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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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poh, they can work in principle if they guess against scalp and storm shadow, but they can't work against attacks by any means, they are also different systems. well, the area of ​​​​impression of the scalp is more point-wise, according to its combat part, according to its, well, let's say this, sharpened under certain objects, that is , hitting the object is one story, covering the area is a little different story, the airfield - it's an area, it's not that we... have to search for one plane with one missile, so the attack can cover a large area and can burn several planes, being on the base airfields, well, i emphasize this once again, this is us now, you know, i am speaking of a ukrainian soldier who cheers for his brothers, who continue to do the work that, unfortunately, i will no longer be able to do, and precisely the lack of weapons and these are some additional restrictions for ukrainians, this is exactly what leads
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to the death of most of my brothers and sisters. well, yes, well, in this regard , the diplomatic struggle continues, well, let's hope that it will not be so long that, after all, we are already talking about atakams but there is one more nuance, well , it has been there for a long time, since the moment when hostilities began in the kharkiv region, in vovchansk, near liptsi, we are talking about a threat in... the region, and here is what can now be more broadly impressed precisely on the territory of russia, this concentration of troops, did this not reduce the possibility of an attack on the sumy region and this offensive on the sumy region, well, of course, let's be frank, there is a difference between sitting 100 km from the front line, immersing in vehicles, a colony walk on deployment distance. deploying in battle
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formations and going to advance with a wide front is one story, another story when we would have the opportunity to hit them in another 100 km, well, but at least we will already have the very approaches before the russians deploy in battle formations the possibility of striking them with western weapons, and here we can already use the other spectrum that we are allowed, here it is possible, be kind to you highmorians, do you want three sevens here, do you want caesar or others here. artillery systems, please, the same vampires and advertised by the russians, by the way, which do not hit as far as the russians feared them, that is, this is all that prevents the accumulation of troops from approaching our territory, or let's say, passing unnoticed, well, this will help us, this is the first point, the second point, which refers to the sumy region, i would still believe that at the moment, if we were all shouting, that there is an attack on kharkiv oblast, what is going on there... concentration
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of personnel, equipment and so on, for some reason, to the great regret of golovir on may 3-4 and they told us all that those who shout about kharkiv region, that this is all russian ipso. at the same time, when the russians had already been trampled, gur went to the media and said: we knew the time, the place, and even when and with what forces the russians would go, he asks in that question why the civilian population was not evacuated from vovchansk before that, would it be better to do under shelling, when people die and when... the policemen who carry out this evacuation die and so on. i don't understand it, it's either treason on the part of those people who didn't allow it to be done evacuation and so on. the second point, i want to draw your attention to is that if we are talking about the attack on kharkiv oblast, then the concentration was really a large part of russian troops, so they are not enough to break through and capture kharkiv, but the task of the russians is not to capture kharkiv, but their task is to approach the distance works of their artillery, and what does? russian artillery with cities, well
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please look at avdiivka, look at any city that russian artillery can reach, and you will understand what awaits kharkiv if the russians can do it, by god to be thankful that they didn't succeed in this on the fly, that the defense forces held out, that the reserves were pulled up in time, but in this situation, i am asking myself in this task, how did it happen that the russians, without being shot in such direct columns, reached the of the city of vovchansk itself. and what happened to us with mines, with the preparation of the famous borders of the kharkiv region, which zelenskyi and his team inspected? well, this question has been hanging for a month, so here it is, and it will continue to hang, hopefully someday we will find out some of these, you know, i would also like something similar to our, well, our analysts, when assessing the general situation, you noted such a thing that now... in principle, well, the daily and
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monthly losses of the russians are already so great that they cannot that's it for now, well , we've already reached that number. when they can't replace it with their creeping mobilization, and it's the same story with the fact that the amount of military equipment that has been knocked out has also increased very, very much, and it's also just large enough, it can lead to weakening it front and to a certain measures, it is possible to expose the russian front a little, how do you feel about it, do we have it now, or are we approaching that moment? when will we have the opportunity for some counter-offensive actions of our own? i completely disagree with these analysts, i don’t know about their database, but i want to say that today there are more than half a million russian troops on the territory of ukraine, i want to say that they are now forming reserves and attacking
