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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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they will receive the help of qualified psychologists, and perhaps now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their fathers went to protect our ukraine. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to. every day, it was incredible and i really liked how we went to restaurants, i visited the cities of saszburg, vienna and linz. this one the trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments.
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there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on estezefin 20% in the pharmacies psylansky, bab and ochadnyk. big ether. my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, air time, two hours of your time, me and two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhii zgurets and what is the world like, fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is next to me , and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two
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hours in the company of our favorite presenters about cultural news . distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people is in touch with us , mr. mustafa, i wish you a good day, the events of the day , in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast in the winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
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congratulations, russian propagandists are slowly beginning to accept the fact that western long-range weapons will arrive in russia, and it must be said that if you thought that there was some kind of strong violence there, no, it is... there is, they react quite restrained
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and yes, you know, just straight philosophical with questions: what will happen next, and how to continue living? it was only on friday that you and i discussed the issue of whether to allow or not to allow, and already this weekend there were strikes by hymers on the territory of the belgorod region, and although everyone in the west actively says that they strike only at military objects, they allowed to strike only on military facilities, and i will not be surprised if in the near future, perhaps even on these... walking wreckage of hammers, which, by the way, are already published on social networks, will also fall on civilian facilities. what's next, rockets, here you are you know, these conversations about what will fall on civilian objects, well, we now understand that this is what russian propagandists will tell and try to convey in the west, that look, ukraine was allowed to hit only military objects objects, but no, ukraine also strikes civilian objects. all this is complete nonsense, uh, because, well,
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you know, after the bombing of several ukrainian cities, well, it's just ridiculous to say that some wreckage somewhere in the... fell, in the end, well, there's nothing new in this, but this is essentially the biggest event of all a few days ago, something flew into russia, and they believe that these are some kind of special weapons, and those hymars, which the americans, as it were, did not let them hit, this is a big event for russian propagandists, i even saw, there were already some attempts to tell. that ukraine has already hit somewhere there with atakams, and russia has repelled them, well, in this vein, in principle, they are telling and so, you know, they are preparing their russians for the fact that all this will fly completely through the belgrod region and the kursk region, and maybe further.
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consider ukrainian troops together with western military specialists as nato's western military personnel. they began to attack the belgorod region, using the american haimars anti-aircraft missile system, but the russian air defense system repelled the attack with american missiles. if the washington post is to be believed, the radius of targets that the ukrainian armed forces can hit with the help of hymars looks like this: belgorod. please note that this radius includes everything, as well as valuyka, volokonovka and urazova. officially, biden gave permission to strike russia. only american rszzo, hymars, but that's the point certainly does not change things. haymars today, glasdb tomorrow, atakams the day after tomorrow, with a range of 300 km, and there the restrictions will be lifted from the american f-16 fighters that
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will appear in ukraine in the summer. the next step, obviously, is the supply of tactical nuclear weapons to ukraine, that is, red lines really no longer exist. well, you know, bold fantasies about the supply of nuclear weapons to ukraine, this is, how to say, well, this is already a painful thing, precisely because, what can we say here, drawing all these maps, when you can draw an even bigger map about , like russia, and it is necessary to say, components of nuclear weapons, because iskander, caliber, these are all carriers of nuclear weapons, and the planes from which they are launched are all carriers of nuclear weapons, and... and with these, russia is hitting ukraine, well and actually, yes, logically, why can’t something like this fly over russia, it’s very good that finally it’s not only us who ask this question, but somehow you see, even the world understands this, moreover, well, in principle , already with regard to the f-16 somehow yes, there are thoughts that
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why this f16 cannot shoot down targets over the territory of russia, and most likely it has to happen, so that what they are talking about, if... should happen with regard to the f-16, well, you can say that when they arrive, then most likely it will really happen, and of course the russians are not happy about this, they continue to fantasize about how can they scare the west, even though you can see that they somehow failed to scare them with their fantasies, so their propagandists are already inventing, you know, some kind of gimmicky propagandistic tricks, here is one uh... such a trick was told by vainkor sladkov, this is an employee of the state russian language of the tv company, who is constantly traveling there from the ministry of defense and filming on the front, well, he came up with a whole version of how to scare the west.
