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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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10, but don't miss the news in a few seconds, khrystyna parobii will tell you about the most important thing at the moment. it's 10 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porbiy works in the studio. in the morning, the enemy hit antonivka in the kherson region, a 72-year-old woman received explosive and craniocerebral injuries. she was hospitalized in a moderate condition, the regional military administration reported. also , one person was injured the day before due to the shelling of the kherson region. the occupiers aimed at residential quarters settlements. seven private
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houses and a high-rise building were damaged. in addition, the invaders hit the object of critical infrastructure, garages and an economic structure. at 9:13, the shahed were destroyed by the defenders of the sky that night, and one kh-59 guided air missile was also eliminated. this was reported by the air force of ukraine. enemy targets were shot down within kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, poltava and dnipropetrovsk regions. two people died as a result of shelling in dnipropetrovsk region. a 71-year-old woman from nikopol and a 70-year-old man from chervonogrigorivska community. the occupiers crossed the border 14 times, reported serhiy lysak, head of the region. two infrastructure facilities, six private residences and a 14-story unfinished building were damaged. also along the nivacheny power transmission line. explosions
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rang out in the crimea at night, they were heard in the area of ​​the thermal power plant in balaklia, as well as from the sea. the shock wave knocked out the windows in the houses, local media reported. also , eyewitnesses heard the sounds of shots and an explosion in sevastopol, local authorities reported the downing of a naval drone and an unmanned aerial vehicle boat there was also unrest in saka and evpatoria. in general, the ministry of defense of the terrorist country announced the alleged shooting down. 25 drones in six regions of the russian federation and crimea. the russians took seven ships to the sea of ​​azov. three of them are carriers of cruise missiles-caliber. their total salvo is up to 24 missiles. another enemy ship is located in the black sea, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reported. in addition, one russian ship with calibers is stationed in the mediterranean sea. at night, drones
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carried out a massive attack on russia, air defense forces the occupiers allegedly shot down six drones over the krasnodar territory, three more over the territory of the astrakhan region and two over the rostov region, the russian ministry of defense reported. also, one aircraft was shot down by the enemy over belgorod region, bryansk region, tula region and north ossetia. the charity foundation of irena koval is called to join the collection for drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are burning eyes in the sky security and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. we need to collect uah 2.5 million, more than three are already in the accounts. 1500
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hryvnias so don't waste time, join the collection for our defenders. you can see all the details on the screen. another 1,210 russians finished their service early and returned home, albeit in sacks. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion , more than 517 thousand occupiers have gone to russia in garbage bags, and with them their scrap metal, just for yesterday the defense forces destroyed nine tanks, nine bmps, 36 artists, 68 vehicles, one anti-aircraft vehicle and 10 units of special equipment. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. france has allocated 200 million euros for the reconstruction of ukraine's critical infrastructure, emmanuel macron said. the document was signed by the presidents of ukraine and france during the meeting. paris also promised support.
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regional projects for communities. france will send 20 experts to ukraine to provide technical assistance. invitation to visit. france will support ukraine in all areas, so we are creating new agreements for the reconstruction of ukraine, in particular, 200 million euros for enterprises that will invest in the reconstruction of critical infrastructure, and 60 million euros from this fund will be dedicated to energy sector priorities. the netherlands and denmark will produce infantry fighting vehicles for ukraine. about this. reported in the government of the netherlands. more than 400 million euros were allocated for the creation of new bmps. funding will go to the swedish fund. but cars will be produced mainly in the netherlands. they will be equipped fire control system, as well as a thermal imager. odesa opens the beach season.
