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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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tsensk union on human rights, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about what tsc employees can do, what they cannot do, and ultimately what they can do, what they cannot do, other people are also responsible for it, because there are two sides of the coin here , we also need to talk about this. france will transfer fourth-generation mirage 2000 fighter jets to ukraine, french president emmanuel macron said in an interview with the french tv channel tf-1 the day before, adding that france is in the process of creating a coalition with other partners. macron also confirmed that france allowed ukraine to strike russian territory with transferred weapons, but only for those military targets from which the russian army fires at ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyi will be received by the french president today at the elysee palace, he arrived in france together with his wife olena zelenskyi. yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of the landing of american and allied troops that helped liberate france from nazi germany in world war ii. french president macron together with the first lady of france bridget before at the beginning of the festivities, zelenskiy was greeted with hugs. american president biden
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shook zelenskyi's hand when he went to deliver a speech, and the western press also drew attention to president zelenskyi's communication with the veteran. their emotional communication was caught on video, the veteran of the second world war tried to kiss the hand of the president of ukraine, he stopped the veteran and they exchanged compliments. savior of the people. you alone saved europe. "i pray for you, well, a meeting between zelenskyi and biden is planned for today in france, her announced the national security adviser of the us president , jake sullivan. they will talk about american military aid, strikes by western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, and the security agreement. we will be able to learn more details from our colleague olena abramovich, she joins our broadcast and is currently in france. elena, i congratulate you, what else is known about the french initiative and what? has
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president macron made any statements regarding a possible training mission in ukraine? good morning, well, as for the training mission in ukraine, as you remember, it was earlier the french president said that this requires a request from kyiv, and yesterday, when president zelenskyi arrived at the ceremony celebrating the landing of allied troops in normandy, journalists shouted at him the question of whether he expected one day to land in ukraine, and volodymyr zelenskyi answered that he hoped . to this, emmanuel macron shook zelenskyi's shoulder, in the evening on tv, right here in this palace, explained that there was already an official appeal from kyiv, that two days ago the president and the minister of defense of ukraine sent letters to all allies from a request to quickly teach the ukrainians to train the military and do it on the territory of ukraine, and that france will consult with partner countries and act on this issue on the basis of a collective decision, and this is actually an important point, because the paris order does not formally require
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nato permission, but a collective decision could mean the entry of the alliance into war, and here both germany and the usa are categorically against it, so so far macron has announced the provision of aircraft to ukraine. we are about to start a new collaboration and announce a delivery of french mirage 2000 combat aircraft, which will allow ukraine to defend its land and its air. and so, starting tomorrow, we're going to launch a program to train pilots and transfer these aircraft. how many planes france will hand over, how many pilots will be trained and when, macron did not specify, but according to him, the pilots will be trained on the territory of france. also, paris will equip and train a brigade of 4,500 ukrainian soldiers so that they can defend themselves when they return to ukraine from training, macron said. and according to him,
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currently there is no french instructor in ukraine. and he talked to journalists here in normandy, as did the american president. in particular, joe biden commented on the permission of the united states to strike with its weapons on the territory of russia. please listen. they are allowed to be used near the border when they are used on the other side of the border to attack specific targets. we do not allow strikes 300 km deep into russia. we do not sanction strikes. in moscow and the kremlin. today, the ukrainian president has a number of events in paris, that is, during this visit to france, and he will also have bilateral meetings with various leaders, including emmanuel macron and joe biden, with whom he is scheduled to meet today. after this inclusion, we will go to the weapon, we will inform you about the results. thank you very much, elena. olena abramovych, radio liberty's european correspondent from france, about what is expected from the meeting between zelenskyi and the american president. with
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a colleague well, let's talk about mental health today as well, many ukrainians are under a lot of stress today. reason this is war and its various aspects, the death of loved ones. suffering due to missile attacks, mobilization, blackout, someone's passion is visible to the naked eye, someone seems very calm, so today we will talk about how to survive this war, and we talked about mental health with people, and we asked in them, from different cities, by the way, in ukraine, do they feel stress due to the war and how do they cope with it, let's listen to what they answered to our journalists, and this is not some kind of survey representative, it's just our communication with them, do you feel? because of the war, of course, well, for me personally, it manifests itself in the uncertainty of the future, you cannot plan anything for the future , even a little further than one day, this uncertainty, it greatly affects the emotional
