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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yara brigade in the direction of chasiv. we return to our conversation and add yevgeny gdulskyi, the commander of the second amphibious assault battalion of the 95th separate polish amphibious assault brigade, to ether. mr. yevgeny, glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. and what is even hotter than pokrovsk? direction, at least yes, the military statistics from the general staff show us, well, maybe, yes, how it looks, how it looks, how often they actively attack, and whether it is massive attacks, or as we were told , small groups of a few people are going to the south, well, let's compare it like this, let's compare the time frames, according to the time frames , the enemy is leading in our direction. active,
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active assault offensive actions already since november of last year, so today, so to speak, he does not refuse to carry out his active offensive actions in our direction, well , accordingly, he is constantly, constantly hardening, constantly regrouping, constantly transferring reserves from other directions, accordingly, he also constantly carries out internal groupings and... accordingly , he is trying to advance further with his own strength, accordingly , as of today, as of today, well, what can we do, the enemy, in principle, he has not achieved any, let's say this, successes in our direction, this is thanks to in principle and stability, courage and heroism of our personnel, who are located, respectively, in advanced positions, adjusted to the normal extracted fire system of ours. all subdivisions, and so
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on, mr. even, but when you look simply shots from maybe from your brothers, maybe from other units, but you look at this silver woman and this is forestry, well, it’s hard to call these sturpaks a forest, belogorivka is , in general, in my opinion, just a direction where they pound, pound, pound, whenever there is a living place doesn't actually stay on the landscape anymore, you have to invent something else, especially since in..." as i understand, the enemies also have enough eyes and drones, so the enemies, the enemies also currently have enough drones, well, accordingly, fpv drones , which may apply, accordingly, we are also trying to counter it, let's say, we are accumulating rap means, well , accordingly, so that it is possible to actively counteract this normally, and well, accordingly, accordingly and..." engineering training
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of personnel, which allows, accordingly , let's say, in those areas where, for example, the infrastructure has already been completely destroyed, where, roughly speaking, it is impossible that there are certain obstacles that make it impossible, well, for the normal arrangement of the position, accordingly, constant training of personnel is carried out composition regarding the arrangement of positions in the given conditions, and accordingly, let's start today... we successfully demonstrate all this in principle, i understand that you are digging in, but there is enough of everything that is necessary for this, well, for, in particular, for your soldiers, wood, concrete, iron, nails, everything, everything you need there, they supply you, yes, there are enough, yes, those fires that constantly appear and grow, especially in srebyansk, the former already, for sure. prostration, how much they change
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the situation at the front, how much they influence on the nature of hostilities. well, let's put it this way, the fires themselves, the fires themselves, we have such accessible means of fire extinguishing at each position, they are mostly infantry, well, accordingly, they take up little space, accordingly, they are quite effective in order to, for example, localize, localize . a fire and prevent it in accordance with advanced positions, well, accordingly, as of today, as of today, we have no recorded cases of losses in connection with the fire, well, there and so to pass, uh, we see that and and and you your collection you have, and we would really like our viewers to help your unit, tell us what exactly, what type of drone you...
