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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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they gave more to service the foreign debt from the reserves of the nbu, also, in order to keep the hryvnia, the regulator sold currency from the reserves on the interbank, however, the nbu also assures that this is a temporary phenomenon, they promise to increase the amount of gold and currency reserves, for example, new tranches are expected this month from the international monetary fund and the european union. well, as we can see, not only the gold and currency reserve of ukraine is melting, it is melting. the state budget of our country, the income of the country's main budget has been decreasing for the fourth month in a row. it was reported in the ministry of finance. in general, according to the results of may, a little more than uah 229 billion was received, these are mainly taxes and fees. let me remind you that the head of the department, serhii marchenko, said that in order to cover current expenses, they have recently been transferring money from other months of the year in order to pay for everything. necessary
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expenses, at the same time the government is trying to fill the coffers by raising taxes on fuel, tobacco and alcohol, but even this does not solve the really urgent need for quick money for the state budget and does not solve problems well, i will also add here that we remember this figure, which was voiced by the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, the supreme commander-in-chief, about 500,000 soldiers who need to be mobilized, then the head at the time, general valery zaluzhnyi, spoke about it, but now people's... deputy and deputy chairman of the committee on human rights ruslan gorbenko, referring to the military, says that up to 120 thousand people can be mobilized, the military says that about 110,000 people can be mobilized up to 120 thousand in 2024, again, it is primarily a question of what these people need to be trained, supported, financed, treated, paid to their families, that is, it is a lot of money, and it is a lot of money, vasyl, first of all, dear viewers, not from international partners, but from the state budget, which is for. .. for the fourth month
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in a row, it needs money, it is still not enough, well, from taxes and fees, taxes and fees must be paid by the ukrainian economy, which is also currently in a difficult situation due to the problem with the mobilization of specialists. well , the question here is that there is still a lot of this industry economy, i will not dwell on it much, but it can happen, it can also be pushed into the shadows in one way or another, that is , there are many risks, there are many supposedly correct decisions, but they are very risky, but you mentioned the horse, this indeed... the problem is, the economy may still be working, but tax revenues may only decrease in certain sectors, vasyl, you are right, but these are the next topics of our conversation. let's move on, after the deoccupation of the territory where the kakhovka hydroelectric station is located. it is still possible to rebuild the object, but for 6-7 years, the general director of ukrhydroenergo ihor syrota reported about it. but before that , the place where the explosion took place should be drained, he says, an inspection should be carried out, and the destroyed ones should be dismantled. and structural elements of the kakhovsky
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hydraulic unit, then proceed to immediate restoration. the average annual indicator of the unreceived income of ukrhydroenergo from the sale of kilowatts and auxiliary services due to the destruction of gestures has already been calculated, and it is 138 million dollars. in addition, the russian terrorist attack essentially disrupted the operation of the entire dnieper cascade. the event in still social. resonance ukrenergo cancels the tender for the purchase of air conditioning systems. this happened after the mass media showed the data of the upcoming auction. ukrenergo says that they started preparing this purchase at the beginning of the year, when the energy system fully covered all the needs of consumers. the goal was to replace split systems, air conditioners, that is, which are already 13-16 years old for cooling the battery room and elevator cars. hall, this is how
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they explain this purchase in the ukrenergo company, well, vasyl, i have a question, well, really, if the explanation was that air conditioners were bought for offices there or for some household rooms, then indeed this tender can be canceled, but it seems to me that if the company's motivation is that it is the battery room and the elevator engine room, these are critical locations, there really maybe air conditioners are needed, here i just don't understand. that is, yesterday we said from what our colleague, a journalist of the prozor site, made public that it is for the ukrenergo apparatus, well, the apparatus, it is meant where specialists work, it is like yesterday for the apparatus, today for the machine hall, it seems to me that they said that we planned it when everything was still good, and before these terrible strikes on the tetsy, on theses all over ukraine, well, but in any case, well, we just have to tell people the truth, it's not not what it is... it's not 630 tell
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the truth right away and you don't need any explanations, clarifications on facebook and other social networks. well, we will talk about the truth about tariffs with oleh popenk, the head of the union of utility consumers. he joins the conversation. i congratulate you, mr. oleg. congratulations you. well, i was shocked by one of your last posts on facebook, regarding the fact that, in addition to the increase in electricity tariffs, the government is preparing to raise gas prices for us in the first place. and what about the moratorium? does this legislation apply at all? well, gas has nothing to do with the moratorium. the moratorium is prescribed for three utilities, namely the cost of heat, the cost of hot water and the cost of distribution. gas, and the cost of gas is not covered by this law, which was passed in august 2022, so there is nothing stopping the authorities from raising now the cost of gas in the pre-heating season, and with regard to heat and hot water, again, they
