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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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and attempts to suppress those who did not agree with the coup by means of guns. we didn't attack, we defended. if you want to stop fighting in ukraine, stop supplying weapons. and these actions will stop within two, maximum three months. a maximum of three months. well, that is, everything that they have been saying all this time, everything that you have already seen 150 times, that was necessary for this. to go and embarrass myself there, you know, obviously that's kind of, you know, an element of reflexive management, so that's basically the result of that interview with tucker carson that he gave putin was there a couple of months ago, precisely in order to now come to this meeting, well, literally , to lure some such, well, not the last heads of the western media, to show that... everyone will now listen to putin and what
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he is, his words will be replicated, and this endless delusion and lies will continue to be, well , since they were there and shown as some directly exclusive conversation. well, in fact, i say again, i think that this is an absolute mistake, an absolutely wrong action and an absolutely unreasonable behavior of journalists in general. it, as i tell you, on the day of ukrainian journalists, and... and it is not clear to me why our western colleagues went to this at all, well, probably to find out from the most corrupt in general, the president, i think, well, a little bit not the whole world, about , how they steal in the army, and for some reason he tells how it is done in the american army, even though literally four generals in his own army, well, now they have been taken away for corruption, but for such a thing to happen in the american army, somehow none of us have ever... .the
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united states is forced to spend money on maintaining the armed forces, because if large bases around the world costs are huge, theft is limitless. i do not blame anything,
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we have a lot of theft and fraud around us, and in your countries around, but in the states there is more in the army, why, because they always steal more from the dependents, it is simply inevitable, huge resources go to maintain their status as an empire, does it benefit the citizens of the united states or not? i think no. well, i'd better tell you. whether they benefit the citizens of russia, the fact that a huge third of the russian budget goes to maintaining the status of the russian empire, because they do nothing else, well, actually, of course, western journalists came there to listen once again to some nuclear threats from russia, about what it will be, what answers, yes to the supply of weapons, well, again, i say once again, for this...
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there was no need to go there, because anyone, kiselyov, simanians, could have asked this question , they would have received exactly the same answers that and when asked by western journalists, because they won't hear anything more original there, and they won't find out, this is the usual narrative that putin began to tell, saying that we don't threaten anyone with nuclear weapons, but we can use them, usual, again reflexive. on the part of russia, when they try to say something like this, you know, confused and veiled , to say something like that in order for the opposite side to do something on its own, what the aggressor actually wants, so that it is scared itself, so that it literally does not scare itself, well, that's how it sounded putin's conversation regarding nuclear issues, for example, he didn't seem to say anything, but somehow dragged it out, and then they dispersed themselves. panic, that's what he's trying to achieve,
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actually i'm saying that these are some veiled things, you know, we're here all the time. they are trying to accuse us of brandishing some kind of nuclear baton, but i am the one who raised the question about the possibility of using nuclear weapons, you are bringing me up on this topic, and then you say that i was brandishing a nuclear baton, this is such a tough topic, so americans the only country to use nuclear weapons during world war ii is... hiroshima nagasaki 20 kt. our tactical nuclear weapons are 70-70 75 k-tn. such a tactical nuclear weapon. we do not prove not only the use, but also the threat of use. for some reason, the west believes that russia will never
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use this. we have a nuclear doctrine. look at what it says. if someone's actions will threaten our sovereignty, territorial integrity. we consider it possible. well, actually what they are they keep saying, and again, you didn't have to go there to listen to it one more time, all this, you know, all this scaremongering, but what are they really going to use, no non-tactical nuclear weapons, no that's all, that's all simple forget it, this is just pressure on... on the psyche, and what they are going to do, putin also said, and you know, well, in fact , they are doing it all, so he started talking about the fact that, well, we know that if they apply atakamsy there, or stormshedov, then these are flight
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tasks introduced by foreign operators, and therefore, we will somehow act like this, try to create threats for the western world somewhere outside'. providing such weapons to the war zone , in order to be able to strike on our territory, and creating problems for us, why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where strikes will be carried out. sensitive object of those countries that do this in relation to russia, so the answer can be asymmetric. in fact, russian propagandists have been talking about this asymmetric response, and actually words, for maybe a month
