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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna porbiy works in the studio. all regions of ukraine will have light until 4 p.m. at this time, they do not plan to apply stabilization shutdown schedules. the ministry of energy was informed. it was explained there that the deficit in the energy system was reduced due to the addition of an additional nuclear unit to the network. it was put into operation at one of the as after planned repairs. the work was completed 10 days earlier
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than planned, it will add 1,000 megawatts of power to the power system, and this is the third nuclear unit, which was launched after repairs. as for the situation in the regions, a 46-year-old woman who was pulled out from under the rubble yesterday after the enemy attack on poltava died in the hospital after shelling. doctors fought for her life for a day, the head of the region, philip prunin, said. let me remind you that the russians hit the city with an kh-59 missile. two more people were injured and were treated on the spot. 50 residential buildings were damaged. in the morning, russians wounded a rescuer in the nikopol district , a 28-year-old man is in a serious condition in the hospital, - reported the head of the dnipropetrovsk region serhiy fox when firefighters arrived to eliminate the consequences of the previous attack, the enemy hit the drone again. and at night
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, two people died in nikopol region as a result of shelling. the victims of the russians were a 71-year-old woman from nikopol and a 70-year-old man from the chervonogrigorivska community. the occupiers raided the border 14 times. two infrastructure facilities, six private residences and a 14-story new building were damaged. also along the nivychyna power line. two people were injured in... as a result of shelling in donetsk region. this was reported in the regional office police the russians dropped aerial bombs on selidove, kostyantynivka and the village of severny. they also hit pokrovsk that night. as a result of the attacks, 35 residential buildings, a pharmacy, a store and an administrative building were destroyed in the region. in nivychchyna - communications. in the morning, the enemy attacked antonivka in the kherson region. a 72-year-old woman got an explosive device. and craniocerebral injuries.
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she was hospitalized in moderate condition , the regional military administration reported. also , one person was injured the day before due to the shelling of the kherson region. the occupiers invaded the residential quarters of the settlements, damaged seven private houses and a high-rise building. in addition, the invaders hit the object of critical infrastructure, garages and an economic structure. recognized the attack of ukrainian drones, the ministry of defense of the terrorist country reported that they repelled the attack of drones on the mozdok military airfield in north ossetia, allegedly there was minor destruction and fires, according to the local governor , russian air defense eliminated allegedly three ukrainian drones. at the same time in aggressors reported to the ministry of defense of the country that the attack was repelled, and another 14 drones were allegedly shot down over other regions of russia.
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tu-22 and mig-31k aircraft are based at the mozdok airfield, from which the occupiers launch missiles over ukraine. there is currently no official notification from the defense forces of ukraine. one ukrainian brigade restrains at least three enemy fighters. fierce fighting continues in the pokrovsky direction in donetsk region - the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine reported. despite the huge losses, the occupiers do not... stop trying to break through ukrainian positions, attacks continue in the area of ​​novooleksandrivka, yevgenivka and sokol. and the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling to join the collection for drones and equipment for the art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first lot that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that watch without... heat and
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provide an opportunity to move forward confidently, most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers, we need to collect 2.5 million hryvnias, more than 300.50 00 hryvnias are already on the accounts. so take your time, join the gathering for our defenders. you can see all the details on the screen. jens stoltenberg refused to create a $100 billion aid fund for ukraine. the nato secretary general rejected this idea due to the opposition of the alliance members. this was reported by the bloomberg agency. instead, stoltenberg asks the countries to continue providing aid, because the new plan should... ensure greater transparency of support. from tomorrow until the end of september, polish farmers threaten to block traffic in the direction of the point the doctor's pass to sheginy. this was announced by the state border service of ukraine. however
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, it has not been specified which vehicles will be subject to the restriction. pairway. capital rescuers took part in a charity bike race. to support the ukrainian military. about a hundred people, not only emergency workers, but also city residents, went from the kyiv bicycle track to the nyivka metro station and back. the collected funds will go to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. it is important to accumulate people near you who not only save, but also help the armed as much as i can professionally, no, that's how i ride. these sports, i don't know, probably there are also athletes, it should also bring additional benefits now in the time of war. accordingly, any opportunity to use this hobby to make money should be used. odesa
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is opening the beach season, access to the sea has been allowed in the command of the odesa operational-strategic group of troops, - reported oleg, the head of the region. as of today , the kalyton open zone will be open, and in the near future 20 more beaches in the city and region will be available, as well as lagoons in izmail district. at the same time , the military administration warned that during an air alert and a storm of two points, recreation near the sea is prohibited. such was the morning in ukraine. read more news on our website, also on our social networks. join, bet. likes, this is the end of the issue, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us, today
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in the program the verdict with serhiy rudenko, the landing of allies in normandy, former partners in the anti-hitler coalition... now they show unity in the fight against putinism, which was agreed upon by presidents zelenskyi and biden on french soil. mirages in the ukrainian sky. macron promised to replenish the air fleet of the armed forces with french-made multipurpose fighters. are there any restrictions on the use of western weapons by ukraine? krem's nuclear stick. putin said the west was wrong to believe that russia would never use nuclear weapons. why the kremlin dictator is again grasping for his last argument in the confrontation with the west. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program.