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access to the sea was allowed in the command of the odesa operational-strategic group of troops, the eye reported. region oleg kiper. as of today, the open keleton area will be open, and in the near future 20 more beaches in the city and region, as well as lagoons in the izmail district, will be available. at the same time , the military administration warned that during an air alert and a storm of two points, recreation near the sea is prohibited. next edition at 11:00, stay tuned by us oh, there are no potatoes, you bring it, it's already asin,
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listen to yours. i remember bitargin, the morning will be without a hangover, as our patriarch kirill once said, from a spiritual and moral point of view, a special military operation called the holy war. moscow patriarch kirill declares a holy war against ukraine, and the ukrainian parliament has already. for a year and a half, no agreement can be reached regarding the banning of the russian church in ukraine, i announce a break, i will die by the evening. for the third year , russia has been waging a full-scale war with the aim of destroying everything ukrainian, and fsb agents under the cover of the uocp are still working in all corners of ukraine, undermining national security
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from within. we remember the patriarch and pray for him. prohibition of the russian orthodox church is a condition for our victory in the war with russia. i would simply pack these priests and send them back to russia. about who protects the russian peace, who needs the kremlin church in ukraine and what needs to be done to stop its activity? in the new film, the investigation of the roc, the last battle. it's eight o'clock on saturday. june at 22:00 at espresso. greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. today, we traditionally talk to people, with individuals who are making history today, who are helping ukraine and ukrainians, who. in the end, they bring those things that should help our country, our people in
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the fight against russian aggression. today, we are also talking about a very important topic, perhaps even a difficult topic, about prisoners of war, about those people who today, who today receive terrorist russia. in our studio, we have oleksandra romantsova, a rights activist, executive director of the organization. the center for civil liberties received the nobel peace prize in 2022. ms. oleksandra, good afternoon. also in our studio, maria klymyk, a journalist, has joined the media initiative for people's rights as a journalist and documentarian since 2022. also, mrs. maria, we are glad to see you in the studio. so i as i have already said, a difficult topic, especially in the context of the fact that recently the
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occupying state is trying to do everything to minimize any exchanges, to slow down, and under absolutely far-fetched pretexts, says that ukraine has, ukraine has some specific requirements, yes, of course, we will talk about recent, the last exchange that took place, several dozen people returned. if i'm not mistaken, there are more than 70 people there, prisoners of war, in your opinion, ms. alexandra, why is russia trying to do everything to slow down the exchanges, at least in recent months, this is some kind of new tactic, because the previous years are still there, the 22nd , partly in the 23rd year, the exchanges were more regular, well, i wouldn't say they were more regular, if you remember the big exchange... where we returned oleg sintsov, and, for example, there was a single crimean tatar,
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who managed to be snatched from the simferopol prison, this is edem bikirov, a man who had only one leg, ischemic heart disease, and he was specially brought by plane from the crimea to moscow in order to be included in this exchange, after that we only had one more literally there for a month one... exchange on the line of demarcation between the ordlo and our government-controlled territory, and then before the invasion we actually had no exchanges, that is, more than two years, then periodically russia arranges this, because once again you are very right they said, it acts as a terrorist organization, a terrorist organization sees in these people, first of all , a lever of pressure on ukraine, on the emotionality of ukraine. on relatives, in order to break our will to resistance, and besides, i think it
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is very important for them to somehow hide the indicators of war crimes, crimes against humanity, which they actually committed on the territory, on the territory of ukraine, and here we have , as the reconstruction of mariupol, which absolutely simply destroys itself under a contrived pretext. architecture that can preserve and show where the shots were fired from, with what shot, how disproportionate it was, what war crimes there were, so it also applies to people, especially people who were captured, and russia considers them prisoners of war, in fact they are completely civilians, which the third geneva convention explains in all points, why can't they be treated the way russia behaves, so all this is directly a war crime or a crime against humanity. so, on the one hand we have legal reasons, on the other hand they are trying to use it
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as pressure, plus these comments by maskalkova yes the so-called human rights commissioner on the territory of the russian federation, this is a game on the domestic media market. we have to remember that we come out of different pictures, we know because we communicate with those who were exchanged, we know about the terrible conditions, about torture, about emotional pressure, about the impossibility. to communicate with relatives, not just a lack of basic food, but the russians are told that they are almost in a sanatorium of ukrainian national prisoners, and... there our boys are suffering on the territory of ukraine in ukrainian terrible captivity, so from time to time this myth must be supported, and that is why moskalkova says that she personally brings them letters and transfers there twice a month, and the medical confirmation in them is so perfect and everything else, that is, these are the three factors that i would highlight. ms. maria, what do
