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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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the former parliamentarian and five of her accomplices will be notified of the suspicion, but we will not take bread from our journalists, especially since marta will be in touch with us now, iryna koval will be with us, to whom i will gladly give the floor, and iro, i congratulate you, i hope that the air anxiety did not prevent you from getting enough sleep today, preparing for today to be, as they say, in force, to convey the most important things to our viewers. thank you. thank you marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the help to ukraine from united states of america and much more information will follow, so stay tuned.
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hour of news on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers, and just now i will tell you about the most important events. the united states of america will allocate a new arms package for ukraine worth 225 million dollars. us president joe biden said this during talks with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi in paris. the package will include ammunition for hymars, stinger anti-aircraft missiles, as well as hawk anti-aircraft missiles, as well as gau. bulls of armored vehicles, javelin anti-tank systems and other equipment. a 71-year-old woman died as a result of an enemy attack on nikopol in dnipropetrovsk region. the russians shelled the city with artillery, the head of the region, serhiy lysak, said. the details of the attack are currently being investigated. and two russian radar stations were damaged as a result of a night attack on occupied crimea. drones hit the military. part of it in the village of mysove in
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the leninsky district, the astra telegram channel reports. one soldier of the russian army was also wounded. at the ministry of defense of the country the aggressors announced that they shot down 11 drones over occupied crimea overnight. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi delivered a speech at the national assembly of france. he compared the events of the second world war with what is currently happening in ukraine. according to him, europe has ceased to be a continent of peace, nazism is returning again. the russian regime does not recognize borders and is trying to redraw borders, zelenskyy added. your combat aircraft, brilliant fighters, which, under the control of ukrainian pilots, will prove that europe is stronger, stronger than the evil that dared to threaten europe. now, as 80 years ago,
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we can prove it, the power of our unity, the power of alliance, the power of our common ideals. seven explosions rang out loudly in the temporarily occupied luhansk, after which columns of smoke rose - eyewitnesses wrote on social networks. the light went out in some areas of the city. propaganda media write that luhansk was attacked with missiles and ukraine continues negotiations on restructuring with the owners of eurobonds, in particular on partial debt write-off. this was announced by minister of finance serhiy marchenko. he added that soon the negotiations will be public. let me remind you that in may 2024 , the state debt guaranteed by the state exceeded uah 6 for the first time. and including this parsi. involves
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a partial write-off of debts, so wait for the news, soon these negotiations will become public, and we will be able to talk with you individually about them. thank you, i demanded money from the prisoners of the pre-trial detention center. in kyiv , law enforcement officers exposed the supervisor of a potential institution. according to the case file, he is 45 years old the man set up a scheme to demand bribes for the distribution of drugs. part of the funds were distributed among the participants. themselves, during searches the police found bank cards, narcotic substances, telephones and received funds in them. all three men were notified of the suspicion. she made money on evasions. a former people's deputy, who headed the capital's institute for preventive medicine, was detained in kyiv, the security service reported. the official mass-produced fictitious disability certificates for coal workers. industry
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the potential customers were conscripts who wanted to go abroad illegally. every month, the attacker earned more than 100,000 dollars. this amount was distributed between his accomplices, among them the heads of hospitals, a pro-fatologist and a coordinator. officials of medical and social expert commissions in the lviv region were also involved in the criminal scheme. according to the scheme, at first the workers were fictitiously registered for outpatient treatment, then they were allegedly diagnosed with occupational diseases, and then they were assigned groups of disabilities. as a result of complex events in kyiv on garyachy , the organizer of the scheme was detained. and her accomplice from the lviv region, who gave her a kickback in the amount of $32. during the searches of the places of work and residence of the persons involved, more than 40 million in the equivalent of 100,000 rubles, as well as medical documents and draft records were found. she worked for
