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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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but the question is that this cartoon is based on pushkin, now many people are triggered by pushkin, and then, well, in 2018 somehow not so much, of course there were many voices that somehow it is not very cool, and in general to shoot a cartoon based on pushkin during the war, but there were much fewer such voices, i am sure that if this cartoon had been published now, there would have been much more scandal, and also the cartoon ... by the way, if you look at it, it talks about kyiv, there c everything in the trailer itself emphasizes that this is kyiv, that's all takes place in kyiv, let 's look at an excerpt, this is kyiv, a wonderful city, it is ruled by the glorious prince volodymyr, and this is me, an ordinary actor, troubadour basikalo, hello, who fell asleep there, ruslan, don't be lazy!
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it is noteworthy that the stolen princess ruslan and lyudmila was released in russia, the producers sold its rental there, and there was such a scandal in 2019 already, that the distributors are already russian, they demonstrated all this not only on the territory of russia, but also on in the occupied territories, for example, in the crimea, our ukrainian producers, when they have already turned to them, they said it was unacceptable. we did not allow such a thing to be done, this cartoon in russia was called ruslan and lyudmila reboot. there are also such questions in general about these popular cartoons, these ones, well, the hollywood type, when they started to be drawn somewhere, i think, from the year 2015, well, they started to be released little by little there on the 16th, 17th, somewhere like , and they often went out for fun also in russia, their. rental was produced
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in many other countries, but we are definitely interested in russia, this, you know, then before the full-scale invasion there were questions, i will repeat myself once again regarding this practice, but many people believed that it was a completely normal story to sell something to the russians, this trade went anywhere, and holivar is coming back, there was such a cartoon that was released in 2021, it is the producers of 95. quarter, there was a lot of talk about this cartoon, many people also discussed it there, some liked it, some did not like it, but the question is that ilya maksimov filmed it, he is a russian director, and the rental was also in russia, i remember at the premiere approached i asked one of the producers whether you are going to sell this cartoon in russia, he said that they will sell it all to the library or sell it to distributors. who will already be engaged
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in the distribution of this cartoon in different territories, and maybe they will also sell this cartoon in russia, but they say that we have nothing to do with this, i will say that this is such a popular scheme that it was enough for our producers to say that it was us we just sell to some libraries, we just sell to distributors, well, they already are they will give the go-ahead there, which country to sell to, to which not, we cannot influence them, but... we also have to sell, somehow recoup money, and by the way, the same is done with television series, and that is why we we can observe when very, very similar series are released in russia and ukraine, they are almost the same, and clara and the magic dragon, i will say that this is just a cartoon that was shot according to the same scheme, now we can see it, there were many reviews, by the way, back then, what kind of cartoon was this... in the 19th
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year, many people liked the picture, yes, here but the plot itself was criticized, they say, a weak plot, they would like something brighter, here, but the issue is that the tape was also released in russia, but it was absolutely like this, i repeat, a standard situation that was repeated with almost every cartoon, but not all children's content, not all children's content was released in russia, because... for example, a film like hell's banner, it could not be released in russia, because there, you know, all the cartoons i was talking about above, and the maverick, and the kidnapped princess, and that's all, they were filmed in such a neutral way, in order to serve and sell for different markets, but hell's banner is absolutely such a pronounced ukrainian story, there the main character is a cossack, played by hryhoriy boklanov, he is very cool... he played it, i
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really like it i liked this movie, although there are terrible graphics, absolutely, i don't know how much they spent, probably 15 hryvnias on it conditionally, because of course it's such a shame. beat the graphics, but i liked everything else, there is an interesting plot, there is such a cossack, you know, with for one thing, well, he's not a good hero, he's not such a positive hero, when you look at him and the milk just sours, he's so cunning, there's a devil, he's a fool, let's see the excerpt, what are you doing, hands, i'm sorry, i'm in trouble , the son is missing, he must be saved, is that what they are asking for? in spades with flour, and why are they beating you, vasya, because you are the smallest, you are such a gift to them, i can't, but i will teach you, i promise, here's a cross for you, we also have a kind of
