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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EEST

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the second presidency is using to strengthen the status of france in the european union, it sounded very good. it seems to me that at a certain stage there, mr. president did not really understand that it was not specifically about him, but about the ukrainian people, but, moreover, i was pleasantly surprised by this statement. plus, macron made such a nod to the russian federation, he said that there are certain countries that also want to change the borders, that is , it was another message to the russian federation. i can say that zelenskyi's speeches before french parliamentarians, he was quite coherent, he continued the topic started by emmanuel macron, so i have no complaints about the speech, but you know what i noticed when they showed a close- up of the various delegations, i would like our ukrainian the delegation was also in nice suits, and not in those olive-colored fleeces, which were already a little boring. plus, let's be honest. that this is still
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a historical event of 80 years since the landing of allied troops on the shores of normandy, and even i am there i noticed that veterans who were already 100 plus years old from different countries were sitting in the first rows, and even all the grandparents were in nice suits, yes, civilian or in uniform, so i would like the ukrainian delegation to also dress more elegantly for such celebrations , here... you mentioned that you greeted zelensky's speech in the national assembly of france with applause, i absolutely agree with you that the french applauded the brave ukrainian people, because the ukrainian people are waging this bloody war and an unjust war against ukraine, and so just these days, sociology has appeared regarding the trust, by the way, of zelenskyi, of ukrainians in...
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president zelenskyi, according to the survey results of the kyiv international institute of sociology, the level of trust in president zelenskyi has been gradually decreasing since may 22nd, here we see this chart, and as of may 24, the majority of respondents still trust the head of state, which is what this chart shows, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, confidence in zelensky was 90% in december last year 77, in february 64, and now it is 59%, this is still a high level of trust, larisa, almost 60%, does this mean that zelenskyi was and remains, well, a leader, after all, the political leader of the state, or does the war affect this, or is this the level of trust to...
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zelensky, as to a person who does the right things in ukraine? i think it's still the effect of war, it's, it's obvious, when a person is in danger that they can't handle on their own, they need to trust someone, that's how a person needs to trust a doctor, because before that, while they're still more or less healthy, she can search on the internet and look for illnesses in herself, and when she receives a fatal diagnosis, she... just trusts herself and everything and is treated, these things are what is happening to ukrainian society now, so that , that the level of trust is so high, for me this is positive, it indicates that society is aware of the danger, this is important, the second point, i, for example, am against the publication of sociology in general, in general , during the war on such topics, because we we know how vulnerable the president himself is to his own trust rating. to popularity, and this
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occasionally restrains him from making the important decisions that are worth and must be made in wartime that are not popular. every time he sees that something falls into him somewhere, then we see maryana bezovla, brought down from the ashes, who begins to look for enemies, then among the generals, then among the opposition, then somewhere else, that is, i am very worried that this information is still being collected at a time when there is no political process and what it is being collected for and how it will then be used, most likely, attempts to add populism, which was so dangerous for ukraine during the war. well, it's obvious, it's absolutely obvious that they, zelensky's team, as television people, they focus on ratings, that is, those who work on television, villers and marina know exactly what every day. we get
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the numbers of the ratings of our programs, we look at what happened yesterday, what numbers we had, the right guests were there, the wrong guests, they said the right thing, the wrong thing, we should probably... get someone else, or, let's say , strive for the other ratings, but on against this background there is another figure that is also very interesting, despite this trust in zelenskyi, 55% of ukrainians have a negative assessment of the activities of the presidential party servant of the people, while most of them are very bad, this is again evidenced by the results of the survey of the kyiv international institute of sociology, another 31% of respondents treat the party of the government as neutral, only nine. percent of respondents are good or very good, although president zelenskyy is trying to somehow distance himself from this party, his servant of the people party, for literally weeks, several weeks ago, at a closed meeting, zelenskyi said, "well, listen, the servant
