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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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myself, how to say, how much value is it in itself, or is it value just because biden, everybody's watching to see if he's going to fall apart along the way or if he's going to stick together because i just saw their statement, like to say, the statements with macron, i was worried, after all, he is our main ally, i was afraid that he would fall there somewhere, so here, therefore, the question is how independent it is. an important, important event, is it an event in the context of what everyone is interested in, what does the president look like, what is the relationship between the united states and nato, and europe, the presence there is the ukrainian president and so on, please, mr. professor, biden has nothing to do with it, for the average american, regardless of what, what ethnic roots he has, whether he is chinese, or japanese, ukrainian,
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in anglo-saxon, this is the day , this so -called day, well, the invasion of normandy, everyone knows it, it is extremely important for everyone, many have parents or some grandfathers who survived it, and for the average american, this day symbolizes the entire second world war, americans do not know much. they know about stalingrad, they don't know much about kyiv, about of course, moscow and warsaw are relatively well known, at least stereotypically about the holocaust, and when it comes to the war, this symbolism is just symbolism, the symbol of this war and this very day, if you remember, about 20 years ago, a glorious such a hollywood movie about such a soldier. ryan yes, yes, yes, save private
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ryan. save private ryan. just that, every american has seen it, everyone has experienced it. i, for example, can give you two interesting examples. i correspond with my friends, which i went to gymnasium with. and two of them told that their parents, the father, that is, told that he took part in this invasion, that it was terrifying, that he... he, he was already, one of those parents was in the fifth wave, and he, when he left, when, well, when he was on the shore, he never once touched the sand, because he was walking on corpses, the americans understand this, they know this, and this is regardless of whether it is, again, what is the ethnic origin here , whether it's biden or whether it's trump, it doesn't matter, it's such a symbol of american devotion, of american... courage, sacrifice for
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victory in world war ii. well, biden said what everyone was so worried about, i am not ready to support the natoization of ukraine, that is , to expect that ukraine will take any steps, or that nato will take any steps towards ukraine, it is not worth it, it is necessary, as was said two years ago, to wait for the end war and beyond. to think what will happen later and to hope or not to hope, well, in ukraine they will hope, in russia, on the contrary, they will prevent and not hope, that is, this, how to say, this topic closed, we, we are waiting for the end of the war, i understood correctly, mr. professor, well, yes and no, so, on the one hand, i think biden wanted to say that ukraine should not expect any, well, invitation at this summit, because there were certain ... voices, i know in
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ukraine, also in the diaspora, who expected this, thought that it was quite possible, he simply said in this way, don't wait, it won't happen, and to tell the truth, he was right, because such a thing would was not, it is difficult to imagine that all nato countries would unanimously agree on just that now at the invitation of ukraine, well, it is simply unreal, what is more important is that he said that, you know, it sounds paradoxical, but... when he says that this will not happen now, it means that this topic is relevant, it is not relevant at this moment, but will be relevant after the end of the war, and that will happen, well, hopefully within a year, maybe sooner, maybe later, in other words, this topic is a topic, remember, two years ago, before full-scale aggression
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they didn't talk about russia, about ukraine, about... ukraine's membership at all, well, it's just not existed, it's the same about, if they were talking about nato membership, new guinea, such, this topic, well, it didn't exist, now it does. it already exists, they are seriously talking about it, arguing about it, some are for it, others are against it, by the way, biden is right in the sense that, suppose that ukraine were to become a member of nato tomorrow, in fact it will change nothing, absolutely nothing, because further will supply or not supply, no one will come to ukraine with marines, the way they don't do it now, and then don't do it. do, so that in fact it has nothing, does not change, the only thing is that it could possibly provoke russia to some idiotic escalation, and who needs that, when the situation has been developing relatively well in recent weeks, and my question for you
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is absolutely about the presidential candidate, well , they are both candidates, but about trump , i'm a little bit, i was a little surprised when mr. trump said: "if he becomes president, he will declassify documents about 9/11 and about the kennedy assassination, on the one hand it looked like a threat that there is something there that we don't know, that there are suddenly all the documents that the bush family really dropped those bombs on those twins and the soviet kgb really killed or i don't know there cuban intelligence really killed president kennedy what did he mean by that he's so open can there really be some very tricky facts out there who will change the understanding of their own history in the united states, please, sir, no, hardly, you know, there has already been so much conspiracies in the last, in the last half century, regarding those events, eh,
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and there it was assumed that, sir, this is the kgb, this is the kgb, it's the cia, it's some muslims there, it's and and well and you know, and congress. conducted various studies here and various serious scientists, and various non-serious scientists, and various rogers, journalists, so the topic is basically closed, he will not say anything particularly new here, i think there is something else going on here, on the one hand, this is a manifestation of his mental, mental state, this is a person who is convinced that there really are such conspiracies in the world that he is a victim. such a kinsperology that everyone is against him, and thus he is convinced that, well, it does not apply only to him, or in general to anything that happened in possible american history, it's one thing, and the other thing, he wants to say in this way that uh,
