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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin
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borkovsky and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. zahid studio with anton borkovsky on espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, the information day of the tv channel continues. you are watching our informational analytical marathon. 14:32 minute, there are a lot of events, an extremely important one is happening today. negotiations, in particular between the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the american president joseph biden, we understand that part will be generally known, and we will be assured of everything, but there will also be very specific, difficult issues for discussion between the presidents, well, we will actively monitor and we will involve appropriately informed experts, but the key story is the situation on the front line. now we will add victor petrovych, a serviceman of the 77th separate airmobile brigade from... the kupinsky direction, mr.
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viktor, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. please share the situation in the kupinsky direction, what is happening there, is the enemy currently active, what is the enemy currently using and what resources does he use? currently, the enemy is active in the zone of responsibility of our brigade, this is the district stelmahivka constant assaults have been going on for the second month, we are being assaulted, somehow they accumulate forces for a certain time, and while they accumulate forces, they calm down the assaults a little, so to speak, they work more in small groups, with infantry, less with armored vehicles, well, when they accumulate resources, they release all these resources for the assault, and it can be eight, there are 10 units of equipment that go to our positions at the same time. with the landing force, with the support
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of tanks and the like, they want to create such a serious pain point in our direction, a pain point where it is necessary to introduce some reinforcements, some additional resources in order to hold the front, but for now our servicemen prevent the enemy from realizing his plan, repel all attacks. we act in harmony, and we stand, we do not give even a meter of our native land, that's it. mr. viktor, well, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi informed that the enemy is trying to break through from two sides or try to advance to kupyansk. if we talk about the intensity of the fights, there is a feeling that it has increased significantly, or it is. on
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plus-minus the same level as, for example, a week ago, is there a sense of a serious revival on the part of the enemy? look, the enemy can get rid of stripes. responsibility of various brigades, i.e., for example, neighboring brigades, some brigades that work there, literally 10 or 15 km from us, protect ukraine, that is why in our area of ​​responsibility, they are currently accumulating forces, well, because literally recently, about a week or two ago, such a massive offensive was carried out, equipment was also used... and there were these tanks from serai tanks from rebom, that is, there was such a massive attack that was repulsed, and it is obvious that they are being replenished, they are accumulating their forces,
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they are accumulating technical means in order to try again, but this has been happening for about two months, that is, they are storming so actively , actively, we are repelling the attack, they are starting... to work in small groups, that is , it has been around for two months constantly, this kind of continuous pressure, mr. viktor, we would like to ask about the enemy's use of fpv drones, in general, their drones, how many are there and do we have enough means of electronic warfare to fight them? there is always a lack of electronic warfare in the remote control or. and the more, the better , the enemy actively uses fpv, although it is possible that somewhere in this direction we are currently ahead of him, so we must not lose pace and continue to increase our capabilities in the direction of fpv, in terms of combat, yes against
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drones, we also actively use various means and cover our fighters, detachments. reb and brigade and branch reb the battalions are working, there are a lot of birds, well , sometimes it happens that three out of four of their birds fall, land, that is, we work very actively in this direction, we build such a dome from various antennas in order to detect and destroy their drones, of course well , their most... power is scouting wings, like an eagle, and there are a lot of them, they are constantly circling and, well, let's say, they create trouble for us. mr. viktor, if we talk about the enemy's use of armored vehicles and in general, how is the situation with those
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fpv drones themselves have influenced the use of heavy mechanized units. you know, positively. affected the use of heavy heavy equipment, because any heavy equipment of the enemy that comes, it immediately collides with our fpv drones and with explosive mines, that is, we try to remotely mine as well as possible, as close as possible to our positions, respectively the same barn tanks are blown up on them, well... fpv drones are also impressive, in particular bmps are impressive very often, this greatly helps our units, which are defending, that is, an armored personnel carrier with enemy personnel is approaching, well, on the approach
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, an fpvideo flies into it, accordingly, all the paratroopers who were in armor, he has contusions, with injuries, and he can no longer fully... lead battle, er, to fully storm our positions, also our company of unmanned attack systems is also working in tyli, just recently they hit such a fat drone, they hit the target tor e complex, which, well, he then went for repairs, but was seriously damaged, i.e. ... quite so far back our guys flew in. mr. viktor, we know that your unit is currently collecting funds for a reconnaissance-strike unmanned aircraft complex, in fact, you are now aiming to collect half a million hryvnias, you can now contact our viewers, our editors
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will show bank card numbers and a link to monobank, please explain please tell our viewers why you need this tool so they understand exactly how they can get involved and why it's important. a little bit not accurate, look, we collect exactly on rout of unmanned attack systems per division, they purchase there... accordingly , the necessary equipment for fpv drones to work correctly, work well, they also improve the same drones provided by the state, sometimes they need to be improved there, they buy new drones, well, you see, fpv drones are very relevant on the battlefield, when there is not enough combat kit for artillery, or when at some peak moments... an offensive, well, it really does not help, for example, logistics, then fpv drones