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of the people, you have a leader, over there in the verkhovna rada it's david rahamia, and we have five or six managers here, we manage the entire state, and what servants of the people... then this is the parish of david arahami and other party leaders. marina, in your opinion, do ukrainians understand that zelensky is a servant of the people? well, she and this party have not become different, these are the people who, as they said, came to the parliament and the government in 2019 with one passport, volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi. to say that i am against sociology, when some non-existent parties are measured there, yes, which are still in the embryo, calves are born, their meat is already measured there, where it will go for sausage or roasting, but this particular sociology was very useful, because as we could see, putin is very actively spinning there that
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zelensky is already illegitimate, with whom we should sign the peace treaty, that is, he is trying to find such strings to wage war against ukraine, even when there will be... some kind of cold period directly on the front line, but this sociology recorded that people clearly understand what zelenskyi is as a symbol of the state, and they consider him legitimate, until the first democratic post-war elections were held, but more and more zelenskyi is gathering negativity from both his party and his style of its public administration, and this figure of the evaluation of the servants of the people, where people said that 55% think that it is a party. generally clumsy and incompetent, this is a diagnosis of the political power of the president, despite the fact that zelensky says that you have davyd rahamia there, i am with you i don’t have a relationship, this is completely untrue, because let’s remember that most of those deputies who became deputies
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of the servant of the people faction would never have become deputies in their lives if it weren’t for the effect of 2019, if zpristavka didn’t give you extra points. how are you even... some noun that has never appeared in the electoral district, so he will not wash off the negativity of the servants of the people, but this sociology of the kmits, yes, it is very interesting in that people associate zelensky, but not how physical person, but as a symbol of statehood, with the person we are we have to suffer, which should represent the ukrainian state, not all people agree with his actions. there are very interesting dynamics there, for example, as of may 2022 , zelensky was supported by 90%, then 77%, february 24 of the year when avdiivka fell and this unethical outpouring of zaluzhny 64 took place, and now we
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see that 59% trust zelenskyi, more the dynamics are obvious, trust in president zelensky will fall, but there will be a certain plateau when people will think, "well, he is not perfect, but we need some symbol of statehood, until we have the first post-war elections, so we will endure, and of course in the same situation, i will mention one more figure from these sociological polls, because it is very important in fact, president zelenskyi said that his five years have not ended and he will not count results, but sociology adds up to 50% after all. 43% of ukrainians believe that during the 5 years of volodymyr zelenskyi's presidency , the democratic situation in ukraine has worsened. of them, 28% are convinced that this happened because of the government's efforts to curtail rights and freedoms citizens, while 19% of ukrainians believe
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that the situation with democracy has improved, and 29 that it has not changed, that is, 43% of ukrainians believe that in 5 years the situation with democracy in ukraine will worsen. all, or this, larisa, is this a consequence of this, this monomajority, monopower, but without monoresponsibility. well, listen when they talk. about the rights and freedoms of citizens, i wonder what percentage of them mean the right to leave, that is, the impression that society ignores the fact of martial law, which in itself is a restriction of rights and freedoms citizens, i was really impressed by this combination of trust in the president and distrust in his political power, this once again shows that ukrainians still do not understand the meaning of the parliament, but they can, that is, all of us. we understand that the servant of the people party, it was created and brought to power in such a way that there are no
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politicians, that there are no political decisions within the party, only the president, now the president is gradually losing influence over it and the opportunity to manage it and everything, and we, and we have an absolute collapse in parliament, but this not a subject political party, and society, when it sees a servant of the people who is not satisfied with the work of the party, does not identify with the leader who brought it. her under her own responsibility, at the same time society demands some rights and freedoms, ignoring the fa, the fact of war and the limitation of these rights, because we are talking about the fact that we need to learn to live within the limits of rights and freedoms, they were everywhere, they were in the same britain, they were in the united states, during the war, they are always there when it goes, but that does not diminish democracy, because democracy is not the right of freedom, democracy is the right of the minority when it exists. the majority, namely the minority, we have an opposition that cannot even
