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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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9:00 a.m. is the time when we remember and honor the memory of all the dead who gave their lives because of the russian invaders on our land every day. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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in zhytomyr oblast, the husband's parents blame the tsk employees for their son's death. this is one of the last high-profile cases of detention during mobilization activities. people are posting dozens of other videos with violations of the mobilization process. and also with attacks on themselves employees of tsc. what is wrong with the mobilization in ukraine, what can and can't the employees of the territorial picking centers. we will talk about it today. my name is oleg galiv. this is svoboda ranok. i welcome you. we will start, well, in the chat under the broadcast, you can write your impressions of communication with tsc, if, of course, you had them. in the city of baranivka in zhytomyr oblast, they are to protest again today near the local territorial assembly center. people plan. going
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inside the premises will require resignation military commissar, as well as those involved in beating a person. mykola kovalchuk, the father of 32-year-old serhiy kovalchuk, who died in the hospital a few days after he was detained and taken to the baranivskyi tcc for a military medical examination, reported this in a comment to tsn. the father of the deceased is sure that his son serhii was beaten in the territorial assembly center. the zhytomyr regional military commander says that the cause of death was the injuries the man received during an epileptic attack. which is investigative and operative the group seemed to qualify the event as self-mutilation, this is a quote. the doctor of the intensive care unit, to which serhiy was already brought in koma, says that he was hospitalized with a diagnosis of brain injury, cranial hematomas and brain bruises, etc. he did not regain consciousness for three days and died in the hospital. such injuries cannot be sustained in a fall from an epileptic seizure. the dead man's father, as well as his acquaintances, are confident. after serhiy's death, the zhytomyr prosecutor's office started an investigation under the article premeditated murder. head of the zhytomyr region
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of the military administration, vitaly bunechko said the other day that he suspended the head of the baranivskyi shopping center from performing his duties for the duration of the investigation. serhiy's death caused mass indignation in the baranivska community, after the man was buried on june 4, people rushed to the premises of the tsk. they shouted shame and demanded that the employees of tsk come out to them and even break through the security of the premises. at the same time , attacks on workers in the territory are becoming more frequent. picking centers. in kyiv, for example, a former military man who attacked was detained employees of the tcc. the police informed. they say that a day earlier, a man approached tsk employees when they were working near the khreshchaty metro station and began provoking a conflict. when the employees of the department demanded the man to show his documents, he hit one of the servicemen. as the police explain, the attacker turned out to be a 31-year-old military man who voluntarily left the military unit. he was detained and an investigation was started under the article of the criminal code. beatings and beatings. in
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preparation for this broadcast, we consulted for comments about the event in zhytomyr oblast to the zhytomyr central committee, to the representative of the office of the plenipotentiary president of human affairs in the zhytomyr region, to whom we were sent in the central central committee, to the spokesmen of the ground forces, to which the territorial recruitment centers are subordinate, to the national police, we were not given any comments there, but we're ready to invite them to be on this air for the next hour or so when we go on these broadcasts, so... welcome if you have anything to say to find out truth, meanwhile, andrii osechuk, the first deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on law enforcement from the voice party, joins our broadcast. mr. andrii, i congratulate you. good morning. thank you for joining in, but there is not really much data about the situation in zhytomyr oblast, but the official ones, at least those that are available, where the parents blame the tsk workers for the death of their son, the tsk denies everything. what are the chances that the truth in this story will be found and society will hear it? what do you think, you
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you know, it is probably necessary to analyze more than one case, although each case is important, especially here with a fatal ending, it is necessary to understand the whole system in general. what is happening, you said that you were refused to join the broadcast, so i confirm to you that yesterday at the meeting of the tsc, which has been created in the verkhovna rada for several months, regarding possible violations by the ministry of defense, not a single representative of the tsc, who were there, came called, representatives of the ministry of defense, let me clarify simply, mr. andrii, that is, this tsk, which was created in relation to ministry of defense, it includes including cases. it is possible that the tskk violated its actions during the mobilization process, that's right, you are also considering it, absolutely not, look, it's just the word tsk, it's like that, there are a lot of them in the verkhovna rada, now i hear about fortifications by the tsk, this is another, this and that , which was created about three months ago,