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are, say, a coder in our sleeve which allows you to point-destroy the enemy's infantry, to point-destroy the technical means they use, and you understand, this greatly saves the lives of our infantrymen, those people who are on the front lines, who are at the very edge of the attack, they will be most grateful to you if you give it a try, because, well , it’s true, when you talk to the guys, they say, it’s heartwarming when your native fp drone flies, and you understand that the enemy that is now approaching you will be destroyed, or will be wounded, and accordingly he will no longer be able to fully lead with you battle, or will never be able to conduct anything at all, so this is the best possible support when repelling assaults. and it is very important that our company has enough unmanned attack systems, well, it is clear that
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there are not enough of them, there are either few or very few, but there should be as many of them as possible, because this will save the lives of the infantry, i have also heard i hope our viewers, who will join in and help you in this meeting, have heard, viktor petrovych, a soldier of the 77th separate airmobile brigade from the kupyan direction was from... in touch and thank you mr. victor for the inclusion, important news has arrived, so the european commission recommended starting negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu, this is good news, but there is also bad news: the decision to start negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu was not made through hungary. this is the information, we are now going for a short break, after it we will analyze no less important events, there are extremely many of them, and one is more important than the other, wait for us. attention, a profitable offer: order
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inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives. what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, what are the important messages, which ones relate directly to our security, but as if they are in the international
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plane. so, president zelensky in france, i quote: it is important that after 80 years our... battle is remembered as won, well, they talked in general about the landing of the allies in normandy, it happened 80 years ago, and accordingly there were representatives of various european states and heads states, and accordingly , the president of ukraine drew parallels between the second world war, the landing of the allies in normandy, as its turning point, and paralleled this case with russia's war against of ukraine, the result of which will also determine the future of europe, well... i am now quoting the direct speech of volodymyr zelenskyi: the battles won have returned humanity to europe, without those battles won there would be nothing, there would be no ukraine and france, all free nations, but europe , as everyone knows it in the period after the second world war, is something that will not be eternal in itself, and he reminded that russia is trying to exert influence around the world and does not meet such resistance everywhere. well, one more, if you allow
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one more signal from zelensky, that was a lot discussions, will ukraine agree to any? territorial concessions, zelensky says that ukraine will not agree to territorial concessions to end the war, and i would also like to quote him, can putin win the war? no, because you and i have no right to lose, can this war die out on the lines that now exist? no, because there are no lines for evil, what 80 years ago, what is now, and if someone tries to draw temporary lines himself, it will only give a pause before a new war, hitler crossed line after line, so is putin today, like this said zelensky well, we are now. we are adding to our broadcast our next guest arkadiy petrosyan, the head of the association of young idps of ukraine is in touch with us. glory to ukraine. mr. arkady, we congratulate you. good day, glory to the heroes. well, i will briefly formulate the main message. the council voted in the first reading of the bill on compensation for destroyed property. yes, this was reported by people's
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deputy of ukraine yaroslav zheleznyak. you have the word, what is in this bill, as far as it is. can change, improve the situation, well, in general, what are the real needs, we understand that during the war, our ukrainian budget, unfortunately, is intended to cover other, in particular, military needs, of course, for the period of today, residents of bakhmut, kherson, mariupol, people who sometimes risked their lives, chose ukraine , leaving under fire through the checkpoints of the occupiers, no. physical and legal mechanism to prove that their housing is destroyed in order to receive compensation and start living in the controlled territories of the defense forces of ukraine, the ukrainian authorities, that is why our team of the association of young idps, who were approached by representatives of public organizations that take care of internally displaced persons, were approached by
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many internally displaced persons, we, together with the people's deputies from the european solidarity faction... wrote the norm, which became draft law 11161 on the occasion of , to the residents, to create a mechanism so that the residents of bakhmut, mariupol, avdiyivka and other places located in the temporarily occupied territories and in the territories where active hostilities are taking place could receive housing compensation. this bill was passed by the economic development and trade committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and last tuesday this bill was... supported unanimously by 2,255 deputies in the first reading, then we continue to work on it, consult with experts, internally displaced persons, so that this bill creates a mechanism , and internally displaced persons living in our country should have had a chance to receive
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compensation for housing, for housing, you are right that now we have two priorities in our country, the first - these are the military, their defense capability and the support of all our armed forces, the second - in our opinion, these are people who suffered from the war, and this war, it continues not only for territories, but... first of all for every person, and if the people who deliberately chose ukraine are not given hope, they will leave, and i will remind all viewers that according to official data, we have 4.9 million internally displaced persons in our country, which is equal to the population of such a european union country as slovakia, if these people from post-war ukraine and now they will start leaving, it will be a new demographic crisis. well, we understand that now really. there is a problem with demography, the birth rate is falling, these are all the consequences of the war, that is understandable, but there are also economic challenges facing many ukrainians, in particular
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, internally displaced persons, this is the increase in electricity tariffs, we understand that this is a significant, significant increase in increases by one and a half times, and these are vulnerable sections of the population that will need state support, or idps are now turning to your organization. in order to organize for yourself and issue certain subsidies so that people could pay less for electricity starting this month, since march 1 of this year , most internally displaced persons stopped receiving payments in the amount of 200 hryvnias, this already greatly affected the life of internally displaced villages, therefore what would seem to be 2 hryvnias in our understanding is a small amount, however, i know many people at the beginning of the full-scale invasion were involved in evacuating people, for example , people from bahmut, from the temporary ravine and so on,
