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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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to the target, it will probably soon be the crimean bridge, although in general the entire crimean peninsula is under the sights and within the range of the armed forces. we defeat death to our enemies every day. so, ihor lapin, special agent, officer of the armed forces, people's deputy of the eighth convocation, is already in contact with us. i congratulate you, igor. i wish you health, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's probably start with what seems to be the biggest political one. as news, it is actually that one country after another, even as cautious as germany, has said that yes, it must be difficult to wage war after all, if not to hit western weapons on russian territory, where russian forces are accumulating, which then constantly attack the territory of ukraine, and here we are not only talking about some missiles there, which , well, everyone loves atakams there, or i don’t know the tauros, which they cannot dates, but we are also talking about... well, some
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ordinary, well, the same hymars, which we have been using all along the front for a long time, about ordinary guns about, and even about automatic weapons, do you remember when there were battles in the territory of the belgorod region of the russian volunteer corps, even then there were some claims that how can they use western machines there, god forbid, that is, it is also interesting here, what allows us, well, how can we influence ... well, i just think that it is common sense that has finally won, but what do we have to do will not be able to achieve, even having such an opportunity to use this weapon, how would you rate it in general? well, let's talk frankly about the weapons that we can use and the depth of defeat of the russian occupation forces, to which we can destroy them on the territory, let's say, deployment on the territory of russia, then of course.
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of course, it wants to be better, the same atakans, which today we still do not use, unfortunately, would give opportunities to work much further in russian logistics centers, as well as in russian places of concentration of personnel . if we talk about what we were allowed to do, well, i see it as a psychological barrier, and the lines that putin drew there were red lines, but unfortunately, they looked brown and smelled like shit. cowardice on the part of western partners, well, this is my position, i have the right to express it, if only because i cannot understand how it is possible to win a war without transferring it to the territory of the aggressor and destroying the military infrastructure on the territory of the aggressor, well , you know, it's like not touching germany during the second world war, well, this is how it should look from the perspective of, it is not clear at that time , so this is a more political decision and an incentive to... the latest
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bombing of kharkiv, i want to note the work of our delegation together with one of the deputy heads of the national security committee, who were in in america, these footage was shown to the congressmen, they showed how the russians roll out their mlrs artillery, grad right on the road, on their territory, stop civilian traffic, fire and run away, actually exposing themselves to danger, again hiding behind their... own civilian population, i think that all these things played a significant role in the opinion of president biden in particular, why i consider that in particular president biden, because all the congressmen said that in the aid package, where the congress voted this 60 billion and more for ukraine, there are none there were no prohibitions in the law, and therefore, if the law does not prohibit, then it allows, and in fact it was, unfortunately, i think so, the position of the president himself...
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we should not allow biden to be flayed on the territory of russia, well, for scholz and all the others immediately went to biden, i want to note the position of sweden, which has long said that they do not mind when we use their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, and in particular they offered their grispin planes, if i am not mistaken with such a right, but for some reason the air coalition formed around the f-16 said. give more ukrainians, don't take griezmann, because you will disrupt the f-16 plans. well , okay, we waited, now i think you can take everything in a row. next, in the context of the use of western weapons on the territory of russia. if we are talking about planes, then we have the right to shoot down what is flying in the russian sky, and i cannot understand why we cannot touch what is standing on russian airfields, and here it would be significant, of course, the permission to let us use atakaps , that would be, well at least. fair to
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ukraine, i don’t know, the line of fear, brown in color, which stinks of shit, has not yet disappeared among western partners, theses about not escalating the conflict, well, to be honest, in... they cannot withstand any criticism, because russia has already uses the entire range of weapons against ukraine, namely airplanes, missiles, aviation, artillery, there are mlrs, hail, death, hurricane, well, everything that russia has, it all flies over ukraine, except for tactical nuclear weapons, but i want to emphasize, that the issue of using nuclear weapons on the territory a non-nuclear country, this is already a question of a different global scale, and here i think that neither china, nor america will sit quietly and watch putin... we will use it, so i think that this is precisely the deterrent factor for putin , well, at least for today at the moment, well , but there was as if a decision and such announced that the airfield was quite a legitimate target and