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my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. during us. for two hours we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. in the first part of our program, we will talk about the foreign policy results of this week. we will have a diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine valery chalyy as our guest. the second part of our program will feature journalists larisa volushyna and maryna danyliuk yaermaleeva. traditional friday journalist club on espresso. let's talk about sociology, about zelensky's sociology. about hearing and the people, and sociology, and about democracy and sociology. however, before we start our big evening and our big conversations, i suggest you see how president zelenskyi’s speech was met with thunderous applause today by the national assembly
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of france during a speech about new threats in modern europe, zelenskyi switched to french, the assembly’s deputies gave a standing ovation, well, obviously not only president zelensky, and the courage of the ukrainian people, let's see how it all turned out. france, i am very grateful. thank you for supporting us to protect life.
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thank you. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. but for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please take part in our vote, today we ask you about this, are you ready for long-term blackouts on youtube, everything is quite simple, yes no, or your own answer, write any please in the comments under this video, if you are watching us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers if you are ready for long-term blackouts 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free. vote at the end of
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the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. so, today we have a very big foreign policy evening with the participation of valery chaly, diplomat, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center. mr. valery, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, let's start our conversation from the meeting in normandy, where the former members of the anti-hitler coalition celebrated the 80th anniversary of the landing in normandy, and during the speech at the ceremony, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, drew parallels between the day where, that is, the day of the landing and or the beginning of the military operation, the landing in normandy of the allies and the war in ukraine. let's listen to what the president of the united states of america said.
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ukraine was captured by the tyrant. ukrainians are fighting with extraordinary courage. they suffer heavy losses, but still do not retreat. combined the states, nato and a coalition of more than 50 countries are on the side of ukraine, we will not leave, because if we do, ukraine will be conquered, and it will not end there, ukraine's neighbors will be in danger, all of europe will be in danger. make no mistake, the autocrats of the world are closely watching what is happening in ukraine. will we allow this illegal aggression to flow with impunity? we cannot allow this, to surrender to robbers, to bow down to dictators, this is simply unthinkable. mr. valery, but not in this speech one more thesis was enough, that russia must be
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defeated, as at one time fascist germany was, why do world leaders, drawing analogies between the past and the present, still not twist this thesis? well, the answer is simple, because the fascists did not have time to make nuclear weapons after fau, and in principle. i also have a question, these parallels that are given seem to be logical, because it is clear that what is being said here is that the fascist regime, in fact, like nazism in germany, and now the fascist regime in its manifestations in russia, but despite the fact that the allies were great, this was when the final stage of the defeat of fascism began, that is, not only the nazis, but in general... the victory in the second world war, it was still a long war, but it
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was already such a step, which had already been done and i will remind you that indeed hundreds of thousands of allies and americans died and it was operation neptune and overload and all that was very difficult but they went for it and now what a parallel, well in victory i like the parallel, what a great victory. we did it together, by the way ukrainians are also involved in this victory over nazism, but at the same time there is no real understanding. what parallels, if ukraine is alone, the point here was precisely that all the allies united, that is, i lacked a phrase, not what is there about russia, but i lacked a phrase, together we will not only stand with ukraine, and we now, we are now involved in this matter, that is
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, the day has come when we cannot simply watch the ukrainian people bleed.' is fighting for our european security with you, we cannot watch, be aside, when the ukrainian people are there now, while we are here celebrating, fighting, we must enter this war and win. well, it should have happened, but it didn't. well, but the anti-putin coalition also entered the war more than once, and it has been 5 years since the beginning of the second world war to this day. almost 5 years and this is also a question, that is, if we already draw these analogies, then we are now with the second world war, so what stage are we at now? well, you know, better than me, that all these analogies limp, that is recently, i see a lot of comparisons with other moments with the soviet-finnish
