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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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believed that ukraine would fall in three days. they had a very clearly drawn up plan, they voiced it on the air of 60 minutes about how they would then land on gotland, let's face it, nativska and capture the baltic states. thank you, lord, our friends have made their conclusions and are very actively preparing for a full -scale invasion, that is, they have drawn conclusions from those conclusions, which, unfortunately, ukraine, for example, was not prepared for. 22nd year. thank you, marina. larisa, maybe he is playing the role of a madman? i mean putin. he really plays the role, but plays it very well. well, this is the theory of games, there is even such a game of crazy, which gives its profits. we have to notice that what is madness is the contradictions that the psyche is not aware of. a healthy psyche is always aware of contradictions. and here he is in this speech, where he says that we are, what, crazy? he gives at the same time. these contradictions, thereby he proves:
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yes, i am crazy, be careful, i am capable of anything, well, but crazy terrorists are dealt with in the same way all over the world, they are simply killed, destroyed and that's all, yes, this sword is us with you, er, but our sword should probably be strengthened not yet the sword is not in our hands, but for now we are the sword in the very, very trembling hands of the west, but they ... little by little are coming to their senses and sooner or later we will be a subject and a warrior shoulder to shoulder. marina, i mentioned that putin is a terrorist, well, a classic terrorist, he terrorizes not only ukraine, but also threatens other countries in europe and the united states of america, why is he not treated like a terrorist, is he not treated negotiations, they are simply killed. well, first of all, look everyone understands that russia, despite the fact that it is, well, a country that lost. its
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place of civilization, it is still a nuclear country, and no one wants to have these excesses with nuclear weapons, it is necessary to understand very clearly that putin will be in his position, obviously until the physical end, and if you look at the official biography of his parents, in it still has a shelf life of 10 years, this is a completely sober assessment, plus with the medical care that vladimir putin has, but you know, we are not a sword in the hands of the west, we ... have to be the sword that we are sharp and with which we hit the target precisely. we are a nation of warriors, and it's too bad, you know, our diplomacy now, in the name of yermak, has somehow reduced our role to a country that trades corn with african countries. we are a sword, and this sword must be sharp, because we will finish off the russian federation, but we understand that it has been a long game, there may be another phase of the war with the russian federation after a temporary truce there, and so... then it is necessary
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to prepare for the final battle. thank you, marina. colleagues, thank you for participating in the program. larisa voloshina, maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva. thank you for an interesting conversation and for an interesting evening in our studio. so, uh, we've been polling, friends, throughout our broadcast and asking you this, are you ready for long-term blackouts, the results of our tv poll, 20% yes, 80% no. we have it on youtube. ratio 33% - yes 67% - no. that's it, friends, i put an end to it, i say goodbye to you until monday at 20:00, we will meet as usual on the air of the tv channel, there will be a new verdict, there will be new guests, come, please, it will be interesting, but for now, i wish you a good weekend, take care of yourself and your family, bye. see this week in
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the collaborators program. for which the ukrainian producer bardash received suspicion. i came here, roughly speaking, with a backpack. yes, i have been to moscow before. but how does the son of the ex-mayor of odesa own the temporarily occupied territories. our russian people are always used to fighting any difficulties. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator's program about traitors who, at the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve rashish occupiers. today there will be many new faces of treason, who are asking to be defamed throughout the country. but let's start with the well-known seller, music producer yuriy bardash. after the full-scale invasion, he fled the country, first hiding in georgia. there, on the pages of his social networks, he compared ukraine with nazi germany, and called himself a russian. after that, bardash allegedly began to receive threats from the georgian. region,
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so the traitor decided to scratch his way to russia. i came here, roughly speaking, from backpack yes, i have been to moscow before, but not with awareness. that i'm here forever now bardash is sitting in the pig capital and runs a telegram channel where he calls for the capture of kharkiv and kyiv. he believes that the descendants of russia will study how a quasi-great power ruled the history of the whole world. but he calls the glimpses of ukrainian patriotism that appeared in him a few years ago a coincidence. the phrase "putin took ours." this is a phrase that reassured ukrainians. they wanted me to tell them. on january 23, 2024, yuriy bardash received a passport with a chicken, already 22 in may, the security service of ukraine notified the former well-known ukrainian producer of suspicion under four articles, in particular, for justifying the war and calling for changes to the borders
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of the territory of ukraine. in response to this, bardar announced that he was looking for those involved in this decision. considering his actions and publication in the telegram, it can be assumed that the former. the mushrooms still haven't let go of the producer. well, he will have to undergo a rehabilitation course in a ukrainian colony. and this collaborator has not received the suspicion yet, but is diligently working on it. worthy films with a patriotic upbringing, mood, which show exactly the role of russia, that it is a big country, with great opportunities and everything is available to us. meet yevhen ivanovich maksymov, born in 1961. in peaceful life, he was an organizer. of the multi-year amateur film festival kino kimeria, also became famous for destroying the kherson art cultural center and helping to transfer the premises of the former cinema, in which the center was located, to the control of vladyslav mangru, the ex-chairman of the kherson regional council , who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for