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others are hiding the truth, he is, therefore, a champion of the truth, he is such a great genius who only cares about what was, is and will be, and... in this way he will discover something, he will discover nothing, but it is effective, and here is the third element, it is effective with his electorate, because they are also to a large extent people under the influence of conspiracy theories, and to mention a certain oswald, or to mention about kennedy, it immediately means, you know, people start going crazy and to think, wow, something, again we find out, about which we knew nothing, and trumps, our messiah, just told us all this. says, so it is not serious, so to speak, from a purely scientific or objective point of view, but from a political or psychological point of view, well, it is clear, it has its own importance, mr. professor, so about the state of health, i already started saying mr. biden, but just the wall
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street journal said that biden is so weak, and so forgetful, forgetful and everything and everything, the attack... the interview, i don't remember anymore, to whom he gave an interview, everyone said the opposite, he is so cheerful, completely conscious, understands everything, strong and so on and so on, then the poor, poor american people, what the american people, well, if a person is so bad for himself one day he feels good, the second day he feels good, the third day he feels bad again, then trump probably has a better chance, well, no, if i'm an american, i see that person who is always like this, then like that, then i have... the choice is either a fool or half-sick, well, half-healthy, maybe, but that's it well, half-sick, here's a fool, and so i sit and poor american john smith thinks that i don't know who to vote for, what do americans who write newspapers think, well, you see, i just read a very
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interesting article a few days ago, about 20 % of all americans, according to a survey that was done in january of this year, are not ready to vote. neither for one nor for the other, so they hate both the one and the other equally, at the same time, when they were asked, would you vote for the president, yes? of a man whose who was convicted as a criminal, this meant the possibility of convicting trump himself, 70% of those 20 said no, and among the republicans , approximately 60% said the same, so there are interesting things happening here, well, maybe some processes are interesting, because on the one hand what you say is absolutely true, people watch. on the candidates and they see one sick, old, perhaps asleep, but trump,
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whatever he is, he is in any case , active, active, at least he gives such an impression, and what he often says is nonsense, well, it is to people, it worries certain people others don't really care, because americans in general tend to talk nonsense, but this moment, that he was convicted and that he is now a ... convicted criminal, well, in fact, he is a convicted criminal, whether he will remain so is another question, but until he is still like that, it can be quite interesting and can even decisively affect the elections, of course, you know, the elections are in november, so there is still a lot of time, everything can change, but hey, there are opportunities for certain interesting processes, the second thing is that that the democrats themselves are persuading ... this biden, as well as themselves, to constantly
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talked about trump as such a convicted criminal. trump, as you know, likes to throw such labels around, and he calls biden a sleepy joe. hillary clinton was criminal hillary, criminal hillary. well, if they're democrats now, if democrats are now going to talk about trump as a... convicted felon and just repeat it in every interview, in every article, it might sway a few percent of those undecided people, and who knows what it would not ultimately affect the elections themselves. thank you very much, it is interesting to actually observe such elections, not very often, when the system itself does not really understand what to do with this american system. oleksandr moty. stork, political scientist, professor at rudger university in the united states was in touch with us. thank you very much, now we will have
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advertising. after the advertisement, there will be alla lazareva, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine ukrainian week from france. but the advertisement will have to be viewed under all conditions. so, advertising. what is bahmud? mut is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, but courage is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our day. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial art of their brothers. these are boys who... never cry. lemberk. mom, don't cry. a book by the writer olena
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. good health again, we did not go far from normandy, on the contrary, we came closer from the united states, directly to france, but lazareva, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine. well, see how much, how important it is, we just spoke with an american professor, he said that for americans the normandy of 80 years ago is, as it were, very important, and
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through the prism of this normandy, many modern youth. middle-aged people remember the second world war and it's so close to them, in france, which is really, frankly, if there was, there's a lot of irony about france's involvement in the second world war, how important it is, how much the french feel that they part of these united nations, and are they not mistaken that they are part of these united nations, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. to the french, please, ms. alla, it is important, it is important for them, you can see american flags everywhere now, and this is a reminder of such a long cooperation in the field of security and political, let's start with the fact that the american revolution was supported by the french, lafayette, famous a figure who went there