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putin now is only a confirmation that this is what they will actually do, and when they talk about what putin actually threatens, then... well, you can explain in less detail what it means and how it sounds, let's listen to them so that it is clear what we are talking about. what putin was talking about is a response to a possible escalation from the west, which they considered the most successful, that is, strikes on the western periphery, the periphery is very wide, it includes the regions of south and central america and syria, there are still american enclaves there, ettanf, for example, even the houthis, and it is technically very easy to deliver something there through. and not nuclear at that, which is very good, it will be a fight on the periphery, but it is not nuclear, which is really very good, at the same time, it is a very clear
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signal, and these strikes on the periphery of the west can be extremely painful, well, actually , this is not a new round of escalation, russia has been doing it for 30 years. the soviet union used to do it, there is nothing completely new here, it is what is being done now, is being done constantly, in fact, and russia also supplies weapons there, and teaches, and in the end causes rebellions in africa constantly, now some, it is already being done, that is, in fact, all this here and there, you know, threats have shown that we do not have, no we have nothing to answer, and all these scaremongers are also about nuclear. and about some level of escalation there, it was just a painkiller, and so, well, but they went again to listen to it all, obviously, why it is not clear, again, because it was all said, it is all so obvious, that there is nothing to talk about at all, and it is enough for that simply to open some newspaper or news channel there and
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read what they write there in order to understand what is happening, eh, well, but the main thing is what i was trying to convey to these... all the western journalists who gathered there, because it is obvious that it was not done in order to talk with some representative of journalists from china or belarus there. god forbid, or iran, for example, no, absolutely not, all this was said exclusively for western journalists, and here is the main thing that putin tried to tell them there, which turns out that russia no non-imperial country, they are not trying to attack nato, and most importantly, they are not trying to attack nato countries, that is, putin himself and all russian propaganda, now literally. regime is to tell that russia can swallow
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ukraine and stop there, and this is actually the main thing that they are trying to convey, because they really want negotiations with the west, they really want ukraine to be given to them, and they really want the west society went for it, accordingly, these journalists were gathered for this purpose, and i believe that these theses and... words were actually the most important of everything that was said at all the meetings, and exactly what putin was trying to convey to these western agencies and what he is trying to do in order to further was replicated they invented that russia wants to attack nato. you fools are completely stupid like this table. who invented it? this is stupid. this is a delusion, we are defending ourselves in ukraine,
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we have no imperial ambitions, believe me, this is all a delusion, as well as the threat from russia to the countries of nato and europe, what are you doing, look the potential of nato, look at the potential of russia, why did you decide that we are crazy or what? well, you know, for 10 or more years before that , first putin was talking about... that they would never, never, never take over crimea and start a war for crimea, because it's delusional, then that they would never, never attack on ukraine, now he says that they will never attack nato countries. well, you have to be really completely stupid to not just listen to what putin says, but somehow at least take it seriously and try to do something there, some actions, relying on putin's words, because... when he says something, it's always a lie, and listening to it doesn't make any sense, well, any
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hepatrombin gel 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as we always say. every sunday at 3.30pm with a repeat at 10pm in collaboration with sister au. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals, who comment on the most relevant public discussions, what news will be analyzed
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by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, unequivocally, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads, it would be even better in us, a special view of the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond... the world dreams of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. hello, how are you there? it's normal, slowly. so we got nine new tanks, guess what? now turn on the video link, i'll give you a tour. well,
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come, we'll stay here for another two weeks, i 'll give you a ride, and not only that. on a tank, right here near the station in grozivka, i'll tell you what you're up to student, you'll be let through, well, student, that's my call sign, so here near the station, they'll say that you'll be let through to the student, yes, it 's nine there, nine, grozhovka, here, student. student! today you do not observe information security? iskanders will visit you tomorrow. the enemy hears, watch.