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the kharkiv region, this is an example to all of us , but this is not the last reserve currently in use russians are still a mobilization resource for putin, and especially after the elections, it is not at all. about which no problem, as they say, because they can actually do it anytime and in the amount they need. if someone says that there is some inexplicable force that will keep putin from the unpopular decision to shout, stand up, the country is huge, then i want to tell you that putin has an fsb system that can suppress any riot, arrest a few of the most riotous, and if they have to mobilize a certain amount, then they can mobilize it. then putin has a million-strong army. military personnel who sign contracts for various reasons, if he needs 3,000 of them to sign contracts, they will sign, i see no problems with irrigation in russia so far, trade is going, sanctions work, we know how they work, oil and gas are traded , and therefore the growth of russia's gdp, we saw
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last year + 3.6%, if i am not mistaken, and in fact today the question is such things that people like putin, well, let's be frank, we have already calculated when in putin is running out of missiles, so what i 'm saying is, if putin has unlimited manpower and has total superiority in artillery, despite our successes, but he has total superiority in artillery, in shells, he has total superiority in missile systems like the -300, which we do not shoot down, because we cannot spend patriots on them, so tell me, please, what problems they have in organizing a new counteroffensive in any area, the only thing is that it must... not pass unnoticed, that's the main thing, next question their supremacy in the sky, well, let's not shout gep today, because we don't have f-16s yet, and russia actually dominates the sky today, i think that at the moment, you know, victory relations, that we their
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we will throw our hats there and they will end, they will not end, this is a quite dangerous opponent, which has a colossal potential of the military-industrial complex, i do not want to emphasize, they have a closed production cycle of the entire military... industrial complex, in ukraine, the military industry has already sent open letters to us to the cabinet that do not book to reserve workers, because soon there will be no one to launch rockets. i cannot understand the logic of the tsc, i cannot understand the logic of the cabinet of ministers, when we have employees of the military-industrial complex who cannot be booked, at the same time the firemen's booking is removed, we know these stories, up to 50%, as one of the people's deputies wrote , ready to mobilize firefighters only. in order to preserve the mintov-musor power structures, which have shown their super-inefficiency to date, starting with beb, dbr and so on. by the way, iconic i would like to note the story of one soldier, who was told by yura botusov, he is a good soldier of the territorial defense, who was in the kharkiv direction, was wounded, left
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the battle, and now criminal proceedings against him are pending against him. please tell me how a body rat sbi investigator will investigate the abandonment of a position by a wounded soldier when everyone. others in this position died, this soldier should have been either captured or killed, then the sgb would have calmed down, to be honest, i can't understand where the green team is taking ukraine today, and just like the kmis survey showed that half of ukrainians do not understand what is happening today in this context, well, maybe it just means that the issue of the military prosecutor's office, some kind of military special service should have been resolved somehow, because i really agree, well, physical people are unlikely can adequately to assess what is happening during hostilities, to initiate some cases there or to try to investigate them, sitting there somewhere in the deep rear. i agree with you, but the same rear rats who sit in the parliament of the verkhovna rada, adopted a law that strengthened the responsibility of servicemen
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during martial law, including for leaving the position, you see, the court cannot give a serviceman a conditional sentence today, because the whole rats voted, at the same time we... look, if today there is a fight against other crimes and how in our country the collaborator who pointed the rockets at the airfield, for which colonel chervynskyi is being tried in that article, actually receives a suspended sentence. well, unfortunately, we have already run out it's time, we have to go on a break, so thank you very much igor lapin for joining us, we have a break now, i remind you about our gathering, please remember and join it, it's a break now, we'll still talk more later details about the situation in the kharkiv region, so wait. when you sleep on an uneven
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we continue. chronicles of hostilities, and actually now we want to talk in more detail about the situation that is happening in the kharkiv region, i will remind you once again about our gathering on repair of armored vehicles, be sure to join it, now you can see the qr code and the account number, a very important collection, we have already collected 400, more than 400 thousand, we need 60050. so please, we really, really need it thing, and yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the achilles attack drone battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, joined us on the air, i congratulate you, yuriy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, actually, i’ll start right away with
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the last one, as if it were news , which was, i... understand, friend, it was already in june, when announced that 60 captured russian occupiers were captured in vovchansk, and there is such a large number of captured, as i understand it, and approximately the same number of destroyed, well, this suggests that, in addition to defense, our defense forces are trying to do some certain counteroffensive actions or? what can you tell us about this episode? the defense forces are not located exclusively in the defensive lines beyond which they do not advance, especially in the dynamic line where there was a clash like the one in vovchan, the defense forces on at the current moment, the situation has been stabilized almost completely, and the reverse powerful
