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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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specific figures for specific damages, because doors and windows do not have a colossal number, including roofs. in general, in poltava oblast and in poltava, in particular, there have been more frequent alarms, lately we keep hearing that poltava oblast is a target, poltava oblast is under threat of rocket fire, shaheds are constantly flying there, has this somehow changed the way of life of the oblast and poltava itself? but we have anxiety after anxiety, anxiety after anxiety, pre-school camps have also started in our city, and for children where we have unconditional shelter, what can i say, russia does not provide opportunities and children, even the kind of basic rehabilitation that we can give here now, siren after siren, but the citizens of poltava are not broken, we all continue to work, businesses are working, people are going to work and... we are doing everything
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to bring victory closer, so that work, work, work, this is what we have to do, of course, we have an active shutdown schedule in the territorial community, the population is informed, we are trying to adapt, make our schedules work, so as not to stop a single link, none of the links he has to live by city, but of course, it is felt, but we thank the energy... who are doing everything possible to make this schedule more stable, but the anxieties, frankly, you very rightly noticed, they are one after another, one after another, poltava region - it is, as they say, a clever granary inside the granary of ukraine itself, how will the harvest be this year, there are enough workers, so i will say that all farmers are working, our farmers are working, all the land is in active work, we believe that... such
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hard-working entrepreneurs of ours will definitely give an excellent result, we believe it in the harvest, there is absolutely no pessimism, we are working for victory and thank you, there are various formats and state programs, support, we are actively popularizing this story so that everyone is at full strength, because it is extremely important for the whole country, not only for our region. mrs. kateryna, thank you for being there in the morning, thank you for giving us the opportunity to see with our own eyes what... and what it looks like, kateryna yamshchikova, acting mayor of poltava and secretary of the city council was with us, thank you, in a matter of seconds for the deputy of the zaporizhia regional council askat ashurbekov joins our conversation, mr. askat, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and actually, how did your night pass, did those shaheds who flew from the south fly to zaporizhia or did you have air defense forces working today? well,
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fortunately it did not fly, in fact, these shaheds were heading towards dnipropetrovsk region and other regions of ukraine. usually , the trajectory of the shaheds is very long, well, a very frequent trajectory is precisely through the regional center, through the communities of the suburbs, but what concerns yesterday , to a greater extent, they went precisely through temporarily occupied territory, they only partially engaged the zaporizhzhia region and then moved on to the dnipropetrovsk region, so the situation is relatively calm, and again. this hostile activity there over the past day, over the past few days, they, it is concentrated to a greater extent precisely in the front-line communities. and just yesterday i looked, with what feigned arrogance, yevgeny baletskyi told me that here and there, a little to the south on the map, we will unite all this, the purchased territories under the name novorossia, and this will be part of russia, that's how he talked about... zaporizhzhia hinting that both
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zaporizhzhia and the city itself are within the borders, but this is in the future. how do they react to such things, do they generally pay attention to these statements of the gauleiters of israel, well, look, i think that to a greater extent public opinion and the population as a whole have long since stopped paying attention to the so -called gauleiters there or any people from the temporarily occupied territories, because they did not enjoy support, were never conditionally in the political system of ukraine, even more so now, and we must understand that... this is again part of propaganda, because they planned to take zaporozhye there, i don't know, there in the second week of the war, but we see today that even despite some there are reports that they are having success in the area of ​​robotics, the de facto situation there is stable and the front line in the zaporizhia region has not changed for two years, so of course they can declare anything they want, but each such declaration attracts less and less attention generally in public opinion, but enough, probably, that a dangerous statement is what they say about...