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to support the americans, and then during the second world war, on the contrary, there was a landing of the allies of the front. of the americans in normandy, and also with the slogans lafayette, i'm sorry, no, we're lafayette here, that is, to say that the french, well, they feel, they are very sensitive to symbolism, and they feel this reciprocity, this support, and finally now, when macron is so actively proposing the idea of ​​european security autonomy, and actually european. security, he says that france is too dependent on the americans for its security, and not only france, but europe, but before that the europeans actually gave the keys to their security to the americans, that is, yes, there are symbols here, and there is a political reality here . look, ms. alla, i apologize again to everyone of the french, but in ukraine this is such
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an urgent topic of collaboration, and if, in the eyes of the french, it is not said much. as well as and for example to the dutch, so that they would not stand there separately, the french, in short, the jews betrayed everyone, a lot, let’s say, not all, but a lot, cooperated with the germans a lot and so on and so forth, it is talked about in france, for example, there are scientific or journalistic articles, listen, let's be honest. there were indeed those who fought, and a very large contribution of france, well, because ready, today is the sixth day, the preparation was done by the french. the french as local people helped the disembarkation, explained where it was better, where it was worse, where to go, what to do, and so on, and so on, but at the same time
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there was also a very large number of, so to speak, collaborations, as far as the french mention it, and we you and i remember this famous phrase very well, when they signed, so to speak, the surrender and that german field marshal saw a french general, well, at least such rumors are going around. said, oh, and you beat us, well, they they are okay, the russians, did the soviets win there, the americans, the english, well, and the french, it turns out, they also beat us, the germans said, i was very surprised, what can i say, well , here are two questions, the first is collaboration, yes, it has been studied not so long ago, i i would say that in the last 20 years , publications, scientific studies, and conferences on this topic began to appear, because, well, obviously , archives simply began to open and disappear. to a better world those who directly participated in it, i.e. it is easier for the next generation to study it, purely scientifically, not by example there are relatives of some parents, there are grandfathers, i
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don’t know who else, that’s why this neutrality became possible, time allowed this neutrality to be scientific, and now the second part of the question was about mykolagadai, please, about collaboration and the second, and the second, and in fact you ... they answered about collaboration, this is the most important thing, yes, i just have such an interesting story that, well, i will remember this, once i was in the history faculty, this, this, this keitel, this is the chief of staff, yes of hitler, when he saw the delatra, and the delatra was a child, by the way, he should have received the order victory from stalin, but stalin decided not to give it to him, and this order of victory lay somewhere in the kremlin for a very long time, and then it was handed over. well, it's such a wonder, simply, it's such an absurdity, the absurdity of relations within the great coalition of the united nations. okay, we
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understood that, but the second and more important question for many ukrainians is what we have with the european parliament, mrs. alla, what is going on there, what rumors, gossip, we know that voting is taking place at the same time, the netherlands has already voted, and that , what, what... they will give to the parliament, pan-european, what countries neighboring france can give, your thoughts on this matter, please, ala lazareva, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine ukrainian week? well, the french start voting tomorrow, this is one round, that is, they will vote on sunday. preliminary data, preliminary sociological assumptions are that the extreme right, the former national front, now the national union, they will take, maybe somewhere... one in three is ready to vote for them, and what is interesting and what is new is that their leader , jordan bordela, is a very young politician,
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he is 27 years old, he seems to be years old, he is very popular among young people, that is, if before that the extreme right was mostly voted by elderly people and also people who are somehow close to the power structures, now the situation has changed sociologically very much, this is such an innovation, and then macron's party in ... she can gain, again, according to the assumptions of sociologists, who may be wrong, but they say beforehand that it could be up to 16%, which is not a very good result, but considering that macron is serving his second term as president, it is not something so critical for him, i.e he has a certain freedom of action, because he will not be elected for a third presidential term, and it looks like everything, it looks more like everything, it seems that he will rather look for... some kind of pan-european career, maybe in the security system, but but he also has a certain freedom, he does not have the courage to predict himself for the next presidential election, and it
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is often said, the press writes a lot about the fact that this small amount, relatively small amount of support, which he currently has, is a response to his new this security policy, for his unexpected, active support in particular, ukraine, such... a certain bellicosity towards russia is unusual for the french, well, let's see, in the end tomorrow we will be able to talk about it more concretely, we will have specific numbers, but at the level of forecasts it is so, well, there is a third force, it is gluckman glucksman , his party is called public square, these are mostly socialists, and they are loyal to ukraine, that is, raphael too, his father was very well-known in ukraine, andrey glyuksma, a philosopher who is a friend of ukraine after all, and... here they are, of course, what such a sharp and tough confrontation with russia, so that russia did not just not win, but really lost this war that it started in ukraine.