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fulfill its function, we have journalism that has been replaced by this marathon and telegram channels, we are talking about the fact that we have some investigative journalism that is ignored as a matter of fact, this is a minority of such people, a minority of such groups, but they should have the right, this is democracy, not that people... are now under curfew, or are not allowed to go abroad. well, it seems to me that in the current one situation, people still talk about democracy in the general context, because ukraine was and remains a democratic state. it is clear that we defended the right to freedom of speech, the right to freedom on three maidans, starting from the student square, ending with the revolution of dignity, and we stand up for it now. there are hundreds of thousands of people in the armed forces and they stand for the right to be and
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be heard, the right to be heard in ukraine, for the future of a free and democratic country. marino, as possible in the conditions of war, considering the fact that the war involves curtailment of rights and freedom, as larisa says, still - to preserve democracy in conditions when we have no choice, or no... right to re-elections, the right is there, but there is no possibility to hold elections in the verkhovna rada or presidential elections. i would distinguish here the curtailment of democratic rights and freedoms, yes, and some slight curtailment of them in the wartime regime. so, unfortunately, we very often see the curtailment of democratic rights and freedoms. why did such a situation happen with the parliament, because, you see, it is always in favor any ukrainian president. be it petro poroshenko, be it yanukovych, be it others, the parliament acted as a balancer, and
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the parliament produced some healthy ideas, the parliament could oppose the government and oppose the president, and thus we had this council, our traditional historical system, and it did not always allow quick decisions to be made there, but it was a balancing act, then we had a huge crisis of public administration, and there was such a nearby poll... where people answered there, and what they were most worried about, yes, and there, for example, three positions at once, in what concerns the people, the incompetence of the people who represent the current government, the corruption and the lack of any political experience, we understand that we have entered such a phase of the war, when there is a great need for managerial power, quality war management, plus a communication crisis, because, for example, we have something... there are problems somewhere on some part of the front, we are not told until the last, and then it all comes out in a very bad
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story, and the crown of all these collapses democratic rights and freedoms, it must have been the situation with ukrinform, because it is a very , very ugly story, when in 2024, in the era of super-fast internet, even with the lights turned off, journalists were sent dark notes advising them to close... veterans who, for example, want to tell about the problems of rehabilitation and prosthetics, this is completely inadequate, and those journalists who were present at the meeting with the j7 ambassadors said that the ambassadors... were simply amazed, because they had not seen such know-how anywhere in the world, all this triggers people, because we fought for every right, every democratic freedom, not only on two maidans, but we fight for it, by the way, for all these 11 years of war, so i would not like some not very bad characters who, during the hype of 2019
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, accidentally became deputies there, and now all this was curtailed, because it was fought out by force... a lot of people, thank you, marina, larisa, who are the safeguards that allow us to say that, well, we won't allow the dark men to return again, we won't allow that the public has been destroyed, we will not allow there to be a limitation of three tv channels, which are already limited, the third year they do not appear in t2, an absolutely volutorist decision, the fifth channel is direct and espresso, in the absence of it. elections, in the absence of elections and in the state of war that we are now in, how do we protect democracy, well, the fact is that elections are of little help in this, because the voter goes to the polling stations and elects someone who, as a campaign promise, nominates not the protection of freedom of speech and more
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something, and there, for example, we will plant, or we will do them all together, well, that's it. no, these are not the principles, these are not the values ​​for which, therefore, the question here is that when we say dark people in ukrinform, it is concrete, when we say an attack on society and the dismantling of this public television as a phenomenon, transformation his to the state platform, these are specifics, and the incompetence, corruption of the people we see, this is what, this is exactly where, here they are, what they mean, incompetence. who accepts decision, specifically, who, you don't like yermak, so let's put it that way, we don't like that the office of the president , an unconstitutional body, has taken over the powers there, okay, but we, we, we are always not about the specifics, and when the elections begin, the specifics are even less, that's the problem, because the ukrainian voter should protect the values ​​and should protect the principles