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i suggested earlier, let's guys make a channel to broadcast our ammunition release. here is each one. let's pay attention to the broadcast, which will begin in exactly 10 days. at the novaya zemlya test site, well, for example, or somewhere else, and we'll announce, announce, announce, and then we'll talk two days before the broadcast one day, and
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finally we'll show the nuclear strike as it it looks, and then we will say, comrades, here we are, we are warning you that here it is, here it will be, here it will happen in ukraine, that's all, this will be a warning of the highest quality, i think, well, of the highest quality, i think. well, in principle, the idea of ​​broadcasting the russian production of weapons live, i think it is good, let them broadcast not only the production, but also give the coordinates of where they produce it, preferably immediately with current geolocation, it would be very, very good, well, a good thing in general , it would be possible then directly you know, no don't bother, don't search, throw something right there, well, and about how to show that you... nuclear tests, well, the idea has been in their hands for a long time, and this is the main thing, in fact, that russian
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propagandists are constantly saying now, let's show how we are testing something there, but you know, even some of the russian deputies of the state duma, who are totally unfrozen , understand that somehow this is not enough to scare someone, and well, what everyone has, you know, in the mind of the most unfrozen deputy... it is straight on the tongue, and he just poured it all out on the air, or near hawaii conduct strategic exercises, they don’t care about the exercises at all, it’s all training, we conducted tactical nuclear exercises, because they immediately also conducted tactical nuclear exercises, we will conduct strategic ones, they will conduct strategic ones, and if they fire at us specifically with these missiles, and we will training, does that mean missiles in mexico?
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the candidates were killed and yet she literally became the president, oh democracy under their belly, and she also won the emancipation of women, all the men were shot, yes, i think that after all in after that, mexico will not be able to deliver anything, the main thing is to show. the newly elected presidents of mexico, mexico, as they say, and they will not cooperate after this, and i think they will not shut up and will continue in the same spirit, and the question, you know, they have, what do you have putin he has to say something, do something powerful, somehow respond to all this, because somehow they were already slapped very hard, something was shouted there, and somehow no one was scared, and therefore the question is... what, what to do? in their heads, it seems that we are bluffing, something like that
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never happened, and again, we need to make them understand that we are not bluffing, there are many such options, and they must be used. testing of tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of lviv region. nuclear weapons are a possible option, but it is far from the only one. to the houthis, the problem is that ours or something else, that is, long-range missiles , will sink, if we do not respond, then will we do it, what options do we have, well, what options? a great option and it has also already started on russian television, to tell that this
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weapon will not affect anything, well, it will fly further over there in russia and everything is fine, it is not the first time they talk about this and it is not the first time they tell that it will not affect anything, and in principle they already launched, and now they also tell on all broadcasts how it will not affect anything. these are actually attempts to put psychological pressure on us, because from a military point of view. this removal and approval will not change anything at all, even if they release hundreds of missiles a month, which they physically cannot to do, because they do not have such a number, then the percentage of those who arrive is still not capable of influencing our defense capability, nor our industry, nor our energy, well, if it does not affect anything, the only thing that is unclear is why all year round they shouted about how they would strike. with nuclear weapons on paris, london and, well , new york there and berlin, if something like that
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happens. well, you know, the only thing that can be said here before that is, yes, there should be more rockets, i will agree with that, because if rockets it will be little, it will really, well, just have a weak effect, but if there are more missiles, more than this propagandist predicts. then , of course, the influence will be completely different, completely greater, but this nonsense about how it will not affect anything, here is another russian propagandist talking about the same thing, but here's the thing... it's interesting, it's interesting that they also are trying to tell the russians that everything is literally going to end, everything is going to end now, the last push, and this is very much, you know, in contrast to what they are trying to tell the western audience about the fact that they are going to play a long game and are ready to play a long game, no, they are not ready, they are so
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straightforward to play a long game, otherwise they would not have to tell their own population that by the end of the 24th... on our territory, on the deep territory of russia, will have absolutely no effect. we are now at the stage of a decisive battle with our enemy. our enemy realizes and understands all this, and understanding this, he does his best to create a stir around it. a lot of different factors that will... affect this war ending this year, i'm more than into it convinced, well, you see, there would be no need to tell that it should end like this, if there was no demand in russian society that it should somehow end so quickly, there is, and actually here are all