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parody of one at home, this tape is called adventures of st. nicholas, adventures of st. nicholas shot semyon gorov, whom we, i think, remember well for this. that were filmed for the new year, these products were filmed together with the russians, even i think that there was much more russian money there, and this one, you know, it is unlikely that these musicals can be shown on tv now, but here he filmed this december fairy tale or the adventure from nikolay is called, this tape, there is masha efrasynina, this is a continuation of the tradition of inviting not... actors, not actresses, but media people to attract the audience, and there, too, they leave the sister and brother at home alone, and to them bandits break out and the children of these bandits begin to mock yarastyuk with fun , and of course the film is much weaker
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than the one at home, but everyone immediately saw that this was such a parody, that is why the film caused quite ambiguous, ambiguous views and impressions, but... but still, many, especially children liked it, because it is so colorful, it is bright, and i saw how children like it all, they watched it with pleasure, and we also have such a movie foxter and max , took it off another, i think, is a well-known director named anatoly meteshko, i think you remember him from the tv series borzhuy's birthday, and here he filmed a children's such a teenage story, probably after all fox max about a boy and his dog, such a little thing, i will say that it is not a patron dog, now you will see, it is a fox terrier, because many people confuse such fox terriers with jack russells, but here is this movie, i also
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liked it enough, there about this animal, there are also some adventures, about love, about such, you know, a boy who is not very confident in himself, but later he finds in himself some cool sides, strong points and becomes much more confident, and his beloved girlfriend also finds a lot of good in him, gives him this confidence, i liked this approach, well and also not i can’t forget the babai cartoon, i want to mention it only so that you know how it can be, what cartoons we had, well, it was terribly criticized, now you can even... you can see the image itself, how much cheaper it is, less professional than those cartoons that we saw before, but this old man was criticized for the selection of these colors, absolutely some crazy, so
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very, very, very bright, and for the plot, which also seemed to many to be quite weak, well, in other words, this old man is associated in our movie party with very poorly made ones. cartoons, this is a production of ukraneme, and that is why i just showed you this cartoon so that you could compare it with the previous ones and understand that we are basically moving in the right direction and our cartoons and animations are developing, although, if you talk to directors of animated films, then animated films, then they will cry to you and say that they do not pay attention to this industry and they will be right, but on the other hand i want to say that cartoons and... in general, family films, and they are very profitable for rental, if of course they are made of high quality and get into the audience, because family films are considered profitable, because children come and they do not come alone with their parents, so tickets are bought much
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more than for any other tapes, and so on the most popular genre in all countries local comedies are also considered, and we can see from our rental... which really confirms this, because some of the most popular films in our rental have become local comedies, i, you , him, her, or crazy weddings, and so on, well , now friends you and i... we are going to the tereodors from vasyukivka, our guests are already on the wire, but i will tell you such a short background that we have, and now we can see the illustration of the tereodors from vasyukivka of the future, the future film, one of the directors roman krasnoschok kept her in himself on facebook, now we will ask him whether this film will be like this, whether it will be different after all, because if we remember the monkey... then the monkey that was shown to us at first was categorically different than what we later saw it
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was seen, it was changed 300 times, this is a normal process for animation, and i will also say that we have such an old film - bullfighters from vasyukivka, it is such a short film, it is one of the episodes, it is 30 minutes, you can watch this film absolutely free on youtube, for example, he, me i think many of you friends hear. about him for the first time, this is not a popular tape, but from my point of view, it was made, well, not very well, probably of high quality and not very suitable for children, it is so black and white, it is gloomy, let's see an excerpt: the first in the history of the village of vasyukivka , toradore ivan rein and toradore pavlo kryvorotko. guests come from all over ukraine, broadcast on radio, on tv,
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even in bohodukhiv will be visible, yes, that matsapura fat with his rabbits will be stuffed, this is such a film, well, i will say about the directors roman krasnoshchuk and anton chistyakova, they shot a very cool short film from mine. point of view, you can watch it on online platforms, it's called the last day of youth, just so you understand the way these directors work, it's also a comedy, i'm sure it will be close to a lot of people, but especially tv people, because it talks about such regional television, and it is a funny enough comedy, i would say that it is such a lyrical comedy, but where it is sad and... funny in places, it talks about such a love triangle, there it tells about people who had very
