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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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chen of russian air defense and radar systems, i am correct, i would also like to add that if we see on the map and our viewers saw on the map where this cape is located, that is, it is already the sea of ​​azov, it is not the western part of crimea, it is already the eastern part of crimea , close to kerch, and in fact, well, this is the territory that is inside the occupied territory, that is, in order to hit these radar stations... with sea drones, well, it was necessary to pass the kerch strait with this sea drone, or launch them in some way from occupied territories, this is an extremely complex operation, mr. pavle, and we see these systematic defeats, and now in the sea of ​​azov, does this mean that we can also hit targets directly on the territory of the russian federation, in fact, why not, we.. . we have regularly, cotton
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makes a noise not only there in belgorod region, in bashkiria, in the urals, but also rostov and krasnodar, and tuapse, taman, are marked by such beautiful, i would say, fireworks and bonfires, which also indicate that the fuel of lubricants . russian invaders in crimea will not receive in the near future that their ammunition warehouses are also being emptied in such an unconventional way, so the enemy's logistics are destroyed, not only the burning of crimean cities, this is the key to ensuring the enemy's occupation group in crimea, this is the kerch ferry crossing, this... and
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ships, amphibious ships and transport vessels of the black sea fleet, with which the enemy is trying to supply ammunition, fuel, etc. to the occupied crimea, there is a whole complex of objects that simply need to be neutralized, well, this is already such a safari, by the player, yes, and yesterday, mr. pavle, it became known that... the gurmo of ukraine destroyed a russian tugboat in the crimean-tatar lake pangolya, yes, gentlemen, and here the more interesting thing is not that the tugboat was destroyed, because it is quite average, and , and the fact that ukrainian naval drones have already overcome these russian ban barriers, which we understand are still in novorossian ports and other ports where russia hides its ships, does this mean that... that is, these russian ban barriers have already
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do not work in any way and our naval drones can get any russian ships in ports akyara or the ports of novorossiysk? well, not quite so, boom barriers are a kind of nets that are placed above the surface of the water, on such buoys, and which hinder surface targets. to move to one or another water area, if you look around sevastopol, for example, it is not only the entrance to the sevastopol bay, but there are also several in the southern bay, in several rows there are barrier barriers, and in it on the northern side, etc., the enemy believes , well, traditionally , such a protection system is the most optimal, well , in combination with ee... anti-sabotage
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with measures, boats, helicopters patrolling the sea, our guys tried to break through these barrier barriers, and really broke through, and to say that 100% success is not true, of course, first of all, in order to break through, well, it as a cumulative strike, someone has, one drone has to break through and sacrifice himself to break through these barriers. the second and the others are already breaking into the closed water area, nevertheless, in the sevastopol bay, remember the regular raids relatively, which had their result, the enemy is trying to improve this system, well, for example, in of the same infamous crimean bridge , barges have already been barricaded, or whatever you want to call them, i.e. instead. these buoys are
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full of old, rusty barges that need to be passed through to hit such a piece of iron. of course, it is also possible, but how long will it sink, that's why - it is obvious that this method of protection can, well, from the point of view of reliability, maybe even better, but you will get a barge somewhere, well, let them collect it, we will destroy everything one after another in a different way, as the enemy invents new, new methods of defense, we invent new methods of defeat and circumventing it, they tried to use helicopters there at the sea crossing to destroy our drones, they began to put anti-aircraft missiles on drones, we put mlrs systems if necessary for remote damage
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to the shore, so we are developing, we will still achieve our goal, well, it is really interesting about the russian system jamming our naval... drones last week they 32 times, this was an unprecedented case of raising aircraft into the sky to destroy our naval drones, and on the other hand we understand that group 13, they always modify our sea ​​babies and so on, but still, as you think, the russians have already come up with such a system of countermeasures against our sea drones, or not, not yet... they don't understand how to counter it, well, they are always coming up with, and this, it's natural, when a new means of defeat appears, they look for ways to counter it, mainly what they do, it's such a pretty classic
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old one, i remember mesh barriers, boom barriers, search and destroy patrols, all at sea, that is this is so... traditional anti-sabotage, anti-sabotage defense, but our drone operators and not only drone operators observe new ways of protecting the enemy and find tactical techniques, bypass them, find ways to break through such enemy defenses, we have already given several examples, and there is not only this, this radio-electronic warfare and complex use of air. and naval drones, so for now in this competition, as the sailors call fire and armor, our fire is winning, and it is obvious that the russians, well, if this is not panic,