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in relation to purchases there, in relation to everything, that is, in relation to all possible violations in the system of the ministry of defense and in the armed forces, and of course the activities of territorial centers belong there configuration because this is an integral part of the armed forces, and my colleagues, i am not a member of this commission, but my colleagues initiated consideration of these issues, and yesterday no one came to them by invitation, although this is probably the first invitation, and there may be a challenge with significant consequences, because this is precisely the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada, that is, we are now in a situation where the state bodies that are responsible. they do not want to carry out the mobilization process, which are responsible for ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen to communicate not just with the media, even with the deputies of the verkhovna rada, in my opinion we have fallen into the worst trajectory
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of mobilization, i did not want to talk about it a few months ago, although there were problems, but now we have to talk about it, mr. andriy, now we will dwell on this specifically, just to close another topic. with a temporary investigative commission, called the ministry of defense about the tsk and the events in zhytomyr oblast, or just in the context of the tsk? as far as i understand, not in relation to a specific event, but in relation to a complex of events that are entirely are publicly known, let's analyze the whole picture, and not one specific case, we will now move on to the whole picture, but i would like to clarify, and for example, your committee on law enforcement activities, it could take on investigation, on its own control, investigation. .. is currently ongoing regarding the events in zhytomyr oblast, or cannot a separate investigation committee there take control? i will report to you that on the one hand there is such a politically but very populist topic to be taken under control, but
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the committees of the verkhovna rada do not have any procedural powers there, despite the fact that there is such a concept as the secrecy of the investigation, but the parliament is obliged to take control of a certain topic and talk with officials about a certain topic. and at the last meeting of our law enforcement committee, i turned to our colleagues with a proposal and a request, urgently, probably sooner than a week later, because everyone will be there on a business trip, but to hold, open or close a meeting of our committee, with at the invitation of the public prosecutor, with the invitation of representatives of the general staff of the ministry of defense on issues of human and citizen rights in the first half of the 24th year. first of all after may 18, 2024, first of all in the process of strengthening mobilization, i have already taken such an action, i will push all my colleagues to work on the fact that mobilization is needed, but the state in our country is working in order
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to implement the third article of the constitution, if someone does not know it, then it is necessary to know it by heart, it should be printed in every tsc and hung at the entrance, because i will read the third article to you so that it does not happen. errors: a person, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in ukraine as the highest social value, human rights and freedoms and their guarantees determine the content and direction of the state's activities. the state is responsible to the people for its activities. so, during the war, i think this article of the constitution is perhaps even more important, because if we look at it more precisely, if we discard all the details, then in the war we protect the third article of the constitution. something that is not available in the russian federation. we gave a lot the powers of the central committee, there was a lot of talk about this during these final revisions of the amendments, but many deputies, including myself, publicly warned that, boys and girls, we are giving you enormous powers, of course, in order for you to ensure
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the defense capability of the country, but you have to use them very carefully. mr. andriy, taking into account the fact that the deputies, in particular you, as a representative of the committee on law enforcement activities. there are questions for tcc employees, whether it may follow the fact that the verkhovna rada will be in the future to work out certain changes in order to somehow limit or control more of the powers of the central committee. well, look, it is difficult to control the issue anymore, because the control of the verkhovna rada, again, if you put aside populism and look at the laws, it means conducting conversations, asking questions and making public information, the executive power, the cabinet of ministers , and in this case, is responsible for everything for the implementation of laws , if we are talking about the military issues of the ministry of defense, we definitely are. we will exert as much influence as we can on defense minister umery, but already
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there is one huge claim against him, which started back in december of last year, i remember, i myself talked to him and i said it publicly, that maybe it is not so important what is written in the laws, in the details, because no one particularly details does not read from people, but media communication is important, it is important to explain what, how, where, why, unfortunately, at the beginning of this epic with increased... mobilizations pushed, as you remember, zaluzhny to a press conference, he is there more or less explained something, but since then a lot of water has already escaped, and unfortunately, not in the moment of the adoption of the legislation on strengthening mobilization, neither during the month that the verkhovna rada gave for the law to come into force, nor until today, there were no full-fledged media events of the ministry of defense in order for them, first of all, to provide you, journalists, with verified information, to discuss all details so you can spread verified information and not rumours. we found ourselves in a situation where, in