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that they will unify, albeit conditionally and symbolically, these occupied territories, this shows that they want to blur the regional identity of those people who remain in the occupation, so that they do not there were khersons and zaporizhzhyas. and to make some kind of symbolic innovation there, i think that this is quite a dangerous trend, because they understand that it is somehow difficult to change people mentally there, it is difficult to change consciousness there, and they invent new, new tools like this to somehow cross out the past, which in many ways today gives people support to hold on to the occupation, but they bring it to melitopol and berdyansk, as well as to mariupol, in such a way as to dilute the local population, and they bring it from far away and from the outskirts, and in general.. this is another very nice cossack territory, and they don't try to import all their russian asians there. look, ethnically, they import enough different people, including the so-called
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small indigenous peoples there, actually those people who are fighting there, including on zaporizhia direction of their family members, in general the so-called kotsvityans, because the so-called there are in quotation marks, again in quotation marks. doctors, well, in fact, there are attempts to blur ukrainian identity precisely at the expense of mixing ethnic groups, because they understand that if the ethnic composition concentrated there remains the same, then it will be very difficult for them to somehow influence this population there, but this is the story of two cities, right, that is , melitopol-berdyansk, they smear them all over the occupied zaporizhzhia land, not only, no, it applies to all places that are conditionally habitable, that is, here. their logic is where it is good to live, and compared to their deep russian territories, they settle there, this also applies to tokmak, this also applies there , including energordar and other towns, which conditionally have good living conditions there, and these are processes that well, they have been happening
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for exactly more than a year, this is a conscious policy, they are trying to increase, well , there are two theses here, and the first is that the local population there does not have such a large number of willing collaborators, that's why they... like their local russians, and the second is to directly blur the ukrainian identity in order to form such a public, more russian, russian public opinion there. you say that there are not many collaborators, those 25 who were identified, that's how i understand it, then it's just almost all that there is, or what, that is, they have no one to rely on in occupied zaporozhye? look, of course, there are every such precedents, they cause a public outcry, including in the controlled territory, but... let's look objectively by the numbers: 350,000 people live in the temporarily occupied territory at the moment, well, there are approximately somewhere like that, and that is, we have precedents there of 25 collaborators, which is 0.0 thousandths of a percent, that is, we understand that, well, okay, there are some there, maybe more proceedings that are currently underway, but these are meager numbers,
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which first of all indicate that a significant number of people, practically all people, do not cooperate, that is, we understand that despite two years of war, we have only isolated precedents . and this explains why there are, relatively speaking, so-called expression of will in quotation marks, yes, there are referendums, their elections are held under machine gun fire, why are the indigenous russian peoples imported there , yes, in this territory, because they are thus trying from different sides to change this public opinion on the temporarily occupied territories, and in fact to break this resistance is often a passive resistance, but to break this resistance. those collaborators who are there, what kind of collaborators are they... people who hold positions, who have access to information, i don't know if it's possible, education workers, who are they, well, maybe for ukraine, yes, of the others that already have court verdicts, it seems to me that there are several dozen more, in two years there are already court verdicts
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directly, these are representatives of local self-government in quotation marks, which are local self-government in the temporarily occupied territory, that is, those people who take part in the organization, well, in fact, in power activities. of the temporarily occupied territory, the so-called deputies of local councils there, the heads of local self-government bodies there, and a significant number of representatives of law enforcement agencies who entered into collaboration and work today in the so-called law enforcement agencies of the occupiers, that is, to a greater extent, they are directly the functionaries who ensure the functioning of the occupying power, that is, they support, well , of course, a separate stratum is the number of people who are recorded to help in the organization of the so-called elections or the so-called referendum. uh, i wanted to... to ask you, you know, we've been gathering information for several days down the dnieper, since it was the anniversary of the destruction, the dams and various stories on the right and left banks and quite catastrophic, especially on the left, zaporizhzhia is higher, but we also understand that everything that
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happened downstream also affects, probably on the dnipro, and that's why you have both the dnipro and the old dnipro around here. how does it all look now? are there any influences that made a difference? well, i think that here it is possible to distinguish two directions, the first direction, it concerns the water supply. people, drinking water, technical water, and today there are small problems in the communities of the suburbs, first of all, it is the kushugum community, because people it is lower along the dnieper river, they experience problems with technical water, and there are small problems in the bellinkiv community with drinking water, including, but these problems are not of a catastrophic nature, today the waterworks are being repaired there, which as far as the belynka river is concerned, and the second direction is directly in the ecological direction, of course there is an influence on these processes, but even according to experts, ecologists themselves, nature is recovering there much faster than they predicted, that is, ecologists predicted that
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in a year it will look like there moon craters there in the places of the dried-up dnipro and the dried-up reservoir, today it is actually green meadows and nature compensates, let's say and helps the recovery of this territory, so the situation in the ecological direction is actually much better than the experts predicted, paneska, thank you so much, thank you so much for participating in our broadcast, hold on, askat ashurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was with us, we will take a short break, then we will actually analyze this whole story, which we have already mentioned, how to make money on evasion and to exit sizo in a few minutes to wait. there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration. when ordinary water is not enough, there is reo. reo - water for special honey. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the diary of the fallen paramedic iryna