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murder of activist kateryna hantsyuk. prior to that , maksimov was the director of the regional communal enterprise kino-video rental. when the boot of the occupier set foot in kherson, maksymov decided to change his ukrainian passport to a russian one and start a new chapter of his life, treacherous and worthless, but first he did it briefly. it became known about his betrayal when the occupiers fled from kherson to the left bank of the dnieper. maksimov ran with them, while not forgetting to grab the equipment from the jubilee cinema. osiv maksimov together with equipment in nova kakhovka and began to take care of the cinema of russia, which used to be called ukraine. this is a piece of his interview, where the traitor tells that... so-called colleagues from the temporarily occupied crimea helped install the stolen equipment in the local cinema. thanks to my colleagues from crimea, many thanks from the feodosia cinema of crimea, who volunteered to help us, literally for the past few days i have been bringing technicians and engineers from there. but for a short time, maksimov took care
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of the issues of cinema, he went for a promotion. when russia held illegal elections on a temporary basis occupied territories of ukraine, this traitor received the mandate of a deputy in... the kherson regional duma from putin's united russia party. thanks to the personal initiative of the secretary of the united russia party and the senator of the kherson region. two beautiful autonomous clubs came to kherson oblast. zaprotanets can often be seen in occupied genichesk at backward film festivals that he organizes in honor of the occupiers and russian figures. within the framework of the united russia party and children's sports project. we presented a film about a beautiful athlete for our schoolchildren. we have ours instead, we want to see maksimov as the hero of another documentary film, about how traitors end up on the dock, and then behind bars. he is wanted in ukraine,
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in the swamps he faithfully serves the regime of murderers. our russian people are always used to fighting any difficulties, and the more these difficulties, the more the function of patriotism is included. this is volodymyr ruslanovych bodelan from odessa, born in 1975. he is the son of the former mayor of odesa, ruslan bodelan. in 1997, he graduated from odesa state polytechnic university, obtained qualification of a specialist in engineering mechanics. in 2010, he graduated from the st. petersburg academy of management and economics. he was a member of the marine party and the party of regions. in 2002 and 2010, he was elected a deputy of the odesa city council. in 2012 and 2014, he took part in parliamentary elections, but never became a people's deputy. since december 2010 , he held the position of head of the main territorial department of the state emergency service in odesa region, and the events of may 2 ended his career in this position. law enforcement agencies
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opened criminal proceedings against bored woman the investigation believes that it was the firemen's inaction that caused the mass death of people in the odesa building of prospilok. being near the scene of the fire. vaudellan ordered subordinates not to send rescue units there. the first fire engines arrived at the building only 40 minutes after the fire started. i would never dare. and i'm not going to cast a shadow on the results of the expert commission, but what i saw directly at this fire by all parameters, it could not have caused the death of people. later, bodelan fled the country, the national police declared him wanted. in 2017, information appeared that he received russian citizenship and works in crimea, temporarily occupied by russia, where he holds the position of head of the so-called crimean. the center for strategic studies of civil defense of the federal coventry institution of the ministry of emergency situations of the russian federation. when
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russia unleashed a full-scale war, volodymyr began to appear in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. as it turned out, he was appointed deputy of the fake governor of the kherson region and head of the representative office of the kherson region in moscow. i can only be proud of this patriotism. we thank russia that it does not want to let this traitor of its bloody idol down, so it is improving the work of russian state institutions, russifying the temporarily occupied territories and believes that erefiya is a great state, he is a russian man, and will be devoted to serving it. budeland kisses his passport with a chicken and blows the dust off it, and calls ukraine enemy territory, which russia supposedly...must endure, we make history, we stand on the side of the truth, when the truth is with us, then we
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nothing scares you, vladimir, you better not leave russia, because they will catch you like a rat and put you in prison for a long time, and pray that russia will still need your services for some time, because you know what they do with those who are no longer needed. it was a program of collaborators and i, olena kononenko, if you want to talk about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this email address. or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship, see you in a week on espresso! greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of military operations, and the first thing i remind you about the collection for heavy armor, for the repair of heavy armor. vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporozhye directions, a very important
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collection for us, this is a repair and recovery regiment, works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone, in any weather, day, night, and for emergency recovery and return on the battlefield of damaged military equipment, such as tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for operative repair abroad. technicians, we have been doing this collection for a long time, now we already have 40,800 hryvnias, 630 we hope to collect, so don't delay, get involved, please, your help here is very important and you can see all the details, you can see the bill, you can see the qr code, please , get involved, because this is really something that is very much needed to protect our soldiers on the battlefield, so let's first look at what has been happening, these last few days on the battle line, and then we will discuss all of this. please.
