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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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i go and test periodically myself, look at the results, make corrections all the time, but this is not enough either, we are now greatly expanding this client-oriented department, which will communicate not with buyers, but with users, that is, with the military, and this is important to be relevant, mm, well, actually due to trips to the front, due to constant communication with the military, we somehow manage to hold on, because the bigger our company is, the more difficult it will be to keep this relevance, because to make rapid changes in production, which is there on which two people work there, it is very simple, it is one minute, and the production on which 10, 50, 100 people work there is already much more complicated, but we are trying to get relevance, make relevant drones, move ahead and... and well, i
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hope that it will be successful, and as if so far it is successful, a good indicator here is how much the military themselves want to buy your drones, because often, as i like to say, to sell state drones, the state should not make super-class drones, but should just great to communicate with the state, to have cool lawyers and at least some drones, because there can't be... actual expertise there, because objectively, a person engaged in procurement should receive an expertise, and not understand by himself what to buy, receive expertise from those who use, unfortunately, it works for a very long time, so that's why, ah, we have this indicator, fortunately, it's quite high, but still, it's not enough for me, it can be increased constantly, ah , and there are sometimes problems that people buy not what they need, maybe new units when they
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they equip themselves for the first time, but we change, change, explain to volunteers that not always a cheap drone is cool, or not always an expensive drone is cool, because someone needs to fly 3 km, and someone 25 km, well, we teach both ourselves and the industry , and in general, how we try to both listen and tell, as we see it. in production in... you use this kind of assembly line, assembly line approach, when, relatively speaking, each worker performs some operation, it was said that one drone takes 36 minutes, do you still keep these figures, do you have enough, let's say, opportunities to scale such approaches? yes, look , it is clear that the larger the order, the more ... the production can work, because
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the more we can fake the assembly process itself, and now the efficiency is quite high, plus now we are retraining new people, it is as if such a constant process, and the efficiency will increase, but i am almost sure that it has already almost reached some kind of peak, if we are talking about the technological process that we have now, but fortunately ... we are not standing still, we are now making big changes in the drone itself, and these changes in the drone will entail changes in the technological process of production, that is, if we add homing, it will increase the production time of the drone, but it will also increase its efficiency, and conditionally the drones that we will to do there in a few months will be radically different from the drones we did a few months ago, so if we are talking about custom. the kind that
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is assembled at many factories in china, in russia, and in ukraine, then, i think, in our country one of the highest efficiencies, because simply, well, because of the digitalization of the process and because of the training, as it were, not of personnel, but as it is in private companies, or rather, of people, because of the importance of employees and motivation, and here we literally have a moment, can you... add a little detail to the capabilities of this homing drone, it means that in fact the enemy's means are powerless against your model, yes it is, that's actually i'm here very briefly from what we have in our plans , we have plans in next month to fully switch to all drones with homing, i think it will be such a big change on the front, it will also be daytime homing from different companies, not only ours, it will be our night homing, i hope ... it will also be introduced not
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only on our drones, but the main thing is that this is the key to the autonomy of the battlefield, that is, our main goal is that there is not a single person of ours within 10 km. from the side on the battlefield, well , it is clear that there will be no one left from their side either, and for this there is a key, yes, oleksiy, thank you very much, thank you very much for what you are doing for our country, let me remind you that this is oleksiy babenko, the founder and head of the vyri dron company, which supplies modern drones for the armed forces of ukraine, these were the main military results of this day, the broadcast will continue vasyl zima. thank you very much to serhii zgurets, thank you to his guest, we continue a lot of interesting and important information ahead of you, i expect, of course, money during the war with oleksandr murchevka, current, urgent topics of tariffs, the government allegedly says that they
