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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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politicians, but with all this, when teenagers appear who use other sources, who try to create, or shoot a video, or make some kind of, let's say, manifest, we understand that teenagers and young people are more maximalists , and they try to do what they can do, and here it is very, let's say, dangerous for them. i would say, and these are indicators of the fact that among the youth they tried to educate, and are trying to educate, there are teenagers who do not take their position, and here it is they, well, first of all, they really try to intimidate parents, they open administrative cases either in relation to the teenagers themselves or in relation to the parents, and in this way they try, well, let's say...
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to educate another part of the youth and children and adolescents in order to to demonstrate that they are in control of the situation and that there will be fines or administrative arrests, and so on , including putting pressure on parents so that they are not allowed to participate in these processes, and that is why when we see 28 cases, in my opinion it is a lot because it's... what they 've recorded, and here i want to say that we're not pretending that this is all, all the information is complete, maybe we don't have more information yet, we maybe and there are many more of these cases, but this demonstrates that there is a young generation in crimea that takes, let's say, that is not the one that takes a pro-ukrainian position, that... does not agree with the policy
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of the occupying power in the territory of crimea, and this is very important, well that is, together with this, we understand that the militarization of children in crimea, children in crimea, continues, for example, two or three weeks ago we saw that the russian occupiers in this immortal regiment forced 35 children to go to arteko, they forced the children to do it, that is, it is a violation. of international law, etc., how to deal with this from the kendrag, i know that the krymotar resource center, directly the krymotar interstate, well, always records these violations of rights and regarding the militarization of children , etc., and even submits all this data to international courts, but still, how does it directly affect what is happening in crimea, well, first of all, i also want to remind you that we provided and... provide information about
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how, during the period of occupation , children were, well, deprived of their rights and indeed violated the convention on the rights of the child, and here we have to talk about that children, what you are showing on the screens now, it really happened in artek, and children from different regions were involved, including from temporarily occupied, new temporarily temporarily occupied territories.
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it's to document, and because children, they shouldn't be politicized, they should be provided with, let's say, normal child development, receiving an education there, receiving all the benefits that can be there, but we see that the occupiers are turning these children into future invaders there, future, let's say, criminals. and this is indeed, this is a crime, and we are trying to demonstrate this, we are trying to document this, and we are trying to inform the international society about this, and it is really important to pay a lot of attention to this, because this is a growing generation that, well, let's say , is already traumatized by that ideological a... even in
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it probably happened in may, maybe on may 18, they only found out about it later, and i have a question, aren’t all the monuments that they didn’t like, they destroyed in the 14th year, why did they now reach the hands of the law enforcer soviet, who defended the crimean tatars, and this is some kind of signal , a special symbol, why did this monument stand for so long, if the occupiers did not like it so much, or is it? you version and look, look, literally minutes, uh, literally minutes, well here first of all i want to say that it starts from 2014, they on the basis of which some works were attempted to dismantle or remove all or other memorial signs connected with deportation, with human rights
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activities and so on. as for the monument to pyotr grigorenko, we are currently collecting additional complete information, i think we will have, so they have now started some... works there and in this way they are trying to demonstrate what they are doing, as was the case on lenin boulevard , but the monument to peter hryhorenko was constantly brought flowers, and it was installed back in 1999 the crimean tatar national movement, and in this way the crimean tatars constantly came and put tickets, so i think that they did not do it at once in order not to offend. er population, and they were waiting for a time when, well, let's say there's more after there's a more pressed population, but i think we're going to come back to that case, and after we collect a more
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complete information, we will provide what and how should be done in order for this monument to return to its place after all, and let's talk more about this later in other programs, thank you, agsmander bariev, chairman of the board. see this week in the program judicial control: illegal enrichment or connections with russians, what detectives were looking for in lyudmila kropyvna's house, what they were looking for, there was no search, and under what scheme did the servant of themis get an apartment for her parents in kyiv? father and mother lived like this in ternopil. greetings, this is
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judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. during all the years of independence, the judicial system of ukraine has repeatedly undergone changes. judicial reform this year. despite the full-scale war has gained considerable momentum, and while the judicial corps is being renewed, representatives of its old guard still fall into corruption scandals and undermine the authority of justice. today we will tell you about another unscrupulous servant of themis. the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine has opened criminal proceedings regarding the alleged illegal enrichment of the maid of honor themis. this is lyudmila. kropivna, judge of the northern commercial court of appeal. on april 26, in her elite house near kyiv , nabu conducted investigative actions, as a result of which kropivna complained to the supreme council of justice and the office of the prosecutor general. the judge assures that the detectives conducted an inspection and seized her mobile phone and