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then i do not know what, actually, instead of fulfilling tasks by appointment, the only task remaining for the russian black sea fleet is to preserve itself. well, if we already neutralize the tugboats, then soon there won't be any watercraft at all, only passenger ones, in the occupied crimea. but i would like to say about the article that appeared in the authoritative british edition of the economist, which actually says that ukraine is making crimea like this. through the kerch strait are destroyed and blocked, and with future strikes, we are sure along the kerch bridge, crimea will transform
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simply to the territory where a lot of enemy forces and enemy assets are concentrated, for which this is done, and then ukraine. can do to start some negotiations at this stage to get them out of the peninsula without weapons, for example, or just neutralize this channel of supply of weapons and power to the eastern front, as you see this picture, why are we turning crimea into a trap for the russians, and they they themselves turned it into a soviet-russian one, actually. and not only the pro-russian ones, let’s say, the legend was that who owns the damned crimea and sevastopol, it dominates the black sea, well , it is possible, it was real there somewhere in the 17th,
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maximum 18th century, when there were sailing ships, wind rose, so what, but for our time, when the black sea, it is already there. at such speeds, the distance became a little small, it no longer works, and crimea remained only behind... a threat for a possible fight against ukraine, in the 14th year, before the 14th year, we were the ones who said that if russia crawls to us in the crimea, this is actually the first stage of the conquest of ukraine, but crimea has a weakness, even two, these are isthmuses, this, this the island, in fact, is connected with'. through two such necks, this is the chongari perekop, which,
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if you put a cork in it, then, strictly speaking, it becomes a closed vessel, well, on the other hand, they are now another crossing, this is the kerch transport crossing, the same, the crimean bridge, the same crossing port-crimea-port kavkaz. if you also cut off the logistics for ee in the kerch strait, then, strictly speaking, crimea becomes a suitcase without a handle, on the contrary, it not only helps ee in attacks on the mainland, but also burdens its owner, precisely because of this, the russians already understand that this is an ass. they are sneaking up on them, they are trying to lay a railway right in the
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war zone in the south of ukraine. so, the ukrainian military chose the most optimal way, it is actually such an operation to prepare the combat space, a planning operation, as our partners in the armed forces are called, according to those of the crimean peninsula, what will happen to him with an enemy garrison, with enemy eavesdropping in the crimea, i don’t know, i actually don’t care, well, as history shows, they have the chersonese there, i have i mean not the ancient greek place chersonese, but the city of chersonese, and we are from khersonets in sevastopol, where those fleeing from crimea usually gather. this is uavelcom, well, it’s another
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matter, actually speaking, those who came to the crimea, the invaders, i would advise to use the crimean bridge, return to varkuta and naryanmar, so as not to end up in such a trap, well, when we talk about the de-occupation of crimea, and about the operation... regarding its de-occupation, many experts and even the leader of the crimean tatar people, mustafa dzhemiv, said that the destruction by the russians by the occupiers of kakhovskaya gest, a year ago, this happened, as you know, but, let's say this, unfortunately, contributed in a very bad way to the fact that our offensive stopped in the north, south direction and direction. crimea, is it really so, in your opinion, to what extent did the destruction of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station by the russian
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occupiers affect our offensive in the southern direction and, of course, crimea? well , it's really not a secret anymore, here i put it, i completely agree, in the 23rd year, the armed forces of ukraine planned an offensive from the kherson direction, in the direction of chap'. to kalanchak there to the crimea, it was for the shortest route, and obviously the russians knew about our plans, some kind of mole, these spies, they reported something to them, and so they used such a barbaric way to disrupt our planning, well, it must be understood that not only the liberation of crimea, they failed, they demonstrated that the crimea... in fact, as a place where people should live, where they should live comfortably, they do not
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need people at all, together with the kakhovsky reservoir , they emptied the canal itself into the northern crimea, which in the end provided many decades water for the crimea, made it fertile land and how he would continue with the return of crimea to ukraine. to their work, so what the enemies wanted, well, actually they don't need us or our people, and even i'm not sure that they don't. they need land, but they need such a martian landscape, on which they would sit like a seed dog, and in fact they only need military units there in the crimea, everything else for them is scenery and hostages, we remember how in the 14th year, when the invasion of crimea developed, they actually used the civilian population,
