , even if we produce more than the country needs, and can the country... buy these products, unfortunately, we, we just have to keep our customers on hold, and promise something, decide in the near future, mr. roman, thank you for the explanation , for what your company does for of our defense forces, i hope that there will be more orders, and your complexes will be received by both the armed forces and foreign customers who
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are still waiting. and i will remind our viewers that it was roman'.


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