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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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in connection with the complex work of the defense forces and the use of firearms, the athlete suffers significant losses in everything, both in manpower and in equipment and means. china refuses other countries to go to the peace summit, which will be held on june 15-16 in switzerland. according to official beijing, there can be no peace negotiations without russia. the chinese demand for russia's participation in the summit was also supported by the swiss people's party, which has the largest representation in the country's parliament. in a statement posted on the official website it is said that the absence of the aggressor state on the peacekeeping platform harms the neutral status of switzerland. according to the swiss right, while switzerland's peace efforts can be welcomed, its neutrality is no longer recognized. by all parties to the conflict in view
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of russia's refusal to participate in the peace conference. more details about the ukrainian-russian diplomatic confrontation in our next story. 107 countries, including international organizations, have confirmed their participation in the peace summit to be held on june 15-16 in switzerland. about the press secretary announced this on the broadcast of the edyni novini marathon. of the president of ukraine serhiy nekyforov. 107 countries of international organizations have confirmed their participation in the peace summit. we are talking about the fact that the philippines, singapore, timur may be represented in one form or another. the president of ukraine met with the leaders of these countries in singapore and manila. zelenskyi's press secretary also said that the main purpose of the ukrainian president's visit to singapore and the philippines was the need to convey the ukrainian position. state to this one
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parts of the world so that they do not stand aside from the ukrainian peace initiative and join the peace summit. all countries of the world were invited, except for the aggressor country russia, and because of this, a number of countries have not yet decided or refused to participate in the global peace summit. china and brazil declined the invitation because the conditions for their participation, including russia's participation, were not met. saudi arabia will also not participate without the russian federation. russian the propaganda media also reported the refusal to participate in the summit of the republic of south africa and pakistan. the latter has not yet provided an answer on his own. hungary is also unhappy with the absence of russia, so it has not yet decided whether it will come. india will not be represented at the highest level peace summit in switzerland. the secretary of the foreign ministry or the deputy adviser on national security will probably go. the president of ukraine also accused china of trying to disrupt the summit. because he is convincing
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some countries to refuse participation, volodymyr zelenskyi said this at the shangri-la dialogue asian security summit in singapore, reports bbc ukraine. you can not to participate in the peace summit, it is possible not to help ukraine and the civilized world to end the war, but it seems to me that disrupting the peace summit, taking steps to weaken the level of the presence of leaders, the presence of countries, do everything so that some. the leaders did not make it to the peace summit, putting pressure on them certainly does not bring peace closer, it is not only support for russia, it is actually support for war, because if you do not support the peace summit, then everything that is happening is normal for you. at a briefing at the chinese ministry of foreign affairs on june 3 , spokeswoman maoning denied these accusations, reports the correspondent of the public. china takes a fair and impartial position on the peace conference. we... are not targeting
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any one side or any specific meeting that will take place in switzerland. hegemony and power politics are not what our diplomacy is for. our position is open and transparent, and there is no such thing as pressure on other countries. at the same time, china threatened taiwan with decisive actions to limit taiwan's independence. the prospect of a peaceful reunification with taiwan is increasingly blurred by the taiwanese by separatists and external forces, chinese defense minister dong said on sunday, provoking an angry response from the taipei government, writes reuters. china regards democratically-ruled taiwan as its own territory, despite strong objections from the government there, and staged war games around the island last month in anger over the inauguration of president lai chinte, whom beijing calls a separatist. speaking at a conference in singapore, dong said taiwan is a major issue for china. but the ruling party is democratic
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the progressive party of taiwan is gradually pursuing separatism and seeks to erase the chinese identity. the separatists have recently made bigoted statements that demonstrate their betrayal of the chinese nation and their ancestors. they will be nailed to the pillar of infamy in history. in an interview with the times magazine, us president joe biden noted that peace in ukraine means ensuring that russia will never be able to occupy ukraine. in his opinion, nato membership is not necessary for this. about the course of ukraine's acquisition of nato membership at the nearest summit, which will be held in july in washington, see in our next story. from july 9 to 11 , the 75th anniversary
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nato summit will be held in washington, during which special attention will be paid to ukraine and the situation surrounding the invasion of the russian federation. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009. and the head of the russian research center, volodymyr ogryzko , tells what positive moments ukraine should expect from the summit. well, it seems to me that this, the provision of really large military aid by the alliance countries, and we need it very much to solve the first point, which we just talked about, to defeat racism. the second moment is from the political part. this is something like a formal invitation to begin negotiations on accession or to begin the development of some elements that ukraine still needs to do politically in order