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now they are not talking about raising taxes, at least they are not talking about it, supposedly, but how much will the tariffs increase, will it help to prepare effectively for the winter, what kind of winter will it be, and will we really not be able to... pull out another two years after those capacities, which were lost as a result of enemy attacks specifically on electricity generation, first of all the situation is very difficult, and with taxes, the situation is also very difficult, and we are also waiting for the speech of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, after he took part in the celebrations dedicated 80 - on the 80th anniversary of the landing of allied troops in normandy during world war ii , the president meets with the president of france. with his colleague emmanuel macron, and after that there should be a press conference in the yelets palace, we will definitely show it live, we will give you the opportunity to hear the speech of volodymyr zelenskyi, and now we will talk about what is happening inside ukraine, we will talk about kharkiv oblast , we are in touch with bohdan tkachuk,
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deputy of the kharkiv city council, mr. bohdan, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i first of all i will ask everything about the security situation, at least for the last day, so precisely in... enemy attacks on kharkiv, kharkiv region, how did this day, night, day pass, please, well, for almost a week the city of kharkiv itself was not fired upon, there was an attempt to attack the shaheds, well rockets were flying all over ukraine that night, you know that, and the shaheds tried to break through, but the city of kharkiv itself was not damaged, that is, there were no reports of shootings, or damage to houses, or dead and injured, that's... almost week kharkiv recovers from that month, when terikhov counted 76 strikes in one month, we struck kharkov with rockets, shahedes, lancets, including all the nomenclature with which the russian invaders could reach our city, well
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, that's why i can say so briefly, every day the city it is coming to life a little, there are more cars on the roads. there is no one, but there is already heavy traffic, things that were destroyed are being restored, people, supermarkets, shops, all this, you know, literally came to life a little in a week, because the month before that was difficult, many people left, people so were once again afraid to go out somewhere and, let's say, tried more to be somewhere closer to shelters or not to leave the houses at all, well, that was the tendency, but... now it has become a little easier, and for that , of course, thanks to our armed forces, as well as to the first turn so and so to the authorities of the united states for the permission they did not give to hit russian facilities in the belgorod region. well, we all saw
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the russian s-300 system burned by a precise hit from the missile launcher that was launched, there was also an s-400 in fact, the ballistics of this one that flew over kharkov burned very well, very much. it was a good blow, it is a consequence of the fact that when you can hit with high-precision weapons with a high level of destructive power, it immediately somehow becomes calmer in kharkiv, but in any case, kharkiv continues to be effectively on the front line and for a long time kharkiv has been under constant shelling , infrastructural facilities suffer, some private, some state, but citizens' housing also suffers, as it is now summer, but... all the same, it is necessary to rebuild and repair what is possible. it increased by 50% applications in the kharkiv region for the program are reinstated, does it work? i know that you are directly engaged in housing, you know, you see, at least in some example and you have access to
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information somewhere, and what about others, here are these applications, they get feedback, money comes in, or somehow it works differently, please , well, a difficult situation, i will tell you this, 20... the third year, 22nd, 23rd year, when this program appeared, there is restoration, as well as certificates for destroyed housing, they began to be issued, and i reported constantly our e. alesini lips, the head of the military administration, about the amount issued, about what is being done, after that there was silence. as far as i understand, money has stopped being transferred on this program, maybe it is being restored now, i don’t have any information for sure, but the situation was that this program slowed down, maybe somewhere it didn’t work, but not as massively as it was there in the 23rd-22nd year, then... a year ago, what else can be added, its city programs, let's say,
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we had programs from the city of kharkiv for restoration, for example, in my house there literally a week later they came, took measurements from the broken windows there, and the city council got involved, inserted those windows, doors, everything that was broken, what was the application, it was restored, funds were allocated, but this spring it became difficult, i state this fact and that's why the application has been lying around since january and still no one has come, the windows there are broken, the last explosion in my house was not replaced, this is already a practical example, that's why it slowed down here, i understand that there is not enough money, i understand that the number increased shelling, especially the last month or a half, and many places were injured, many were broken, and well, the lack of funding is the first, let's say, the first reason, but how will it be... we'll see there, the president promises various renewal programs there, and we are in the city council