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map of hostilities for the period may 29 -june 5. the russian offensive has slowed down, and the armed forces of ukraine are preparing a blockade of crimea. in a week, ukraine received two good news at once: permission to strike russian territory with american weapons, as well as avax long-range reconnaissance aircraft, which will be decisive for establishing the dominance of the f-16 in the sky above the line. record destruction of russians. may became the most deadly place for the occupiers. here, two events happened at the same time. the armed forces of the russian federation continued to advance, our soldiers eventually got more weapons so four absolute records at once. 37,800 straws became fertilizer. this is a significant number, because for the first time since the beginning of the war , the armed forces of ukraine destroyed more in a month than the russian army is currently capable of mobilizing. in june, the trend continued. if nothing changes. then the russians will not only lose the opportunity to advance, but significant holes may appear in their defense. general mobilization
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in russia can change the situation, but it is not for nothing that putin has been afraid to carry it out, because the consequences can be completely unexpected. the mass destruction of russian artillery looks like this: 1116 units. the russians will totally lose the counter-battery fight. what difference does it make if they have more shells, if soon the problem will be what to shoot from? after all , we destroyed in march and april. about a thousand artillery installations, 1730 cars exploded, such a large figure is due to the fact that russia lacks armored vehicles to supply soldiers to the front line, so they use ... whatever they can. 868 destroyed armored cars and 416 tanks are the second results for the war. these figures are extremely important, because, as it turned out, it is the reserves the techniques of the russians are not infinite. at this level of liquidation, they will be enough plus or minus for a year, and increasing the intensity of their destruction will bring the defeat of russia closer. finally
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, another record: 1,049 downed operational-tactical drones shows that the armed forces are doing well. interesting that out of 349 shaheds that the russians launched in may, only 10 hit anywhere. it is not surprising that almost along the entire front line , the rashist offensive stalled, and only some areas in the pokrov direction, where they had small achievements. kharkiv region. front line on the north of the region has practically not changed. the occupiers were still unable to cross the vovcha river, neither east nor west of vovchanskyi. they made the greatest efforts in the area of ​​the villages of bugruvatka and staritsa. no result. trying to flank the defense forces. meanwhile, in vovchansk itself, the armed forces of ukraine retook several streets in the central part of the city, took a more convenient position and continue to push the enemy out of the city. it was here that our military captured more than 60 prisoners at one time, and how many more did not manage to surrender. despite this the armed forces of the russian federation do not abandon this measure with the offensive on kharkiv and
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transfer reinforcements here. in addition to forcing the river, they also want to unite their two plastdarms and. to connect the front near vovchansk with the grouping near liptsi, where the russians have been trampling in place for several weeks. there are also rumors about an attack on sumy oblast, but it is currently unknown by what means. if they start another campaign, it will definitely be with smaller forces than in kharkiv oblast. meanwhile , drones of the armed forces of ukraine destroyed a convoy of armored vehicles moving towards ukraine in kursk region. except moreover, first the american hymers struck belohorod region and destroyed the s-300 installation, one of those that haunts kharkiv. the russians will have to move their anti-aircraft further, and it will be a little easier for kharkiv. a creeping attack on chasiv. the city remains one of the occupiers' priorities, so no resources are spared here. airplanes drop aerial bombs on our defenders dozens of times a day. on the northern flank, the enemy is trying with all his might to break through to kalynivka and reach the seversky canal. one of the assaults
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reached the outskirts of the village, but the zsu was repulsed the enemy and even themselves occupied several hostile positions in the southwest god. in the center , the russians have come close to the southern outskirts of the kanal district and are trying to get a hold of the first houses, in addition, they are advancing along the railway and to the houses on the northern edges of the district, while not forgetting to storm head-on all the time. fierce urban battles are expected to break out here soon. in the end , on the southern flank, the enemy did not manage to gain a foothold from the other side of the canal, but he does not abandon these attempts, as well as his intentions to push back the armed forces from klishchiivka and andriivka. but on... at the moment, the defense forces are firmly holding their positions. the postavdiyiv front remains the most dynamic. the width of the front allows the enemy to constantly shift the emphasis of their attacks and ensure advancement. the front line is unstable, and the armed forces have still not retreated to their main lines of defense. this week , the russians directed one of their main strikes to the west and south of the village of solov'ove and tried to storm the villages of sokil and