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can go as it was with water utilities, when tariffs for the population, for example, will remain, raise gas tariffs and at the same time raise tariffs for... will have to raise for legal entities, although having a majority in the parliament, nothing will stand in the way, and in this situation, to adopt an addition to the law, and allow everyone to raise the tariff for heat and hot water, well, if i clarify a little here, if one of the main motivations rising prices on electricity, well, it was said to lie. in the fact that, well, it is necessary to cover the costs of companies due to the destruction of the energy infrastructure, that is why they raise the price of electricity not to the market level, of course, but a little, what about gas, hot water, what will be the motivation here, also covering the destruction
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of the infrastructure by russia, or what, how will they explain it to people in your opinion, well, how will they explain it to people, they can come up with a law, well, for example, for example, for the last eight years there has been a certain opinion that oil and gas is broken and they sell gas to the population, and with losses, because the market, market price of gas, it is currently about 400 euros extra, well, such a price is there on certain exchanges in the european union, so they can easily say that they should, just like electricity, because we are already told that electricity should be... market, so gas will be market, now the heat and power company receives gas at 7.5 uah, they will be sold gas now at 16 uah, that's all, so here, in principle, there is only one mantra , there should be a market price, so the population cannot afford it paying neither for electricity nor for gas in
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ukraine has long been of no interest to anyone, so what is the question, it does not matter whether the population can pay or not, they will vacuum up funds, they will collect funds, oil and gas will... let them go on some of their projects, will build some more there, something there will build two nuclear blocks in 20 years, maybe, well, in general, the task is one, to collect as much money as possible from people, and then there is grass, well, you really mentioned the rapprochement tariffs to european ones, too of course, fuel prices are brought closer to european ones by raising the excise tax, albeit gradually. thank you, mr. oleg, but here i will only support your forecasts, because they are coming true, as far as i am concerned, you and i previously talked about the price of electricity when the government was silent, and it still increased later. oleg popenko, the head of the union of utilities consumers was in touch, and i will finish the column about
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money during the war. watch the big broadcast, more to come. so, the ukrainian writer, serhiy zhandan, such a person joined the ranks of the 13th brigade of the charter national guard, he posted the relevant photo on his social networks, showed himself already in uniform and wrote that he conducts education and serves the ukrainian people, they really talked about it since march, but it was all on the levels are audible yes. now zhadan has confirmed this, and yevhen turchynov was also mobilized to this national guard, to the charter, he also performs together with serhiy zhadan in the band zhadan and dogs, well, there are a lot of conversations after this
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event, this event is definitely discussed with in the morning, i already had time to read about the fact that serhiy is greedy and did not mobilize so much, we are loved in social networks right away. to criticize even such acts, but mostly, mostly, of course, there is a reaction of admiration, firstly, and secondly, people are discussing that our distinguished writer... has left and how important a step it is, and yet i have heard even one such opinion that we do not have enough artists of such a level as serhiy zhadan in the war, although there are many other artists, of course, of course, but some would like, for example, svyatoslav vakarchuk was mobilized, or there was someone else of that level, and then, it seems, the process of mobilization will go much more actively, well , these are the opinions as well, and further on... i am talking about the monument to lenin in zaporizhzhia, it is going to be hammered, you know, i studied in
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zaporizhzhia for 5 years, i had the pleasure of seeing him all the time, he is simply grandiose, huge, and now the deputies of zaporizhzhia decided that he should go from the auction in the system transparently, and they want to get from 10 to 15 million uah for him, regina, the secretary of the zaporizhia city council, said this kharchenko, well, they promise that this... money, if someone buys a monument to lenin, will be used to make repairs in the shelters in zaporizhzhia, i don't know, vasyl, who and why will buy this huge monument monument to lenin, but i am rooting for it to be bought, i have a photo taken in soviet times near the monument to lenin in zaporizhzhia, by the way, it is very difficult to take a picture with him there, because there is something behind it, it is endless it is visible, it is not visible at all, but here, well, we saw these photos when it was dismantled, there was also such a very effective process when his... such orange, i don't know what the ropes are called, and