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big dreams, who wanted to change the world, at least around them, this small world in their village, but, unfortunately, they didn't do it, but they realize it, and i won't tell you anymore, i'll repeat it , that you can watch this film by magtem seytablayev for absolutely free, we see, he seems to be a deputy of the village council there, he plays him, let's watch an excerpt, in a short film. dramedies, of course, regional television. regional tv is the progenitor of all television broadcasting. regional tv is a benchmark quality and stability. rhyming greetings, a tribute to gifted youth, an interview with someone whose garage burned down. the film is about the last day of work of the legendary yunist television channel. well, now we will talk, actually with the authors, we will talk about the tereodors
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from vasyukivka, roman krasnoshchuk should be in touch with us, as well as veronika stepanchuk, the producer, hello, good day, congratulations, sir, yes veronika, we expected you to have a bad connection but i see the picture is good thank god everything is ok i hope thank you yes we will make it now everyone the light did not... we did, we understand that we have such a problem now, the first question i have, roman, is why you posted this picture, yes, the one we saw, now we can look at it again, we can to say that it will be a cartoon, i understand, so tell me what it will be, it will be a full-length feature film, not a cartoon, ugh, why did you post a picture, because everyone now thinks that it is a cartoon, but it is just an illustration . this is an illustration for the future film adaptation, it generally conveys such a spirit, the mood of what
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is happening, that is, if you see a film being shot there and everything is not going as planned, and the main characters there are java and pavlusha, little ones who can be said to be dreaming of making a film about their adventures. roman, tell me the following point: i attended many discussions of bullfighters from vasyukivka. and people who work in literature are trying in one way or another to solve this problem of the soviet union in this work, because it is clear that there are a lot of ideological moments and spies. there they are looking for these american guys and so on, and well, one question, what to do with the book, of course, it seems to me that the majority of people agree that nothing should be removed from the book, but simply explain in this book what era it was, and how will you deal with these moments in the film? well, it won’t work to delete anything, because it’s
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a big trilogy, you can make three separate films about toreador, but... but regarding the soviet union, i’m actually a little surprised that many people have this question, because it seems to me that the soviet union in bullfighters are very, very much in the background, that is, she is there some, i don't know, small descriptions, there's some kind of time warp, a little bit, a little bit, it is preserved, but if you take the main thing that is in the book, these are the adventures of two friends and how they unfold, then this is a timeless story, it's... like, you know, well, i don’t know, you can compare this village with some kind of miyazak vibe and so on, but there is no soviet union there, that is, you can imagine it anytime, anywhere, ah, the only important moment for the setting is probably the absence of the internet and mobile phones, because this is the time when you could go to the cinema
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watch bonda and then leave the cinema and understand, that's all, now i have no other option, i will become a spy, that's it. like, you perceive everything too strongly, everything around you seems like an adventure to you, so somehow it is. veronica, please tell me where you will get the budgets, how much you estimate, how much money you calculate, where to go, now we have a state cinema, yes, it is scandalous, but some of the cinematographers go to pitching, some refuse, there are still some different sources, what will you choose? good day again once, first of all, answering your first question about the solution to the problem of the soviet union in the book, so far, as in the scenario we have, the action takes place in the year 2000, that is, there can be no soviet soldiers, no, american spies and so
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on. as for financing, at the moment we are building our strategy around co-production. and we are negotiating with some co-producers, we also did not apply for this state cinema call, but we are working on the script and plan to have a fairly strong first draft already in the fall, which can already be shown when applying for financing in various structures. and what do you think, this story is purely local ukrainian, or this film from... can really be interesting for different countries, yes, because you are talking about co-production, first of all, it is of course, yes, i wanted to mention such a point that nestaiko made a very interesting move, he called his book toriadora from vasyukivka, although, if you look, the story with the cow occupies about 10 first pages in the book, and after that
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there is nothing, but the fact that there is a word in the title toreadors, worked very well for spain, and the spaniards decided to read. this book, it is quite popular among them, you can find a lot of studies, surprisingly, they like it, they laugh, it seems to them that it is even close to them, but it seems to me like this, a little premature pr move of the 60s, which may affect the present as well, the fact that people abroad may also be interested in this film, and veroniko, i wanted to ask right away for the money, yes, because i also have this question... i wonder if you have already calculated, how much do you need a budget, because they are growing, and this is how many millions of hryvnias are needed to make a cool movie, and we calculated based on the treatment we are working on now, and since there is no finalized script yet, there is no final