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tablet, for which they allegedly did not have a warrant, because the higher anti-corruption court approved only an inspection of the house as part of the criminal proceedings. to learn more about this case, we turned to... or with an information request from the response of the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine: premature and uncontrolled disclosure of pre-trial investigation information can not only influence its course, hinder the completeness and objectivity of establishing the circumstances of a criminal offense, and harm the interests of the victim, the suspect and other participants in the criminal proceedings. given the above, it is currently not possible to provide the requested information. so magazines. the members of judicial control decided to independently find out what judge kropyvna is suspected of and how she could have violated the anti-corruption legislation. we are in the suburbs of kyiv, an elite goat, a cottage town closed from prying eyes, luxury, privacy and security. it has everything for a comfortable life:
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a picturesque area, a protected area, luxury restaurants, shops, sports complexes, private educational institutions and famous neighbors. we have it there. poroshenko, who did not leave and lives, that is, this is his peninsula, klitschko is a little further on the other side, and here, if you move a little further, tymoshenko's participation is there. yes, that is, we have a semi-supreme council here and before, at the end of 2021 , lyudmila kropyvna also bought a large estate here. behind this endless fence drowning in green 20 acres of precious land and the building is 260 square meters. everything is under close supervision, at the entrance to the town there is a checkpoint with cameras everywhere, in addition, the police and the state security department travel the streets. it's just not possible to get here like that, but we managed. this is... vadim is selling a home, and right now he is selling the house of ludmila kropyvna's neighbors. they live literally across the fence. the realtor
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not only praises the place, but also explains: it will not be possible to live here cheaply. the price of the question is now at the height of the war, when real estate in ukraine has fallen in price from uah 20 million. this is the best location i have been in real estate for 12 years and i understand that the most expensive houses have always been here. on the neighboring plot of ownership of the nettle house. in addition to the residential building, there is a gazebo, an outbuilding, a swimming pool and other elite things. a private lake and a pond are nearby. at the end of 2021 , the estate was being sold for $1 million on various real estate sites. it was then that kropivna bought it. however, in his declaration, the judge assures that she bought housing and land for a little more than uah 8 million, almost four times cheaper. note that by law state officials, in particular judges, are deprived of the right to receive personal allowances. general discounts, except for those provided to everyone. so, if a judge buys something at below
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-market prices, it can be considered an improper reward or, in simple terms, a bribe. data from kropyvna's declaration may also indicate an attempt to hide the real value of the house, so as not to explain the dubious origin of the funds for its purchase. because where did the virtuous judge get a million dollars? the realtor confirms that when paying in cash , any amount can be entered in the contract. if. for example, to indicate a lower price a little in the contract, it depends on your calculation, if the cash settlement will most likely be like that, then of course it is, the acquisition of this estate strangely coincides in time with the period when judge kropivna started considering the case regarding the alienation of shares of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant at the international company ferexpo. already in september 2022, the pax panel of judges chaired by kropyvna, by its decision, which was... later recognized as illegal, gave more than 40% of gzk shares to four offshore
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companies these firms were part of the russian vs-energy group and, according to the media, are linked to oligarch igor kolomoisky, as well as his russian associates. the current deputy chairman of the russian state duma, oleksandr babakov, and the president of the central sports club of the russian army, yevhen giner. the ukrainian state bureau of investigation directly called them the leaders of the luzhniki organized crime group. so, in the midst of russia's full-scale war against ukraine, almost half of the shares of the poltava gzk worth 1 billion 300 million dollars kropyvna at the appeal stage, he gives it to the russian raiders, isn't it just like that, honestly and thanks, these are very important courts, the appeal is the level after which the decision gains legal force and is implemented, that is, it is very, let's say, the risks of corruption here are increased. it can be assumed that corruption can take place here, because... what a miracle a judge suddenly became the owner of an elite estate, and the russians, as it coincided in time, seized control of
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one of the most powerful ukrainian enterprises, because the purchase of a house in kozen can be explained by the official income of kropivna most likely, she could not declare the alleged bribe. in her income statement, she had to indicate that she borrowed part of the funds. according to the non-governmental organization, the office of cleaning the judicial system, the money is for the purchase of the judge's real estate. gave a certain viktor b. everything points to the fact that it may be about viktor barsuk. according to the media , he is one of the lawyers who worked in the office of igor kolomoiskyi. viktor barsuk's wife, marina barsukuk, is also a judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, and, according to our sources, ludmila's friend nettle. together, they often consider cases in the same panel of judges, including those related to kolomoiskyi's business. marina barsuk also attends private events with the participation of kolomoiskyi. and does not see any conflict of interest. in the fall of 2021, ukrainian pravda journalists recorded