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need, you need in your direction, and we will show you the complex during that time, this is such a heavy shot complex , which consists of two, two such large drones. well , they are similar to small helicopters, well , accordingly, this tool is a fairly effective way to destroy the enemy in large numbers at night, it is much more sensitive to the forces and means of the enemy, respectively , the enemy at night, the enemy at night today, let's say, there is no absolute advantage, but according to the given means , we can, we can destroy. to destroy enemy positions in general, for example, even with light fortifications, and so on, and it also allows us to minimize the involvement
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of personnel in certain tasks, such as assault actions and so on. we ask our viewers, here at the bottom of the screen there is a card number, it is actually for this complex of drones which... will help our paratroopers to have an even greater advantage with night hunting for russian-fascist occupiers, this number is dictated, maybe not everyone sees it, not everyone is comfortable writing it down from the screen: 5375412,1530 4 9 6 0, this is actually for drones that our guest yevgeny dulskyi just described in the direction of liman now needed and in our power. to ensure them, please join the gathering, and yes, mr. yevgeny, and one more moment, in all those attacks, and there are more than 10 of them a day, do they use heavy equipment, have they started to protect it, in some areas, they do not save, in other areas, on the contrary, they started
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more on motorcycles for bikers to have fun, well, right now , such know-how is appearing, let's say, the enemy is starting to use... motorcycles, well, well, accordingly, if, if we recall november of last year, when the active phase began, the enemy did not spare either technical or human resources at all, well, it could be that these events did unfold, it could be compared to the beginning of the 22nd year, during the beginning of a full-scale invasion, well, accordingly , where were the convoys of equipment moving , these were companies columns, there, for example, of combat vehicles. there from 10, from 10 are equipped with infantry from above, respectively, in this way, the enemy is, let's say, rapidly, rapidly trying to advance in this direction, well, but at the moment, at the moment, the situation of the enemy is also changing,
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they have certain problems already with regard to the application technical resource, accordingly, the enemy mostly switches to the tactics of small groups, i.e. from four to 12 people. is trying to move already, roughly speaking, on foot, and as for ground-based drones, how actively do they use them, and whether this is the area where it is possible to do something with ground drones now, from your point of view, and i will say yes, let's compare, compare our unit, accordingly, we actively use it. ground drones, they are also our assistants today, well , accordingly, because, let’s say, it is necessary to move to the advanced positions of a serviceman, in some cases up to three, and up to 5, and up to 7 km, respectively, we use drones on the ground, such
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we have not yet observed recorded cases of the enemy in our direction, but we know that in it's as if they were put on military rails. they should establish the production of these tools, and in the future, i think they will start using them. in general, to what extent do they use different innovative methods in this direction, that is , do they bet on the lyman direction, or do they throw there what is better, more efficient, more trained fighters. of course, of course the enemy. the enemy, he does not sit still, but relax for now, while we cannot even say and think so, accordingly, we, as well as the enemy, we every day, every day we try to develop, introduce some innovative measures, change tactics, well, actions of application,
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well, accordingly, the enemy also, let's say, well, one of these cases begins to build certain... certain such fortifications to protect their equipment , which can move mobile on the battlefield, thus using it as protection against ambush. then, of course, such a trend is observed in our country, as of today, and they value their soldiers, we sometimes see videos where it is clear that they are wounded a russian soldier and his comrades leave him, move on, ignore him, they can also take his weapon, and you watch him, do you have something like that, in general, in general, analyzing, analyzing the intercepts that come to us, at the enemy, from the enemy there is a task, roughly speaking, at any cost, let’s say
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this, if we value and protect the personnel, accordingly, it is not a priority for them today, well, in general, analyzing all these interceptions, even the personnel who refuse to introduce any further assault offensive actions, this personnel, accordingly, can also be shot on the spot, on well and accordingly. well, we encourage all russian military to refuse to perform combat missions, let them do it with their own hands, themselves. mr. yevhenii, thank you for your service, thank you for participating in our broadcast, yevhenii gdulskyi. of the second airborne assault battalion of the 95th separate polish airborne assault brigade was with us, followed by
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a short pause, after which serhiy sgurets will summarize everything that is happening along the very long ukrainian-russian front. wait. warning. mega sale. strong cordless saws with a discount of only uah 799. reliable, powerful, convenient. negotiate while the video is being broadcast: strong herbs will easily cut trees and shrubs, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 799. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order right now, free delivery is available, check with consultants: cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement, with strong saws, just look how quickly they cope with even thick ones. with branches, strong saws are easy to use and mobile, once you're done , it's enough to bother with standard dimensional
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everyone will die by the evening, for the third year now, a full-scale war of russia has been going on with the aim of destroying everything ukrainian, and fsb agents under the cover of ukrainian orthodox church still work in all corners of ukraine, undermining national security from within. we remember the patriarch and pray for him. prohibition of the russian orthodox church is a condition for our victory in the war with russia. i would simply pack these popes and return to russia. about who protects the russian peace, who needs the kremlin church in ukraine, and what needs to be done to stop its activity? in the new film, the investigation of the roc, the last battle. in saturday. june 8 at 22:00 at espresso. verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for?