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as hostages and put them in front of their armed men, when they stormed the ukrainian military units, the same way now, isn't there a risk that, okay, we, crimea , will still be able to surround, deprive it of its connection with russia, and there will remain many armed russians and at the same time many ukrainian citizens who will be hostages in such a situation, on the one hand i understand that these are our ears and this... partisan movement, resistance movement, on the other hand, these are also hostages, these are our people who found themselves in such a difficult situation, how to be here, this it is a really difficult issue, and our representatives of the authorities, their military, are warning the residents of crimea, in particular, crimea now, that it is better
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to leave dangerous areas. due to the fact that this zone is a promising zone of hostilities, and to return there when the military wave has already receded from this theater, if the crimeans who observe the situation in ukraine from time to time open a map of air alarms, then they see ukraine with two, well, with two red spots that are constantly red, and on its own land, red fields of constant air danger, this is luhansk oblast and the autonomous republic of crimea, this is such a signal that at any moment, at any time , there can be, be, it can be dangerous there, so our signal to the civilian
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population of crimea, which is loyal to ukraine, to provide for their own. protection, if possible, get out of the peninsula, at least women, children, and if there is a possibility to move away from russian military units, where they will obviously fly and where there may be skirmishes at some time, then also move to other areas, like at least, to other areas, yes thank you very much, mr. pavle, everyone, for taking the time to join... our broadcast, see you soon, pavlo lakiychuk, head of the security program center of global studies strategy 21, was on the air of the bereber together program in ukrainian, this is a joint project of the tv channel and of the atr tv channel, we will part with you for a moment and meet again here with another guest. hello, this is svoboda ranok,
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an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. hello, congratulations. i am andriy yanitskyi. my colleague in the studio, this is a joint, joint berber project, or together in ukrainian, a joint project of espresso and the crimean tatar tv channel atr, and today in the second part of the program we will talk with iskander bariyev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center, mr. iskander, congratulations, hello day, good day, ukrainian, good day, and
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eskendra, well, if we talk about the results. this week and what happened on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, what would you define as human rights violations on the peninsula this week, because i know, for example, that recently russia has been focusing on the so-called saboteurs and terrorists in crimea, and almost every week they are detaining there so-called terrorists, saboteurs who there, by order of the armed forces of ukraine or the gourmets of ukraine, they are planning some... crimea, what would you say? well, first of all, i want to say that they really try to... or continue to persecute our countrymen, they persecute articles like really there is sabotage, espionage and involvement in the battalion named after naman chelijikhan, and
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as for the video you are showing, well, first of all, for now, here is our opinion that this is a staged video in order to scare people more, because well, really, if we talk about how they provided information. they detained people who were allegedly previously considered and were previously considered as complicit, as melitopol citizens, which five melitopol citizens, who were previously convicted in the russian federation for terrorism, and that they cooperated with the special services there of ukraine, but in general. therefore, when we talk about the fact that they are doing, well, it's true, it's the searches, it's the continued persecution of citizen journalists, it's the arrests, and here
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i would say more about the fact that they still continue to persecute the representatives of the crimean - of the tatar people, and not all the information we are talking about now can be public, because the relatives of these people, well , they really ask us not to talk about it... for now, because they are interested in , so that they are released in the first place. skinder, why is this done? i remember that in the 14th year there were similar stories, when, well, not even then russian law enforcement officers, the so-called occupying forces, even some volunteer brigades of theirs, captured some people, accused them of training. terrorist attacks, i remember, there at the new post office in akiar in sevastopol they took out some shields, like the ones used by
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the protesters on the maidan, and they claimed that it was almost some kind of weapon, although it is clear that the shield is, on the contrary, used for protection, for attack , and then it felt like that injection, including through the tv channel of this russian citizen chaly nts. there was such a feeling of panic, panicky moods, fears that the local population was afraid of the so-called friendship trains from kyiv, or some people from bandera, nazis and so on, and now why do they have this panic and this fear? well , first of all, when we talk about the 14th year and if you analyze all these processes, i myself completely behave. because it is necessary to analyze so that we can clearly talk about the dynamics, about their condition, about them the toolkit they used,