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this, if you count for a family, it is large the sums that people paid, including for communal services, including for housing rent, and now, when electricity prices rise there, i think the prices for opa will rise in winter. this greatly affects the living wage for internally displaced persons and people already lost everything, lost all their property, left with one bag in which they put their life, and even now by raising tariffs and not creating mechanisms for housing compensation, to get an apartment to get a cheap loan for internal relocation world we we will have... a situation where children, parents, women with children will simply go abroad. yes, there is a big threat that children and their
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mothers will leave, but what do you think would be the simplest and cheapest scheme that would help people not to leave, we understand that in our country, well, despite the declaration of this story in constitution of ukraine, well, we don't have a very welfare state, though. the state can offer certain specific solutions, we understand that we have some, for example, district centers across ukraine, with which also suffer from a lack of population, there are even smaller cities, that is, which do not have the status of raid centers and so on and so forth, perhaps some well-thought-out program would be added that would allow, for example, idp residents to settle in those cities, so is the state. a quick option, i.e. so that people don't get lost, don't lurk somewhere in
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unknown corners, you know, unfortunately, when it comes to almost 5 million people, there cannot be simple and cheap solutions, and of course there are small communities, in which internally displaced persons settle in... have houses and so on, but there must be a system, and it is necessary to systematically influence the real estate market, in order to systematically influence the real estate market, there must be a housing compensation system, with the help of which, for example, our draft law 1161, in our opinion, why was it supported, why was it supported, on the last air, i was on your air last week and the presenter asked me how the law submitted by the opposition will be supported. representatives of the current monomajority government, we were positive, because this is the only compensation mechanism
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of draft law 1161, for example, there is satellite recording of destroyed housing and so on, but the experience of melitopol has not shown that it is effective, that this problem can be solved in this way, so the issue of housing for internally displaced persons must be solved systematically at the national level , long loans, mr. arkady, of course, i will say this: an insight, then our team of the association of young idps will develop after the adoption of this bill and now we already have a concept and a draft development of a separate loan program for internally displaced persons, because there is a unique state program that issues loans to internally displaced persons and not only there , but also to military personnel, doctors, and public sector employees, cheap, inexpensive loans, but for since october 22 ...
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only 200 apartments were bought under this program, which means that the program is not effective, i would like to remind you that we have 4.9 million displaced persons according to the ministry of social policy, so a separate credit program is needed, including be mechanism that with a certificate, with destroyed property, a person can make a down payment and take a long loan, of course, according to our mentality , ukrainians do not trust credit programs, but... this should be a separate state program with proper communication, with transparent conditions, and people should receive hope mr. arkady, we have two minutes, i actually wanted to clarify whether you believe that this bill, because i actually asked you whether you believe that this bill will get to the parliament if this bill is submitted by the opposition, but it has already passed the first reading, and we understand that in order for this bill to become law, it must be voted on in the second,
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are you feeling the mood now? people's deputies to the fact that they have this political decision to vote the law in the second reading? you know, our team believes in god, and regarding the bill we are working, doing advocacy, writing letters to people's deputies, holding meetings, holding consultation meetings with public organizations, reaching out to the media, we are very grateful to the espresso tv channel for the platform on which we we can... tell, convey to the public about our draft law, only by joint, fruitful work with information, with clarification, with advocacy, we will understand that this draft law will be accepted and signed by the president, thank you will receive compensation for. thank you, mr. arkady, an extremely interesting conversation, and we understand that internally displaced persons must be protected, supported and protected, because as our current guest rightly pointed out, there is a great
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risk that... people will leave, in particular, as we speak about women with children. arkady petrosyan , head of the association of young internally displaced persons of ukraine, was in touch with us. we thank him for the conversation, well, we are going further, informing about all the most important things. yes, and by the way, about women and children, about women, i would like to additionally say that the ministry of economy is already talking about the lack of male personnel, and therefore the ministry of economy wants to retrain women in men's professions, such as, for example , as drivers of trucks and... tractors, because there are not enough men who actually usually did this work, but we understand, mobilization, war and a lack of workers, that’s how we are, well, we have to adapt to the demands of war, you can’t do anything, and in the meantime, in kyiv , an ex-member of the people’s republic was detained, a scheme of fake disability certificates was exposed, so the suspicion was reported to the former parliamentarian and five of her accomplices, well, let's not take away bread from
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ours... iryna koval, to whom i am happy to give the floor, will be with us, and iro, i congratulate you, i hope that the air anxiety did not prevent you from getting some sleep and getting ready today , in order to be in, as they say, in power today, to convey the most important things to our viewers. thank you, marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the aid to ukraine from the united states of america and much more. there will be information, so wait. in ukraine, it's 3 p.m., news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers, and just now.


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