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a ukrainian oligarch and the badgers family celebrating the birthday of the sanctioned russian businessman pavel fuchs. meanwhile, according to kropyvna's declaration for 2021 , lend her part of the money for the purchase of a house, namely uah 5,800. was a completely different person such a gavrilyuk nataliya georgiivna. we learned that nataliya gavrylyuk is the ex- wife of the state traitor and putin's godfather, viktor medvedchuk, the mother of his eldest daughter. daughter of iryna. natalia gavrilyuk's son-in-law andriy ryumin is the general director of one of the largest energy companies in russia - rosseti. the holding's capacities ensure the transmission of 80% of the electricity produced by the aggressor state. the controlling shareholder of the holding is the russian federation. ryumin himself regularly meets with putin, while rossiti, according to zmi, has a long relationship
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partnerships with companies related to persons who control in the eu. it should be noted that the current wife of medvedchuk, oksana marchenko, also had shares in ukrainian regional energy, logistics and metallurgical enterprises, the co-owners of which were, in particular, privat group and russians from vs energy, criminal authority mykhailo voevodin and his partners, state duma vice-speaker oleksandr babakov and the owner of the cska yevhenii giner football club, which thanks to the decision. the judges of kropyvna tried to take over the shares of the poltava gzk. all of them the russians we mentioned support armed aggression against ukraine. they are under sanctions and wanted. and they are somehow related to putin's best man. so it was probably on their behalf that medvedchuk's ex-wife transferred the money for judge kropyvnya's house. we called ms. havrylyuk
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to find out more about the so-called loan and the course of the criminal proceedings in which it appears. purification of the judicial system, kropyvna paid the seller of the house in advance, even before the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement. in return for some reason they decided to sign the contract itself in the premises of a private bank on kovpaka street in kyiv. community activists speculate that this was done in order not to drive around town with a million dollars in cash. be that as
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it may, there are doubts about the so-called loan, as well as the legality of the origin of the judge's wealth for the purchase of elite real estate. near kyiv look quite justified, especially since 10 years ago kropivna allegedly had no place to live at all and needed an office apartment in kyiv. to the kyiv court of appeal of the commercial court, which was later reformed into the northern appellate court, nettle moved from ternopil, where she worked as a judge in the regional commercial court. in this building on the dnipro embankment. in kyiv , she received a 129 m2 apartment from the state, which she later successfully privatized according to the standard scheme of alienating state housing into private ownership. then they privatize this housing, which is a scheme that is actually a robbery of taxpayers and other citizens of ukraine. the law provides for strict conditions for providing public housing to civil servants
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norms: 21 m2 per person and 10 additional meters per family, i.e. together with an adult . kropivna could apply for an apartment with a maximum area of ​​52 m2, but instead received 2.5 times more. in order to increase the housing area, which was to be paid for with taxpayer funds, the judge had to organize a scheme to involve retired parents who actually lived in ternopil and had real estate there. so, in one moment in december 2014, lyudmila kropyvna became the owner of a 129-square-meter state-owned apartment, her... we really need improvement living conditions, they are calculated accordingly and multiplied by the number of family members, well, it often turns out that it is not exactly 21 m2 there, well, it turns out to be much more, and they receive housing accordingly from the state, which is
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then privatized, however, in the history of lyudmila kropyvna, mathematics does not agree, because even after registering... all the family members who did not actually live there and did not need housing, the judge could receive no more than 110 m2 from the state for free, she received 129. we are going to ternopil to see where the parents lived krypovna before moving to a new apartment in the capital, and as it turned out, they did not get the square meters that the judge received for them. according to the neighbors, the pensioners did not move anywhere, only the father after the death of the mother and even... a few years after the nettle registered real estate for them in the capital. please, the question is, when did she move to kyiv and her daughter, she for a longer period of time, did the parents live here in ternopil or did they live? did not take away, they lived alone, they lived alone here, purely in ternopil, lived in ternopil,
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yes, father and mother. data from the register of court decisions indicate that the judge's father actually lived in ternopil. in 2019-20 , the communal enterprise ternopil-vodokanal sued him regarding debt collection for housing and communal services. when parents died lyudmila kropyvna inherited two apartments in the center of ternopil, a four-room apartment of 83 square meters and a one-room apartment of 38 square meters, which, according to the neighbors, she now rents out, here is the first one. we don't know her, i almost never saw her, my mother is late, i knew her. do you know the owners? apartments? no, i don't know, the owner is in kyiv, she lives in kyiv, and she occupied this apartment. the adventure that our film crew got into with the resident of judge kropyvna's second apartment. became known throughout the country for nothing, the lodger attacked our journalist and stole her mobile phone, yes, they, this is an apartment, but they are in the neighboring one, they are in the neighboring
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house, yes, don’t they live here, no, they don’t, we're just theirs, i'm coming from here, and you're a tenant, yes, and you're a tenant, that is , you're not a relative, please take it away, the camera in i don't have a phone, please take it away, the tenant locked himself with our journalist's phone. and came out only when our film crew decided to call the police, after which the tenant began to threaten our colleagues with physical violence. i begged, give me the phone, i came in, no, let’s get a video, let’s go, you come to us, you see us, delete, from here, because i’m going to kick you now, such a violent reaction of the tenant of kropivna can be explained, because it is possible that the apartment for rent, a judge from... is without an official contract, does not pay taxes and does not indicate this source of income in your declaration. if this is so, then it turns out that the servant of themis