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novopokrovske. the displacement of the front line was about 800 m to the west. in the district se... menivka russians leveled the front line and advanced 15 km. along the road to silidove , they made their way for 2 km and came close to the karliv reservoir, behind which our line of defense is located. at the same time, on the northern flank of this front, the russians were unable to achieve anything in the area of ​​novooleksandrivka and keramika. it is in the pokrovsk direction that the most clashes take place and here the occupiers suffer the greatest losses. battle for krasnohorivka. there are very active battles for the city. the strategic location of krasnohorivka makes it important for us as well, and for the enemy the russians managed to occupy a few more blocks in the central part of the city, however , the armed forces still control 40%, and especially over the northern part, which is the most densely built-up, and therefore the occupier will not have an easy walk here. despite the fact that the situation in the worked staromaisk and
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the productive areas did not undergo significant changes during the week, it is worth noting that other areas of the front revived, which for a long time did not... make themselves known, so the russians attacked north of nesteryanka and captured several positions of forces defense, instead the armed forces managed to occupy several positions near the village of logivske to the northeast of robotyny. it was this area last year that was one of those where the counteroffensive began. it is too early to talk about a serious campaign at the moment, but at the same time, the front in zaporozhye will be more dynamic in the summer than it has been in the last six months. the crimean bridge is ready. on may 30, eight neptunes supported by marines. hit russian ships in chornomorsk bay, in particular, destroyed four military boats, as well as two ferries. the next day, new rockets hit the ferries on the left bank of the crossing in volnakh and chushchi. it was this ferry crossing that served as an alternative to the kerch bridge and provided the main military transportation. on june 4, the general staff announced that the armed forces of ukraine had struck a ferry crossing in
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the temporarily occupied crimea and an oil terminal in the krasnodar territory. in addition, on may 30, missiles destroyed the russian nebo ied radar, which was located near armyansk, in the northern part of crimea. a radar station costing 100 million controlled the area of ​​the front for... a long 380 km. the sky of crimea are cleared so that the missiles can reach the target without hindrance, probably soon it will be the crimean bridge, although in general the entire crimean peninsula is under the sights and within the range of the armed forces. we defeat death to our enemies every day. so, we already have igor lapin, a special officer, an officer of the armed forces, a people's deputy of the eighth convocation, in contact with us. i congratulate you, igor. i wish you health, glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, let's probably start with the fact that the biggest such political, as if news, is actually the fact that one country after another, even as cautious as germany, said that yes,
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apparently, after all, it is difficult to wage a war, if you do not hit western weapons on russian territory, where russian forces are accumulating, which then constantly attack the territory of ukraine, and here we are talking not only about some missiles there, which, well, everyone loves there.. . i don’t know if it’s the tauros that they can’t give, but it’s even about some ordinary, well, the same hymars that we ’ve been using all over the front for a long time, it’s about ordinary guns, about and even about machine guns, do you remember when there were battles on the territory of the belgorod region of the russian volunteer corps, even then there were some claims that maybe western assault rifles are used there, god forbid, that is, it is also interesting here... what allows us, well, how to influence the course of hostilities, this is something like that at last, well, i just consider a healthy
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stupidity, which finally won, and what , after all, we will not be able to achieve, even having such an opportunity to use this weapon, but how would you evaluate it in general? well, let's talk frankly about the weapons that we can use and the depth of defeat of the russians occupation troops, which we can destroy. their deployment on the territory, let's say, deployment on the territory of russia, then of course it wants to be better, the same attacks that we still do not use today, unfortunately, would give opportunities to work much further in russian logistics centers, as well as in the russian places of concentration of personnel, if we are talking about what we were allowed to do, well, i consider it a psychological barrier, and those are the lines that putin drew there... red lines, but unfortunately they looked like brown in color and stinking of cowardice on the part of our western partners, well, this is my position, i have the right to express it, if
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only because i cannot understand how a war can be won without transferring it to the territory of the aggressor and destroying the military infrastructure on the territory of the aggressor, well, you know that, it's like not pinching germany during the second world war, well, that's how it should look from the side of the incomprehensible. what are the prospects then, that is why this is a more political decision, and it was precisely the last bombing of kharkiv that prompted it, i want to note the work of our delegation, together with one of the deputy heads of the national security committee, who were in america, showed these footage to the congressmen, showed how the russians roll out their artillery of mlrs, hail right on the road in their territory, stop civilian traffic. shoot and run, effectively endangering, again, hiding behind their own civilian population. i think that all of these things played a significant role in the opinion of