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budget, and therefore, as soon as it appears and we go somewhere - we will go with this budget, we will see how realistic it is and what amounts in general it is realistic to collect, in general, the budget is a matter of creativity, and if necessary, we will be creative, and also veronica, tell me please, what is needed in order to make this co-production, because many of your colleagues tell me about various schemes there, some say that we now have... support from various international funds, organizations, and you can come there, get money , and some just give money, well, there, for example, you can apply for a competition, others say, they put in... conditions that we will give you a large amount of the budget, but your ukrainian state , the ministry of culture, or the state cinema must also allocate a part, tell me in general, as it happens now, the search for money for movies is
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border, and the search for money abroad continues as before, except that now there is no first money from ukraine, ah, and, but people understand the difficult situation in ukraine, and are ready to make... concessions, that is it is possible to apply for financing without money from ukraine in the first place, there are several funds that were created to help ukrainian e-e cinematographers, and so there are many opportunities, and our film, it, its advantage is that it is different from others, let's say , author's projects, it's comedic, so we believe that... that we have big ones chances to collect this budget. roman, i have a question for you, and i understand that since the action takes place in the 200s, it will be, well,
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a variation on the theme of the tereodors from vasyukivka, so it will be a modernized version, and tell me about it, because i know many people who they will tell you that the text is inaccurate, it should have been the same as the text, it was not written that way, because we now have questions about accuracy, of course, but tell me. how far are you ready to go in fantasy and departure from the original text? well, i wouldn't say that, for example, history and in kyiv - this is the second part of the trilogy, it is very, very difficult to fit under the 2000s, on the contrary, it fits very well, everything that happens there can be imagined in kyiv in the 2000s, there is a plus, and there is the dovzhenko film studio in history, there is trukhaniv ostriv, such... you know, the main locations, you can say, various theaters, ah, it will be more ukrainianized, definitely, but we will not deviate very much from the original work and we do not want to, because it
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is not our style writes very, very vividly, that is, his books, they are primarily about action, and some scenes in the book, it's literally like you're watching a movie, every action is there, sometimes you can even feel how he puts the camera in his... in his own words, and the village, as i said, is a timeless story, and especially a village like vasyukivka can be said to be a fictional village, so it can be imagined at any time, and the events that will take place there will also be relevant at any time. well, we have literally one minute left, i understand that you can't think ahead, but at least you plan for yourself how many years this movie will be can it be rented? and if all the stars turn out as we need, then with the best
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schedule of events, we can start filming next year, it can be the end of summer, it can be the beginning of autumn, and even with the best schedules, we can count on the premiere in three years. let's say so, but we are not guessing, we are working, and we will do everything possible to make it happen as soon as possible. thank you very much, we will be waiting for this adaptation, and i hope that everything will work out for you with the financing and with the release , we will keep an eye on the cast, i i hope that you will announce all the new things that you will have on the set, i wonder who you will choose as the main performers. and we were talking, i will remind our viewers about the upcoming film adaptation of vsevolodan nestai, which odori from vasyukivka, roman krasnoshchok and anton
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chistyakov will shoot it, we also had direct contact with veronika stepanchuk , the producer of this film, and i really want to see it, of course this film adaptation, i want it to be successful, and i also want someone to film it finally anatoly kostetskyi. beloved children's writer, he is paid much less attention than the village of danystayka, but very in vain, because his works are also very cinematic, also very interesting, bright, so i think that someone should do it in the future. that's it my friends, i bid you farewell, i wish you a quiet, peaceful weekend and see you next week. in the spring, many people went, i, too, because of
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4:59 pm
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5:00 pm
it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. i will just now tell you about the most important events. five more civilians were evacuated from the village of sokil of the ocheretyn community. policemen took out the white angels squad a 61-year-old woman with her son, as well as a husband and his elderly parents. active hostilities are already taking place 300 m from this settlement in donetsk region. house of elderly couples'.


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