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could be attacked, of course, but we need it for this once again, i emphasize missiles to attacks, because let's say it like this... takam - these are missiles that have a very large warhead, and it is, let's say, a cluster munition that covers a large area of ​​damage, so it is possible to burn a very large area with a single volley along with the equipment that is on it, it would be significant , and the fact that we are firing on the territory of russia, you understand, i want to tell you that this is also a question of saturation and scaling of our attacks on the territory of russia, that is, the density of our attacks on their territory, because blur, let's say yes, with three drones on a hundred-kilometer stretch, it's nothing to us it is necessary that there should be more density, and it is precisely in this context that we should use , including attacks, by the way, i want to emphasize that during the war in the persian
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gulf, if i am not mistaken, the americans used 600 of these in a very short period of time atakab missiles, and when they give us 10, 20, 30, well, that’s nothing, and especially... they can’t even touch the russian territory, well , that’s a sign of nothing at all, well, that is, scalp and stormshadov can’t do it replace, let's say so, no, no, combat part of the scalp lesion or stormshadow, it does not carry cluster charges and such a large area, once, secondly, let's not forget the issue of russian air defense, they can work in principle if they guess against the scalpka storm shadow, but they by no means ... cannot to work against attacks, these are also different systems, and the area of ​​​​impression from the scalp is more point-based in terms of its combat part, in terms of its, well, let's say, being focused on certain objects, that is, hitting an object is one story , covering the square is a little different
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story, the airfield is a square, it's not what we are we have to search for one plane with one missile, so the attack can cover a large area and can burn. several planes while at the base airfield, well , i emphasize this once again, it is us now, you know, in me speaks the ukrainian soldier who cheers for his brothers, who continue to do the work that, unfortunately, i will no longer be able to do, and it is precisely the lack of weapons and some additional restrictions for ukrainians, this is exactly what leads to the death of most of my brothers and sisters, well... well, in in this regard, the diplomatic struggle continues, well , let's hope that it will not be so long that it will be about atakams, but there is one more nuance, well , it has been going on for a long time since the moment when hostilities began in the kharkiv region, in
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ovchansk, there near liptsi, we are talking about the threat in the sumy region, and here is what can now be more widely affected precisely on the territory of russia. troops, did this not reduce the possibility of an attack on the sumy region and this offensive on the sumy region, well of course, let's be honest, there is a difference between sitting 100 km from the front line, immersing yourself in vehicles, walking the colony to the distance of deployment, deploying in combat formations and going to advance with a wide front, this is one story, another story when another 100 km away we... would have the opportunity to hit them, well, but at least we will have the opportunity to hit them with western models of weapons on the very approaches before the russians deploy in combat formations, and here we can already use the other spectrum that is allowed to us , here already please be kind to you highmors,
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do you want three sevens here, do you want caesar or other artillery systems, please, the same vampires advertised by the russians, by the way, which are not... as far as the russians feared them, that is all what prevents the accumulation of troops from approaching our territory, or let's say, going unnoticed, well, this will help, this is the first point, the second point that applies to the sumy region, i would still believe that at the moment moment, if we were all shouting, that an offensive was waiting for kharkiv oblast, what was going on there the concentration of personnel, equipment, and so on, for some reason, to our great regret, the main intelligence department went on the air on may 3-4 and told us all that those who shout about kharkiv oblast, that it is all russian ipso. at the same time, when the rusnyavs were already trampled, gur went to the media and said: we knew. time, place and even when and with what forces the russians will go, the question asks, why didn't the civilian
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population from vovchansk be evacuated before that, is it better to do it under shelling, when people are also dying, and when the policemen who carry out this evacuation and so on are also killed, i don't understand this, it is either treason on the part of those people who prevented the evacuation and so on. the second point, i want to draw your attention to is that if we are talking about the attack on kharkiv oblast, then the concentration was really quite a large part of the russian... troops, so they are not enough to break through and capture kharkiv, but the russians’ task is not to capture kharkiv, but their task is just that come within range of their artillery, and what is the russian artillery doing to the cities? well, please look at avdiivka, look at any city where russian artillery reaches, and you will understand what will await kharkiv if the russians can do it. thank god that they didn't manage to do it on the spur of the moment. that the defense forces held out, that the reserves were pulled up in time, but in this situation i am asked in this