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the enemy and recruited her own children. the security service of ukraine detained an agent group of the fsb in khmelnytskyi. it included a deputy of the local council and two of her own. children: a 42-year-old son and a 37-year-old daughter. they tried to identify the placement of mobile anti-aircraft fire groups, as well as warehouses of military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. for this, under the guise of family trips in their own car, the official secretly photographed the objects, and the son made marks on google maps. all data were sent by messenger to their curator from the fsb. tasks were performed for a reward. thanks to this, all three fsb agents were caught red-handed while they were spying on anti-aircraft fire groups. according to the investigation, in the field of view of the russian the deputy was arrested by the special services at the beginning of this year because of her pro-kremlin
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activity among her classmates. after the recruitment , the woman involved her son and daughter in criminal activities. the perpetrators are currently in custody, facing a life sentence. imprisonment. a strong explosion occurred at a gas station in armenia. as a result of the incident , seven people were injured. two of them are in intensive care in a very serious condition. this is reported by radio aza tutyun. it is noted that a tank with liquefied gas could explode. the law enforcement officers have already started investigation under a number of articles of the criminal code. in particular, on suspicion of negligence. computer. from taiwan to ukraine. 70 schools from the lviv region: prykarpattia and poltava regions can get new equipment for computer science classrooms. in addition, pedagogues from 24 schools will learn the basics of programming, robotics and education systems free of charge, - said
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people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi. it was possible to attract investments in ukrainian education thanks to the large-scale charity project live now one behind partnership. non-governmental organization all-ukrainian democratic forum and ukrainian catholic university with the support of taiwan. the start of filling out applications for participation will begin in the second half of june. follow the project pages in social networks. last year, we handed over 100 computers to the best schools in lviv, poltava, and kremenchuk. we decided to continue this project, but to change it somewhat. we will train teachers to inform. they will study at the best it school in the country at the ukrainian catholic university, and ukrainian schools will receive a huge number of computers after this training, as well as devices with robotics, many other computer and technical equipment. we are convinced that our students are the best and our
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schools are the best. what to do in order to get a computer class for your school? just ask your computer science teacher to fill out an application to participate in our project. based on a transparent competition , 48 teachers will be selected for a year of training in programming, robotics and stem at cook. and we ask you to join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics, a fly combo and five 3t mavics. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and make it possible. confidently move forward, and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. we need to collect 2.5 million hryvnias and we already have more than 340,000 hryvnias in our accounts. do not waste time, join the collection for our defenders. that was
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the news for this time, you can read more on our website spresso tv, too follow us on social media and watch our unique content on youtube. well , my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii will continue broadcasting, and we will see you at 4 p.m. well , today there were talks in france between the president of ukraine and the president of the united states, ukrinform reports, and on june 13-15 in italy at the g7 summit, as if a bilateral american-ukrainian security agreement was to be signed. extremely important signals, we will monitor it, and today biden is on
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during the negotiations with zelensky, he apologized for the delay in aid and announced a new package of support for ukraine, cnn informs, judging by the photos that are actually published on the network, it can be seen that the secretary of defense of the united states, loyt austin and the secretary of state were also present at these negotiations anthony blinken, and the new aid, the new package of weapons, is actually worth 225 million dollars. now we will talk about weapons, about our internal kitchen, let's say, about the ministry of defense, about procurement and so on. dana yarova, adviser deputy minister of defense of ukraine, member of the public anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense and head of the children's geography of ukraine, volunteer. we are already in touch. mrs. dana, congratulations. glory to ukraine. heroes of glory. congratulations to the studio, congratulations to ukraine. well, first of all, we would like to start with the anti-corruption public council under the ministry of defense, so we received
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information that they are preparing for re-election, what will be the logic, maybe its composition will be expanded, maybe some or other characters who were either not too active, or maybe even in for some reason they could block the process, leave this council, what in general with this anti-corruption council, because it is an extremely important tool of public control, i for... agree that it is an extremely important tool for public control, and during the year of work of the public council, let's say, law enforcement officers were interested in the cases that, let's say, we inherited from the previous ex-minister of defense, and in principle, there are a lot of issues that were so... which were controversial, which were of interest to society, anti-corruption with them
