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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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france promises to provide kiev with mirage fighters. how ukraine expects the promised f-16 from other countries. so how will western fighter jets change warfare? the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast live from london are about this. jafer umerov works in the studio. so france will provide mirage fighters to ukraine. this was announced by the country's president, emmanuel macron, in an interview with the french media. they will allow ukraine to protect its territory and airspace - said the french leader. but what?
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it's for fighters. mirage 2000 is a multipurpose supersonic fighter and on it has been in service with the french army since the 1980s. and its design is similar to the f-16, and the version that kyiv is getting is the mirage 2005. these fighters also have a great potential for using bomb and missile weapons, and besides that, they can fight in the air. so, how many such planes... will be transferred to ukraine is unknown. macron said that ukrainian pilots will be able to learn to fly mirages in france by the end of the year. and we talk more about it with andrii haruk, a professor at the national academy of ground forces. hello andrei, what is the difference between mirages and f-16, which aircraft should be a priority for ukraine in the conditions of the war that russia is currently waging. good evening, glory to ukraine. er, the difference is that
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the mirage 2000 in the configuration that we are offered is now the mirage 2 def5, it is an aircraft that is more focused on air combat, unlike the f-16, which is really multifunctional by plane, the mirage 2005 actually, but in this particular modification, it is first of all an air combat fighter, although... although yes, it has the ability to launch strikes on ground purposes, but in the same air force of france it is used precisely as an aircraft to combat enemy aircraft, how will they interact with the f-16, here is a good example of the republic of china, its air force uses the f-16 and uses the mirage 2000 hyphen -5, which were purchased in the 90s in france.
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due to the fact that the us administration did not want to sell too much, pardon the vulgarity of the tricked-out variants of the f-16, they sold the republic of china fairly simple f-16s, and here are these 2000 hyphen5 mirages, they successfully supplemented these simple f-16s and in the air defense system of the republic of china, as of 2005, they are used. as a long -range tool, while the f-16 is a short-range one, mirage 2005 they have good air-to-air missiles (mika) in two variants with radar and infrared homing heads, er, and actually have such a rather interesting reputation, the truth is not this version, but a slightly older one, mirage 2000, it is like the only plane in history. which managed to shoot down
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the f-16. and macron also announced that they would train the ukrainian military for transfers to the mirage, how long can pilots be trained, and hypothetically, if a pilot who knows how to fly an f-16, can he immediately transfer to the mirage? you see, our pilots are in the fr'. have been training for quite a long time, there were reports about this, they are training on alphajet training and combat aircraft, it is possible that somewhere they made familiarization flights on mirages, i don’t think that retraining on this model will be too serious a step compared to offering on the f-16, but we must...
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understand one nuance here, which most likely on mirage pilots will be retrained, not those who have already passed f-16 training, because there are none. there are so many and it doesn't make much sense to me to send them to a retraining course for another type of aircraft, it must obviously be some new wave of pilots who will be sent for training to western europe actually to master these 2000 networks, well, these are my assumptions about how things will actually turn out is a question, and as far as i am concerned, from the messages that are now... passing, our main problem will still not the number of planes, and the number of pilots ready for their use, because after all , there should be at least 1.3 tons of ready pilots for each plane, that is, roughly
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speaking, at least 16-18 pilots are needed for a squadron of 12 planes, why ? because after all, a pilot is not iron, he has... he has the ability to get sick, he has the ability to get tired, and in this regard, the plane, well, with proper maintenance, it can serve almost 24 hours a day, so you need to have more than one pilot for each plane , so once again i emphasize that the question of retraining our pilots who have mastered the f-16 on the 2000 2 network will not stand in my opinion, we now have about half a minute left for a conversation. how to maintain these planes? well, according to the procedures adopted in france, adopted in nato, from the point of view of the logic of maintenance, they are much simpler than the soviet ones, why? because they're aimed at
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the most uh-uh simple maintenance in terms of what happens at the airfield, that's usually there. everything happens by replacing blocks, right? yes, france still said that she would help with additional details. thank you, but this, this, this is another article, because there are a certain number of decommissioned aircraft that can be cannibalized, including the same networks of 2000 and earlier modifications. thank you, mr. andriy, andriy kharuk, military historian, professor of the national academy of ground forces, was also in touch with us. thanks for finding it. for our time so, in addition to mirages, ukraine also expects f-16 fighters. earlier it was said that kyiv could receive the first such planes in the summer of this year. western media wrote that the delay in the transfer of fighters may be related to the training of ukrainian
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pilots, but how many f-16 aircraft can ukraine receive? denmark, the netherlands, norway and belgium have pledged to send several dozen fighter jets from 45 to 60 to ukraine. but how can f-16s affect the situation at the front and the main question is what kind of weapons they will be armed with, defense express agency expert ivan kyrychevsky continues: we are talking about weapons that, in any form, in any format, should strengthen our capabilities in war in in the air, even if they give us in the 16th, well, with the simplest set of airborne weapons, that is , we have missiles in the im10b version, which can be fired from an aircraft at... 50 km from the anasam complex at 20 km, well, there , for example, control of an aerial bomb, well , in fact, this will be quite enough to, firstly, more effectively bomb the russians at the front than it is now, well, and secondly, that even in this, even the most pessimistic, simplified version, f16 on