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the third year of the war, in the second month of increased mobilization, we are all constantly operating on rumors and discussing rumors in media outlets, which are filled at the same time with anonymous telegram channels, which generally creates some kind of complete chaos. that is why we will, including myself, continue to demand from the ministry of defense to stop hiding. stop somewhere behind the scenes telling some incomprehensible stories there about the reserve plus there about a lot of other things, and actually communicate with the media, we are an open country of open information, war and mobilization cannot take place quietly without answers to public questions, which are again interesting, to me, to you, i think, to millions of people who are watching us, mr. andrii, you brought your colleague, mr. horbenko, who, if i'm not mistaken, the deputy of the committee on law enforcement... activities to a very important moment, gave an interview to ukerinform , and there is such a phrase, which was again very actively spread by telegram channels yesterday, i
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want to quote it in order to clarify what it can mean: representatives of the tsk, says your colleague, can use force or resort to coercive measures in cases where the citizen refuses to comply legal requirements for mobilization, or if he left the military unit, that is somewhere, to be brief, what the requirements for mobilization are about, what is the use of force, well , in simple language, to pack in a bag and... to beat, is the use of force, which can be justified during mobilization? look, this deputy is not a member of my committee, he works in another committee, he expressed his opinion, and this is a perfect illustration of what i said 3 minutes ago, i do not want to comment on the speculations of individual people's deputies, i want the minister of defense, the head of the ground forces, who is responsible for the tsk, went to the people and answered ... these questions, because my answer will again be the interpretation of the deputy osachuk, who is not engaged in the implementation
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of mobilization, who voted to strengthen mobilization, giving the power to the people , hoping that they have common sense. yes, mobilization is coercion, everyone understands that, mobilization at all times did not take place voluntarily, like going to the theater, but it is necessary to understand what degree of force should be used... apply, sorry for taftology, and understand the social consequences, when we live in the digital era, and all this can be filmed, spread and dispersed by russian ipso. yes, there is the concept of an administrative pretext, yes, absolutely, it is necessary to steal the administrative protocol on administrative detention, again , the fines that we have given the opportunity to apply can be issued on the spot, there is no need to take the person anywhere, you don’t want to, there are no documents, you have yes, 17:00. if we cannot establish your identity, you must be taken to the police for identification.
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individuals, issue a fine there, and then figure out how and what to do, but once again, one should not look at some specific moments, one should look at the general system and one should appeal to the leaders, who should be aware of the social consequences of this whole story, the strengthening of mobilization it was done not so that the first month and a half or two could carry out... the mobilization plan there, but it was done so that ukraine, in the next year, maybe a year or i don't know how long it takes, two, could oppose russian aggression , for this it is necessary that everyone understands rules. games, so that there is no violence, so that there is no violation of human rights, unfortunately, i do not see this yet, therefore, once again, these questions should be asked in a specific address to the minister of defense and the head of the ground forces, well, we invite, invite them to the discussion, are always open for them to participate in our broadcasts, i will also have one more final question for you, it is specific, because it concerns the zhytomyr oblast, which was the case, but in general it can spread to the whole country, as it
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is now, perhaps you know , in the premises territorial assembly centers, for example, there are video cameras there that i can... record how the conscripts communicate with tsc employees, or if they are not there, shouldn't it be made so that they are there? as far as i understand, they are not there, because they have never been there, and it is quite complex equipment, but believe me, miracles do not happen, the police have cameras and in fact we in the committee have already discussed several times that the video from these cameras, they merge there on certain servers, and no one there is particularly... him doesn't control this video, there's a lot of sharing of the video, which is a huge violation, because it's all inside information, and there have been bills introduced to stop it, so believe me, there's no magic wand, but if we say to you right now, yes, good idea, let's install cameras, let the verkhovna rada vote for such a decision, although the ministry of defense can do it without any
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verkhovna rada, but it will take months, maybe years there to implement this system. we need to solve the problem already, and it is a question of leadership, it is a question of those who have undertaken to do it, who have taken upon themselves the responsibility to do it in a humane way, and they have to do it in a humane way. i had huge complaints against zelensky when, in my opinion, at this press conference on december 19 of last year, remember, it was the final one, he said that, oh, we need to mobilize 500 thousand people, then he put it under doubt, what, by the way, provoked a certain chaos in general in the perception of this story, but he said that there must be justice ... time mobilization, so i consider this to be a huge nonsense, because mobilization, as a process, is forceful, in fact, as a process of coercion, it is difficult to find justice in it, absolutely, it is absolute populism, but what should be there, there should be legality and dignity , dignity to a person, this is what again distinguishes ukraine from russia, this is what started