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for this accession to become formal. here is something related to when we talked about the start of negotiations with the european union and were offered to us. several conditions, after the fulfillment of which ukraine will already move to another stage, that's about the same, maybe preparations are being made in washington, although so far, i think, no one can say very clearly and concretely what it will actually be. as for ukraine joining nato, it should not be expected until ukraine wins this war, - says volodymyr o gryzko. as long as the war continues. obviously, no nato country will agree to ukraine joining the alliance, because it would mean that the alliance countries would have to go to war with russia. that is, the first and main prerequisite for
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ukraine's accession to nato is the victory over the russian aggressor, that is, its expulsion from the territory of ukraine. then. begins formal process, and it is quite complicated, especially since among the nato countries there is such a wonderful country called hungary, which fulfills all the whims of the kremlin, and which will do everything depending on it, so that ukraine does not join nato for as long as possible, therefore under such circumstances , the nuclear countries of the alliance should provide security to ukraine. usa, france and great britain, as they did with finland and sweden, and it worked. how is ukraine worse than finland and sweden? i think nothing. ukraine's accession to nato dates back to the 2008 bucharest summit year then we were denied membership
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due to the position of germany and france, which had close ties with the kremlin, but now the situation has changed somewhat. unfortunately, uh... well, now the couple has changed a bit, it used to be germany and france, and now instead of france , the united states of america has taken its place, and it's very sad, because there is still fear, and i'm joking that instead of the axis of evil, which, well, the basis of which is the moscow-beijing line, has now arisen. the axis of fear, the basis of which has become the axis has become the washington-berlin line, it is very sad in fact, because ukraine in nato is a guarantee that there will never be another war in europe, why are our western partners
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afraid, well, because the russian propaganda machine, and not only the propaganda machine, but also the political machine, scared them to death . nuclear war, and so far this nuclear blackmail, this trade in fear exists, well, until then they are afraid of escalation, they invented this word. and carries with him, excuse me, like a fool with a bag, the fears of nato countries about the use of nuclear weapons by russia are in vain, the expert believes. well, she is not now will use nuclear weapons, and then, and then even more so, well, because now it can still theoretically think that its nuclear attack by nato countries will not give a nuclear response, well, who knows, recently the president of france very clearly... said that i'm sorry, we also have nuclear forces, we also have nuclear missiles, and therefore,
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well, let's not, as they say, delve into this topic, so it's obvious that these are all nuclear scarecrows of the kremlin, and we need to react very strongly to them quietly. the presidents of ukraine and the usa will lead two meetings in june. said this at the meeting white house national security adviser jake salevan, reports afp. the first of them took place already this week. zelensky and biden held a meeting this week in france. both presidents attended events marking the 80th anniversary of the allied landings in normandy. the presidents held a meeting to discuss the state of affairs in ukraine and the end of the war. according to the words. jake salevan, the second meeting between zelensky and biden will take place on the sidelines of the g7 summit, which
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will take place on june 13-15 in italy. the 80th anniversary of the glorious operation of grandfathers or overlord, which was carried out by the allied forces in 1944 and led to the final defeat of the german reich, became beautiful. an opportunity for the leaders of nato allies, as well as ukraine, to meet and discuss the current situation. for president volodymyr zelenskyi, this was also another unique opportunity to personally discuss the current situation with the supply of weapons to ukraine with the leaders of the western allies. it is important that the communication between president zelensky and joe biden this month will be continued during. the g7 summit, which will take place in italy under unprecedented measures. meanwhile
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, european media reports that russia has started another ipso, this time timed before the start of the olympic games, which will take place in france. france will host one of the largest olympic summer games this summer and is already going to do everything to ensure that they take place in conditions of maximum security. meanwhile. as reported, last week the french security forces detained an 18-year-old native of chechnya, who, by a strange coincidence, only in 2023, he moved to france with his parents. all this is suspected to be the activities of the russian special services, which organize mass acts of sabotage, arson and attacks on political activists throughout europe. such cases became especially frequent in germany, where immediately. several pro-ukrainian and pro-european politicians were attacked by radicals. according to european
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media, the russian military intelligence, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of russia, is behind this. it is they who organize and coordinate numerous acts sabotage against european business, and they are also trying to destroy the logistical ways of supplying weapons to ukraine. the current goal of the russian special services is in intimidation and creating an atmosphere of fear on the eve of the summer olympic games in france. they will also apparently seek to organize several terrorist attacks on the territory of france, which is also reported by the european media. meanwhile , nato decided not to wait, to follow the proverb prepare the sled in the summer. nato begins a series of massive military deployments. training unprecedented with at the end of the cold war in europe.