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to raise the efficiency of subsonic interception by at least a few percent, i will emphasize subsonic cruise missiles and rockets can, or supersonic cruise missiles and ballistics are not. what in the world cannot be beaten, a more optimistic option is that we will be given not only the old air-to-air missiles 120b, but also new and newer ones there, for example, which are there at all, for example, the aim 120c8, the most long-range that can be there for 160 km, it’s just that the range of air combat is 160 km, this is, in theory, what allows at least to shoot down these russian carriers with scabbards, well, planes, well, or even possibly their escort in the form of su-35, but simply it must be understood that f16 appears. we are there, for example, paving the way to the crimea, not like that, it ’s much easier here, we just need the f16 to improve our air war effectiveness, let’s say, they at least have a larger glider resource, newer ones than those soviet planes, the pilots are fighting , the effectiveness of f-16 aircraft at the front
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also depends on the type of aircraft, each country has different machines, but what is the difference and which f-16 can ukraine get, says bbc viewer pavlo aksyonov. when they say f-16, it is necessary to understand that this may be an aircraft released in 1979, or maybe in 22-23. and these will be completely different planes. it's like a car of the same brand. which have been produced for many decades, we cannot compare them. it can be assumed that ukraine will receive not only single-seater, but also two-seater planes, because they learn to fly on them, and this will mean that ukrainian pilots will be able to use high-precision weapons. in particular, it is likely that such aircraft can use maverik guided missiles or some other systems for which, too specifying goals and additional preparation before launch is required. in a two-seater aircraft, the second crew member sits in the rear cockpit. this is not a co-pilot, he does not fly a fighter, he maintains guided high-precision weapons, monitors the situation and
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thus relieves the pilot, freeing him from these functions. the two-seater has its drawbacks, because the second crew member needs to communicate with the pilot. he tells him what 's going on around him, and it's somewhat delayed. when the pilot is alone in the air, he looks at the radar screen and makes decisions much faster. one of the limitations is the own radar, which has had its electronic stuffing greatly updated as part of the modernization preparations. have improved the functionality, but still the f-16 radar of the 80s is far inferior to those radars that are installed on 200-2010 aircraft. all this is very important, but equally important is the skill of the pilots, the training of the staffs, how the operational management of air combat will be carried out professionally. that is why it cannot be said that some old planes are being transferred to ukraine, just as it cannot be said that ukraine is being transferred some extremely efficient aircraft. weapons are handed over to ukraine. so, in addition to the planes themselves, a lot depends on the weapons that will be transferred along with them. however, the bbc's
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security correspondent jonathan beale believes that no single weapon can completely change the course of a war. ukraine has been at an air force disadvantage since the beginning of the war, and has been asking for f-16s, modern western fighter jets, from almost the first day of the war. she has been waiting for a very long time. therefore, it is important that ukraine. will at least get something, how soon will it happen? i think that ukraine will get the first ones fighters are coming very soon, but getting all 70-80 f-16s will take some time. the important question is what kind of weapons they will have, if you look at the war now, russia is using its air superiority by using guided bombs. this is a big threat on the front now, these are bombs that are launched in russian airspace in 40-50. from the targets in ukraine, these are terrible and powerful weapons, they use them in kharkiv, in
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the kharkiv offensive, i saw them there, they inspire great fear, they are terrible. if in you have f-16s with medium -range air-to-air missiles, then it could neutralize that threat if there is permission to shoot down russian planes in russian airspace. so the reservations that the western countries had and about which now... we have a shift, they are important in the context of the f-16, what weapons will be given to ukraine for these f-16s and how many of them there will be. with all the weapons provided by the west, the phrase gamechanger, a miraculous tool that will change the course of war, must be avoided. no weapon can decide the course of war. the only such weapons were patriot air defense systems - this purely defensive weapons, which ukraine demanded more and more, but none of the offensive weapons that ukraine received... the dynamics of the conflict, ukraine in the air had a serious backlog, and here f-16s will help. but i
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think there is no need to rush, hoping for the arrival of the f-16 and that they will immediately give ukraine air superiority, it will not happen, and remember that they will not all arrive at the same time, they will come gradually, they will change the situation, but they will not bring ukraine a sudden victory. so france will provide ukraine with modernized fighters mirage 2005. this was said by the country's president, emmanuel macron. he added that ukrainian pilots will be able to undergo training in france to transfer to the mirage by the end of this year. the exact number of planes that will be transferred to kyiv. he has not named yet. and besides, macron promised to train ukrainian soldiers, subscribe to our pages in social networks so as not to miss the most important news. we are on facebook. on instagram and tiktok, on youtube you can watch our episode if you missed it on the air. so, that's it