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salam aleikum, congratulations! you on the joint air of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel, i gulsom khalilova and my colleague andriy yanitsky work for you in the studio. hello, congratulations, congratulations, and how we always urge you to donate to the armed forces of ukraine, in particular to the 48th noman cherebidzhan military academy, which set the goal of liberating crimea, if you see qr codes today during the program on your screen, right away. go and donate, count the funds, they are very necessary, and if you watch us on youtube, then subscribe, set the bell, comment on this broadcast, we will come in the comments after the broadcast, and answer questions about the essence of the program, well , today we as always traditionally we will talk about what happened during this
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week on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, we will talk. about the results of this week in crimea, and of course, the first part of our program, it is devoted to the military aspect, precisely in the temporarily occupied crimea, everything that happened and all the operations carried out by the armed forces of ukraine, gurmo of ukraine in the occupied crimea. pavlo lakiychuk, head of security programs of the strategy 21 center for global studies, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the naval forces of ukraine. come with us. mr. pavle, congratulations, hello, hello, good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory, let's start with fresh news: two russian radar stations were damaged as a result of a night attack on the occupied crimea, drones hit a military unit in the village of mysove in the leninsky district, the astra telegram channel reports, mr. pavle, what does this mean, why precisely
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these goals, why are glad. location stations was so important to damage? well, this is evidence that the airspace of the crimea is being cleared, being prepared for the next strikes on the enemy's important military facilities on the crimean peninsula. that's one thing and that's the main thing, well remember how corridors were created for our missiles and our aerial drones for crop strikes. fielding objects in the sevastopol district, in dzhankoya, the same is now being carried out in the depths of the crimea, well, i would not like to make predictions there, but the statements of the representatives of the gourmets, for example, about the preparation for the destruction of the kerch bridge,
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the crimean bridge, are completely included in this... paradigm, well, that is, now we see such a systematic destruction of russian air defense and radar systems, right, i would like to add that if we will see on the map and our viewers saw on the map where this cape is located, that is, it is the sea of ​​azov, it is not the western part of crimea, it is already the eastern part of crimea, close to kerch, and in fact, well, this is the territory that is inside the occupied territory , i.e. er, in order to hit these radar stations with sea drones, it was necessary to pass the kerch strait with this sea drone, or launch them somehow from the occupied territory. territories, this is an extremely complex operation, mr. pavle, and we can see this systematic damage, and now in
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the sea of ​​azov, does this mean that we can also hit targets directly on the territory of the russian federation, in fact, why not, we do it regularly, and the noise is not only there in belgorod region, in bashkiria, but and rostov and krasnodar, and tuapse, taman, are marked by such beautiful, i would say, fireworks and bonfires, which also testify to the fact that the russian occupiers in crimea will not receive fuel and lubricants in the near future, because their ammunition warehouses are also are devastated in such an unconventional way, so the enemy's logistics are destroyed, not only the crimean bridge, it is the key to ensuring
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the enemy's occupation group in crimea, it is also the kerch ferry crossing, it is the ships, amphibious ships and transport vessels of the black sea fleet, which we are against. .. is trying to deliver ammunition, fuel, etc. to the occupied crimea, there is a whole complex of objects that simply need to be neutralized, well, this is already such a safari, by the player, well, even yesterday, mr. pavle, it became known that the gourmet of ukraine destroyed the russian a tugboat in lake pangolyu, crimean tatar, yes lords. and what is more interesting here is not that the tugboat was destroyed, because it was completely crossed, but that the ukrainian naval drones have already overcome these russian ban
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barriers, which we understand are still in novorossian ports and other ports where russia hides their ships, does this mean that senun, that is, these ban barriers of russia no longer work, and our naval drones can get... any russian ships in the ports of akyaru or the ports of novorossiysk? well, not quite. bon barriers are such own nets, which are placed above the surface of the water on such buoys, and which prevent surface targets from moving to one or another water area. if you look around sevastopol, for example, it's not just the entrance to sevastopol. bay, and there are several in the southern bay as well, in several rows there are barricades, and in it on the northern
