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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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represent unbreakable discounts on edem 20% in pharmacies psyllium, bam and oskad. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna. and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts.
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inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, now we will involve the head of the center in our marathon. security studies, the meaning of the minister of ukraine for temporarily occupied territories of internally displaced persons in 2016-19, vadym chernesh, he will join us now, and marta oliyarnyk has an important message, as she actually said before the break, and maybe our viewers were distracted somewhere, no they know, so there is information on the former deputation, which was caught in the scheme, which made it possible to avoid the mobilization of the military...
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the former mp was released from the pre-trial detention center on a bail of more than uah 900,000, spokeswoman for the prosecutor general's office nadiya maksimets said in a comment to rbc ukraine, and a bail of uah 900,000 was actually made for her. the woman was released from the pre-trial detention center. at the request of the prosecutor, the suspect was remanded in custody with the possibility of posting bail, and she actually posted this bail. in addition, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of almost 250 00 hryvnias to the intermediary and night house arrest for one more of the suspects, the question of choosing precautionary measures for the other suspect is being decided. in the meantime, the president of the united states, joseph biden, at a meeting with the ukrainian president , apologized for the delay in the delivery of military aid to ukraine. this is reported by cnn. i am quoting president biden now. i apologize for the weeks of not knowing whether it would be approved in terms of funding because we had problems. with the passage
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of the bill that we should have passed, which had money from some of our very conservative members holding it back, but we did it. the new american president emphasized: the united states will continue to support ukraine. you know, quoting biden. you have not bowed, you have not given in at all, you continue to fight in a way that is just amazing, just wonderful, and we are not going to leave you,'' president joseph biden quoted now. there is also positive news from the manufacturer sao caesar, they are openly planning to open a branch in ukraine, actually on june 7, i.e. today, the french-german concern knds and the ukrainian company enmek signed two declarations of intent, one of which referred to the creation of a technological service center in sau caesar. accordingly, the announcement was made in the presence of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, representatives of the french. the company and
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the ukrainian company have actually signed two declarations, and let's hope that this cooperation will bring many useful results, martoliarnyk brought good news. yes, and we are now adding vadym chernysh, the manager of the sens security research center, the minister of ukraine for temporarily occupied territories of internally displaced persons in 16-19 years. glory to ukraine, mr. vadym, glad to see you. glory. well, illegal shadowy, gray circulation of weapons. yes, well, the alarm started, even during the anti-terrorist operation, then weapons appeared quite a lot. a large amount, yes, well, the ministry of internal affairs, the security service of ukraine and all the other bodies tried to deal with that case, i can’t even imagine what is being done with that case now, yes, we are talking, perhaps, about trophy weapons that could fall into the hands of civilians, for example, that is
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, the enemy could run away, throw and so on, and so on, well, an extremely broad topic, and about dangers, so we understand that the main threat is if the corresponding amount of heavy small arms falls into the hands. not too law-abiding citizens of ours, so let's talk about bandits in simple language, you have my word. this is true, it is a huge problem now, grenades are found under children's beds, and in kitchen utensils, in pots, and even family feuds are sometimes carried out with the use of weapons or threats the use of weapons, but the main problems are... this is also the danger that such weapons pose to children, weapons are often found in playgrounds, but they can also be weapons used by organized criminal groups, for example, in uzhgorod we saw several times there in transcarpathia
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, shootouts between criminal gangs and so on, that is, this problem is already very urgent, trophy so-called weapons - weapons that are found by military personnel, and if they are found by civilians, then they are, well, let's say so, and so far and no definition trophy weapon, but if it is found by civilians, then it can also fall into, let's say, bad hands, we understand that people want to defend themselves in case of the arrival of the russians, this is what concerns near the line of combat. and i think that there is also a different approach to this issue, but in general this problem exists, will exist even if the war ends tomorrow and there are still so many of these weapons for tens of years, we estimate that there will be millions of such weapons , the minister