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we have disappointing news from the odessa film studio, because the audit service of ukraine conducted an inspection and they said that the studio may even cease to exist due to inefficient management, the management of the odesa film studio immediately rejected all these accusations, but what the state auditor says, they say that, i quote, the inspection established that over the past 5 years, due to inefficient management actions and decisions, the film studio has not received additional income or lost such an opportunity, as well as made unnecessary expenses for a total amount of more than uah 400 million, the service says that, for example, no, the studio did not register the right to land plots, it is about the sea coast, elite. plots and therefore they may lose them, and also did not carry out a revaluation of the value of their
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property and therefore the value of this property may decrease by as much as uah 200 million. well, we will also keep an eye on the odesa film studio, what they have there. well also, generally cool news about what i think you've heard, tereordors from the vasyukivkas will be filmed, well, so far we know the information that... about the fact that they bought the rights to this film adaptation and will be filming on saturday, my program war and culture will be released, where we will talk with the authors, the directors and the producer about this screen adaptation, we will ask them how they are going to do it, are there moments with a different soviet, soviet moments that are in the book, or how they will be removed and everything else, the only thing i can tell you is that the last day of youth, if you can watch watch this movie it's a short film available on online cinemas, this is actually
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a short film by these authors, who are going to take on the adaptation of theodore from vasyukivka, their names are roman krasnoshchok and anton chistyakov, by the way, the producer is veronika stepanchuk, she produced, in particular, the film my thoughts are silent by antonio lukych, so there is a chance that we will get a really cool comedy, and i will also briefly say that... our album ukrainian baroque received one of the most prestigious, the most prestigious award for early music in europe rema awards 2024, this is a very cool event, i think natalka didenko, who already now it will be after me, he will tell, because the director of the choir that performed this music also directs the natalchi amateur choir. i was at one of the performances, a very cool choir, natalka, now in a second, i think, will tell us where they can be heard, what they sing. thank you for your support,
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i am waiting for natalka didenko, i will call you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone open air in any weather day and night, and so for emergency recovery and return to... battle-damaged military equipment. in particular, we are talking about bmps, armored personnel carriers, tanks, we need a minibus to transport repairmen to the war zone, we also need 630,000 pneumo-hydraulic jacks for operational repairs. not us, but the armed forces of ukraine need this money, we have already managed to collect 416,388 hryvnias today, thank you very much, well, you still have time to join a god-pleasing cause, to help the armed forces of ukraine bt voroga, well , let's get involved in one more god-pleasing matter, let's join natalka didenko in the conversation, we will listen to the weather, good
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evening, vasyl, i congratulate you on journalist's day, and of course we congratulate everyone, because we are all of the same kind to some extent.' network journalists, i am joking, but i am not joking with the greeting, i am very grateful to lena chechena, who casually mentioned the phenomenal achievement of the partes ensemble and about the leader nataliya khmilevska, who also directs the amateur choir, in which i have the great honor to sing, it is a baroque amateur choir , come to the concert, here well, i'm not doing such an advertisement on june 15 on purpose, well, of course, we will talk today about the weather and, as always, not only about the weather, we're starting today... because now there are problems with the electricity and there is not always access to, for example, i have predictive weather models, so i decided to share with you how you can predict the weather with the help of animal behavior, well, for example, a cat lies in a ball, to cool down, sways to comfortable, dry weather, and lies when a cat
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lies down somewhere along draft, then it's heat, well of course, such a prognostic sign is still very interesting, if it sneezes before the rain... weather dogs roll on the ground in the rain, lie in a ball to cool down, well, besides cats and dogs , there are also such prognostic animals, such as, for example, frogs, they get out from a swamp , from some lake to dry land, when the humidity of the air increases, and if the frogs croak very loudly in the evening, then the next day the weather will be clear, sunny and most importantly windless with a calm, and the ants are still hiding. to murashnyk for a thunderstorm: moles are coming out from under the ground, rain is expected, oh my it will be difficult to find a mole, but of course i will be able to watch dogs, especially cats. and before the rain, bees hide in hives, and butterflies and flies look for shelter in any crevices. these are the prognostic signs, we will watch carefully, and if we have anything, here is a way out of
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this situation. we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field and now to you. attention forecast chart from which we will see if there will be tomorrow, will there be magnetic storms tomorrow or not, magnetic storms tomorrow so no powerful, nor serious, nor even any small ones are observed, just minor fluctuations, a fairly stable situation, as you can see from this forecast chart, so we, so to speak, with a calm, clear conscience, move on to the actual weather forecast for june 7 , on june 7 in the western regions of ukraine , short-term rains and thunderstorms are expected for nothing... now we will look at the map with you, and there it will be seen that both short-term rains and thunderstorms will cover almost all of western ukraine, but the map is delayed a little , but i hope there is a map, very good, 24-27° is expected tomorrow in the western part, well, not very hot, as you understand, and watch out for