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as reported by the armed forces of lithuania, as part of the preparations for the beltops-24 nato exercises, the arrival of more than 30 warships of nato allies is expected in the port of klaipeda. more than 4 thousand military sailors, marines, naval pilots and other specialists of the nato naval forces. in the course of these exercises, the landing of marines will be practiced. santa, fire support, anti-submarine warfare, air defense, search and disposal of mines, actions of surface and underwater drones and others operations in addition, the alliance is preparing several land corridors for the transfer of troops and armored vehicles to the front line in the event of a european ground war with the russians. this is reported by the british publication the telegraph. according to the existing plans, the american military will be disembarked in one of the five ports and sent on
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by pre-planned routes. logistical routes became key after nato leaders at a... summit in vilnius , lithuania last year agreed to train 300,000 troops who will be in a state of increased combat readiness to protect the alliance. according to nato's plans, american troops would disembark at ports in the netherlands before boarding trains that would take them onward to germany and poland. in the event of a russian invasion of nato, american troops will be transferred to the port. and from there sent east, but behind the scenes measures are also being taken to extend routes to other ports to ensure that the land line of communication is not interrupted by moscow forces. if the forces nato entering from the netherlands will be bombed by russia, or northern european ports will be destroyed, the alliance
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intends to shift its focus to ports in italy, greece and turkey. according to published information from italian ports , american troops can be transferred by land through slovenia, croatia to hungary, which borders ukraine. similar plans exist for the transportation of troops from turkish and greek ports through bulgaria and romania to reach the eastern flank of the alliance. last year, the german tabloidbilt published materials obtained from secret nato sources. they talked, in particular, about the fact that the alliance is allegedly developing action plans in case of possible aggression from russia. these plans envisage different options for countering a potential invasion, based on different possible scenarios of the course of events. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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has accepted an invitation to address a joint session of both houses of the us congress amid criticism. of the israeli military operation in the gaza strip. this was reported by politico. tensions between the white house and official tel aviv increased significantly after may 31, announcing new steps to achieve peace in the middle east, us president joe biden outlined a new proposal for a ceasefire, which provides for the release of all hostages and the final cessation of hostilities. more about the village. in the middle east in our review. the g7 countries supported the cease-fire agreement between israel and the palestinian group hamas, previously proposed by the us president. this is stated in the joint statement of the g7 members. we,
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leaders of the big seven, we fully support and will support the comprehensive agreement, statement. by president biden, which will lead to an immediate cease-fire in gaza, the release of all hostages, a significant and permanent increase in humanitarian aid for distribution throughout gaza, and a definitive end to the crisis and the security interests of israel and the civilian population of gaza. we reaffirm our support for a credible path to peace leading to a two-state solution. we call on hamas to accept this agreement, which israel is ready to accept move forward and we urge. countries with influence over hamas to help ensure this. the day before, joe biden stated that israel offered hamas a new agreement, which consists of several stages: a ceasefire in the gaza strip, the release of hostages and the withdrawal of all israeli troops from the enclave. full details of the deal were not disclosed, but biden called israel's proposal a road map to
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a lasting ceasefire and the release of all hostages. at the end of may edition. noted with reference to the american senior official that israel has revised its plans for a military offensive on the rafahs to meet the demands and wishes of the united states. earlier this month, israel launched operations in the eastern areas of rafah and at the city's border crossing, operations that the u.s. said did not cross a red line requiring an end to arms shipments. answering the question of whether israel can. to launch an offensive on rafah, which is being held in line with the biden administration's fears, a senior official said jerusalem is on the right track. few months, the united states opposed the lead. of a military offensive in rafah, warning that there was no way to carry it out in a way that took into account the nearly one and a half million palestinians hiding there. but in recent weeks
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, israel began issuing evacuation orders for much of gaza's southernmost city, forcing nearly two-thirds of the population to flee to humanitarian zones in the south and west. at that time, they remain concerned about the fact that there is no in israel. humanitarian systems to care for so many people who are now hiding in the devastated areas bombing, as opposed to the slightly more infrastructurally sound rafag, a senior biden official is less critical of israel's latest efforts. also, as reported by radio svoboda, on june 3, iran's chief diplomat ali bagheri said that the government is negotiating with the united states in oman. corvette-hetman ivan mazepa, which is currently being built for the ukrainian navy at the shipyards in turkey, is 70% ready. the captain of the ship, volodymyr uglinskyi, told about it.