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of internal affairs said that more than 5 million, probably more, and we are glad that on this you drew attention to the problem, our partners and colleagues drew attention. from the ivano-frankivsk region, in particular such a famous actor as oleksiy ignatkovsky, and there are talented young people, let's, mr. vadim, we will now show our viewers these videos, if you allow, let's show them, demonstrate and continue our conversation, of course, of course, in difficult wartime, none of the citizens living in different parts of ukraine can be sure of... their complete safety and the safety of their relatives and loved ones, when in active hostilities have been going on in the country for more than 10 years, it is extremely difficult to control the circulation of small arms and explosive objects. this can be used by certain persons who intentionally or accidentally throw away weapons illegally brought from the combat zone
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in a wide variety of places. it can be a playground, the territory of an educational institution, or a favorite place for people to relax in nature. therefore, we encourage all parents to spend. preventive conversations with your children about the danger that random unfamiliar finds can bring. yes i was scared, my god, it hurts very much, it hurts, very much, children, and especially their parents, remember, not every find can be safe. weapons injure, in the worst cases lead to death. watch your little one and be careful. well, the key story is not just to be responsible or
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indifferent, the key story is to be vigilant, so we understand that the russians scattered a lot of anti-personnel mines, and unfortunately, well, this should be known to our tv viewers. to understand that an anti-personnel mine is not always looks like a mine, that is, in the imagination of our common people, a mine is such, you know, an anti-tank mine of the soviet type, such a bandura, huge round, well, accordingly, and against... an infantry mine is such a petal, yes, which is made in the form of, i don’t know, whether petals, or sometimes some completely neutral story, so, so, so, mr. vadim, tell me, please, also about such a danger, uh, well, first of all, in the territories, which are located close to the battle line, there are, or were under occupation, there deliberately set so-called... trap mines, that is, these are ordinary objects, of course , of the world, which are disguised as, under objects
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of mines, excuse me, explosive devices, which are disguised as ordinary objects, it can be that a radio receiver, a toy and so on, this special cynicism, because if the russians equip a toy with explosives, it means that they are purposefully targeting children, and there are such cases, it’s also simple... there can be petals and other types, for example, the same stretch marks, exactly therefore , one must be careful and take care of both children and adults, have, let's say, certain skills of behavior, what to do and the like, but i emphasize that small arms, grenades and so on, are also no less and no less than mines are found, and this is also a danger, so that children, you know, are not always there, especially teenagers. even parents are not always informed about what they find, and this can also lead to tragedy, such is children's
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curiosity, it is like that. vadym chernysh, head of the center for security studies, sens, minister of ukraine for the issues of the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons was on our airwaves from 2016 to 2019, now we are going on a short break, after which we will continue. be with us. attention, mega sale. accumulator. strong proteins with a discount of only 799 hryvnias. reliable, powerful, convenient. order while the video is streaming. strong saplings will easily cut trees and shrubs. they are convenient to use for carpentry. this is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 799 uah. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order simply now. free delivery is available. check with consultants. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you can do this in one go with strong saws. just look how quickly they cope
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our patriarch kirill once said, from a spiritual and moral point of view, a special military operation is a holy war, the moscow patriarch kirill declares a holy war to ukraine, and the ukrainian parliament has not been able to agree on it for a year and a half the prohibition of the russian church in ukraine, i announce a break, everyone will die by the evening, the third year is already in full swing. russia's headquarters war with the aim of destroying everything ukrainian, and fsb agents under the cover of the uocp are still working in all corners of ukraine, undermining national security from the inside. we remember the patriarch and pray for him. prohibition of the russian orthodox church is a condition for our victory in the war with russia. i would simply pack these priests and send them back to russia. about who protects the russian peace, who needs the kremlin church in ukraine and what needs to be done to stop its activities. in the new film , the russian orthodox church is investigating. the last fight. on saturday, june 8 at 22:00 at espresso. to take
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the wounded from the battlefield in time means. to save his life, bc ride, boys ride, atv - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yared in the direction of chasiv yar. thank you for waiting, well, now kira rudyk, a people's deputy of ukraine, who is very well informed in international affairs, will be working on our broadcast, glory to ukraine, ms. rudyk, congratulations, we can't hear you, ms. kira, we hope you will fix