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task, how did it happen that the russians in such direct columns without being shot reached the very city of vovchansk, and what happened to us with mines, with preparation of the famous borders of the kharkiv region, which he inspected zelenskyi and his team, well, this question has been hanging for a month, that's why it is hanging here and continues to hang, i hope one day we will find out some of these, er... you know, i would like something more like this in general also in, well, our analysts, when they evaluated the general situation, you noted such a thing that now, in principle, the daily and monthly losses of the russians are already so great that they cannot do it yet, well, they have already reached the figure when they cannot replace it with their creeping mobilization. and the same is the same story with the number of knocked out of military equipment has also increased very, very much, and
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it is, well, also just large enough, it can lead to the fact that, well , weaken the fronts, to a certain extent it is possible, well , to expose the front of the russians a little, how do you feel about this, do you have us now, are we approaching the moment when we will have the opportunity for some of our own, maybe counterattack. actions, i completely disagree with these analysts, i do not know about their database, but i want to say that today on the territory of ukraine there are more than half a million russian troops, i want to say that now in they are forming reserves and the offensive on kharkiv region is an example to all of us, but this is not the last reserve that the russians are currently using, it is also a mobilization resource for putin, and especially after the elections, it is not about anything at all, no problem, as they say, because they can actually do it. whenever and in the quantity they need. if someone says that there is some incomprehensible force out there that
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will prevent putin from making an unpopular decision to shout, stand up, great country, then i want to tell you that putin has a system the fsb, which can suppress any riot, arrest some of the rioters, and if they need to mobilize a certain number, they can mobilize it. further, putin has a million-strong army of conscripts who sign contracts for various reasons. if he needs 3,000 of them to sign contracts, they will sign, i don't see any problems with irrigation in russia so far, trade is going, sanctions are working, we know how they work, oil and gas are traded, and therefore russia's gdp growth, we have seen last year + 3.6%, if i'm not mistaken, and in fact, today the question is that putin is running out of people, well, let's be honest, we have already counted when putin is running out of missiles. so, what i want to say is, if putin has unlimited human resources and has a total advantage in artillery,
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despite our successes, but he has a total advantage in artillery, in shells, he has a total advantage in such missile systems as the s-300, which we don't knock down, because we can't spend patriot on them, so tell me, please, what are their problems to organize a new counteroffensive in any area, the only thing is that it should not go unnoticed, this is us the main thing, then the question of their... superiority in the sky, well, let's not shout gep today, because we still have f-16 to we haven't arrived, and russia actually rules the sky today, i think that at the moment, you know, the winning relations. that we throw them there with hats and they will end, they will not end, this is a rather dangerous opponent, which has a colossal potential of the military-industrial complex, but i want to emphasize, they have a closed production cycle of the entire military-industrial complex, in ukraine we already have open letters from the ministry of defense of the armed forces asking the cabinet of ministers not to reserve, to reserve employees, because soon there will be no one
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to release missiles, i cannot understand the logic of the ministry of defense, i cannot understand the logic of the cabinet of ministers, when in we employees of the military-industrial... complex cannot be booked, at the same time firemen's bookings are being removed, we know these stories, up to 50%, as one of the people's deputies wrote, are ready to mobilize firemen only to save mintovskysorsky power structures, which to date have shown their super-inefficiency, starting elections, sdf and so on. by the way, i would like to highlight the story of one soldier, who was told by yura botusov, this soldier of the dobro territorial defense, who... was in the kharkiv direction, was wounded and left the battle, and now criminal proceedings against him are pending against him. please tell me, as a rear rat, a sbi investigator will investigate the abandonment of a position by a wounded soldier when everyone else in that position is dead. this soldier should have been either captured or killed, then he would the dbr calmed down. to be honest, i can't understand where the green team is taking ukraine today, and just as the kmiz survey