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we are thinking about how it can be done there, i submitted some projects, applications there, we are now dealing with these issues, is it possible to prepare for winter there or something else, we had some co-financing programs with the city, update them and review them, that is, the work is going on, but that’s all i feel it anyway lack of funds at least this spring-winter spring, that is, the program is really working now. there are problems in the budget, we have a gap between needs and revenues that could cover these needs was 200 billion, and we said about a month ago, well, these are huge amounts, hryvnias, i mean, of course, 200 billion, that these are huge sums that are lacking, then obviously there is a lack for these needs as well, but in addition to housing restoration, in addition to the fact that it is good that people are applying, maybe someone has funds now. restore or spend somewhere this time, but again there are many people, the situations are different, there are very difficult
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situations, but with regard to all utilities, networks that provide electricity, heat, water, pumps that pump, and sewage treatment, everything that should ensure the life of the city, without saying any details, because the enemy always wants to hear what is not working, or what can still be done, so we will not usually tell anyone anything, but... the question is how much work is going on here, fixing what needs to be fixed , they are restoring somewhere, well, so that the city lives, this most importantly, in this situation the city must function, because a living city is a bone in the enemy's throat, a city that ceases to pulsate with life is of course a completely different situation, unfortunately, please, i can state a fact that has not changed in the last two years, that in the city of kharkiv is supplied with hot water, cold water is supplied, i.e. heating, will this be enough for heating in the winter, of course not, because our mains are broken, and as for
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electricity, it is of course difficult, we have lost all the power of energy production energy industry, let's say in the city of kharkiv, and therefore everything that we use now comes to us from other regions of ukraine, and this is also a problem, and the city is also dealing with this, and not only it, but i won't say it here. how, what else can be added? yes, well, all structures are working, the subway is working, transport is working, yes, various social services, all this is there, the maximum range of services is provided for e- citizens in kharkiv, the problem is such that it can be voiced, it is a common problem of entrepreneurs, because taxes are high , and insurance, say, er, companies do not issue insurance for such. cases, if there is an impression of a missile with something else, they think, well, this is not covered, so this is a very serious point,
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loans, no, because we are a front-line zone here and entrepreneurs cannot get loans, as , say, in central ukraine or in kyiv , that's why, let's say, discrimination for business and against this background the desire for him to stay here, to recover, to do something else there, well, it really sucks, on the other hand, here we see our printing house, yes printing house, broken, and now they say they will the owners there are helping to restore it, where the president used to come, and everything else, it's very good, but still, we not only have a printing house, we have... and others, we have a meat processing plant there, which was demolished, yes there meat, it's called, and they burned the shunt, there are other enterprises that suffered, and in such conditions it is extremely difficult to revive it all, well, there are proposals in the verkhovna rada, there will have to be, the deputies announced the other day, well, this is what we conveyed to them, we had a meeting here, deputies of the verkhovna rada came, we told them, well, raise the issue, there is
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sumy, kharkiv region, donetsk region, is it possible to simplify some taxes in these regions so that somehow... business survives, it is difficult for us here, our own state, our banks are pressing as much as possible, let's say so, and really the issue of business survival is key, and i understand that people in power are beginning to understand this, that without budget funding it is very difficult to finance the army and continue the war only with the help of our partners, very briefly, if possible, i know that this problem exists in many smaller cities, when soldiers return from the front, contused, wounded. traumatized and somewhere there is some kind of municipal help, maybe it exists, financial, somewhere some kind of rehabilitation, maybe with job placement, well, at least there is a program where you can come, contact the officials, they will advise you, prompt you, or just give you some kind of one-time help, in kharkiv something like that works, of course it works, the city hall has programs, our mayor