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work is being carried out in order to improve the position of the previous edge, in civilian language - it is to knock the enemy out of the positions he has taken. the defense forces are doing this very successfully, in my opinion. it is also worth noting that from public sources, in particular russian propaganda publications, it becomes clear that the enemy is suffering significant losses in the living village, both killed and wounded, because the hospitals operating on the territory of belgorod, as well as in nearby cities , are filled in the shunt, so it should be understood here that the defense forces are doing... the impossible, and, unfortunately, the enemy has the opportunity to replenish their losses at the moment in order to continue to carry out shock assault actions as well, to try to realize the intention that they set before themselves, namely to fully occupy the populated area of ​​vavchanchansk. from the positive, limitless positive, it is the fact that the defense forces were given
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the opportunity to destroy a large number of fire weapons of the enemy on the territory of the russians. federation, it already paid off today the first fruits, we can analyze that the number of shellings, for example, on nearby settlements that were shelled by c300, c400 installations, in particular the city of kharkiv, has decreased several times, and the enemy also suffered losses in light armor and armored vehicles in their anti-aircraft means, in installations, previously mentioned s300 s-400, and this work continues sufficiently systematically and powerfully, it is important to give opportunities in time, the nearest, you know, as they say, today to the day before yesterday, so that we can impress the entire nomenclature of the enemy at long distances distances, including on the territory of the russian federation, because the enemy must be fought in his bed, with reason, we destroy the enemy militarily on his territory, and a smaller number comes to our land,
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continue to occupy and kill ukrainians, i expect that these decisions will be made, and of course we are looking forward to ... we are waiting for the arrival of aircraft to the defense forces, which should close our peaceful cities and give the opportunity to land enemy aircraft, this is very important, because the scorched earth tactics that the enemy implements through the use of a significant amount of aviation with guided missiles, it somehow bears its runic fruits, and in order for the enemy not to have dominance in the air, a dominant status, it would be more correct to say, we have to shoot him down, as at the expense of anti-aircraft means that come from... defense forces, volo, but they also come at the expense of f-16 aircraft. well, by the way, it was also the other day, and we also talked about it when the column was there. there was a load of russian, well, personnel in the kursk region destroyed, and i know that somewhere on may 29, it seems, your
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unit directly destroyed a column there, which was also moving on enemy territory, not even on occupied territory, well, in principle, except you see, well, some kind of well, with guns of western technology, after all... and drones play a very big, well, big role here, and their ability to destroy such direct convoys when they move through the enemy's territory, then this can also be said in principle, i will complement you, for sure , if we are talking about drones system, there was no doubt for a day, from the first days of the russian invasion of ukraine, we began to use unmanned systems of the shock type of dew action. of the federation by destroying military targets, but it is simply necessary to understand that uavs, unfortunately , cannot massively hit the enemy at certain
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distances, at which foreign weapons, in particular , a jet fire system, can do it more effectively, that is why it gives the impression of the enemy, it has to be stunned, both on the line of blackout and in the depth of the wallpaper, if we achieve an echelon impression of the enemy, this gives... the maximum result of depriving the enemy and his group of the opportunity to carry out shock-assault actions, and where the enemy loses the ability to storm, the defense forces acquire not only defensive, but also in particular shock-assault capabilities, i.e. we can decoupage our land step by step, that's why drones plus foreign weapons are the formula that should ensure victory for our state, but there was such information that... there was such a new tactic, and this attacks by groups of drones, can you reveal something a little bit, what it is about, what it is, how effective it really is, how it happens in the end,
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well, here we need to divide it into categories, the drone is, you know, the understanding is so expanded, they have different applications , reconnaissance, strike, day and night, multiple use of the comedian and so on, it's about... maximally saturating a specific, specific point that we need to destroy, with the number of firepower hits, in this case it's strike drones, systems are being developed so that they can be used en masse at the same time, we can technically do this with some tools, when we work on a carousel, or use several tools at the same time, for others, in particular, there are issues related to communication, details to be disclosed i won't, but technologically we... can't do this en masse yet, but the fact that we can't do it today does not mean that we won't achieve it in a few months, because modernization, new