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that is, the 14th year - this is really the period when they did not have, let's say, official village structures on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, and they tried to use the so -called defense forces, defense forces, there such popular wives and so on, although... we understand that it was exactly representatives of the fsb, representatives of rural structures of the russian federation who took part in all these wives, in addition, they did it, as in the newly occupied territories, let's say without, let's say, does not provide institutions for the protection of human rights, that is, it is meant when the prosecutor's office system, the police system, and the judicial system are created there so that every citizen or resident can apply and demonstrate, and for this, they did it
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in order to, and, by the way, they also repeated it already in the newly occupied territories, it also happened in the territory of the kherson region, zaporizhia region, in order to really, let's say, intimidate people and so that there would be no pro-ukrainian civil movement, then they... in the kherson region, they held a genetic trial, and here exactly, well, is it good or bad, here is exactly the question, but on the one hand, let's say, when we talk about civilian hostages, that is, these people who do not belong to the category of prisoners of war and do not belong to... why, because they are there without a trial, without a court decision, without any such decisions, but the occupation system of the occupation authorities in
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order to be able to... use these documents, why they are delayed or are kept in the cities of nisvoboda, they are cellars or there are some prisons and so on, and here, from this side, it can be said that there are more opportunities for human rights defenders to protect people in the territory of the temporarily occupied kherson region, on the other hand, they are trying to demonstrate to the international community in this way that they will create all these institutions, and here we need to understand this, which concerns... this is crimea, but at this time, in 10 years, they really created these institutions, but with all this, we see a different approach and, first of all, in relation to to representatives of the indigenous crimean tatar people, and when immediately after the decision of the un international court of justice, they started more and intensified the persecution of representatives of the korultai intersection system, and in this way they try to intimidate people, well, i think it's
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more about... with the fact that it doesn't matter from crimea, information goes to the competent authorities of ukraine, to the defense forces of ukraine, where the armed forces of the russian federation are located, whether there are military facilities or new facilities of any kind, they cannot... well, let's say, control the situation when provide information about explosions there, video materials and so on, and therefore it is very important for them, and including that they still have not been able to fully take control, when such purely civil resistance appears, when we talk about the phenomena there, let's say the colors of the ukrainian flag or well
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, there are yellow ribbons or other such symbols of ukrainian, or crimean tatar or crimean tatar symbols, and it is very important for them that they intimidate people more in this way, so that the number of people that could be would take full control later, and it was possible to control more, and besides , they are doing, as now, now, the main thing i would like to say. they do it this way, they come at night and conduct searches, or kidnap a person, this is happening in crimea now, then they promise that they will release, people try not to talk about it out loud, they really release, but on what terms, we still have we do not know, and in this way i think that they are trying to spread the system, let's say, or snooping or reporting
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information or reduces the circle of people who can create resistance, and that is why i think that this is exactly the purposeful policy of the occupiers. well, you know, i wonder what the russian occupiers want from teenagers, recently the crimean tatar resource center reported that at least 28 cases of persecution of minors were recorded during the occupation of crimea, if i understand correctly, or it is more adminis. tive case or other, why are minors detained in crimea, for what cases, what are they charged with? well, first of all, when we talk about society, about the future in this or that society, and in general, we focus on the youth, on the youth, on the teenagers, as they perceive, and indeed we are witnesses of how actively they are engaged in the policy of militarization, propaganda politics,
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politics... anti-ukrainian, let's say such politics, but despite all this, when teenagers appear who use other sources, who try to create, or shoot a video, or make some kind of, let's say, show, we understand that teenagers and young people are more such maximalists, and they try to do what they can do, and here it is very... let's say, dangerous, i would say, and these are indicators that among young people, which they tried to bring up and are trying to bring up, teenagers appear who do not take their position, and here they are, well, first of all, they really try to intimidate parents, they open administrative cases either in relation to the teenagers themselves, or in relation to to parents, and thus... they
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try, well, let's say


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