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the scarecrows, all these attempts, you know, to find some kind of solution. here immediately give something like this, it's all because they are not really ready for a long time, and the only hope they have is that after all, putin will not be a man who lost the war, uh, it is to come to an agreement, to scare the world with nuclear weapons and to ukraine was forced to negotiate a truce, that's all everything around it, of course. i'm saying, i already said that the main thing that russian propagandists will continue to promote now is how ukraine is hitting civilian targets, well, it has already started little by little, they are already talking about it all over the air , but you know, this is, you know, such a kind of lie when they try to tell how ukraine should choose only
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military goals, and how they, well, can suddenly choose a non-military goal. how, for example, does skabieva tell this? at first they will strike carefully, or, as i already said, officially kirby's white house coordinator for command posts, communication nodes, and ammunition depots. as soon as we answer, and we will certainly answer, nato and the pentagon will switch to new goals, which will also be called legitimate. about legitimate goals, because right here telling all this about how ukraine will hit only warehouses and military objects, here literally in these same programs, when they tell how ukraine is now hit somewhere there, they tell , as they destroy the civil infrastructure of ukraine. all weekends
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our air defense systems knocked out objects of a critical structure of the kyiv regime with precise strikes, explosions rang out over the entire territory controlled by kyiv, a series of strikes hit dniprogez, zaporizhzhia region. the ukrainians published footage of the arrivals at the power plant. well, all this is even more disgustingly told by skabiyeva, who literally says that to return ukraine to the middle ages, that is, not to destroy any military targets, not to hit military objects. no, that's exactly what it sounds like: return ukraine. the russian air force launched another massive missile strike across ukraine. a total of 53 missiles of various types were launched. the targets of the attack were energy infrastructure facilities. that is, the process of returning ukraine to the middle ages continues. air-, sea-, and land-based missiles were used for the attack.
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calibers were widely used for the first time in a long time. and here, you know, here is simply to put here all the talk about ukraine hitting some airfields in kursk or some other region with the military, and next to these talks about how to destroy ukraine, return the people of ukraine in the middle ages, and then, you know, it is even more unclear, in fact, why everything possible is not fought. russia, and because it is clear that it simply has to fly there in order to avoid these conversations, because only impunity allows all of this. languages ​​about the middle ages, and you know, in general, they are so much, well, you don’t even need to watch any ukrainian tv channel, it’s enough to just watch, open one
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program of the same skabieva, to hear first about returning ukraine to the middle ages, and then to hear that well, ukraine will hit military facilities and say, well, what's wrong, ukraine should after that hit military facilities in the depths of russia to simply stop. russia's attempt to return ukraine to the middle ages, how else, this is the only normal reaction of any country, when the country is being destroyed, to strike in response, and everyone should understand this, and it is not necessary, i say look, even there it is easy enough to listen to ukrainians one is to open the program from kabievo and simply watch it in a row like you and i just watched, because it was literally all in one show. well, actually, you know, sometimes they
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start to diverge in their conversations about the genocide of ukrainians, about how to exterminate ukrainians, so much so that it even causes a problem for those collaborators they have warmed to in russia, it happened here the other day a scandal with one of the broadcasts of the first channel, when in them... one of these military experts simply called all ukrainians second class, but even the problem, well, the fact that they call ukrainians, okay, but he called the collaborators who work for russia so, that they are also second class, they just sit, wait for russia, they are second-class people, that is, you understand what he is saying, that you can simply cross out all these conversations about the fact that someone is going to be fired there . some russian-speaking people, no, they consider these people to be second class, worse than russians, and it is obvious that they do not release them, those zhduns who are
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waiting for russia there, they do not release them, they just go to rob them, and that's all, and that's it practically, well, not really hiding it that's all, well, this wonderful expert told me, and then yesterday, you know, there will be a noise in these... the environment of fugitives and collaborators, such that the first channel of the state-run russian television had to apologize, well, actually around this, around what it was all about, let's see now. the incorrect phrase of one of our experts was cut out and became the subject of a large public discussion. i really don't see them rebelling, doing something like that, having a high opinion of ukrainians, because i don't have a much lower attitude towards them than