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a new stage in the history of ukraine in the 14th year, one must show dignity, not to bend one's hand, not to limit rights, for example , those who have a reprieve, you know, until what we have achieved is that the verkhovna rada has already submitted, in my opinion, a bill on the reservation of military personnel. we, on the one hand, spent a lot of money, efforts to restore, an important topic, but unfortunately the airtime is limited, we think we will continue to talk about it in future broadcasts, i thank you for joining, because the topic is really communication in the process of mobilization is very important. andrii osachuk, first deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on law enforcement activities. a representative of the voice faction is a guest of our broadcast from you i have already written in the comments about what i think about mobilization, about my experience of communicating with tsc, write also, we are interested to understand what kind of experience you have. also, i would like to remind you that a few days ago , a message appeared on the facebook page of the ground forces about what i am quoting: a significant part of the content on social networks, where tsk employees are depicted and conflicts with them, are
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the products of enemy units of information operations. that was the end of the quote. they added that... information about shooting such videos on in the occupied territories of ukraine, they say, they imitate the beating of people. in addition, a video is being prepared in which the servicemen of the central committee of the people's republic of ukraine allegedly consume alcohol and drugs in restaurants and accompanied by women. but here he noted that if in individual cases that gained resonance after that, law enforcement officers open criminal proceedings and detain suspects, then obviously this can hardly be attributed to informational and psychological special operations. we continue to talk about the topic that was announced by ... tsk, what they can their employees cannot do. oleksandr polychenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, is already in touch with us. we welcome you. greetings, good morning. mr. oleksandr, according to your observations, during mobilization, how often do tsk employees violate the rights of conscripts and what exactly, and is there, for example, packaging in buu with such a violation? and instead, how citizens violate, because there are actually many cases
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of how people behave with tsc employees. yes, indeed, uh, ... procedure, or, rather, the procedures, when it comes to the facts of serving a summons, refusal to serve a summons, must first of all take place in compliance with the law, and we see that the legislation has changed, the practice today does not always comply with legal requirements and norms, and the same representatives of the tsc really , sometimes exceed their official powers and... use force, for example, using the functions of law enforcement agencies, they do not have such powers of law enforcement agencies, accordingly, individuals do not... knowing their rights, who are detained, after a certain stay in the tcc, they probably get some motivation not to complain, not
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to submit statements about the commission of some illegal actions against them, respectively, and as a result , a lot of such situations remain latent, but in fact it should go indeed , the process of normal communication is underway, we see now that more than 1.5 million people have completed the procedure for verifying personal data, again there is still time until july 18, let me remind you, this deadline was established in order to enter the law without, as it is believed, violations legislation, this reconciliation of personal data of military personnel took place, and at this time the benefit is actually established. for those who have not established yet, do not go through this procedure and do not, this is happening, verification of personal data, regarding the fact that they
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can be forcibly, say, invited, necessarily, today, necessarily on this day to verify their personal personal data of a serviceman, so it is necessary to clearly understand what is the demand of the same representatives. tsc when they try to detain a person or bring him to some place, maybe it will be tsc, maybe some other place, and where there is an element of violation of the human right to personal freedom, because first of all, i already emphasized that this must be a process that takes place in a legal way, and accordingly without any use of force, when force is used, especially by... representatives of the tsc, then this is an unambiguous violation, the right to escort, carry out administrative detention is the prerogative of law enforcement agencies of the national police, which should also work
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in parallel, in other words, if we say about those cases that were packing in a box, then the employees of the tsc cannot forcefully pack a military conscript there in a box in order to then deliver him to any content, if it was not absolutely known that they, say. .. they detain a person who already has a mobilization summons, that is , he has a mobilization summons, and he evades, say, appearing for this mobilization summons, when he is an ordinary ordinary person, completely unknown , that's how, let's we will detain you and let's see, maybe you're suddenly the kind of person who doesn't want to receive a mobilization summons, then in this case it's wrong, that is , to put it mildly, it's a violation, it's also wrong. this is an excess of official authority in the event that, for example, a group of tcc employees arrives at an address where they are already arriving with
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a mobilization summons, they see this person trying to avoid receiving a summons or trying to avoid contact with tcc representatives at all, then this can be at least some justification for what they escort this person because they have the right to escort them. but uh, there is a question as to how much it is detention, because it is really a deprivation of liberty, we know that administrative detention is carried out for up to three hours, respectively, and again these three hours must be in the presence of administrative authorities and with the appropriate formalities in drawing up the protocol and so on, that is, all this must be procedurally formalized, we now see that it all goes outside the procedure, accordingly, even prove exactly what time before... the person was there and how the detention took place and why there were, for example, any physical injuries, to put it mildly, a bruise on the arm or the leg or something else, maybe there, why it occurred, where it