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side, etc., the enemy considers, well, traditionally , such a system of protection is the most optimal, well , in a complex with e-e anti-sabotage measures, boats, helicopters , who patrol in mori, our guys tried it. to break through these bon barriers, and really did break through, uh, and er, well to say 100% success, that's not true, of course, first, in order to break through, well, it's like a cumulative strike, someone has, one drone has to break through, to sacrifice oneself at the breach of the barrier, the second and the others are already breaking into the closed water area, nevertheless, in the sevastopol bay, remember it... regular raids relatively, which had their result, the enemy is trying to improve this system, well, for example,
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of the same infamous crimean bridge , there are already fenced barges, or what to call them, that is, instead of these buoys, there are whole old, rusty barges that you have to... through which you have to pass? well , it is of course also possible to hit such an iron, but how long will it sink, and it is obvious that such a method of protection can, well, from the point of view of reliability, maybe even better, but somewhere you will get a barge, well, let them collect it, we will destroy everything in a row in different ways, what new, new enemy invents? methods of protection, we invent new methods of defeat and bypassing it, they tried to use helicopters there at the sea crossing to destroy
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our... drones began to put anti-aircraft missiles on drones, we put anti-aircraft missiles if necessary for remote damage to the shore, so we are developing, we will definitely achieve our goal, well, it is really interesting, in terms of of the russian system of jamming our naval drones, last week they 32 times, this was an unprecedented case when aircraft were raised into the sky to... destroy our naval drones, and on the other hand, we understand what about group 13, they always modify our sea babies and so on, but still, do you think that the russians have already come up with such a countermeasure system against our sea drones, or not yet, until they understand how to counter it? well, they come up with ideas all the time, and this is natural when
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a new means of defeat appears. are looking for ways to counteract it, mainly what they do, this is such a rather classic old one, we remember net barriers, boom barriers, search and destruction by trolling whole in the sea, that is, it such a traditional anti-sabotage anti-boat defense, but our drone pilots and not only that. the waters observe new ways of protecting the enemy and find tactical techniques, to bypass them, to find ways to break through such enemy defenses, we have already given several examples, and there is not only this radio electronic warfare and the complex use of air and sea drones, so for now in this contest, as the sailors
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call it in... and armor, our fire wins, so it's obvious that the russians, well, if that's not panic, then i don't know what, actually instead of completing the tasks as assigned, the only task left for the russian black sea fleet is to preserve itself. well, if we already neutralize the tugboats, then soon there won't be any watercraft left at all. only passenger ones in the occupied in the occupied crimea, but i would like to say about the article that appeared in the authoritative british edition of the economist, which actually says that ukraine is making crimea such a trap for the russian troops and for the russians, with those
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blows, what for... and ferry crossings through the kerch strait are destroyed and blocked, and we are sure of future strikes on the kerch bridge, crimea is simply turning into a territory where a lot of enemy forces and enemy assets are concentrated, why is this being done, what can ukraine do about it, start some negotiations on this at the stage about getting them out without weapons from... the peninsula, for example, or simply neutralizing this channel for the supply of weapons and power to the eastern front, how do you see this picture, why are we turning crimea into a trap for the russians? and they themselves transformed it, actually speaking, there were soviet-russian officers, and not only pro-russian ones, let’s say, the legend
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was that whoever owned... crimea and sevastopol, he dominates the black sea, well , it’s possible, it was her it was actually somewhere in the 17th, at most, the 18th century, when there were sailing ships, in the wind rose, etc., and for our time, when the black sea, even at such speeds and distances, it became a small pelvis, it... no longer works, and the crimea remained only a threat for a possible fight against ukraine, well, in the 14th year, before the 14th year, it was we who said that if russia crawls to us in the crimea, then actually this is the first stage of the conquest of ukraine, but in the crimea.


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