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leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. see that tuesday is here. 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. we return to our ethereum. serhii zgurets, the director of an information and consulting company, joins us at this moment defense express. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory. good morning. greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. sir, let's look at the changes on the map. we, we always start like this with oksana, we open the gps, and we start and look carefully. eyes advances of novopokrovsk, arkhangelsk, krasnohorivka, yes, this is where we see changes in the line, in general, it is, if you transfer it from the map to real places, it is sometimes hundreds of meters, but when such advances are actually regular, and the directions have already stabilized enough , when these are tactical advances can become dangerous already in,
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as they say, operationally, well , actually in... you are talking about the word stabilization, in certain areas there is indeed stabilization, in certain directions the enemy is trying to take advantage of the advantage in numbers and in artillery and in aviation , this primarily now concerns the pokrovsky area, which is located west of avdiyivka, and if you look at the earlier address of the general staff, it first states that there were 78 clashes, which is twice as many, by the way. than, half as much as, c the most intense periods of hostilities, and half of them 28 are precisely in the direction of pokrovsk, this is the enemy's own desire to advance to the road along pokrovsk kostantinivka during the yar and to expand it into the flank zones around cheretynoy, and then
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when you talk about novo oleksandrivka there, about artemivsk, about novosylivka persha, that ’s right... the enemy’s attempts to operate in this zone and expand their flanks, the headquarters also notes that measures are now being taken to prevent the enemy from advancing, to inflict maximum losses the enemy, and this just reflects now, well , the approaches of the armed forces, this is the infliction of maximum losses, holding the territory and holding the territory based on reality, a clear balance of the importance of the territory, the possibility of its acquisition and... the necessary human and military resources, if we are talking about what we have to ensure this balance is precisely in these areas, well, this is happening right now, in relation to other directions, the situation around chevyar is quite difficult, where vogra is trying to press there from three directions, frontally, from the north, from with
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south, but the artillery works quite well there, although there are areas where the enemy is trying to push through to this channel. donbas, using the green and using, well, including the assault did not leave, without infantry, with infantry, but also with the support of a larger number of armored vehicles. ugh. as for the work, what has gone into the gray zone is reported in the 65th separate mechanized brigade, the russians are not there, but the territory is not so defined, it is not so clear who is there, and we understand that... how significant are these such transitions of specific settlements to the gray zone and actual movement in one direction or the other? well, in fact, when we talk about the movement of parts of the front there up to a kilometer in one direction or another, then of course they are happening in different
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parts of the front. regarding the work of the novovorog , he is now trying to beat the results of ours. offensive, which began almost exactly a year ago, now we see the map of deepstate, because the robot itself is completely in the gray zone, there are also our units, and there are russian units, all the houses that were destroyed there, now the units are trying to keep the defense in the trenches, but we understand that the south is such a flat area where everything is very... very well visible from the air and now just the use of half buckets of artillery on both sides well, it determines the main format of hostilities now. conventionally speaking, we see that the enemy is trying to cover the works from several directions, but i repeat, our
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russian military is also in the destroyed settlement, this is actually, well , the area where, conventionally speaking, it is a gray zone is precisely a sign that none of the parties can ensure control over this settlement, but the question here is to ensure losses to the enemy, well, and to ensure the preservation of our... military, this is the challenge that always faces the military leaders, if they rationally relate to the conduct of hostilities. and i wanted to ask you about another option, this is about weapons that we did not expect, that is, we somehow did not think so particularly carefully about the fact that we should have a french mirage 2005 aircraft, yes, but here it is from macron, we will deliver it by the end of the year, he says, he promises a certain amount and... if you can, tell us what the specifics of the mirage measure are, i have already read something that it is adjusted for quite specific resets and for a specific attack, so what is it the number also gives us, this
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is a rather complicated story, because we have mentioned the mirage from time to time in our comments, and in fact, the mirage is a multifunctional fighter of the fourth generation, it can be visually distinguished from other fighters by the fact that it has such a delta-like shape. wing and e in fact there are a number of versions of this mirage, which, relatively speaking, in the first version is decommissioned, macron talks about the mirage 2000 in version five, this is the so-called export version, which has upgraded radars there, can use scalp missiles, stormshade, bombs , can be equipped with suspended containers. of electronic warfare, that is, in general, this is such a good machine, in general, it seems that in france,