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managed and contributed to, let's say, the normalization of the work of the ministry of defense. regarding re-election, in the provision about, the provision that we wrote under the ex-minister of defense, reznikov, it is stated that the anti-corruption council is elected, the election was through the nazk platform, now it will be different, and what... there will be identification and another platform, and the anti-crowd is elected for one year, one year ended in the month of april, i believe, this is my personal opinion, that since it was an election, let's say, societies, communities, then to deceive the communities in in this case , there is no ministerial order to dissolve the antikorad, but if it was written that way and the people were elected for a year, then... we have to hold a re-election, because it is so fair to the society and well, these are the norms,
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let's say, of normal behavior and normal positioning of oneself, this is the first, second, in relation to the people who were in anti-corruption, well, of course there were active people, of course there were people who just joined the team and did nothing this year, we know, everyone will do... for yourself independently, and some will submit documents, some will not, maybe someone new will update the composition of the anti-corruption council, it will be decided by the society, it will be decided by the communities, these are the foundations of a democratic society, so we are waiting for re-election, for example, i asked my followers and people who voted for me, i asked a question yesterday, should i submit documents for re-election or not... to give, because society has delegated me, and society must tell me
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whether to apply further or not, mrs. dana, you want my private opinion, i understand that this may be a violation of a certain, yes so to speak professional ethics, but this is minimal taking into account what our colleagues on other tv channels sometimes produce, so in my private opinion, i emphasize privately, you should apply and should work extremely actively, because the coefficient of useful action on your part. is extremely high and we understand that the public council is the mechanism that allows us to publish a lot of things, not only to control, not only to analyze, but also to publish. so, ms. dana. i don't know, maybe marta ulyarnyk also supports me in this, but we, how private individuals, we support you, i am very grateful for your trust, and in principle, my subscribers told me the same thing, so reporting to the community on the use of budget funds, we must each understand that budget funds are our funds, these are the funds we pay from their
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taxes, but it turned out that these are also taxpayers' funds. taxes, for example, of the united states of america, but disclosure and reporting and openness to society is correct, it gives the understanding to society that some justice exists, because the request justice in the rear, it is very high, because people do not want, relatively speaking, to lay paving stones there when our guys demand drones, or they do not want to include... money in the ministry of defense, as we currently have the lviv arsenal , who did not put, for a second, these are shots, yes, these are projectiles, this is what they cannot work without, without which there is no war at all, yes, these are projectiles of different calibers, and of course, both control and report extremely important to society, because people want to know the truth, people want to know
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what their money goes to, people want to know how well the army is provided, so sure. the anti-corruption council has played its role, and probably this tool should remain in the ministry of defense, and probably new people may come in who will participate more actively in the anti-corruption council. ms. dana, i have a question for you more as an adviser to the minister of defense and a public person who is listened to, there is currently a problem with the fact that many employees of important enterprises that produce our weapons, ammunition and so on further, they are mobilized, we understand that according to the law... people should have 100% armor, but there are rare cases when these people come to update the data and are mobilized, and this puts the combat capability of our state at great risk. how do you feel about this problem in general, do you think that at the level of the ministry of defense they should sound the alarm right now and do something about it, because it really worries many people that our
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country will be able to produce weapons for itself. heads of the ministry of defense, which have a contract with the ministry of defense, now they are submitted by the ministry of defense to the ministry of economy, which maintains armor registers, but i want to tell you, with the change, what were the changes that were made in the resolution of the cabinet of ministers, there was some kind of back-and-forth with booking, now there is a problem absolutely in everyone, let's say this, there are opinions in the cabinet of ministers for the time being... to suspend this process and return it, well , to make it the way it was before, because before it was confirmed by the general staff and submitted to the ministry of economy, now the ministry of defense has to do it, there is such a the moment, what's up the new mechanism did not work, to return to the old one, there are such thoughts, i believe that it is necessary, because they probably did not set up