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the sound, if you just checked everything, we hear you, eureka is great. well, since the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the president of the united states joseph biden held a meeting between the heads of state, we understand that it is in particular about the security agreement, which should be valid throughout the next 10 years, and accordingly we would ask you to fill in, perhaps with some specific details, with your own, so to speak , trained eye of a ukrainian politician, i think to note. some very characteristic messages, well, in particular, for example, i drew attention to the fact that the president of the united states got drunk for delaying the provision of much- needed money to us. so, here's your word: first of all, this is definitely positive news, both in terms of our position in the international arena and
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what we can get as an additional aid from the united states. additional ones have already been announced. 225 million military aid, we need it more than ever. it is important that this somewhat smoothed over the recent harsh statements by our leadership and the leaders of our country, regarding the fact that president biden will not come to the peace summit in switzerland, instead of him will be kamela harris, the vice president, and... sullivan, and so now the meeting, i hope, was used in order to level all possible inequalities as much as possible and to continue in this interaction as much as possible constructive such movement. we understand very well that the united states is our biggest ally, which provides us with the most
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aid, the most financial infusions, and it is critical for us to hold on. on the highest possible diplomatic note, regardless of how possible the decisions or the timing of these decisions may disappoint us, absolutely absolutely, everyone understands that ukrainians are fighting for their survival and that every day, when there is more, it takes more time to make certain decisions, ukraine is paying for it with their lives of our citizens, both at the front and in the cities. people sleeping in their homes and dying under russian attacks, so it is important that this urgency is understood by our partners, and we hope, and we hear it from mr. biden's statements, that the united states is beginning to understand this and will hurry to
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take important decisions to be made sooner rather than later. and what is in this security? well, first of all, the same as in the previous 15 agreements, promises of military aid in the coming years, and this there will be promises that the next president of the united states, whoever he is, will not be able to change, but will have to stick to that framework. the second issue that interests us is, of course, the issue of the confiscation of russian. the united states, for its part, has already taken a step, has already adopted a law on the confiscation of assets, unfortunately, they have few of them, about 10 billion, but for us. assets and sanctions issues to be included in this agreement for 10 years, and was absolutely clear that the united states
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would continue to work to confiscate russian money not only in the states themselves, but also among the allies, because now the role of the united states at the meeting of the g7 countries will be very important, and the decision that will be taken on june 15-17 depends on their position. regarding the transfer to ukraine of a part of russian assets that are currently frozen in the countries of the european union, in the countries of the big seven. so those are the two main points, of course there will be many different aspects of helping ukraine, things related to reconstruction, things related to prisoner exchange assistance, uh, and other things, but these two directions are assistance with armaments and support. of ukraine, as well as sanctions against russia and the issue of confiscation of assets should be the main ones. ms. kiro, ukraine and china held consultations at the level of ministers of foreign
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affairs, foreign affairs, on the eve of the peace summit, and we know that the united states is now encouraging china to participate in the peace summit after all. china said that he will not come because the russian federation will not be presented there, do you think it will still be possible to pressure beijing, and he someone so... will be sent to this summit, you know, now a lot of decisions depend on whether ukrainian diplomats, ukrainian politicians, ukrainian public figures will still manage to squeeze a representative from china, in fact, of any level, to the peace summit, for us of course it's important that it 's the highest level that we can reach, but just the presence of china at the peace summit - it completely takes... the summit into another category, from this, you know, more democratic bubble, we go to the next level where countries of the global
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the south is also beginning to hear our position, will also be able to support us on those issues that everyone has already agreed on, which is the issue of food security, the issue of nuclear security and the issue of prisoner exchange, it is very important that china accepts it...participation in this summit, so that he signs the decision that president zelensky's peace formula is the only peace option that we are considering, that there is no need for any other formulas, ideas that will naturally work in russia's direction, so i know that now a huge amount of effort focused precisely on convincing china to introduce somebody, it's uh very... it's important for all of us to keep our fingers crossed to root for our diplomats to succeed, it's really going to be a game changer, that that will change the situation and will be able