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showed that half of ukrainians don't understand what is happening today in this context. well, maybe it just means that it should have somehow resolved the issue of both the military prosecutor’s office and some kind of military special service, because i really agree, well, physical people can hardly adequately assess what happens during hostilities, some there to initiate cases or try to investigate them, sitting there somewhere in the deep rear? i agree with you, but the same rear rats who sit in the parliament of the verkhovna rada adopted a law that increased responsibility. for servicemen during martial law, including for leaving the position, you understand, the court cannot give a suspended sentence to servicemen today, because the body rats voted. at the same time , you should see if today there is a fight against other crimes, and how in our country a collaborator actually receives a suspended sentence, who pointed rockets at the airfield, for which
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colonel chervynskyi is being tried today , including for the same story, how can this be absolute absurdity, it's simple. well, unfortunately, we have run out of time, we have to go on a break, so thank you very much igor lapin for joining us, we have a break now, i remind you about our gathering, please remember and join it, now a pause, then we will still talk in more detail about the situation in the kharkiv region, so wait, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, more more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at spresso. join
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the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks. hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live attacks kamikaze drones. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no
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political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. we continue the chronicles of hostilities. well, actually, now we want to talk in more detail about the situation that is happening in the kharkiv region. i will remind you once again about our collection for the repair of armored vehicles. be sure to join it, here you are. now you can see the qr code and the account number, a very important fee has been collected already 400, more like 400,000, we need 600. 50, so please, this is a very, very necessary thing, and yuriy fedorenko, commander of the
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achilles attack drone battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, joined us on the air, i congratulate you , yury, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, actually, i'll start right away with the last one, as if it were news. i understand, friend, it was already in june, when it was announced that 60 captured russian occupiers had been captured in vovchansk, and here is such a large number of captured, i as i understand it, and approximately the same number of destroyed, well, this suggests that there, well , in addition to defense, our defense forces are trying to do some specific countermeasures. mining operations, or what can you tell us about this episode in general? the defense forces are not exclusively in the defensive lines, beyond which they do not
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advance, especially in the dynamic line there was a collision like the one in vovchan, the defense forces have stabilized the situation almost completely at the moment, and reverse, powerful work is being done to improve the situation to the previous edge, in civilian language - it means knocking out the enemy. positions taken by him. the defense forces are doing this very successfully, in my opinion. it is also worth noting that from public sources, in particular russian propaganda publications, it becomes clear that the enemy is suffering significant losses in manpower, both killed and wounded, because the hospitals operating on the territory of belgorod, as well as in nearby cities , filled in the shunt, so it is worth understanding here that the defense forces. do not do the impossible, and unfortunately, the enemy still has the opportunity to the current moment to replenish their losses in order to continue to carry out
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shock and assault actions as well, to try to realize the intention they set before themselves, namely to fully occupy the populated putvovchansk. from the positive, limitless positive, it is that the defense forces were given the opportunity to destroy a large range of firearms against. on the territory of the russian federation, it already bore its first fruits today, we can analyze that the number of shellings, for example, of nearby settlements, which were shelled for the number of s-300 and s-400 installations, in particular the city of kharkiv, has decreased several times, and the enemy also has losses in lightly armored armored vehicles in its anti-aircraft vehicles, in the previously mentioned s-300, s400 installations, and this work continues quite systematically and powerfully it is important to give opportunities in time, in the near future, you know, as they say, today is the day before yesterday, so that we can hit the enemy with the entire nomenclature at long
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distances, including on the territory of the russian federation, because the enemy must be fought in his league with a reason, we destroy in military plan of the enemy on his territory, and a smaller number comes to our land, to continue occupying and killing ukrainians. i expect that these decisions will be made. and, of course, we look forward to the arrival of aircraft to the defense forces, which are supposed to close our peaceful cities and allow enemy aircraft to land, this is very important, because the scorched earth tactics that the enemy is implementing by using a large number of aircraft with guided bombs, she gives her runenames one way or another fruits, so that the enemy does not have dominance in the air, dominant status, so it would be more correct to say, we have to shoot him down, as at the expense of anti-aircraft. means that come from the defense force, but they also come at the expense of f-16 aircraft. well , by the way, it was also the other day, and we