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state, i work with a psychologist, that is, we we are working through the anxiety, i probably didn't manage it myself, there is no confidence in the future, in anything, not in tomorrow , we are trying to work. our work, yes, we work a little bit for the benefit of the state, yes and that's all, it's scary to fall asleep, when the siren is at 12 o'clock and you go to bed, it's very scary, you think about falling asleep or waiting, but you still fall asleep, it's not that stress, it's actually lying down and dying and not getting up, every night you lie down and pray , these stresses affect your health a lot, how do you deal with stress, with stress, we are meeting, well, we are going out, now we will go and order a cake. it's that you feel good, but in fact there is anxiety, well, not certainty, that's how everything ends, explosions are already so used to them that, on the contrary, we are afraid of silence, this is paradoxical, we work on the ground, at work, the team, well, we are too much,
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we hear how we are being shelled, we are afraid, we see information, how people are dying, houses are being destroyed, it is very difficult to find any positive emotions now, but we. .. we try, for example, i go out, look at nature, it is blooming now, everything is beautiful, the birds are singing, and i find solace in this, stress is felt by everyone from the very beginning, i think that he will remind of himself for a long time and even after its end, firstly, because we are not sure of our tomorrow, secondly, the fact that we are not sure what will happen in the next hour, uh, thirdly, the fact that we, we are several kilometers from the border with the enemy, well... because the child he can't go to school, i can't safely let him go for a walk by himself, we, we are constantly stressed, we are constantly expecting something , sports and a regular routine help a lot to cope with stress, i also read books, what makes you most stressed,
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well because of , that there is no understanding of what will happen tomorrow, what our life will be like, what will happen with our children, how do you help yourself cope with stress? hugging my children, what makes you most stressed, from explosions, if it doesn’t help to distract yourself, or something to work with a psychologist, from these blows, you don’t know where, where it will go, communication, special communication, with friends, with loved ones, this it helps the most, we're already used to it, everything is fine, we're smiling, we've had a manicure, we're happy. nothing, nothing terrible, everything is fine, just tormented by anxiety, but anxiety is like that, when there are fewer of them, it is easier to bear, and when there every two hours, then a little heavy lifting, well, nothing, we’re used to it, it’s soothing, we go to paint, we go to drink coffee,
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we go to the park, i’ll ask the people of sumy if they feel stress because of the war, no, i don’t feel it, to understand what nature is stress, how to notice it in time and deal with it, my colleague katryna nekrecha spoke with psychotherapist, associate professor of the department of psychology, president of the ukrainian association of gestalt therapy, larisa didkovska. she says that ukrainians are currently experiencing one of the biggest challenges, that the nation and the people can survive. the ways of behaving in these circumstances are different, and we can choose them, and she also told why mental health should be taken care of no less than physical health. listen, and look for the full version of this interview on the radio liberty website and youtube channels. what stage are we at now, what are we all experiencing, are these experiences common and what is wrong with us? here is the first phase of stress, which was at the beginning, this is the phase of fear, and therefore everyone deals with fear differently, some overcome when he goes to meet fear, someone runs away,
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someone is paralyzed by fear, and this is usually a physiological reaction of the body. the second phase of stress is mobilization, a person from... the source of danger and organizes all his resources, all his forces, all his knowledge, experience and so on, to overcome that source of danger, and in this mobilization stage. what do we remember, and the solidarity of the world, and our absolute solidarity, the number of volunteers, the number of donations, queues for donors, blood donations, volunteers who signed up, why, the second phase of stress, ugh, but we are living beings and can we be stressed indefinitely, maybe not, of course, so now we have the third phase, the third phase is called exhaustion. or the phase of demobilization, and this phase is natural, because we
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are living beings, and after a burst of energy we need rest, we need inactivity, but the danger has not gone anywhere, and in this third phase of exhaustion, the main task itself is to save strength and energy so, as it is possible for everyone, the second task is to continue doing what one has strength and... energy for, the most important thing to continue to do the work of defense, security, fulfillment of one's other duties, and what is important now is actually to accumulate these forces, to accumulate, because there are two sayings about driven horses, however, the first is such a hard version of driven horses are shot, but the second is a little lighter , do not flog a beaten horse, and in fact now it is such a task, to give myself the opportunity... to separate what i will do from what i do not agree to, the second task is to find the resources that
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each of us can still find. you and i are not subject to general mobilization, from us the law does not require it, society does not require it, it is not required by people who are already serving and do not know when this service will actually end, when it will be demobilized, their relatives, and that is why you and i can talk about such things, about the choice, we we can make this choice with you, there are millions. people, of course, this applies to men of draft age, 18-60 years old, who cannot make this choice, and therefore yes, the circumstances and events will be the same for everyone, but the way of behavior in these circumstances and in these events will still be chosen by us, and even in the situation indeed general mobilization can be treated differently, why? because thank god, in addition to our reptilian brain, this is our... factor behavior in a situation of safety, danger, in fact, the main resource of survival
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is based on will power, on the fact that the animal runs away from any danger completely on reflexes, but a person can withstand a situation of danger by using his resource of awareness, and for example, it is not that people who go to the front do not have... fear, everyone has fear, but how do they overcome their fear? a volitional decision to be there, a volitional action, to go there, and does everyone have enough of this resource of volitional coping, yes, volitional overcoming of fear, in different ways, now i will say it differently, so do we have to agree with everyone, what anyone says what authorities, it's not worth it. that you have to deny everything, it's not worth it, you have to listen to yourself and be congruent