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president biden himself. why i consider president biden, because all congressmen they said that in the aid package, where the congress voted these 60 billion and more for ukraine, there were no prohibitions in the law, and therefore, if the law does not prohibit, then it allows. and in fact, it was , unfortunately, i think so, only the position of president biden himself, not to allow us to shell on the territory of russia, well, after biden, scholz and all the others immediately followed, i want to note the position of sweden, which has long said that they do not mind when we use their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, and in particular they offered their aircraft to gristin, if i am not mistaken, with such a right. but for some reason the air coalition that was formed around the f-16 said: well, wait a little more ukrainians, don't take the grips, because you're destroying the f-16 plans. well, okay, we waited, now i think we can
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take it. all in a row, further in the context of the use of western weapons on the territory of russia, if we talked about airplanes, then we have the right to shoot down what flies in the russian sky, and i cannot understand why we cannot touch what is standing on russian airfields , and here it was significant would of course allow us to use atacoms, it would be at least fair to ukraine, i don’t know the brown line of fear, which stinks of shit, has not yet disappeared from western partners, theses about not escalating the conflict, well, to be honest, they cannot withstand any criticism, because russia already uses the entire range of weapons against ukraine, namely planes, missiles, aviation, artillery, there are mlrs, hail, death, hurricane, well, everything that russia has, it all flies over ukraine, in addition to tactical nuclear weapons, but i want to emphasize that the question of using nuclear weapons on the territory of a non-nuclear country is already a question
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of a different global... scale, and here i think that neither china nor america will sit quietly and watch how putin will use it , so i think that this is precisely the deterrent factor for putin, well, at least for today, at the moment, but there was a decision and it was announced that the podkursk airfield is quite a legitimate target and quite a possibility to be attacked, of course ah... we need to emphasize the atakam missiles for this once again, because, let's say, atakam are missiles that have a warhead, very large, and it, let's say, is a cluster munition that covers a large area of ​​damage, and therefore it is possible to burn a very large territory with a single salvo together with the equipment that is on it, it would be significant, and the fact that we are firing on the territory of russia, you understand, i want to tell you that this is
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also a matter of saturation and scale. .. of our attacks on the territory of russia, that is, the density of our attacks on their territory, because to blur, let's say this, with three drones on a hundred-kilometer section, it's nothing, we need more density, and it is in this context that we have to use, including attacks, by the way, i want to emphasize that during the war in the persian gulf, if i am not mistaken, the americans used 600 such missiles in a very short period of time. attacks, and when they give us 10, 20, 30, well, that’s nothing, and especially if you can’t even touch russian territory with them, well , that doesn’t indicate anything at all, well, that is, a scalp and stormshadows can’t replace it, let’s put it this way, no, no, the combat part of the scalp or stormshadow defeat, it does not carry cluster charges and such a large area, once, secondly, let’s not forget, the issue of russian air defense, they can. .. work in
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principle, if they guess against scalp storm shadow, but they cannot work against attacks by any means, these are also different systems, and the area of ​​​​impression of scalp is more point-like, on its combat part on its, well, let’s say so , sharpened for certain objects, i.e hitting an object is one story, covering an area is a bit of a different story, an airfield is an area, it's not something we have one missile to search for... seek out one plane, so an attack can cover a large area and burn several planes , being at the airfield of the base, well, i emphasize this once again, it is us now, you know, a ukrainian soldier tells me, who cheers for his brothers, who continue to do the work that, unfortunately, i will no longer be able to do, and precisely lack of weapons and some additional eyes restrictions for ukrainians, this is exactly what
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leads to the... most of my brothers and sisters, well, yes, well, in this regard, the diplomatic struggle continues, well , let's hope that it will not be so long, although we were already talking about atakams, but here is one more nuance, well , it has been around for a long time since the moment when hostilities began in the kharkiv region, in ovchansk near liptsi, we are talking about the threat in the sumy region, and that's what... what can now be more broadly impressed on the territory of russia, this concentration of troops, did it not reduce the possibility of an attack on the sumy region and this offensive on the sumy region? well, of course, let's be honest, there is a difference sitting 100 km from the front line.


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