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to help us a lot in the next steps. ms. kiro, look, but there was also information that switzerland will promote a peace plan that is not beneficial for ukraine, and zelensky himself has repeatedly said that ukraine is open to to consider alternative peace plans, that is, it turns out that... zelenskyi’s formula and the chinese formula, they will be identical for consideration, this is a danger for us, since we know that this is in fact a kind of plan for the surrender of ukraine, so what are your considerations with on this occasion, will there not be pressure in switzerland to push through this chinese plan? i can tell you with absolute certainty that regardless of whether china will be there or not, there will be attempts at any forum, summit, to squeeze various unfavorable we have plans, that's how it works. geopolitics, we have much fewer friends than, let's say, enemies or neutral countries, but it is already the task of our diplomats, our politicians, our
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government officials to make sure that, using diplomatic and bureaucratic methods, these attempts do not pass, from the beginning of a full-scale invasion there were a lot of attempts to switch to some kind of peaceful plan and bend. ukraine to the point that we would not ask for so many weapons, and to incline us to the point that we would not fight so hard, this has always been the case, because we, according to the bottom line is who is interested in surviving and winning this war, that is why our task is to continue the struggle in the diplomatic direction, just as our boys and girls at the front do not stop fighting day by day, this is the task, absolutely there will be opposition, absolutely definitely there will be an attempt to... change the wording, do some things that we don't like, to get us off the straight path, sure, i guarantee you that, but it's up to us to do it and our government officials who will be there
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and on... the president to do the best for our country, this will be the essence of the summit, convey our point of view and show how clearly we stand on it, and neither to the left nor to the right, on chinese plans, we do not agree, we are not ready for it. yes, mrs. kiro, well, at the same time, we would like to ask you about the vision, the vision of president macron, yes, there have been meetings, in particular between the presidents in france, we understand that we are now standing on the eve. the g7 meeting, well, but president macron has already received very good news from him about the prospects for our retention of french mirage fighters, well, in general, the president of france has demonstrated over the past few months that france is really a great country and is no longer afraid of the russian federation. well, we can also thank president macron, as the first european
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politician who even talked about... sending his military to ukraine, thus, you know, he moved the red lines that european politicians had very, very far , so i think that this trip of our president to france, it is really successful, we need mirages and we hope that this will be the first step for that we receive other fighters, newer ones, such as, for example, the swedish gripens. what are the decisions for which we are also waiting, and you know how it happens with all our partners, it is enough for someone to make a decision, and then slowly everyone else says, well, and then we will hand over the tanks, well, and then we we will hand over long-range weapons, well, and then we will allow shooting at targets on russian territory, so this is a very good decision that shows all other
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countries. which are still delaying delivery various fighter jets to ukraine, that it is not scary, it is already a new norm, it can be done, it is already a decision at the highest level, so i think it is a big plus, and we all see that europe is currently in four days voting for the new european parliament, therefore, all the actions of european politicians that we are watching, they are all also directed at their internal. audience, showing what a pro-ukrainian, pro-european, great leader and statesman this politician is. thank you, kira rudyk, people's deputy of ukraine, was on the air espresso, talked about important geopolitical events and meetings. we remind you that zelenskyi and biden met today and talked about support. biden apologized for the delay in aid, announced a new aid package that will include missiles and roofs.
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stingers, highmars, howitzers, in short , a lot of things are included, the amount of the package is 225 million dollars, this is already the 59th package of august 21, and we hope that this will not be the last package from the united states, but actually we will now minute by minute hope that joseph biden will give his speech in normandy, today there are meetings at very high levels and we will actually broadcast it as well. this broadcast will start as soon as president biden starts his speech, now antin and i will say goodbye to you until next week, but there will be news from our colleagues, and there will be a big broadcast of vasyl zima, i remind you that we have a gathering, which you can always support, so remember this qr code that has now appeared on the screen, and every hryvnia of yours is important, don't forget this, and antin borkovskii and i say goodbye to you, until next time.
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it's 5 p.m. in ukraine. news time on the spresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and just now to the most important events. let's start with the situation in sumy oblast. evacuation is underway there. in bilopilla. rescue workers are helping residents evacuate to safer places. this was reported in the state emergency service. people with low mobility and families with children will be evacuated first. citizens are helped to place.


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