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war, that is, there are just... a lot of analogies closer to us, and in principle, to put it briefly, such countries that individually cannot really, well i admit that it is symmetrical with russia and a nuclear country has many times more territory, many times more population, weapons, that is, it is obvious to me that the victory must be collective, and so... these countries dragged on for a very long time, waiting, well , for that the soviet union will take its steps, and then with some smaller costs human pressure from all sides, i think that if what i said is from finland, then they often say that it is necessary
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to stop there at some stage, to agree to fix the situation, because... there are many victims, just as the war showed winter in finland, that the soviet union, when it received this agreement to an armistice from finland, it immediately, what it did, after literally a few days began to demand more and did not allow finland to even sign an agreement with sweden, that is, then it demanded that its proteges became the leader of finland, and then finland was forced to receive support, well, did she take such a step from. i.e., and in fact, after the distribution of the spheres of influence, after the second world war, finland found itself on the other side, and then it lost essentially all the territories it had once given to the soviet union, i.e. , the father of the analogy should be understood by those who now think that if somewhere situation, as
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putin wants, then we will win something there , a pause, and analogies with dideyte. this is victory, victory, what i said, it must be achieved together, together with allies. on today, as you know, ukraine does not have a single ally, because an ally is someone who signs an alliance agreement with you and enters the war. the supply of weapons and aid are not allied relations, they are partnership relations, this is all very well, but such wars, of such a scale, cannot be won or completed without inclusion. with all our might, and it will happen, and what you say, at which stage we are, well, unfortunately, we have not yet reached the grandfathers, how did it happen there, we are somewhere waiting until the final understanding comes to all these partners of ours, what is still needed before this day to come already, but the fact that
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there were no russians this year and at this anniversary already in the 80th anniversary, this already shows that with putin... no one will ever agree on anything with him, or is it just that in the current situation the eightieth anniversary is happening in this way, because the 70th anniversary of the normandy landings was the first meeting, as far as i remember , between president poroshenko and president putin after poroshenko was elected president, and i remember how poroshenko simply did not want to approach putin at all and there they were simply brought together so that they could at least say hello, exchanged a couple there... words were exchanged, well, if i remember those days, i was really there and i remember them all very well. these moments, who was with whom, to whom, and of course, then there was putin, and now there is no invitation, although the french talked about the fact that they probed
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the soil, how it would be perceived if he was invited, well, of course not putin, because on putin , then an arrest warrant must be issued immediately, someone else, that is, for russia to be present, because russia or, say, those people who were from the ssr in... the soviet union, they took participation in joint actions with the ukrainians, with the belarusians, with others, all our peoples of that period in the victory over nazism, simply, well, in fact, russia was now hoarding this victory in its understanding, since the strange may 9, they made it a kind of fascist march, very it's strange that it's so historical. its changes have come, and that 's why they really perceive it differently now, somehow everything has turned around, they perceive it in a completely different way,
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well, if there was no war against ukraine and the crimes of the warrant already issued by the hague court, then of course it would be different , but be that as it may, then the illusions that existed then and indeed... you remembered correctly, i think, on the 7th, it was precisely the inauguration of president poroshenko, and before that the normandy meeting, and there was hope, on the one hand, of the europeans , that they will somehow be able to push putin to a realistic assessment, and on the other hand, what else happened, that in fact barack obama gave this one, knowingly, if he was giving it to a tunic. did he essentially push these problems away from himself, handing them over to the europeans, and that was a mistake, and this mistake is not being repeated by joseph biden now,
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although he worked with him as vice president, but you compare what barack obama said then and what joseph biden is saying now, because 10 years have passed, 10 years have flown by and there are no longer any illusions about the intentions of putin and the regime, so it is possible that these years were needed for understanding, sometimes we say that in that period or in another it was possible to do one way or another, well, periods are made by people, and this is what i say even today, that i would like it to be so that there would be determination, well, not ready, not ready, there are all too many factors for it influence, therefore normandy now and normandy 10 years ago, these are absolutely two different situations, two different situations, the only thing. it is repeated that then ukraine was alone, that now it remains alone, then , of course, we fought for some kind of