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to the russians, because i see no rebellion, no disturbance, i will insist that these people, unfortunately, are second-class people, if it suits them that their children are dismembered for organs, that their wives are sent to lupanars , on the other hand, they are ready, at best, to wait for russia, the russians, let them do... for them all that they have to do, these are not the belarusians of the second world war era. propagandist, it is literally infuriating that ukrainians do not believe the fictions of russian propaganda that someone there is dissected for organs, and all women sent to brothels. this infuriates him, and it means that ukrainians are second class. well, it always seemed to me the opposite, that if ukrainians do not believe russian propaganda. and they consider her to be weak, then this indicates that ukrainians are, well, quite intelligent people, and they still have not only like there, you know,
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some kind of tv, which they pray to, they have some of their own expressions from life and in general they are able to distinguish lies from what is in reality and are able to filter this russian propaganda, but you see, for a russian propagandist, for him it is that... people of the second class, that is, people of the first class, the russians, they believe in all this delusion, and that is precisely why they are literally beautiful for russian propagandists, because you can endlessly hang noodles on their ears and everything will be fine, moreover, it's more funny to hear about how someone there revolts and doesn't revolt, so you literally tell on your tv broadcasts here almost every day how ukrainians jumped on the maidans, there is no such thing in russia, so who revolts and who doesn't... revolt after all, and then what is the point of these conversations, well, it's such a delusion, but when he started apologizing, well, you know,
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this is the story... which was even worse than what he told as a result, because he didn't apologize, he said that these are stupid ukrainians, these collaborators misunderstood him, that in everything to blame, literally the ukrainian general staff, and you will laugh, but the british special services, it was not he who slapped his tongue, but his literally, probably the british special services somehow influenced him, and finally, it is not you. and the fact that russians are fascists and they say fascist slogans like that on the air, it turns out that putin is to blame, that's what this propagandist agreed to, that's what he said, that there are only russians, that's the main nation in russia, and what's the propagandist's fault , he says, i just repeated all that, so he apologized, that is, everyone, everyone is to blame for him, including putin, who...
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himself is the first to promote fascist slogans, but this propagandist is not guilty of anything, but literally everyone around him, well, you know, typical russian behavior of a person, just typical, when they did not attack anyone, them provoked, that's how it was, putin provoked him, and he made such a fool of himself on the air, and in the end it was so funny that even those who were in this studio... i must apologize if i'm wrong understood the ukrainian people, for me the term i always use is maloros, it is not a ukrainian, although i have never, unlike many colleagues, allowed myself to use such expressions as khohol or, in relation to poles, pshek, what i met ... on
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some resources, reinforces what i was then dressed in the merch of putin's team, it was immediately adopted by tsipso from the submission of the information and psychological processing center of the main directorate of the general staff of ukraine. not only that, it was sponsored, i reported to chindita's 77th british brigade, who made the most of the situation. moreover, accusations of fascism, unfortunately, have been going on in our country ever since the president formulated the concept of the russian house. the russian people and the main nation-forming state. unfortunately, the quote you showed, the video quote, is there was an incomplete quote, because then i argued my point of view, and oleksandr germanovych behaved inappropriately in the discussion, interrupted, tried to shut his mouth. no need to be silent, no one is silent. here we say that tsipso took advantage. no, agree that our pubs are also on fire. wait, nikita, i didn't interrupt you, which means that we have this problem here. and
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of course they have a problem with the fact that they are absolutely fascists, no one doubts this, moreover, this one who told how he sat in the merch of the team putin, because yes, this is not a random person, this is a respected propagandist who is literally, well , in the pool of the kremlin, and he actually says, so what did i say, but my colleagues say even worse, and i am nothing like that he did not say anything special, and this is also the pure truth, and in principle he even walks far. i didn’t have to, but after this scandal happened there, a day passed, and already another propagandist told solovyov that if poles speak polish, then they should be destroyed, because really, if someone doesn’t speak in russian, and suddenly the poles speak polish, so what to do with them, we have to drop a nuclear bomb on them. let's take poland as an example, as the closest one to us, as
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the biggest such real candidate. to find yourself in such a small, small, unlimited theater of nuclear war, there will be 20 large cities, it is unlikely, even if you count that two warheads need to be allocated for each city, it is only 30-40 warheads, what is 30 warheads, that's all only a volley of one iskander division, 16 launchers for each two, 10-15 minutes and poland. as a state, and the poles, as a people, are disappearing from the face of the planet along with their language. well, if this other propagandist is also caught with his words, it will also be said that it is probably not him who is to blame, but putin, who, two years ago, said that there are only russians and no one else. they are usually like that, well, directly, let's say, people who are, well, ready to talk.


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