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today, we are on the air on monday, take care. congratulations, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel. in this issue we will talk about the following. do not let nazism return. in paris, zelensky called on the french to help ukraine in a war that is of existential importance for europe. will the world unite against putin? stupid like this table. a furious putin has scorned those who warn of a possible
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russian attack on nato, as he has already done with ukraine. who will believe kremlin. threats for the presidential rating, the level of trust in zelensky continues to decrease, does the political project of the president - the servant of the people have any prospects? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes in our studio, i want to remind you that we work not only live on the espress tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us there live. please. vote in our poll today: are you ready for long blackouts? yes, no, on youtube is quite simple, if you watch us on tv or on other media, you can call the phones if you are ready for long blackouts 0800 211 381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers
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are free, vote at the end of the program. we are recording the results of this vote, today, like every friday, we have a traditional journalism club, i want to introduce today's guests, this is larisa voloshina, journalist, political psychologist, mrs. larisa, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, and we have yet to join marina danylyuk yarmolayeva, journalist, political commentator, media consultant, and author and host of two youtube channels censornet and showbiz, obviously this will happen a little. later, so what happened in france today, today, er, president zelenskyi, after participating in the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the allied landings in normandy, spoke before the french national assembly, and he stated that nazism
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is returning to europe again, and for russia it became a new cult. let's listen to what... the president of ukraine said when europe again is trying to reshape by force and they say that these or other peoples allegedly do not deserve independent existence, all this is directed against ukraine today, but in order to be directed against others tomorrow, you can even see the order of things, how can it go further... aggression , the baltics, poland, the balkans, and beyond, this russian regime does not recognize borders, even europe is not enough for it, it has already destroyed syria and chaotic the sahel, it invests in terror and undermines life where it can reach where it does not meet
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resistance, larisa , well, zelenskyi... basically says what we all feel about nazism and about the fact that this nazism is a new cult for russia and that this nazism is returning to europe, do the europeans hear zelensky? i think, hardly, because it is precisely this kind of tangentiality to russia as something cultural, as something so pivotal and fundamental for other wild peoples that works here, for good reason. when a russian was arrested in france, in fact, a person with a russian passport who planned a terrorist attack on the olympics, but they say he is a chechen, we saw how many western media and politicians, when explaining the conflict, said that they are not russians, that is, it is culture,
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here they are wild people, and russia is actually trying, without saying it, to make you think that it is the only one who can restrain this asian game, and to save europe, that is , it's not us, we say, it's us, it's us who do it, look at what russia is doing from the point of view of psychology, it's what freud called the psychosis of small differences, russia is actually imitating us in all to their propaganda, an ancient nation, they are not like that, some nobility even. where a soldier will not offend a child, then this is our soldier, where they do not surrender or take honor, these are our soldiers, not theirs, and they talk about themselves as if they are us, as if... they are that movement, and in principle, freud said that precisely where one nation claims heritage, the cultural heritage of another nation, it is similar to
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psychosis, where for a sick person you have to kill the one you imitate, because as long as he is there, your imitation is obvious, and that's it what they are doing, that is why we say that their conflict with us is existential, it is about removing us... from the then kyiv, matyhorodov, russian, everything turned out for them, and they then, what is the essence of our death for europe, why is it dangerous, not even because the russians will go in columns, maybe they will go, maybe not, the problem is that they are finally in their heads will have the absolute right to destroy the world, to destroy that europe, as a carrier of some values ​​hostile to russia, that's the point, as long as we are, they... are not completely subjective in their own way in their criminality, these days there are a lot of analogies , make analogies
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1944, june 6, landing of allies in normandy, the anti-hitler coalition, people jointly help the soviet union and the allies to fight fascism, not only german, but also fascism in general. did you expect that at this, at this, at this meeting in normandy, at least it will be heard, listen, well, it is very similar to what happened 80 years ago, and we need to create a coalition that will set itself the goal is to kill modern fascism, even if they are afraid to call fascism there racism or russian nazism, or did you expect that, what is the point of these analogies eh... at least it will be heard, it is not really, and i am very impressed by the fact that the ukrainian president was invited to this meeting, because what they explain
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are the same french, we traditionally have representatives of the anti-hitler coalition, that is, the soviet union, then russia as the successor, but when we say , that where there is liberation, where there is a personification with something bright that defeated evil, there now appeared in... at this place, the question is not that we were recognized as the legal successor of the soviet union or that russia was replaced by us, no, we have been recognized as capable of protecting to sacrifice oneself for the sake of humanity, and not those who, in principle, just stir things up, that is, it is a very interesting story when hitler is now compared to putin with hitler, and that’s it, well, when they say the new nazism, then in principle putin is equal to hitler, we understand , that another half step and they will see stalin, sisimpi, sisimpin, it's wonderful, it's absolutely wonderful, we see that this kind of repetition is going on, and for many countries