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with your capabilities, with your beliefs. we have already said that there is something that makes us human, and this is homo sapiens, this is a rational being, and here is this intelligence, it is not used to deny our instinctive nature, no, we have a biological component, a person, a biopsycho-social being, but first on the list is bio, and here it is... biopsychosocial, so it means that there is a part of what made us human, and that is socialization, that upbringing, this is morals, this is values, this is what makes a person human, if already in such circumstances that there is no other choice, and there is a need to stand up in the ranks, defend the country, is it possible to somehow work it out in yourself , why bulletproof vests, why fairy tales, why night vision devices, why drones and distance, and not... the wall is a straight wall battalions upon battalions of machine-guns on
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the mountain, for that is how one can make use of intelligence, using it to arrange maximum safety in the face of danger. and here it is also necessary to take care of how ready i am to organize my own safety, and what means are available to me for this, why in the end we all resorted to... vests to all those armors, to all those protective resources that will help a person survive . look for the full interview on our platform. forms of others, i thank you for being active in the chat, someone defends tck, says i spoke with them, and i rate them satisfactorily, someone on the contrary criticizes, this is a topic that we raised today on the air and talked in particular about how to protect yourself if you think that your rights are being violated, so share this video with your friends and colleagues , i thank you for being with us, this is the freedom of the morning, my name is oleg aliev, i wish you a restful weekend and see you soon, our team is waiting for you at the same time on
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price thanks to an order from the manufacturer. here are three advantages for which ukrainians choose topper matrix. call or follow the qr code and order right now. we are back, thank you colleagues for your work. we know that today biden, meeting with zelenskyi, plans to announce military aid to ukraine for 225 million dollars, among which there will be haimars and anti-aircraft missiles. and those good hymarses, which the special operations forces are already reporting today, carried out a sufficiently powerful liquidation in the southern direction, there are both ammunition and strongholds, and most importantly, new supporters of the kopzone creativity in large numbers, with us on of communications mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the temporary
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special commission on the use of budget funds for the construction of fortifications and engineering structures on the contact line, mr. mykhailo, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, this parliamentary special temporary commission has actually been working for two weeks, and we are interested in some of the first results already, but for two weeks there was little time for discussion, and will observe, well, yes, the temporary special commission has already started its work and several serious meetings were held, including in closed mode. the allocation of funds was analyzed, the representatives of the cabinet of ministers reported how much money was allocated for the fortification facilities, who was the customer, the execution of these works, the same applies to the purchase of raps and in general,
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how the procedure itself takes place, the order, purchase, production and... distribution by combat units, and the next thing is communication, not simple communication with the military regarding the standards of execution of fortification structures and many things that we cannot talk about yet publicly, because he once again emphasizes that the seeding of tsk takes place in difficult regime conditions, and there are many of them. which is discussed there, it has either for official use or with a tay neck. the next meetings, including those, will take place already at... the construction sites of these structures, that is, in many regions of ukraine, because we plan to check and
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are already carrying out a certain check along the border with russia, as well as belarus, and we are already planning it for the next meetings, communication with customers, and these are, in addition to the military, this... the regional military administration and the next stage is communication with the work executors themselves , including at a separate tsc meeting. mr. mykhailo, there are already known dates, you have already laid out your schedule, that is, in what, as they say, time frame we can expect certain first results. well, first of all, the commission works every day. ugh. meetings are held weekly, and there is a certain schedule of visits to specific objects, which we do not
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announce, because there will be visits , including to the territory where hostilities are carried out, of course, mr. mykhailo, look, yesterday we had iryna gerashchenko as a guest, she came back straight from kharkiv region and passed it on and she already visited one of the facilities, she passed it on to us. as in the form of strongpoints in the lowlands with loopholes at ground level, so that it was possible to shoot at the colorado beetles, except that, and such, for example, your colleague 's materials, they will be considered, for example, by your commission, or was it just a personal initiative of a deputy, and you have to do all this with your own hands and cameras. look, tska works, including in that direction, where available public information is analyzed, journalists, public figures,
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people's deputies, the military, everything that is in public access, all this is analyzed, and only after that we will give a professional assessment of what is happening and what materials are exhibited there, except ... in addition, law enforcement officers who informed or reported at a separate meeting are also engaged in the analysis of all publicly available information, because if it contains signs of a crime, then law enforcement officers are obliged to perceive it as official notification, register and conduct a check, so we are grateful to everyone who obtains such information, we recommend directing it to our tsk, but i emphasize once again, it is very important not to cause harm, and the enemy is also