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was recorded, under what circumstances it was committed and so on, all this must be recorded in the relevant protocol, and there are indeed other tools besides forceful seizure and introduction in such a coercive manner to the tcc in order for the person from... to undergo the procedure or pass the vlk, if we are talking about the military medical commission, or if it is a mobilization summons for that she had already appeared there on a mobilization call. when a person is in the premises of the tcc, he was delivered conditionally, or the representatives of the tcc, who used turbans for this purpose or in some other way, what rights does a conscript have in the premises of the tcc? they are the same as any citizen of ukraine, he is not deprived of any rights? he has the right to freedom, personal integrity, the right to privacy, the right not to be subjected to cruel or degrading treatment or
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punishment, even more so. well, what is, so would be to say, a violation is the seizure of the same mobile phones, attempts, and such cases are also recorded, yes, attempts to avoid even some kind of recording of actions by tsc employees, so that no one documents or films anything, and then, let's say, not to it was not some kind of evidence that later appears, and we see, sometimes, actually. it is necessary to develop absolutely clear and specific rules, the rules are very simple, they are written in the law, that is, the actions of representatives of the tsc cannot go beyond the limits defined by the law and that's all, that's in short, that is they cannot do anything that goes beyond the law, it is an excess of authority, and it is , accordingly, a responsibility, a person who is in tck has no restrictions on exercises except
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that he must... be mandatory procedures, if they are provided by the relevant regulations there, and on the territory of some tsc, for example, it is written that it is forbidden to conduct video recording here, because it is a regime object, it can be this, it can be that, then accordingly there must be a reason and the order is determined, as it is adheres to that is, the person must turn off the phone there, another thing, but to take the phone away from him, especially there, let's say forcibly, it is also prohibited . to record the actions of the tsk, for example, on the street, that is how often it is when tskk employees approach, well, they complain about it, at least people in the comments, when tskk employees approach conscripts there, they pull out their phones, want to record and report about it there , employees of tsc, that there is a state of war, a regime, and it is impossible to record their actions, whether it is possible or not, what happens in a public space, look, in peacetime, it wouldn't raise any question at all in peacetime, because
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any actions that... that happen in a public space, they can be recorded, that is, there is no basis, for example, when the same representatives of law enforcement agencies, the national police, let's say, could object there to being filmed, it was at the beginning, we remember when there was a police reform, during the times of the special state, the special regime of martial law, introduced restrictions, for example, regarding fixation of the military, and the tsk can be equated with those who are, belongs to the system of the ministry of defense, and here even the question that they move along a certain route, or are located in a certain city, and filming this particular place is also a de facto violation, that is, we cannot in fact, we understand that we cannot, for example, film some queues near
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some... uh local or uh cells of the territorial picking center and show: look how many people have gathered here, because it is true such restrictions are also valid for journalists who are currently filming, so here even let's talk from the point of view of common sense, we have to see how much it is not what, let's say, will help to record violations, but how much this information can be used as harmful to... in the case of even disclosure, because disclosure, we literally have 30 seconds left, i want to ask, if a conscript thinks that his rights have been violated, and is sure of this, where should he go, 20 seconds for an answer, national police, law enforcement agencies to human rights organizations, that is, those who can actually help and find out what was right, what was wrong. i thank you for joining, it is important to hear these theses, even though the mobilization has not been going on for the first month, but there are many questions for it, oleksandr pavlychenko, executive director of the ukrainian hertsin union for human rights, guest of our
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broadcast. about what tsc employees can do, what they can't do, and in the end what they can do, what they can't, conscripts and other people, because there are two sides of the coin here, we need to talk about that too speak. france will transfer fourth-generation mirage 200 fighter jets to ukraine, french president emmanuel macron said in an interview with the french tv channel tf-1 the day before, adding that france is in the process of creating a coalition with other partners. macron also confirmed that france allowed ukraine to strike on russian territory. transferred weapons, however, only for those military purposes from which the russian army is shelling ukraine. volodymyr zelensky was received by the french president at the elysee palace today. he is going to france arrived together with his wife olena zelenska. yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of the landing of american and allied troops that helped liberate france from nazi germany in world war ii. french president macron, together with the first lady of france bridget, greeted zelenskyi with hugs before the start of the festivities.


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