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there are 27 or 37 of these mirages of this type, well, that is, within three dozen, which can conditionally be enough for the formation of one squadron in the armed forces, it is from 12 there to 28 aircraft, but the main challenge here is that the range of the aircraft fleet and the need to train pilots on different types, this is the same problem we had with armored vehicles when we have five samples of the best tanks from different countries, each tank needs its own maintenance, its own logistics, its own nuances and so on, but now the issue with mirages can also fall into such a technological trap, because now i remain a supporter of the approach that was. air force command to increase the number of f16s, which actually have slightly better, and
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sometimes much better, characteristics compared to the same network, in accordance with the weapons with which the f16s will be equipped, now we have relied on the pace of pilot training in the united states, in romania, denmark, and the question arises, where are we, how long will we train pilots for this mirage, france says: that it will provide training there in five, six months, we will hope for it, but i am still a supporter of still it was the number of f16 lines has been expanded, and according to optimistic indicators, we may have up to 80 machines there. i think the details of the renegade with france will become known after the meeting between zelenskyi and macron, which will take place today, so we will wait for confirmation. this information and we will also remember that france still promises to train a significant number of personnel of the armed forces, this is within the limits of one brigade, i understand that it is about the full training of the brigade itself, and
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not individual units, and possibly with the provision of weapons for e-e equipping this brigade. actually, these mirages, as well as the f-16, we also hope for gripens from sweden later, whether all these fighters will be able to work in a complex, because i say. is it possible to apply such a comprehensive approach, we understand that pilots will learn to fly on each of them separately, but then use them in combination in the air? well , we will use it in combination in the air, because, linguistically speaking, we understand that if we are offered mirages, i am not sure that the command of the air forces or weapons there... will refuse, that is, form a separate squadron, and in principle, the combined use of the ground is already being created for this, let's remember about...
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sweden's plan to transfer two sub-390 aircraft there, which provide long-range relaxation detection, this is actually the eyes for the combined use of air forces, all these and mirages and f-16s can be communicated through data exchange facilities with these saab aircraft, which can see enemy targets in the air at a distance of 400 km, this data is transmitted to the aircraft, and the aircraft can perform the functions of destroying enemy targets and work on... the ground, using the arsenal of weapons that we will receive, so in any case we must talk in the context of mirages and about weapons and personnel training, well, the real functionality of these mirages, for now i repeat myself, everything still, the approach with the dispersion of gripen f16 fighter types, mirages, it still imposes additional difficulties for e-e and maintenance.
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and training, the optimal solution is one f16, as there is a light fighter, f15 as a heavy one, and saab as a long-range rotary detection aircraft, that’s actually you we remembered, that is, certain of you have already appeared , even such a short video, where they explain to us how the f16 with saab reconnaissance will work, but then suddenly a situation arises that not everything is so good, because they do not have time for us anywhere. to prepare the necessary number of pilots and maintenance teams, this is another betrayal, is it really slowing us down on the f16? well, literally there on may 10 or 12, when there were negotiations between representatives of ukraine there with the states, there were three issues: air defense, increasing the number of pilots for the f-16 for training, there is also permission to strike at russian objects, so this is the second component of the increase in the number of pilots, now.
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our pilots are being trained in the united states and in denmark, there are 12 pilots in the united states, the first of which is probably already five trained, a total of 12 by september this year. denmark - eight pilots, romania, the training center that was opened in romania is not working yet, so relatively speaking, the 12 pilots that we will receive there in the first group, this, relatively speaking, is not enough compared to the number of planes that are promised to us. we remember what... in general, the first tranche there may be 60 with the transition to 90 aircraft, so relatively speaking, when we talk about the summer of this year, the number of fighters and pilots, well, in fact, will not be so radically large, if at the first stage will be there, conditionally speaking, there will be six planes and six wars and six or 12 pilots, then it will be quite good at the first stage, but we will not
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be able to increase now. because the americans say that their national guard base there, which trains these 12 pilots, cannot increase the number, and denmark in general from the end this training center, where our eight pilots are currently being trained, is closing this year, so in any case, these challenges exist, we need to find a way out, i think it will be found, but we will see how this speed of training will be in the romanian center, thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy zgorets, director... with an analysis of the current situation, both on the front line and, as we can see, in the far rear, where we are allowed, for example, to hit military facilities with these weapons, but each time they emphasize hitting the kremlin, you can't talk about putin, the french say you can't either, so that on some objects, which are next to civilians, well, it binds us a little, the pledge is approaching, 9:00 a.m. is the time when we meet every day. and
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we honor the memory of all the dead who gave their lives because of the russian occupiers on our land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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