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thunderstorms, there can be squalls and even hail. in the north of ukraine, there will be such a short-term drought tomorrow. pause, who needs to wait, for example, so that there is no rain, there are some jobs, you can use them, the air temperature is 25-28 above zero, in the east of ukraine , the weather is anti-cyclonic, heat, 30-32°, a lot of very sunny, eh, and also strong winds to storm gusts may still occur in the east tomorrow. in the central part ukraine too, increased atmospheric pressure, dry air mass, there will be no rain. high air temperature from 27 to 32°, well , of course above zero, in the southern part of ukraine, tomorrow will also be a real summer, it will be 29-32° warm, or hot, there will be no precipitation, and the wind will be moderate from the north-west direction, in kyiv on june 7, the weather is expected
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to be comfortable, about 26°, no precipitation is expected, beautiful blue. the sky, white clouds and a bright sun, this is the nearest synoptic ukrainian perspective, of course, keep a close eye on the updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. i am very grateful to natalsa didenko, i am asking you today, we only have less than a minute, to honor the memory, well, at least the thoughts of the dead journalists and those with weapons. in the hands, and those who while performing their professional duties, the 91st ukrainian journalist was killed by the russians, we remember, these people forever wrote themselves into history, proved the honor of the profession. and the dignity of being a journalist, respect journalists, those who are at the front, those who are involved, we do the work that should simplify our path to victory, simplify your life and
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somewhere to support you, probably, too, so let's support each other, respect each other, thank you for having you with us, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, i am olga len, these are the chronicles of combat operations, and the first thing i would like to remind you about is the levy for heavy armor, for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaprozhsk directions, a very important levy for us, this repair and restoration regiment works in mainly on the line of scrimmage or in the gray zone, in all weathers, day, night, and for the emergency recovery and return of war-damaged military equipment, such as tanks, bmps, battalions. we need a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment, we have been collecting
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for a long time, we already have uah 408,000, we hope to collect uah 630, so don't delay, get involved, please your help is very important here and all the details you see, see the bill, see the qr code, whatever please join because this is really something that is very much needed to protect our soldiers on the battlefield, well let's first see what has been happening in the last few days on the battle line and then we will discuss all of this, please the period of may 29, june 5, the russian offensive slowed down, and the armed forces of ukraine are preparing a blockade of crimea. in a week, ukraine received two good news at once: permission to strike pro... russian territory with american weapons, as well as avax long-range reconnaissance aircraft, which will be decisive in establishing the dominance of the f-16 in the skies above the front line. record destruction of russians. may became
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the most deadly place for the occupiers. here, two events happened at the same time: the armed forces of the russian federation continued to advance, our soldiers eventually received more weapons. so four absolute records at once. 37,800 straws became fertilizer. this is a significant number, because for the first time, since the beginning of the war , the armed forces of ukraine destroyed more in a month than the russian army is now able to mobilize. in june, the trend continued. if nothing changes, then the russians will not only lose the opportunity to advance, but significant holes may appear in their defense. general mobilization in russia can change the situation, but it is not for nothing that putin has been afraid to carry it out, because the consequences can be completely unexpected. mass destruction of russian artillery looks like this. 1116 units of russians. totally lose the counter-battery fight. what difference does it make if they have more shells, if soon the problem will be what to shoot from? after all, in march and april, we destroyed about a thousand
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art installations, 1,730 cars exploded. such a large number is due to the fact that russia lacks armored vehicles to supply soldiers to the front line. therefore , they use what they can. 868 destroyed armored cars and 416 tanks, these are the second results for the war. these. the figures are extremely important, because, as it turned out, the reserves of equipment of the russians are not infinite, at this level of liquidation they will be enough for plus or minus a year, and an increase in the intensity of their destruction will bring the defeat of russia closer. finally , another record: 1,049 downed operational-tactical drones demonstrates that the armed forces are doing well. it is interesting that out of 349 shaheds that the russians launched in may, only 10 hit anywhere. it is not surprising that almost along the entire front line. the offensive of the rashists stalled and only some areas in the pokrovsky direction, where they had small achievements. kharkiv region. the front line in the north of the region has practically not changed.