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the last months show in the context of exchanges or their absence? something special is happening, statements, some actions of the terrorist state, well, we see that the last exchange did take place, but it is one of the few, what is the context of this tragic situation now? well, if, as we could already notice, if there were regular exchanges from the 22nd to 2023, then from august 2023, the exchanges did not stop for almost 5 months, and it was very difficult for many relatives, so that there was little information, and in fact now the only information to find out about who is in polonia, to find out something about civilians, about the military, about their state of health, about the conditions can only be obtained from those who came out of captivity, so these exchanges for of ukraine are
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very important, perhaps for this reason russia slows down these exchanges, and... blames it for this ukraine, that is, they very often in their publications can read about the fact that ukraine refuses to take its prisoners, its ukrainian servicemen, then its exchanges resumed again on january 3, 24th, and the last one was on february 8, 2024, again the exchanges stopped, again there was this rhetoric from the russian side that ukraine... refuses to take its people, they even, that we even refuse to return the bodies of our dead, and fortunately such an exchange took place, and the bodies of the dead were returned, almost more than 200 bodies of our defenders and more than 70 of our servicemen, among them are civilians, as far as we know, there are women, uh, and
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this is very important, because the exchange of women was a long time ago, they did not return women, we know that the captives are now in in russian... there are a lot of women in poland now, both civilians and military, there is absolutely no information about them, so this exchange is very important, because we will have a chance to find out where the women are currently being received, what is happening to them and how many are still left in captive but we have some idea of ​​how many ukrainians are in russia right now, what is the number, there are some possible data, at least the preliminary ones, let's try at least... to find out the scope of the categories, because in addition to prisoners of war, which is probably the most registered unit, because we have a person who is assigned to a military unit, there is a person who is part of a battalion, if he has disappeared without a trace, there is a procedure that the state, with which the state contacts precisely in the process of what is a serviceman or a servicewoman, and
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so you and i have the most information there about this number, but we know that this number is... classified because it is basically influential in terms of our defense capability, at the same time there are border guards, there are policemen, and women and the men, for example, in the last exchange, just the policemen are civilians, so that we understand that they should not be kept as russian prisoners of war, they are civilians, and these civilians should have been released as soon as the russian federation left some occupied territory , nevertheless, she steals them and exported to its territory, except... in addition, there are people who go through the so-called filtering, when they try to leave the combat zone, and here we also have a black hole, no one knows according to what principles a person will be filtered out, can be filtered out, for example, parents, and children taken separately, only the father or only the mother can be filtered out by the so-called
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process, in addition, we have this period of occupation in fact since... the 22nd year, which in the territory , and we do not know how many people still remain there, that is, in ukraine it is necessary to cooperate with other countries around, to make a request in order to understand how many ukrainians were able to leave there, that is , it is not just because it is very simple, but we did not count, it is a huge, huge such number, plus you have to understand, russia does not confirm , that is, we have had more than once or twice, when in such simultaneous releases , people arrive... for people, and some of these people have not been confirmed by russia, so they were considered missing, and russia then extradits them as part of these exchanges, i.e. according to our by calculations, taking into account those relatives that i will turn to... in our organization, we have more than a thousand civilians, according to general calculations, for example, missing persons with potential, let's say that they are precisely in
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captivity, in our initiative for putin, we have about 400 specifically named floodplains, and about episodes where it could potentially be about 700, but according to the trend, these are tens of thousands of people, that is, you can even consider those people who... in the occupied territories to some extent are also prisoners, they are kidnapped, their , them, this is a separate status, if, well, why we, actually, civilian hostages are very often used, but for example, hostage is a direct legal term, it defines that someone tried to demand something for him, and this also happens, that is, there are such captives, for which local, or russian national guardsmen, or the military, they tried to demand something specific. from the opposite side and even at the highest level, at the political level, they also demanded such specific people, they, they may have the status of hostages, but we
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understand that in fact all people are civilians who are in the occupied territory, they can potentially become such illegal prisoners, and that is why it is so dangerous to turn the exchange into a certain black market, this is also the practice of latin america, where in... in some, in some places, every third person, a man , especially, went missing as a result of local military operations, this is the practice of the caucasus, the most terrible for us, because in chechnya the same federals, the same, the same russian army took part in this, and in them, unfortunately, this, well, rude speaking, practice, it already exists, and they know that it is possible to force the enemy to slip into it, so it is so important... that we really do it within the framework of international humanitarian law, and not try, well, roughly speaking, to just shovel 2-3 million people there who are
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on occupied territories, just to drive them out through this status, and this will create a potential problem in the future to convict the russians for these activities, because these are legal nuances, and at the same time it is very important for us that these people have direct contact, have the opportunity to get ... they are in russian prison, it's not a resort at all, and not having transfers, medicines, or contacts with relatives there is super difficult for health, and we see it, those who return, they have anorexia, they have diseases, and actually the last, directly last exchange, yes, there are a lot of people who had either injuries or chronic diseases that worsened, ms. maria, ms. oleksandra mentioned about... the so-called filtering measures, so in principle they can also be considered to some extent such as those through which people pass through, which later,