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the armor mechanism correctly, and i would like to mention something else... 100% now no one will have, not even the enterprises that make contract with the ministry of defense, but there are bookings of such enterprises, in addition, i want to tell you, for example, i am very sorry for the fact that now again medical facilities, medical facilities, especially those that deal with the treatment of the wounded, let's say, make their hands and they are bringing them back to life, they also have a problem with the armor, i think that the closest ones are dealing with it, they are dealing with it, and in the near future this issue will be resolved, and the reservation will proceed in normal mode, as it was before this, there is a failure , i agree, but we will do everything to fix it, ms. dano, and we would like to move
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on to what is probably the central topic of our conversation when we talk about public procurement, audit. monitoring is so in its time, well, ukrainian internet and not only i am sure ukrainian the news that was voiced by martyna bohuslavets blew up, they conducted certain studies, investigations and so on there, well, it was dedicated to purchases and contracts and tenders in the kharkiv region, so when we talk about fortifications, we understand that the question of an honest audit is correct, it is extremely an important story, at what stage are they now... there is control, monitoring of what is called state procurement of the ministry of defense, you mean everything related to fortifications, no, that is, a wide range. just you an informed person and maybe you know some additional painful cases that are currently being considered and that should be paid attention to, well, to be honest, i have not heard about this
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check, about the audit, it is some kind of independent audit, well, in general, is monitoring of that currently being carried out , which is called central -centralized procurement by the ministry of defense, and of course it is carried out by two agencies that carry out procurements, one agency for rear support, one agency that deals with the purchase of weapons, there are, let’s say, controlling structures that exercise control over these procurements, and in the event that are accountable to the secretary of defense, and in the event that they see any moments, they immediately report to the secretary of defense, and they also bring to the notice of such violations. one agency and another in order to eliminate these violations, in addition, let's not forget that the attention of the whole
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society is very much focused on the work of the ministry of defense in principle, the anti-corruption council has access to information, so as soon as something appears, it appears immediately a new series of the series features procurement of the ministry of defense, but what i want to say, i want... to say that, in principle, we all try to ensure that purchases are transparent, fair and that all suppliers, absolutely all, have the same rules, and because manual management, or the creation of some structures for a specific person are always corruption risks, now we are trying to settle this issue so that this does not happen, so that there is no manual management. digitization will help us in this, so that it all works regardless of who comes to this or that position, the less
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manual management, the less corruption. ms. dana, i wanted to ask you about the general situation regarding the audit of the ministry of defense. the ministry of defense very often informs that the internal audit reveals abuses worth millions of hryvnias, somehow the case is moving forward. is there a possible next stage of the audit going on now, at which stage is it possible, and what can you say about it, are any new violations detected and what, well, what are the characteristics of such violations, what do they relate to? look, with the arrival of the new team it was decided to spend, i think a three-year, if i'm not mistaken, audit, not only of the structures of the ministry of defense. it concerns, the ministry of defense has a very large number of state-owned enterprises that are regulated by the ministry of defense. and this audit is now aimed at
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conducting an audit, sorry for the taftology, in all enterprises that are subordinate. internal audit is also really involved in the compliance of certain purchases, and also has the right to a very important voice. during the resolution of some issues, and in relation to this comprehensive audit, the audit of state-owned enterprises is currently underway, and we will see the results of this audit, and it seems to me that it is possible that the ministry of defense will report on these results, the fact that sensitive information, well, it is certain, after the war we will someday be able to do this publicize, ugh, well, and accordingly we would like to ask you about'. with benefactors, charity for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, the history of the tv channel is also extremely important, and marta liyarnyk and i regularly support a lot of different, not