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and here in the princes they can gain somewhere up to 13%, too, maybe even, by the way, they will gain more than macron, it may well be, because glucksman, he is also a young politician, well, not like a brothel, but he can be there somewhere, well , up to 40, he is dynamic, active, charismatic and popular among the young population as well, that is, so far these are the layouts, but the biggest mystery is that young people do not really... like to go to the elections here, and they can support mentally and at the level of ideas and extreme left and moderate socialists, but it’s easy to vote and not come to the elections, so we’ll see, listen, and who does he vote for, who would he vote for, what do sociologists say, who would he vote for, for example, those small the cities that surround paris, and where there is a huge number of young people, and these young people are muslim, these are different, well, if they are foreign, they all have french passports,
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obviously, but... to whom do they lean, well , not to the national front, that is obvious, but where are they, and this is a large enough number especially young people, let's say, not catholic and not huguenot, as you believe, well , many of them support the extreme left, this is unconquered france with mélenchon, this is a rather populist structure, very pro-palestinian as well, and in fact a large number. young people are somehow bought on these promises, there is an increase in the labor market , there is more employment, less unemployment, better pay, there is to take from the rich and give to the poor, well, all these populist slogans, which are known to ukrainians, because we experienced it in the past generations, and france she has not experienced this herself, she does not know what communists are in power and i think that it can be good, well, not all of france, of course,
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but this... this stratum of the population that you are asking about, they can be different there origin, but often it is the public that votes for the extreme left, they have these illusions that everything can be divided, divided, sorry, distributed, taken from the rich, given to the poor, that this dream can come true and come true successfully, here it is exploited, and these people are in principle capable of coming to vote, so it can be, well, that is, it is necessary for everyone to be a communist at some time in their life. we saw empty shelves, we saw shortages, we saw real poverty and so on, and therefore only then will they start to scratch the back of their heads and say: yes, there really is something, this is with communism, and preferably camps, yes, it is desirable to place the camps somewhere, and so on disenfranchisement, because poverty is one thing, and disenfranchisement is another, camps, for the fact that you came up, laid flowers at the shevchenko monument on his birthday, and you are dismissed from the university, that is, they also had to pass
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in order to understand what a left-wing dictatorship is, they did not have such a thing, thank you very much, allazareva, the deputy editor-in-chief of the ukrainian week magazine from france , spoke with us, thank you, and informed us about what is happening today, yesterday and the day before yesterday in normandy, and 80 years ago, let's remind you , the anglo-american-canadian-french, australian, new zealand and a bunch, bunch, bunch of other countries landed, and now there are elections in... in the european parliament, and we also talked about this with alla lazoreva, and don't talk now we will, because we will watch the news, and after the news there will be an advertisement, after the advertisement svitlana glaz, an israeli journalist, will be in touch with us. so now the news.
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18 in ukraine, for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers and now i will tell you about the most important events at this time. in russia , an attempt was made on the mayor of kupyansk, gennady matsygoru, who went over to the side of the occupiers. this was reported by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. according to their information, matsyhora survived, but his life is in critical condition saved in the hospital of the city of stary oskil, belgorod region. matsyhora voluntarily cooperated with the russian invaders during the occupation of kharkiv region. in june 2022 , he signed the so-called protocol on the creation of occupied kharkiv.


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