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breaks the law herself. if a judge rents out housing, then if he receives income, and what kind of community this income must be declared. especially if it is a public servant, there is a declaration that provides, even receiving a very small income, some discounts, some preferences, some winnings, they should still be there. reflected in the electronic declaration. the ternopil police instituted criminal proceedings for obstruction journalistic activity and the theft of the phone, then closed it and, according to the court's decision, violated it again: the culprit, who rents an apartment to an influential judge in the capital, has not yet been brought to justice. we visited the northern commercial court of appeal to talk to ludmila kropyvna about her property. and tell me
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, please, how did you manage to buy the house you have in kozun for less than a million dollars, although its price was a million, you bought it for less than that the price was a million, well, we have information, you have information, you purchased it in the declaration for 5 million, yes, with a fantastic discount for elite real estate, at least four times cheaper than the market value, and even, if you believe in this miracle, the funds with which the house was purchased of extremely dubious origin, loans or something from medvedchuk's ex-wife, or from the lawyer in the case that was considered by the judge about the multibillion-dollar assets of the poltava gzk, who lent you the money for the house, i am not obliged to say. uhu, and if the declaration would have indicated an additional source income from renting out apartments in ternopil, it is possible to invent a loan, you wouldn't have to, you rent out two apartments, and why
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don't you declare income from renting, i give apartments, we had journalists and you had tenants there? these were not tenants, there is nothing to even comment here, the ternopil story of the theft of the judge's tenant's phone is very eloquent, the man himself admitted that he was renting an apartment when our film game visited him. and while the case with the attack on journalists is still being investigated, lyudmila kropyvna is already in another proceeding, apparently tries to explain to the investigators the origin of the funds for the purchase of the house, which was sold for 1 million dollars and in which nabu was already interested, and also writes complaints about the actions of the detectives to the supreme council of justice and the prosecutor general. meanwhile, kropyvna's attention has so far been bypassed by the zk, which should have asked about income from leasing property, the sbu, about connections with yanami, as well as the dbr, because she got an apartment in kyiv of almost 130 square meters in an apparently suspicious way from the point of view of the law and by involving in the scheme
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the parents of pensioners, who in fact live in ternopil and owned real estate. lyudmila kropyvnia will be 65 years old next year, and she has to retire. this means that you and i will continue to keep the servant of themis, to whom there are reasonable questions about the likely illegal enrichment. kropivna will retain judicial immunity, and the amount of her pension may reach uah 2,000 per month. they receive a lifetime allowance from the state every year. hundreds of judges and not only those who honestly performed their work and maintained a crystal reputation. today i have everything it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. report corruption and dishonest judges to the email address you see on the screens or write to me on facebook. see you in exactly one week. good bye.
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verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on. in the new two-hour format, there are even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the week for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. watch this week in the collaborator program. why was the ukrainian producer bardash suspected? i came here, roughly speaking, with a backpack. yes, i have been to moscow before. but how does the son of the ex-mayor of odesa manage the temporarily occupied territories? our russian people are always used to fighting any difficulties. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program about traitors who are for at the call of the heart and purse, they went to serve the rashi occupiers. today there will be many
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new faces from... who are asking to be slandered throughout ukraine. but let's start with the well-known seller, music producer yuriy bardash. after the full-scale invasion, he fled the country, first hiding in georgia. there, on the pages of his social networks, he compared ukraine with nazi germany, and called himself a russian. after that, bardash allegedly began to receive threats from the georgian legion, so the traitor decided to scratch until of russia i'm here... so i've been to moscow before, but not with the awareness that i'm here forever. now bardash is sitting in the pig capital and runs a telegram channel where he calls for the capture of kharkiv and kyiv, believes that the descendants of russia will study how a quasi-great power ruled the history of the whole world. but he calls the glimpses of ukrainian patriotism that appeared in him a few years ago
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a coincidence. the phrase "putin took ours." this is a phrase that reassured ukrainians. they wanted me to tell them. january 23, 2024 yuriy bardash received a passport with a chicken, already on may 22 the security service of ukraine notified the former famous ukrainian producer of suspicion under four articles, in particular, for justifying the war and calling for changes to the borders of the territory of ukraine. in response to this, bardar announced that he was looking for those who to this decision. considering his actions and publications in telegram, it can be assumed that the former producer has not yet been released by the mushrooms. well, he will have to undergo a rehabilitation course in a ukrainian colony. and this one the collaborator has not received the suspicion yet, but is diligently working on it. worthy films with a patriotic upbringing, a mood that...


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