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of democracy, and these principles are clear, they are clearly defined, and you cannot be wrong when you see that the state... in temniki are distributed to the state kerimform, you understand that violation of freedom of speech, you, as a citizen of a democratic state, cannot tolerate this, and it is more important than some abstract corruption that you have never seen, you see a corrupt person, you must seek and follow him to jail, but abstract corruption is about nothing, well , maybe so, although there is a corruption corruption law, for example, and we can demand that it be changed. legislation that was passed in 2016, there are anti-corruption bodies, well, unfortunately, it is possible, it is not currently applied as i would like to, because i remember, and well, marina
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, they definitely followed this story in the parliament, when they adopted anti-corruption legislation and said that it was anti-corruption legislation. it is the best in europe, in general there is no better one in the world, well, that was just recently, as kuchma said, well, that, that was all already, it is true, but you will consider that 2016 is a little different challenges , these are not challenges of wartime, when there are a number of temptations, i highly recommend paying attention to our colleague yuriy nikolov, who carefully facts and figures investigates corruption cases, for example, recently he called a very... interesting figure that every 10 hryvnias in the budget was spent on road construction in 2020-2021, so there is something to ask about, and here we are not talking about abstract corruption, but about corruption with clear names and positions, yuriy nikolov names them very clearly, i strongly advise you to see what he
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is talking about there, as well as denys bigus, i am already silent, that each one is, you know, anti-corruption... not an investigation, we have then it turns into hate and a run of journalists, journalists, especially men, then it is customary to call them evasive, if you are an investigative journalist, then you will definitely be called a woman of low social responsibility there and they will talk about some far-fetched romances there, so this is also a very unhealthy story, and our western partners see it, and when we read any document, by the way, there is something about the introduction. ours to the european union, it is written everywhere: no pressure to fail, freedom of speech, and then we will talk, friends, what to do with you next. thank you marino i would like to remind our viewers that... we are live and conducting a poll today, we are asking you if you are ready for long blackouts, yes no, if you watch us on youtube,
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please vote with either the yes or no button, write your comment below this video if you are watching us on tv pick up your smartphone or phone and vote 0800 211 381 if you are ready for long blackouts no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free one more. short topic, i hope we get it very quickly let's discuss, this is putin, he spoke again at this so-called economic forum in st. petersburg about the so-called usurpation of power, which began in 2014, well, that is , the kremlin's old man carries this myth quite often, while the russian dictator called the statements that the russian federation is delusional wants to attack nato. let's see and listen to how he generally speaks about... europe, about europeans and about how they behave in relation to russia? they invented that russia
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wants to attack nato, you are completely out of your mind, stupid as this table. who invented it? this is stupid. it delusional we protect ourselves in ukraine. we have no imperial ambitions, believe me, this is all delusion. as well as the threat from russia to the countries of nato and europe, what do you do, look at the potential of nato, look at the potential of russia, why did you decide that we are crazy or what? this combination of two phrases is very interesting, we defend ourselves in ukraine, and we have no imperial ambitions, believe me, larisa, will europe believe putin, well, from the point of view of psychology, when a person says believe, then he is lying in general. and there, there, a little further he said that russian, in general , russian bombs are tactical, they are three times stronger than others, and even kilotons,
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and if it goes somewhere in europe, then let them think for themselves, that is, he simply contradicted himself, and here there is an important point that he really appeals to faith, because he tries to refute the facts, the facts of aggression, the facts. an attack, including a hybrid attack, a subversive, er, cyber attack on countries, on the countries of the european union and nato countries, so in this case it is an exclusive appeal of confidence, that is why he removes these contradictions of their own speech, it looks like madness. thank you, maryna, how do you perceive this madness, it is clear that putin, well, he lies by default, that is... before the attack on ukraine, he said: "we will not attack, we will not go to ukraine" . lavrov said: "no, no, we, we will not do this." should europe