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i know, we cover the various needs of our soldiers, so we understand that it is not only us and not only the espresso tv channel, our volunteer entire ukrainian community works almost full time, well, but i think that somehow it is also worth analyzing this case about... , mrs. dano, yes, of course, and here we are taking steps in this direction in order to relieve the volunteer movements, to relieve the citizens of ukraine, who will endlessly contribute to the armed forces of ukraine. i would like to note, first of all, war is a very expensive thing, it, it, well, it is measured in very large amounts, you will transfer it to the car, after 3 days in this car , s... she is gone, god forbid that people remain alive, as for how to unload, from january 1, 24, 10%
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tax on for... wages is allowed to be left for the needs of the military units, believe me, these are very significant funds, and they go, the ministry of defense is the manager, the first-level manager of these funds, they go to the account of the military units, and it is called decentralized procurement, so on in essence, decentralized procurement is such a small budget for the ministry of defense, and maybe it is a large enough budget for the ministry of defense, so ... there is a single problem with these procurements: funds are received, but untrained people, because every brigade must have personal account, an official responsible for procurement must be appointed, brigades have the right to purchase dual-use goods, military goods, even some types of weapons, so now at the level of the
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policy department, the ministry of defense and... development of methodological material in parallel, with the support of our allies great britain, training of people who will carry out such purchases is underway. the advantages of these procurements are that the commander determines what the brigade needs, well, you understand, it is more visible there in the fields, yes, what is needed, one needs drones, another needs cars, another needs tractors, where there are buyers of a high level of procurement. go and disbursement of funds takes place, where there are no such buyers and people are simply afraid to make purchases, this is already our a piece of work, we have to train them, we have to accompany them with information and provide consultations regarding purchases, besides, now the ministry of defense in me seems to have had a meeting on monday regarding the expansion, there is such a prozoro catalog, according to which it is very easy to buy a card there, the price. well, this
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makes it much easier for the buyer. the ministry of economy went to a meeting and now the list of the ministry of defense will be filled in this catalog, the creation of cards and authorized persons will be much easier. make purchases faster, the work is going on, we have to use the funds, because at the end of the year we do not have the right to leave the funds in the accounts of the ministry. of defense, because, you know, until now , all of ukraine is reduced to the needs of the armed forces, and we cannot master the funds from the poles, so we are working in this direction. mrs. dano, you just took me off my tongue, as they say, i just looked at the results of the audit of the accounting chamber for the 22nd and 23rd years, and the accounting chamber itself informs that the ministry of defense did not direct all its resources to purchase of equipment for the army, if we understand correctly, the state allocated a certain amount, but from
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one or another. reasons why the ministry of defense did not use all this money to purchase equipment, weapons and so on, and do we really have now, let's say, well, this is probably a wrong interpretation, extra money so that it is possible to increase the amount of armaments and necessary for our armed forces for the money that has not yet been used, look, well, in my opinion, when the ministry of defense has not used it. that all the funds that were transferred to him according to the budget of ukraine, well, in my opinion, this is a crime, excuse me, but it is true, because once again i say that the whole of ukraine is trying to provide the armed forces there, and the ministry of defense there was unable to master the funds, so in this in this context, it is very important to use the funds, now look, we have two directions, and centralized procurement and decentralized
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procurement, and i say, it will be a shame at the end of the year if we cannot use all the funds, so let's just work and work thank you, dana yarova, advisor deputy minister of defense of ukraine, a member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense, the head of the public organization "dream of children", a volunteer, was on the air of espress, and in fact, ms. dana and i talked about a new, new component, a new group of people who will come to the public. of the corruption council and ms. dana actually asked her followers on social networks whether she should submit her candidacy again, and actually people support and trust ms. dana, and we also trust and only for, now we are going to a short break, after that we will continue our information day, stay with espresso, there is a lot of interesting information ahead, so don't miss it. attention, total sale,
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