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pause, to get the production of weapons in ukraine, you know, then many programs were launched, including we were given the opportunity and now somewhere to advance further on neptune, on our missiles, and we have boats there... the same manpads began, the same javelins of the americans were received, that is, we after all, they used that period, so that they don’t say it there, but today is a different stage, it is at a new level, if they were needed then, it is possible to immediately provide these weapons in such a quantity as now, they would have stopped the war, if they had not given us then this amount of weapons, of course it would stop putin's intentions, because he... stood, he had 175-180,000, now, well, according to estimates, 550,000 in ukraine, around ukraine, that is, a completely different situation,
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so it is still one such lesson is that everything should be done in advance preferably without waiting some actions, then a reactive position, by the way, now a lot of people are discussing not even the volume of support for ukraine, but the dynamics, the timeliness, that it is necessary not to react. on the actions of russia, and to anticipate these actions. well, zelenskyy spoke today before the national assembly of france, he said that he rejects the possibility of territorial concessions to russia until the end of the war. let's listen to what the president of ukraine said? can putin win this battle? no, no, because you and i have no right, no right to lose. is it possible will this war die out on the lines that are now? no, because there are no lines for evil that exist 80 years
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ago or now. and if someone tries to draw the temporal lines himself, it will only give a pause before a new war. now it is the same as when evil unleashed its aggression against its neighbors in the 1930s, hitler overcame line after line, so is putin today. mr. valery, president. says that you and i have no right to lose, and again, well, despite everything , the thesis about how we should win this whole thing is not enough war both in the current conditions and with the participation of a country that is a nuclear country, but there is no no no not pressed too, as far as i am concerned, and there is no answer to that, and how, how does he propose?...
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ukraine, so that this war ends, do you understand what zelensky means when he says that we don't have the right to lose, but how to win? well, what the president of ukraine stated is, in principle, the official position, and it is a statement of two things. first of all, if there is a pause, then the war will not go anywhere, that is, these are illusions, if there are any... agreements on freezing, that is this is an illusion, everything will be the same, it will be even bigger, it will unfold more, and then it will be very difficult to avoid being completely overwhelmed by the russians and the putin regime, and the second point is that he calls on his partners to realistically assess the situation and make efforts now, that's it the official position, where the occupation of the territory and access to the borders, has
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not changed. which the president of ukraine emphasizes, because a lot has been said about the fact that on the eve of all those peace summits there they have narrowed down the issues, well, here such an emphasis is clear in france that no one refuses from these positions, but secondly, i have my own vision, it is not that, let's say, today there is an opportunity to implement it right now, but i am sure that... such a war is outside the framework of international legal such an asymmetric local war is considered local between a large country, but it is already regional in some manifestations, it is also global in cyberspace, that is , this war is so multifaceted, and this type of war at this stage can be won by
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engagement. a collision of countries, that is, it already happened repeatedly, when there is a coalition of countries, when there is an aggressor, and this coalition adopts a set of measures in the form of economic sanctions, well, that is , an embargo, at the same time political isolation and a military coalition with the involvement of powerful countries, including those that have nuclear weapons, that is, in principle it is clear, it should be a coalition of the country. that protect european security, which coalition of countries that protect european security, at least, it is nato, which includes the united states, which includes canada, and there are european participants, including nuclear countries, the united states, britain, france, that is, this is the formula for victory unequivocally, that is , joining forces, so it means, well , what they can't
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think of yet, but... they will get to it at some stage, it's actually entering the war on the side of ukraine, so that putin's ultimatum was not to kyiv, he was to washington and brussels in the 21st year on december 15, these documents exist, this ultimatum was made by him, and in some parts it has already been destroyed, well , first of all, by the lack of an answer to it, if such capitulation, but... sweden, finland are already members of nato, they still have to accept ukraine and this whole history can be closed, so i think that it will not be otherwise, that is, there are two ways, in this war there are only two ways, well, in the war, it is meant, in the confrontation, which is difficult to determine in the period, how long it is will be, but this is one, it is the capitulation of ukraine, and the second is the defeat of russia, through the actions
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of the country's joint coalition. led by the united states, the same as france, germany.


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