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developments, they are in our the state is moving at a frantic pace, in particular at the expense of private companies and enthusiasts who have a very powerful education, which they received, by the way, in ukraine, and now they use this technical education precisely so that our state gains victory, honor and praise. to all ukrainians, engineers, everyone who donates, who supports the defense force, and i would also like to note that i often hear the opinion that the state has extremely high budgets for defense, and it can last so long that it is necessary to donate both for the repair of equipment and means of the bpa, the order of war and how much it costs, you just need it think about it, here is one fpv calculation, the achilles battalion is only one position per day under normal weather... conditions , 50 devp drones can shoot down, hit or destroy from 20 to 25 targets, that's 1 million hryvnias,
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we somehow collected 1 million hryvnias there within 3-4 days, but you have to understand that this is only one day, one calculation, if you count for a month, the state plus volunteers with uavs and... money for their modernization spend 4.5 million uah to maintain our unit for the month of may, we spent uah 4.5 million i apologize, we cost volunteers 4.5 million dollars for the state, this is without equipment, without motor vehicles, that much we destroyed the enemy's equipment in the battlefield, more than 60 million dollars. impact on the enemy sometimes. such units play a key role in the end of this or that battle, which means that we save the lives of our infantrymen and take the lives of the enemy, this is very, very important, so friends, each of
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you who gives. who faithfully fulfills his work, pays taxes, is involved in the general cause of victory, and it is up to you how this war ends. well , in addition to the fact that this is not only the economic meaning of all this, it is simply the effectiveness, specifically in military operations, the effectiveness from the point of view of destroying the enemy, huge, simply, huge, incomparable to the costs that are on your unit, well... i want one more, well, we still have literally three minutes there, you know, on friday the fighters of the sove strike drone unit, the 36th marine brigade the infantrymen showed that near the city of vovchansk they destroyed the engineering equipment of the enemy, and this means that the russians are already trying to build some kind of
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engineering line of defense there. you see it as well, what is happening, how far do they succeed in it at all, how far are they already trying to buy, what can you say about this? the enemy can never be underestimated and overestimated is not worth it, the enemy must always be evaluated as adequately as possible, in particular his strengths, if we talk about the construction of engineering and fortification structures, shelters, lines of defense, in this the enemy, at the current moment, unfortunately, works better than the state of ukraine. i think that this is a temporary phenomenon, but the enemy has a very simple position: take a position, dig in, then they send stormtroopers there, who are expendable material until they dig a growth trench there, then the neighbors on the left will connect with each other - matter and a full-fledged position will not emerge. outside busy. the territory
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is occupied, they necessarily begin to build defense lines, therefore one way or another in in this case, the enemy is at a sufficiently high level, but so are the defense forces, i will say that in some areas, we and the enemy reached parity, full parity, in the preparation of engineering facilities , in other areas we still need to work, work, work , how much this parity can be said about your direction, literally 3 minutes? i will tell you that not everything was far off at the time of the beginning of hostilities in the kharkiv region, but the shortcomings that were admitted have now been sectorally corrected, and i sincerely expect that those officials who did not take appropriate measures, not only will they bear the stipulated responsibility, because it is about the life and health of servicemen, but what
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will happen... comprehensive measures have been taken that will provide an opportunity to check all defense lines in the future, thank you, sir yuriy, we have to finish, thank you, it was yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the strike battalion of the strike drones, and we will meet with you in a week. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espressu tv channel in iryna's studio blacksmith. i welcome all the viewers and just now i will tell you about the most important events at this time. two damaged russian radar
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stations as a result of the night. attacks on occupied crimea. drones hit a military unit in the village of mysove in the leninskyi district, the astra telegram channel reports. one russian soldier was also wounded. the aggressors were reported to the ministry of defense of the country. during the night, 11 drones were shot down over the occupied crimea. seven explosions rang out loudly in the temporarily occupied luhansk, after which plumes of smoke rose. wrote in eyewitnesses on social networks. the light went out in some areas of the city. propaganda media write that luhansk was attacked with atakams missiles. the russians attacked the kharkiv region at night with mortars and s-300 missiles. two high-rise buildings, private houses, a dispensary, a recreation center, a branch of ukrposhta and a car service were damaged, oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, said. locals were not injured, but three were injured the day before.
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was taken out of the burning vovchansk border.


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