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tracking her according to our information, how, what information voiced not only by the tsk, but also by other people's deputies, journalists, and public figures, they have special units created for this purpose, that is why it is important here, i emphasize once again, that we should not be on the hook of our... enemy, who will spread not always one hundred percent information. it will be important for us to check in closed mode where these fortifications are, because there is a line that was approved by the ministry of defense, and there are simply lines that were built by territorial communities without the consent of the military, and here it is, mr. mykhailo, look, here we are this morning they just tried to find out, we had one, performing the duties of a manager. which is in the kupyan military administration and he immediately said, says: because at one time the military said that they built good defense structures and
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complexes there, and he said, we don't have to no relationship, everything is exclusively ordered by the military, and the military controls and lays down the logic according to military science, meanwhile, when they would have included from kharkiv oblast at one time, there, on the contrary, everything... was done by some contractors, subcontractors at the request of the local military administration, and not for , let's say this, with the logic of the military, why is it different in different regions, we are not going to reveal any secret information, but simply why it is different, i emphasize to you once again, everything related to the official construction of fortifications, which there are several lines, i will not specify how many, everything happens under the control of the military. which, according to, as you correctly said, military science, they give albums on the maps, where it should take place, at what heights, what are
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the technical and technical characteristics, and other dbns , all this happens under their control, but when in the combat zone there they build engineering divisions and military units of the armed forces of ukraine and other military forces, then on other lines the military does not have time, there was an order for military administrations, but they were to build only according to the maps that transferred by the military period, but i emphasize once again, it was a local initiative. at the expense of local communities, they built there when it began, especially the hot phase of the 22nd year, who built where they could, and who could and where they found the money, but the area of ​​responsibility of the military is everywhere, if the military administration built without approval or with violations , then the military unit of the direction group will never put it into operation, and this should actually be
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only final... the result was ordered, built, checked for technical condition, and the military took on the balance that a unit that is responsible for a given direction of combat operations or combat defense. we understand, mr. mykhailo, that now this whole process of research, determination, and investigation will actually last for some time, but during this time we can also try to correct the mistakes that have already been made, because we understand. that somewhere in the north , certain actions on the part of the russians can still take place, or has it already been somehow agreed, coordinated, that these two processes will go on in parallel, so as not to wait for you to finish his work and then already prove to the road that those structures are there, thank you for the professional question, yes, the task of the tsk, including, to create conditions so that the one who allowed the shortcomings, could eliminate them in time, in
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the future, so that they are not repeated . similar, so that there is a clear structure, so that there are standards, which also apply to fortifications and drones, because this is also the task of the tsk. unequivocally, no one will wait until it is all over, there are already certain positive results, because according to our information, some contractors who did not have time or were unable to perform a high-quality work, they are now immediately eliminating their shortcomings, and this is a positive thing, but i emphasize once again: no one should forget that the masses of those who want to build fortifications under shelling or constant research by drones, where civilian equipment is destroyed and workers are also injured, there are not many, this we also need to approach the situation objectively, we want
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to thank you, mr. mykhailo, the only thing is... for our viewers, when the information that society wants to hear and can be voiced, we will hear it from tsk, that is, there is some kind of framework for an interim report , yes, there is an interim report, it's three months, then six months, but we will try to inform the public as much as possible through mass media, because i think that espresso will have the exclusive right, if not the first time, to bring to its viewers. thank you, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy and deputy chairman of the temporary special commission on the use of budget funds for the construction of fortifications, engineering barriers and on the battle line. they continue to put out the fire near kyiv, which happened as a result of the current ones shelling, energy workers also report that their area was not the target of a night attack that night, and energy facilities were not damaged. more news is ready
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to tell in a few seconds. christina parubiy, khrystyna, we pass the word to you and listen carefully. thank you, colleagues, russia was attacked by drones. where we flew, i will tell you in the issue, as well as how the situation with light in ukraine may change from tomorrow, you will not miss it in a moment. news on the espresso airwaves, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll tell you about the most relevant things at the moment. all of them five kha-101 cruise missiles, as well as 48 shaheds, which the enemy attacked ukraine with, were destroyed by our defenders this night, the air force of ukraine reported. air defense forces worked in dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhia, kirovohrad, mykolaiv, kherson, odesa, kharkiv, kyiv and...


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