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like france, it was a great shame for them, when, under at the time of the signing of this capitulation to hitler, there was a question french people, we also lost to you, well, they say , with contempt, like you, although we understand that france was ambiguous. in the whole war, and now it is very important for the french, because what macron is doing, he is correcting historical mistakes, well, this is how he positions it, they started calling hitler, putin hitler, and they finally recognized ukraine as an important country historically for the existence of europe and european values, well, by the way, hitler also tried to correct the historical mistakes of the first world war and to wash away this shame, which he believed the germans had. but in this situation, it is good that there were no russians at these anniversary events, although, well , it is clear that russia aspires to be the rightful successor of the soviet union, but
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no less ukrainians died and no less than four ukrainian fronts, yes two belarusian, none russian, so and this is what the french are talking about, now i am following what they are saying, they are talking about exactly this everywhere, ukraine, four ukrainian fronts, ukraine has more right to be here on... and maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva joins the conversation. marina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with me today by us greetings, colleagues, glad to see you. i hope that you are with the light and everything, everything is fine, you have a connection, and i hope, let's knock on the table, and that everything will be fine during this broadcast. we are talking about today's speeches of zelensky in the french parliament, about how he called on the europeans to fight, the french, rather. work to fight against nazism, which , according to him, is returning to europe again, or do europeans, in your opinion, listen
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to ukraine and... in particular, and if we draw analogies that we somehow hear throughout the last two days, in what period is europe now in relation to ukraine? as you may have noticed, emmanuel macron, he used these 80th anniversary celebrations of the allied landings in normandy and the liberation of france to his advantage, and you know, when i was watching this live. beach itself, i had the impression that it was not once the allied forces united there liberated france, on the contrary. france is a super cool state, for which it was still worth fighting, and therefore all the allies decided to direct their forces to liberate france. it looked very beautiful against the background of how emmanuel macron was demonstrating the power of his own defense industry, and there were planes flying by in the background,
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all this showed, well, this is ... advertising of the military-industrial complex for the whole world, so here i can say that emmanuel macron worked out his theme of advertising france by 100%, and what is very important, you know, just recently i found a video, cut out a piece of how emmanuel macron thanked the brave ukrainian people, at such celebrations, from the words of the french a president who claims leadership in europe, who is now in his... uh, his second presidency to strengthen france's status in the european union, it sounded very good. it seems to me that at a certain stage there, mr. president did not really understand that it was not specifically about him, but about the ukrainian people, but, even more so, i was pleasantly surprised by this statement, plus macron made such a nod towards the russian federation, he is there said that there are certain countries that also want to change the borders, that is
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, it was also a message to the russian federation, i can say that zelensky's speech before the french parliamentarians was quite coordinated, he continued the topic that emmanuel macron started, so i have no complaints about the speech, but you know what i noticed when they showed a close- up of the various delegations, i would like our ukrainian delegation to be in nice suits too, and not in these olive-colored fleeces, which are already a little boring, plus... let's be honest, this is still a historical event of 80 years since the allied landings troops to the shores of normandy, and even i noticed there, veterans who were already 100 plus years old from different countries were sitting in the first rows, and even all the grandparents were in nice suits, yes, civilian or in uniform, so i would like the ukrainian the delegation also somehow dressed more elegantly for such
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celebrations. here, marina, you mentioned that zelensky’s speech in the national assembly of france was met with applause, i absolutely agree with you that the french applauded the brave ukrainian people, because the ukrainian people are waging this bloody war and an unjust war against ukraine, and literally these days a sociology appeared regarding the trust, by the way, of zelenskyi, of ukrainians. to president zelensky, according to the survey results of the kyiv international institute of sociology, the level of trust in president zelensky has been gradually decreasing since may 22, here we see this diagram, and as of may 24, the majority of respondents still trust the head of state, who on this, on this schedule, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian
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federation, there is trust in zelensky. constituted 90%, last december 77, in february 64, and now it is 59%, this is still a high level of trust, larisa, almost 60%, does this mean that zelensky was and remains, well, a leader, despite everything a political leader of the state, whether it is affected by the war, whether it is... the level of trust in zelenskyi as a person who does the right things in ukraine. i think that this is still the effect of war, this, this is obvious, when a person is in danger, which he cannot cope with alone, he needs to trust someone, so a person needs to trust a doctor, because he this, while she is still more or less healthy, she can judge on the internet and look for
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diseases in herself, and when she receives a death... diagnosis, she simply trusts and that's all.


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