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relatively speaking, put in prison or resettled somewhere, to what extent such criminal filtering measures are currently taking place both on the territory of the occupied and possibly on the territory of russia itself, and how many anyway, are there... any studies, how many people after these filtering measures can fall directly already under the legal wording of prisoners, and we must understand that at the moment we cannot say exactly who they are there, which people have passed filtering, were released, who were captured, who were simply deported somewhere, and we just not anymore can we find this person, we are still receiving unofficial confirmations that in mariupol they are still conducting... rehumations of bodies, both civilians and military, and they are simply taken somewhere outside the city, and we do not have any information, because no one knows these people
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identifies, no one is looking for them, and their relatives cannot report them because they are under occupation and it is dangerous for them, likewise we cannot claim that we have any concrete figures of who is in captivity or who , who is missing because... russia does not provide such data, nor can we calculate it from our databases, since we do not know whether all the relatives contacted the relevant authorities and submitted this information, what is happening now in the occupied territories, in them and, well, in most of them, there are active hostilities, there in the same avdiivka, near kharkov, kherson, zaporizhzhia, there is no communication, no information at all, so we cannot talk about any numbers or assert anything in general. because at the moment only a few have a chance to leave there, maybe you have something to add about these
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filtering measures, because... there is indeed some evidence about them, a lot of terrible things are being told, but they used the word research, let me explain a little how the difficulties are, in fact, imagine that in general we know about some violation of states with contact with people who are also against these violations, and russia, let me remind you, over the past 20 years has cleaned out everyone who might have the same value framework as us, meaning journalists, pravozahniki or independent lawyers, and thus there a small fringe group that is ready to help in some way, they are all under attack, the possibility of losing their license, going to prison, because the number of such political appointments has directly increased there, and also because of what it means for us to conduct research, imagine if you are a prisoner of war returning from captivity , this means, since russia was the first, they
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kept everyone together for a while, then every person who returns, she is direct, this is a very common practice, they directly memorized all the names and surnames of all the people who were with them and until what time, so we we can follow every person that we have, and if he suddenly remembers the name of a person for whom we do not have applications, then it is also work on the contrary, to find relatives or find opportunities, how to enter this person into the database. and so our research, they completely concentrate on those people who return on the one hand, on the other hand, they are constantly changing, that is , yes, this person remembered that two months ago in the filtration camp she saw those who and those who , that is why there were more civilians in the filtration camps, because prisoners of war, as a rule, because the filtering still did not take place, and these were civilians, so they can more or less describe what a filtering camp is and according to...
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descriptions according to the intelligence data that, including a lot of it was collected by, for example, the usa, they are very focused specifically on filtering procedures, because filtering itself is not illegal, it's a question of how you carry it out, and including that there is a lot of sexual violence, well , just exposing a person because you want to see all their tattoos, that too , this is also sexual violence, by the way, now we see have you seen footage of the last exchange on the screen? yes, here we can see, in fact we are talking about privates, sergeants, officers, the armed forces of ukraine, the national guard, the state border guard service and civilians. by the way, there are 19 people who were captured from the island of zmiinii, 10 defenders of mariupol and azovstal, 14 military personnel from the chernobyl nuclear power plant, that is, how much more time has actually passed.
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that is, a total of more than 70 people, to be exact, 70 men and five women, four women, civilians, and there is also information that at least a third of the rescued people have injuries, serious illnesses, disabilities, so... we can imagine, in fact, in what conditions the occupiers keep our people there and, in comparison, in what conditions ukraine keeps those russians who came to our land , who are also held in our specialized centers, by the way, if we talk about this, we know that we already need to build a third center, the number of actual
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russian occupiers that we will receive now. on the territory of ukraine, and we saw those the conditions in which they are obtained. the most important thing, you know, is that we saw it, and the fact that they have access to the international committee of the red cross, which actually monitors that, yes, this is a condition corresponding to international humanitarian law, the russian federation did not provide such access, and likewise ukraine has created a special commission to determine among these people the wounded, or just as well, those with chronic diseases, and such people... according to the conclusion of this commission, they can be sent, for example, to the russian federation without these procedures of mutual simultaneous release. russia has not done this, and it does not allow the international red cross full access to all detention facilities, and many of these detention facilities, they are illegal, especially in the occupied territories. absolutely agree with you here.


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