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heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, and find new ones friends, the most important thing is that they receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that... your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved
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one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went out to restaurants. i visited the cities of gasburg, vienna and linz. this one the trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and fearful times. let's get back to the conversation and i'm very glad that iryna fedoriv, ​​head of the public initiative golka, will help us now. mrs. irina, good morning. good morning. how could this happen, maybe it will slander, well
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, a person has such a thing, i am talking now about the eyes, about your test. but from memory self-help iryna sysoenko, i'm flipping through wikipedia, but this holy person has so many higher educations, and in the eighth convocation she did everything right in the medical committee, and the international solomonov and law degrees, in a word, saint peter would have missed her, even without even asking what is your name , he would have opened the gate, said, go, you, you are better than the angels, and here they are taking 400 million, 100 thousand dollars on some medical certificates. that it is not necessary to serve in you, well, how is it, maybe this, maybe this is a reason, maybe, maybe she is telling the truth, well, she gave a million bail, she did not go to all the zones and says, then everything is on they told me, everything is so clear, or everything is clear, well, look, she is a suspect in this case, we cannot say here, like journalists and loudmouths, yes, but look, i
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always monitor a person's political path, and i follow ms. sosoenko ... a long time ago, because she was responsible for the allocation of quotas in the territorial election commissions of the kyiv region, and so that you understand, i will just explain a little about the budget of these quotas, a quota in the territorial election commission, if it is sold, we have a so-called black market for quotas $10,000, that is, one person in the commission is $10,000. samopomich, let me remind you, was a parliamentary political force, accordingly it had permanent representatives in the territorial election commissions, that is... it was not a lottery, and when elections were held in our village, in my native village of kotsyubynske, then in principle we have a very problematic history with the communities at the edge, the land here, the land is huge, the road, people are beaten, cars are burned, well, they threaten, but the people did not give up and defended the forest, and everything i asked
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the different political parties, especially the parliamentary ones, which had permanent quotas, do not sell quotas, because i the market of quotas is very... i know it well, and we have self-help, self-help did not hire its verified people, they gave quotas to representatives of developers, and these representatives wondered what they wanted at the commission meetings, and when i called ms. sysoenko, she did not pick up the phone , i’m not silent, i’m always silent, i wrote a blog about it, well, sesoenko answered, as she answers now, most likely, that it’s all slander, and it’s all made up, that’s why... the story with the fact that mrs. sysoenko , there, as you say, according to the biography of the holiday, when you understand the electoral process and what people do during elections when the stakes are very high, and it's not just money and not just land, it's beaten people, burned cars, i told her about it directly, but she ignored it, but look, how interesting, only yesterday we
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first wanted to understand who this woman with a blurred face was, and then, when her last name appeared, i... the first place i ran to was wikipedia, well, you understand, that's it, you open it, and there last line, june 7, june 7, now today we have 8, june 7, 2024, iryna sysoenko was detained by sbu representatives for the fact that with four colleagues she organized the mass production and sale of fictitious documents on obtaining a disability group due to occupational diseases, oh, and there are even articles of all kinds, in a word, everything is so fast, just one question, and ladies, according to your... from the experience of communicating with her, mrs. iryna always carries 9040 uah 70 kopecks in her pocket, well, i don’t know, maybe 70 kopecks always, but most likely she does not carry such a large stoma with her all the time, i had literally several with her contacts when talking before the elections, i explained the situation to her, but
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look, it's not news to me, it's strange to me that everyone thought that it was so white-white. the white way and that's what happened, actually what is being done in small communities, what is invisible to the general national level, and it's very cool that espresso highlights this, it's very important, because these are markers, they think that in small communities it it is not visible, it is possible to earn money, well , but the schemes, if they were on the books, well , this is not about the values, you understand, uh, of such small communities, and maybe large ones, after all, i in general, about... these schemes, is the field wide now, especially after the legislation is updated, and there are always a lot of loopholes, do you see any more, maybe you can tell us now? directly, but where can the same stories be? in a word, this is a unique group, a unique scheme, or can it be typical? this is not a unique scheme, we still have a problem not only
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with dodgers, but also with reservations, but if in the case of ms. sesoenko, we are dealing with, if we look at the case with dodgers, then there are real problems when businessmen really do, help the military, are doing military facilities, well, i know about such cases, and these facilities are very necessary for defense, and in order for them to complete them, they really need to provide people who can build, so that none of these i didn't pick up people from the construction site, so i already know 100%, i just can't say now that there are cases when during the booking process, even at such objects, someone can ask for something, and it's not... always a person , which can specifically solve the case, but mediators can be found, in short, you need a cerberus and what kind there should be this kind of supervisor who will
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monitor so that they do not abuse, do not develop new schemes, new ways to make money and somewhere to avoid and simply offend, yes, who should it be, does it have to be some big network, or is it enough now? in ukraine, there are organizations like yours, initiatives to keep an eye on all this, well , the scale is colossal, therefore, of course, the movement will not be enough for anyone, it is the same as thinking that our law enforcement system will cope with this, well, with that number of war crimes, what is rusnia doing here, but i just want to emphasize and appeal to the citizens: in fact, everything depends on each of us, it is necessary to inform the authorities, it is necessary... you should publicly expose it, react, look, they brought buzhansky to the military institute, and society reacted, everyone