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according to the ukrainian military, the future flagship of the ukrainian military fleet is being built ahead of schedule. equipment and weapons are now being installed on it. details about this construction in our story. corvette, hetman ivan mazepa, who will be in turkey for the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, is 70% ready. now the necessary equipment and weapons are being installed on it. the captain of the ship, volodymyr uglinsky, told about this in an interview with tsn. corvette hetman ivan mazepa is very modern, and the capabilities of this corvette will far exceed the capabilities of the hetmans haydachnaya frigate, and that's all. exclusively controlled from electronic consoles, more than 7 thousand touch screens, built exclusively with weapons of nato samples, will be able
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to hit targets at a distance of 180 to 240 km. the ukrainian military center writes that such different data on the range of damage indicate that it has not yet been decided exactly which anti-ship missiles corvette hetman ivan mazepa will be armed with. previously reported. that packer, neptune, harpoon, nsm or atmaja are considered as anti-ship weapons. nine months ago, in an interview with the tv and radio studio of the ministry of defense ukrainy brys, commander of the navy of ukraine oleksiy neishpa told what kind of weapons should be under the contract. these will be 7.6 mm, 35 mm artillery systems, these will be rocket launchers, an anti-aircraft missile complex with a range of more than 20 km, and all technical means will be installed. means of radio-electronic warfare, torpedoes, everything else, all weapons will be fully installed on this ship. also, according to him, this corvette
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is one and a half times more powerful in terms of air defense compared to the ships that were built for the turkish navy. we are from him in the beginning, they ordered it like this, knowing that there are no other powerful such systems at sea. the team has been recruited, it is undergoing certain training, there is a training plan agreed with our partners abroad in many countries, because the equipment that will be installed on the corvette is not only of turkish production, it is also the production of the united states, it is already syrian ships, this is already a ready-made solution, it will give us less time to master, the second is directly the black sea, this is very little time for movements and all other logistical issues, in order to as soon as possible, these ships entered the combat composition of the military, as reported by the ukrainian military center... on may 29 of this year , corvette hetman ivan mazepa went on its first sea trials. the released
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photos show that the ship is already armed with a 76-millimeter naval artillery installation superapite manufactured by the italian company otto mellara. a naval version of the turkish 35-millimeter korkut anti-aircraft gun from the alesan company is installed above the helicopter hangar. other products. remotely controlled stamp installations, which are installed on the left and right sides of the ship. the corvette is capable of fighting submarines, aircraft, surface and ground targets, it will not be alone in the navy, the construction of the second corvette has already started, said volodymyr uglinskyi. the navy wants the entire project of these corvettes to be named after hetmans, there is already... the name of the second corvette is hetman pavlo skoropatsky. this program was conducted for you by me, mayo of the armed
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forces of ukraine, taras berezovyts. thank you for watching, glory to ukraine and together to victory. there are discounts, which represent unbreakable discounts on eden 20% in psyllanyk, bump and ochsadny pharmacies. there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration, when there is not enough reo of normal water. rheo - water for special medical purposes. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you. a special complex of active substances dolgit antineuro helps in...
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kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, attacks drones to moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. on espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self -titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. actually.
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names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. stay every day. from 20 to 22 for espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we are calling on everyone to join nato in raising from scratch to life atvs for the 93rd brigade
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kholodny yar in the direction. at the time, in principle, i was against the russian orthodox church existing in ukraine. yes, and a very logical, logical answer, they bless the war, it's not normal, and i think no, they don't belong here, that's for sure. i would simply pack up these priests and send them back to russia, and let them do whatever they want there. well, you see, they have a whole network of agents, i don't understand how things are going in a country where there is a war, how this is even permissible, you understand why i think so, because the russian orthodox church has long ceased to be about religion, that is, there is the so-called orthodoxy of the brain, and it is about the fact that people, these popes of thessaly, use religion to cover their...


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