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understand that when they say that they are as dumb as a table or what he said there, compare, compared them, does this mean a signal to europe that he will go there? of course, if putin, then any russian official says that we have no intention of attacking... here we are the most peaceful country in the world, which means that we must prepare. it seems to me that the best of all these words of putin is refuted recently by the publication for a short period of time of very interesting documents on the website of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, where they announced that they are unilaterally changing a number of maritime borders with the baltic countries and with finland, and this very document, which they then very quickly hid, very many neighbors, namely from northern... europe and the russian baltic federation forced to look at its security from a different point of view. and here was a very interesting statement by the head of the armed forces of sweden, who
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said: "these, well, we have read these documents and we understand that the russian federation is sleeping and sees how to capture our gotland island, and i will remind you, literally a month and a half before the full-scale invasion, apparently the russian federation believed that ukraine would fall in... three days, they had a very clear plan, they voiced it on 60 minutes about how they would then land on gotland, come on guys nato and capture the baltic states. thank you, lord, our friends have made their conclusions and are very actively preparing for a full -scale invasion, that is, they have drawn conclusions from those conclusions, as ukraine, unfortunately, did not prepare on the eve of the 22nd year. thank you marina. maybe he is playing the role of a madman, i mean putin, he really plays this role, but he plays it very well, well, this is game theory, there is even a game of the madman. which gives its
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profits, we must notice that what is madness is the contradictions that the psyche does not realizes, a healthy psyche is always aware of contradictions, and here he is in this speech, where he says that we are as free as possible, he gives these contradictions at the same time, thus he proves, yes, i am crazy, be careful, i am capable of anything, well, but crazy terrorists are dealt with in the same way all over the world, they are simply killed, destroyed and everything, so this sword is us. with you, but our sword must probably be strengthened , not yet in our hands, the sword, but while we are the sword, in the very, very trembling hands of the west, but they are slowly coming to their senses and sooner or later later we will be subjects warrior shoulder to shoulder. marina, i mentioned that putin is a terrorist, well, a classic terrorist terrorizes not only ukraine, but also threatens other countries
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and... europe and the united states of america, why is he not treated like a terrorist, he is not are negotiating, they are just killed? well, first of all, look, everyone understands that russia, despite the fact that it is, well, a country that has lost its place in civilization, it is still a nuclear country, and no one wants to have these excesses with nuclear weapons. it is very necessary to clearly understand that putin will be in his position, obviously, until the physical end. and if so. looking at the official biography of his parents, he still has 10 years of life left, this is a completely sober assessment, plus with the medical care that vladimir putin has. but you know, we are not a sword in the hands of the west, we have to be the sword that we sharpen and hit the target with. we are a nation of warriors, and it's too bad, you know, our diplomacy now, in the name of yermak, somehow reduced our role to a country that trades in corn.
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with african countries, we are a sword, and this sword must be sharp, because we will finish the russian federation, but we understand that this is a long game, there may be another phase of the war with the russian federation after the temporary truce there, and then it is necessary to prepare for the final battle. thank you, maryna, colleagues, thank you for participating in the program, larisa voloshina, maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, thank you for an interesting conversation and for an interesting evening in our studio, so. uh, we've been conducting polls, friends, throughout our broadcast and asking you this, are you ready to of long-term blackouts, the results of our television survey 20% yes, 80% no, on youtube we have a ratio of 33% - yes, 67% - no. that's it, friends, i'm putting an end to it, i'm saying goodbye to you until monday, at 8:00 p.m. we 'll meet as usual on the air of the tv channel, there will be
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a new... there will be new guests, please come , it will be interesting, and for now i wish you all the best weekend, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye, allergies, no leo overcame it, citrilev protects it. from the most common allergens there are discounts representing unbreakable discounts on psilobalsamgel 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration, when there is not enough reo of normal water. reo - water for special medical purposes. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. plebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any.
7:00 am
an unusual look at the news: good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads even better us. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, well , norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veres. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express.


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