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deals with it directly, commissions deal with it, utility companies, everything that can be provided is helping children dead soldiers, this is aid to the military, there is also recovery , funds are allocated for this, the last literal session was there and this issue was also raised there, no one said that we do not have money or anything else, but they asked for summer camps there for the injured children of our servicemen there, funds will be allocated for this, there is never a question at all, we will always find something for our servicemen, the city will do everything it can here... well, definitely. thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments. bohdan tkachuk, a member of the kharkiv city council, was in touch with us. let's continue talking about money and taxes. the hour of questions to the government in the verkhovna rada of ukraine took place, certain statements were made and answers to questions were received by the deputies. oleksiy
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goncharenko should join the conversation. we are waiting for the moment when it will appear on the air. i can already see mr. oleksiy. and you are now. also to see, and i congratulate you, mr. oleksiy, oleksiy goncherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, well, i want to, good evening, good evening, i want to ask about this statement, well, for several days we have been discussing tax increases, because this topic has been raised, tax increases in certain areas, in certain sectors, certain types of taxes, then for fops, and well, everyone understands everything on the one hand, but it is necessary to understand how to live with it, how to work with it. well, the prime minister of ukraine says that the government is not currently discussing the issue of raising taxes. please tell me the real situation, if there is an increase, how much, whether it is necessary, whether the business will survive, and what kind here communication takes place with the government in order to understand the real state of affairs in the country and with the economy, and with needs and with opportunities, most importantly? i doubt our government understands the real state of affairs given the
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actions they are taking. you say, the government says, we do not plan to increase taxes, who has submitted to the verkhovna rada a bill on increasing excise duties on fuel, for example, what is essential is excise duty on fuel, it is the price of everything, so if today gasoline and diesel, liquefied gas, gas will rise in price, and there each liter for a few hryvnias, what the government proposed, they managed to defeat their version there, but they still dragged it out. one of the options is still being prepared for the second reading, then the same will be reflected in everything in the country, these are taxes, and this will be another blow to the economy, look at what is happening with the electricity supply, this is not only huge inconvenience and problems for ordinary people citizens, this is a disaster for business,
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a person wrote to me literally half an hour ago, i don't know if he is writing, but i have a small company that i work for, six people, but with this we, we are not able to work anymore, well, that's all, because when we start some equipment there, we can't start it, work on generators, we are not able, even with this fuel price, it becomes absolutely unprofitable, well, there are many of them in the country, so i don't understand at all what kind of tax increase we can talk about today, it will simply kill, destroy jobs completely, it will ultimately lead to not... not to an increase in revenues to the budget, and to a decrease in them, that is why i am categorically against this, of our government there is no economic policy, for any question that... you ask, well, you bring us, let's increase excise taxes on fuel, and this is calculated, well, tell us how inflation will change, like this, nothing is calculated, well, we we believe that this
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is how it will go, well, if, well, you know, you want to train on cats, well, what are you doing, here and everything is breathing smoothly, our entire economy and our entire business, so, well, i absolutely do not understand what our power? here, you know, the key question is, well, what is the reason, i don't know, it's like, you know, you can talk about it for a long time to talk, yes, now many people are mobilizing it, yes, the army needs troops, the people’s deputy stated yesterday that the number of people who can be mobilized in 2024 is no longer 500 thousand, as president volodymyr zelenskyi said earlier, this it was about 120,000, as i understand it, that is... all those who were mobilized during the year, because the mobilization did not start yesterday and not after the adoption of the law, people were also mobilized before that, that is, it is difficult here, it is a question of what there is an understanding of how much you can pay,
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and again, the key reason is that now there are significant gaps in the economy with receipts and expenses, and problems with electricity, problems with the fact that tariffs will be increased and again the issue of taxes, i think that the government is all about it one thing will come back, what is wrong, whether it is a set of problems, whether it is unprofessionalism, unpreparedness, lack of understanding of what can happen, what can happen, please, it is obvious that increased mobilization also affects the economy, because people are taken away from the real sector, and directly to the front line that concerns this number is 120,000 people, you know, i don't understand at all sometimes these statements , initially 500 thousand people, why 500, how was it calculated? and who knows in advance what will happen, well, they are now saying 120, but why 120?