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showed that these are red lines, the military institute cannot do that, as well as when it comes to the fact that bookings are made at objects, which are essentially a defense object, someone is asking for something, we need to talk about it, well it is clear that if the dodger is looking for a way evade, then he himself is not ... he says, this is not his interest, this is where we have to work, but in cases with reservations, when it is completely fair, people should say, this is 100%, i want to go back to that stingy information , which we receive, we also know that all of whom we are talking about now are holy people, until the court says otherwise, therefore, not only iryna sysoenko is taken on the spot, but they write about those holy people together. from the lviv region, who gave her a kickback in the amount of usd 32,000 . each of the spectators can multiply by 40 and will understand what is going on. then there are
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searches and 40 million hryvnias were found at the places of work and residence, as well as everything that is necessary, medical documents, records and so on. yes, in this case, we see that this scheme is, as they say, cross-border, no roadblocks and regions are interfering here. in such schemes, can it be at all on the scale of countries? well, of course, you will still remember, well, the first cases when we had the road system, and because of the road system, how many people left, and there were deputies of local councils who did not return, well, there were real scandals on this topic, that is, the question is that when we give a tool, there will of course be those who abuse it, the question of percentage, quantity. but again everything depends on the society, there is a request, if people want to evade, there will be someone who will provide them with this service, we really
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have less capacity to detect all these cases, we can only for these point cases, which we saw a way in the system, this is what the sbu is now telling us, to understand what the scale might actually be, ugh, and when we hear about those 400 million, they go for drones or not, right? i would like to understand, well , they did an investigation, found that you are keeping your fingers crossed that it would be like this? yes, ms. irina, and this, if we say so, we have already reached the path and the large scale, which means that they have now become more careful, i am talking about the fact that there are no such large new discoveries, have they really succeeded somewhere at some stage to overcome these schemes, these corruption ways, even? we do not know the statistics, so it is quite, quite difficult to say from the data, but the fact that there were cases, well, we do not understand why there is less information, less began to be discovered, or less
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a request appeared, whether for example... they no longer follow the path system, but follow the same system that the sbu told us about, yes, where did they go, that is, the same paths could, for example, the path system appeared first , this is the first entry point, then other entry points appear, and this stream disperses, well, since there are no official data, it is very difficult to talk about some statistical things here, but really, it all depends on the society and it must be reported. and it must be reacted very blatantly, among the options you did not name what it's just that there have been fewer such cases due to the fact that people abuse less, try less to give a bribe, someone to take a bribe, right? ok i understand well, look, i'm far from thinking that society is changing, well, so fast that in a year, the entire paradigm of values ​​can be changed, they are looking, well, from what i even hear, they are looking
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for it in different ways, literally... on the left bank there was a discussion about education, then they talked about a huge number of graduate students, well, they are not looking for, for example, those who want to be system dodgers, they are going to graduate school, well, a number of people, and you have to understand that they will use this tool, in this way, as i understand it, the load on the path decreases, the load on the graduate school increases, uh, and we still have a few minutes, new ... schemes of some kind you record where they are trying, maybe this is not only about evasion, not only about ways to illegally avoid innovations somewhere there, how to steal correctly and not to escape, what is new on the market, what is new on the market is what is old on the market, according to the schemes we can say that we got rid of kubrakov in the government, but kubrakov left us his so-called will, as they pushed their urban planning reform.
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reform, they are trying to push it through, and now they are already trying to embellish it a little, decorate it, but nothing changes, and they are still feeding everyone a fairy tale that the dream system will become that magic sieve and magic pill that begs for corruption and will not allow corruption to enter construction, well, but we all understand what is happening, it's just that even when a person leaves office, you have to watch this tail foot and mouth which falls away and remains our inheritance, and now we have to watch the government. iryna, we only have one more minute, we just want to understand, for example, is it our money and is it transparent, is it your initiatives, they are doing something, then there is publicity, they refuse and roll their mouths, do you remember how it was literally with the air conditioners at ukrenergo yesterday, why is it so, they stubbornly continue to follow the same schemes, and then they themselves refuse, well, i want not to be...
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sosoyenko, you understand, well, everyone has their own desires, their own values, and well, we you have to beat on the hands look, we can say that in terms of urban planning reform, this is a success, because we reached the european parliament, the european commission, we reached chathamhouse, this is the royal institute of britain, and that's wonderful, because if international partners hear it, it's wonderful. thank you, mrs. irina, for telling, sharing and being with the viewers of espresso. public initiative golk. and by the way, i want to say a few more words about supervision, you see, the united states and nato, and these big partners of ours, they are now also talking about what is needed special representatives, special envoys of some kind to ukraine, and this in particular is also about supervision in order to look, suggest and correct, and they also look carefully, they understand that in times of war, not all institutions will act, they are interested in the actual reaction to violations of the law, a moment
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of silence. .. 9:00 a.m. is the time when we honor the memory of all those who died because of the russian occupiers on our ukrainian land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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