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the occupiers were still unable to cross the vovcha river, neither east nor west of vovchansk. they made the greatest efforts in the area of ​​the forces of bugruvatka and staryts, unsuccessfully trying to enter the flank defense forces meanwhile, in vovchansk itself , the zsu retook several streets in the central part of the city. took a more convenient position and continue to push the enemy out of the city. it was here that our military captured more than 60 prisoners at one time, and how many more did not manage to surrender. despite this, the armed forces of the russian federation do not abandon this goal with the attack on kharkiv and transfer reinforcements here. in addition to forcing the river, they also want to unite their two bridgeheads and connect the front near vovchansk with the group near liptsi, where the russians have been for several weeks stomp on the spot. they also do not listen to rumors. attack on sumy oblast, but at the moment it is not known with what resources, if they start another campaign, then definitely with smaller forces than in kharkiv oblast. meanwhile, drones of the armed forces of ukraine destroyed
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a convoy of armored vehicles moving... towards ukraine in kursk region. in addition, for the first time, the american hymers struck the belohorod region and destroyed the s-300 installation, one of those that haunts kharkiv. now the russians will have to move their anti-aircraft further, and it will be a little easier for kharkiv. a creeping attack on the times ravine. the city remains one of the occupiers' priorities, so no resources are spared here. airplanes drop aerial bombs on our defenders dozens of times a day. on the northern flank, the enemy is trying with all his might to break through. and exit to the seversky canal. one of the assaults reached the outskirts of the village, but the armed forces repulsed the enemy and even occupied several enemy positions in the southwest of bohdanivka. in the center , the russians have come close to the southern outskirts of the kanal district and are trying to gain a foothold in the first houses. in addition, they are promoted along the railway and to the houses on the northern edges of the district, while not forgetting to storm head on all the time. fierce urban battles are expected to break out here soon. in the end
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, on... on the southern flank, the enemy did not manage to gain a foothold from the other side of the canal, but he does not abandon these attempts, as well as his intentions to push back the armed forces from klychshivka and andriivka, but for now the defense forces hold their positions firmly. the postavdiyiv front remains the most dynamic. the width of the front allows the enemy to constantly shift the emphasis of his attacks and provide promotion. the front line is unstable, and the armed forces have still not retreated to their main lines of defense. this week , the russians directed one of their main strikes to the west and south of the village of solov'ove and tried to storm the villages of sokil and novopokrovske. the displacement of the front line was about 800 m to the west. in the semenivka area, the russians leveled the front line and advanced 1.5 km. along the road above selidove , they made their way for 2 km and came close to the karliv reservoir, behind which our line of defense is located. at the same time in the north on the flanks of this front, the russians were unable to achieve anything in the area of ​​novooleksandrivka and
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keramika. exactly on pokrovsky. in this direction the most clashes take place and here the occupiers suffer the greatest losses. battle for krasnohorivka. there are very active battles for the city, because the strategic location of krasnohorivka makes it important both for us and for the enemy. the russians managed to occupy several more blocks in the central part of the city. however , the armed forces retain control over another 40%, and especially over the northern part, which is the most densely built-up. and that's why it's easy the occupier will not be able to walk. despite the fact that the situation in the worked staromajorsk and the productive areas did not undergo significant changes during the week, it is worth noting that other sections of the front, which for a long time did not make themselves known, came to life. so, the russians attacked north of nesteryanka and captured several positions of the defense forces. instead, the zsu managed to occupy several positions near the village of luhivske, northeast of robotyny. it was this area last year that was one of those where the counteroffensive began. there is still more to say about some serious campaign at the moment
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early, but at the same time in... the summer front in zaporozhye will be more dynamic than the last six months. the crimean bridge is ready. on may 30, eight neptunes, supported by naval drones, struck russian ships in chornomorsk bay. in particular, they destroyed four military boats, as well as two ferries. the next day, new rockets hit the ferries on the left bank of the crossing in volny and chushka. it was this ferry crossing that served as an alternative to the kerch bridge and provided the main military transportation. on june 4, the general staff. reported that the armed forces had inflicted a repeated attack on a ferry crossing in the temporarily occupied crimea and an oil terminal in the krasnodar territory. in addition, on may 30, rockets destroyed the russian nebo ied radar, which was located near armyansk, in the northern part of crimea. a radar station worth 100 million controlled the 380 km long section of the front. the sky of crimea is cleared so that the missiles can reach their target without hindrance. presumably soon it will be...
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the crimean bridge, although in general the entire crimean peninsula is under sight and within range armed forces we defeat death to our enemies every day. so, we already have igor lapin, a special agent, an officer of the armed forces, a people's deputy of the eighth convocation, in contact with us. congratulations, igor. i wish you health, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's probably start with the fact that the biggest such political news. this is actually the fact that... one country after another, even as cautious as germany, said that yes, apparently, it is still difficult to wage a war, if you do not strike western weapons on russian territory, where russian forces are accumulating, which are constantly then they attack the territory of ukraine, and here we are talking not only about some missiles there, which , well, everyone loves there atakams or something, i don't know the tauros, which they cannot give, but it is even about...


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