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well, these are all just some numbers taken from the ceiling, and actually that's all i can say and confirm, the mobilization has already increased, and due to limitations, i can't name specific numbers, but the mobilization in may will already be significantly greater. will not be, there is already significantly more than it was in april, we will see what will happen in june, and it is obvious that it will also have economic implications, in terms of miscalculation, miscalculation, like i said, absolutely nothing, i just want us all to understand that the totality, you know, for the economy right now, for any business, it's kind of just a perfect storm, as they say , that is, there are significantly fewer people to work for. it is more difficult to find people because of the electricity disaster, which means that they want to raise fuel prices even more,
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they want to increase taxes, the security forces have absolutely not reduced their appetites, and it feels like the last day, well, ask anyone a businessman, well, they just storm everyone, make rackets and so on, well, i don't know, well, it has to be. well, really, some incredible economic hercules to withstand all this, what kind of heracles, god forbid, there will be, but many will simply close now and everything, and stop their work, which means people lose jobs, people lose salaries, how to exist , people will again look for an opportunity to leave the country, because if there is no work, then we lose people, and this will also affect the taxes from which we actually finance this army, so i i don’t want to... now i’m just going to push this one too, because the numbers are needed, i’m just appealing to our government time and time again with the fact that we need to sit down and calculate all this, and for every time
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they propose something, well there is no calculation, everything is kind of broken, here we stimulate industrial parks, and here we are there, well, we make the decisions that i said about, and who is in these industrial parks, what is the point of stimulating them, if there is no one there about... energy will be at such a price that no business there will extract, i.e it will be absolutely some vectors in different directions that go, well, actually, as far as i understand, it should give a short-term effect, first of all, for the front in the sense of strengthening people, i hope , people more or less professional, trained and physically fit for performance of certain tasks, people will perform the tasks to which they are capable of performing, again with efficiency for the front. in any case, any mobilization is primarily aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the front and in achieving the tasks that are currently it will be a difficult summer, the military is talking about it, syrsky is talking about it with his head, there is no
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secret here, the enemy is also... accumulating forces, but this short-term effect, do you think it will last until autumn or longer, well, there must be a plan here b, in any case there should be a plan b, is there now an opportunity for the deputies to demand at least the development of this plan b, let it be in the profile committees, let it be somehow, because the time will come when we will have to pay, vasyl, vasyl, what are we talking about, and when the verkhovna rada on tuesday for my from my initiative voted to summon the minister of internal affairs to the verkhovna rada. limenka, there were specific questions, questions about the mobilization of the state emergency service, an absolutely crazy decision, what will we do without rescuers and firefighters, i cannot understand at all, that is why i am categorically against it, i registered a bill that could fix it, well, as part of it, so there is a question to ask the minister of internal affairs about this, and there was another question, our national guard suddenly decided that they will not release from military service those who
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was captured in their case. although the verkhovna rada clearly voted for such a law, the national guard decided to themselves that somehow they would be only those who are now being exchanged, those who were not previously, well, this is also a completely strange story, well, one of these questions, after this one i brought it up to the national guardsmen there, it was already resolved, they realized that it would not be possible to do it like this, so they looked it over, it means there was some kind of mistake, they say, well , fine. and according to the emergency department, nothing happened, so i am why, klimenko never came to the verkhovna rada, today he appeared only for the approval of the verkhovna rada, and this is a very narrow circle of communication, and we did not hear public answers to these questions, this is about what and what the verkhovna rada plan b, the plan, when we call an official, they don't even come, the leader has been there for several weeks or several months, i don't remember, we wait, that is, the verkhovna rada has lost
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all subjectivity, so even if... . someone has a plan b, they will definitely not tell us about it, but my feeling is that there is none there wouldn't be a plan, and that's a problem, a state can't exist like that, but in principle, that's what kuleba said there, he said it publicly, we don't have a plan, he says, and it's like a type, well, some type, type, we are proud of it , although this is madness, despite all the nuances that are always present in any big case, just like the matter of mobilization, the matter of war always has nuances, it does not happen here, but when i book... some enterprises, organizations that, in principle, have no have nothing to do with critical things, at the same time we know what the emergency services are, they are our heroes who save people, who risk their lives, who come to the places of shelling, coming under repeated shelling very often, but they come to save people, because they cannot but save them, and them, if they are missing, and well, i will very briefly literally for a minute, but for in less than a week the global peace summit will start
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in... bingsht in switzerland, will you go there, do you have such an opportunity and which of the deputies can go there and what to expect? speaker stihanchuk was not asked this question, he said that the people's participation is not planned deputies the deputy of ukraine for european solidarity was in touch with us, and we also expect, we hope, that this will happen in the near future at the statement of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, whether the communication with the press guest is obvious, whether it will be a briefing in paris, he had a conversation with the president macron, so as soon as the president leaves, we will immediately give you the opportunity to hear him. well, news in a moment. good evening, we are from ukraine. in sumy oblast , evacuation continues in bilopilla. rescuers help residents to leave for more safe places, this was reported in the state emergency service. first of all, less mobile people and families are evacuated.


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