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also talked about it, when a convoy of russian, well, personnel , was destroyed in the kursk region, and i know that somewhere on may 29, it seems, yours directly the unit also destroyed a moving column there. also on the territory of the enemy, no, not even in the occupied territories, well, in principle, except, you see, well, some kind of, well, guns of western technology , after all, there is a very big, well, a big role here , and the ability of drones to destroy such convoys, when they are moving through the territory of the enemy, then this can also be said in principle. i will complete you, for sure, if we are talking about unmanned systems, there was no doubt for a day that from the first days of the russian invasion on the territory of ukraine, we began
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to use unmanned systems in an aggressive manner. events in the russian federation destroying military targets, but one must simply understand that unmanned aerial vehicles, unfortunately, cannot massively hit the enemy at certain distances, at which foreign weapons, in particular , a jet fire system, can do it more effectively, that is why the impression the enemy, it must be stunned, both on the battle line and in the depth of the formation, if we achieve an echelon effect against... the enemy, this gives the maximum result in depriving the enemy and his group of the opportunity to carry out shock-assault actions, and where the enemy loses the ability to storm, the defense forces acquire the ability not only to defend, but also to strike and storm, in particular, that is , we can occupy our land step by step, therefore unmanned aerial vehicles plus foreign weapons are the formula that should ensure victory for our state, well, with appeared... such information
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appeared that such a new tactic appeared, and these are attacks by groups of drones, can you reveal something a little, what it is about, what it is, how effective it really is, how it happens in the end, well, here we have to divide by categories, drone - it's the same, you know, the understanding is very so expanded, they are different applications, reconnaissance, shock, day, night, multiple applications of communication and so on, it 's about saturating as much as possible a specific, specific point that we need to destroy with the number of fire means of strikes, in this case it is strike drones, systems are being worked out so that they can be used massively at the same time ; others, in particular regarding comic books, there are
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related issues, details to be disclosed. it will be, but technologically we cannot do it en masse yet, but the fact that we cannot do it today does not mean that we will not achieve it in a few months, because modernization, new developments, they are moving at a crazy pace in our country , in particular at the expense of private companies and enthusiasts who have a very powerful education, which they received, by the way, in ukraine, and now they apply this technical education precisely so that our the state won. praise to all ukrainians, engineers, everyone who donates, who supports the defense force, and i would also like to note that i often hear the opinion that the state has extremely high budgets for defense, and it can last so long that it is necessary to donate, and for the repair of equipment and on bp means, the order of war, and how much it costs, you just have to think, one fpv calculation, the achilles battalion is just one position per
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day at... in normal weather conditions, it can shoot down 50 devp drones, hit or destroy from 20 up to 25 goals, that is 1 million hryvnias, 1 million hryvnias we somehow collected there for 3-4 days, but you have to understand that this is only one day, one calculation, if you count for a month, then for the maintenance of our unit , the state plus volunteers with means... drank and with money for their modernization they spend 4.5 million uah for the month of may, 4.5 million uah we spent for, i apologize, 4.5 million dollars we spent for the state of volunteers, this is without equipment, without motor vehicles, how much did we destroy enemy equipment on the battlefield, more than 60 million dollars, with economic point of view units of attack drones, it is very beneficial in terms of fire... impact on
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the enemy, sometimes such units play a key role in the end of a battle, which means that we save the lives of our infantry and take the lives of the enemies, it is very - it is very important, therefore, friends, each of you who gives, who honestly does his work, pays taxes, is involved in the general cause of victory, and it depends on you how this war will end, well , besides the fact that it is not only economic the meaning of all this is simply... the effectiveness in military operations, the effectiveness in terms of destroying the enemy, huge, simply huge, incomparable to the expenses that are on your unit, well, i want more, well, we have more there literally 3 minutes, you know, but on friday the fighters of the sove attack drone unit, the 36th.


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